Personnel accounting and its proper maintenance at the enterprise. Which program is best suited for the personnel department Maintaining personnel records in 1s 8.3

This is an opportunity to improve your professional level or receive additional education that is in demand on the labor market. With Navi, you will become a highly qualified specialist, you will be able to achieve career growth or get the desired job. Our courses 1 With frames online are convenient. They won't take up much of your time. You can take the course at any time after payment. Distance learning 1C frame will increase your importance in the eyes of the employer.

Training program

All teachers of the Center are high-level specialists with more than 10 years of teaching experience. These are practicing specialists who will easily advise you on any issue. To begin with, you must understand what the work of a personnel officer consists of. Training 1 With cadres remotely is not a training profession. This is the acquisition of practical skills in working with software when automating the processes of maintaining personnel records at the enterprise. That is, you should already know personnel records or have an education related to this specialization.

To upgrade your qualifications, you will need a diploma of your initial education. The retraining course is taught in the presence of education in any profession of the economic direction.

Distance learning takes place in the form of video courses 1 C frames. Lectures are given in the finished in electronic format, you only need to study them yourself. At the end of the course, a qualifying exam is held. Practical classes are held online. The teacher shows algorithms for filling positions in documents used in personnel records. The transfer from paper forms to electronic form in the program is also considered. You only need to repeat all the actions of the teacher. All documents under consideration are taken from the archives of actually working Moscow companies, that is, all the examples under consideration are actually encountered in the work process.

Video courses 1C frames 8.3 will make you a specialist who is ready to start working right away. When registering for a course on our website, you can get a free trial lesson. Our prices are affordable. We often hold various promotions, give bonuses, and provide discounts. We are available for group bookings. We accept university students for training, we provide discounts of up to 70% when buying a second year of related specialization.

Distance courses 1 From the ground up, the staff provides the most extensive information about your chosen profession. Such courses are popular not only among those who are going to work in this profession, but also among entrepreneurs, accountants, and heads of relevant departments. By expanding their professional horizons, it is easier for them to carry out their direct work, manage the process, find shortcomings in the work of subordinates, etc.

What does training in our Training Center? You get a practical skill in working in the 1C personnel program. You will be able to independently generate reports on the movement of employees, fill out arrival and departure cards, arrange transfers, dismissals, etc. Personnel who have completed the course will be able to easily find the necessary information in the program, add and delete entries, and make corrections.

Courses 1C personnel remotely for beginners, we begin with the study of the simplest everyday issues, for example, with the formation of a staffing table. After the end of the course, electronic lectures remain with the listener. Everyone who has been trained has access to our information base for another month. certificate state standard issued if you pass the final test. You yourself must be able to:

  • form work schedules,
  • set up data for each division of the enterprise separately,
  • draw up orders and reports on overtime work on weekends and holidays,
  • fill in the time sheet and details of the enterprise.

Our advantage is the affordable price of training. An individual approach to each listener is guaranteed. We offer training in a profession that is absolutely necessary in every organization where hired labor is used. We are ready to advise you if you still have questions about the training program. Call or leave a request, our manager will contact you as soon as possible.

It is necessary for any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, activity and number of employees. For its competent and qualified management, you need to be well versed in labor law, keep track of changes in legislation and have skills in the field of personnel records management.

What is accounting of personnel and why is it needed?

An integral part of the activity of each company is personnel records. It is a legally regulated work on registration, accounting and monitoring of the movement of employees of the organization.

HR activities include:

  • reception of employees;
  • layoffs;
  • horizontal (transfer between departments) and vertical (for example, career) movements;
  • business trips;
  • sick leave;
  • time sheet;
  • vacations (of any kind - annual, without pay, for pregnancy, etc.);
  • personal cards for each employee, etc.

It also applies to staffing:

  • maintaining military records;
  • regulation of labor relations;
  • creation and registration of various (for example, on hiring, encouraging an employee, etc.);
  • organization of work and other aspects.

All documentation is drawn up only in accordance with the required norms and rules. Some forms are unified, others are established at the enterprise itself.

Competent organization of personnel records solves many problems and tasks of the company. Of course, there are thousands of nuances, but there are basic points that apply to every enterprise.

How to organize and to whom to entrust the maintenance of personnel records?

There are several ways to organize accounting. It all depends on the characteristics of the enterprise and on what choice the manager makes. The most common options:

Create an entire HR department if the company employs a lot of people

And when the staff is small, you can hire one specialist. The advantages of this method are that the work is organized by the manager in the way he likes and is regulated and controlled according to his own principles.

There are also disadvantages: it is difficult to check the professionalism of the hired specialist, so there is a risk that a not entirely competent personnel officer will be hired.

You will have to spend time and money on training or look for another employee.

The advantages of this option for organizing accounting are that if a person was recommended, then (perhaps) he really does the job, that is, he was tested in the case. Of course, with such a personnel officer, you need to negotiate working conditions so that they suit both parties.

