Comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise on the example of LLC. Comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise Comprehensive economic analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise



Chapter 1. Theoretical basis analysis economic activity enterprises

Chapter 2. A comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise using the example of LLC

2.3. Analysis of performance indicators and financial condition of the enterprise

2.6. The main directions for improving the efficiency of the organization



Accordingly, the analysis of economic activity as an integral part accounting in a broad sense, the word can be divided into financial and managerial analysis.

Analysis of economic activity - the study of various methods and means of production, financial and trading activities enterprises. Such an analysis is aimed at identifying the magnitude and change over time of economic indicators that characterize the production, circulation, consumption of products, goods, services, the efficiency of resource use, the quality of the product. General analysis of the enterprise - analysis of indicators that allow you to characterize the problems of the enterprise in terms of personnel, equipment, technology, production efficiency, sales, management and planning.

The market economy sets more and more new tasks for Russian business: increasing the efficiency of production, the competitiveness of goods and services, improving management mechanisms, etc. An important role in solving these and many other tasks is given to the economic analysis of the activities of economic entities. With its help, a strategy and tactics for business development are developed, plans are formed and substantiated management decisions, control over their implementation is carried out, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, the results of the activity of the entire enterprise, its division and each employee individually are evaluated. This determines the relevance of the analysis of economic activity and the topic of the course work.

The objectives of the analysis are achieved as a result of solving a certain interrelated set of analytical tasks. The analytical task is a specification of the goals of the analysis, taking into account the organizational, informational, technical and methodological possibilities for conducting this analysis. The main factors are the volume and quality of the initial information. It should be kept in mind, however, that the periodic financial statements enterprises - only "raw" information prepared during the implementation of accounting procedures at the enterprise.

With its help, a strategy and tactics for the development of an enterprise are developed, plans and management decisions are substantiated, control over their implementation is carried out, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, and the performance of the enterprise, its divisions and employees is evaluated.

Analysis of economic activity is an important element in the production management system, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for the development of scientifically based plans and management decisions.

The role of analysis as a means of managing production at the present stage is increasing. This is due to the need for a steady increase in production efficiency due to an increase in the shortage and cost of raw materials, an increase in knowledge intensity and capital intensity of production.

Thanks to economic analysis, the content of economic processes is revealed, which means that it becomes possible to influence their course and final result. Only by revealing the cause-and-effect relationships of various aspects of activity, you can quickly and accurately determine the impact of a particular factor on the main results of economic activity, justify any management decision, calculate how the amount of profit, break-even sales, stock will change. financial stability, the unit cost of production when any production situation changes. Of course, all of the above indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise are of great importance for business development and require mandatory reflection and comprehensive analysis.

The object of analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise are just economic results activities. The objects of analysis include such economic categories as: production and sales of products, their cost, the use of material, labor and financial resources, the financial results of production, the financial condition of the enterprise

aim term paper is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of STS-Austria LLC. The main activity of the enterprise is the sale of stationery.

In accordance with the goal in the course work, the following tasks are solved:

    To study the methods of analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise;

    Analyze the information base of the analysis;

    Conduct an analysis of the use of enterprise funds;

    Conduct an analysis of the availability of labor resources;

    Conduct an analysis of performance indicators and financial condition of the enterprise;

    Conduct an analysis of the company's liquidity;

    Conduct an analysis of the profitability of the enterprise;

    Propose the main directions for improving the efficiency of the organization.

Methods for preparing coursework:

    a set of dialectical methods (private - special, quantity - quality, deduction, induction, system is part of the system, positive - negative, etc.);

    methods of generalization of practical experience (comparison, quantitative assessment, analysis of time series, etc.);

    information processing methods (editing, highlighting the main, etc.)

    methods of observation and questioning.

The theoretical and methodological basis for writing the term paper was scientific and educational aids and monographs of Russian and foreign specialists, publications of special periodicals, financial statements and analytical materials of STS-Austria LLC.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

1.1. Methods for analyzing the economic activity of an enterprise

The literature offers several approaches to the methods of analysis of economic activity. For example, A.D. Sheremet, R.S. Saifulin, E.V. Negashev offer the following options at the preliminary stage of analysis:

Their main methods are:

Horizontal - this method determines the absolute and relative changes in the values ​​of various balance sheet items for a certain period.

Vertical - calculation of the specific weight of individual items in the balance sheet, i.e. clarification of the structure of assets and liabilities for a certain date.

Trend analysis - consists in comparing the values ​​of balance sheet items for a number of years (or other related reporting periods) to identify trends that dominate the dynamics of indicators.

Ratio analysis - is reduced to the study of the levels and dynamics of relative indicators calculated as the ratio of the values ​​of balance sheet items or other absolute indicators obtained on the basis of reporting or accounting. When analyzing the coefficients, their values ​​are compared with the basic values, which are used as:

theoretically substantiated or obtained as a result of expert surveys, the values ​​of relative indicators characterizing optimal or critical values;

averaged over the time series values ​​of indicators of the given enterprise;

the value of indicators calculated according to the reporting data of the most successful competitor;

industry average value of indicators.

The basic principle of analytical reading of financial statements is the deductive method, i.e. From general to specific. But it must be applied repeatedly. In the course of such an analysis, as it were, the temporal and logical sequence of economic factors and events, the direction and strength of their influence on performance results are reproduced.

According to N.V. Kolchina, the following methods are used for analysis:

Comparison method - when the indicators of the reporting period are compared either with the planned ones or with the indicators for the previous period (basic).

Grouping method - indicators are grouped and summarized in tables, which makes it possible to carry out analytical calculations, identify trends in the development of individual phenomena and their relationships, and identify factors that affect the change in indicators.

Chain substitution method - consists in replacing a separate reporting indicator with a base one, all other indicators remain unchanged. This method makes it possible to determine the influence of individual factors on the aggregate indicator.

As a tool for financial analysis, N.V. Kolchina suggests using:

Financial ratios are relative indicators of the FSP, which express the ratio of some financial indicators to others. Such financial indicators are used to quantify the financial condition, to compare the indicators of the financial condition of a particular enterprise with similar indicators of other enterprises or industry averages, to identify the dynamics of development of indicators and trends in the change in the FSP, to determine the normal limits and criteria for various aspects of the financial condition. For example, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On certain measures to implement the legislation on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of an enterprise”, a system of criteria has been introduced to determine the unsatisfied structure of the balance sheet of insolvent enterprises. Such criteria are the current liquidity ratio, the equity ratio working capital, coefficient of restoration (loss) of solvency. Their normal limits - limiting sizes are determined.

Consider now the methodology for analyzing the financial condition.

