Sacred bird of the ancients. Ibis bird: description, species, habitat. The attitude of the ancient Egyptians to the long-legged bird. Appearance of a flamingo bird

sacred bird of the Egyptians

Alternative descriptions

A wading bird, similar to a small heron, was dedicated in ancient Egypt to the god of wisdom and writing, Thoth, who was depicted as a human figure and with the head of an ibis

Ovid's work

Ankle-legged bird, a sacred bird among the ancient Egyptians

A bird of the southern countries of the Anklefoot order with bare spots on the head and throat

A bird that has varieties of loaf, spoonbill, red-legged, sacred


Kindred loaf


Scarlet bird, symbol of Tobago

The bird known in Switzerland as the "forest raven"

Due to the fact that the arrival of this bird coincided with the flood of the Nile, in ancient Egypt it was considered sacred.

Poem by the ancient Roman poet Ovid

Scarlet bird on the state symbols of Trinidad and Tobago

And the spoonbill and loaf

In the form of what crested bird was Ah (the afterlife incarnation of man) depicted in Egyptian mythology?

What bird head was the Egyptian god Thoth depicted with?

Sacred bird of the ancient Egyptians

Ankle-footed bird, marsh

pharaoh bird

Spoonbill cousin

. "bald" bird

Ankle-footed bird

Mini Heron

Poem by Ovid

sacred bird in egypt

Ankle-footed bird

Spoonbill like a bird

Sacred bird of the Egyptians

Egyptian legged bird

Wading bird

Whose head does the god Thoth have?

Relative of spoonbill and loaf

Ankle-footed bird

sacred bird

swiss raven

Bird, "forest raven"

bird with long beak

thot bird

stork legged bird

Anubisshakal, Set-donkey, That-...

Bird with a long curved beak

Bird honored by the Egyptians

loaf bird

bird revered in egypt

Ankle-legged Egyptian shrine

Bird revered in Egypt

sacred bird of egypt

spoonbill kin

Stork near Cairo

Honored bird among the Egyptians

relatives loaf

spoonbill relative

Southern bird of the ankle order

Sacred bird of the ancient Egyptians

Ankle-footed bird

In the form of what crested bird was depicted in Egyptian mythology Ah (the afterlife incarnation of man)

And loaf and spoonbill

M. ivin church. bird Tantalus Ibis, similar to a large sandpiper or a small heron; mullein black

spoonbill bird

Bird, "forest raven"

A bird revered in Egypt

Whose head is the god Thoth

Anubisshakal, Set-donkey, That-...

Major bird habitats

Historical travel is an old tradition in Egypt. People have traveled to historical sites since ancient times. However, there is another very traditional type of travel in Egypt. For 150 years, people have been visiting Egypt to study birds, and today, with the expansion of the national park system, this type of tourism will become more popular. Today, there are many travel companies such as Travel Egypt offering special tours to study birds. Birds play an important role in the history of Egypt, especially in the ancient religion, where some of the earliest and most important gods, such as Horus, were thought to manifest as various birds. Even the appearance of early myths has developed around certain birds, such as the Benu, which may have originally been sculpted as a yellow wagtail (Motacilla yellow), but were later depicted as a gray heron (Ardea cinera). The primal goose known as Gengen-Wer (Great Honker) represents several gods in their creative aspects. Horus is of course represented as a hawk, and gods like Thoth could be represented as an Ibis. Ra, one of the most important gods throughout ancient history, was represented as a falcon's head, as were Nemtu, Montu, Sokar and Sopdu.

There was also the goddess Nekhbet, represented in the form of a vulture. Many of these birds were kept in the sacred flocks of the ancient Egyptians, and some special birds led animal temples. Even the souls (ba) of the ancient Egyptians were depicted as birds. In addition, the ancient Egyptians were excellent natural historians, more than 76 species of birds can be seen on the walls of temples and tombs alone. Many of these images show hunting and were only symbolic. For example, scenes depicting a pharaoh with a net of wild birds spoke of the taming of hostile spirits by the king. The number of habitats is especially suitable for the bird population, including the luxurious Nile Valley and many others. There are about 150 resident breeding birds in Egypt. These resident birds of Egypt belong mainly to two geographic regions - the Palearctic and the Ethiopian. Most of the singing and waterfowl live in the Nile Valley, the Delta and some western oases.

