On the liquidation of the private fire department and the transfer of its property to other types of

Online newspaper ZNAK.COM Dollar Dmitry Puchkov, better known as the Goblin, went down in history as perhaps the most famous Russian translator of Hollywood films. After the army, he worked as an assistant driller, a car mechanic, a dump truck driver and a heavy-duty tractor, a taxi driver, a blacksmith, a locksmith, a plumber, an electrician, a librarian at the Academy of Sciences, a cynologist, a duty officer in a prison, and a senior security officer. Since the late 1990s, he has translated a number of computer games and about 80 feature films (including Full Metal Jacket, Terminator, The Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs), TV series The Soprano Family, South Park, cartoon "Squad America: World Police" and others. The Goblin became widely known for his parody translations of The Lord of the Rings film epic, films The Matrix, Star Wars, and Boomer. He is the author of several books, including the collection “It's a shame for the state.

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Puchkov Vladimir Andreevich

Like Show likesShow shared copies Apr 20 at 8:25 pm IN THE FIRE REPORT THE FIRST MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AT 00:19 MIN., HOWEVER THE ELECTRICIANS ARE NOTIFIED BY THE DISPATCHER MARINA NIKOLAEVNA KUTUZOVA AND THEY LEAVING AT 00:13 MIN. Open voting HOW DO YOU THINK WHAT IS IT? IN THE FIRE REPORT THE MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED AT 00:19 MIN., AND THE ELECTRICIANS DISPATCHER KUTUZOVA MARINA NIKOLAEVNA NOTIFIED AND THEY LEAVED AT 00:13 MIN. point B with max. speed AC-40 80 km/h. arrive at the place. According to the act of fire, travel time is 6 minutes. The distance from the fire station to the place of fire, if you score in the Yandex map = 4.5 km. Open voting IS IT POSSIBLE from point A to point B with max.
speed AC-40 80 km/h. arrive at the place. According to the act of fire, travel time is 6 minutes. Distance from

Write a letter to a. Puchkov

Azarov School Timofeevka village, Stavropol district, Samara region. Puchkov FLOOD. ICE CONTAMINATION ON THE RIVERS. Peskov help PERSON Briefly: Minister Russian Federation for civil defence, emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Biography Communities Federal government News Messages ministers of the government of the Russian Federation Vote before 07/16/2020 Each visitor to the portal can vote for a particular minister and influence his place in the ranking. You can also comment on your vote and the work of the minister of the government of the Russian Federation.

Ask a question to Dmitry "goblin" Puchkov

Dear users! Please, before sending a letter to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management in in electronic format please read the following information carefully. 1. Before preparing a letter to the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter referred to as the EMERCOM of Russia), we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the documents and materials posted on the official website of the EMERCOM of Russia.


Citizens' appeals sent electronically through the official website of the EMERCOM of Russia are processed by the Department for Work with Citizens' Appeals of the Administrative and Legal Department of the EMERCOM of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department for Work with Citizens' Appeals). 3. Before sending an electronic application, it is necessary to correctly fill out the questionnaire.



Employees of the Department for Work with Citizens' Appeals, if necessary, have the right to clarify information about the sender of the appeal and the essence of the appeal. Appeals and applications for an unscheduled inspection In accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008

No. 294 "On the protection of the rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control” the applicant sends an appeal and an application in the form electronic documents, may serve as a basis for an unscheduled inspection only if they were sent by the applicant using information and communication technology tools that provide for the applicant's mandatory authorization in unified system identification and authentication.
Letters are often addressed to Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov, with requests or proposals on various topics. As a rule, they are all connected with civil defense, since Vladimir Andreevich holds the post of Minister of Defense of Russia.
There are different ways to write a letter to Puchkov, but not all of them are justified. For example, writing an appeal on the official website often does not give any results. Therefore, this method is not optimal for those who have a serious problem that requires the direct intervention of the Secretary of Defense to solve. If you do not know where to report a natural disaster, you can write a letter to Puchkov.

Letters containing information about the commission or intention to commit a terrorist act are also addressed to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Where to write a letter to Puchkov

Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters — Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov Candidate of Technical Sciences. In the civil defense system since 1983. Repeatedly took part in the liquidation of large-scale emergencies, accidents, disasters and large fires. Awarded with state awards: the Order "For Personal Courage", the Order of Courage, the Order of Friendship, the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, as well as medals and departmental awards. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.
In order for the message to be considered reasonable and considered immediately, evidence of the veracity of your words, if any, should be attached. General rules for all letters addressed to politicians are basically the same.

