Fair of innovative projects. Fair of innovative ideas and projects Exhibitions high technologies and innovations

News of projects and regions

On November 18, Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan closed the 5th Review Competition “Fair of Innovative Ideas and Projects of Young Workers and Specialists in the Oil and Gas Industry”.

The Fair of Ideas and Projects aims to develop the innovative potential of young workers and specialists, share knowledge and work experience, effectively implement innovative developments and rationalization proposals, stimulate and popularize innovative activities.

This year, 50 projects prepared by 98 participants were submitted for the competition. They represented 8 structural subdivisions of OOO Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan, as well as Astrakhan State Technical University.

27 promising projects were selected to participate in the final of the review competition. Their topics varied greatly from solving the problems of improving training and informing colleagues to optimizing technological processes used in production.

The expert commission identified the best innovative works. The first place was awarded to the project “Automated Information system"Management of rationalization activities" (author - software engineer of the 2nd category of the SIMS of the Administration of Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan Vladislav Vannov).

The jury gave the second place to the work "Prospects for the introduction of low-density drilling fluid with the addition of glass microspheres to reduce and control bottomhole pressure during drilling overhaul wells of AGKM” (the author is Vsevolod Volkov, Leading Technologist of the Service for Construction, Repair, Conservation and Liquidation of Wells at the GPU).

The third prize was awarded to the project “Optimization of the work of the Industrial Wastewater Astrakhan GPP. It was prepared by a team of authors from the Engineering and Technical Center: Lead Engineer of the Physical and Chemical Research Department Nikolai Ilyin, Category 1 Engineer of the Department for Monitoring Underground Tanks and Industrial Waste Injection Maxim Ponomarev, and Lead Engineer of the Field Development and Geological Field Operations Service Ilya Ilyin.

The expert commission also paid attention to other works of young specialists of the Society. The work "Automated control system for the process of inhibition of gas condensate pipelines" was awarded the nomination - "The most actual idea". The prize for the most original idea was given to the work - "Automation of building maps in Corel Draw". The nomination "Idea of ​​the Future" was awarded to the work "Technical solution for the implementation of the project of creating unified system monitoring network of hydro-regime wells on the territory of the AGCF. The nomination "Best Presentation" was given to the work "Interactive training stand simulating the operation of the AGCF well". In the nomination "Science and production" the work "Determination of new geochemical criteria for organic fluids of the AGCF by the method of chromato-mass spectrometry" was noted.

According to Vyacheslav Vasilyev, Chairman of the Expert Commission, Acting Chief Engineer of Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan, all the projects selected for the final were of interest. The interest of the Society in the active manifestation of the creative and scientific potential of young people, the readiness of the management to support the most enterprising employees in the implementation of scientific ideas and to promote the introduction of new interesting developments and rationalization proposals was noted.


LLC Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan is a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom, which is a single industrial complex for the extraction and preparation of the reservoir mixture of the Astrakhan gas condensate field with the development of marketable products.

Main activities: production of gas and gas condensate, their processing and production of marketable products. The facilities of the complex make it possible to annually produce and process up to 12 billion cubic meters. m of gas. The company produces a wide range of products, including dry commercial gas, stable gas condensate, all types of sulfur, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, liquefied gas and a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons.

OOO Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan supplies 10 percent of the world and 80 percent of the Russian sulfur market.

The integrated management system of Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan meets the requirements of four international standards: ISO 9001:2008 “Quality management system. Requirements”, ISO 14001:2004 “Environmental Management System - Specification and Application Guide”, OHSAS 18001:2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management System”, ISO 50001:2011 “Energy Management System. Requirements".

The team consists of more than 10,500 people. The head office is located in Astrakhan.

Scientific activity is the acquisition and systematization of human knowledge about the laws and principles of the structure of the surrounding world. Comprehensive scientific research of the twentieth century led to the discovery of unique phenomena, processes and patterns. This made it possible to bring the production processes of various materials to a new, unusually high level. New technologies with a light hand of journalists began to be called innovative. One of the most effective ways to familiarize the public with the results of scientific research has been the holding of exhibitions in various fields of science and technology by different countries.