However, most importantly, Egypt is a migratory corridor attracting over 280 different bird species. Egypt occupies a unique geographic position as a bridge between the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa and therefore millions of birds pass through the country on their way from Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Siberia and Central Asia to East and South Africa every autumn, and on their way back every spring . Migration begins in the winter months, when from about mid-February, you can see the first wave of storks and birds of prey. Summer migration begins in early August when waterfowl migrate from Zaranik in North Sinai and white storks begin their migration in the southern Gulf of Suez. There are a number of areas that are suitable for large bird encounters in Egypt. Some exotic places, such as Lake Burulus in the Nile Delta, require a special permit to visit. Lake Burulus, located in the Nile Delta and surrounded by swamps, is an important area in winter for wigeons, shovelers, ducks, butts and baleen terns.

The good news is that the more difficulties there are on the way to this lake, the more pleasant the visit will be. Lake Manzala, being reclaimed for agricultural land, still collects ducks, shovelers and sultans in the winter season. Here you can also find some coastal birds, like spotted-tailed sparrowhawks.

The gray heron is a year-round resident and inhabits the lagoons and swamps of the delta.

Eagle owl photographed near Lake Nasser

Lake Bardaville on the north coast of Sinai has traditionally been one of Egypt's most famous bird watching areas. Located near Al Arish, the lake is on a very important migration route, especially for waterfowl. Visiting this place during the autumn migration period can be very interesting. Here you can find herons and ducks (especially codfish), spawning here by the thousands, as well as gerbils, sandpipers, dunlins and spotted-tailed sparrowhawks. Flamingos are relatively common on both Bardavili and Malakha lakes. Wadi Natrun, in ancient times, was a source of salt for the people of Egypt, but since the Christian period, has been built up with some of the most famous Christian monasteries in Egypt, which remain there to this day. There are a number of lakes and swamps with birds inhabiting them, located along the desert roads connecting Cairo with Alexandria.

Here you can find the shepherd plover along with many other migrants and wintering waterfowl.
The farmland also attracts many birds such as the Tugai nightingale and the green bee-eater. Cairo also offers many opportunities for ornithologists or just bird lovers. Most visitors to Egypt and its capital go to the Giza Zoo, which offers many birds to watch in its parks or cages. Here, during the migratory seasons, you can see many songbirds such as sunbirds and little egrets nesting in the Nile Valley. In Senegal, the thick-knee lives on rooftops throughout the city and, in places not quite suitable for tourists, like sewage stations, and places near the Gebel Asfar medicine factory near the International Airport, you can see waders and rare colored snipes, blond kingfishers and dun nightjars. Suez, at the southern end of the Suez Canal, has several historical sites and amazing birdwatching spots. In general, it is located in one of the most crowded places for migratory birds of prey. In addition, the muddy banks of the Nile attract many near-water birds. Other occasional visitors are white-eyed gulls and Bengal terns.
South of Suez, in Ain Sokhna, where the tourist community is developing, predators can be seen migrating across the Galala plateau.

Rock doves and other birds of the pigeon family live in coastal gardens and bushes, but you can also see sea birds here, including those living near the Red Sea: white-eyed gulls and swifts. Fayoum used to be known for good bird hunting grounds, but not now. This large oasis includes Lake Karun, an excellent birdwatching site and a very important wintering ground for birds such as grebes, snails, coots and waders. Ras Mohammed, located in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula south of Sharm el-Sheikh, is one of the oldest protected reserves in Egypt, better known for its coral reefs than its birds. However, the birds of prey Osprey and the Silver Hobby nest here, and white storks fly by in their thousands during the autumn season. Herons and shorebirds are in abundance here, and nearby Tiran Island there are many birds such as osprey, gulls and terns.