Entrust personnel matters to an accountant or a good secretary

Pros: It saves time and money. That is, there is no need to select a personnel officer, and there are no costs for maintaining records.

Disadvantages: the main problem when choosing this method is that employees perform additional work after the main one, which leads to errors, blunders, gaps and an elementary absence required documents. And, of course, professional knowledge on the topic of personnel accounting is important here. And if the same secretary has them, then the risk of complications in this case is minimized. And vice versa.

Entrust personnel accounting to an outsourcing organization

good: all personnel activity falls on the shoulders of the outsourcing company, which assumes such responsibility on the basis of the contract. In addition to the fact that constant, continuous assistance is provided for personnel matters, choosing this method significantly reduces costs.

Cons: you need to choose a well-established, serious company, and you also need to establish interaction, create a concept for working with specialists who will work outside the office.
The manager only has to choose the most convenient and suitable way for him to maintain personnel records, weighing all the pros and cons of each method.

Job functions of a personnel worker

The following duties are imposed on the personnel officer in accordance with the instructions and the labor agreement:

This is an incomplete list of duties of a personnel worker, the requirements are approximate. There may be more of them listed (or less), but in total it is these skills and abilities that a personnel specialist must possess.

Personnel accounting: what documents are required?

Normally, each enterprise must have the following types of documents relating to personnel:

  • administrative (personal and production orders);
  • confirming labor activity;
  • information and settlement;
  • internal correspondence;
  • logs of control and registration.

Some personnel documents must be at the enterprise without fail. These include:
PVTR (internal labor regulations);

All documents are stored for a certain number of years. Are regulated:

  • article or section of the Labor Code;
  • resolution of the State Statistics Committee;
  • Federal Law and other regulations.

If something (instructions, orders, etc.) is not available, then this fact will need to be corrected. In general, one of the principles of the work of a personnel officer is timeliness. It greatly facilitates workdays and even gives legal force to some acts. This is actually very important - not to run the current business. Otherwise, they tend to build up like a snowball.

Organization of personnel records: how to conduct, where to start?

Having settled in a new place as a personnel officer, first you need to revise the mandatory documentation. If it turns out (and it happens) that some important papers from the list are missing, then they need to be restored. Of course, it will not be possible to carry out such work in one day.

Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the most important positions and start from them. Check for the presence and literacy in the design (and if you need to correct or draw up a new document): staffing, vacation schedule, employment contracts, orders, records in labor.

Keep accounting books employment contracts, personnel orders. Create . Understand personal cards (T-2). Work with local regulations.
The main thing is to complete all current documents on time. Work based on Labor Code and business rules. And do not destroy papers on personnel. The time of their storage is approved by the Federal Archives (“List ...” dated 06.10.2000).

All accounting documents are needed for the transparency of labor relations. The personnel system establishes norms and principles that provide stability for the employees of the organization, and administrations create favorable conditions for.

Accounting automation - 1C: the benefits of working with the program

Keep personnel records, especially in big company- This is an incredibly responsible and huge work in its scope. But here mistakes are unacceptable! But today there is a way to automate the activities of personnel officers, which can greatly facilitate and simplify the work of the department, improve activities, significantly reducing the risk of errors.

With the help of the 1C program, you can keep records in accordance with legal requirements. The database provides reliable storage of the necessary information on employees. As it accumulates, it becomes possible to build various reports that can help in analyzing the work and developing new directions. For example, reports might look like this:

  • staff turnover rate;
  • personnel statistics;
  • movement of workers, etc.

The program helps to solve almost all problems and tasks of personnel accounting. The head of the enterprise, thanks to 1C, has the opportunity to receive information about the state of affairs in this department, analyze and make the right decisions. management decisions. And also automation allows you to synchronize the activities of several company services (accounting, personnel, accounting department), which improves work efficiency, and also creates all conditions for timely payment of salaries.


So, summing up, we can note the following:

  • Personnel accounting is an essential part of the work of any enterprise.
  • There are several ways to organize accounting. The choice is up to the leader.
  • The duties of a personnel worker are determined by the instruction and the employment contract.
  • There is a list of documents related to personnel work which must be present in every company. And you should start your career in the personnel department by checking these particular documents.
  • Keeping records is much easier if it is automated.

Personnel accounting is the core for the normal and efficient operation of any enterprise. Therefore, it must be approached with all responsibility.

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1C programs for personnel accounting and calculation wages:

The 1C Personnel 8.3 and 8.2 program is an effective and unique tool that is intended for complex automation and personnel records management in municipal institutions, which are on an independent balance sheet, are financed from the federal or regional budget, as well as the state off-budget fund. Using the program allows you to optimize the following tasks:

  • automation of personnel office work;
  • recruitment;
  • personnel analysis and personnel accounting.