The very first and most important thing is to correctly compose an appeal. You should briefly and to the point state your message, complaint or request, diluting the text with speculation and reasoning as little as possible.

Of course too summary sometimes it can hurt too. The text should be written in such a way that it is clear what is being said.
In order to write a letter to Puchkov, one does not need to be specially trained. You just need to take into account some handling rules that everyone should know. It is unacceptable to use profanity containing obscene expressions, regardless of who the letter is addressed to.
Photo by RIA Novosti/Ekaterina Chesnokova will not take part in the military operation in Syria Russia Zakharova: “We demand from Ukraine to stop bullying sailors” Russia Putin and Sobyanin on a simulator at VDNH conducted a docking orbital station Russia Schoolchildren were injured in an accident with a bus in the suburbs Russia Alexei Navalny announced the action on May 5 on the eve of Putin's inauguration Russia detained business partner Igor Rotenberg.
Dear Vladimir Andreevich, I am writing to you with a request to consider my letter carefully because of the tragedy that occurred in our city. When using the material "ENOL", created by us, it would be possible to avoid such victims.
The ENOL technology makes it possible to solve problems associated with road erosion, the construction of high-rise buildings in areas with high seismicity, as well as the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters. In order to understand the capabilities of the material "ENOL" and its technology, it is enough to type "ENOL - thermal conductivity test" on the Internet. Sincerely, Palatnikov V.G. Like Show likesShow shared copies Write a message.. Vladimir Aleksandrovich hello. I am a worker of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. I work in the Chelyabinsk region.

S. Agapovka psch-67 post k / o. A question for you, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for large families, were the bags from the Ministry of Emergency Situations? My 4th child was born in November. Will I wake up 100 thousand? I am freely hired.

Minister of the Russian Federationfor civil defense, emergency situations
and elimination of consequences of natural disasters to Vladimir Puchkov.

Dear Mr. Minister,

I am writing to you with a statement that I am compelled to place in the public domain. Because I see no other way to bring information to you about the activities of your subordinates in Moscow.

The activity, which, in my opinion, consists in exerting administrative pressure on entrepreneurs, which may be associated with organized corrupt activities.

An occupation that has nothing to do with the tasks assigned to the structures of the Medical Unit. At the same time, high-ranking employees of the department are confident in their impunity, probably clearly understanding that in Moscow there is a practice in which, always, a superior officer covers his subordinate, regardless of the actions that he performs.

So checks at small enterprises are carried out by personnel without proper training, which allows such “controllers” to arbitrarily interpret legislative acts and norms.

Complaints about corrupt actions of employees sent to higher officials are not considered in Moscow.

On the contrary, the management of enterprises that have decided to resist the corrupt activities of individuals is under pressure.

Acts of inspections and resolutions are prepared in advance, explanations based on the results of inspections are not taken into account, acts of disagreement are not considered, petitions that can clarify the situation are rejected.

For example, in the course of consideration of resolutions based on the results of an audit at an enterprise, a high-ranking employee of the North-East Administrative Okrug Derevyanko D. demands that the capital task of the 60s of construction be destroyed so that it would comply with the “fire-fighting” standards adopted in the North-East Administrative Okrug. Or, as proof of the innocence of the entrepreneur, it requires notarization of certificates for finishing materials.

Another senior officer of the department, V. Kochetygov, as a representative of a higher organization, refuses applications on formal grounds. Obviously, only in order not to consider complaints on the merits and not to counteract corruption in the ranks of their subordinates. So Mr. Kochetygov found a reason not to consider an application for an extension of the term for consideration of an administrative case due to the fact that the application was not attached sick leave an entrepreneur who, at the time of filing and consideration of the act of disagreement, was on sick leave, which could be received on hand only after the closure of such. Which could not contribute to an objective consideration of the administrative case against the entrepreneur and completely covered the illegal actions of subordinates, such as ensuring the operation of individual facilities, the operation of which is not possible, exceeding official authority, hindering the conduct entrepreneurial activity contribute to the economic ruin of a small enterprise. Such cases in Moscow are massive.

The amounts of fines that are imposed on small and small manufacturing enterprises, comparable to the size of annual profits and equivalent to the amounts of sanctions imposed on large enterprises, for example, the oil and gas complex.

