Repair, design, furniture, construction, instructions. Job description of a software engineer (programmer) Engineer system programmer job description

defines the rights, duties and scope of responsibility of the employee holding this position. About features and varieties job descriptions for programmers will be discussed later in the article.

What does a programmer do?

Currently, the profession of a programmer is one of the most sought after and fairly highly paid. This is due to the fact that computerization has reached even the smallest offices and offices, and the preparation and submission of various reports in in electronic format became mandatory. Accordingly, the task of selecting specialists in this area and developing job descriptions for them has become one of the priorities for the management of many organizations.

The peculiarity of the work of a programmer is that this profession is quite universal, and the functions that he can perform within the framework of his direction at the enterprise are very diverse. For example, the position of a programmer may include specialists of such types as:

  • system programmer;
  • application programmer;
  • tester;
  • technical support specialist.

Most often, the duties of programmers in the enterprise include the organization of support software. In addition, the main tasks of programmers, depending on the specialization, include:

  • creation of software for solving the tasks;
  • creation of sites, programs for managing sites, online stores;
  • development of operating systems and shells for databases;
  • technical support and software maintenance, as well as other similar tasks.

All these nuances should be reflected as clearly as possible in the job description of a specialist, so that later there are no questions either about the scope of a particular employee or about the scope of his responsibility.

Don't know your rights?

The structure of the job description of a programmer (software engineer, software engineer, etc.)

Job description of a programmer must comply with the rules for issuing job descriptions adopted in business. At the same time, it is quite natural that it may also have differences related to the features official functions programmer and the specifics of the work of a particular enterprise.

A typical job description structure for a programmer looks like this:

  1. In the upper right corner of the first page there is a column with notes on the date of approval of the instruction and the position of the head who approved the document. The approval mark is certified by the signature of the head. Also in this column put marks on the coordination of the job description with the relevant departments and services of the organization. Marks are certified by the signatures of the heads of departments / services. However, sometimes approval marks are located at the end of the document.
  2. The first section of the job description is dedicated to general provisions. This section includes:
    • a list of requirements for a candidate for the position of a programmer;
    • a list of legislative documents and other documentation that the employee must study for work;
    • the procedure for hiring and dismissing an employee-programmer, as well as replacing him during his absence;
    • structural definition of the position of a programmer in the organizational and staffing of the enterprise and the definition of the immediate supervisor of the specialist.
  3. The next section, as a rule, concerns the official rights and duties of the employee. At the same time, sometimes (if the employee's job functions are voluminous), the block is divided into two sections. The list of job responsibilities of a programmer usually includes standard duties for this position, as well as duties due to the specialization of the employee (for example, a software engineer and a software technician) and the characteristics of the organization in which he works. In addition, the job responsibilities of a programmer often include the maintenance of computer and office equipment, as well as the usual duties of an employee to comply with labor standards and work schedules.
  4. The next section of the job description highlights the specifics of the responsibility of the programmer for the improper performance of his duties. At the same time, it is important to remember that the measure of responsibility cannot go beyond the limits provided for by labor legislation.

Typical requirements for a candidate for a position

Typical requirements for a candidate for the position of a programmer, as a rule, are the following:

  1. Higher or secondary specialized education in the declared specialty. Sometimes a specific university or full-time study, knowledge of certain computer languages ​​and English may be required.
  2. Experience as a programmer or in the required field. If a person is accepted to any lower level, then work experience may not be required, and if the organization is looking for a head for the programming department, then the required experience may be a significant number of years (usually 3-5).
  3. A list of documentation with which the candidate for the position must be familiarized. As a rule, in addition to the fundamental documents, this list includes internal documents of the enterprise on the organization of labor and the specifics of working as a programmer. An employee is introduced to internal documents after being hired.

Labor functions of a software engineer and a software technician

The most widely represented job vacancies for programmers are the positions of software engineer and software technician. Despite the fact that sometimes even within the same organization these positions can be named the same, the labor functions performed by employees of these specialties are different. To summarize, a software engineer is engaged in compiling and developing programs for computer technology, and a software engineer uses already developed programs to solve the problems assigned to him.