Personnel accounting in 1C 8.3

The 1C Personnel program allows you to store not only personal data about employees, but also up-to-date service information. The latter includes the position, the name of the department, office phones and other contacts. The software module registers the promotion of an employee in the organization: starting with hiring, moving, vacations, business trips and ending with dismissal.

Personnel accounting in 1C 8.3 allows you to use the accumulated information to compile a variety of reports. Statistics and movement of personnel, as well as the list of employees of the institution - these are just some of them. If necessary, you can use arbitrary grouping of positions in the organization when generating reports.

Recruitment automation

1C Personnel is able to automate the process of assessing applicants and their selection for a vacant position. Its capabilities allow:

  • store personal information about candidates;
  • store all materials related to the process of working with a candidate: from submitting a resume to the analysis of the results of the survey;
  • schedule meetings with prospective candidates and promptly record decisions made;
  • maintain a database of questions for questionnaires, which makes it possible to speed up and optimize the process of questioning and processing the results.

The main differences between versions 1C 7.7 and 8.3

  • program 1 C Personnel version 8.3 has more advanced functionality that allows you to implement all the main forms for labor accounting: T-10, T-7, T-10a;
  • in version 8.3, it is possible to maintain an archive of information transferred to the FIU. At any time after the transfer of information, you can create a request in the program, and personal data and information about the length of service of employees are not used for this;
  • For maximum convenience, in version 8.3, the list of tasks that can be performed by analyzing those entered into the database has been expanded. If necessary, you can turn on a reminder about the upcoming birthday of an employee or a previously planned personnel transfer, vacation or business trip.

The first thing we see when launching the 1C ZUP 3.1 program is the program interface. Note that the ZUP 3.1 interface can be quite different in different infobases, as it is customizable. For example, in one ZUP 3.1 infobase, the main interface might look like this:

And in another database - it's completely different:

Work with the program 1C 8.3 ZUP is carried out mainly through the section panel: the desired section is selected ( Personnel , Salarya , Payouts , Settings etc.), and then the function from this section:

Note that the composition of functions is also generated automatically based on the data of a specific information base 1C ZUP 3.1. For example, in one infobase, the functionality of travel accounting can be disabled, and a link for entering a document Business trip will be absent, but in another database - such functionality will be enabled in the settings and a link Business trips will be present in the function panel.

In addition, the composition of the interface commands depends on the role of the user who works with the infobase. It is clear that a very different set of functions is required for a human resources specialist and a payroll accountant.

See also our detailed video on the 1C: ZUP 3.1 interface:

If you are a subscriber of the BukhExpert8: 1C ZUP Rubricator system, then see all materials on the ZUP 3.1 Interface:

If you are not subscribed yet:


Program settings ZUP 3.1

The 1C 8.3 ZUP program has many settings, which allows you to flexibly configure it for accounting in a particular organization or group of organizations that has its own corporate features and nuances of personnel accounting and payroll.

Settings are made in the section Setting :

The payroll and personnel records settings are common for all organizations that are accounted for in the infobase. Accounting policy settings for a specific organization are performed directly in the directory Organizations .

Consider the most basic settings of the 1C ZUP 3.1 program.

Calculation and payment of salaries for departments or for the organization as a whole

Calculation and payment of wages in the program 1C 8.3 ZUP can be carried out both in the whole organization and in the context of departments.

In order to make it possible to calculate payroll by department, in the payroll settings ( Setup - Payroll) it should be withdrawn checkbox Calculation and payment of salaries is carried out for the organization as a whole :

In this case, the field appears in accrual documents and payment documents. Subdivision, in which you can specify a specific unit for which accrual and / or payment is made. When the document is automatically filled out, only employees of this department will be included in it.

Advance payment and salary date settings

The planned dates for paying salaries for the first half of the month (traditionally called "advance payment") and wages are set in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program in the directory Organizations (Setup - Enterprise - Organizations) on the tab Accounting policy and other settings link Accounting and payroll :

These dates are subsequently substituted by the program automatically into the accrual documents as planned dates for the payment of income to employees, and for income taken into account for the purposes of calculating personal income tax by the date of payment (temporary disability benefits, vacation pay, etc.) are considered the date of actual receipt of income, therefore it is important immediately correctly indicate these dates in the directory Organizations .

Watch the video tutorial on setting the advance payment date and salary:

If you are a subscriber of the system "BuhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP", then see the materials on the topic "Settings ZUP 3.1":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Basic directories ZUP 3.1

The main directories 1C 8.3 ZUP include the following directories:

  • Organizations – a list of organizations registered in the information base.
  • Subdivisions - a hierarchical list of departments of each organization.
  • Positions- a linear list of positions.
  • Employee work schedules - a list of work schedules that are assigned to employees when they are hired.
  • staffing - description of the staffing structure of the organization, the staff position is a position in a specific division of the organization for which working conditions are set (wages, annual holidays, etc.)
  • Employees- persons with whom the organization has concluded labor or civil law contracts.
  • accruals, Holds - directories of accruals and deductions.