Preliminary assessment - includes an assessment of the reliability of information, reading information and a general economic interpretation of financial statements. On the this stage it is necessary to assess the risk associated with the use of available information, draw general conclusions regarding the main indicators characterizing the value of the turnover of non-current assets, equity and working capital, identify the main trends in the behavior of indicators, outline directions for deepening the analysis;

An important technique of this stage, according to some authors, for example, O.V. Efimova, is the formation of an analytical balance sheet or a compacted analytical net balance sheet, which will then be used in all further calculations of financial indicators. The practical usefulness of this technique is due to the fact that the organization's balance sheet requires clarification and a certain regrouping of items arising from an analytical approach to understanding current and non-current assets, equity and debt capital. The presence of an analytical balance allows you to avoid the need to deal with adjustments at the stage of calculating financial ratios. This ensures the unity of the approach to the definition of individual elements of the balance sheet, which makes it possible to combine the financial indicators calculated on their basis into a single system. The analytical balance sheet is formed by regrouping individual items of current and non-current assets, capital and liabilities, as well as eliminating the impact on the balance sheet total and its structure of regulatory items.

Express analysis of the current financial condition, including the calculation of financial ratios and obtaining results from the standpoint of assessing current and long-term solvency, business activity and profitability, as well as activity in the securities market;

The purpose of express analysis, according to V.V. Kovalev is a clear and simple assessment of the financial position and dynamics of the enterprise. The meaning of express analysis is to select a small number of the most significant and relatively easy to calculate indicators and constantly monitor their dynamics. The selection is subjective and is made by the analyst.

The financial condition of the enterprise can be assessed from the point of view of the short and long term. In the first case, the criteria for assessing the financial condition are the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, i.e. the ability to timely and in full make settlements on short-term obligations. From a long-term perspective, the financial condition of an enterprise is characterized by the structure of sources of funds, the degree of dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors.

The main purpose of the analytical work at this stage is to draw the attention of the company's management, credit officer or other decision-maker to the fundamental points characterizing the financial condition of the enterprise, to formulate the main problems that need to be clarified in the process of further analysis.

in-depth the financial analysis- with the involvement of the necessary internal and external information. Such an analysis can be carried out by a narrow circle of people who can characterize the causes of the problems that have arisen on the basis of a detailed study of inside information. The purpose of the analysis is a more detailed description of the property and financial position of an economic entity, the results of its activities in the past reporting period, as well as the possibilities for the development of the entity in the future. It concretizes, supplements and expands individual express analysis procedures.

Predictive analysis of the main financial indicators, taking into account the decisions made and assessment of financial stability on this basis. The task of the analysis at this stage is to find out how past events and current trends, as well as newly made decisions, can affect the ability of the enterprise to maintain financial stability.

According to O.V. Efimova, the main purpose of the predictive analysis of the financial condition is to substantiate the value of key indicators that determine the financial condition of the enterprise and its financial stability in the future through a preliminary study of the prevailing trends characterizing the current financial condition. In predictive calculations, the main attention should be paid to the results of the enterprise's activities in the past (in this case, the assessment of the reliability of the results obtained is of paramount importance), as well as external and internal factors that can significantly affect it.

Based on these methods of analysis, a system of indicators for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise is derived.

The overall assessment of the FSP is based on a whole system of indicators that characterize the structure of the sources of capital formation and its placement, the balance between the assets of the enterprise and the sources of their formation, the efficiency and intensity of the use of capital, the solvency and creditworthiness of the enterprise, etc. Therefore, the dynamics of each indicator is studied, comparisons are made with average and standard values.

Thus, based on the foregoing, we can say that financial analysis is a method for assessing and forecasting the financial condition of an enterprise based on its financial statements. The financial condition, in turn, being a complex concept, depends on many factors and is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability and placement of funds, real and potential financial opportunities. Therefore, when analyzing the financial condition, specific methods are used. They are very diverse, but have the following common features: a) assessment of the enterprise's activities from the standpoint of increasing production efficiency; b) determination of the influence of individual factors on the final results of the enterprise. In the course of financial analysis, an assessment of the real financial situation of the enterprise is given, possible reserves for its improvement are identified, and measures are developed for the use of these reserves. All this once again indicates that the financial analysis of the enterprise should not be episodic, but systematic.

The purpose of financial analysis is to evaluate financial results and the financial condition of the past activities reflected in the statements, and at the time of the analysis, as well as an assessment of the future potential of the enterprise, i.e. economic diagnostics of economic activity.

1.2. Information base of analysis

The main sources of information for analysis are the data of accounting forms Forms No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, if necessary, the data of the business plan and other reporting forms are used in the analysis to identify factors that significantly affected financial performance. Depending on how rationally the enterprise uses its financial resources and what are the directions of their placement, the efficiency and final results of the financial and economic activities of this enterprise largely depend.

Financial statements - one system data on the property and financial position of the organization and on the results of its economic activity, compiled on the basis of accounting data in accordance with established forms. The financial statements of an organization (except for budgetary and insurance organizations and banks) consist of:

Balance sheet (f. 1);

Profit and loss statement (f. 2);

Statement of changes in equity (f. Z);

Statement of cash flows (form 4);

Applications to the balance sheet (form 5);

Explanatory note;

An auditor's report confirming the accuracy of the organization's financial statements, if in accordance with federal law subject to mandatory audit.

The content and forms of the balance sheet, income statement, other reports and applications are applied consistently from one reporting period to another. In the financial statements, data on numerical indicators are given for at least two years - the reporting and preceding the reporting one. If they are incomparable with the data for the reporting period, they are subject to adjustment based on the rules established by regulatory enactments. The data that has undergone an adjustment must be reflected in the explanatory note along with an indication of the reasons that caused this adjustment.

In the financial statements, after its approval, it is possible to change the data in which distortions were found, but the offset between the items of assets and liabilities, items of profit and loss, except when such a set-off is provided for by the rules established by regulatory enactments, is not allowed.

Organizations, based on the results of their economic activities, draw up monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements; monthly and quarterly financial statements are interim.

The reporting year for all organizations is from January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year inclusive. The first reporting year for established organizations is considered from the date of their state registration to December 31 for organizations established after October 1 - from the date state registration through December 31st of the following year.

Chapter 2. A comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise on the example of STS Austria

2.1. Analysis of the use of enterprise funds

First of all, it is necessary to analyze changes in the balance sheet structure of the enterprise. A detailed study of the structure of the balance sheet is presented in Table. one.

Table 1

Comparative analytical balance of "Konstanta-A" for 2003-2004.

Balance indicator

Absolute values ​​thousand rubles

Specific gravity, %


In % to the value of 2003

In % of the change in the total balance

In absolute terms

In specific weights, %

1. Non-current assets

2. Current assets



Other current assets


3. Capital and reserves

4. Long-term loans and borrowings

5. Accounts payable

On the basis of the conducted balance sheet research, the following positive trends can be noted:

1) reduction in the share of non-current assets;

2) growth in the share of current assets;

3) increase in the share of cash;

4) reduction of the share of receivables;

5) increase in the balance sheet.

The negative trends include the following:

1) increase in the share of reserves

2) an increase in the share of accounts payable and a reduction in the share of equity in the sources of funds.