Along the entire coast of the Red Sea are islands inhabited by indigenous marine inhabitants, such as white-eyed gulls and barnacle terns. Many of them are visible from the island. Luxor (Thebes in ancient times) is famous for its great temples and tombs all over the world, but it is also a great place to observe the typical birds of the Nile Valley. Here you will see purple moorhen, thick-legged Senegal, sunbirds and rare colored snipe. Aswan, another tourist city, offers absolutely exceptional birding sites. A short felucca ride, often part of a tour of Aswan, may include a visit to the Green Heron with its birds in addition to other migratory waterfowl like the Nile goose.

The black kite circles the west bank of the Nile and it is possible to see the African eared vulture and the Egyptian vulture. (Read also the story The Bird is the Man of Aswan). Abu Simbel contains some of the ancient tombs of Egypt erected by Ramesses the Great (along with a small tomb of his Great Queen Nefertari). Here, along the entire shore of Lake Nasser, many species of African birds live, such as the pink-backed pelican, the yellow-billed African beak, the African cutwaters, the pink-headed collared turtledove and the African wagtail. Gebel Elba is located on the extreme southeast corner of Egypt and offers a unique landscape that is different from the rest of the country. It conveys the mood of the Sahara desert with its birds: ostriches, Kavrian eagles, pink-headed collared turtledoves and pink shrikes. This area is difficult to reach, but with the construction of national protected parks, the Egyptian government wishes to promote these national parks and provide more accessible routes. It should be noted that there are several individuals who play an important role in promoting the Egyptian poultry industry. Much of the information for this article is taken from the book.
Birds of Egypt by Brun Bertel and Sheriff Bach El Din. Note that outside of Egypt, this book is difficult to find in stores, but you can find it through various online stores, such as

Read also:

    Mr Mohame Arabi: Aswan's "Birdman"


Name Author the date publications Reference number
Common Birds of Egypt Brunn, Bertel, el Din, Sherif Baha 1994 ISBN 977-424-239-4
Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, The Wilkinson, Richard H. 2003 Thames Hudson Ltd. ISBN 0-500-05120-8
Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, The Shaw, Ian; Nicholson, Paul 1995 Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers ISBN 0-8109-3225-3
Natural Selections (A Year of Egypt's Wildlife) Hoath, Richard 1992 American University in Cairo Press, The ISBN 977-424-281-5
Valley of the Kings Weeks, Kent R. 2001 Friedman/Fairfax ISBN 1-5866-3295-7


There are not many birds in Egypt, but there is always someone to watch here, as sometimes you can see a really large number of migratory birds in Egypt. Egypt is located at the crossroads of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. Therefore, here you can find quite a lot of migratory birds that migrate in winter from Europe, and in summer from Africa.
Bird watching in Egypt is one of the favorite activities among nature lovers. Egypt is on the main migration routes for migratory birds. As a result, millions of birds pass through the country each year, especially during the autumn and spring months.
Among the various bird species, one can also observe unique species, such as the white-eyed gull, steppe harrier, imperial eagle, spotted eagle, corncrake, great snipe, jack, African skimmer and many others. The most popular bird-watching regions in Egypt are located around Cairo, the Red Sea, Upper Egypt, Mount Sinai, Alexandria and the north coast.


  • birds of egypt photo with names

birds of egypt photo with names

Egyptian birds

This article will be of more interest to those who love to watch incomparable birds free in their easy flight.

For others, it will look like a simple interesting article, well, or not very much if there is no particular interest in birds. It is moderately informative and rather general than specific, since we see no point in going into special details.

But the first thing that arises in the mind of every reader who comes across such an article is the question: “What kind of birds can there be in Egypt? It's practically one continuous desert!

The question, let's say, is reasonable, but there are enough birds in Egypt, and all because the Egyptian territory is located at the crossroads of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa, whose natural resources have different facets, partially similar to each other. Consequently, the inhabitants of these places are full of their diversity.

But in Egypt the situation is different. There is not as such a rich variety of birds, but you can meet feathered representatives of three continents during seasonal migration, when migratory birds "fly to warm lands" for the winter.

For ornithologists, Egypt in this regard is just one big pleasure!