Which confirms the statements made above about the unwillingness of those responsible for “ fire safety” in Moscow to perform official duties, but only to satisfy their ambitions, moving up in the service, and, possibly, to receive income from activities under administrative pressure on the capital's business.

Income not reported on income declarations by public servants. Contrary to the law, the officials of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations do not post in the public domain declarations on the received data for 2010 and 2011 (as this is done by employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations). No responses have been received to inquiries regarding this issue.

I draw your attention to the fact that your subordinate “fire inspectors” of Moscow could not have been unaware of the plans of the leadership of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and the statements made by you personally about the ministry’s programs to reduce administrative pressure on entrepreneurs, up to a five-year moratorium on inspections at small and medium-sized enterprises .

An appropriate agreement with representatives of entrepreneurial public organizations was signed by you. So, at least, it was reflected in the media.

Based on this application and the applications sent by me earlier to the head of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations, I ask you to conduct an internal audit. Check the completeness and correctness of filling in income declarations officials Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow.

I ask you to remove high-ranking officials of the department Derevyanko and Kochetygov from their positions as leaders who directly violate the rights of entrepreneurs, contribute to the illegal actions of their subordinates, and do not comply with the decisions of their leadership in relation to small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow. Since their actions and activities bring direct damage to social relations that develop in the process of entrepreneurial activity between entrepreneurs and government bodies, as well as damage the basic postulates and principles protected by the fundamental law of Russia

Appendix - a set of documents previously sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow

Sincerely, Vandyshev Alexander,

website editor



P.S Dear Mr. Minister, you are probably not aware that it is almost impossible to send you an appeal through the website of the department. The section "question to the minister" allows you to write one paragraph, and the section of citizens' appeals two. In addition, when trying to send a message to you, even in such summary, the system gives an error.

P.S. Who's who...

Derevyanko Dmitry Vasilievich, Deputy Head of 4 ROND SVAO

Kochetygov Valery Anatolievich Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department. Supervisory Department.

Head of the Directorate for Supervisory Activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the City of Moscow Colonel of the Internal Service Naidenkov Oleg Nikolaevich

Department's response to the editorial requestPharmacist Ru(dated November 22, 2013) regarding non-placement of declarations of employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow for 2010-2011.

P.S Actually, the request was caused by the rejection of information on the income of one of the employees presented above. Young, single, two children and a Mercedes worth from 1.9 ...... On this topic, a request was also sent to the higher leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow


judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kuzin M.M. ruled against entrepreneurs, once again, supporting, without any reason, "arguments" and facts of violation by firefighters-controllers of the Moscow Emergencies Ministry of laws regulating the conduct of control measures.

It is striking that Judge Kuzin not only rewrites his decisions, from case to case, but copies them with the same errors, apparently ripping off ready-made texts from the Internet or from files received from Moscow "firefighters" liquidators of small businesses in Moscow.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs to be saved from their leader Vladimir Puchkov. Vladimir Puchkov took over as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations less than two years ago, but even for such short term managed to be noted not from the best side. We propose to recall the former "merits" of Vladimir Andreevich. The work of the newly minted minister began with a major emergency in the Krasnodar Territory, as a result of which more than 170 people died. The Ministry of Emergency Situations did not notify the population about the threat of flooding in time and did not ensure the evacuation of residents of the flooded territories. The head of the department, Puchkov, also took on a significant share of the criticism, whose subordinates did not work in this situation in the best way. Last year, another corruption scandal flared up in Khakassia - an organized criminal group engaged in embezzlement operated in the leadership of the Khakassian rescuers. Experts call this scheme “usual”, that is, the current head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, could well be aware of what is happening. The incident in Khakassia is not something unusual for today's Ministry of Emergency Situations, because. such "schemes" appear there quite regularly. The level of corruption in the territorial departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rose sharply after Vladimir Puchkov became the new minister. There are rumors that a vertically integrated corruption system has now formed, when bribes from the grassroots go to the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Previously, Puchkov served as head of the Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - and even then there were a lot of complaints about his work. Then the official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was accused of inappropriate spending, i.e. in theft. At one time, Mr. Puchkov was the head of the North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And here there was a scandal: this regional center created a three-dimensional database of geo-images, including potentially dangerous objects - hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants and chemical industry. In addition, the training of 20 employees for this purpose cost two million rubles. It seems that there was no misappropriation of funds here. While in the position of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Puchkov "marked" himself in the fight against forest fires in 2012: many experts then placed all responsibility for the poor work of rescuers on Vladimir Andreevich. In addition, in 2010 it was the current head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who was responsible for the elimination of fires in the Moscow region. We all remember that the fire then reached the approaches to the capital. Vladimir Puchkov, as a minister, began to carry out a rather strange personnel reform - instead of the old leadership, he began to appoint dubious characters. For example, Major Bunakov, who served as assistant to the state secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, turned out to be a drug addict, and his immediate supervisor Vladimir Artamonov did his best to hush up the scandal. If we take an interest in the opinion of the old-timers about the new leadership, we will get the following answer: “Everything is in a bundle. It’s good that we don’t participate in gay parades yet ... ”Now we can summarize briefly. Under Puchkov, the number of corruption crimes has increased dramatically, there can be no talk of any positive transformations in the ministry, and the general atmosphere in the department has become very difficult. What is the way out of this situation? Vladimir Andreevich must either be dismissed or forced to work! In addition, we advise the anti-corruption services to check the activities of the minister as soon as possible.

