Organizational management tools. Use of types of organizational tools for analysis and design of project management systems Creation of a single base for planning, budgeting and cost control

When clarifying the place and role of morphology in the tools of the organization, it is important to remember the primacy of the essence of the concepts of process, system, mechanism over the form of their implementation. It manifests itself not only in the fact that the form becomes a concrete result of the construction of a process, the creation of a system, the functioning of a mechanism, but also in the fact that an already ongoing process, a really created system or an operating mechanism can acquire, transform and improve various, individually specialized forms.

At the same time, carrying out one or another classification of the procedural organization becomes the basis for highlighting and presenting the composition and content of its elements, their aggregation and application in solving specific problems. This approach is most clearly and diversely revealed as a result of the study and presentation of the organization's tools, which is the subject of the next chapter of this textbook.

Announcement 4.2. Aggregation, impact, activity, change, tool, combination, cooperation, coordination, methodology, set, sequence, consequences, application, adaptation, procedure, result, method, means, subject, technology, universality, unification, factor, function, part, efficiency. Substantiation, development, approbation, adaptation, classification, application and modernization of modern tools of the organization.

The substantiation, development, construction and application of the organization's tools are based on the unity of the universal process of research and influence, the use of its potential, content and results by the widest range of scientists and practice. This makes it possible to eliminate parallelism, improve the consistency of the organization, significantly increase the efficiency of its functioning and development, ensuring purposeful coordination of the actions of all participants, users and even observers.

The logic of building and using the complex tools of the organization is laid in the foundations for the development, implementation and application of a specific methodology for analysis and evaluation. The effectiveness of research is determined by the versatility, diversity and level of development of the instrumental palette, the formation of a wide range of necessary methods for applying a wide variety of procedures by arranging these and other components into a single set of applied configurations.

The application of the object approach inevitably faces the need to study and resolve the emerging hierarchical contradictions of the organization. In contrast to self-organization, their importance in the construction and use of universal organization tools increases dramatically, as they move into the sphere of formation and development of management relations. During the practical

A reasonable resolution of this problem is necessary to determine the functional manifestation of the coordination aggregate in the toolkit of the organization and can be conceptually considered on the following model (Fig. 4.2.1).

As can be seen even from a superficial analysis of the construction of this model, the real relationship between organization and coordination is manifested in the presence or absence of hierarchy relations in them. Indeed, only a subordinate can be organized, but the success of interaction also depends on those who are not subordinate to you. The interconnection of joint actions of various, independent subjects to achieve a single goal at this stage is provided by the coordination function (see Appendix 2). In this manifestation, coordination does not enter into the function of the organization, but it absolutely develops the use of the organization's tools.

At the same time, further analysis shows that the control action, rising to a higher level, for which all those participating in this interaction are subordinates, whose joint actions are possible and necessary to organize accordingly, most often becomes inadequate, late or emasculated by the administrative-bureaucratic procedure. In this case, the content of the impact is somehow transformed into an organization that is consistently integrated into a single toolkit, which is far from always justified by the situation and provides an effective solution to the tasks set.

The given configuration reflects the ratio of organization and coordination not only in the study, but also in the impact on the object. It allows for the possibility of interaction and even transformation of the organization and coordination with specific goals and at specific levels of management. The problem of complex implementation of organization and coordination tools, ensuring their interaction in processes and management systems will be considered in more detail in the last section of the textbook, here the authors dwell on the differences between them already highlighted above.

The universality of the organization's tools is manifested not only in the development and application of a single mechanism or its purposeful switching with functions such as coordination. It, as was shown at the beginning of this chapter, can also be realized in the most direct way in an absolutely necessary, organic and consistent combination of research and influence on the object. In this regard, the universal toolkit becomes one of the specific and at the same time the most common aggregate manifestations of a particular organization.

Based on the use of a wide palette of a wide variety of combinations of external tools, means, methods, techniques, procedures for directly influencing the formation and development of organizational relations in real processes and systems, the organization's tools are used in the form of complex universal structures that combine individual components into a well-functioning, purposefully acting mechanism. organizations. The basic procedures of such a mechanism are constantly being upgraded and expanded with innovative configurations that largely determine the essence and content of organizational changes and the development of the organization.

Rice. 4.2.2. Organization Toolkit Configuration Base Models /info/120952 "> basic models of the chain of sequences for the formation and use of tools, while maintaining the general logic of their construction, can and should be adapted, modified and modernized in accordance with the change and development of the goals, objects and conditions of the organization. Moreover, the basic models are designed to reflect only the general configuration of the construction and use of a specific toolkit as a prototype for constructing purposeful applied tools of the organization.

In this approach, the means of the organization, in a particular case, are understood as all the resources used or the management products produced and applied, with the help of which the desired result is achieved. The emphasis here is on building applied models of the organization and administration units based on the one shown in Fig. 4.2.2 basic tools. At the same time, the variety of means used is limited only by the powers and resources available in the system for their implementation, and to a large extent determines the overall effectiveness of the development and application of the organization's tools.

Similar directions for improving the tools of the organization are purposefully, in detail and comprehensively developed by such a discipline as the scientific organization of labor (SOT), which aims to optimize the mutual organization of the subject, means, conditions, product and performer of labor. Along with the already established and traditionally used methods and tools, the NOT has recently been developing new approaches to the self-regulating organization of labor (for example, network or program-targeted) cooperation based on the use of innovative resources of modern information technologies.

The directions and examples of the manifestation of organization tools given above and used in the scientific literature allow us to conclude about the objective-subjective nature, the open nature of its formation and development, and the wide scope of adaptation and application. At the same time, the universality of its perception and use is preserved, which ensures the adequacy of the interaction of various organizations and performers. This makes it possible to purposefully and permanently improve both the tools themselves and the methodology for their application in various organizations and situations.

The concept outlined in this chapter substantiates the notion that, in general, the modern toolkit of an organization is a permanent, proactive, specialized and comprehensively developing resource of means of integration, unification and purposeful research and organizational impact on processes and systems.

Give an example of the most common organizational toolkit aggregations.

Compare the application of the organization's tools in the situations of Appendix 1, 4, and 5.

The composition, content, interrelationships of organizational changes are extremely diverse and include the whole possible palette of purposeful influences and their results. Moreover, real organizational changes, as a rule, are provided by the use of a certain combination of methods and means of influence, subject-matter adapted to the goals and conditions for their achievement. In this sense, the organization's toolkit becomes the main resource for the development and implementation of organizational change.

