Contract manager job description. Functional and job responsibilities of a manager. General information about the position

What does a customer relationship manager do

Since the phrase "account manager" is relatively new in common usage, it might seem like a kind of modern profession. However, if you figure out what such a manager does, it becomes clear that such professions have existed for a long time.

The main labor function of a customer service manager is to satisfy the needs of consumers in a particular service area. Thus, there are 2 key points:

  1. A customer service manager is a service worker.
  2. Main working time This employee is dedicated to communicating with people.

Because the service industry is vast, official duties account manager are heterogeneous and depend on the service area of ​​the population in which he works. Such specialists are required, for example, in trade, promotional activities, hotel business etc. Accordingly, when developing a job description for a customer service manager, it is necessary to build on the specifics of the enterprise in order to determine the scope of job responsibilities as specifically as possible.

The structure of the job description of a customer service manager

In terms of its structure, the job description for a customer service manager must comply with the form adopted for such documents. Therefore, when preparing it, it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The column at the top right on the first page should be devoted to information about the approval and approval of the document. In this regard, after the word “Approved”, it is necessary to enter the date of this event and the position of the head who approved the instruction, as well as affix the signature of this head with a transcript. Below, after the word “Agreed”, you need to list the positions of the heads of the structural divisions of the organization involved in the preparation of this job description, and collect their signatures with transcripts.
  2. The job description continues with a section with general provisions, which includes:
    • a list of requirements for a candidate for the position of account manager (age, education, work experience, etc.);
    • a list of legislative and internal documentation of the enterprise, with which the employee should be familiar;
    • rules for hiring and dismissing an employee, as well as replacing him during his absence;
    • the position of the position of the account manager in the general staffing structure of the organization and an indication of the immediate supervisor of the employee.
  3. Then comes the section on the employee's work, which is the key in the job description and contains a list of job duties and rights of the employee. The more complete and specific this list is, the easier and more efficient the employee will work. That is why, when working on this block, it is important to clearly define the circle official functions customer service manager, objectively eliminating the unnecessary and not missing the right. If the list of job responsibilities of an employee is voluminous, then it is possible to divide the section into two, the first of which describes his duties, and the second describes his rights.
  4. Also, in the job description, it is necessary to determine the scope of the employee's responsibility for improper performance of duties. It is important to keep in mind that labor legislation prohibits aggravating the degree of responsibility of an employee in comparison with the norms provided for in the Labor Code.

The job description ends with marks on the employee's familiarization with it (although in some organizations a special journal is created for this purpose).

Typical requirements for a candidate for the position of account manager

The main requirements for a candidate for a position are those qualities that will help a new employee quickly adapt and start working effectively. First of all, this is the appropriate education and work experience. Since the labor functions of a customer service manager do not require any highly specialized knowledge, the employer, as a rule, wants to see a person with a secondary or higher (incomplete higher) education in this position. A certificate of completion of special courses is welcome. Work experience is declared at the request of the employer: in some cases, 3-5 years of work in a certain direction are required, in others even students can be accepted.

Of particular importance in the selection of candidates for the position of account manager are only the personal qualities of applicants. So, the account manager should be:

  • sociable, with negotiation skills;
  • able to make decisions in general and in non-standard situations in particular;
  • erudite;
  • neat.

In addition, the employer may require the applicant to be able to handle office and computer equipment, know certain computer programs, and speak a foreign language at a conversational level.

Standard terms of reference for a customer service manager

The range of duties of a customer service manager is very much dependent on the direction of the organization in which the specialist will have to work. The most common responsibilities of an account manager include:

  1. Identification of potential customers, their search.
  2. Analysis of the needs, reliability and solvency of customers.
  3. Negotiating with customers, familiarizing them with the products or services provided by the organization.
  4. Control over the availability of a range of products and demonstration samples.
  5. Development of customer search methods and communication schemes with them.
  6. Maintaining ongoing business contacts with clients.
  7. Advising clients, preparation of necessary documentation.

The official rights of an employee are closely related to his duties and should be aimed at facilitating the performance of labor tasks. For example, the duties of a customer service manager include:

  1. The right to independently determine the forms of work with clients.
  2. The right to dispose in cash for hospitality expenses.
  3. The right to receive information from management that is relevant to the work performed by the employee.
  4. The right to propose options for optimizing the workflow in the specified direction.