Watch our video tutorial on ZUP 3.1 directories:

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP" system, then see the materials on the topic "Reference books 3.1":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Memo on monthly work in the program ZUP 3.1

When working with the 1C ZUP 3.1 program, it is very important to follow the correct data entry sequence, for example, all employee absenteeism must be entered and approved strictly BEFORE performing the payroll for the month, otherwise the salary will be calculated incorrectly - without taking into account the fact that the employee is part was absent for a month, i.e. He will receive full salary.

How to remember the monthly sequence of actions in the program - see the answer in the video:

A cheat sheet on monthly work in ZUP 3.1 is available at the link:

Personnel accounting in ZUP 3.1

Consider the monthly "personnel" actions in the program 1C 8.3 ZUP. It should be noted that not in all organizations these actions are carried out by a personnel service specialist, so in many organizations, for example, a specialist in the planning and economic department or the department of labor and wages is responsible for entering planned accruals, and in small organizations often all personnel records are kept by an accountant . However, for a more complete understanding of the operation of the program, we divided all functions into personnel and settlement functions in accordance with the typical sets of user rights ZUP 3.1 and further in the Tutorial for 1C 8.3 ZUP we will consider the work of the "personnel officer" and "calculator" separately.

Step 1. Accounting for the movement of personnel (recruits, transfers, dismissals)

All personnel changes for employees (hirings, transfers, dismissals) can be entered in the document journal Receptions, transfers, dismissals (Personnel - Receptions, transfers, dismissals) using the following documents:

  • hiring - with the help of documents Recruitment /hiring list for hiring one / several employees;
  • transfer to another job:
    • Personnel transfer or Personnel transfer by list - are entered to change personnel data and working conditions of one / several employees, respectively;
    • Moving to another division - to register the mass movement of employees between departments, including separate ones (allocated to a separate balance sheet).
  • dismissal - documents are used Dismissal / Dismissal list to register the dismissal of one / several employees.

Consider, using an example, how to register a personnel transfer of an employee to another place of work in 1C 8.3 ZUP.

On January 10, it is necessary to issue an order stating that the employee Pionov O.I. from January 16, he is transferred to the position of senior manager of the sales department finished products paid according to the schedule.

For these purposes, a document is introduced Personnel transfer , which states:

  • Document date – 10.01.2019;
  • Date of transfer – 16.01.2019.

On the tab The main thing the checkbox is checked Transfer to another department or to another position and indicate the new unit and position (staffing position) for the employee:

On the tab Salary automatically, based on the staffing position data, information on planned accruals is loaded. It remains only to check the box Translation approved :

Checkbox Translation approved is not displayed in the form of a document if only one user works with the infobase. In this case, it is considered that the document is entered immediately "approved".

From document Personnel transfer can be printed Transfer order for unified form No. T-5 :

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: 1C ZUP Rubricator" system, then see the materials on the topic "Employee Accounting":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 2. Appointment of allowances and surcharges

Before calculating the advance payment / payroll in 1C 8.3 ZUP, it is necessary to register all changes in the composition of the planned accruals of employees, as well as changes in the employee's accrual indicators: salary, percentage of the allowance, etc.

Documents from the journal can be used to change planned accruals Changes in employee pay (Salary - Changing employee pay):

  • Change in wages - to change the current planned accruals of one employee.
  • Change of planned accruals – to change one or more planned accruals for one or more employees.
  • or Termination of planned accrual - to assign / terminate one accrual to one or several employees.

The procedure for changing the salary of an employee is described in the article:

Let's look at an example of how you can assign planned bonuses to employees.

From January 1, all employees of the department Studio a surcharge in the amount of 10,000 rubles is assigned. per month.

The surcharge type settings are shown below:

Since the allowance is set for several employees, it is convenient to use the document to assign it as a planned calculation type. Assignment of planned accrual .

In it in the field accrual you must select the type of accrual for the allowance, in the field Appointment dates indicate the start of the surcharge - 01.01.2019 :

By button Selection directory will open Employees, where you can select employees of the department Studio. To do this, press the button List view - By divisions:

After pressing the button Choose employees will appear in the tabular section of the document Assignment of planned accruals :

Since the size of the allowance for all employees is the same, you can set it by clicking the button Fill in indicators :

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

If you are a subscriber of the system "BuhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP", then see the materials on the topic "Planned accruals and payroll":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 3. Orders for bonuses

During the month, various one-time accruals can be made to an employee. In particular, personnel officers have access to documents Prize and Material aid . It is worth noting that it is not necessary for the personnel officer to enter these documents; the payer also has the right to enter documents. In practice, the question of who will enter these documents is decided depending on functional duties specialists of the personnel and settlement service of a particular organization.

