Business plan: lighting store - chandeliers, lamps and lamps - Shops and groceries. How to open a lighting store How to learn how to sell chandeliers

Konstantin Lamin left big business for the world of manual labor - and now he is quite satisfied with life

Konstantin Lamin went into business in his second year at the institute and has not been employed for a day since. The serial entrepreneur had companies in various fields: high-tech, IT, legal, media. About a year and a half ago, circumstances developed in such a way that none of this was left in a living form. Then he decided to do what he liked for a long time - the design of lamps.

44 years old, entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, founder of a workshop (production of designer lamps). Born in Novorossiysk. Graduated from the Technological Institute. Lensoveta (specialty "system engineer"). Prior to launching the project for the production of lamps, he was engaged in business in the field of IT and high technologies. Married, three children.

First experience

I went to college to study artificial intelligence. Probably fantasy played a role. I liked programming, it was easy. But in order to do something in this area, resources were needed. In my second year, I went into business. It was a joint venture - five students who developed custom software. Of course, everyone wanted to make money. But we were also driven by the fact that the institute was far behind in technical terms, and we were interested in understanding how the industry really works today.

Over time, I became something like a director there - I looked for orders, organized the process. But he also wrote software. For what we just did not take! Students, on the other hand, have a lot of brains, even more ideas. They made an automation system for a marine insurance company, a banking system for cryptography. Automation was already a promising niche back then. But it's not so easy to take a contract from large enterprise when everyone has his own court office.

In this form, the company lasted until the fifth year. To be honest, our business was rotten, profit - from time to time. None of the partners showed a special entrepreneurial spirit. After graduating from the institute, everyone fled in all directions: one went to Finland, the other contacted Oracle, and so on. Everyone settled in fine.

And I ended up alone - in a decent office, which I rented for the future in the city center. What to do? I was brought out of a stupor by a senior comrade, an entrepreneur. “Rejoice,” he says, “get rid of the ballast!” I thought, maybe it's true. And then he started working alone.

I recruited people, we began to actively trade in software, money appeared. I decided to expand. Together with a former prosecutor, he opened the law firm Titan-Consulting on Liteiny. Basically, we sold additional services to those who bought legal software from us. At that time, there was already a large base.

At one time we were even one of the main registrars, but after five years I left this business. The main reason is that we simply do not have such a form of partnership with lawyers in which they would not take away clients. Let's say, in the West, a lawyer will think a hundred times before going for it - he can fly out of a lifelong partnership, lose his position in the ratings, his degree. With us, you invest in finding a clientele, and then it falls off in pieces along with lawyers. And in general, it turned out that this business is not about brains, but about connections and "that's all." In general, out.

Hike to the West

In IT development, I saw two prospects: sit on orders or do something of my own, which is not on the market at all. Experience has shown that it will not work to develop at the expense of large contracts. It's not about competition, it's just that someone has a relative minister, and someone doesn't. But it was also sad with our own developments - this market in Russia in 2000 was a penny. All that was left was to go West. Well, why not?

We decided to develop a speech recognition system. I am using my supervisor found people, assembled a team. We made a prototype and went to the SpeechTek exhibition in New York. There are stands, music, noise. And for everyone, recognition in such conditions does not work well, but for us it works well! The press has gone.

Encouraged by our success, we decided to approach large customers directly to sell them our technology. And faced with local fermented patriotism. For example, Hewlett Packard released a handheld (Pocket PC) - it was a product that we ideally hit with our software. We say: "Try it, everything works, you only need to put a microphone." They say, "Sorry, we work with IBM." We: “Well, work, but they don’t have such a product, but we do.” They again: “You don’t understand. We work with IBM." There were several such attempts - and all to no avail.

Many projects in the field of high tech brought me nothing but pleasure and knowledge. But this is also a lot, not burned on a yacht and not on a house

Didn't work out with B2B, went to B2C. In 2002, they made a speech organizer - in my opinion, the first in the world. You could set yourself a program - and not write, but slander contacts, tasks, etc. For this development, we received the first prize in the Best Software Award. The second, by the way, went to IBM.

We successfully sold this software until the speech recognition function was subjugated by Google and Apple, embedding it into the operating system. At some point, the demand just dried up.

At this time, in Russia, under Defense Minister Serdyukov, an attempt was made to attract successful private companies to the development of military technologies. We were contacted through RUSSOFT about the interface for the Ratnik equipment systems. We received an invitation to participate in the program, presented a prototype at an exhibition in Kubinka and won the competition. And then the project got stuck: we heard that some lieutenant colonel was promoting us, but the contract for electronics had already been given to another company. As a result, funding was cut for Ratnik. And the Ministry of Defense said: oops, guys, sorry.

It was fun

In general, for 20 years of entrepreneurship, I managed to try a lot. I had an international IT company Speereo Software UK, a local IT outsourcer ComputerProf, legal business, a production company (a division of Titan Information Service), even agribusiness - I bought land in the Stavropol Territory, which I rent to local farmers.