The decrease in the share of non-current assets in the balance sheet structure was due to the sale of unused fixed assets. The reduction in receivables was due to the tightening of the policy of selling products on credit. The growth of accounts payable can be viewed as a positive fact in terms of attracting free sources of credit.

The main objectives of the analysis of the use of fixed production assets are: the study of the availability of a fleet of machines, mechanisms, equipment; study of the movement of OPF, the degree of their suitability, the possibility of reinnovation (full recovery); identification of losses due to extensive and intensive factors of use; analysis of the efficiency of equipment use; determination of reserves for growth in production volume based on the results obtained.

The main sources of analysis information are: technical documentation; equipment passports; operational accounting data on the degree of use of equipment (in terms of time and labor productivity); indicators of the effectiveness of the use of the OPF; documentation of the department of the chief mechanic on the condition of the equipment; reports on the presence and movement of OPF; defective statements; other primary documentation.

During the reporting period, the enterprise acquired fixed assets in the amount of 5024 thousand rubles, retired in the amount of 1988 thousand rubles.

The OPF renewal coefficient reflects the intensity of renewal of fixed assets for the reporting period.

Cobn \u003d Sp / Skp \u003d 5024/10524 \u003d 0.47

where Сп is the cost of received OPF;

UPF - the cost of OPF at the end of the period.

The renewal of fixed assets in 2004 amounted to 47% due to the acquisition of new office equipment, warehouse and office equipment

The OPF retirement coefficient characterizes the share of fixed production assets that left the sphere of production during the reporting period.

Kvyb \u003d Sv / Snp \u003d 1988/7488 \u003d 0.27

where Sv - the cost of retired OPF;

SNP - the cost of OPF at the beginning of the period.

In 2004, the share of those who dropped out of the OPF production sector was 27%. This happened due to the sale of unused warehouse equipment and road transport.

The OPF growth coefficient characterizes the level of growth of fixed assets for a certain period and is calculated as the ratio of the value of the growth of fixed assets to their value at the beginning of the period:

Kpr \u003d Spr / Snp \u003d 3036/7488 \u003d 0.41

where Sp is the sum of the increase in OPF.

Thus, the total value of fixed assets increased by 41%

The wear factor of the BPF (Kizn) was:

Kizn \u003d Syzn / Sp \u003d 1579/9067 \u003d 0.174

where Sizn - the amount of depreciation of the OPF;

Cn is the initial cost of the OPF.

The average depreciation rate is calculated as the ratio of the amount of depreciation for the year to the initial cost of fixed assets and intangible assets at the beginning of the year. Depreciation deductions for fixed assets and intangible assets for 2004 amounted to 1,579 thousand rubles. The average depreciation rate is 17.4%.

The capital-labor ratio shows the value of fixed assets per employee (FV):

FV \u003d Csg / SCHPPP \u003d (10524 + 7488) / 2/32 \u003d 281.4 thousand rubles.

where Ссг is the average annual cost of OPF.

Return on assets (RO) is the most important generalizing indicator of the effectiveness of the use of OPF. This indicator shows how many products (in value terms) are produced for 1 ruble of the cost of fixed production assets:

FD \u003d Vvp / Csg \u003d 108061 / ((10524 + 7488) / 2) \u003d 11.99

To increase the return on assets, it is necessary that the growth rate of labor productivity outpaces the growth rate of the capital-labor ratio

Capital intensity (FU) shows how much fixed assets are spent for the production of 1 ruble of products:

FE \u003d 1 / FO \u003d 1 / 11.99 \u003d 0.08

2.2. Labor force analysis

The main objectives of the analysis of the availability of labor resources are: the study of the availability of labor, its qualification composition, compliance with its type of work; assessment of the possibility of improvement vocational training work force; evaluation of the efficiency of use labor resources; identification of factors of labor productivity growth, increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources; assessment of internal reserves. The main sources of analysis information are: reports on the implementation of planned tasks for labor; reports on the actual status for a certain period (in the absence of planned targets); primary documents on sites and subdivisions; statistical reporting on labor for the quarter, year; labor utilization report (time log, labor movement report).

Analysis of the availability of labor resources of the enterprise is presented in table. 2:

Table 2.

Analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources

According to the report (actually)

For the previous year

Actually as a percentage

To the previous year

Incl. primary activity


Sales Specialists

Warehouse specialists

An analysis of the data in the table allows us to conclude that the number of personnel in the organization has increased by 28% over the year. The most significant increase was in the number of sales specialists by 60%, warehouse specialists by 43%, and accounting and service employees. internal control by 25%. The increase in the number of personnel is associated with the expansion of the company's activities, an increase in sales. At the same time, a comparison of the actual data with the planned ones revealed a lack of sales specialists (2 people) and loaders (1 person). In practice, this leads to an increase in the workload on the staff, the performance of additional duties that do not correspond to job descriptions and an increase in working hours.

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the change in the structure of the enterprise's personnel according to the following indicators:

Table 3

Analysis of changes in the structure of labor resources

Personnel structure

For the previous year

Planned task


Quantity, pers.

Quantity, pers.

Quantity, pers.

Incl. primary activity


Management specialists (lawyer, secretary)

Sales Specialists

Warehouse specialists

Accountants, economists, auditors

Service staff (loaders)

An analysis of the structure of the staff allows us to conclude that the largest specific gravity(40%) accounts for warehouse specialists, 32% accounts for sales specialists. During the period under review, the share of warehouse specialists and sales specialists increased by 12%, while the share of accounting and internal control service employees increased by only 4%, and the share of service personnel did not change.

During the year, 10 new employees were hired, the number of those who left was 3 people, and the number of specialists who worked the whole year was 22 people. The main reason for layoffs is dissatisfaction salary, irregular working hours and lack of career prospects.

The turnover ratio for the reception of employees (Kop) was:

Cop \u003d Kpp / SChp \u003d 10 / (25/2 + 32/2) \u003d 0.35,

where Kpp - the number of accepted personnel;

SChp - average headcount personnel.

The turnover ratio for the retirement of employees (Kov) was:

Kov \u003d Kup / SChp \u003d 3 / (25/2 + 32/2) \u003d 0.1

where Kup is the number of retired workers.

Personnel retention coefficient (Kpost) was:

Kpost \u003d Kg / SCHp \u003d 22 / (25/2 + 32/2) \u003d 0.77

where Kg is the number of employees who worked the whole year.

In 2003, the annual wage fund amounted to 8 million rubles, and in 2004, 9.6 million rubles. Labor productivity also increased and amounted to 108.44 thousand rubles per person in 2003, and 131.31 thousand rubles per person in 2004. Labor productivity growth must outpace growth wages, therefore, it is important to determine the coefficient of production efficiency (the rate of increase in labor productivity to the rate of wage growth) (Cap):

Cap \u003d Ipt / Izp \u003d (131.31 / 108.44) / (9.6 / 8) \u003d 1.009083

where Ipt - labor productivity index;

Izp - wage index.