Consider how an order for a bonus is entered in 1C ZUP 3.1.

On January 10, it is necessary to issue an order for the payment in January of a one-time bonus to management employees of 5,000 rubles.

In this case, the document Prize. In order for this document to become available in the interface of the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, at least one charge must be created with the following settings:

  • in field Purpose of accrual - Premium ;
  • in field Accrual is carried out - a separate document and below the default is Document type - Award .

For our example in the document Prize in field the date indicated - 01/10/2019, and in the requisite Award type accrual is selected One-time premium :

In the tabular section on the button Selection you can load the employees of the department "Management" and by clicking the button Fill in indicators indicate for them the amount of the premium of 5,000 rubles:

The incentive motive can be specified on the tab Additionally :

Then create a printed form Award Order No. T-11a :

Further work with the document is continued by the user with the rights calculator(cm. ).

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

If you are a subscriber of the system "BuhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP", then see the materials on the topic "Awards":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 4. Accounting for vacations, business trips, sick leave and other absences

Before compiling the time sheet, all deviations from the employee's work schedule must be entered into the 1C 8.3 ZUP program: absenteeism and overtime work.

Let's list the journals of documents in which documents-deviations from the work schedule are recorded.

  • Magazine Personnel - All Absences employees includes documents:
    • Sick leave
    • Business trip
    • Vacation
    • Vacation without saving payment etc.
  • Magazine Human Resources - Care leave and return from leave:
    • Holiday to care for the child
    • Return from parental leave
  • Overtime work is taken into account in the section Payroll - Time tracking with the help of documents:
    • Work overtime

The program 1C 8.3 ZUP provides for phased work with these documents: first they are entered and carried out by the personnel officer, and then the calculator approves. If only one user works with the infobase, then the documents are considered approved immediately when they are entered and posted.

Please note that immediately after the deviation documents are posted by a user with the rights of a personnel officer, deviation data is included in the time sheet, but is not yet taken into account when calculating wages, i.e. if you try to calculate the salary, then it will be calculated as if the employee worked for the whole month. In order for absenteeism to be taken into account when calculating wages, they must be approved by the payer, i.е. in such documents, the checkbox must be checked Calculation approved :

Let's look at examples of how a business trip and vacation are issued at our own expense in 1C ZUP 3.1.

Worker Lileykin L.S. is sent on a business trip to the New Technologies LLC organization, which is located in the city of Ryazan, for a period from January 14 to January 16 to conclude an agreement on the supply of equipment, the business trip is financed at the expense of our organization.

To account for a business trip and issue an order, you must enter a document Business trip where on the tab The main thing specify the employee and the period of the trip, and on the tab Additionally - fill in the details for the printed form of the order:

From document Business trip can be printed Order for a business trip in the form No. T-9 :

Business trip displayed in the log in bold:

This means that the document has not yet been approved by the payer, and the travel payment has not yet been accrued. O further work with a document by a user with rights calculator- cm. .

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

Worker Gerankin G.G. filed an application to grant him leave at his own expense for family reasons from 14 to 16 January. The head of the organization agreed on the provision of leave to the employee.

To enter a vacation at your own expense, one of the following documents can be used: Vacation, Leave of employees, Leave without pay, Leave without saving the payment list .

We will use document Leave without pay , in which we indicate the employee and the vacation period.

In field Vacation type you must select one of the values:

  • - leave granted at the request of the employee, which is agreed with the management of the organization (in Tabel denoted " BEFORE »)
  • Leave without pay acc. with part 2 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in Tabel denoted " OZ"") - a vacation that the employer owes to the employee in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In our case, the employee applied for leave at his own expense for family reasons, so in the field Vacation type choose a value Leave without pay acc. with part 1 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation .

You can get a printed form from a document Order for leave in the form of No. T-6 :

After holding the document by the personnel officer, the document Vacation at your own expense appears in the log in bold because it has not yet been approved by a user with rights calculator :

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

If you are a subscriber of the BukhExpert8: 1C ZUP Rubricator system, then see the materials on the topic of Accounting for vacations, business trips and other absences:

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 5. Drawing up a time sheet

The hours worked are taken into account in the 1C ZUP 3.1 program using the deviation method: a work schedule for employees is drawn up in advance (if necessary, a document is entered Individual schedule ), and then all deviations from the schedule are entered using deviation documents ( Sick leave, Business trip, Work on weekends and holidays etc.).

If it is impossible to take into account the hours worked in this way (for example, when the employee’s departures for work cannot be planned in advance in the schedule), a document is entered report card .