Why exhibitions of innovations are needed

Exhibitions of innovative technologies have been held for several years by countries leading in the field of scientific and technical research on all continents. They are attended by world-famous concerns, corporations and small firms, focusing their activities on any one area. The organizers of the presentations of the largest achievements of science set themselves a whole range of tasks:

  • Familiarization of the general public with new technologies in the field of science and technology;
  • Search for sponsors to expand the scope of public application of innovative technologies;
  • Development of various fields of science and technology;
  • Stimulation of small firms to invest in the production of goods using innovative technologies;
  • Organization of the exchange of available scientific and technical information between big companies;
  • Comprehensive innovative development of a particular branch of science by attracting third-party capital.

It has become a tradition to celebrate the most successful developments in various spheres of public life at the largest ones. In the Russian Federation, the prestigious Innovation Award is annually presented. It is noteworthy that this award recognizes both scientific achievements and successful innovative developments in the field of culture, art and social activities.

International Innovation Forums 2018

Dozens of large exhibitions of innovative technologies are planned to be held in 2018, many of which have already become traditional and annually gather a huge number of specialists and spectators. In the exhibition pavilions, the authors of scientific discoveries and manufacturers of goods and services demonstrate their achievements. International innovation forums are places where people can see with their own eyes how quickly modern science.

The largest international innovation forum will be held from 23 to 27 April in Hannover, Germany. The Hannover Messe exhibition is a platform for presenting unique scientific achievements in the field of industrial technology. The number of companies participating in the forum is more than 5 thousand. Visitors and specialists will be able to evaluate the achievements and, reduce human dependence on traditional energy sources, new conceptual solutions for the automation of various industries.

There will be four exhibition complexes at the exhibition:

  • Automation (IAMD);
  • Digital technologies (Digital factory);
  • New research technologies (Recearch & Technology);
  • Smart energy (Energy).

For the first time, the Hannover Fair will be held together with the international logistics forum CeMAT.

The largest pharmaceutical exhibition - INTERPHEX 2018. It will open on April 17 in the largest US city - New York (Javits Conventoin Center) - and will last for three days. Over a thousand equipment manufacturers annually present their achievements in the field of medicine and biotechnology. The organizer of the exhibition is Reed Exhibitions. It oversees more than half a thousand international scientific forums of science and technology around the world, has offices in dozens of countries on five continents.

More themes, more achievements

The widest range of exhibitions shows how far the globalization of science has advanced. Today, the achievements of scientists are embodied very quickly. The best way to appreciate the usefulness of various innovations is to visit exhibitions of innovative technologies. In 2018, scientific conferences by subject and host countries are very diverse. Having visited innovation forums, you can see what amazing results modern science has achieved. We present a list of large exhibition complexes dedicated to various areas of innovation.


From June 29 to July 2, Tehran will host the international forum of innovative technologies INOTEX 2018. It was first held in 2012 as a continuation of the Russian exhibition Hi-Tech Russia. The country, which has been under international economic sanctions for many years, will show the world its enormous scientific potential. Presenting unique achievements in various fields of science and technology every year, Iran invites foreign partners to exchange experience.

This year, 170 firms received invitations to participate, half of which operate in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The subject of the exhibition is unusually wide.

Participants will present to the international community their achievements in the field of bio- and nanotechnologies, industrial automation, robotics, geology, energy, medicine, genetic engineering, aviation, astronautics.

In addition, medical exhibitions will be held by Japan (NanoTech, NeoFunctionalMaterial, Tokyo; Regenerative Medicine Expo & Conference Japan, Osaka), Israel (LSIE, Nanosrael, Tel Aviv), Malaysia (Lab Asia, Kuala Lumpur), France (MedPi , Paris and ForumLaboLyon, Lyon), UAE (ArabLab EXPO, Dubai), India (IESS, Chennai), USA (ToxEXPO, San Antonio).

Telecommunications and communications, computers and software

Forums of leaders in research in the field of IT and communications will be hosted by Japan (FOE - Fiber Optics Expo, Tokyo), the Netherlands (Meteorological Technology World Expo, Amsterdam), China (CISILE, Beijing), Germany (embedded world, Nuremberg), Malaysia (MalaysiaTecnology, Kuala Lumpur).