All of these projects have had different fates. For example, a loss-making IT outsourcer (maintenance of the IT infrastructure of small companies) was taken away by the director - and quickly closed. He thought I was cheating him with money. There is a low profit, a lot of "leftists". Everything that was earned from serving a couple of hundred customers was invested in expansion.

The most fun was in IT and high technologies. Millions of users. Research contracts with Toyota, Intel, Sony, Nokia. We made a car speech recognition system - you could control your voice. We came up with several solutions for mobile phones. We went through the entire "krupnyak" in the world and the entire VC-bed in Russia. We entered Skolkovo (as for me - a stillborn idea). Even Google wanted to buy us, but it didn't work out.

About a year and a half ago, circumstances developed in such a way that none of this was left in a living form. And I decided to take up the design of lamps.

Let there be light

In fact, I have long wanted to earn money doing what I like, and not gradually turn into an evil corporation. To avoid unnecessary fuss and constant panic. But "institute, exams, session."

There is another reason for this transition from business to craft - a kind of disillusionment. Now I'm not talking about self-confidence: in this regard, businessmen are wild optimists. Nothing without this. I'm talking about the illusion of such a plan that you can play by the rules and remain a decent person, not carry money right and left. And if you don’t play by the rules, then you need to do something simpler, in the “man to man” format.

If you do your job well, everything will be fine financially. This does not mean that you should not think about profit. It is necessary - but in the second place

There are several lamp shops on my street - I, as a child, could spend hours fascinated by some of the works. For many years I gave good lamps on occasion and without. Flipping through catalogs on the Internet. At some point, I noticed several interesting niches in this business.

First, large-sized light. I wanted to give my sister a six-meter span lamp for a spiral staircase - and I did not find one in Russia. It is clear why. Because it's expensive to carry volume weight large, the height is different for everyone.

The second niche that I saw was designer light, which was traditionally supplied by Europe. But in recent years, Europe has risen in price, and at the same time finally turned into China. Finally, the third attractive niche that I saw was wood lamps. It's cheaper here than anywhere else.

In general, I decided that there is a place in this market. It remains to check - can I? Made a small collection. I showed it to my designer friends. They say, "Cool." After that, some business has already begun.

The hardest part is the design.

Did everything myself. I had a skill: when we produced electronic devices, we made both the filling and the cases ourselves. I was versed in technology. Some methods of wood processing comprehended in the process.

The most difficult thing in the production of light is the design. I didn't learn it, it's innate. There is nothing to do without taste in design. But it's bad if the designer draws what he doesn't understand how to do. Usually this ends with a lot of rework and an incomprehensible output product.

I posted photos on social networks - and representatives of a large chain of lighting stores, positioning themselves as a German company, quickly found out about me. They offered to make a series under a joint brand. I was required to come up with five concepts that we could put into production. It was a new bar - the European level. The task was interesting and the profit promised to be good - the cost of lamps in the collection reached 70 thousand.

But while I was making the collection, the stores changed their concept - they went into the budget sector. They used to have good things that people stopped buying because there is no money. We switched to consumer goods - people are now crowding there. That's life. However, I did not lose - I sold the collection within a few months.

What is this market

The production of designer lamps in Russia is a very small market. More than 95% of the fixtures in the country are China and China under the guise of Europe. It is clear that the same Italians have cool things. But what is shown at the exhibition in Milan, if they are carried to Russia, is rarely and on order. There is no demand.

Consumers are unskilled and too poor in their mass. The Russian lamp in their head is something they can save on. People sincerely do not understand how you can ask for 70-100 thousand rubles for a floor lamp. Or a million and a half for a chandelier. Sometimes they write angry letters to me.

I noticed that interior tastes in Russia are shaped by movies and series. A loft appeared in them - and here it is with us. The "Game of Thrones" became popular - the fashion for a "rough" tree went. We have cyberpunk ahead of us. He has already appeared in the series - take the same "Altered Carbon".

A unique lamp is expensive. The price of 50 thousand rubles is low, if we are not talking about a series. Because design and development is included in the cost of one, not a million copies. Technological preparation, equipment, tools, search for suppliers of materials and components - too. In some ways, this niche is similar to contemporary art. Here, in addition to the unique design, precedents, iconic buyers are important.

There are niches that are not closed by Chinese factories. The same large lamps for public spaces - they are too expensive to carry. Or lamps for temples - here you need to be deeply in the subject. There are super-competitive niches - for example, technologically simple lamps, copies and "rehashings" of famous samples. Russian producers are more active in this sector. "Changing" China is boring, but it can be profitable. The cost of labor is now almost equal.

If we talk about the world, then there are design offices in the US and Europe that do not compete with China, but are rebuilt from it. They do something that is not yet on the market, they use other materials.

In Russia, there is no community in the field of designer lighting - too small a segment. Pinterest saves: a minimum of words - a maximum of ideas.