In solving this problem, one can directly rely on the development of the morphology of the organization. So, in chapter 3.2, in the model of morphological tools for organizing research and influence, a transformation is clearly distinguished as a manifestation of the probabilistic development of an organization and reform as a targeted organizational change. This makes it possible to structure the analysis of the situation and the synthesis of the impact aimed at its constructive resolution.

Chapter 4.2. Organization toolkit

Entrepreneurs and businessmen, at whatever level of the economy they cooperate with foreign partners, needed knowledge and skills in the field of developing and making decisions related to relationships and interaction with international firms that are involved in the process of international exchange (purchase and sale) of goods or services . At this stage, international marketing became the philosophy, methodology and tools for organizing and implementing communication processes in the field of international exchange. However, the complication of relationships, the penetration of marketing into all activities of the company, and not just sales, the uncertainty of making managerial decisions in foreign conditions, the development of marketing networks required a new philosophy and tools for the implementation of international business communications. So international marketing management has become philosophy and means of intensifying international business.International marketing management has become an integrated function, the implementation of which is aimed at intensifying the process of formation and reproduction of demand for goods and services, increasing profits in international business.This is due to the fact that entry into world economic relations is accompanied by globalization processes and internationalization of the economies of countries - business partners.Globalization reflects the formation and development of convergent and divergent processes in the field of interaction between national cultures and their international ionization.

Despite the fact that national and international marketing are based on the same principles and tools for organizing marketing activities, the difference between them is determined more by the diversity and dissimilarity of communications between countries than by the difference in regional business communications within a particular country. In this context, we can say that marketing within the country should be based on the concept of intensive nationalization of market relations, i.e., taking into account internal, national characteristics and culture, and international marketing - on the concept of internationalization of interethnic market relations, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of national business networks other countries, the principles of international expansion of national networks, international penetration and international integration.

Unfortunately, domestic management science did not "suffer" from pragmatism. Its characteristic feature was and is an all-consuming schematism, not supported either by a scientifically based concept of managerial activity, or by the corresponding specific tools for organizing labor in each social object and their interacting totality.

Time management tools should not be confused with their media. So, a laptop, a PDA or a simple organizer are only representatives of electronic and paper media of time management tools.

Even if the changes were not so significant, managers would still have to consider the environment, since the organization, as an open system, depends on the outside world for the supply of resources, energy, personnel, and also consumers. Since the survival of the organization depends on management, the manager must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that will affect his organization. Moreover, he must suggest suitable ways to respond to external influences. Throughout this book, you will become familiar with the tools and methods at the disposal of the leader for planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the internal environment in response to external changes.

The ability to understand in time which project is not worth developing further can solve the issue posed in the title of the section. The use of information in electronic form avoids the huge costs of unnecessary research and improves the quality of decisions made at an early stage - which is very important, since in the field of research and development, each next step is usually more expensive than the previous one. Application electronic systems allows the biotech company to try its luck more often, and thus increase its chances of success. Such an organization needs to improve the quality of projects - candidates for further development. If any of them proves unproductive, it is necessary to stop it as soon as possible and give the green light to another. Through the use of information tools, false starts can be significantly reduced and dropout rates can be increased, thereby increasing the percentage of future drugs in development.

At each stage of the development of social production, one has to face the task of choosing the best, most effective option for capital investments, which ensures an increase in the economy of the national economy, the enterprise. To carry out calculations and evaluate options for economic decisions, scientifically based methods and economic tools are required. In industry and construction, the economic efficiency of capital investments and new technology is determined by branches and industry as a whole, individual enterprises and associations, oil and gas fields, construction organizations, organizational and technical measures in the following cases

The conceptual relationship of organization theory with other fields of knowledge, as already noted at the beginning of this and the contents of the previous chapter, is most fully manifested in the formation and application of tools for their study. The practical implementation of the application of organization theory as a toolkit is confidently expressed in the construction, structuring and presentation of such industrial disciplines as technology, and such socially applied disciplines as conflictology or political science. This convincingly testifies to the universality of the formulation and application of the organization's tools in any field of knowledge and field of practice.

In real life, even when attention is not specifically focused on the use of such tools, in the representations of the intellectual organization of one’s own consciousness, the individual anyway, one way or another, scrolls through the upcoming actions and their possible consequences, which in itself is already a simulation. It is this nature that determines the key place, the determining role and the strategic perspective of the formation and development of modeling as one of the fundamental units of the modern representation of the universal toolkit of the organization.

To the same extent that one person is dependent on another, he or she is potentially subject to the power of that other person. Within organizations, one person makes others axes from him by controlling access to information, people and tools, which we define as follows

The main features in the formation of the order is the observance of methodological, logical, organizational and informational unity. As a toolkit used to link and control the progress of designing complex tasks, optimization of models on network graphs can be recommended, taking into account the available resources allocated for design. Regulatory framework functioning in the personnel management service of the IAOI should be recorded in the relevant methodological and regulatory documents of the organization. They should formulate general provisions and the content of tasks implemented in an automated mode, instructions for users on solving individual tasks, a description of the forms of input and output documents.

With increasing competition in our information - based economy , customer information is becoming an increasingly important business resource . Every company and every knowledge worker has a duty to make the most of the data they have. Many new users cannot afford the high cost of database tools or highly skilled subspecialists. Fortunately, as data mining takes over a mainstream platform like the personal computer, prices will inevitably come down as data mining explodes in popularity in companies of all sizes and within their divisions. Soon, every business user will be able to perform complex information processing, previously available only to organizations that can pay a lot of money for it. Data mining will permeate everywhere, become standard

and basic provisions.

Announcement 4.2. Aggregation, impact, activity, change, tool,

combination, cooperation, coordination, methodology, recruitment, sequence,

consequences, application, adaptation, procedure,

result, method, means, subject, technology, universality,

unification, factor, function, part, efficiency. Rationale,

development, approbation, adaptation, classification, application and modernization

modern tools of the organization. ,^

All organizational activities of an individual, group, society

must be provided by one or another set of specific

means of purposeful influence, represented by such a concept,

as a toolkit.

Definition 4.2.1. Instrumentation (from lat. instrumentum - a tool

labor) - an ordered set, a set of means of purposeful

impact and methods of their application.