Note that, in the general case, the input of a document report card not required, the time sheet is compiled and printed using a report report card (Salary - Payroll Reports - Timesheet (T-13)):

Watch our video tutorial on compiling a time sheet in the 1C: ZUP 3 program:

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP" system, then see the materials on the topic "Work schedules and time tracking":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Payroll in ZUP 3.1

Consider the monthly "settlement" actions in the program 1C 8.3 ZUP 3.1, i.e. activities that a payroll accountant usually performs. It should be noted that in a particular organization, an accountant can also perform those actions that we described in this article as “personnel”. For example, it is the calculator that can assign . In the program, enter planned charges - common function, which is available to both the personnel officer and the payer.

Step 1. Entering planned deductions

Entering planned deductions is a function that in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program is assigned exclusively to the calculator. Documents from the journal are used to enter planned deductions Alimony and other deductions (Salary - Alimony and other deductions):

  • Performance list
  • Permanent retention for the benefit of third parties

Some of these documents Performance list, Withholding voluntary insurance premiums, Withholding voluntary contributions to NPFs, Withholding union dues ) become available if in the settings of the composition of accruals and deductions () on the tab Holds set the appropriate checkboxes:

To make documents visible Permanent retention in favor of third parties persons or Retention from other transactions at least one assigned hold must be created Other retention to third parties or Withholding against settlements on other transactions respectively:

Since January 10, the employee Khrizantemov A.A. assigned scheduled withholding on the writ of execution in favor of Khrizantemova A.Yew. in the amount of 25% of earnings, the transfer of money to the recipient will be made to the recipient's bank account, the bank's commission is deducted from the employee's earnings.

In this case, you need to use the document Performance list (Salary - Deductions - Writs of execution) by filling it out like this:

  • in field Employee the employee Khrizantemov A.A. is indicated;
  • in field Recipient- recipient of alimony - Khrizantemova L.Yu. (you will first need to create an element in the directory Counterparties );
  • indicate the start date of the retention - 01/10/2019;
  • specify Calculation method - as a percentage and set a value of 25% of earnings;
  • because the bank commission will be deducted from the employee's earnings, then you need to check the box Use a payment agent , select the desired bank and set the rate for calculating the bank commission.

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP" system, then see the materials on the topic "Retention":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 2. Approval of documents before advance payment calculation

After the deviation documents are created and carried out by the personnel officer, the calculator should start working on the same documents. Until the calculator approves these documents, no accruals will pass on them, and they will not affect the calculation of the advance or salary in any way. Such documents in the logs are visible as posted and in bold:

If only one user works in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, then when posting documents, they are immediately considered approved, and are taken into account when calculating wages and advance payments. Checkboxes Calculation approved or Time taken into account in documents in this case are not displayed.

Work with documents user with rights calculator maybe through a special workplaceSettlements and payments , and through journals with relevant documents.

Workplace Settlements and payments (Salary - Calculations and payments) is a kind of "salary control center". In this tool:

  • there are links for quick entry of new documents;
  • all entered but not yet calculated documents are shown, as well as accruals already made;
  • reflects the need to recalculate wages;
  • already entered statements for the payment of salaries are shown and there are commands for creating new payments.

Consider which documents from our cross-cutting example we need to approve before the calculation of the advance (salary for the first half of the month).

Must be approved Leave without pay Gerankin from 14 to 16 January 2019:

As for the business trip, it may not be approved before calculating the advance, since the employee worked during this period (although he was on a business trip) and there is no reason to “deprive” his salary when calculating the advance. Therefore, you can calculate the advance as if the employee worked, and business trip approve before payroll. In this case, the amount of the advance paid will be taken into account in the final payment of the salary for the month.

There is another way of working - business trip approve. In this case, the advance payment for the first half of the month will be calculated taking into account the period of the employee's business trip, i.e. the period of the business trip will be considered "unworked" time. If at the same time in the document Business trip indicate that it must be paid “in advance”, then both the amount for the first half of the month and the calculated amount of average earnings, but for the entire period of the business trip, will be paid in advance.

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

Step 3. Entering one-time charges paid before the advance or with the advance

During the month, additional one-time amounts can be calculated and paid to the employee. To enter such accruals, you should use the documents:

  • Prize
  • One-time charges
  • Material aid
  • Lump sum allowance at the expense of the FSS
  • income in kind

Note that the documents Prize and Material aid can be entered by a user with the rights of a personnel officer, in this case, the payer only needs to check and approve these documents. If deductions are provided for material assistance, then for the correct calculation of personal income tax, after the document is completed by the personnel officer, the user with the rights calculator it is necessary to select all lines with employees in the document (the combination of "hot keys" ctrl+A), press the right mouse button and select the item in the menu that opens. Recalculate an employee :

We will consider an example when material assistance is entered immediately by the payroll calculator.

Worker Landysheva L.S. material assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles is accrued, provided for by the social policy of the organization upon marriage. Financial assistance will be paid along with the advance payment.

To enter material assistance in 1C 8.3 ZUP, you must use the document Material aid ().