Production, control automation, logistics

Achievements in various industries, production management and logistics will be presented by Poland (EuroLab and Packaging Innovations Warszawa, Warsaw), Germany (ANALYTICA, Munich; LABVOLUTION, Hannover), Switzerland (Inventions de Geneve, Geneva), Malaysia (ITEX, Kuala Lumpur) , UK (Work 2.0, London).

Business startups

Of course, the presented list of exhibitions is far from complete. In different parts of the world, specialists, scientists and visitors simply keen on scientific discoveries will be able to appreciate how firmly innovative technologies have become part of everyday life.

I am glad that Russia will present several exhibition sites on a planetary scale at once:

  • NDT Territory is a specialized exhibition of new technologies in the field of non-destructive testing and diagnostics. Moscow, February 27 - March 1, 2018.
  • "Quantum Technology Conference" is an international scientific and practical exhibition and conference on the introduction of quantum technologies. Moscow, February 27 - March 1, 2018.
  • "High tech. Innovation. Investments” is an international innovation congress. St. Petersburg, 03/20/2018 - 03/22/2018.
  • "Metrol Expo" - Moscow International Forum of Innovative Technologies, May 15 - May 17, 2018.
  • "BIO Tech World / World of Biotechnology" - an exhibition of achievements in the field of biotechnology. Moscow, May 23 – May 25, 2018.
  • "Bioindustry" is an international scientific and technical exhibition. St. Petersburg, 10.10 - 12.10.2018.
  • "Archimedes" is an international salon of industrial property. Moscow, 05.04 – 08.04.2018.
  • "ClimatAquaTEx / ClimatAquaTEx" is an international exhibition of climatic equipment. Krasnoyarsk, May 16 - May 19, 2018
  • The exhibition of the XIII Science Festival 2018 is an all-Russian exposition of innovative technologies. Moscow, October 12 - October 14, 2018.

Will complete the Russian exhibition season of innovative technologies
23rd International Innovation Forum "The Future of Russia 2018", Nizhny Novgorod, 19.09 - 21.09.2018.

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The International Forum "Open Innovations" will bring together about 15,000 participants from more than 90 countries. The venue of the forum will be the Skolkovo Technopark.

The VI forum was a record one in all respects, bringing together 18,200 participants from 98 countries. During three thematic days dedicated to business, state and society, 650 speakers took part. As part of the business program of the forum and in the press center, 42 agreements were signed, including 24 agreements with the participation of the Skolkovo Foundation. 911 business meetings were held at the forum, which is 16% more than last year. More than 1,000 media representatives covered the work of Open Innovations. 1500 people visited the laboratories and offices of the residents.

VII Moscow International Forum innovative development Over 20,000 people attended Open Innovations 2018. 220 companies participated in the Forum. During the three days of the Forum, 34 agreements were signed with the participation of Russian and foreign companies, funds and development institutions. More than 200 events took place - panel sessions, conferences, round tables, presentations of innovative projects and programs.

As part of the business program, it is planned to discuss the main technological trends, the impact of technology on companies in traditional industries, the search for goals, tools and conditions for the formation of a smart economy, the possibility of digital transformation government controlled, creating conditions for the digitalization of various sectors of the economy, as well as demonstrating already implemented projects.

Traditionally, Open Innovations will be held in the format of three thematic days that are interesting for various audiences:

  • DAY 1 - Digital transformation of companies and industries, issues of creating and scaling a business, the impact of new technologies on the activities of companies in traditional and new industries.
  • DAY 2 - Discussing best practices for the digitalization of public administration and the resulting trends and changes. State structures of different levels as consumers of technologies, strategies for the formation of a digital economy in the country.
  • DAY 3 - Social consequences of such trends as artificial intelligence, robotization, life extension; how values ​​and culture change in a new environment, what kind of education is needed for a new era.

Also on the site of the Skolkovo Technopark, an exhibition will be held as part of the forum, the purpose of which will be to demonstrate key trends and major Russian achievements in innovative areas of the economy: health, services, government, manufacturing, agro, education, computing and information technologies. The exhibition will be of interest to both specialized and general audiences.

AstraZeneca is a global biopharmaceutical company whose innovative products in therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiology, nephrology and metabolism and respiratory diseases are used by millions of patients in more than 100 countries.