First lessons

My first customers were designers who decorated shops and cafes. Then I exhibited samples in a partner store, they also bought something there. I went to lighting stores with an offer to exhibit my product. It was not a very good experience - commission kills profitability. The trip to interior designers turned out to be completely stupid. But I had to try.

I sold 20 lamps in a year. And he radically changed his strategy: from private consumers to public spaces, from finished products- to individual orders.

Why is that? The appearance of a designer lamp in a public space - a store, a cafe or a place of worship - is free advertising. In private interiors, it does not work well. Do not count on the fact that some big businessman will recommend you to twenty friends. In this environment, ostentatious consumption is still blooming, and buying something from Russians is not cool. Even if this happens, the customer says (and sometimes thinks) that this is Europe.

Working with private interiors is good when the brand already has a reputation. With a promoted brand, the high price does not bother anyone. My goal today is to build a name on public commissions, and then launch serial things.

One of the main surprises was that interior designers do not look at all towards local light workshops. Many of them are on commission from salons. Most orders from designers look like this: “Do you see this (some item from an exhibition or from the Internet)? Make it cheaper." Well, why should I?

Why are public spaces interesting?

Every month, a dozen "conceptual" cafes open in St. Petersburg. Among them there are those that are made according to the mind. They are looking for atmospheric things. In such places, people are willing to pay for uniqueness, for beauty.

In addition to cafes, there are shops. Retail space a lot is being built - and they all need to be decorated. And not only the departments themselves inside, but also the corridors and halls. But you have to get into this niche. So far, only a small fish store has ordered a lamp from me.

There are also outdoor spaces, street lighting. I am currently making a series of lanterns in the style of an elite village.

And finally, there is the temple light - this is a separate story, very important for me.

Temple lamp

I got into this niche by accident. The familiar abbot saw what I was doing and said: can you make a lamp for us? I'll try. Done - went to other orders.

Temple lighting is a sphere monopolized by Sofrino ( artistic and production enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church - approx. editions). There are no people who want to compete with them - a special style is required here. Sometimes there are alterations of candle church lamps for electricity - but this is up to the first fireman.

Despite Sofrino's monopoly, I calmly entered this area. Perhaps it plays a role that we are cheaper in price. I am paid not by the ROC, but by their sponsors.

Now I have the fifth such lamp in my work. One is ready, hanging in the church at the courtyard of the Valaam Monastery in Priozersk. I can't talk about the rest yet. But two will be in the Leningrad region, two in St. Petersburg. All orders are different, made from three months up to a year. Weight - from 20 to 400 kg. The cost is from 150 thousand to three million.

Temple light has its own specifics. Firstly, the materials must be durable - from a hundred years of service. Plastic, any rusty metal are excluded. Matte paints are not used, everything should be mirrored. Safety standards are 100% met.

These are large complex rooms that are not easy to illuminate from wall to wall, there is directional light. Therefore, most cathedrals are dark. Some abbots like it, it seems atmospheric. Others ask for light everywhere.

I did not go to churches of other confessions - as an Orthodox, I understand the symbolic language of the Russian Orthodox Church, but there it is my own. In addition, we have only a few non-Orthodox churches.

If in 2017 I made 20 lamps, mainly for private interiors, then this year I plan to complete only four orders. All are lamps for temples, which are 20 times larger and more expensive than those made for a private trader. The quantity is less, but the profitability is higher.

Enterprise economy

Starting investments amounted to 200 thousand rubles. The project paid off in a year, in 2017 the turnover amounted to about 300 thousand rubles.

I have an individual entrepreneur, and while tax holidays. I did not attract credit funds, although at first there were a lot of expenses. Occasional sales did not cover the initial investment.

About half of the price of an economically normal product is materials, components and external specialized services (cutting, engraving, painting, coatings). If the product is the first in a series, experimental, then it happens that the costs are higher. The rest is the cost of my labor and profit. If you throw 100% of the store's cheat on it, then it hits me or the buyer.

In a small series (5-10 pieces), the economy is slightly different - there is a place for a trade margin. You need to find your hits in order to freeze funds in the series. I haven't found it yet. All were sold one by one. Although personally I especially like the wooden chandelier-beam "Vira". It turned out to be very real, timeless, symbolizing the transition from gloss to brutality.

  • The cost of "secular" lampsK- lama- from 8,500 rubles for a vintage "Proff" and 9,950 rubles for a minimalistic "Silver Cloud" to 68,500 rubles for D "ART, which imitates a multi-level candle chandelier, and 79,950 rubles for a Cyberpunk-style "Collector".

The advantage of a small business is the absence of office, staff, loans and advertising costs. Instead - partners for a number of technological operations, long-term relationships with suppliers. Everything you can do, you do yourself. If you don't know how, you learn. I have enough workshop in my own house and accumulated over the years of relative "wealth" of equipment.

You are constantly looking for new technologies and materials. Peter in this regard is a good city. Each machine or installation at the former factory is now a separate company. There are all technical possibilities. Less than in China, but faster and "looking into the eyes." You can agree and stand up to the laser cutter yourself so that the worker does not scratch the polished sheet.

