I understand that the result is achieved. How to understand that the company has reached the limit of growth (and what to do next). When you feel relieved

Every second person is trying to acquire some kind of skill, upgrade their abilities, become better in the human pan, but few know when that very limit comes. And really, what are these limits? It's one thing - muscles and a life full of entertainment, but there is no limit to perfection. If you overdo it and tighten it, it will only get worse, apathy and other nasty things will begin.

In principle, everything can be explained with the help of a diagram, because everything has four stages: birth, dawn, decline, decay. It is necessary to stop at the recession, but how to feel it? In other words, to what extent to develop?

When interest is lost

First of all, you understand this through the prism of interest. Year after year, day after day, you put your time and energy into this very thing. You didn't sleep - you used to not sleep. You were ready at any time of the day or night to drop everything and continue to develop your brainchild. The harder you worked, the more you delved into it, the more you liked it. But one fine day, everything somehow abruptly ceased to please. Everything is done automatically. You seem to be happy to develop something, but laziness, it’s not interesting. After all, you need to work out a strategy, and you already have yawns and longing in your eyes just from the name of your project. It happens - interest is gone, and the most offensive is that it can no longer be returned. You will either have to wait until you gain experience and know what else to do with it, or when your project starts to degrade. It happens to everyone, the main thing is to leave in time or switch to something else, otherwise you will provoke the awakening of a nightmarish beast called “routine”.

When you feel relieved

And here is another moment, directly opposite, as they say, from a completely different opera. Let's say you're going. I stocked up on books from the library, read the wisest articles of one online publication, listened to the wise people from TED and began to study, day after day filling the gray matter with useful knowledge. The thing is that you got into the company of intellectual usurpers who mocked you by constantly talking on high topics that you, the average mind, did not understand. You just stopped developing, remained somewhere at the level of 2004. And when you realize that you have something to talk about with them and that it is easy for you to start a conversation in any company, when you feel that very lightness, then you can consider the goal achieved.

It's the same in sports. At first, it’s hard for you to practice, all through strength, through pain. Nice, but still a pain. And then comes a reverent calm, everything becomes easy and simple. So, you have reached your bar and now either maintain or grow further.

When it stops working

The same answer, from the category "So spoke Captain Obvious." But you can no longer do anything new, and all your development and improvement actions run into severe resistance. As you know, the hit target falls, and there is simply nothing to shoot at. Where are you shooting? And, most importantly, for what? How can you get into the top ten if there is nothing to shoot at? And you keep firing, firing, and the bullets fly away to nowhere.

The limit is when it doesn’t work out anymore, when the body, things and everything around you tell you: “Stop, guy, nothing else will work out.” The car has a limit - you can’t accelerate more than 200 km / h on the Volga, no matter how sharply and furiously you hit the pedal. And so everywhere: from sports to self-development, from war to love. But this does not mean that you need to give up everything - it would be better to try to throw yourself a new challenge, it is he who will add opportunities to you.

When a new dream looms on the horizon

As already mentioned, when the limit is reached, interest is lost. That is, the dream ceases to exist for you. Not only as a dream, but in general. Thoughts about this or that process leave your head, and a new dream looms on the horizon. Let's say you decided to assemble electric cars, and then, when there was very little time left before their release, you decided to send people to Mars and immediately began to realize your plans. You have reached your limit in car building, you can’t think of anything better, and the idea, as it turned out, was not so good. In the Martian mission, you are sure, you can realize yourself to the fullest.

When you understand why you need it all

We always think we know everything. But without experience, we don't know anything. Even your dreams. You didn't really know why you needed a chef's course. You just wanted to please your woman by learning how to cook, and now you understand that this is your calling, and you are ready to quit your ill-fated office job and go to work as a cook. You thought that you were running every day to be healthy, but it turned out that you were running away from the evil-tempered personalities from a dysfunctional area and saving your life. You thought that the shooting range would give you all the delights of a real man's vacation, but it turned out that this skill will keep you and your family well-being when the war got to your Vietnam.

Sit back dim the lights, turn off your phone, and let yourself be alone. Imagine that a certain cameraman is shooting a film in which you play the main role. His camera cannot experience feelings and does not evaluate what is happening, it simply captures everything that happens. Imagine that some archive contains a record of the past day, week or month of your life. Watch this movie on rewind.

What do you see there? What does the heroine look like? What she does? Who does he communicate with? Where does he work? Where does he live? Has she achieved her goals that she dreamed about some time ago?