The procedure for developing and approving job descriptions

Business customs have adopted a specific procedure for the development and approval of job descriptions. Of course, each manager has the right to independently establish the rules for preparing internal documents of the organization (including job descriptions), however, practice shows the expediency and optimality of the following approach:

  1. A draft job description is being developed, which, passing through the approval stage, is corrected and corrected by employees of various departments of the organization: the legal service, the personnel department, the planning and economic department, the service where the employee for whose position the instruction is being developed is to work, etc. This moment is very important, as it allows you to identify the necessary requests and needs of the enterprise structures in relation to the official powers of certain staff units, including the account manager.
  2. After approval, the draft job description is proposed to the head of the organization for approval. The head, if necessary, makes his corrections to the document, after which he signs the instruction in its final form.

Thus, the development and adoption of a job description for an account manager requires integrated approach and taking into account the specifics of the work of the organization in which the skills of the specified specialist are supposed to be used. After all, the number of customers of the company, and hence its profit, depends on its correct operation.

Reading 9 min. Views 76 Published on 03/25/2018

An employee who constantly interacts with people around him who can become potential customers of the enterprise must have a number of professional and personal qualities. All actions performed by an employee should be aimed at attracting a new audience to the company's products. It is from the activities of the manager to work with clients that the level of income of the company depends. This employee must have the ability to determine the desires and needs of each client, find an individual approach to potential buyers and conclude profitable transactions. In this article, we propose to consider the job responsibilities of a customer service manager.

A good manager who respects all duties is a complete benefit for the enterprise

Management functions

Every self-respecting company seeking to take a leading share in a certain market segment should pay increased attention to the professional skills of its employees. Various lectures, seminars and trainings are held to improve the skills of the staff. Holding such events allows each employee to learn more information about their professional duties and get new tools for the implementation of production tasks.

Account managers are the main link in the marketing department. Their work is based on the creation of close cooperation with large customers, private entrepreneurs and individuals. The task of this employee is to explain to customers the basic information about the goods produced or the services provided.

This specialist should not only interest a potential consumer, but also create all the necessary conditions for concluding a deal.

The professionalism and high qualification of this official is reflected in the status of the enterprise and the level of income. That is why account managers must constantly improve themselves in professional field.This position is one of the key positions in the entire enterprise.. It is from this specialist that the level of customer satisfaction with the fulfillment of the obligations of the contract depends. Thanks to the right marketing policy, the company will be able to get satisfied customers who will recommend the purchased products among their friends. Let's take a look at what is included in the rights and responsibilities of a customer service manager.

Rights and obligations of an official

A client manager is an employee who enters into transactions on behalf of the organization with interested parties. The rights and obligations of this official depend on the structure of the company and the scope of the enterprise. This means that the tasks of client managers working in different areas can differ significantly from each other. Below we will try to summarize all the necessary information regarding the activities of this employee.

The main goal of the account manager is to ensure that the client is confident that his problems and needs are understood and solved.

A specialist in the management department working with clients is obliged to engage in attracting potential consumers of the company's products. For this, various communication channels, mass media and Internet resources are used. In order to determine the target audience, it is required to analyze the main field of activity of the enterprise. In addition to market analysis, the job responsibilities of a client manager include constantly monitoring the actions of competitive organizations. A detailed study of competitors' offers allows you to determine the strategy for developing a marketing campaign and promoting an enterprise in a particular market segment.

In order to be able to make the buyer the maximum profitable proposition, the manager must constantly monitor changes in the market. In addition, it is necessary to correctly approach the issue of increasing the interest of the target audience in the goods manufactured by the enterprise. To do this, various advertising campaigns and holiday promotions are carried out with the involvement of the media.

Speaking about what an account manager does, we should mention the importance of handling all incoming calls. It is recommended to conduct not only the analysis of electronic and paper correspondence, but also targeted surveys among potential buyers. It is important to identify which product parameters are of interest to customers. After that, you should find out why buyers turn to you or competing organizations. Such surveys help to increase the quality of the offered products or services, as well as improve the image of the enterprise.

One of the important tasks of client managers is the conclusion of contracts.

It is important to note that the task of the official in question includes not only signing official papers, but also monitoring the fulfillment of the obligations of each of the parties. This means that with a contract for the supply of products or services, the manager must make sure that all obligations were fulfilled within the agreed time frame. Also, one of the duties of an employee of the management department is to draw up all the necessary documentation that may be needed during the conclusion of the contract.