I usually involve assistants when I need to collect and hang a big thing. I order coating and cutting, complex metalworking from contractors. This year I plan to attract people to the assembly. I’ll probably also take a logistician, because a lot of time is spent on transportation.

All orders that have been so far have come from St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region and Moscow. The capital is, of course, a more solvent market, and I would like to enter it. This requires partners and recommendations. I'm just working on this.

How it's done

The work consists mainly of dreams and realization. First, an idea appears - an effect, technology, form, material - and then a customer for it. Why not vice versa is hard to say. An important stage is to stylistically adjust one to the other, marry the idea and the customer.

There are conservative customers in terms of style, but they are normally related to innovations. There is old money, with a party and banking background - the main consumers of Italian classics. But there are also new ones - from the IT environment, with good taste, understanding of steampunk, cyberpunk, industrial styles. They do not need to be explained what the values ​​of uniqueness and "realness" are. For them, this is more important than "expensive-rich."

I don't use imitations. Real materials are both easier and more profitable for me. Imitation is mass market

I use steel, copper, silver, carbon fiber, wood, crystal, hemp. Decent quality material, with the exception of wood and crystal, is imported. Taiwan, India, Germany make high-quality semi-finished products (polished sheets, pipes). Fittings, cable and fasteners - German. We often simply do not have such positions.

I buy materials from DIY stores or their suppliers. Often it is better to buy material in general from those who process it (sputtering, cutting). Some things you have to look for - stainless tubes, for example. Or textured corrugated metal - it is brought from Germany in small leaves, but I need large sheets.

My strength requirements are low, so the material is selected according to appearance. Sometimes some kind of board or beam will hook and be deposited on a shelf in the workshop, waiting in the wings.

I buy lamps, cartridges and other electronics exclusively from German manufacturers. They are sold in specialized St. Petersburg stores.

In addition to me, at least four contractors are involved in the work on projects - cutting, coating with precious metals, complex metalworking, etc. All in Petersburg. We have a lot to find.


The range covers chandeliers from 80 cm to 16 m in diameter, as well as floor lamps and table lamps in rustic, cyberpunk, chalet, industrial, mid-century styles. The latest collection "Cyborgs" is made in cyberpunk style. It was finally formed at the beginning of 2018, the main idea is a combination of wood and metal, living and non-living.

This year I do not plan to do more new products. Now I am focusing on the production of large lamps for public spaces.

Some of the lights didn't work. Somewhere I did not find material, technology. For example, I had an idea for a lamp with a projection on the ceiling, but technologically I could not replace the element that creates the image in the projector. I had to postpone.

Business specifics

This business is built entirely on personal relationships. Yet people love beauty. It is always easier to negotiate with the supplier when you clearly explain. Usually they have more boring customers, and then you start showing, half the office comes running to look. People open up, advise, share knowledge, want to help. And so everywhere.

The uniqueness and small series sweep aside many technologies - stamping, for example, or casting. There is one detail in the mass market - I have five. But it also provides other means of expression.

The currency affects - components and materials become more expensive, and foreign light becomes much more expensive. Now the author's lamp costs a little more than a serial European or American one. This circumstance increases the market for me.

There is seasonality. In the summer - a failure associated with the repair. Everyone usually plans to buy light by the end of summer, but they actually buy it in the fall. Peak sales - December. But this year the situation with repairs does not affect me.

There is another problem: usually, when it comes to lighting fixtures, customers already run out of money. You need to know when to come. In the temple that is being built, they tell me: come back in three years. And I come to the temple, which has been standing for ten years already, they say to me: how on time you are!

It often happens that people are looking for a replacement lamp - a couple of years after the repair. Floor lamps are generally rarely bought immediately.

Promotion and sales

I came up with the name of the company without much effort. In this business, brand-consumer communications are sporadic. Buying lamps is a very rare event, no one is specifically interested in brands, does not remember them. They choose according to their pocket and what they like - often spontaneously. It is important to “be on the shelf” and establish B2B communications. And here the reputation and connections are more important. You need to do quality things and surprise all the time.

Advertising in the niche of designer lighting does not work well. Well, here's an affiliate ad on the glossy page in the "Dessert Digest" - no use. It's not a massive topic. Yes, a context aimed at a request for elite gifts can work, but so far it has not reached the hands.

Brand promotion among the mass consumer is meaningless. You have to go straight out. That is, what you can see, touch, see.

I have not participated in exhibitions yet. This is a month of work, a decent investment. Its output is difficult to predict. Disappointed online sales services, online fairs. They are ruined by the lack of moderation and segmentation. My products are buried there under the mass of consumer goods. It is pointless to invest efforts in local advertising there.

Another thing - if there was an electronic alternative to gloss. For example, an influential YouTube channel about design, including subject matter. Reviews of cool things, education of taste. Where did it come from, what's the point. This might be interesting.

My client is a customer. Not a designer, not a decorator, not a purchasing manager. I have many acquaintances in the circle of wealthy people. I myself lived like this. I know what influences their decisions. For example, in my apartment there is not a single plastic part. It just shakes me.