Since the production efficiency ratio is greater than 1, it is possible to determine the economic effect of changes in labor productivity and wage growth (E):

E \u003d FZPf * (1 - (1 / Cap)) \u003d 9.6 * (1-1 / 1.009083) \u003d 0.086 million rubles.

where FZPf is the actual payroll fund.

This indicator determines the amount of savings (overspending) of funds due to a change in the ratio of labor productivity growth and wages.

Sales of marketable products per 1 ruble of wages (Ptp) in 2003 and 2004 amounted to, respectively:

Ptp(2003) = TP / FZPf = 68.4/8=8.55

Ptp(2004) = TP / FZPf = 108/9.6=11.25

The amount of gross profit per ruble of wages (Pv) in 2003 and 2004 was, respectively:

Pv(2003) = Vvp / FZPf = 3.6/8=0.45

Pv(2004) = Vvp / FZPf = 5.5/9.6=0.57

where Vvp is the volume of gross profit for the reporting period, rub.

The amount of net profit per ruble of wages in 2003 and 2004 was, respectively:

Pch(2003) = Vchp / FZPf = 2.7/8=0.34

Pch(2004) = Vchp / FZPf = 4.2/9.6=0.44

where Vchp is the volume of net profit for the reporting period, rub.

2.3. Analysis of performance indicators and financial condition of the enterprise

The economic essence of the financial condition of the enterprise is the security of its reserves and costs with the sources of their formation.

To analyze financial stability, it is necessary to calculate such an indicator as a surplus or shortage of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, which is calculated as the difference between the value of sources of funds and the value of stocks. Therefore, for analysis, first of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the sources of funds available to the enterprise for the formation of its reserves and costs.

In order to characterize the sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs, indicators are used that reflect a different degree of coverage of types of sources. Among them:

1. Availability of own working capital of the EU. This indicator is calculated according to the following formula:

Es \u003d K - Av,

EU 03 = 19866 - 7488 = 12378

EU 04 = 25730 - 10524 = 15206

where K - capital and reserves;

Av - non-current assets.

2. The total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs Eo:

Eo = Ec + M,

Eo 03 = 12378 + 2247 = 14625

Eo 04 = 15206 + 1527 = 16733

where M - credits and loans.

On the basis of the above indicators, indicators of the availability of reserves and the costs of the sources of their formation are calculated.

1. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of own working capital ±EU:

±Ec=Ec - 3,

±Ec03 = 12378 - 15510 = - 3132

±Ec04 = 15206 - 26272 = - 11066

where Z - stocks.

In this case, the lack of own working capital is critical, and there is a tendency for it to worsen.

2. Surplus (+) or deficiency (-) of the total value of the main sources for the formation of reserves and costs ± E °:

± Eo \u003d E ° - Z.

±Eo03 = 14625 - 15510 = - 885

±Eo04 = 16733 - 26272 = - 9539

After the formation of stocks, the enterprise has sources of funds that it directs to finance current assets.

According to the degree of financial stability of the enterprise, four types of situations are possible:

1. Absolute stability. This situation is possible under the following condition:

3 < Ес + М,

2. Normal stability, which guarantees the solvency of the enterprise, is possible provided:

3. An unstable financial condition is associated with a violation of solvency and arises under the condition:

3 \u003d Ec + M + I °,

where Io are sources that ease financial tension (temporarily free own funds, borrowed funds, bank loans for temporary replenishment of working capital and other borrowed funds).

4. Crisis financial condition:

3 > Ec + M,

2003: 15510  14625

2004: 26272 16733

The calculation of these indicators and the determination of situations based on them made it possible to identify that STS-Austria LLC is in a difficult financial situation.

After calculating the availability and surplus (shortage) of funds for the formation of reserves and costs of the enterprise, it is recommended to compile a financial stability analysis table. With regard to the enterprise we have taken as an example, the following indicators are entered in the table (see Table 4).

Table 4

Analysis of the financial stability of LLC "STS-Austria" 2002-2004, thousand rubles.

financial indicator

Change (+,-)

Growth rate, %

2004 by 2003

2003 by 2004

1. Capital and reserves

2. Non-current assets

3. Long-term loans and borrowings

4. Availability of own working capital (p. 1 + p. 3 - p. 2)

5. Short-term loans and borrowings

6. The total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs (p. 4 + p. 5)

8. Surplus (+) or shortage (-) of own working capital (p. 4 - p. 7)

9. Surplus (+) or deficiency (-) total value the main sources of formation of reserves and costs (p. 6 - p. 7)

According to the table, it can be seen that the company LLC "STS-Austria" lacks its own working capital and the total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs from 2003 to 2004. Which does not speak in favor of the financial stability of the enterprise.

A number of financial ratios are also used to characterize the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise.

Average monthly revenue - the indicator characterizes the volume of the organization's income for the period under review and determines the main financial resource of the organization, which is used to carry out business activities, including to fulfill obligations. The average monthly revenue, considered in comparison with similar indicators of other organizations, characterizes the scale of the organization's business.

The formula for calculating the average monthly revenue is calculated as the ratio of the revenue received by the organization for the reporting period to the number of months in the reporting period of its production and trading activities.

The structure of debts and methods of lending to an organization are characterized by the distribution of the indicator “degree of solvency overall” by the debt ratios for bank loans and loans, other organizations, the fiscal system, and domestic debt. The skewed structure of debts in the direction of commodity loans from other organizations, hidden lending due to non-payments to the fiscal system of the state and debt on internal payments negatively characterizes the economic activity of the organization.

This ratio shows how current liabilities are covered by the current assets of the organization. In addition, the indicator characterizes the payment capabilities of the organization, subject to the repayment of all receivables (including bad debts) and the sale of existing stocks (including illiquid assets).

To calculate the indicator, the cost of all current assets in the form of inventories, receivables, short-term financial investments, cash and other current assets is divided by the current liabilities of the organization.

The coefficient of autonomy (financial independence) is determined by the ratio of the cost of capital and reserves of the organization, cleared of losses, to the amount of the organization's funds in the form of non-current and current assets. This indicator determines the share of the organization's assets, which are covered by equity (provided by their own sources of formation). The remaining share of the assets is covered by borrowed funds. The indicator characterizes the ratio of own and borrowed capital of the organization.

The autonomy coefficient is calculated as the quotient of equity divided by the amount of the organization's assets.

The formula for calculating the working capital ratio is calculated by dividing the organization's current assets by the average monthly revenue and characterizes the volume of current assets, expressed in the average monthly income of the organization, as well as its turnover.

Average monthly revenue 2003 = 68444/12=5703 nsc. rub.

Average monthly revenue in 2004 = 108061/12=9005 thousand rubles.

