The power of thought is the path to success and abundance. Failure is the path to success. A selection of Stories of successful people The most important moments on the path to success

Andrew commented.

More precisely, the comment concerned this phrase of mine:

“And vice versa, through problems and failures, they show us: “You are not going there! Roll up! Think! Change! Develop!"

Andrew wondered:

“An interesting question is: if problems and failures are the essence of “going the wrong way”, then why does any story of serious success tell us about overcoming great difficulties and failures, that they are inevitable, that mistakes on the way to the goal are inevitable, and therefore failures are inevitable, that perseverance and hard work is the key to true success.

Where is the truth here? How to find the golden mean?

Write what you think about this!”

The evolution of mankind.

Humanity does not stand still, passing through different stages of evolution.

Right now, in 2012, we are going through a transitional evolutionary stage: the Transition from the consciousness of the Third dimension to the consciousness of the Fifth dimension.

Thinking is changing, and the path to achieving Success is changing.

In addition, understanding the structure of the Universe and the Laws according to which this Universe is arranged allows you to choose your most optimal way to success.

I would like to answer Andrey's question from the point of view of the evolutionary development of man and the Laws of the Universe.

Third Dimension.

The third dimension, in which the majority of the Earth's population resides, is characterized by dual thinking: good-bad, right-wrong. This is the thinking of judgment and condemnation, mutual claims, insults.

Human thinking is filled with negative content, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts.

Strong emotions of anger, irritation, guilt, resentment. Stress and depression are a natural part of society.

Negative emotions and negative thoughts entail various diseases of the body and various problematic situations.

The path to success lies through trials.

Heavy energy vibrations of the Third Dimension, expressed in negative thinking, create difficulties, difficulties on the way to success.

A person perceives his life as "overcoming great difficulties and failures", struggle, tension and perseverance in achieving the desired.

The 3D person believes in it and receives it.

The Law of Attraction works: like attracts like.

The principle “perseverance and hard work is the key to true success” works 100% for those who believe in it. What you believe in is what you attract.

Law of Least Resistance.

However, even in the Third Dimension, the path to success can be easy.

For the Universe is created according to the principle of Harmony.

The Law of Least Resistance operates in the Universe.

The essence of the Law is that there is always an optimal and easy way to achieve what you want, without effort, struggle and tension.

The difficulties and troubles that have arisen indicate that the person turned off this path, chose the path of greatest resistance. This is his right. It's his choice.

And those who live according to the Laws of the Universe abide in joy and love even in the conditions of three-dimensional vibrations.

Fifth Dimension.

The present time is a time of raising the vibrations of the Earth, a massive Spiritual Awakening of people.

The turning point will occur in December 2012, this is due to the cosmic phenomenon of the Parade of the Planets.

This is the time of transition to the fifth dimension. Of course, the transition will not be instantaneous, but will stretch for years.

The transition has already begun and I have clearly felt it in my life since the beginning of 2012. 2012 has become a time of Quantum Development for many.

Not all earthlings will fall into the fifth dimension. In the fifth dimension, new parameters will be added to 3:D: time (4:D) and energy (5:D).

What is characteristic of human consciousness in the Fifth Dimension?

Firstly, these are high energy vibrations.

These are emotions of joy, love. Unconditional Love.

This is the thinking of Acceptance of everything that exists and Trust in the Universe.

It is the absence of limiting beliefs and barriers that exist only in the minds of people from the Third Dimension.

It is an easy manifestation of all that is desired. Those. it is enough to express an intention filled with Love, Light, vibrations of self-confidence, and everything desired will be achieved.

This is how the business of the Third Millennium will be built. And success stories will now be completely different - fabulous.

What for a three-dimensional person seems like miracles and magic, for a multidimensional person is commonplace.

The Law of Freedom of Choice.

Every person living on Earth has a choice in which dimension to live, how to manifest what they want.

And whether to live according to the Laws of the Universe or continue to create difficulties for yourself, retaining the old patterns in thinking and behavior.

Everyone is free to live according to their Choice.

I made my choice both on the pages of the site and in personal sessions helping people to raise their vibrations and rebuild their thinking towards the Fifth Dimension.

All the techniques that I give to people are aimed at the Transition to the Fifth Dimension. I am given from above and new tools. Soon they will appear on the pages of the site. I'll just try it out for myself :)

Channeling of Archangel Gabriel.