As part of the Forum, AstraZeneca, together with partners, is opening the Center for Innovation and the Internet of Things in Healthcare in Skolkovo, a new form of demonstration and implementation of advanced Russian and foreign technological solutions in the field of medicine.


EFKO Innovations is a single entry point for all members of the innovation community, including collaboration with state development institutions, Russian and foreign universities. EFKO Innovations focuses on the search, selection and analysis of scientific projects and start-ups in the field of FoodTech and agricultural technologies for the development of the core business of EFKO Group.

Briskly is a technological platform for trading without staff. Customers open a store through the B-Pay app, scan and pay for goods on their smartphone.

Business contacts exchange partner is Ernst&Young, an international leader in the field of audit, taxation, transaction support and consulting. EY works with CIS companies to help them combine tradition and innovation to achieve business goals around the world. Service of business meetings "Open innovations" - for you! Find a partner or investor to implement the project of the future. Register on, open the "Business meetings" tab in personal account and select up to 15 Forum members to meet. Time is the most valuable resource. Make the most of it. Prepare a speech about your idea for 10 minutes. Be prepared for questions from potential customers or investors open to innovation.

Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

The main installation of the booth is a conveyor with high-tech sorting robots that demonstrate the possibilities of sorting using machine vision based on artificial intelligence. In addition, at the stand you can get advice from specialists on the main programs of the Fund.

Gazprombank together with partners will talk about the most innovative developments.

How virtual reality works not only for entertainment, but also for education. The corporate booth will present an educational VR system for training employees, as well as show how images on plastic cards “come to life” in real time.

To touch the future, the booth will talk about a neuromarketing laboratory for analyzing people's reactions to banking products and make the most secure and encrypted video call using a quantum network. Useful prizes are awarded for participation in cases.

Google is a global technology company that creates services and provides additional opportunities to expand business, enter new markets and find new audiences. Youtube, Google Play, Google Cloud and other innovative tools allow local companies to expand their global footprint. Game development is one example of how technology can help increase the export potential of a business. Thus, with the help of Android and Google Play, games by domestic developers, including such well-known companies as Playrix, MY.GAMES (part of the Mail.ru Group), Kefir, MyTona and others, are available to users around the world.


Hyundai Mobility is a unique online platform that offers customers the opportunity to subscribe to Hyundai brand models. This service changes the idea of ​​using a car. You can subscribe online in a few clicks using a mobile application. The entire SUV line of the brand is available by subscription: Creta, Tucson, Santa Fe models, as well as the eight-seat minibus H-1. The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play.

As part of the infrastructure exhibition space of the IPChain Association, the IPQuorum.Innovation communication platform:

  • more than 15 lectures: online neuroservices based on music evaluation algorithms; platforms based on IPChain; intellectual property taxation, monetization and copyright protection;
  • meetups with specialists;
  • intensive "Digital IP" about the practices of increasing the capitalization of science-intensive and creative assets, attracting investments;
  • an ecosystem of 20+ digital services and products involving scientific, technical, innovative and creative results of activity in economic circulation.

The innovative center of the new generation "Highpark" focuses on the integrated development of innovative, technological, scientific and educational ecosystems. Highpark works with corporations, start-ups and creates own projects, among which:

  • Accelerator ITMO+Highpark;
  • Startup Exchange;
  • Highpark International Forum;
  • Highpark lab.;
  • Investment club;
  • Business incubator;
  • Online aggregator of residents;
  • Corporate accelerators;

The stand will present the architectural and construction concept of the innovation center with augmented reality. Forum guests will be able to get acquainted with the model, make a trip around the university campus and other Highpark facilities, and see the details.


Presentations of the latest digital and IT technologies will take place at the booth of the Japan ROTOBO Association. A pitch zone will be opened in which Japanese companies will present projects within the framework of the government concepts of "Society 5.0" and Connected Industries. The seminars will highlight the topic of intellectual property management strategy and proposals for further cooperation between Japanese and Russian companies. We invite everyone to visit the ROTOBO booth and get acquainted with the high technologies of Japan.


Mail.ru Cloud Solutions (MCS) is a cloud services platform from Mail.ru Group.