Open your eyes. Remember everything that you saw, and honestly admit to yourself: did you like this film? Did the plot develop the way you envisioned? What would you change or improve on it? Write down your observations. If you have a pleasant feeling from watching the movie, you are on the right track. And if something confused, make changes to the script.

Technique 2. "Feelings under control"

It often happens like this: the dream came true, but you do not feel joy. Or she expected to experience relief, a sense of pride in herself, but inside she was somehow anxious. This technique will help to work with feelings: to feel exactly the emotional state that you so aspired to. Here are four scales by which you can evaluate: Are you feeling as good as you would like?

  • happiness scale
  • Satisfaction scale
  • Confidence scale
  • Tranquility scale

It is easier for our consciousness to evaluate the result obtained if it is offered a tool for measurement. For this, scales are needed, where the minimum (zero) is the absence of emotion, and the maximum (ten) is the most complete intensity of its experience.


First, think about what kind of state you would like to measure? Happiness, contentment, peace, confidence? Something other?

Now let's get to the exercise.

1 step Take sheets of paper and fasten them together so that you get a tape of ten of your steps. Put it on the floor and use a bright marker to draw a scale on the tape, one division of which corresponds to one of your steps. Do ten divisions.

2 step Determine the values ​​​​from 0 to 10. At zero, emotions are minimal, as you move to 10, they increase.

3 step Choose one of the states, stand at zero and start moving forward slowly. Pause at every 2-3 steps and carefully monitor changes in your state.

4 step Find the place on the scale that corresponds to your state at the moment. You can close your eyes, this will help reduce the flow of external information and focus on internal sensations.

5 step Take 2-3 steps back and ask yourself: “What do I feel when emotions subside?”

6 step Slowly return to the beginning of the scale and again go towards the number 10. Track your feelings. What exactly do you feel? Do you like this state? Pause at every step.

8 step At the very end of the scale, at the point of intense experience, stay for 2-3 minutes. Feel your new state with your whole body, how it fills you. Is this what you were aiming for? Do you like it? What exactly are you feeling right now? Where is this feeling located in the body? What is it? Try to remember it.

If on the "ten" the amplitude of feelings seems excessive to you, go down the scale - to where you are most comfortable.

step 9 Once again, slowly walk to zero and back. Remember how your sensations change and how you feel in an ideal place for you.

Next time, you can make a scale in advance, at the beginning of the path to the goal, and try to answer the question: what do I want to feel when I achieve what I want? This exercise will help you create more realistic expectations.

Method 3. "Control questions"

As you know, on the way to the goal, it can sometimes turn out: I really wanted something else! And this is normal - if you keep your finger on the pulse and listen to yourself, you can adjust the route in time. After all, any plans are not created at all in order to strictly follow them. They are needed to outline an approximate way to solve the problem and then navigate according to the situation. Life is full of surprises!

So that they do not unsettle you, we suggest that you be more attentive to yourself in the process of change.

Here is a list of questions to answer every day.

Morning questions:

  • What mood do you wake up with?
  • What position do you sleep in?
  • Did you fall asleep quickly yesterday?
  • Did you wake up easily?
  • Are there any thoughts that in the past it was better than now?
  • Do you have a feeling that something is going wrong?

Evening questions:

  • How did your condition change during the day?
  • What is important today?
  • What steps did you take to achieve your goal?
  • What lesson did you learn today for yourself?
  • What steps do you plan to take tomorrow?
  • The answers to these questions are a virtual diary of personal experiences. But it would be nice to have it in real life. After all, according to the records it will be very easy to evaluate your progress.

Key to diary analysis:

  • The more cheerful your condition during the day and the less mood swings, the easier you get up in the morning and fall asleep faster in the evening, the more stable your general condition. So, in your soul there is no conflict between what you want and what is real. You are comfortable. All important events happen at your own pace. Congratulations, you have learned to understand yourself very well. Keep up the good work!
  • If you have disturbing dreams and the next day you feel lethargic, overwhelmed, it is difficult to fall asleep because of doubts and anxiety, then you need to once again test the goal you are striving for.
  • Perhaps it is too complex, global. Then it would be nice to break it down into smaller steps. Perhaps you should detail it and understand whether it is really within your power. It is also important to think about who can help you cope with the task.

Now go back to the beginning of the section and check whether you decided to change the area of ​​your life.

We are inspired by success stories, because we ourselves can evaluate the results of those who have achieved their goal with effort. Seeing the path they have traveled and the reward they have received, we ourselves involuntarily feel the desire to try our hand.