According to experts, a true professional in this field must have the gift of persuasion in order to arouse the client's desire to immediately conclude a cooperation agreement. Goodwill, courtesy, qualifications and a wealth of knowledge about the company's products or services will help create a broad customer base. It is the creation of this database that will attract buyers who will purchase products or services on permanent basis.

The specialist must delve into the needs of clients in order to compile a list of services in the form that will satisfy them as much as possible.

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of the products offered by the company will help create a competent offer that will outshine the products of competitors. In order to increase interest in the organization's products, the manager must have the skills to conduct presentations, during which the main advantages of the products offered will be demonstrated. Thanks to the holding of such events, it is possible to increase not only the client base, but also expand the sphere of influence in a certain market niche.

In order to meet all the above requirements, managers must constantly take refresher courses and various trainings. Learning the tools to attract potential audiences and putting them into action will help increase the profits of the organization.

Job Descriptions

Job description manager for work with clients contains a list of requirements for the employee in question of the enterprise. The pages of this document contain the official powers and functions of the employees of the management department. In addition, job descriptions may contain information about penalties and consequences for dishonest performance of labor obligations.

According to general position, this position is one of the key in the leadership of the organization. The task of the manager is to study the sector of the economy in which the main activity of the enterprise is carried out. In addition, the official is required to know the basic rules of marketing. When employed in this department, new employee must carefully study the activities of the company, the goods produced and their features.

In addition, skills in the preparation of business plans and commercial proposals will be required. One of the main tasks of client managers is to create communication links aimed at concluding big deals associated with the sale of services or products of the company. This requires knowledge of business etiquette and the ability to conduct business negotiations. Studying the basics of the psychology of human behavior and communication theory will help you choose an individual approach to each potential buyer. However, in order to learn how to apply such knowledge while communicating with clients, it will take a lot of time spent on practice.

The authority of the manager is provided to ensure that he does his job most efficiently.

According to the job descriptions established in most enterprises, in order to accept an applicant for the position in question, the management of the organization must issue an appropriate order. In case of non-compliance with labor obligations and other force majeure, the employment agreement can be terminated only with the help of an order. The management of the enterprise is recommended to appoint in advance a person who will perform the duties of the account manager during the absence of the main specialist.

Let's list everything a client manager does. Its functions include:

  1. Constant study of potential buyers and identification of their needs.
  2. Using various tools to attract customers and preparing a strategy for closing deals.
  3. The use of various methods of increasing the client base.
  4. Preparation of forecasts regarding the solvency of potential partners and regular customers.
  5. Preparation and execution of a package of documents necessary for the conclusion of the contract.
  6. A set of actions aimed at attracting new customers and identifying their needs.
  7. Carrying out transactions on behalf of the enterprise.
  8. Accompanying transactions and maintaining contacts with the existing client base.
  9. Search for an individual approach to VIP clients.
  10. Consideration of suggestions and complaints from dissatisfied customers.
  11. The study of the proposals of competing firms, the analysis of their products and services in order to identify methods of competition.

Rights and responsibilities

The client manager is an independent link in the administration of the enterprise, which has the right to use various tools to attract a potential audience. This suggests that this specialist has the full right to independently decide how to spend the funds issued for entertainment expenses. According to the established rules, functional responsibilities such employees include entering into transactions on behalf of the organization. This means that the manager has every right to request from the administration of the company everything Required documents associated with his direct activities.

It is important to note that violation of job descriptions by this person may result in penalties. The procedure for their accrual and the amount of fines is determined on the basis of an employment agreement or current legislation. Liability for serious offenses committed in the course of employment is determined on the basis of the Criminal and Administrative Code.

Account manager - a position typical for enterprises of various industries and areas entrepreneurial activity

Degree liability regulated on the basis of civil and labor legislation. Upon taking the position of a client manager, the applicant must familiarize himself with his job descriptions, and then put his signature in this document. The task associated with the development of this instruction is assigned to the direct head of the company or the legal or personnel department.

Features of the profession

An account manager is a specialist who carries out various transactions and concludes agreements on behalf of the enterprise. These job responsibilities require knowledge of the specifics of the company's field of activity and products. As an example, let's take an organization engaged in the issuance of small household appliances. The task of the client manager is to study the main functions of the offered goods, their characteristics and features. In addition, it will be necessary to study the analogues produced by competitors and identify their shortcomings. It is the knowledge of the shortcomings of competitors' offers that will help to create a competent marketing campaign aimed at promoting the offered goods.

In the case when the main activity of the enterprise is carried out in the service market, the effectiveness of the work of representatives of the management department is determined by the number of repeated requests from customers. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the task of the officials of this department is to form the needs for services from potential consumers.