In order for this document to become available, you should go to the settings for the composition of accruals and deductions ( Settings - Payroll - link Set up the composition of accruals and deductions) on the tab Material aid check the box Financial assistance paid to employees :

After that, in the guide accruals several types of calculations will be created related to material assistance and various options for their taxation with personal income tax and contributions. In chapter The salary document becomes available Material aid .

In our case, it is necessary to check that in the directory accruals there is financial assistance with a personal income tax code - 2760 and type of income from insurance premiums - Financial assistance subject to insurance premiums in part :

Financial assistance should be accrued using the document Material aid (Salary - financial assistance), selecting an employee and indicating the amount of material assistance - 5,000 rubles.

Since the payment of this accrual is planned in advance, in the field Pay you should choose a value in advance. By default, the advance is paid every 20th day of the month. However, January 20, 2019 falls on a holiday, so the payment must be made the day before on the next business day, i.e. January 18, 2019 Therefore, in the field Payment date indicate 01/18/2019.

When entering the amount of material assistance, the required deduction for this income in the amount of 4,000 rubles is automatically provided. and personal income tax is calculated - 130 rubles:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 4. Calculation and payment of the advance

Depending on which advance payment method is set for the employee, the advance payment is entered using different documents.

If the advance is paid in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the tariff, then it is entered immediately Vedomosti… for advance payment. If the advance payment is paid according to the calculation for the first half of the month, then the calculation of the advance payment is required, which is made by the document ( Salary - Accruals for the first half of the month).

The procedure for calculating and paying an advance payment is discussed in detail in the article:

Consider the payment of an advance on an example.

The advance payment to the employees of the organization is paid in different ways: some - in a fixed amount, the main part of the employees - according to the calculation for the first half of the month, payment is made through the cashier. By default, the advance is paid on the 20th of each month. However, January 20, 2019 is a holiday, so the advance payment for January must be made the day before on the next business day. Thus, the advance payment for January 2019 should be paid on 01/18/2019. Together with the advance payment, material assistance is paid, while personal income tax is withheld, which is also transferred to the budget on January 18, 2019 according to payment order No. 12.

Since for some employees the advance payment method is set as Calculation for the first half of the month , then first we introduce the document Charge for the first half of the month :

To pay an advance in our example, a document is created Statement to the cashier (Payments - Statement to the cashier - Statement to the cashier). In field pay out value is indicated Prepaid expense. After that, the button is pressed Fill and the document is filled in automatically:

As for the employee Landysheva L.S., in addition to the calculated amount for the first half of the month, which amounted to 8,823.53 rubles. and personal income tax from it - 1,147 rubles, the amount is loaded from the document Material aid — 5,000 rubles. and personal income tax from it in the amount of 130 rubles.

As a result, the employee gets the amount To payoff :

  • 8,823.53 (calculation for the 1st half) - 1,147 (personal income tax from the amount for the 1st half) + 5,000 (mat. assistance) - 130 (personal income tax with financial assistance) = 12,546.53 rubles.

To column personal income tax to be transferred tax only falls on material assistance in the amount of 130 rubles. Personal income tax on income for the 1st half of the month reduces the amount payable, but is not yet considered withheld. This is explained by the fact that the advance refers to income in the form of wages, the date of receipt of which is determined as the last day of the month of accrual, respectively, at the time of payment of the advance, there is still no fact of income and grounds for withholding tax. Personal income tax from income for the 1st half of the month will be withheld upon payment of wages for the month (see, for example, Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2016 N 03-04-06 / 63250, Letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2016 N BS-4- 11/320).

The amount of personal income tax from material assistance paid in advance is transferred by the organization on the day the advance is paid. Therefore, according to the link Salary payment and transfer of personal income tax leave the flag checked The tax is listed along with the salary and indicate the data of the payment order - No. 12 of 01/18/2019:

Watch also the video solution for the advance payment example:

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP" system, then see the materials on the topic "Advance payment":

If you are not subscribed yet:

After subscribing, you will have access to all materials on 1C ZUP, recordings of supporting broadcasts and you will be able to ask any questions on 1C.

Step 5. Approval of documents before payroll

In the cross-cutting example we are considering, we have to approve two documents for January - this is Business trip and Prize .

Document Business trip the amount has already been calculated, it remains to check it and approve the document by checking the appropriate box:

Concerning Prizes, then special attention should be paid to accounting for the premium for personal income tax purposes.

According to the current clarifications of the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance, the date of receipt of income for a one-time bonus related to the work of an employee should be determined by the date of its payment. To do this, in the 1C ZUP 3.1 program in the bonus settings on the tab Taxes, contributions, accounting must be selected Income code2002 and indicated Income Category Other income from employment:

In this case, the document Prize personal income tax will be calculated, which from 5,000 rubles. will be:

  • 5,000 (amount of premium) * 13% = 650 rubles.