The result is one of the simplest and most accessible sources of motivation for each of us. A person of any age has a story about how he achieved an important goal for him. This goal may have been small in scope, but it helped him to feel the significance of the efforts made and inspired him to new achievements.

The problem is that such stories are lost in memory over time and no longer give determination. Fortunately, there are some very simple rules to ensure that our past results always push us into action in the present.

Keep a diary

The main thing to remember about is its purpose. It consists in fixing the results and achievements in order to fully appreciate the picture of your life, and not collect it from fragments of memory.

You don't have to be a writer to turn your diary into an incentive. In addition, it is enough to spend no more than 5 minutes a day on keeping a diary. Just open any text editor or take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. Call one “Me Today” where you will describe the most important result achieved during the day, and the second “Lesson Learned”, where you write down what you could learn from this experience.

Every evening, write down a couple of sentences about the results you have achieved and the lessons you have learned. Words of gratitude, friendly support, or, conversely, indulgence in a bad habit - any result, even negative, is an opportunity to learn a lesson for yourself.

It is enough to spend 5 minutes and write two sentences to understand: every moment is an opportunity to learn something important.

Turning every day into a lesson, you will never say that you spent it in vain.

Store your rewards

Trophies, photographs, letters of thanks - any memory of what you have already achieved can always give you a boost of motivation. The main rule to follow is the renewal of victories. You can be proud of your 8th grade swimming diploma at the age of 40, but by this age it is better to find a more suitable subject for pride.

Today, I rarely meet people who keep awards or photographs at home that remind them of their successes. Everything has migrated to the Internet, where the real achievement is blurred in a sea of ​​random events.

It is very important not to forget who you were in order to remember who you still have to become.

One athlete I know told me that each of her trophies is, first of all, a memory of willpower and the zeal with which this victory was won, and not of the triumph of victory. Cups give her strength to continue working on herself and do not allow her to forget the people who were there and supported her on the way to her goal.

Let this be not a diploma or a cup for you, but just a photograph that reminds you of personal success in work, study, sports or relationships. Put it in a frame and every day remember that success is the key to your actions. It's up to you to repeat it.

Get Recognized

Every achievement is commendable. This is not only a tribute to your work, but also an opportunity to remind you how important what you do is for others. We do not often ask to be praised, but this form of motivation is the most pleasant, because it comes from outside.

Thunderous applause or simple gratitude are equally valuable forms of recognition. To get them, sometimes you have to ask for it. Surely most of us are not accustomed to asking to be appreciated for their work, and this is not because we are so important. There is simply no guarantee that we will receive what we ask for. What if they refuse us? Or just laugh?

We don't want to be vulnerable. But it is worth understanding that it is at such a moment that a person is best aware of how important words of support and adequate support are.

To get recognition of your merits, it is enough to ask the right people about it. Surely there are those in your environment who will be able to treat you with understanding, because they will see your openness.


I put together this set of tips with one firm conviction: each of you has already achieved significant results. I just suggest looking back and understanding how important these results can be for your future. Evaluate them, draw conclusions and start moving to new heights.

For someone, your story will definitely become an example. Remember this.

"Give an example of your achievements"- This is one of the questions that are asked in a competency interview. This type of interview is a reliable and widely used method in recruitment, which provides an opportunity to test the professional competence of the candidate for successful performance of the job.

For those who do not have experience with this type of interview, the main thing is to understand the basic concept:

In a behavioral interview, you should provide concrete examples of the successful application of skills and abilities from past work experience.

This type of interview is based on the fact that on the basis of the past behavior of an employee in a given situation, one can predict his future behavior in a new job. And all the candidate needs to do is to provide compelling examples that clearly demonstrate the required competencies specified in the job description.

The most commonly explored competencies are:

  • communication
  • teamwork
  • initiative
  • leadership
  • problem solving skills
  • analytical thinking
  • stress tolerance
  • time management
  • negotiation skills
  • planning
  • result oriented
  • process oriented

For example, if the requirements of the job profile indicate that the candidate must be able to analyze, then the interviewer will definitely ask you to give an example of when you used this skill in your work and what results you achieved.

Competency questions start with:

  • Tell me about a time when you...
  • Give me an example...
  • What steps did you take...

Here are some examples of the most popular questions:

  • Give an example of your accomplishments.
  • Describe a time when you had to overcome a major hurdle in order to get things done.
  • Tell me about a time when you had to juggle several important projects.