In practice, the job responsibilities of a software engineer may include:

  1. Development of programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, as well as ensuring their implementation by means of computer technology.
  2. Testing and debugging programs, their further technical support.
  3. Development of technology for solving problems at all stages of information processing.
  4. Choosing a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
  5. Running debugged programs and entering initial data according to the tasks.
  6. Correction of the developed program based on the analysis of output data.
  7. Preparation of a manual for working with the program, execution of other necessary technical documentation.
  8. Analysis of the possibilities of using software products.

As part of their job responsibilities, a software engineer can:

  1. Provide automated processing of incoming information, develop technology for solving economic and other problems.
  2. Participate in the design of data processing systems and software systems for machines.
  3. Carry out preparatory activities for the computational process, observe the operation of machines.
  4. Prepare schemes technological process information processing, problem solving algorithms, layouts, instructions, etc.
  5. Prepare technical media used for automatic data entry into a computer, systematize indicators of normative and reference data.
  6. Accept and control input information, prepare initial data, process information, prepare documentation.

Thus, well-prepared job description for this specialist will allow not only to form the optimal range of job duties of the employee, but also to determine the criteria for selecting candidates for the position. This will greatly facilitate the task of staffing such an important and necessary unit for the enterprise as a programmer. A sample job description for a programmer can be downloaded from our website.

Job description of a software engineer[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. A software engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. The software engineer reports directly to [insert as appropriate].

1.3. During the absence of a software engineer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.4. For the position:

A software engineer is appointed by a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or a secondary vocational (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a technician of category I at least [value] years , or other positions filled by specialists with an average vocational education, at least [value] years;

Category I software engineer - a person with a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a category II software engineer for at least [value] years;

Category II software engineer - a person with a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a category III software engineer or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education for at least [value] years;

Category III software engineer - a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the period of study, or work experience in engineering and technical positions, without a qualification category.

1.5. Appointment to the position of a software engineer and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the head of the computer center (EC) on the proposal of the [head of the production department of the computer center (EC); Head of the Department for Development and Implementation of the Computing Center (IVC); head of the structural unit of the enterprise].

1.6. The software engineer must know:

Guiding and normative materials regulating the methods of developing algorithms and programs and the use of computer technology in information processing;

Basic principles of structured programming;

Types of software;

Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and modes of operation of the computer, its rules technical operation;

Technology of automatic processing and coding of information;

Formalized programming languages;

Current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes;

The procedure for issuing technical documentation;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Basics of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Advanced domestic and overseas experience programming and use of computer technology.

II. Job Responsibilities

Software Engineer:

2.1. Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, he develops programs that provide the possibility of executing the algorithm and, accordingly, the task set by means of computer technology, tests and debugs them.

2.2. Develops technology for solving problems at all stages of information processing.

2.3. It selects a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.

2.4. Determines the information to be processed by means of computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods for its control.

2.5. Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and debugging.

2.6. Defines the scope and content of these test cases, providing the most complete verification of the compliance of programs with their functional purpose.

2.7. Carries out the launch of debugged programs and the input of initial data determined by the conditions of the tasks.

2.8. Adjusts the developed program based on the analysis of output data.

2.9. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

2.10. Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.

2.11. Provides support for the implementation of programs and software tools.

2.12. Develops and implements systems for automatic verification of the correctness of programs, typical and standard software tools, composes information processing technology.

2.13. Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes.

2.14. He takes part in the creation of catalogs and file cabinets of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents that are subject to machine processing, in the design of programs that allow expanding the scope of computer technology.

2.15. [Enter as required].

III. Rights

The software engineer has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise related to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

3.3. Within the limits of his competence, inform his immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise (structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties from specialists of departments personally or on behalf of their immediate supervisor.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the duties assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the enterprise).

3.6. Require from his immediate supervisor, the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

3.7. [Enter as required].