Unlike a single tool, selection, adaptation and application

which can be carried out randomly, based on the prevailing

circumstances, the toolkit is initially developed and

is formed as a single complex for providing certain activities.

This is determined as the actual set of mastered

tools, as well as the technology of their cooperation, combination and application.

Moreover, such relationships are established not only within relatively

independent sets of instruments of research and influence, but also between their individual components or them in a complex.

Justification, development, construction and application of tools

organizations are based on the unity of the universal research process

and impact, use of its potential, content

and results by the widest range of scientists and practitioners. This allows

eliminate parallelism, improve sequencing

organization, significantly improve the efficiency of its functioning

and development, ensuring purposeful coordination of actions

all participants, users and even observers.

Such coordination is in demand by a number of objective

factors and subjective goals. First of all, research tools

justified, formed and applied universally

both objective and subjective organization. Furthermore,

often it is he who becomes not only the one, but the only

the basis for the development and implementation of targeted impact

for a mixed organization.

Illustration 4 . 2. one . Meteorological conditions for the organization of flights of airliners.

Research and impact tools should be sufficient

independent, their natural aggregation cannot deform

especially relevant for a wide variety of conformist

organizations where reports are prepared according to the principle “as much as you need,

we will show so much, ”and what happened and its results are qualified

explanation: "we planned it." The successful solution of this

problems necessitates ensuring the required level

independence of the use of research instruments and validity

and impact efficiency. On this basis, it is formulated

important organizational rule.

effective impact.

In real conditions, it is important to understand that instrumental

approach actually defines not only two independent procedural manifestations, but the entire possible scale of selection^

evaluation, correlation, transformation, cooperation, etc. of the researched

and changeable. Moreover, the configuration of this scale may not have

only linear, but also parallel and branched, including

multi-dimensional, representation that activates development and application

derivative modifications as independent tools,

such as classification and its corresponding correction.

Forms of modeling such a tool palette in the process

adaptations can also be differentiated and brought to subjective

object base, procedure, structure, specifics

and other characteristics of a particular organization. This allows

determine in more detail the use of various tools

research and impact, expand and present them in the form of a universal

range of methods and means, differentiated choice,

purposefully modify and use the most modern

models of intellectual and material organization

(see annex 4).

The logic of building and using complex tools

organization is laid the foundation for the development, implementation and application

a specific methodology for analysis and evaluation. Efficiency

research is determined by the universality, diversity

and the level of development of the instrumental palette, the formation

a wide range of necessary applications of a wide variety of

procedures by arranging these and other components into a single

set of applied configurations.

All this convincingly proves that the absolutely necessary basis

development and implementation of any impact becomes

adequate tools for analysis and evaluation of isolated and studied

qualities of the organization, determined by the subject-object

orientation. Moreover, both the subject and the object of the organization have

on the formation and application of this toolkit its defining

impact. So, for example, it is the subject that represents

and plays the most probable scenarios for the development of the situation,

and the object approach directly forms the necessary foundations

construction and application of organization modeling tools.

The actual modeling tools are wide and varied

used in programming, design, development, construction

and accompanying the functioning and development of a wide variety of

organizations. Examples of such use are given extensively and in detail in scientific publications and research reports.

programs carried out directly at specific enterprises

and in organizations. They open up and

convincingly show the organizational nature of the formation and

efficiency of modeling application, versatility, complexity

and the effectiveness of this organizational toolkit.

The essence and main effect of its application is that

that modeling allows, by conducting an experiment, to avoid

catastrophic errors, identify extreme trends,

define promising directions. This allows much

less means, but with greater guarantees, to achieve decisive

innovations in the construction, adaptation and application of a specific

tools for research and transformation of mixed

and subjective organization.

In real life, even when attention is not specifically focused

on the use of such tools, in the representations of intellectual

organization of his own consciousness, the individual does not care,

one way or another, "scrolls" the upcoming actions and their possible

consequences, which in itself is already a simulation. Exactly

this nature determines the key place, the defining role and

strategic perspective of the formation and development of modeling

as one of the fundamental units of modern representation

universal toolkit of the organization.

It is clear that the research toolkit includes many

other very diverse, constantly improving

means and ways of studying the organization. Their composition, content,

interaction and usage patterns are determined by the purposes,

objects and conditions of use, a form of integration of individual

research into organizational change and development

organizations (see Annex 4). Examples of such integration would be

discussed in chapter 6.3 of the textbook, here the authors limit themselves

already given provisions for the presentation of research tools

and assessment of its place and role in the formation, functioning

and development of the modern organization.

The application of the object approach inevitably faces the need

research and resolution of emerging hierarchical

organization contradictions. Unlike self-organization, their significance

in the construction and use of universal tools

organization increases dramatically, as it moves into the sphere of formation

and development of management relations. During the practical application of the organization's tools, as part of the development and implementation

specific impact of the contradiction directly

arise in the distribution of powers and ensuring coordination

between the participants in this process.

Indeed, the diversity of understanding, the contradictions of application

or even replacing the essence of coordination with the content of the organization

occur frequently in theory and practice.

Similar trends in their comparison, analysis and evaluation, carried out

on them, the conclusions again actualized the question of the theoretical

correlation and practical application of the concepts of organization

and coordination.

In the course of substantiation, construction and use of an integrated

research toolkit and impact ratio organization

and coordination becomes one of the key provisions. More

moreover, it pushes a number of scientists and practitioners to the assumption of

that the organization aggregately includes, should or can include


Reasonable resolution of this problem is necessary to determine

functional manifestation of the coordination aggregate in the toolkit

organization and can be conceptually considered on

next model (Fig. 4.2.1).

As can be seen even from a superficial analysis of the construction of this model,

the real correlation of organization and coordination is manifested

the presence or absence of hierarchical relations in them. Really,

only a subordinate can be organized, but the success of interaction

depends on those who are not subordinate to you. Linking joint actions

different, independent entities to achieve a unified

at this stage, the goal is provided by the coordination function (see Appendix

2). In this manifestation, coordination is not included in the function of the organization,

but it is absolutely necessary to develop the use of tools


However, further analysis shows that the control action,

rising to a higher level for which all involved

in this interaction are subordinates whose

joint action is possible and necessary as appropriate

organize, most often becomes inadequate, late

or emasculated by the administrative-bureaucratic procedure.