In order to increase the effectiveness of their actions, the manager needs to know the basic rules of advertising and marketing. The ability to conduct various presentations, training workshops and seminars in order to increase the client base are the main skills needed by an account manager. It is these requirements that explain the importance of continuous training and development in the professional field.


Summarizing all of the above, it should be said that the preparation of job descriptions for a customer service manager is one of the primary tasks. The quality of this document contributes to an increase in demand for the company's proposals, which directly affects the company's profits.

In contact with

An account manager is a profession that requires a high level of knowledge in building dialogues with clients, establishing relationships between management and their partners, and, in some cases, maintaining the company's prestige at the proper level. Among other things, the terms of reference may also include monitoring the level of services provided to the requirements of the end user.

At the same time, it does not really matter how the name of the profession will sound, the presence of the duties of this type of profession outlined in the job description remains unchanged. However, they may differ from the specifics, because there are such areas as advertising, after-sales service, sale of company services and others.

Starting a career from this position will be a good start for developing negotiation skills and studying business from the inside, which will allow you to further realize yourself well as a specialist in various areas of work.

Features of workers in this area

Psychologists have developed a certain type classification people in this profession

  1. Melancholy- the result of communication with such a manager is a contradictory impression of the client that the conversation regarding the content of the contract will never come to a logical conclusion. This leads to the conclusion of a contract without a thorough study of its terms.
  2. Erudite- communication with such an employee of the company makes an impression on the client, which characterizes him as competent in many matters. This leads to the conclusion of the transaction, relying on the authority of the manager and his knowledge of the subject of the agreement.
  3. Executive- whose actions are consistent with the provisions of the instructions.

Depending on the type and activities of the enterprise, the most suitable type of employee is determined based on the above characteristics. However, the third type is usually preferred.

Scheme of work

Regarding the scheme of work, we can say that it can be built on communication with an already established circle of clients, among which a special place is occupied by V.I.P. (working with them carries an increased level of responsibility and, as a result, a higher prestige of the position held), and with new ones that appear in the course of the work of a particular enterprise. At the same time, work in most cases is focused on finding new horizons for the sale of company services.

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Demand for the profession in the labor market

The demand for the profession tends to increase, since a specialist in this field can be realized both in a company engaged in the field of trade, advertising, and in the provision of services of various kinds to different segments of the population.

Regarding job responsibilities

Their circle is directly dependent on the specifics of the type of activity of a particular company.

However, one can still distinguish among them the most characteristic, among which:

The above approximate formulations of the range of duties of a client manager can be used in the course of compiling a job description for a particular enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the activity.

In the case of assigning duties as a head of a small link, the authority to organize the work of subordinates is also assigned.

Requirements for candidates

The main requirements put forward for candidates for the position of account manager are focused on the presence of such key skills:

Wage level

Salary varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles and depends on the location of the company and its scale, however, almost all companies have bonus programs and bonuses.

The average salary reaches 50 thousand rubles. The main document confirming the existence of labor relations with the employer's company is, as a rule,.


Getting a job in this field of activity is not particularly difficult, since the range of requirements and expected responsibilities is not particularly specific. However, most employers want to see people with education in their team. But this is not a cliché, because often communication skills and knowledge of computer programs and office equipment are quite enough to get a job.

Features of the work of a sales manager are discussed in the following video:


1.1. Client Search Manager wholesale sales(hereinafter referred to as the Manager) refers to the category of performers.

1.2. The manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the order of the Director.

1.3. The Manager reports to the Head of the Wholesale Department.

1.4. The manager must have a higher or secondary specialized education, work experience in sales at least 1 year.

1.5. The manager carries out his activities in accordance with the plans of the Wholesale Department, plans for exhibitions and personal plan work for a month.

1.6. In the event of a temporary absence of a manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another manager appointed in accordance with the established procedure, according to the order of the Director, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.7. The manager must know:

The structure and main activities of the Akvilon Trading House;

Internal labor regulations;

Order of work planning and reporting;

The procedure for the development and conclusion of commercial proposals, agreements, contracts;

Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of the offered goods (products);

Current prices on the market for the services offered;

Issues of work culture and work ethics,

Issues of official ethics when negotiating with clients, rules for establishing business contacts;

theory interpersonal communication, fundamentals of sociology and psychology;

Market economy, entrepreneurship and basics of doing business;

Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the basics of marketing management, methods and directions of market research);

Legislation regulating the issues of entrepreneurial activity.

Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communication, computer;

Rules of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.8. The manager once every 6 months undergoes certification for a change in position, wages, working conditions, etc.


The Manager has the following tasks and functions:

2.1. Form a database of customers (customer base), make changes to it in a timely manner:

2.2. Analyze the audience of potential customers, identify customer needs, their level and focus

2.3. With absence desired product in the company's warehouse, take all measures so that the client does not have a reason to contact the company's competitors:

2.4. Carry out instructions and assignments of the Head of the Wholesale Department, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs, Director of the Department's profile of activity.


The manager must:

3.1. Form a database of customers (customer base), make changes to it in a timely manner:

Draw up and analyze a client card;

Maintain customer database:

Make changes to it daily.

Check with the client at least once a month.

Make at least 30 calls per day to main and potential customers of the company.

Know the contractual terms of work with the client, reflect them in the client base. When working with clients, take into account these conditions, the type of prices and the status of receivables.

Take measures to pay off accounts receivable in a timely manner.

Issue new customer and product cards and inform the relevant departments of the company about this.

Analyze the results of phone calls;

Determine the list of clients with whom it is necessary to negotiate in the near future;

Negotiate with the heads of companies on cooperation;

The day must be sent to e-mail at least 50 commercial offers in the company;

It is necessary to make an offer by phone to at least 20 companies per day.

By the 3rd day of each month, prepare a report on the performance of their work, in accordance with the established form.

3.2. Analyze the audience of potential customers, identify customer needs, their level and focus.

Develop methods of finding clients, plan work with potential clients.

Predict the business reliability of potential customers, their financial security.

Organize and conduct preliminary negotiations with clients interested in offers, clarify the needs of each specific client and prepare an offer addressed to a specific client.

Meet with clients, convince clients of the advantage of the offer, propose draft contracts for discussion and approval, take part in the work on reconciling disagreements, conclude contracts on behalf of the enterprise.

Maintain constant contact with existing customers, organize work with them according to established business schemes.

Happy birthday to clients, professional holidays.

Develop relationships with the most profitable and promising customers (offers of special terms of contracts, discount systems and individual services, accelerated terms and special conditions for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, etc.)

Provide an opportunity for customers to visit exhibitions, fairs, presentations of new products (goods, services).

Ensure that the interests of customers are observed when the terms of contracts are fulfilled by the divisions of the enterprise.

Establish feedback with customers (study their requirements for products (goods, services), establish the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with joint work, analyze customer complaints and take all measures to resolve them and maintain business ties).

Conclude at least 4 (Four) contracts with new clients per month.

3.3. In the absence of the desired product in the company's warehouse, take all measures so that the client does not have a reason to contact the company's competitors:

Inform the buyer when the required product will be available;

Suggest an analogue;

If necessary, make a request for the required product to the logistics manager.

Engage specialists from the production department of the company to consult and solve production issues.

Timely make an application for the supply of products to the logistics manager.

When making an application, clarify all the details with buyers, if necessary, contacting a specialist of the client's enterprise that submitted the application or authorized to make decisions on supplies.

3.4. Carry out instructions and assignments of the Head of the Wholesale Department, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs, Director of the Department's profile of activity.


The Client Search Manager has the right to:

3.1. Independently determine the forms of work with clients, ways of establishing business relationships.

3.2. Make decisions within your competence.

3.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.4. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.5. Request from the management and specialists of the enterprise departments information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.


The Client Acquisition Manager is responsible for:

5.1. Disclosure of confidential information contained in the personal files of employees and other information of limited distribution.

5.2. Failure to perform and improper performance of official duties provided for by this job description and the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Timely provision of information and reports on activities, completeness and reliability of this information.

5.6. Disclosure of information (trade secrets):

About the companies - customers;

About the company's market strategy;

On the goals, objectives and tactics of negotiations with business partners;

On the terms of commercial contracts, payments and services;

5.7. The criteria for evaluating the performance of the Client Search Manager are:

Implementation of a personal plan for finding clients

Increase in trade turnover

Timely issuance of a customer card

The profession of an account manager is a specialist and is typical for many areas of business.

This, and the sphere of trade, and advertising, real estate, banking. Where an individual approach and work with corporate clients is required. Competent work A customer service manager is the foundation for a successful bottom line venture in any business.

As a rule, a successful manager in the future can take a leadership position.