IV. Responsibility

The software engineer is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

The profession of a programmer includes many different areas. Programmers develop websites, mobile applications, application software, are engaged in layout, web design, databases, writing interfaces and many other issues.

Many organizations provide positions of software engineers - specialists with knowledge not only in the field of programming, but also in the field of engineering. The duties of such a specialist depend on the specifics of the company.

In general terms, the activity of a software engineer is related to software development, troubleshooting, testing, implementation and use of programs, maintenance of servers and workstations.

An ordinary programmer differs from a software engineer in that he does not use engineering knowledge in his work.

As a rule, quite strict requirements are imposed on a software engineer.

He must have a technical education and a significant amount of specialized knowledge.

Requirements for specialists

The software engineer must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • be able to work with equipment, understand the components;
  • be able to provide service and consulting services;
  • know the basics of relevant legislation in terms of working with information systems and databases;
  • know the basic principles of structured programming.

In addition, a good software engineer must have certain personal qualities.

In particular:

  • developed logical thinking, emotional stability;
  • the ability to analyze large amounts of information;
  • the ability to focus on details.

As we have already noted, it must have higher education(IT technologies, automation and control, informatics, information systems, etc.).

Functional responsibilities

The duties performed by a software engineer directly depend on the scope of the company and the tasks that it faces.

As a rule, these include:

  • development, testing, updating of software designed to work with information;
  • determining the information to be processed;
  • verification of software for compliance with the technical specifications;
  • software implementation, training in its use by specific user groups;
  • development of instructions for the developed software;

  • fixing software errors, checking code;
  • designing solutions for expanding software, developing an interface;
  • evaluation and coordination of deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

The list of tasks can be supplemented by the management of each organization individually.

The main provisions of the job description

The job description of a software engineer prescribes his basic rights.

These include:

  • the right to possess information regarding legislative innovations relating to its field of activity;
  • the right to receive information necessary for the performance of professional duties;
  • the right to make suggestions to the top management regarding the improvement of the software, the implementation of various projects and wishes;
  • the right to inform management about the difficulties.

With regard to duties, a software engineer must fulfill the tasks assigned to him, control the quality of work performed, and comply with the requirements of regulations.

For non-fulfillment of the tasks set, causing material damage and for violation of the current legislation, the software engineer is responsible.

Where can you work

Good software engineers are in demand in many companies.

They may work:

  • in large organizations;
  • in banking institutions;
  • in training centers;
  • in the information departments of enterprises, etc.

Appointment to a position, as a rule, occurs by order of the head or CEO companies. Reporting software engineer technical director or the head of the relevant department.

Software engineers in these institutions work independently or in collaboration with several specialists. In their activities, they are quite autonomous, but at the same time they must be guided by the requirements set by management or customers. In addition, these specialists must know and comply with the requirements of regulations and the charter of the enterprise.


Software Engineer

  1. 1. General provisions

1.1. This instruction has been drawn up in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.1998. No. 37 "General industry qualification characteristics positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

1.2. A software engineer belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of a software engineer.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 3 years of experience in the position of a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists is appointed to the position of a software engineer with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years;

Category I software engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a category II software engineer for at least 3 years;

Category II software engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience as a category III software engineer or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years;

Category III software engineer: higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in the specialty acquired during the training period, or work experience in engineering and technical positions without a qualification category.

1.5. A software engineer is appointed to the position by order of the director of the technical school on the proposal of the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology.

1.6. The software engineer reports to the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology.

1.7. The software engineer must know:

Basics of labor legislation;

Current standards, number systems, ciphers and codes;

Guidance and normative materials,

Regulatory methods for the development of algorithms and programs and the use of computers in information processing;

Basic principles of structured programming;

Types of software;

Technical and operational characteristics, design features, purpose and modes of operation of the computer, rules for its technical operation; technology of automatic information processing;

Types of technical information carriers; methods of classification and coding of information;

Formalized programming languages;

The procedure for issuing technical documentation;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in programming and use of computer technology;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.8. The software engineer in his activities is guided by:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code RF;

Methodological guidelines of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow "Creation of an information support service educational institution» dated 2006;

Charter of the technical school;

Regulations on the structural unit;

Internal labor regulations;

This job description.