In this case, the content of the impact is somehow transformed into

organization consistently integrated into a single toolkit,

which is far from always justified by the situation and provides effective

solution of the assigned tasks.

The coordination toolkit is initially singled out as

alternatives to the organization, providing direct, prompt, equal

interaction between all stakeholders involved

or beneficiaries of the results. It develops

formed, implemented, corrected and developed on

on a parity basis, in real time, within a single

socio-economic and administrative-legal market

space, which allows you to create conditions for ensuring

the most complete, comprehensive, balanced and independent accounting

both private and general interests.

At the same time, the content and results of coordination are largely

degrees depend on the status and condition of the corresponding subjects,

which does not always ensure equality of opportunity for their

interactions. In this case, coordination is latent or open

is transposed into an organization carried out by a higher level,

based on the priority of its formal or informal status,

and in some cases the position of one of the parties.

It is this phenomenon that is often mistaken for the coordination that enters,

according to some researchers, directly into the composition

organizations. Meanwhile, the one-sided, vertical orientation of such an impact clearly indicates the initial absence in

its coordination and its implementation on strictly organizational,

hierarchically developed principles. Indeed, without coming to

mutually acceptable cooperation agreement, the parties, as

as a rule, they appeal to a higher level, relying on its organizational

participation in problem solving.

The above configuration reflects the ratio of the organization and

coordination not only in the study, but also in the impact on the object.

It allows for the possibility of interaction and even

transformation of the organization and coordination with specific goals

and at specific levels of government. The problem of complex implementation

tools for organizing and coordinating, providing

their interaction in processes and control systems will be more

discussed in detail in the last section of the textbook, here the authors

dwell on the differences between them already highlighted above.

The universality of the organization's tools is manifested not only

in the development and application of a single mechanism or its purposeful

switching with functions such as coordination. She is,

as shown at the beginning of this chapter, can also be the most

directly realized in absolutely necessary,

organic and consistent integration of research and

impact on the object. In this regard, a universal toolkit

becomes one of the specific and at the same time the most

frequently encountered aggregate manifestations of a particular organization.

Based on the use of a wide palette of the most diverse

configurations of a combination of external tools, means, methods,

techniques, procedures for direct impact on the formation

and development of organizational relations in real processes and systems,

organization tools are used in the form of complex

universal structures that combine individual components

into a well-functioning, purposefully operating mechanism of organization.

The basic procedures of such a mechanism are constantly being upgraded and

are built up with innovative configurations that largely determine

essence and content of organizational changes and development


Configurations for building and using such tools

understandable and diverse, the tasks they solve are specific, but in general

the most common aggregations of base models can

be presented as follows (Fig. 4.2.2).

The configurations shown here have a simplified (linear-horizontal)

representation reflecting the basic principles, content

and the sequence of their development and construction. On practice

such dependence can branch out, develop, specialize

and be modernized not only at the development stage, but also

the course of application of specific tools * which significantly expands

application palette of its use.

In this case, the sequence

and continuity of linear switching of the presented chains,

reflecting a specific methodology for constructing organizational tools.

So, in the chain at the first level, the order is already its own

status determines the rigidity of regulation of the implementation of that

or another team. On a case-by-case basis,

to form, adapt and apply applied methods,

providing the most complete achievement of the goals of the organization

through targeted design and use of one or another


Definition 4.2.2. Aggregation (from lat. addgedo - joining) -

construction and application of stable compounds.

Sequence chains presented in aggregations of basic models

formation and application of tools, while maintaining

the general logic of their construction, can and should be adapted,

be modified and modernized in accordance with the change

and the development of the goals, objects and conditions of the organization. Furthermore,

base models and are intended to reflect only the general configuration

construction and application of a specific aggregate of tools as

prototype of designing a purposeful applied

organization tools.

At the same time, these models are called basic because, in the course of

development and application of organizational tools they are well-established,

established and used as a starting algorithm

to build new modifications. As a targeted

and the finished unit, they are assembled on the basis of a modular approach

to the use of tools. So, commonly used combinations

individual components or whole chains are added to

sufficiently stable aggregates used in various procedures,

mechanisms and conditions of the organization.

For example, the team contracting method, which optimizes forms, increases

quality and reducing the time of work, used in

variety of business models and mechanisms. Wherein

as a tool of organization can be used universal

self-sufficiency method that saves resources,

interest and responsibility of specific performers for

end results of the work. Such an applied approach to building

the organization's toolkit was developed, implemented, long-term

time was followed in application and showed its high efficiency

JSC "Second Moscow Watch Factory".

The vertical dominant of the construction of the model presented in

rice. 4 2 2, highlights an exceptionally wide variety of palettes and

the possibility of implementing a sequence of qualitative transformations

in the formation and application of applied tools

organizations. Thus, the sequence given in the model

selecting a tool from the palette: order - order - indication

etc., reflects the significant diversity of the possibilities of a particular

method of influence, which largely determines the ratio of effectiveness

organization and management.

And indeed, the order and the order as really prevailing

(more than 65% of all developed and implemented in the domestic

practice of acts) organizational and administrative methods

impacts format the organization as a rigid function

management that centralizes decision making. They provide

development of specific content of actions at the adoption level

decisions with subsequent transfer of responsibility

and monitoring the implementation of the adopted plan.

In contrast, guidelines apply (less than 12% of the total

acts) to draw the attention of the performer to a specific

problem. Such influence ultimately delegates authority

on finding dissonance, developing, adopting and implementing

decision to the performer, that is, practically determines the need

its self-organization and self-government.

It is important to understand that with the expansion of the application of guidelines, professional

qualification level of the performer and the entire organization

in general, acquires a steady upward trend, in contrast to

from the implementation of command centralization, which over time

lowers, consistently disorganizing both the process and the system.

Such a paradox is due to the fact that the performer loses independence,

and the leader is overloaded with responsibility.

This shows how the choice of instrument of influence determines

and in some cases directly determines the ideology of implementation

organizational activity.

Analysis of the influence of the choice of a particular instrument on the formation

and the implementation of the ideology of the organization allows you to make a strategic

important conclusion.

Conclusion 4 . 2. one . The choice of tools is determined by the strategies


This once again emphasizes the place and role of tools in the development

and implementation of the procedural organization. They show up

in the strict orientation of the developed and implemented strategy

on the methods and means of its implementation corresponding to it.