Degree of solvency in 2003 = 13631/5703 = 2.4

Degree of solvency in 2004 = 25984/9005= 2.9

Cover ratio current liabilities 2003 = 26009/11384 =2.28

Cover ratio current liabilities 2004 = 41190/24457=1.68

Autonomy coefficient 2003 = 19866/33497=0.59

Autonomy coefficient 2004 =25730/51714=0.49

Coefficient of providing rev. 2003 funds = 26009/5703=4.56

Coefficient of providing rev. means of 2004. = 41190/9005=4.57

Non-current capital efficiency 2003 =5703/7488=0.76

Non-current capital efficiency 2003 =9005/10524=0.86

Table 5

Analysis of solvency and financial stability indicators for 2003-2004.


Change (+,-)

2004 to 2003

1. Average monthly revenue

Revenue/Analyzed period

2. The degree of solvency is general.

3. Coverage ratio of current liabilities to current assets

4. Coefficient of autonomy (financial independence)

5. Working capital ratio

6. Efficiency of non-circulating capital (capital return)

According to table 8, conclusions can be drawn.

During the compared period, there is an increase in the absolute value of the average monthly revenue by more than 1.5 times. The main factors of revenue increase are inflationary processes in the economy.

Table 5 shows that the terms of the possible repayment of debts to creditors, taking into account the volume of borrowed funds and the average monthly proceeds, are at an unsatisfactory level and practically have not changed.

During the analyzed period, there is a decrease in the current liabilities coverage ratio of current assets.

In 2004, compared to 2003, the indicator decreased to the value 1.68 to 2.28 pp. - 2003, which indicates a decrease in the level of liquidity of assets and an increase in the organization's losses. The availability of current assets is insufficient for conducting business activities and timely repayment of short-term liabilities.

The lower the value of the working capital ratio, the higher the rate of use of working capital. The rate of circulation of funds invested in current assets decreased by 1.1 percentage points, respectively, which indicates a decrease in the efficiency and marketing policy of the organization.

During the analyzed period, there is a decrease in the current liabilities coverage ratio of current assets. This indicates a decrease in the level of liquidity of assets and an increase in the organization's losses. The availability of current assets is insufficient for conducting business activities and timely repayment of short-term liabilities.

2.4. Enterprise liquidity analysis

For the purposes of a general assessment of liquidity, it is advisable to group the balance sheet items into groups based on the liquidity of assets and the maturity of liabilities.

Liquidity is understood as the possibility of realizing material and other values ​​and turning them into cash. According to the degree of liquidity, the property of the enterprise can be divided into 4 groups:

1) A1 - first-class liquid funds (cash and short-term financial investments);

2) A2 - easily marketable assets (accounts receivable, finished products and goods)

3) A3 - average realizable assets (production stocks, animals for growing and fattening, IBE, work in progress, distribution costs)

4) A4 - hard-to-sell or illiquid assets (intangible assets, fixed assets and equipment for installation, capital and long-term financial investments).

First class liquid funds, marketable assets and medium marketable assets constitute current assets.

Liabilities of the balance according to the degree of their urgency and repayment can be grouped as follows:

1) P1 - the most urgent obligations (accounts payable);

2) P2 - short-term liabilities (short-term loans, loans)

3) P3 - long-term loans and borrowings, lease obligations, etc.

4) P4 - permanent liabilities (own funds)

The amount A1, A2, A3 corresponds to the value of current assets (TA)

The grouping of assets and liabilities of STS-Austria LLC is presented in Table. 6.

Table 6

Liquidity indicators of the balance sheet of STS-Austria LLC for 2003 - 2004

Payment surplus or deficiency

In % of the value of the total liability group

1. The most liquid assets (A1), thousand rubles

1. The most urgent obligations (P1), thousand rubles.

2. Quickly realizable assets (A2), thousand rubles.

2. Short-term liabilities (P2), thousand rubles

3. Slowly sold assets (A3), thousand rubles.

3. Long-term liabilities (P3), thousand rubles

4. Difficult to sell assets (A4), thousand rubles.

4. Permanent liabilities (P4), thousand rubles

The balance is considered absolutely liquid if: A1>=P1, A2>=P2, A3>=P3, A4<=П4. На основе выше приведенных данных можно сделать вывод, что баланс предприятия ООО «СТС-Австрия» не является абсолютно ликвидным.

To assess solvency, it is advisable to calculate the following coefficients:

1) Absolute liquidity ratio (the ratio of the amount of cash and short-term financial investments (A1) to short-term liabilities (P1)).

2) Intermediate coverage ratio or quick liquidity ratio (the ratio of the total amount of cash, short-term financial investments, receivables, the cost of finished products and goods to short-term liabilities). The optimal value is from 0.2 to 0.6.

3) General coverage ratio or current liquidity ratio (the ratio of the total amount of stocks and costs (excluding deferred expenses), cash, short-term financial investments and receivables to short-term liabilities). The optimal value is from 1.0 to 3.0.

Absolute liquidity ratio 2003 =285/11384=0.03

Absolute liquidity ratio 2004 =7969/24457=0.33

Intermediate coefficient. 2003 coverage =(285+9524)/(11384+0)=0.86

Intermediate coefficient. 2004 coverage =(7969+5632)/(24457+0)=0.56

Total coefficient 2003 coverage = (285+9524+16200)/(11384+0)=2.28

Total coefficient 2004 coverage =(7969+5632+27589)/(24457+0)=1.68

Table 7

Liquidity indicators

In 2004, the absolute liquidity ratio increased to 0.33, which corresponds to the normative values. The intermediate coverage ratio dropped to 0.56 and no longer met the accepted standards. The overall coverage ratio was 1.68, lower than in 2003, but in line with the standard. Thus, we can conclude that the company is characterized by a relatively stable financial condition in terms of liquidity.

2.5. Enterprise profitability analysis

To assess the profitability of the enterprise, the following indicators were calculated: 1) Return on assets ratio:

Rai \u003d (Pp / As) * 100, where Rai - profitability of assets (property); Pp - profit at the disposal of the enterprise (f No. 2);

Ac - the average value of assets (calculated according to the balance sheet).

This ratio serves as an estimate of the profitability of the business in relation to its assets. The higher the return on assets, the more skillfully management uses the company's resources. It is important that the calculation uses the average value of assets for the period, and not their size at the end of the year, since profit is earned throughout the year, and not just at a single point in time. This ratio is most useful for analyzing firms within the same industry, but not when comparing across industries.

Return on equity allows you to determine the effectiveness of the use of capital invested by the owners and compare with the possible profit from investing these funds in other securities. Shows how much profit is received from each unit of funds invested by the owners of the enterprise. This indicator serves as an important criterion in assessing the level of stock quotes on the stock exchange. 2) Profitability ratio of current assets:

Pta = (Pp / Ast) * 100, where Pta - profitability of current assets; Pp - profit at the disposal of the enterprise (f No. 2); Ast - the average value of current assets (calculated according to the balance sheet). 3) Return on equity:

Rsk \u003d (Pp / Ex) * 100, where Rsk - return on equity; Iss - sources of own funds.