1.9. During the absence of a software engineer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

  1. 2. Functions

2.1. Development of algorithms and programs that provide the ability to perform the task by means of computer technology.

2.2. Program testing and debugging.

2.3. Development of instructions for working with programs, registration of the necessary technical documentation.

2.4. Technical support for users of automated control systems.

2.5. Software support of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the technical school.

2.6. Software support for distance learning technologies.

  1. 3. Job Responsibilities

The Software Engineer performs the following job responsibilities :

3.1. Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, he develops programs that provide the possibility of executing the algorithm and, accordingly, the task set by means of computer technology, tests and debugs them.

3.2. Develops a technology for solving the problem at all stages of information processing. It selects a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.

3.3. Determines the information to be processed by means of computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods for its control.

3.4. Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and debugging. Defines the scope and content of these test cases, providing the most complete verification of the compliance of programs with their functional purpose. Carries out the launch of debugged programs and the input of initial data determined by the conditions of the tasks.

3.5. Adjusts the developed program based on the analysis of output data.

3.6. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation. Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.

3.7. Provides support for implemented programs and software.

3.8. Develops and implements systems for automatic verification of the correctness of programs, typical and standard software tools, composes information processing technology.

3.9.Performs work on the unification and typification of computing processes.

3.10. He takes part in the creation of catalogs and file cabinets of standard programs, in the development of forms of documents that are subject to machine processing, in the design of programs that allow expanding the scope of computer technology.

3.11. Performs other assignments of the management of the technical school, not included in this job description, but arising in connection with the production need.

  1. 4. Rights

The software engineer has the right to:

4.1. Control the activities of structural divisions and employees of the technical school on the operation of automated software information systems.

4.2. Providing automated information systems.

4.3. To receive information from the heads of structural divisions and employees of the technical school, including confidential information, which is necessary to perform software development work.

4.4. Give orders and instructions on the work of users with the software of automated information systems and control their execution.

  1. 5. Responsibility

The software engineer is responsible for:

5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For violation of the requirement federal law“On Personal Data” and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as internal regulatory acts of the technical school regulating the protection of the interests of personal data subjects, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. For failure to perform or improper performance of their functions and duties provided for by this job description, orders, orders, instructions of the management of the technical school, not included in this job description, but arising in connection with production needs and other offenses - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: remark, reprimand, dismissal.

6. Interactions

Software Engineer:

6.1. Works according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a 40-hour working week and approved by the director of the technical school.

6.2. Receives from the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology information of a legal, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

6.3. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the deputy directors of the technical school, employees of the technical school.

6.4. While doing official duties related to the operation of automated information systems in other structural divisions of the technical school must agree on a work plan with the head of the structural division in which the work will be performed.

6.5. Maintains confidentiality.


System programmer engineer

  1. 1. General provisions

1.1. This instruction has been drawn up in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.1998. No. 37 "General industry qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations."

1.2. Engineer - system programmer belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of an engineer - system programmer.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical or economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary professional (technical or economic) education and at least 3 years of experience as a technician of category I is appointed to the position of system programmer.

Engineer - system programmer of category I: higher professional (technical or economic) education and work experience as an engineer - system programmer of category II for at least 3 years.

Engineer - system programmer II category: higher professional (technical or economic) education and work experience as an engineer - system programmer for at least 3 years.

1.5. An engineer-system programmer is appointed to the position by order of the director of the technical school on the proposal of the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology.