In general, the first section of the model shown in Fig. 4.2.2, reveals

a palette of administration forms combining common methods,

specific ways and universal tools with mechanism

social organization. Its functioning is objectively based

on the use of information, administrative,

financial, structural and other means of the organization, providing

the action of the entire universal toolkit as a whole.

In this approach, under the means of the organization, in a particular case,

refers to all resources used or produced and used

management products that provide

achieving the desired result. The emphasis here is on building

application models of the organization and administration units on

based on the one shown in fig. 4.2.2 basic tools. At

In this case, the variety of means used is limited only by the available

in the system with the powers and resources for their implementation and

largely determines the overall development efficiency

and application of the organization's tools.

The applied approach has shown exceptional efficiency in

its use as an educational and methodological basis for constructing

and implementation vocational training senior managers

qualifications for the programs "Master of Business Administration

". The need for such an approach was emphasized

in the “Principles of the European MBA Standard”, on the basis of which

applied modifications of the manager training program

in Russia. Their results confirmed a significant increase

educational and methodological effect in terms of teaching the course based on

applying an applied approach to the organization. But most

application of this approach showed significant results in production

organizations, where on its basis it is developed and implemented

a whole range of modern scientific and industrial products.

Naturally, the applied approach to the development and application

organizational tools should include resources

regulation as the organization's most rapid response

to change the situation. Its basis is purposeful

increasing the level of self-organization through consistent

decentralization and phased delegation. Moreover, the toolkit

regulation and self-regulation not only develops a new,

but also significantly increases the efficiency of the use of already

available potential.

It is this effect that ensures the achievement of maximum

implementation internal capacity organizations and use modern

development toolkit methodologies

self-organization. They provide exceptional results.

improving the organization of corporate processes in competitive,

market conditions. Achieving this result is based

on the selective optimization of the application of already mastered

tools and improve the efficiency of their combination and aggregation.

considered solely as a normative or structure-forming

conformity assessment coefficient, ranking

etc. But object improvement and incremental expansion

configuration of its impact on a person and a group of employees

in the mode of developing self-organization. In real organizations

it was found that coefficients not calculated on the basis of the rating

or even the size of cash payments, and the intragroup formed by it

re-ranking has a powerful effect on activation

the actions of the individual. A prime example of the use of such

approach is to use rating instrument aggregations

production organization.

On this basis, it was developed, implemented and successfully applied

in workshops No. 21 and 23 of JSC "Second Moscow Watch Factory". She is

has shown the effectiveness of delegating such authority directly

employee in order to create a mechanism for self-regulation

division, specialization, consolidation, cooperation, intensification and remuneration of labor within the assembly team. In general, enlarged

blocks, such a procedure can be represented as follows.

way (Fig. 4.2.3)

Taking a self-photo

actually performed

employee duties


fixed responsibilities

for jobs, functions, tasks

Assessment of classification

responsibilities according to their specific

weight, difficulty

Redistribution of work

functions, tasks,

performed by the employee

Formation of the composition

functional duties


Execution registration

official employee

functional duties

Personal functional

analysis of ongoing

works, functions, tasks


classified list


works, functions, tasks,

performed by the employee

works, functions, tasks,

performed by the employee


Self-organized evaluation

performance by the employee

official functional


and labor cooperation

The development and implementation of the presented procedure is based,

as noted above, on the delegation of rights and obligations of registration

and evaluation of ongoing actions directly to their performer. This brings together in a single register a list of practically performed

works, functions, tasks with their actual

evaluation. Analyzing the content and results of work, the team collectively

makes a decision to increase the price of some, unclaimed,

but the types of work required by technology, due to proportional

cheapening others, the performance of which claims more,

than required, the number of collectors.

is based on the free adjustment of the evaluation of the performed

bot, which leads to a change in the cost of a rating unit and significantly

more complex transformation of intra-team relations.

This approach allows you to radically reform the organization

and payment for work, providing opportunities for significantly more

maneuver of both leaders and performers. At the same time, it retains

self-organizing basis for the use of such a tool that

allows to ensure its adequacy of social organization and essentially

increase his credibility.

As a result, in full accordance with the operation of the principle of market

conjuncture, permanent self-regulation is carried out in the brigade

separation, specialization, consolidation, cooperation,

intensification, evaluation and remuneration of assemblers in conditions of relatively

a constant amount of the wage fund for a certain

the volume and quality of work performed during a specific period

time. Thus, the mechanism of socio-economic

allows you to most effectively adapt the real organization

to market relations.

It is clear that in addition to self-regulation, the introduction of such tools

initially included the necessary cooperation and regulatory

the impact of managers and specialists, organically integrated

into the general procedure. It later became one

from the factors of substantiation, development and implementation of the transfer and

divisions of enterprises and organizations, which allowed faster

prepare them to work in market conditions.

various organizations of market ideology showed an exceptional

effectiveness and prospects for the application and development of the rating

instrument of organization and coordination. Adaptation and implementation

medium and small enterprises and organizations have shown the potential of its

improvement based on

Formation of a mechanism for sequential self-registration

Determining the information base of justification and calculation

subjective and mixed organization of the individual and the group;

Development of declaration tools and triggered access

Purposeful content integration of use

trends in the formation, development, adaptation and specialization of the whole

palettes of adapted, private organizational tools

within the context of a particular organization. It manifests itself most clearly

in the development and application of practical techniques and methods

organization of activities, specifically positioned in the organizational

structure of the enterprise, division, individual.

mch Illustration 4.2.2. Ranking by class, bit depth,


So, defining the rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee

documents strictly regulate the content of professional

activities, the hierarchy of subordination, production procedures

and administrative interaction with colleagues, direct

organization of the labor process and workplace. Thus, the

in them, tools essentially determine and

specialize the composition and content of the palette of organizational impact.

Illustration 4.2.3. Job Descriptions, position on the division.

Similar directions for improving the organization's tools

purposefully, in detail and comprehensively developed

such a discipline as the scientific organization of labor (SOT), which puts

its goal is to optimize the mutual organization of the subject, means,

conditions, product and performer of labor. Along with the already established

and traditionally used techniques and tools

Recently, NOT has been developing new approaches to

self-regulatory organization of labor (for example, network or software

target) cooperation based on the use of innovative

resources of modern information technologies

The essence of the construction and application of the NOT system is manifested in the delegation

the growing volume and variety of tasks and powers

for their implementation to specific executors, functioning

in real time. In market conditions, this limits

or even excludes the possibility of effective hierarchical influence,

which inevitably shifts the center of gravity to the level of performance.