This ratio shows how much income is brought to investors by investing in this business. First of all, those who have invested their funds for the long term are interested in its growth, because it characterizes how effectively equity capital is used. Like return on assets, this ratio is more appropriate to calculate using the average value of equity over the period, since some part of the profits is reinvested throughout the year. 4) Profitability of sold products:

Рп=(Пп/Вр)*100, where Рп - product profitability; Вр - proceeds from sales.

Net profit per unit of sales reflects the amount of net profit from the production activities of the enterprise (after paying interest and taxes) per unit of sales.

The indicators for calculation are presented in table 8

Table 8

Indicators for calculating profitability


Current assets

Sources of own funds

Net profit at the disposal of the enterprise

Return on assets 2003 = 2711/33497=8.093

Return on assets 2004 = 4202/51714=8.125

Return on current assets in 2003 = 2711/25319=10.707

Return on current assets 2004 = 4202/39873=10.538

Return on equity 2003 = 2711/19866=13.646

Return on equity 2004 = 4202/25730=16.331

Profitability of products in 2003 = 2711/68444=3.961

Profitability of products in 2004 =4202/102577=4.096

Estimated values ​​of profitability indicators are presented in table. nine.

Table 9

Dynamics of profitability indicators



Return on assets


Return on current assets


Return on equity


Product profitability


The dynamics of indicators indicates an increase in the profitability of assets, current assets, equity, products compared to the previous year. Return on assets increased from 8.093% to 8.125%, return on equity from 13.646% to 16.331%. Product profitability increased by 0.14% from 3.961% to 4.096%.

2.6. The main directions for improving the efficiency of the organization

The analysis showed that, despite the profitable activity of the enterprise, there are some problems in the financial condition of the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that liquidity indicators are below the normative values, and in terms of financial stability indicators, the enterprise is characterized by an unstable financial position.

The program for improving the financial condition of the enterprise includes 3 stages:

Stage 1: Restoration of solvency

1.1. Conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities

1.2. Create a payment calendar

1.3. Turning low-liquid assets into cash, or repaying short-term liabilities with their help (or selling assets)

1.4. Converting short-term debt to long-term debt

1.5. Refusal of the Founders from receiving the Company's profit for the coming year and directing it to pay off accounts payable

Stage 2: Restoring financial stability

2.1. Reducing costs and reducing current financial need

2.2. Optimization of the number of employees

2.3. Redemption of debt obligations at a discount

2.4. Conversion of debt obligations into authorized capital

2.5. Attracting advances from customers

Stage 3: Ensuring financial balance for the long term

3.1. Implementation of marketing activities

3.2. Attracting investments

Any company has the potential to improve the financial and management performance of sales activities. As a rule, the sales effectiveness of the enterprise depends on:

the company's knowledge of its product / service and market position, the compliance of the company's actions with market trends;

the quality of building internal management processes and procedures (sales management);

the quality of work of employees of the sales department: the degree of their cohesion around a single goal, motivation, professional skills, etc. To improve the marketing activities of the enterprise, work can be carried out in the relevant areas:

conducting marketing research;

building optimal sales management procedures;

work with the personnel of the enterprise: with motivation, training, creation of a "team".

Building optimal sales management procedures includes the following steps:

1. Improving the effectiveness of the marketing/sales strategy. Appropriate when:

pre-planned actions to increase sales or increase the cost of marketing activities do not bring tangible benefits;

sales volumes have stabilized or are even declining;

there are uncontrolled ups/downs in sales volumes;

the activities of the marketing/sales unit often conflict with those of other units.

2. Improving the efficiency of marketing/sales procedures. It is necessary in cases where the work of the marketing / sales department with the product, sales, advertising, sales promotion system, etc. does not bring proper (planned) results.

3. Setting up monitoring of sales / marketing at the enterprise. Appropriate when:

it is difficult to objectively assess the quality of the work of the marketing / sales department as a whole or its individual employees;

it is difficult to objectively assess the success of the chosen marketing/sales strategy for the enterprise;

it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing activities;

the manager needs information to make operational decisions;

criteria are required for fairly objective incentives for employees or the unit as a whole.

The results of joint work in the above areas can be:

increasing the manageability of the company;

development of marketing / sales strategy of the company;

increase in volumes and sales markets;

expansion of the product range;

building effective interaction of the marketing / sales department with others;

a system for evaluating the performance of the marketing / sales department or individual employees of the department.

Work with personnel is appropriate in cases where:

any changes are introduced into the current work of the enterprise;

it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole or its individual divisions.


After analyzing the economic activity of STS-Austria LLC, the following conclusions can be drawn. In general, the company operates successfully with a profit that increases from year to year. Thus, in 2003, the company's net profit amounted to 2,711 thousand rubles, and in 2004 - 4,202 thousand rubles, which is 55% more than in the previous year. The dynamics of profitability indicators indicates an increase in the profitability of assets, current assets, equity, products compared to the previous year. Return on assets increased from 8.093% to 8.125%, return on equity from 13.646% to 16.331%. Product profitability increased by 0.14% from 3.961% to 4.096%.

At present, the number of employees of the enterprise is 32 people, and the average monthly salary of one employee is 25 thousand rubles, which is certainly a good indicator. In 2003, the annual wage fund amounted to 8 million rubles, and in 2004, 9.6 million rubles. Labor productivity also increased and amounted to 108.44 thousand rubles per person in 2003, and 131.31 thousand rubles per person in 2004. The coefficient of production efficiency (the rate of increase in labor productivity to the rate of increase in wages) amounted to 1.009. This indicates that the growth rate of labor productivity exceeds the growth rate of wages. The economic effect from changes in labor productivity and wage growth amounted to 0.086 million rubles.

During the reporting period, the enterprise acquired fixed assets in the amount of 5024 thousand rubles, retired in the amount of 1988 thousand rubles. The renewal of fixed assets in 2004 amounted to 47% due to the acquisition of new office equipment, warehouse and office equipment. In 2004, the share of those who dropped out of the OPF production sector was 27%. This happened due to the sale of unused warehouse equipment and road transport. Depreciation deductions for fixed assets and intangible assets for 2004 amounted to 1,579 thousand rubles. The average depreciation rate is 17.4%. The capital-labor ratio amounted to 281.4 thousand rubles. per employee, and the return on assets is 11.99 rubles.

The company "STS-Austria" LLC is experiencing a lack of own working capital and the total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs from 2003 to 2004. Which does not speak in favor of the financial stability of the enterprise. Also, the analysis of accounting data showed that the balance sheet of STS-Austria LLC is not absolutely liquid. In 2004, the absolute liquidity ratio increased to 0.33, which corresponds to the normative values. The intermediate coverage ratio dropped to 0.56 and no longer met the accepted standards. The overall coverage ratio was 1.68, lower than in 2003, but in line with the standard. Thus, we can conclude that the company is characterized by a relatively stable financial condition in terms of liquidity.