During the year, the fire program of Greenpeace Russia tried many times to draw the attention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at various levels to the dangerous situation with peat fires in the Tver region. However, instead of fighting the problem, the employees of the regional administration preferred to hush it up. Having received no constructive response to his appeals, the head of the program, Grigory Kuksin, decided to publish an open letter to the Minister for Emergency Situations, V.A. Puchkov. Here is its full text:

“Vladimir Andreevich, I am writing this text in public in the hope that you will actually read it. I do not expect an answer to it, I do not need formal replies from the ministry. Almost all my adult life I have been extinguishing fires in natural areas, including extinguishing peat bogs. I understand that the problem of peat fires is complex. And like any difficult problem, it has no simple solutions. It is obvious that the problem of fires cannot be completely solved without solving the problem of "no-man's" lands, unused territories, without destroying the tradition of grass burning by the population, without a comprehensive and systematic approach to watering and restoring swamps ... But with all the need for these long-term investments, it is understandable and the fact that peatlands burn every year and require extinguishing. In most cases, these are not lands of the forest fund, and it is up to employees of your ministry and regional firefighters to respond to these fires.

In recent years (after the smoky summer of 2010 for Moscow), much attention has been paid to the problem of burning peat bogs. Unfortunately, this attention sometimes plays a cruel joke. It is obvious to all participants in the process that extinguishing a fire at an early stage is much easier and cheaper than when it has developed. It is obvious to everyone that any fire flares up from a small hearth. And, if you prevent the dangerous development of a fire and allocate enough forces at an early stage, it will be possible to minimize both the damage and the cost of extinguishing. And for this purpose, instructions and instructions are issued, plans are written and exercises are conducted. However, in every dry year we have the problem of massively burning peatlands.

I will list several problems that, in my opinion, greatly hinder the organization of a high-quality system for combating peat fires. Some problems drag on for years. Some of them have appeared very recently.

One of the problems that does not allow to extinguish peat fires with high quality is, surprisingly, the desire of the ministry to improve the efficiency and quality of extinguishing. Now, to extinguish in natural areas, including extinguishing peat fires, the same approaches are used in assessing the effectiveness of the work of fire departments as in settlements and at economic facilities. In reality, a peat fire is almost never extinguished on the first day. Even in the early stages (in areas of several square meters), extinguishing takes several hours. Best time detection of small foci - the evening before the dew falls. It turns out that a peat fire almost always lasts and passes into the second day. This is not an indicator of poor unit performance - this is a feature of a peat fire. In addition, for reliable extinguishing, several additional guarding trips are required within the next few days after extinguishing. As long as there is an installation to show the liquidation of a peat fire on the day of detection, the units will be forced to “close” the fire before it is actually extinguished, they will be forced to look for illegal ways to organize guarding and extinguishing. That is, a situation will be created (and is constantly being created) in which, for the qualitative performance of work, it is necessary to misinform your leadership and in which it is impossible to officially request help if it is nevertheless required. With a shortage of forces and means and in the presence of other fires, the priority will always be (and rightly so) - the protection of settlements. If a peat fire on paper is “closed”, but there is not enough strength, it will be extinguished according to the residual principle. And, with a high probability, they will miss the time, while it could be extinguished with small forces. This is a practical situation. This is how most fires in the Tver region have developed since April of this year. This situation can be confirmed in an informal conversation in every garrison where there are drained peat bogs in the area of ​​departure. Firefighters who are forced to “carry out” trips to peat with garbage or fire-tactical exercises in their reports are also well aware of their insecurity in this situation. If an employee is injured or killed, it will be difficult for his management to explain the fact that a firefighter is far from the city in a swamp on a “non-existent” fire.