Promotion here is tied to the product. Plus word of mouth. If a lamp hangs somewhere and pleases hundreds of people, they show it to guests and pay attention to its uniqueness - so it sells you, and not you. Quality and reputation are what you need to think about. Then you are not ashamed to recommend.

The project is only one and a half years old. I went through the stage of testing hypotheses - on the quality of the product and the presence of niches. In the first question, it was important for me to hear the opinion of professional designers and buyers. Their approval meant a lot. The hypothesis that a good product at the first stage is more important than marketing efforts was confirmed. Promises and sketches are great, but the lamp needs to be seen, felt, turned on.

Direct sales proved to be more effective than online and offline channels. A real exclusive turned out to be more profitable than small series. Some cool Western brands are even companies of one successful product. They make it for years and condemn plagiarism. That's also possible.

Now I have a temple lamp with a diameter of 4 meters in my work. There is no time, no energy, no desire for anything else. This business cannot be passed on to performers in order to rush somewhere else. And yes, there is room to move.

Such a business can be replicated thanks to small-scale production. I plan to attract more people - first with specialized skills, then maybe students. Maybe later, when I'm going to retire, there will be my own young designers.

I am fascinated by small family workshops that have become big and famous without losing quality. They make yachts, furniture, lamps. There are fewer of them, but effective technologies are becoming available in small print runs, the demand for individuality is growing. There will be a renaissance.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Any idea is often compared to a light bulb. A business idea can be compared to a light bulb Green colour- by analogy with the notorious American currency. And it is quite realistic to make money on the sale of these same light bulbs, only real ones (trading business ideas is a very special business). Lighting devices, without exaggeration, are needed in every room, in every room, and depending on the purpose, the range of lighting products can be huge. Ordinary incandescent lamps generally belong to consumer goods, because they often burn out and leave the inhabitant without light. Mankind can no longer do without artificial light, and this need can make quite good money.

Today's lighting market, of course, is filled with entrepreneurs, but you can take your place here, the main thing is to offer the buyer those goods that no one else has. Directly something new in terms of technology is unlikely to be found, but it is quite possible to purchase interesting lighting fixtures that will attract the attention of the consumer. A light store, however ambiguous it may sound, can be a good idea for your undertaking if you approach this matter correctly.

Lighting devices can be completely different directions. For residential premises, their products are designed, while the purpose of the room also determines what type of device can be installed. Industrial buildings are particularly demanding not only on the intensity of lighting and its quality, but also must be resistant to the production environment. The advertising industry especially needs lighting devices, because a bright, iridescent signboard attracts people's attention quite well. People need their own source of light different profession, and the device must be arranged in a special way (the simplest example is a flashlight on a miner's helmet). A car cannot do without light bulbs, which, through the lenses of the headlights, give out a beam of light, so necessary for safe driving. Electricity has given people the opportunity to engage in almost any activity around the clock, and almost anyone needs one or another lighting device. That is, in this business there is no limited contingent of consumers, absolutely everyone needs a product.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

There are enough specialized stores, especially in large cities, but not all stores can provide all kinds of assortment, so there are still specific niches that can be occupied. However, no easy competition is expected in this endeavor, and you will have to constantly monitor the market, look for new ideas and, most importantly, constantly conduct marketing research and campaigns. Success depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to resist the efforts of competitors who are unlikely to calmly give up part of their clientele.

Registration is required to get started. entrepreneurial activity, any form is suitable, whether it is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The entire registration procedure will require about 20 thousand rubles, upon completion of which the entrepreneur will receive a code (OKPD 2) 47.59 retail furniture, lighting fixtures and other household items in specialized stores.

It is necessary to immediately decide which customers the store will be designed for, in order to organize the supply of relevant products in accordance with this. The most conditional division into lighting fixtures for residential and industrial buildings. There is also a separate segment - auto light. In essence, these products are sold in specialized stores, the client comes there to buy bulbs for his car, and this group includes not only standard products, but also all kinds of additional running lights, lighting systems, headlights, etc. . Yes, and when registering, you will need to indicate that it is supposed to work with automotive products (despite the fact that these are all the same light bulbs and lighting fixtures). However, the largest lighting store may offer a similar list of specific items and have an additional good income. Whether it is worth doing this and making it difficult for yourself, whether it is advisable, the entrepreneur himself decides, but at first it is probably not necessary to allocate a whole department for automotive accessories. You can limit yourself to purchasing standardized light bulbs that fit almost all models. There is such an idea, and you can forget about it, or you can earn money on it.

But what you need to do in this case, of course, is household lighting fixtures. This is the target direction, for these goods people will come in the first place. With all the variety of manufactured lighting fixtures, the client will look for something unusual, sorting through the options for a long time and doubting. Of course, there will be those who need an ordinary chandelier in the kitchen, regardless of how it looks, the main thing is that it should be cheap, and all these factors make it necessary to have a wide range of various goods of different price segments and for various purposes.