In winter, birds leave Europe, and in summer they say goodbye to Africa. During their migration, they find shelter in Egypt. Especially a lot of various handsome feathered birds can be found here in spring or autumn, when they arrange temporary excessively noisy nesting sites. Each bird wants to get better and take a comfortable place in the bird communal apartment, which often causes disputes. Therefore, if you want to combine a holiday in Egypt with bird watching, it is best to navigate not by the sky, hoping to see birds floating in the air stream, but by their excessively loud hubbub. But this is, of course, an exaggerated joke.

And you will not want to watch the birds of Egypt, because among the fairly common birds here you can also find rare unique species that look very impressive.

Among these birds, the following representatives can be tracked down in temporary nesting sites:

The habitat of this bird is limited to the territory of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. During the non-breeding period, the white-eyed gull can also be found in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Iran. Very often, this relatively small bird can be observed far in the open sea, although the white-eyed gull spends most of its life in the coastal region, where it seeks out food for itself, eating sea fish, although it does not disdain to pick its beak in a garbage dump, or educate the future generation .

This graceful bird of prey is listed in the Red Book and has found its distribution throughout most of Russia. You can also meet it in Eurasia from Romania and Ukraine to Southern Siberia, to the east it is found in Altai, to the south-west it hunts in the territories of Transbaikalia and Xinjiang (Dzungaria) in China, to the north it can nest in the Baltic region, to the south it is found in the Crimea, on Caucasus, Iran.

O! But this bird strikes with its grandeur, beauty and its “singing”. Since their singing resembles the yapping of a small dog. If you want to be barked, then meeting this eagle will be unforgettable. Most of these beauties live in Russia, their number is relatively small, there are no more than 1200 pairs.

Spotted Eagles in Egypt can be seen during their summer return migration to Africa, where they fly in pairs over the Nile Valley. It is here that they like to spend part of their time hunting for small animals. Watching them hunt is a pleasure! Most of these birds live in Belarus, Latvia and Poland.

This feathered blue baby is a master of disguise. It is quite difficult to detect a corncrake and sneak up on it unnoticed. Most likely, this nimble little bird will find itself in a split second, when it instantly flies out of the thick grass or gives a tear through the dense thickets. She runs faster than any of the fastest sprinters.

These birds, forever prowling in search of small food, can be found in the lowlands of the Nile River, where overflowing banks become like swamps and only at night, when they are most active, as they are nocturnal. During the day they are quite difficult to detect, they are able to hide well in the marsh thickets and doze until dusk.

This bird lives in North Africa from Mauritania to the Nile in Egypt. Also, the halo of habitat extends to Asia from the Sinai Peninsula to western Pakistan and from the Caspian Sea to Mongolia.

These birds of Egypt settle in the lower reaches of the Nile and form small flocks. You can see them hunting at dusk, as they are predominantly nocturnal. The African skimmer can fly completely silently and catches fish on the fly, “cutting” the water looking with its beak, like a pelican. For this skill, they are known to many under the name African water cutter.

In general, during the migration of birds in Egypt, you can meet a large number of them. But the most convenient places for observation, where you can find a wide variety of birds, are the regions near Cairo, the coastal zone of the Red Sea, the Sinai Mountains, the regions of Upper Egypt, the smallest part of the birds huddle in Alexandria and the largest part of the birds that feed on marine life occupy the region of the northern coast.

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Flamingos are birds that scientists refer to the flamingo family. These birds have an unusual appearance. Which? Look at the photo of this beautiful bird and you will understand everything yourself.

In total, there are six species of these birds in the world: Andean flamingo, red flamingo, lesser flamingo, common flamingo, James flamingo, Chilean flamingo.

Appearance of a flamingo bird

Depending on the species, they can reach different heights and weights. The smallest species is small flamingos, living in southern and eastern Africa, they grow up to 80-90 centimeters and weigh about 1.5-2 kilograms.

The largest are pink flamingos that live in Europe and Asia, their height is about 1.3 meters, and their weight is 3.5-4 kilograms.