To confirm my words, I cite the channeling of the Archangel Gabriel for October 19, it was on this day that Andrei's comment appeared.

The messages of the Archangel Gabriel for every day surprisingly coincide with the topic of discussion on my blog.

Dear ones, discomfort is always a sign of resistance. It lets you know that the soul is trying to lead you one way and you, for some reason, are going the other way.

If you feel uncomfortable, ask what you are resisting. If nothing comes to mind, check your old belief systems. Do they fit who you are now? Who do you want to be?

The magical antidote to discomfort is letting go and Flow. These two elements combined with gratitude will always, always lead you to a place of greater strength and inspiration.

Archangel Gabriel

P.S. In conclusion, I want to address the readers with the words of Andrey: “Write who thinks about this!”

This can be done in the comments below the article.

Many of us dream of wealth, prestige and fame. Therefore, we often ask ourselves this question: “How to find your way to success?” Can a simple, ordinary person become rich? Of course it can! And what is required for this, this article will tell you about it. You will learn about the most important principle of success, which will help you realize your cherished dream.

So let's think a little! Why does it happen that a person, being the most developed and intelligent creature on Earth, does not always strive to realize his maximum potential? What is stopping him from making the final decision to change his life?

Why don't we make a special effort to become something more than we really are? Yes, we want to be richer, more significant, but we do not fully try to understand how to prosperity.


Why does it so often happen that we, faced with many difficulties ahead, stop halfway? Probably because we are guided by such a pernicious feeling as The whole point is that we don’t really imagine our goal, we don’t quite understand how to find our way to success, and most importantly, we are not confident in ourselves and our abilities.

Do you know what the most important principle of success is: to firmly know what you want to achieve!

So, in order to to become successful, several conditions are required:

  • A wish
  • Planning
  • persistence
  • An effort
  • perseverance
  • A responsibility
  • Discipline

With all these qualities, you are sure to be able to achieve anything you wish.

Speaking in another language, then all these items listed above are formula for success. But the question is not whether the formula for success will work, but rather whether a person will work on this formula to the end or, at the first failure, will leave everything to chance.

Each person can go from where he is now to where he would like to be. But here there is a main rule: any of your dreams is feasible, provided that you really desire and believe in it.

If you are determined to change your life, take it to the next level and succeed, then here are some recommendations for where you need to start. So, be patient and learn and go through all the steps step by step.


We all say that we want to succeed in life, but for this the level of our activity must be on par with the level of our intentions. After all, when a person talks about achievements, this is one thing, but realizing it is completely different.

There is a majority of people who would like to become successful. But it turns out that they take great pleasure in just talking about success than doing something to achieve it.

What is the path to success? The most important rule is based on this. Those who want to raise their standard of living and climb to the top of success should master as much knowledge, skills and abilities as possible. First of all, take care of your self-development. What does this mean - read on.


If you are interested in how to find your path to success, then first begin to study the experience of people who have achieved great fame in their lives.

  • Collect any interesting ideas and information from all possible sources.
  • Read a lot of books on the topic: “How to succeed?”
  • Attend seminars.
  • Study the speech, habits, dressing patterns, and work style of successful wealthy people.

The most important source of wisdom for those who have climbed to the top of success are different books. Even if you just read the words of people who at one time, on their own experience, by the method of rise and fall, were still able to succeed, it will do you good.

You will be able to better understand what thoughts ruled the lives of those people who, thanks to their perseverance and diligence, became quite famous, convincing, successful and influential. Apply this knowledge in practice and you will thus understand all the important principles of how to find the right path to wealth and


The personal experiences of various people who, through trial and error, have found their own path to success have provided us with countless opportunities for learning. We should all learn from failure, because failure is a very important part of life experience.

You may be wondering, “Why do we need to study failure?”

Firstly, this is necessary so that a person understands this mistake and does not repeat it.

Secondly, it gives you the knowledge of what not to do and what to avoid in order for your path to success to be successful.

Any experience is a very valuable textbook, but on one condition: when we learn from its example and do our best not to repeat such mistakes in our own lives.

One wise man said beautiful words that every person should remember.

“He who does not learn from past mistakes is doomed to repeat them.”

Whatever position you are in today, you have a great opportunity to change everything and bring your life to a new, higher level. To do this, you need to be very observant in order to notice and analyze everything that is happening around you.