The bonus is paid together with the salary for January 2019. The salary payment date set in the organization’s settings is the 5th day of each month in February 2019, which falls on a working day, therefore, in the document Prize no need to transfer Payment date for an earlier date. It remains only to approve the document:

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

Step 6. Entering the values ​​of monthly and accumulated indicators

If the organization uses piecework wages or accruals, the result of which depends on the labor indicators achieved by employees, then it is necessary to work out piecework and enter the values ​​of such indicators through the journal Data for payroll (Payroll - Payroll data).

A set of papers in this journal, as well as appearance of these documents is determined by the ones configured in the infobase Initial data entry templates (Setup - Source Data Entry Templates).

Consider entering indicators for payroll using an example.

The organization accrues a surcharge for trips of employees (1,000 rubles for each trip). During the month, employees made the following number of trips:

  • Astrov - 6 trips;
  • Peonies - 5 trips;
  • Rozanov - 10 trips.

The accrual type for calculating the surcharge is configured as follows:

The accrual formula provides for the multiplication of the indicator Number of trips per month on the value of the indicator. Accrual will be performed automatically if the employee is specified Number of trips per month .

Index The amount of compensation for 1 trip configured as an organization-wide metric that is used in all months after entering a value:

To enter the value of this indicator, a Initial data entry template :

The value of the indicator is entered through the journal Data for payroll by entering a document Amount of compensation for one trip :

To record the number of trips of each employee, a metric is created Number of trips per month , numeric, individual for an employee, is entered at a time by the data entry document for payroll calculation:

To enter the number of trips of employees, a Initial data entry template :

To be able to enter data for several employees at once on the tab Additionally the corresponding checkbox is set:

The number of trips by employee is entered through the journal Data for payroll by creating a document Employee trips :

Watch the video of the solution for this example:

If you are a subscriber of the "BukhExpert8: Rubricator 1C ZUP" system, then see the materials

Correct maintenance of personnel data in the 1C: ZUP program is very important. Otherwise, you will encounter frequent errors in documents and reports, for example with . Many reports from this program are submitted to regulatory authorities and errors are inappropriate here.

In this step by step instructions we will consider in detail the process of hiring an employee in 1C 8.3 ZUP edition 3.1.

In this example, we use the demo version of the program and perform all actions under the account of the head of the human resources department. Depending on the rights available to the user, this functionality may have a different location or may not be available at all.

Let's go to the start page and click on the "New Employee" hyperlink.

Our team provides services for consulting, setting up and implementing 1C.
You can contact us by phone +7 499 350 29 00 .
Services and prices can be seen at the link.
We will be glad to help you!

In the directory card that opens, select an organization.

Remember that the program has an algorithm for splitting this field into separate details: last name, first name and patronymic. It separates them from each other by spaces. In the case of a double surname, it must be indicated through a dash without spaces.

There are three hyperlinks to the right of the full name field:

Personal data, information about education, family, employment, insurance are filled in using the appropriate hyperlinks at the top of the form. If necessary, you can also attach a file to the employee's card, for example, with his photo or scanned copies of documents.

When you have entered all the necessary data, click "Save and close."

Directory "Individuals"

After creating an employee in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, a new individual was automatically created. This guide is located in the "Personnel" section.

An individual and an employee are two different things. An individual may not be an employee.

For one directory element individuals There may be multiple employees. This is done because a person can work in a company not only at his main place of work. He may have several contracts, for example, the main, part-time and GPC.

This mechanism is implemented so that, in accordance with the legislation, personal income tax is considered common for all places of work for one individual. The rest of the calculations are carried out separately.

For example, an employee works in our organization and this is his main place of work. Also, funds are periodically transferred to him under the GPC agreement. Personal income tax should be charged total (summed up under both agreements). Charges will be made separately. The program will have one individual and two employees.

In this regard, it is very important to control the absence of duplicates in the directory of individuals. Otherwise, undesirable consequences are possible with incorrect calculations and with the tax authorities. Besides, tax deductions tied to an individual.

To avoid these situations when filling in the data (for example, TIN) in the employee card, if the program finds an individual with the same data, it will display a corresponding message.

If duplicates of individuals appear, contact the program administrator to merge cards with personal data using special processing.

Document "Recruitment"

We have added a new employee to the program. Now let's move on to hiring an employee. You can do this in 1C ZUP 8.3 on the home page, in the employee's card, or through the "Personnel" menu.

In our example, we will accept an employee from the home page, since those persons who are not hired are clearly displayed there, which is quite convenient.

To do this, select the created employee in the corresponding table and right-click. In the context menu, select the "Apply for a job" item.

In the opened document, some fields were filled in automatically. If necessary, correct them, as well as indicate the department and position.

If you fill out, then wages will be substituted from it. Let's go to the appropriate tab. That's right, the accrual was filled from the position of the staffing table. These data can be corrected.

If you do not maintain a staffing table, the "Payment" tab must be filled out manually.