As an idea, of course, the opening of an elite-level lighting salon can be considered, but a critical number of customers will be missed. A person needs a choice, but offered within the same price category. The larger the range of supplied items, the more attractive the store for the consumer. Here, in addition to quality and price, it is focused on diversity, and a significant assortment will become a good competitive advantage.

In such a business, sometimes even slightly inflated prices compared to competitors play a lesser role than a good choice and many solutions for every taste of the client. Depending on this, the size of the room is also selected, which starts from 50 m 2. Of course, you can open a small shop with a meager selection, but the most sold product in such a store will be ordinary light bulbs. That is, the goods will lie, withdrawing funds from circulation, the proceeds will be minimal, and the only savings (and that insignificant) will be only in the rental of premises. A successful lighting store must not only have in stock, but also display a large amount of goods, and therefore very little outlet it can not be.

The location should be chosen based on high traffic, optimally - the city center. It would be nice to stay in mall, and here even a cramped small room will justify itself. If this is a stand-alone store, then it should be located on busy streets with a large number of people passing by. Advertising will attract customers who purposefully go for a lighting fixture, but random visitors will also become good source income. The cost of rent in this case may be slightly higher than in the whole city, but these investments will more than pay off (only if there are no competitors at all across the road and nearby). It is difficult to name the monthly expenses for paying for the premises, but about 50 thousand rubles will most likely be required. It is also possible to be located in residential or sleeping quarters, and business can flourish, but then you will have to focus mainly not on all residents of the city, but only on the inhabitants of the area in which the point is open. In some cases, this is even the most profitable solution, especially when the central and busy streets are occupied by competitive shops. But opening in industrial districts can be justified only if the store has a department of industrial lighting equipment. As a rule, the simplest products intended for residential use are installed in offices, but some enterprises need products with increased resistance to moisture, aggressive environments, and even explosion-proof ones. To have such goods in the assortment means to attract a significant number of additional consumers, represented mainly by legal entities. And they will make purchases for larger amounts and in larger sizes.

In general, we can say that any customer will appreciate if the store offers lighting fixtures for all needs. Today the customer buys a simple chandelier, and tomorrow they come back for something else, because "everything is here." Pleasantly surprised by the choice, he will also recommend the store to all his friends.

The consumer, of course, wants to get the goods here and now, but sometimes the point of sale does not have what he needs. Some part of customers will definitely leave without finding the product they need. In an attempt to meet the needs of customers, you can set up work via the Internet. Your own website will become a good informational and advertising platform and will provide an opportunity to sell especially unusual, and therefore rarely bought, products through an order.

The work of a lighting store initially involves either cooperation with one very large supplier with a large range, or with many small ones - this is how the assortment variety is formed. The concluded contracts will allow, if necessary, to additionally order unique devices in batches, including by special order. The client should be able to leave a request directly on the site, what to pick up later in the store, which will act as an outpost. For various reasons, goods not redeemed will simply replenish the assortment of the store, that is, funds, of course, are frozen, but this does not make the situation critical. As in any business where there is a huge list of products sold, here you will need to conduct an ABC analysis in order to know after the first month of work what is in demand by the client and what is just “for appearance”.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the sale of external lighting devices of large dimensions, as a rule, these are neon signs and other advertising luminous products. They are often made to order, which imposes on the seller the obligation to find a manufacturer, but in this case, the seller becomes an intermediary who, in fact, does not risk anything. As an option for developing your own business, you can offer advertising companies or private entrepreneurs not only the creation of signs, but even their subsequent installation. Here again, you can either play the role of an agent who finds installers and receives a commission for this, or hire your own staff of workers who perform such services. It's kind of already separate view business, but related and, most importantly, quite expedient, because customers come to the lighting salon with the expectation that even a non-standard order will be fulfilled here. All this greatly increases the competitiveness of your business, gives coverage to a large part of the market and increases your reputation.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Work with industrial enterprises, who need a special device with non-standard properties, also involves the implementation individual order for the collection of the necessary product, although in this area there are many typical products that will satisfy the vast majority of firms.

The outlet itself is divided into departments for the convenience of visitors. A person should not wander around the entire room, looking for goods of the category he needs. Departments can be formed according to different principles: the type of light source used, purpose, type of lighting, installation method. The list can be structured like this:

    Location (mounting method)

    • Wall (sconces)


      floor standing




    Lighting type

    • mixed

      exposition and decorative

      Night or for dark rooms

    lamp light source

    • incandescent


      Diffuse and reflex




    • Based on inert gases (xenon and neon)


    • Industrial

      For underground work

      For outdoor lighting

      For living spaces

      Devices for the work of filmmakers and photographers.