Another problem is the lack of a system for detecting peat fires in the early stages. The main time when most peat fires start is spring. The first (and most numerous) peat foci appear as a result of grass burning in the spring. As long as there is no system for responding to such fires (surveys of drained bogs in case open burning is detected on them in the spring), peat fires will be detected very late. Now many of the fires that arose in April begin to extinguish in July and even August, when they become clearly visible from afar along the plume of smoke. But it is incomparably more expensive and more difficult than at the stage of barely noticeable small foci. While there is no system for the early detection of peat fires, while firefighters encounter burning peat only at the stage of large deep fires and in summer conditions (water shortage in the drainage system), myths persist that peat burns always and that it cannot be extinguished. We know this is not true, but even professional firefighters are losing faith that this problem can be dealt with.

Unfortunately, the systems of remote sensing of the Earth do not yet allow identifying peat pockets at an early stage. But even if field checks are carried out for each case of detecting a thermal spot within the boundaries of drained peatlands (taking it for granted that most peat pockets arise from grass burning in spring), the probability of early detection of fires will increase. Now such checks of thermopoints are carried out formally. And even if traces of a grass fire, which gave a thermal point, are revealed, the territory is almost never surveyed to identify peat foci.

Another problem is the informational consequences of the flooding story. So many promises and statements were made in the regions that now the swamps will not burn, that it is politically very inconvenient to admit the existence of peat fires. And without recognizing the presence of a fire, it is impossible to use all the forces and means that are provided for by all kinds of master plans. It turns out that at the stage when the fire can still be extinguished by local or regional forces by implementing a ready-made plan, the fire is not recognized and extinguished by insufficient forces (in extreme cases, they show how it was extinguished on the day of detection on an area of ​​​​less than 1 hectare). And then, when the fire can no longer be hidden, they try to extinguish it with the involvement of help - but already in the absence of water in local water sources and in areas that cannot be extinguished before winter. Unfortunately, this behavior of both regional officials and your subordinates was partly provoked by your statements and promises to journalists that the peatlands would not burn. In informal communication, many employees of your department admitted that the pressure to prevent the word “peat” from being used in official reports, publications, and even operational reports was very strong this year. This pressure was also directed at the heads of the main departments in the regions, that is, at least at the level of the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Under such conditions, it is impossible to make informed decisions and it is not possible to request the necessary assistance in time.

In addition to these “political” problems, there is also the problem of the quality of training of the personnel of the units that are engaged in extinguishing these fires. Historically, fire departments have been focused on extinguishing buildings and economic facilities. In the training system, very little time has been and is given to extinguishing in natural areas. And the technologies for extinguishing peat fires are familiar to a relatively small number of firefighters and rescuers. Often it is the lack of knowledge (and sometimes necessary equipment) leads to the fact that the fire cannot be extinguished reliably. And the resumption of smoldering of peat on previously flooded foci leads to a loss of motivation, to disbelief that peat can be reliably extinguished. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the use of spectacular technologies, for example, aviation firefighting, without sufficient explanation to the firefighting participants of the goals and objectives of using such means, creates a final confusion in the minds. Until people (including firefighters) are explained that water discharges can only bring down burning on the surface and reduce the intensity of smoke emission, but not extinguish peat, they will perceive the use of aviation either as a reliable means of extinguishing (and not understand the essence of peat extinguishing processes) , or consider it a complete window dressing and waste of funds.

Taken together (taking into account the objectively difficult situation with the abandoned territories of drained swamps, with grass burning, with climate change), these reasons create the current situation. We again (fortunately, only in one region of Central Russia) could not control the situation with peat fires and suffered enormous losses. If systemic conclusions are not drawn from this situation, it will happen again.

For our part, we (employees of the Greenpeace Russia fire program and volunteers) are ready to provide support in the fight against peat fires. Sometimes our activities are perceived as hostile towards the employees of the ministry. This is not true. Simply by assisting in the detection and suppression of these fires, we cannot but try to influence the systemic problems that I have listed. These issues are very difficult to raise for people working in the field. But without their solution, the situation is unlikely to change for the better.

Head of the fire program Greenpeace Russia
Grigory Kuksin"