Females are slightly smaller than males. Flamingos often stand on one leg. The reasons for this behavior are not exactly clear, but according to recent scientific studies, birds reduce heat loss in this way, since they have to spend hours in cold water.

Flamingos have a long neck. The plumage is different - from white to red.

The red and pink hues of the feathers are due to bacteria in the water that contain beta-carotene. The flight wings of these birds are black. Between the toes on the paws there are membranes.

Birds have an unusual massive beak with a curved lower part. With the help of such a beak, the bird filters food from the water. The young are reddish-gray in color.

Where do flamingos live

They live in the western and eastern regions of Africa, in India, regions of Asia Minor and the Caspian Sea. Flamingos are also found in Europe - in the south of Spain, Sardinia and France. If we talk about the American continent, here flamingos have chosen the northeastern part of South America, Central America and Florida.

The behavior of flamingo birds in nature

The habitat of flamingos is the shores of small reservoirs and lagoons. These birds live in large colonies, which can consist of hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Flamingos lead a sedentary lifestyle. These birds prefer reservoirs with a high concentration of salt, in which there are many crustaceans, but there are no fish in them.

In search of their favorite habitat, flamingos can settle on the shores of mountain lakes. It is worth noting that these birds tolerate low and high temperatures well. Since birds live in an aggressive environment, their legs are covered with strong skin. From time to time, flamingos fly to fresh water bodies, where they get drunk and wash away salt deposits from the body.

What do flamingos eat

These birds feed on crustaceans, blue-green algae, mollusks, small worms and insect larvae.

Flamingos feed on shallow water. While searching for food, the bird turns its head in such a way that the upper mandible is at the bottom. Water enters the mouth and the bird closes it. The flamingo pushes water out of its mouth with a rough tongue through hairy structures called lamellae.

The food left in the mouth is swallowed by the bird. This process is very fast.

Reproduction and lifespan

Flamingos form pairs for life. Birds build nests from mud, shell rock and silt. The nests are cone-shaped and reach a height of 60-70 centimeters. This height of the nest protects the masonry during the rise of water.

Listen to the voice of the flamingo

In laying, most often, there is 1 egg. The incubation time lasts 1 month. Parents feed their chicks with a special pink liquid produced in the glands of the esophagus. This liquid contains a large amount of proteins and fats, so it is extremely nutritious.

The chicks stay in the nest for 6 days, then gradually begin to leave it. Parents feed babies for about 2 months. The young then form a beak, and the birds can feed themselves by filtering food like adults.

Young animals begin to fly upon reaching 2.5 months. Sexual maturity in flamingos occurs by 3 - 4 years. Flamingos live no more than 40 years.

flamingo and man

Flamingos were revered in ancient Egypt as a sacred animal, and in ancient Rome, the tongues of these birds were considered a delicacy. The Indians of South America destroyed flamingos for their fat, as they believed that the fat helped cure tuberculosis.

Nowadays, the number of these graceful birds is also declining, this situation is associated with active economic activity. A huge part of the reservoirs that were home to flamingos have dried up. Also, the concentration of harmful elements in the water has greatly increased. All this negatively affects the total population.

The zoo first started breeding flamingos in 1958. This happened at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland. Since that time, 389 flamingos have been born in captivity and transferred to other world zoos.

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sacred bird of the ancient egyptians

Alternative descriptions

A wading bird, similar to a small heron, was dedicated in ancient Egypt to the god of wisdom and writing, Thoth, who was depicted as a human figure and with the head of an ibis

Ovid's work

Ankle-legged bird, a sacred bird among the ancient Egyptians

A bird of the southern countries of the Anklefoot order with bare spots on the head and throat

A bird that has varieties of loaf, spoonbill, red-legged, sacred


Kindred loaf


Scarlet bird, symbol of Tobago

The bird known in Switzerland as the "forest raven"

Due to the fact that the arrival of this bird coincided with the flood of the Nile, in ancient Egypt it was considered sacred.

Poem by the ancient Roman poet Ovid

Scarlet bird on the state symbols of Trinidad and Tobago

And the spoonbill and loaf

In the form of what crested bird was Ah (the afterlife incarnation of man) depicted in Egyptian mythology?