It often happens that the most amazing opportunities that tell us are hidden in the midst of seemingly insignificant life events. And by not paying attention to these events, we may simply miss the prospects that open before us to improve the quality of our lives.


The path to success includes thousands of steps. It starts not only with your one desire, aspiration, promise or with one read book. This path begins when your sleeping Spirit suddenly awakens, which can stir up all your dreams of wealth and success.

And the moment you suddenly make a decision, you can take the first step and set a goal. Your right actions should radically change your thinking and lead to a new, rich, harmonious and meaningful life.

Each of us has two options for choosing what we can achieve in our lives.

First option - it is to be less than we can be: think less, read less, study less and earn less. This choice leads you nowhere... By choosing this path, you will not be able to achieve anything. You are in danger of a miserable existence.

The second option is is to do everything! You have the opportunity to become what you want to become: a rich, successful, prosperous person. You can earn a lot of money, give and invest as much as you want.

We all have this choice: to do or not to do, to be successful or not to be, to rise to the top of fame or not, to become rich or be poor. Your mistake is that you do not try to do everything you can and do not want to show all your latent abilities.

Set a goal : how to find your way to success and be sure to follow them. And if suddenly your result turned out to be less than you expect, then do not stop halfway. Start all over again and strive to achieve what you want.

Just never forget that Start developing this feeling in yourself if you don't have it. After all, these are the main components of the formula for success. Remember! Time is fleeting! But you always have a chance to bring your life to the highest level!

I would like to end my article with the wonderful words of this wonderful person.

“You can have much more than you have right now because you can be more than that.”

Jim Rohn

I sincerely wish you to find your way to success!

In 2011 there were 946 billionaires, in 2014 their number reached 1645...

Unfortunately, we, the inhabitants of the post-Soviet Union, have a biased attitude towards them. The communist system has done a good job in our upbringing or our parents. And our rich people are often not the best role models.

But still, it is better to question the statement that if he is rich, then he stole, if she is pretty and drives a Lexus, then she is the wife of the one who stole. For there is only one psychology in achieving a high sports award, or in achieving big profits, according to many authors of books on success (Malcolm Gladwell, K. Newport, Robert Green).

In general, if you want to succeed, follow the example of billionaires.

I can send you to the books of the authors described above, but for myself and for you, I wrote out the very essence of them.

The path to success, on the example of the very rich

All rich people have gone their way to big money through the following steps:

  1. Earn your first billion
  2. Kept it as working assets
  3. We multiplied
  4. And at the same time they were still alive (refers more to Nashevsky).

This requires the following qualities (both for a potential rich person and for someone who wants to succeed in something else):

Be industrious. You can often hear that for big money and "I will work 12 - 14 hours a day." I doubt you will spend more time at work, and imitate it even more. With billionaires, the opposite is true: at first you work a lot, and only then, after a few years, you earn a lot.

The very rich have insight. With diligence it is easier, it is a lot of work on a specific case, but what is insight? What the explanatory dictionary says: insight - to notice what others do not see. In other words, it is the ability to look at things from a different angle.

Self-confident. You have to believe that you will achieve your dreams. In my opinion, there is no other way. If you don't believe, then why start? It is worth clarifying that, according to the religious definition, faith is the belief in the invisible. Now you don’t see that you are wealthy, but you yourself already see yourself as such in the future.

The billionaire is filled with a constant desire to dominate. This is where spears can be broken. For no matter how you pump yourself, do not disperse the psyche according to the methods of various masters there, the given desire of the alpha male is either there or it is not. Everything else is the machinations of those very “masters” who like to cash in on the incompetent (in the field of psychology, sociology, genealogy, etc.)

Strong character. There is no desire to comment, Western studies write about this, but no studies are needed about our moneybags, clearly and so. Strong character: be able to control your emotions, be cool when others do not hold back, be unshakable in your decisions.

Philosophy of a rich man: « The more people you help with what they want, the more you get what you want yourself.».

Now from psychology to specific steps (it is difficult to develop “rich” qualities in oneself on their own, they are acquired by appropriate actions, about them later).

The path to success (to the first billion)

  1. Desire inexorably. Desire to succeed in the chosen area, bet in it, reach them.
  2. Get over yourself. Alas, the default set is psycho. we got meager qualities: a minimum of diligence, a maximum of laziness and other things. So that this does not interfere with our difficult path to success, we often need to overcome ourselves.
  3. Enjoy the road. The very movement to success should be pleasant (or at least not unpleasant), this is a necessary condition.