It is clear that such an organization stimulates the formation and

application of a wide range of operational tools of the organization

and coordination based on self-organization and mutual initiation.

Such an approach most fully and comprehensively perceives,

mobilizes and uses market resources and conditions of competitive

functioning and venture development of the organization based on

expanding and deepening the practice of applying activation tools,

mobilization, self-regulation.

Illustration 4.2.4. Organization of distribution companies,

participation in profits.

Under market conditions, professional-individual

adaptation of this approach as an independent perspective

directions of improvement, formation and application of organizational

tools. This is manifested in the recent

time of the growth trend of the value of personal trust of the leader

group of closest specialists, distribution and consolidation

behind them responsibilities based on approbation and performance evaluation

their personal implementation by one or another employee.

For example, the operational nature of the dispatcher's work determines

high tension, dynamism and intensity of its organization, which is possible only on the basis of adaptation of individual

qualities of an employee to the content and features of the implementation

technological, commercial or other process. She expresses herself

in the formation and consolidation of adapted tools

self-organization of the employee, ensuring the identification and use

his individual psychophysiological, intellectual,

communication qualities of the individual. During the individual

adaptation are effectively used such organizational

techniques such as procedural individualization, alternation of activities,

self-relaxation, auto-training, innovative initiation

Above and used in the scientific literature

directions and examples of manifestation of the organization's tools

allow us to draw a conclusion about the objective-subjective nature, open

the nature of its formation and development, a wide area of ​​adaptation

and applications. At the same time, the universality of its perception is preserved.

and use, ensuring the adequacy of the interaction

various organizations and performers. This allows targeted

and permanently improve as instruments themselves,

and the methodology for their application in various organizations and situations.

The concept presented in this chapter justifies the notion

the fact that, in general, the modern toolkit of the organization is

permanently, proactively, specializedly and comprehensively

emerging resource of means of integration, unification and purposeful

research and organizational impact on processes

and systems.

On this basis, in scientific research and practical activities

toolkit is usually qualified as a complex

mutually adapted, external to the object, theoretical

and practical techniques and means of research and influence,

positioned in the palette of their application methods. At the same time, it is allowed

the broadest understanding of a specific instrument expression

as a means of external research or influence on the organization.

This approach allows not only to openly and extensively classify

established forms of organizational tools, but also

quite clearly and definitely predict the direction, content

and tendencies of its modernization, improvement and innovation.

Information and methodological block of chapter 4.2

Control tasks

1. Give an example of your use of one or another toolkit.

2. Analyze the formation of relationships within the toolkit.

3. How are research and influence tools different?

4. Rank the presented in fig. 4.2.2 tools by:

strength of action;

Difficulties of application;

frequency of use.

5. Give an example of the most common instrumentation aggregations


6. Compare the use of the organization's tools in situations

applications 1, 4, and 5.

Addresses of corresponding sites

http://big.spb ru/publications/bigspb/methodology/



http://www.isea ru/russian/structure/fgu/egu/kurs/egu 13.htm

http://media.karelia ru/~resource/econ/Teor_org/index.htm

1. Valuev S. A. et al. Organizational management. - M.: Oil

and Gas, 1993.

2. Gastev A. K How to work. - M.: Economics, 1966.

3. Zolotogorov V. Organization and planning of production. - M:


4. Kerzhentsev P. M. Principles of organization. - M.: Economics, 1989.

5. Ouchi U. Methods of organizing production: Japanese and American

approaches - M.: Economics, 1984.

6. Pinchot G. and an. The Intelligent Organization. - S.F.: B.K.P., 1996.

7. Taylor F. W. Scientific organization of labor. - M.: Respublika, 1992.

8. Scott W. R. and an. formal organizations. - S.Fr., 1992.

Organizational project management tools: network modeling, PERT method, RAZ matrix, information technology management models

The network matrix is ​​a graphical representation of the project implementation processes, where all work (management, production) is shown in a certain technological sequence and the necessary interconnection and dependence

One of the most effective tools in project management are the so-called network matrices ( a higher level of development of "networks"). They will make it possible to present the entire project implementation process in a very visual form, as well as to identify the composition and structure of work and acceptable means and methods for their implementation, analyze the relationship between performers and work, prepare a science-based coordinated plan for the implementation of the entire complex of project work for more efficient use of available resources and time reduction.

It is also possible to quickly process information arrays using computer technology and provide project management with timely and comprehensive information about the actual state of work, which facilitates the correction of decisions made; predict the progress of work on the critical path and focus the attention of project managers on them. Using the mathematical apparatus, it is possible to determine the degree of probability of the project implementation and correctly allocate responsibility among the hierarchical levels of management.

The basis of the project management system is matrix of separation of administrative management tasks. ONCE Using this matrix in the project management system, it is possible to divide the duties, rights and responsibilities of all project participants in the project team and, on this basis, build an organizational and dynamic structure and information system.

The separation matrix of administrative management tasks is a table in which the names of positions, departments and services are located, as well as the tasks performed by these performers are listed. The conventional sign denotes the attitude of each department of the service or a particular employee to the solution of a specific task.

Activities for the implementation of management functions in the design of the RAZ matrix are as follows:

responsibility for solving a particular project management task;

I am the sole decision and personal responsibility for solving a particular problem (with a signature);
! - personal responsibility for solving a particular problem collegiate form decision making (with signature);
P - participation in the collegial solution of this problem without the right to sign.

P - planning;
O - organization;
K - control;
X - coordination of the joint efforts of the participants in the process;
A is activation.

C - approval, sighting;
T - performance;
M - preparation of proposals;
+ - settlement operations necessary for the implementation of the function (task);
- - does not participate in the work.

Design of project management technology, i.e. fixing the sequence and relationship of solving managerial problems, possibly with the help of the so-called information technology model (ITM).

The main stages of ITM development:

1) development of information tables.

2) Formation of information technology models based on information tables

When developing an ITM for project management, it is necessary to: reflect the relationship of tasks in the decision-making process; ensure a clear distribution of duties and responsibilities (matrix RAZ); determine the types and forms of documents that are the result of solving problems.

3) Formation of a consolidated project management model. To build this model, it is necessary: ​​to select the target control functions; determine the supporting subsystems; set the place of each task (from information tables) in the model. Project marketing. Project marketing plan. Feasibility study of the project: content, purpose. Business plan investment project: content, purpose.