At the booth, it will be possible to consult on how best to use cloud services to digitalize your business, including such MCS services as:

  • Virtual servers;
  • S3-compatible object storage;
  • Reliable Kubernetes clusters in the cloud;
  • Service for big data analysis based on Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark;
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and ClickHouse databases in the cloud;
  • Cloud computing powered by NVIDIA GPU;


The Marine Innovations company at its exhibition stand will present to the attention of visitors the MPAK-3D multifunctional software and hardware complex for three-dimensional geophysical mapping, created as part of the Marinet roadmap of the National Technology Initiative, as well as developments and products in the field of underwater communications, positioning, geophysical equipment and Big Data. Also, during the Forum, partner companies and participants of Marinet NTI will be presented at the stand: Scanex, Underwater Communications Laboratory, Nelax, Fort 21 and many others.

The program of events can be found at the stand of Marine Innovations LLC.


The Michurinskaya Valley Innovation Science and Technology Center is: a platform for conducting research activities and creating innovations in agricultural production, biotechnology and green chemistry, molecular diagnostics, food safety and quality; exhibition of samples of production and technological solutions; trading platform for the conclusion of contracts for the acquisition of the demonstrated productions and complexes with the training of specialists.


The exposition of the Ministry of Education and Science includes more than 40 organizations - leading universities of the country, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, research centers, small innovative enterprises. Eminent scientists and young researchers show the results of research and development work carried out in accordance with the main priorities of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia: many projects were carried out with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The events of the business program are aimed at further development of cooperation between universities and industrial enterprises, they are attended by representatives of Chinese universities, investors and industrialists.


At the stand of the Government of Moscow, the digital assistant MIA (Moscow Innovation Assistant) will introduce the forum guests to the most interesting achievements in the capital in the fields of healthcare, education, culture and business, as well as talk about the Moscow Innovation Cluster. "MIA", an interactive installation that aims to show the symbiosis and impact of digital technologies on people's lives. Welcome to the stand of the Moscow Government!

This year, for the first time, we stand with our stand at the Open Innovations Forum! You will have a great chance to chat with representatives of the MTS StartUp Hub Center: if you are a startup, you can ask your questions about participation in the next acceleration sets and find out what other opportunities we have for you. And if you're interested in partnerships, our technology scouts will be happy to tell you about different opportunities to work together. With the recent launch of our 5G MTS Center, we are also looking forward to visiting projects that are interested in the joint development of products and services for new generation 5G networks. Come to our booth - we will be happy to chat, give souvenirs and give you invigorating coffee!


A sports car that has everything you need to move forward confidently. At work. On vacation. Always. It's not just a car, it's equipped with drive technology that has its roots in motorsport.

How can artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) help businesses maximize profits and reduce costs, and help governments take services to the next level?
In the RAIF Zone, the most famous IT market players are ready to immerse forum participants in the practical aspects of implementing and operating AI/ML, as well as related solutions in the field of IoT, information security and infrastructure. This is not a zone of fictitious technologies, but those that dozens of companies have tested on themselves. Having stuffed bumps and having learned on our own skin all the pitfalls of implementing AI / ML projects, we are ready to share our experience.

A demonstration will be held at the booth of the Russian developer RED SOFT integrated solutions based on the domestic import-independent operating system RED OS. The presented technological stacks will use only Russian products, such as Kaspersky and Dr.Web antiviruses, Yandex and Sputnik Internet browsers, MyOffice and P7-Office office suites, as well as various software systems designed to work in public authorities, as well as for automation of technological processes.

RND.SK.RU is a marketplace for R&D services in the following areas: Prototyping, Biomedicine, Metrology, Testing.

RUSNANO Group at its exhibition stand will present works of art, art objects and activities at the junction of art & science under the general NANOart slogan:

  • masterpieces of the sculptor Dashi Namdakov "Energy", "Taming the Minotaur", "Unicorn";
  • "digital painting";
  • "Augmented Reality (AR) in Art, in Business, in Life" - lecture by artist Alexey Andreev;
  • innovative paintings by American artists Art 4 Art;
  • performance on the topic of renewable energy;
  • designer costumes using 3D printing and AR.

On one of the days of the forum, a molecular bar will work at the booth.

The program of events can be found at the stand of the RUSNANO Group.