The enterprise needs to form the financial policy of the enterprise. The main task at this stage for the analyzed enterprise is the transition to financial management based on an analysis of the financial and economic state, taking into account the setting of strategic goals for the enterprise and the search for ways to achieve them. It is necessary to develop measures to reduce non-monetary forms of payment or to establish their optimal critical level, to analyze the position of the enterprise in the market and develop a strategy for the development of the enterprise.

The company needs to analyze the most appropriate option for obtaining a bank loan, draw up a plan for repayment of borrowed funds and calculate the amount of interest, taking into account the peculiarities of profit taxation. Loans can be secured in the following ways:

Increase the share of liquid assets - this reduces the profitability of the enterprise due to the possibility of investing in low-profit assets;

Lengthening the terms for which loans are issued to the enterprise - in this case, profitability will decrease if interest is paid during the period when own funds are available.

To create a more stable base for making more stable financial and economic decisions, an enterprise needs to define cost accounting by groups: variable costs, fixed costs, mixed costs. It is necessary to reduce the cost of products, improve product quality, rationally organize the production process, which will increase its competitiveness. This policy will allow the company to successfully compete and develop steadily in the market environment.

List of sources used

    Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D. Theory of economic analysis: Textbook. - M.: Finance, 2004. - 325 p.

    Basovsky L.E. Theory of economic analysis. - M.: "Infra-M", 2005.

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    Blinova T.V., Zhuravlev V.N. Accounting. - M.: "Forum", 2004, p. 253

    Rich I.N. Accounting. - M.: "Phoenix", 2004. p. 608.

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    Ionova A.F., Selezneva N.N. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the organization. - M.: "Accounting", 2005.

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You may be interested in the following sections:

The analysis of economic activity is becoming more and more systematic. When conducting a system analysis, there are, as a rule, six stages. Consider the content of these stages in relation to the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.

At the first stage (let's call it target stage) the object of study is presented as a system for which the goals and conditions of functioning are determined. The economic activity of an enterprise can be viewed as a system consisting of three interrelated elements: resources, production process and finished products. The input of this system is the material flows of resources (means and objects of labor) and the flows of labor resources; output - flows of finished products or services. The production process translates the input of the system into its output, i.e. as a result of the production process, production resources, when combined, become products (goods, services). aim the work of the enterprise is profitability, i.e. if possible, a high result in monetary terms for the period under review. The task of system analysis is to consider all private factors that provide a higher level of profitability. The economic principle of the enterprise's activity is to ensure either the maximum output of products with a given cost of resources, or alternatively a given output of products with a minimum consumption of resources. Operating conditions enterprises are determined by the system of principles of a market economy (the predominance of private property, sufficient economic and legal independence of enterprises, freedom of entrepreneurship, personal interest as the main motive for behavior, self-sufficiency and profitability of a commercial organization, free competition and free pricing, etc.), foreign economic relations of the enterprise, i.e. e. the financing market, the buying and selling market, as well as the legislation and taxation system of the country and region.

A means of characterizing the economy of an enterprise is the maintenance of accounts and other accounting details. Accounting is called the language of business (entrepreneurship) in a market economy. The main functions of the enterprise-producer (purchase of production factors, manufacture of products (services), sale of goods) are reflected in the monetary circulation: D - T ... P ... T - D", which was discussed in detail in paragraph 1.3.

Cash turnover, reflecting the real process of entrepreneurial activity, is recorded in a comprehensive accounting system, thanks to which an enterprise information system is formed - the necessary basis for systemic economic analysis.

To conduct a systematic economic analysis, it is necessary to develop qualitative characteristics of the enterprise's economy - a system of synthetic and analytical indicators. The selection of indicators characterizing the activity of the enterprise is carried out at the second stage of the analysis (parametric stage).

At the third stage of the system economic analysis (model stage) a general scheme (model) of the system is drawn up, its main components, functions, relationships are established, a scheme of subsystems is developed showing the subordination of their elements.

The economy of a market enterprise is reduced to a tough game of figures and indicators. Therefore, it is important to understand the range of concepts to which these figures refer, and to establish their correct connections.

Based on the information model of economic activity, i.e. models for the formation of economic factors and indicators (see Fig. 2.1), a general block diagram of a comprehensive economic analysis is drawn up, factors and indicators are classified, and links between them are formalized (Fig. 14.1).

A comprehensive economic analysis is carried out in three stages: 1) a preliminary review of generalizing indicators (reading reports); 2) in-depth analysis of all indicators by blocks in their relationship; 3) based on the results of an in-depth analysis of all indicators and all aspects of economic activity, a general assessment of the effectiveness of the enterprise is given.

In system analysis, special attention is paid to the study of the interconnection and conditionality of its individual sections, indicators and factors of production. Knowledge of the factors of production, their interrelations, the ability to determine their impact on individual performance indicators allow you to influence the level of indicators through factor management. Therefore, at the fourth stage (i factorial stage) of a systematic analysis of economic activity, all the main relationships and factors that give quantitative characteristics are determined.

Rice. 14.1.

At the fifth stage (calculation and analytical stage) a model of the system is built based on the information obtained in the previous stages. Specific data about the operation of an enterprise is entered into it and the model parameters are obtained in numerical terms.

According to the form (see Fig. 14.1), you can present indicators for the previous and previous years, indicators of a comprehensive business plan, indicators of the reporting year. Methods of horizontal, vertical, trend, comparative, factor analysis and analysis of financial ratios will provide a picture of the economic life of the enterprise, its level in comparison with the average actual data (standards) for the country, industry; growth rates of key indicators; business plan tension; factors that determined the quantitative dimension of the indicators themselves and their changes; unused reserves, ways to increase the efficiency of economic activity. Computer analysis will allow “working with the model”, for example, to determine how a change in one indicator (cause) affects all other indicators (consequence), to compare additional capital investments to improve one indicator-cause with an increase in the efficiency of these investments, reflected in the indicators-consequences.

The final sixth stage (estimated) analysis - work with the model for the purpose of an objective assessment of the results of economic activity, a comprehensive identification of reserves to improve production efficiency and determine ways to improve economic activity.

The main value of systemic economic analysis is that in the process of its implementation, a logical and methodological scheme is built that corresponds to the internal relationships of indicators and factors, which opens up wide opportunities for the use of electronic computing technology and mathematical methods.

First, a preliminary description of economic activity is given according to the system of the most important indicators, then the factors and causes that determine these indicators are deeply analyzed, intra-economic reserves are identified. On the basis of such an analysis, the activity of the enterprise is evaluated.

For an objective assessment of work, reporting indicators for periods of activity are adjusted based on the results of the analysis: amounts are subtracted (or added) that are affected by external factors (changes in prices, tariffs, etc.), violations of state and economic discipline. The reporting indicators obtained in this way characterize the activity of the enterprise more fully. It is they who are compared with the indicators of previous periods, the plan.