Information Technology Model (ITM)

The information technology model (ITM) is a table consisting of six blocks:

1) Block 1: Calendar days - deadlines for solving a managerial task (as a rule, this is the deadline for providing the resulting documentation (all deadlines are taken from the network schedule or work schedule));

2) Block 2: Input information - is taken on the basis of the second column of the information table;

3) Block 3: Performers - filled in on the basis of the fifth column of the information table;

4) Block 4: Management task - filled in on the basis of the first column of the information table;

5) 5th block: Resulting documentation - filled in on the basis of the fourth column of the information table;

6) Block 6: Consumers of the resulting documentation - filled in on the basis of the seventh column of the information table;

Each task (with all its elements: initial information, performers, etc.) has its own vertical bar. All information in the information technology model (ITM) is represented by the following symbols:

1) - incoming information, performers, consumers;

2) - managerial tasks;

3) - resulting documentation;

74. Project cost management at the stage of its implementation: main and additional indicators of the earned value method.

Project monitoring should include an earned value method to analyze and evaluate the current status and progress of the project and be carried out by comparing actual volumes and costs with baseline targets. The main indicators of the earned value method, such as earned value, actual costs and planned volumes, allow not only to record actual results, but to predict the future state of the project and, based on these forecasts, make the right management decisions.

The basic indicators of the earned value method are:

Planned volumes (Planned Value - PVj\

Earned Value (EV)\ Earned Values ​​show the amount of work actually completed, expressed in terms of the planned cost of this work, as of the key date.

Actual Cost (AC). Actual costs show the actual (actually existing) cost of the volume of work performed, i.e. the totality of all costs incurred in the course of work as of the current date. Actual costs are sometimes referred to as the amount of resources that needed to be used on the current date or over a specified period of time.

Additional indicators:

Such derived (calculated) indicators usually include the following analytical and forecast indicators:


Deviation according to the schedule (by terms) (Schedule Variance - SV),

Cost variances (by cost) (Cost Variance - CV),

Deviation at completion (Variance at Completion - VAC);


Schedule Performance Index (SPI),

Budget execution index (Cost Performance Index - CPI),

Index of necessary efficiency (To-Complete Performance Index - TCPI);


Projected duration of the project (Time Estimate at Completion - EAC t),

Estimated project cost (Estimate at Completion - EAC),

Variance at Completion (VAC).

When calculating analytical indicators, the indicator of the total project budget (Budget at Completion - BAC) is also used, which characterizes the total amount of all the planned scope of the project, the final value of the base project implementation plan.

Issues of operational project management Earned value method indicators
Is the project behind schedule or ahead of schedule? Schedule Variance (Schedule) (SV)
How efficiently is time used? Schedule Execution Index (SPI)
What is the likely duration of the project? Projected project duration (EAC()
Is the project under budget or over budget? Cost variance (by cost) (CV)
How efficiently are resources used? Budget Execution Index (CPI)
How efficiently should resources be used to successfully complete the project? Needed Performance Index (TCPI)
What is the expected cost of the project? Projected project cost (EAC)
Will the project be completed under or over budget? Completion Deviation (VAC)

Relationship between business plan and feasibility study.

A business plan is a form of presentation generally accepted in world economic practice. business proposals and projects, containing detailed information about the production, marketing and financial activities firms and an assessment of the prospects, conditions and forms of cooperation based on the balance of the firm's own economic interest and the interests of partners, investors, consumers and competitors.

Obviously, the development of a business plan, a set of calculated indicators is the initial information for the feasibility study. Thus, an organic relationship between the parameters of the business plan and the parameters of the feasibility study (with the technical and economic parameters of the project) is achieved, while achieving the most complete compliance of the studies conducted with the terms of reference for project.

The essential elements of a business plan are:
1. Development of the project idea
2. Description of the idea (essence) of the project
3. Analysis of the production capabilities of the company in the implementation of the project
4. Market assessment
5. Develop a marketing plan
6. Development of a production plan
7. Development of an organizational plan
8. Calculation of indicators of the feasibility study
9. Development financial plan
10. Risk assessment
11. General conclusions and suggestions (summary)

Thus, in the process of working out the sections of the business plan, the initial data for the feasibility study are formed.

Having received all the necessary data for a feasibility study, the feasibility study indicators are calculated (net profit, profitability, internal efficiency ratio, maximum cash outflow, capital investment return period, break-even point). If the calculations show technical and economic efficiency, then they begin to form the final version of the business plan.

If the indicators of the feasibility study do not meet the requirements of technical and economic efficiency, then the initial data are specified or a decision is made on the inappropriateness of the project.

The feasibility study is the main design document for the construction of facilities. Based on the duly approved feasibility study, a feasibility study is prepared tender documentation and tenders are being held , is treaty (contract) work, opens financing construction and development working documentation .

· Business plan is a program of actions for the implementation of entire business projects that are in constant interaction with the external environment.

· feasibility study is a slightly more localized version of the business plan. The main task of the feasibility study is evaluation and description economic feasibility project , which will be implemented within the same enterprise (which may eventually require the development of a separate business plan).

Parameter Feasibility Study Business plan
Tasks in progress · Comparison of investment and specifications project · Search for sources of additional financing · Comprehensive assessment of the business project · Establishing communications with stakeholders
Potential Reader · Management · Owners of the enterprise · Key technical personnel Banks Venture funds Business angels Owners Partners
Typical structure · general information about the project · commercial feasibility of the project · the structure and cost items associated with the project · the production capabilities / project plan · the need for financing · Concept, review, summary. · Description of the underlying enterprise. · Product description. · Market analysis, marketing and sales. · Production plan. Organizational plan. · Environment and regulatory information. · Financial plan. · Project risks and their minimization. · Calendar plan project implementation
In what situations might it be necessary? Procurement of new automated coffee machines Update software assembly line · Development of a new feed mechanism for sheet materials for nesting · Use of a new type of waterproof ink for large-format printers · Opening of a new business-format hairdresser · Establishment of a shoe factory in China · Opening of a new furniture store, specializing in furniture from interchangeable color modules Organization of a chain of cafe-restaurants with a changing interior and menu Opening of a new super-budget grocery store within walking distance Construction of a polyethylene processing plant

2.1 Types of organizational tools

The first part briefly reviewed the nature of the project and related activities. At the same time, the issue of structuring work to achieve the goals of the project was raised. It is obvious that such activities, as noted above, serve to increase the efficiency project activities according to different parameters (cost, terms, etc.). Organizational tools can also be named among the elements of project activity. The following types of organizational tools are distinguished

1. network matrices (a higher level of scientific development of "network graphs"):

present the entire project implementation process in a visual form,

· identify the composition and structure of work, and acceptable means and methods of their implementation;

analyze the relationship between performers and work;

· prepare a science-based coordinated plan for the implementation of the entire range of work on the project for more efficient use of available resources and reduction of time.