Russian Post is a modern developing company whose strategy is aimed at digital transformation and the creation of new high-tech projects. The federal logistics operator annually introduces electronic services and platforms that meet the spirit of the times so that customers can quickly and comfortably receive basic postal services. Russian Post is the largest network of 42 thousand branches with a presence in every locality of the country, which annually processes more than 433.3 million parcels.

The exposition of the Russian Venture Company is a connection hub for the state and business, science and expert communities, resources and competencies, initiatives and technologies.

A rich program of the lecture hall, hot tournaments, bright photos, delicious drinks and pleasant souvenirs are waiting for you.

The business program at the booth will include discussions about trends in the Russian venture capital market, prospects for the development and application of end-to-end technologies (artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of things), technological barriers and ways to overcome them by participants and partners of the Up Great contests.

SberCloud is a cloud platform of the Sberbank Group that provides services based on the IT architecture of the largest bank in Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe. The infrastructure, information technology platforms and services of SberCloud are the backbone of the Sberbank Group digital ecosystem and are also provided to external clients — companies and government organizations.


Charitable Foundation Sistema is one of the largest charitable foundations in Russia, established in 2004 as an operator of the social activities of Sistema Group companies. The Sistema Charitable Foundation initiated the Odyssey large-scale research project aimed at finding technological solutions to overcome social challenges. The theme of the 2018-2019 competition is “Creation of search and rescue technologies”.

At the Forum exhibition, 6 regional operators of the Skolkovo Foundation present their startups: Technopark Yakutia (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)), KRITBI (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Technopark Zhigulevskaya Dolina (Samara Region), Kuzbass Technopark (Kemerovo Region), Tyumen Technopark - West Siberian Innovation center (Tyumen region), Technopark UFA (Republic of Bashkortostan).

PepsiCo is relaunching its cooperation program with technology companies and introducing TechLab, a laboratory aimed at studying, testing and implementing hi-tech solutions in the field of personalization, predictive analytics and robotization of routine processes. 24/7, 365 days a year we accept applications for cooperation and are looking for talents.


Association "Technet" is a professional association of scientific, educational and industrial organizations and their representatives, carrying out research, development, production and operation of technological solutions in the field of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, in order to ensure the competitiveness of domestic leading companies in global markets and in high-tech industries.

Usetech is a software development company that has been providing a full range of work in the field of custom development, testing and IT consulting since 2006. Usetech has completed over 2,000 projects for customers from various business sectors: retail, finance, medicine, and government agencies. The number of employees is over 250 people, offices are located in: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Tomsk and Barnaul. Usetech has knowledge in various IT technologies, including blockchain, BigData, machine learning.

VEB Ventures will present its interactive stand for the first time: a single functional space will consist of several thematic zones, the main of which will be a multimedia scene with kinetic screens and a lounge area with author's cocktails.

All three days the booth will host events for startups:

  • international competition East Bound startups. The jury includes major investors from Japan, Korea, Singapore;
  • Workshop "Export or die";
  • Workshop “How to enchant your investor” how to charm an investor.

The program of events can be found at the booth of VEB Ventures and on the forum website in the "Additional Program" section.

Angels IT photo-video recording violations related to stopping and parking cars. Development of mobile applications with augmented reality, web applications, information systems.

Vistar IT outsourcing services: web applications; network services; enterprise applications; mobile app.

Decart is a business-oriented IT company. Services for the development of solutions for business, startups and the state.

Generic Comfort is a manufacturer of patented gaming tables and modern workplaces.

VR_Bank is an innovative Russian company that develops individual payment solutions in the areas of e-commerce, telecom and banking.

The main product is the VR_Cube modular fintech service, which provides a full range of financial and analytical services for online commerce and MFIs (Internet acquiring, e-wallets, KYC, transfers, bonus and cashback services). VR_Bank is a resident of the information technology cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation.

The Winter City is a point of attraction for those who are interested in unmanned vehicles, who are ready to share experience, gain knowledge and create an unmanned future. This is one of the Up Great technology competitions, which aims to create unmanned vehicles for winter roads.

In the space of the "Winter City" you can communicate with the participants - developers of drones, experts and organizers of the competition, participate in discussions about the problems and prospects of autonomous transport in Russia, and compete with artificial intelligence drone on reaction speed.