What bird head was the Egyptian god Thoth depicted with?

Ankle-footed bird, marsh

pharaoh bird

Spoonbill cousin

. "bald" bird

Ankle-footed bird

Mini Heron

Poem by Ovid

sacred bird in egypt

sacred bird of the egyptians

Ankle-footed bird

Spoonbill like a bird

Sacred bird of the Egyptians

Egyptian legged bird

Wading bird

Whose head does the god Thoth have?

Relative of spoonbill and loaf

Ankle-footed bird

sacred bird

swiss raven

Bird, "forest raven"

bird with long beak

thot bird

stork legged bird

Anubisshakal, Set-donkey, That-...

Bird with a long curved beak

Bird honored by the Egyptians

loaf bird

bird revered in egypt

Ankle-legged Egyptian shrine

Bird revered in Egypt

sacred bird of egypt

spoonbill kin

Stork near Cairo

Honored bird among the Egyptians

relatives loaf

spoonbill relative

Southern bird of the ankle order

Sacred bird of the ancient Egyptians

Ankle-footed bird

In the form of what crested bird was depicted in Egyptian mythology Ah (the afterlife incarnation of man)

And loaf and spoonbill

M. ivin church. bird Tantalus Ibis, similar to a large sandpiper or a small heron; mullein black

spoonbill bird

Bird, "forest raven"

A bird revered in Egypt

Whose head is the god Thoth

Anubisshakal, Set-donkey, That-...

The ibis has long acquired the halo of a sacred bird, which was admired and considered a divine messenger, at least before the birth of Judaism and Christianity. The ancient Egyptians saw in this long-legged representative of the feathered kingdom the embodiment of the wise god Thoth, and therefore endowed this bird with a halo of holiness, and the ancient Greeks considered the ibis the embodiment of ideally harmonious forms.

Relatives of storks

Be that as it may, these graceful birds from the small ibis family, in which there are 25 species, cannot but admire with their beauty and a certain aristocracy, noticeable in their every movement.

The appearance of the ibis, which is characterized by an average body length ranging from 50 to 110 cm, is in many ways similar to their distant relatives - storks. They have the same elongated, but at the same time shorter than those of storks, thin legs, a long neck and a small head with an elongated, curved beak, by which this bird can be easily distinguished from its other feathered relatives.

The color of feathers in different species of ibis differs significantly and can be either black or white, and even gray. But the true beauties of this family are representatives of an endangered species, whose plumage glistens in the sun like drops of blood.

Living in the mangroves of tropical waters

Ibis are distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in the south of countries located in temperate latitudes. These birds usually live in small colonies (from 30 to 60 pairs), often mixed, in which among the representatives of their family there may be the closest relatives - spoonbills.

They usually settle near reservoirs with stagnant water or near slow-flowing rivers, preferring overgrown or reedy corners where you can hide from the eyes of humans and predators. Often walking along the coast in search of food, which is any small living creature that is caught from the mud with the help of a long beak, when danger arises, ibis try to immediately hide in the thickets or fly up to the top of the nearest tree.

Representatives of this family build their nests high on trees, next to other birds, using branches, reeds and reeds growing on the coast of reservoirs chosen for habitation to build their homes. If there are no trees nearby, then the nest is built among bushes growing on the lake or near the river.

Standard life of feathered monogamous

Ibis breed once a year, and the mating season falls in the spring in birds living in the northern regions, and in the rainy season in species living in the tropics. Ibis are monogamous, and, having chosen a pair for acquiring offspring, both birds regularly take care of raising chicks, alternately incubating eggs and getting food for the younger generation.

The standard food of ibis includes all kinds of spider bugs, worms and mollusks, but these birds do not shun a large frog to eat, they also catch insects and do not disdain carrion that they can spot on land. To feast on the ibis themselves is not against kites and hawks, but among animals - foxes, raccoons and hyenas.

People have different attitudes towards these birds. In some regions, ibis is hunted relentlessly, in others they are elevated to the rank of a sacred bird, but in most cases, representatives of this family are protected.