1.6. The engineer-system programmer reports to the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology.

1.7. System programmer engineer must know:

On the international, interstate and national systems of standardization and certification of electronic means of computer technology, information technologies, computer networks;

About informatization modern society and prospects for its development;

About modern programming languages;

Fundamentals of database theory;

Basic concepts and definitions of numerical methods and mathematical statistics;

Basic mathematical methods in solving applied problems;

principles of building electronic computers and their devices;

Modern electronic base;

Peripherals of electronic computers, the principle of their operation; mechanical components included in their composition;

The design of personal computers, their composition, layout;

Purpose, functions, features of the use of operating systems, operating shells and service applications;

Architecture of modern electronic computers;

Work with modern operating systems;

How to adapt information processing software to specific electronic computers, make changes to existing databases.

1.8. The engineer-system programmer in his activities is guided by:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Methodological guidelines of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow "Creating an information support service for an educational institution" dated 2006;

Charter of the technical school;

Regulations on the structural unit;

Internal labor regulations;

This job description.

1.9. During the absence of a system programmer engineer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


2.1. Ensuring the smooth functioning of software and hardware and the local network of the technical school in accordance with the established regulations.

2.2. Performance of work related to ensuring comprehensive information protection based on the developed programs and methods.

2.3. Development of proposals for the selection, acquisition and implementation of technical means, system and application software.

2.4. Organization of checking the quality of communication channels and taking measures to maintain them at a high level.

3.Job responsibilities

The system engineer has the following responsibilities:

3.1. Ensures the uninterrupted functioning of software and hardware and the local network of the technical school in accordance with the established regulations.

3.2. Performs work related to ensuring comprehensive information protection based on developed programs and methods.

3.3. Analyzes, identifies and eliminates (within the authority) the causes emergencies in the work of software and hardware and the local network of the technical school.

3.4. Forms and maintains information arrays and databases of the technical school.

3.5. Protects information and local network from unauthorized access.

3.6. Plans the acquisition of software, hardware, components, consumables necessary to ensure the operation of software and hardware and the local network of the technical school, and also organizes their acquisition, accounting and commissioning.

3.7. Takes measures to ensure that the state of the software and hardware of the technical school complies with safety and fire safety regulations.

3.8. Monitors the observance by employees, students and trainees of the rules for the operation of software and hardware, the local network of the technical school, the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

3.9. Develops draft contracts for the maintenance of software and hardware and the local network of the technical school, organizes and carries out acceptance from the service organization.

3.10. Organizes work to restore their performance during the warranty and post-warranty periods.

3.11. Develops proposals for the selection, acquisition and implementation of technical means, system and application software.

3.12. Organizes quality checks of communication channels and takes measures to maintain them at a high level.

3.13. Fulfills other instructions of the management of the technical school that are not included in this job description, but have arisen in connection with the production need.

  1. 4. Rights

The system programmer has the right to:

4.1. To control the activities of structural divisions and employees of the technical school on the operation of computer and office equipment, peripheral equipment, software and networks.

4.2. To receive information from the heads of structural divisions and employees of the technical school, including confidential information, which is directly related to the performance of their official duties.

4.3. Give orders and instructions on the work of users in automated information systems and monitor their execution;

4.5. At the invitation of third-party organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the department.

4.6. Through the head of the department, make proposals on issues within the competence of the department.

  1. 5. Responsibility

The system programmer is responsible for:

5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For violation of the requirements of the federal law "On Personal Data" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the internal regulations of the technical school governing the protection of the interests of personal data subjects, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation Federation.

5.5. For failure to perform or improper performance of their functions and duties provided for by this job description, orders, orders, instructions of the management of the technical school, not included in this job description, but arising in connection with production needs and other offenses - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: remark, reprimand, dismissal.

  1. 6. Interactions

System programmer engineer:

6.1. Works according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a 40-hour working week and approved by the director of the technical school.

6.3. Receives from the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology information of a legal, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

6.4. Interacts with technical support ACS developer.

6.5. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the deputy directors of the technical school, employees of the technical school.

6.7. When performing official duties related to the operation of automated information systems in other structural divisions of the technical school, he must agree on a work plan with the head of the structural division in which the work will be performed.

6.8. Transfers to the head of the department of information support, networks and computer technology the information received at meetings, seminars, immediately after its receipt.

6.9. Maintains confidentiality.