2. Matrix of separation of administrative tasks of management (CAM):

Using this matrix in the project management system, it is possible to divide the duties, rights and responsibilities of all project participants in the project team and, on this basis, build an organizational and dynamic structure and information system.

3. information technology model (ITM):

helps to carry out the design of project management technology, that is, fixing the sequence and interconnection of solving managerial tasks.

power in the organization. Characteristics of power channels

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Quality management tools as a factor investment strategy business in the face of global competition

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Study of factors that influence human behavior in an organization

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Corporate financial and enterprise resource management system

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Organizational behavior

In the work of American researchers Newstrom and Davis, four models of organizational behavior are identified: authoritarian, guardianship, support, and collegial. The authoritarian model relies on power, empowerment oriented...

organizational design, its purpose and methods

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Features of certification of personnel at the enterprise

Features of the conflict in the organization

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Development of an algorithm and tools for identifying the professional competence of an organization psychologist

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Development of measures to improve the management system of OJSC "Samara Bearing Plant"

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Ways to adapt to managerial positions

Ways to apply decision theory methods

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Strategic and operational behavior of organizations

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Liquidity and solvency management

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When building a network matrix, three basic concepts are used: work (including expectation and dependence), event and path.

Work- this is a labor process that requires time and resources (for example, assessing the situation, analyzing information). In the diagrams, work is depicted as a solid line with an arrow. The waiting process is included in the work, i.e. a process that does not require labor and resources, but requires time. The waiting process is represented by a dotted line with an arrow with the designation of the waiting time above it. The dependence between two or more events indicates the absence of the need to spend time and resources, but indicates the presence of a connection between the jobs (the start of one or more jobs depends on the completion of others), is depicted by a dotted line with an arrow without indicating time.

Event- this is the result of the execution of all the work included in this event, allowing you to start all the work that comes out of it. On the network matrix, the event is depicted, as a rule, in the form of a circle.

Path is a continuous sequence of work, starting from the initial event and ending with the final one. The path with the longest duration is called the critical path and is indicated in the matrix by a thickened or double line with an arrow.

Exist general rules building network models, the knowledge of which allows you to avoid errors.

Job designation rule. In practice, there are often cases when two or more jobs come out of the same event, run in parallel, and end with the same event.

Deadlock rule. There should be no dead ends in the network model, i.e. events from which no work comes out, except for the network terminating event.

Unsecured Events Prohibition Rule. There should be no events in the network model that do not include any work

Delivery Image Rule. Delivery is a result that is received outside the system, i.e. is not the result of the work of this company.

The rule of organizational and technological relations between works. The network model takes into account only the direct connection between jobs or the connection through dependence.

Technological rule for building network models. But if it is necessary, for example, to show that the work is preceded by another work, then the model should be depicted differently (with a dash-dotted arrow).

To build a network diagram, you need to technological sequence establish which works must be completed before the start of this work, which ones are started after the completion of this work, which must be completed simultaneously with the execution of this work.

The belonging of the work (arrow) to one or another horizontal "corridor" is determined by its horizontal position or its scale-free horizontal section in this "corridor". The belonging of the work (arrows) to the vertical "corridor" is determined by the vertical lines that determine the time scale of the matrix.

The duration of each work on the network matrix is ​​determined by the distance between the centers of two events that enclose this work (arrow) in projection onto the horizontal time axis. The location of each event on the network matrix is ​​determined by the end of the farthest to the right (on the time grid) arrow included in it. All other arrows less distant to the right of the y-axis, included in the same event, are connected to it by a dashed line with an arrow at the end.

Dependence, going on a matrix with a slope to the right of the y-axis, is depicted as a broken broken line with an arrow at the end. Dependence running along the vertical (its projection on the horizontal time axis is a point, and hence the duration is 0) is depicted, as usual, by a dotted arrow. The deviation of the arrows to the left from the y-axis on the network matrix is ​​not allowed. The length of the wavy line shows the amount of private slack.

The most important advantage network matrix is ​​that there is no need to calculate the parameters of the matrices, since they are clearly shown in the figure itself.

However This approach also has its drawbacks.- in complex projects, the visibility of the matrix is ​​lost due to the piling up of work. In this case, it is necessary to break the matrix into parts - to create hierarchical structures, to move individual blocks of work into auxiliary matrices.

Organizational toolkit. Network matrices

The problem of increasing the scientific validity of the formation of management systems puts forward the need to use new progressive methods and an effective organizational tool in the process of their design: network matrices, matrices for separating administrative management tasks, regulations, economic and mathematical models, normative materials on management structures, official duties and etc.

The use of network matrices in the management process makes it possible to present this process in a visual form, as well as to identify the features of the situation, the structure necessary work and acceptable means and methods for their implementation, analyze the relationship between performers and work, prepare a scientifically based coordinated plan for the implementation of the entire range of work to solve the task. Such a plan, based on the analysis of the network matrix and the identification of critical work, makes it possible to reallocate resources for their more efficient use. It also becomes possible, with the help of computer technology, to quickly process large amounts of reporting data and provide the company's management with timely and comprehensive information about the actual state of work, which facilitates the correction of decisions made, predicts the progress of work on the critical path and concentrates the attention of managers at various levels on them. Using the mathematical apparatus, it is possible to determine the degree of probability of the implementation of the plan and correctly distribute responsibility among the hierarchical levels of management.

The network decision matrix is ​​a graphic image of the management process, where all the operations that are necessary to achieve the ultimate goal are shown in a certain technological sequence and interdependence. The network matrix is ​​combined with a calendar-scale time grid, which has horizontal and vertical corridors. Horizontal corridors characterize the level of management, structural unit or executive executing one or another operation of the process of preparation, adoption and implementation of the decision; vertical - stages and individual operations of the decision-making process occurring in time.