Most often, candidates do not pay due attention to the issues of competence. And in vain. After all, if you manage to pass and then fail the first behavioral question, you will still leave the interview empty-handed. Even if you have a huge long-term work experience, but without prepared examples, you will not be able to make a favorable impression and confirm your competencies. It is quite difficult to answer such a question, because in your daily activities you cannot single out or remember immediately without preparation something really worthwhile, which you should tell a potential employer about.

Unfortunately, most often, it is the candidates who are less competent, but with good training, bypass more experienced employees. And so that this does not happen to you, it's time to remember everything and create a good story from your past work experience.

I recommend having at least three examples of the competencies indicated in the vacancy in reserve in order to highlight your strengths in the interview. The easiest way to effectively answer any question in a behavioral interview is to prepare three clear examples of your major accomplishments. Remember the most interesting projects, difficult tasks, problem situations. If you have little experience, then you can use the examples during your studies or internship.

As always, we will use the STAR method as the basis for the story, which will help you focus on key details and make your story structured, concise and memorable.

3. Rresults

Formulate the results of your actions: what happened, what was done, what you learned. And finally, it is very important that your good STAR story always has a happy ending, like in a fairy tale. The last part of your answer should describe the positive results of your actions. Specific results are always especially impressive, for example: a 32% increase in sales, a halving of the budget, etc. But you can also refer to a positive outcome through emotional evaluation, especially from a boss or clients. This will be the best way to convince the interviewer that the story you are telling is real. For example: m oh the client was very pleased, my manager appreciated my contribution to the final result and highly appreciated my work, etc.

Answer example:

When I presented the new improved reporting to my manager, he was so impressed that he couldn't believe I had done it all myself in such a short period of time! I also received high praise from senior management and was included in the Talent Bank program in our company.

6 tips: How to answer the question: Give an example of your achievements.

1) Take enough time to think of a vivid example from your past work or school experience. Pick an example that actually shows multiple competencies and personal attributes.

2) Listen carefully to the questions and if you do not understand, do not rush to answer, but ask to be explained to you. This is better than answering the question in a completely different direction and giving irrelevant examples.

3) Be prepared for clarifying questions because the interviewer will want to get more information from you and check if your answers are genuine. Here are examples of such questions:

  • Tell me why did you do it this way
  • Explain how you achieved this result
  • Do you think it could have been done differently?

4) Be specific. Don't try to answer in general terms that don't say anything about you. For example: " I consider myself a very responsible and organized employee, as I always achieve high results and complete the tasks on time.” So you are not answering the question. You can count whatever you want, but you are required to give a real example from your past experience in order to prove your point.

This super-technique will help you achieve results in practice, despite the interference! Find out how to achieve what you want for sure and speed up the result!

A series of articles - "Why methods do not work?" came to an end...

Now you know why sometimes efforts in practice lead to nothing, and how to deal with it.

And today a rare gift awaits you - a technique that will help you significantly speed up the fulfillment of desires and make their realization the most likely.

Why does this technique help to achieve results in practice?

This exercise is based on the combination of two similar energies, which makes it very powerful.

The method helps to achieve the desired goal and works according to the rule of "cooperation" - along with practice, you take steps towards your goal in physical reality.

Sometimes it happens that this method uses the energy that you put into it while working, and begins to change your life according to your request on "autopilot", without any further action on your part.

You can do the exercise at any convenient time. Before practice, it is recommended to ventilate the room and darken it.

How to surely achieve results in various practices

1. Sit down and concentrate on your surroundings. This will help you escape from the hustle and bustle and extraneous thoughts.

2. After three to five minutes of contemplation, when you have calmed down enough, take a comfortable lying position, close your eyes.

3. Take a few deep and slow breaths. Continue to relax for about five more minutes.

4. Then imagine a transparent ball in front of you. Imagine that it contains the energy that can fulfill any of your goals.

5. Then imagine rays shining with all the colors of the rainbow and descending from somewhere above.

6. Mentally move the ball under this radiation and imagine how, because of these rays, it also began to shine and shimmer.

Combining, the energy of the ball and the energy of the rays form a powerful force that can help achieve the goal.

* Visualization lasts about five to ten minutes.

7. After this time, stop imagining anything, take a deep breath. Focus on inner silence for a few minutes to stop the mental dialogue¹, after which you can open your eyes.

And now the event you've been waiting for!

The project “Diagnostics of Life Purpose!” has been launched!

Now you can find out for free what is your main gift, your personal purpose and your life mission. But not only! I will tell you in what areas of activity you will find the greatest success and material well-being!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Internal dialogue - a concept in psychology, the process of continuous internal communication of a person with himself, intrapersonal auto-communication (