In addition, there can be auto light, ordinary light bulbs, flashlights and other trifles, as well as related electronic products such as adapters, tees, extension cords, switches, and the like. It is better to hire a consultant to advise visitors if the store is spacious enough. Although only one person can serve the salon, who acts as a cashier, consultant and administrator, the entrepreneur himself can become one. But it is optimal when there are two people in the store - a cashier and a consultant, while both can perform both functions. They must also be able to pack the product if it is taken from the display case. Special qualifications are not required here, employees should just be polite and trained people, so you can find employees who are ready to work on average for 20 thousand rubles a month. The amount of the initial capital of this project will be:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Room rental - 50 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing, utility bills - 10 thousand rubles.

    Wage- 40 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of goods - 300 thousand rubles.

Bookkeeping and housekeeping are outsourced. The purchase of the initial batch of goods can be made for a different amount, it all depends on the intended range of work and the amount of funds available. Thus, the required funds for opening - 470 thousand rubles, monthly expenses - 100 thousand rubles. Markup on miscellaneous goods can be completely different, for household trifles it reaches 100%, and for unique and expensive goods no more than 10%. If the average markup is 50%, then the implementation of the initial purchase in one month will bring 150 thousand rubles, while the operating profit will be 50 thousand, and the net profit will be 42 thousand 500 rubles (simplified taxation system, the calculation is made according to the “income minus expenses” scheme). It is unlikely that it will be possible to reach such a level of sales in the first months; advertising, discounts and promotions will be needed. However, there are prospects in this type of business, especially if you deal with related services.

A particularly good source of income can be the creation of designer lamps, that is, the fulfillment of an individual order of the buyer to create a unique thing. At the same time, just a person who decided to implement a design project, as well as the design studios themselves, who select products for their client, can apply for such a service. To create designer lighting fixtures, you can hire your own master who will perform such work. Accordingly, the cost of such a service will be very significant, but the demand for piece goods is unlikely to decrease from this. In general, all non-standard solutions in such a business can be developed if both taught and executed correctly.

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Chandeliers have always been considered a luxury and art item. Regardless of era and continent. Little has changed in modern world. On the contrary, today chandeliers are no longer only an indicator of wealth and aristocracy, but rather a separate design element. Fashionable, beautiful, versatile and essential for every home. This lamp familiar to everyone can emphasize the severity of the living room, give a business tone to the office, create comfort in the bedroom and a mischievous mood in the nursery. But for this it is necessary with all responsibility to approach the choice of a ceiling chandelier.

The modern market is represented by the widest product range. Combinations of many types and styles create thousands of unique designs from hundreds of manufacturers. Choosing a chandelier in such a variety was not an easy task. We will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about each step towards your ideal purchase and about the possible nuances that you will encounter.

It is almost impossible to provide absolutely universal recommendations for choosing a chandelier. After all, the final decision depends entirely on personal preferences and capabilities. But in order for the purchase to bring moral satisfaction, harmoniously fit into the interior and last as long as possible, we turned to our experts for advice. And here is some useful information we got.

When choosing a chandelier, it is necessary to take into account many factors that can be conditionally divided into two areas:

1 According to the characteristics of the room in which the chandelier is chosen: area and shape, type of room, ceiling features, interior (style, design, color scheme).

2 According to the characteristics and parameters of the chandelier itself: connection options, product material, light (power, brightness, direction, color of lighting), number of horns, type of lamps and base.

How to choose a chandelier? What do we pay attention to when buying?

When buying a chandelier, guided by only one parameter - “I liked it”, you can encounter fairly common problems. Dim light, exorbitant energy consumption, not all types of lamps are suitable or difficult to find replacements for them, “too bulky”, etc.

If you technically competently approach the solution of this issue, then you can bypass all possible inconveniences during further operation:

1 Style, color and size. When choosing a chandelier, consider the overall style of the apartment or house, as well as the room where you plan to hang it. Shape, color, design - everything must match the environment. Do not forget about the dimensions of the room - the chandelier should not be lost against the general background or, conversely, overload the interior.

2 Mounting types: hook or mounting bar. All pendant lamps are mounted on a hook, ceiling lamps - on a mounting plate. When choosing a chandelier, you need to take into account a number of ceiling parameters: height, finish, material, etc. There must be at least 2 meters from the floor to the lamp. With ceilings above 3 meters, this parameter is already calculated individually, taking into account many factors. If you technically have only one type of fastening, then choose a chandelier from this group.

3 Lighting power. To ensure proper comfort in the room, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting and take into account several parameters of the chandelier: the number of shades, their direction (up / down), the power of the lamps individually and in total, switching modes, the presence of a dimmer and other features.

4 Types of lamps used: incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, LED. It differs not only in efficiency, energy consumption and light spectrum. In some chandeliers, only lamps of a certain type and power can be used. Before you finally choose a chandelier, you need to clarify all these nuances.

5 Specifications lamp: materials of parts, number of switching modes, the ability to connect a dimmer or remote control, switching method, type and material of the cartridge, direction of the horns. All this affects the capabilities of the chandelier and its use in a particular case.

Which chandelier to choose in the hall or living room?

The living room is the main place of any home. All festive events, receptions of guests and relatives are held here. In this room, calm and quiet family evenings are held. It is very important that the chandelier not only “fits” into the interior, but also creates the right atmosphere. The light in the living room should be bright, illuminate all corners. But at the same time, the "warmth" of lighting is also important - this will create a certain comfort and predispose to pleasant communication.