The relationship of the main groups of indicators of economic activity of enterprises determines the scheme and sequence of their comprehensive economic analysis as a set of local analyzes. At the same time, the objective basis for the formation of indicators is of particular importance.

When deciding on the sequence of complex analysis - whether to go from the analysis of primary indicators to generalizing ones (synthesis) or, conversely, from generalizing to primary ones (analysis itself), one cannot ignore the tasks and goals of internal managerial and external financial analysis, i.e. a different sequence is possible with the appropriate practical organization of the analysis of economic activity.

The main thing in a comprehensive analysis is consistency, linking individual sections - blocks of analysis with each other, analysis of the relationship and mutual conditionality of these sections and the output of the results of the analysis of each block to generalizing performance indicators.

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Ґ \"
The analysis of economic activity (later it was called "Economic analysis") as an independent, concrete economic (functional) science and as a special training course arose in the USSR in the 1920s. the last century. This course consisted of the topics of analysis of all indicators for evaluating the results of financial and economic activities of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy.
During the period of transition to a market economy and modern economic conditions, the scope of analysis and analytical procedures narrowed significantly, and economic analysis was often limited to the analysis of the financial condition and was reduced mainly to assessing the dynamics of profitability, solvency, financial stability of organizations. A very modest place was exposed to the analysis of other indicators. However, in order to make informed* management decisions, a comprehensive analysis of production, investment and financial activities is becoming more and more popular every year, which allows you to generate all the necessary business information for the development of management decisions.
In a market economy, it is necessary to generate separately information for management (i.e., for your own use) and information for external users. In connection with. With this, a single analysis of economic activity (ie, economic analysis) began to be subdivided according to the principle of the subjects of its users: managerial (operational, production) analysis and financial analysis. The areas of activity of enterprises now began to increase, the number of types of analysis increased: operational; investment; innovative; financial.
Consequently, a comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity (CEAHD) is a comprehensive management analysis. It covers all aspects of the activity of the enterprise and its divisions in their relationship, i.e., all stages of preparation for production and all stages of the process of production and circulation of products.
When studying this course, it is necessary to have an idea about the basic concepts and organizational and methodological foundations of conducting CEAHD of enterprises and their structural divisions, to arm themselves with knowledge about the theory and methodological foundations of CEAHD\" its essential
hundred and content; stages of formation and directions of development as a new special branch of economic knowledge. This course outlines the origins (roots) of new specialized knowledge, the contribution of Russian and foreign scientists to the development of the methodology and organization of CEAHD, such as: Ph.D. n., prof. S. K. Tatur; e. n., prof. A. D. Sheremet; e. n., prof. S. B. Barngolts; e. n., prof., acad.
N. G. Chumachenko; e. n., prof. V. V. Kovalev; e. n., prof. L. T. Gilyarovskaya; e. n., prof. O. V. Efimova; e. n., prof. M. V. Melnik; prof. G. V. Savitskaya; B. Needles, E. Hendriksen, R. Anthony and others.
The subject of CEAHD are economic processes occurring both in the organization itself and in its structural divisions, which together and in interaction make up the economic (economic) activity of the organization. Therefore, the complexity and consistency are the basic principles of conducting CEAHD.
A. D. Sheremet in his work (p. 77) gives the following definition of CEAHD: “Comprehensive economic analysis is a means of obtaining complete knowledge about economic activity, knowledge about business, understanding the activities of an economic entity; its methodological basis is formed by the principles of materialistic dialectics and modern system analysis, which in recent years has become widespread in economic analysis.
"The objects of a comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity can be individual divisions of the enterprise, individual parties and segments, activities, cost centers and responsibility centers. The main object of a comprehensive economic analysis is the organization as a whole.
I would like to outline a certain range of modern topical theoretical, methodological and organizational and methodological problems of conducting a comprehensive economic analysis that require their justification, disclosure and systematization in order to increase the efficiency of the functioning of economic entities in real modern market conditions.
At present, a stable and unambiguous idea of ​​the essence of complex economic analysis, its content and purpose has not yet been formed; forms and methods of its implementation; methodology for summarizing the results of the analysis and assessing the "complete" value of reserves, in particular, for example, in order for the identified reserves, formed, in particular, as a result of inefficient use of the organization's resource potential, to be actually included in production, it is necessary to find adequate opportunities for increase in production capacity, financial capital, markets for additionally manufactured products.
  • There are no clear positions of leading Russian scientists on the content of a comprehensive economic analysis; it is most often called intraeconomic and managerial analysis, and the subject of its study is only the production activities of the organization. Here it should be noted that the activities of any business entities are now multifaceted: in addition to production activities, they are engaged in trade, financial, investment, foreign economic, innovation, and marketing activities. In general, all types and results of the organization's work, and, in particular, each separately, in our opinion, are the subject of a comprehensive economic analysis.
  • Comprehensive economic analysis, in comparison with thematic analysis, is distinguished by a number of characteristic features. It is certainly comprehensive (multi-aspect) and systemic (organically interconnected), i.e. each of its sections (block) logically and mathematically consists in direct or inverse interaction with other blocks of CEAHD. All constituent blocks of complex economic analysis are described by an adequate system of private (quantitative) and generalizing (qualitative) indicators, strictly interacting with its other blocks. It is aimed at solving problems of increasing the final results of the organization's activities, the indicators of which, depending on the purpose of its implementation, are formulated in the final block of the KEAAHD, for example: searching for reserves to increase the owners' capital; increase in the efficiency of management; increase in net cash flows and accumulation of net assets of the organization; cost reduction and income growth for all types of its activities (production, financial, investment and innovation) and other goals. Each aspect of the organization's activity, reflected in the flowchart of the KE\\CD, should ultimately directly or indirectly have a quantitatively measurable impact on the change in the indicators of the final block, which is an indispensable condition and purpose of its implementation. Examples of block diagrams for conducting a comprehensive economic analysis of the economic activities of organizations are shown in fig. 1.2 and 1.3.
  • Further, in the process of conducting a comprehensive analysis of various areas of activity of organizations, it is necessary to use an appropriate system of qualitative indicators that are closely interconnected (for example, profitability and profitability of assets and capital; turnover of current assets and capital productivity; financial stability, liquidity and solvency ratios, and much more).

More on the topic The concept of a comprehensive analysis of economic activity as a special branch of economic knowledge:

  1. The concept of a comprehensive analysis of economic activity as a special branch of economic knowledge
  2. Nodal aspects of the doctrine of the cyclical development of a market society and their reflection in the system of socio-economic knowledge
  3. § 5. International investment law as a scientific discipline
  4. § 1. Activities of executive authorities in the field of ensuring the right of everyone to a favorable environment
  5. 1.1. The concept and legal nature of paid educational services
  6. 3.3. Basic principles, forms and methods of police activity to ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation
  7. 2.3 The concept of innovation law and its relationship with the main branches of Russian law
  8. § 1. The concept and classification of business associations

- Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and management - Civil law and process - Monetary circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Suffrage law - Investment law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of state and law -