Types of managers

In the course of the surveys, psychologists identified three types of managers:

  • Melancholic manager. This type of employee is characterized by sluggish and lengthy communication, which soon bothers the customer and forces them to complete negotiations as soon as possible.
  • Erudite manager. This type of manager conquers with his awareness and knowledge in many areas. He amazes with the number of analogies he draws, analyzing the situation on the go. The buyer or consumer can be calm in signing an agreement with such a manager.
  • Executive Manager. He does not engage in amateur performances and does not bring creativity, observing the rules of work according to the instructions.

It is best if all three types of managers are involved in the work of customer service, but this is not always possible. In a certain field of activity of the company, each of these types can find its application.

For example, for trade, the type of manager "executive" that does not deviate from the established work schedule will be appropriate. For maintenance or repair firms, with technical and mechanical goods, the type of erudite manager is suitable.

Possessing certain qualities, skills and education, the manager must convince the client to order a service or purchase a product. Since clients are very different, the approach to each should be individual. How the manager will do it - play on the emotions or psychological factors of the client - these are his tasks.

Not many consumers know what they want, and here it is important to quietly direct and push to make a decision in favor of the company. It is important for a customer service consultant to captivate and intrigue the person who applied by phone, to convince him that it is here that he will be helped and all his wishes will be taken into account.

Skills and qualities

Candidates for the position of manager or client consultant may be required to have special education, secondary or higher professional education.

Depending on the activity and profile of the company, either economic or legal or psychological education is required. Many companies attach great importance professional growth of their specialists, giving them the opportunity to regularly attend specialized trainings and courses. In modern times, business seminars and coaching have become popular, which are held directly on the territory of the company.

But standard knowledge is required:

  • management theory and marketing fundamentals;
  • basics of administration;
  • the activities of the enterprise and the characteristics of the services or goods offered;
  • , contracts and various documents;
  • ability to develop and conduct presentations;
  • company regulations;
  • bases of the current legislation;
  • basics of relationship psychology and business etiquette;
  • foundations of modern connections and communications.

The account manager must be sociable and have good erudition, be able to play with turns of words in a conversation with a potential buyer, be able to convince and listen, while showing courtesy and tact. For this reason, the manager is required to:

  • performance and stress resistance;
  • non-conflict;
  • ability to negotiate on the phone;
  • process information and make quick decisions in non-standard situations;
  • good learning ability and desire for career growth;
  • Ability to work in a team adhering to company regulations.

And also a good manager should have a presentable appearance, business style in clothes, charm and the ability to "play" in the interests of the company in controversial situations.


Job responsibilities are classified depending on the type and type of activity of the company, but it is possible to single out the main ones that are suitable for most managers.

Existing and new clients

First of all, the existing customer base is maintained and a new one is built up and approved. The manager negotiates with the client by phone and in personal meetings.

Introduces the client to the goods or services of the enterprise, with prices, conditions and, calculations and shipment of goods. Leads company projects and conducts presentations of goods and services. Ensures the presence of corporate clients at the company's events, organizes preliminary negotiations by phone and invitations.

Product range

The manager must monitor the availability of the entire range of goods and products, if this is a trade area. Supervises the availability of demos and . Plans to work with corporate clients (discounts and preferential terms of cooperation).

Develops search methods, schemes for attracting customers and communicating with them. The manager is responsible for reporting documentation on projects, promotions, invoices issued and payment by the client.

Market analysis

For successful work, the manager analyzes the market and possible future potential customers, identifying their needs and financial opportunities. With this knowledge, you can play and vary the conditions for a particular client, making tempting offers.

Studying competitors

Studying the policies of competitors is important for the successful work of a manager. Offer to clients alternative ways resolving disputes and engaging a company lawyer is an integral part of the work in the process of completing transactions.

Nevertheless, the manager is the face of the company, who is obliged to show maximum loyalty in any situation, not forgetting the rules of good manners and communication etiquette. Careless and impolite treatment can alienate even established customers.

Link support

Responsibilities include communicating and consulting customers by phone, constant information support. Motivates regular customers for further cooperation with the company. Often, a visit to the client is required to conclude a transaction and draw up documents for the purchase of goods.

If the client contacted by phone for the first time, then the manager's task is to show maximum efforts so that the client is interested in coming to the company's office. Depending on the type of client, tactics and a game of persuasion are built.

It is important to make a first impression, which also depends on the manner of answering the phone, as well as on the speed of answers to the questions posed (if the seller is looking for an answer about the product for a long time, this discourages further).