If the height of the ceilings and the dimensions of the room allow, then you should take a closer look at the suspended massive chandelier. It will give solemnity and completeness to the overall interior. What in this case to choose a chandelier in the hall? Classical crystal or modern in modern style? It already depends on the design solution implemented in the room.

With standard room parameters and ceiling height, a pendant lamp will look out of place and even, in some cases, create inconvenience. Most optimal solution This is a ceiling light. You will noticeably save the distance from the floor to the lamps. A variety of models and styles will help to realize the most daring decisions in the interior.

When choosing a chandelier for a hall according to its parameters, our experts recommend looking at models with several switching modes or the ability to adjust the intensity. In this case, you will be able to control the lighting of the living room depending on the circumstances.

How to choose a chandelier for the bedroom?

Any bedroom is, first of all, a place to relax and sleep. Here you want to calmly gain strength after a hard day at work, an active weekend or a stormy holiday. And choosing a chandelier for the bedroom, this is taken into account in the first place. Soft and diffused light in this room should create a calm and warm atmosphere.

A bedroom chandelier should match the interior, not be bulky and at the same time not get lost in the general background. As a rule, the bedroom is compact, so you can look at the ceiling-type chandelier, as well as wall lamps from the same series. It is better to place them on both sides of the bed. A large number of models for modern market made from various materials in a wide range color palette, will help you choose a chandelier in the bedroom that matches any design decision.

When choosing lighting fixtures for this room, it is recommended to pay attention to practical lamps with several switching modes and with remote control. This will allow you to adjust the lighting to your mood without having to get out of bed.

Which chandelier to choose for the kitchen?

Every day begins with a morning cup of coffee or tea in the kitchen. It is always better to spice up a charge of vivacity with a positive attitude. Of course, a pleasant interior and appropriate lighting helps in this. But when choosing a chandelier for the kitchen, you need to know some of the nuances that will help you make a more practical purchase.

Particular emphasis must be placed on the material and design of lighting fixtures. After all, in this room, during the cooking process, the humidity rises, and microdroplets of fat appear in the air. Because of this, the chandelier in the kitchen is subjected to additional tests: it becomes covered with moisture, quickly becomes dirty. In order for it to last as long as possible and, at the same time, not cause additional trouble, more practical materials should be chosen. Ideal: glass, metal, acrylic, etc. But textiles and wood may require increased attention and care.

Also pay attention to the design and moisture resistance. The chandelier in the kitchen should have such a structure that moisture does not accumulate inside. And the presence of an initial degree of protection will prevent water from entering the lamp.

How to choose a chandelier for the kitchen according to the degree of illumination and the properties of light? Cool white light or warm? Here certain rules no, everyone chooses based on personal preferences and design solutions in the interior. The main thing is that the light is bright, and all hard-to-reach corners of the room are illuminated with additional lamps.

Which chandelier to choose in the children's room?

The children's room is the most intimate place in the house, a separate Magic world for your child. The chandelier in the nursery should not only be a great addition to the interior, but also meet the basic safety requirements:

Avoid downward light, so that the lamps do not shine into the child's eyes during sleep or rest,

Try to refrain from buying lamps with glass or crystal shades,

Pay attention to the absence of sharp corners and heavy metal elements,

Give preference to safe lightweight designs consisting of textiles and plastic.

Even if during the stormy fun your child decides to test the lamp for durability, he will not be able to harm himself.

Choosing a chandelier in the nursery for any interior is now quite simple. Most manufacturers of lighting equipment pay special attention to this area and produce entire series in various thematic designs. Thus, any design solution will be complemented by a wonderful children's lamp.

How to choose a chandelier in the hallway?

When lighting the apartment, you should not lose sight of the entrance hall, because it is from it that your house begins. It is best to meet guests or relatives in a pleasant and warm atmosphere.

The chandelier in the corridor is selected, as a rule, based on the shape of the room. If the room is long and narrow, then an elongated lamp will successfully fit into it. You can choose any shape: rectangular, wavy or non-standard. A similar result will be given by a group of several lamps of the same series, placed along the length of the hallway. To expand the possibilities in lighting, you can use ceiling chandeliers with rotary spots. This will allow you to direct light into unlit corners of the room or to place accents on various interior items.

Chandeliers for the hallway and corridor are presented on the modern market with a wide range and many options for execution: pendant and ceiling chandeliers, wall-ceiling and spotlights. And the use of various light sources (LED, halogen) will allow you to choose the perfect addition to your interior.

Regardless of the style and interior design, the lamp always occupies an important place in any room. Therefore, before choosing a chandelier, it is necessary to take into account many factors that we have tried to list in this article. Doing it yourself is not an easy task; it is better to seek the advice of an experienced specialist. A true professional in his field will help with the choice of a chandelier, take into account all your wishes, goals, characteristics of the room and other nuances.