“It can be considered that a person has achieved success if he lived well, laughed a lot and loved. If he has earned the respect of many people and the love of small children. If he found a niche in life that he could fill either with beautiful flowers grown by him, or with a wonderful poem, or with saved souls. He achieved success if he did not skimp on words of gratitude, appreciated the beauty of the world and did not hesitate to talk about it. If he saw the best in people and shared the best in himself. If his life inspired people, and the memory of him remained in their hearts ... "
— Bessie Anderson Stanley, author of the winning essay What is Success?, 1904

What is success in life? I think Bessie Stanley is right and support her!

Success in life is the achievement of your true, real goals and aspirations, it is the opportunity to lead a lifestyle that meets the characteristics of your personality and contributes to the harmonious satisfaction of all needs.

The true goals are achieved. Human desires are not limited to the desire for material acquisitions. After all, we want a good, deep relationship with a loved one, and a sense of the meaning of life, and the recognition of colleagues, and self-realization - and a lot of things!

It should also be understood that each individual person has his own, individual and unique perception of the world. First of all, a person's vision of the concept of success depends on a huge number of his personal characteristics. This can include both the character as a whole, and some of its components separately. Well, for example, ambition, emotionality, temperament and others. And therefore, the title of the best master-inventor in their native quarter is enough for someone, and the Nobel Prize is not enough for someone! Someone is glad that his wife and two children love him and are waiting for him at home, and someone passionately seeks the love of the population of both hemispheres of our planet! For someone, a loaf of bread is the most precious and desirable thing, but for someone, a million is not money! For some, success is the opportunity to put a golden toilet in their toilet, for others, the opportunity to help people and feel needed.

So, the meaning of success and its rules depend on what a person strives for in life and what efforts he makes. Therefore, I propose to consider 6 success factors that help you feel better than others and have a good mood every day!

1. Set goals

It seems obvious that if you don't have a goal, then there is no reason to be motivated. In other words, to be successful you need to stay motivated. And for this you need to have a goal in the direction of which you will move. A goal-oriented person always feels better, above those who simply go with the flow. Goals can be gigantic or simple, insignificant. It doesn't matter, the main thing is the desire to work on making them come true. Be realistic, that is, set realistically achievable goals!

2. Reading books

Every morning I start by reading books. I love reading books by successful people such as Bodo Schaefer, Brian Tracy and many others, books on self-development. Then during the day I think about what I read. My goal: to understand correctly what the writers wanted to convey to today's modern man? What do I need to learn.

This helps to deal with their shortcomings and their character. This is a good motive for success. So read, read a lot! The main thing in reading is to learn something useful for yourself and develop the right mindset. In other words, think in the right direction.

3. Mindset and laziness

What goes with success in life? A mindset that can become your wealth or your poverty. The mentally poor are always going to remain poor because they have a beggarly mindset. Ask any narrow-minded person how to open your own business and make money from it? Usually they have three answers: 1) win the lottery, 2) steal money, 3) receive an inheritance.

Nothing will change for us until we stop listening to whiners and complainers. Until we stop walking on the chains of our laziness and being passive. Until we learn to make our own decisions, and we will not live according to someone else's orders. Believe me, you will achieve a lot when you become a purposeful person and work hard!

4. Look good, external cleanliness

Being clean and well-groomed goes a long way towards self-worth. It instills confidence in you and others in your strengths and abilities. A dirty person does not inspire confidence in anyone. These are the rules for success in life!

You may notice one feature among the high society or class, whatever you want to call it. They are always well-groomed and immaculately look. Even if they just wear shorts and a T-shirt. These things are always clean and ironed.

5. Inner purity

Agree, this is more important than beautiful, fashionable and clean clothes. And here it does not matter if you are poor or from high society. If you value your own dignity, behave decently, work on your character and have a pure speech, then you will be internally pure.

Inner cleanliness inspires more confidence in you than just expensive clothes. Since the presence of expensive, fashionable clothes, and regular showering does not automatically make a person clean inside.

Being internally clean does not require special shampoos, soaps or conditioners. What is important is the desire, goal and work on oneself - this is the path to success in life!

6. Realizing that you are not a gray mouse

Strive to be better at something - this is a great way to become better than many others. Everything is in our mind. That is: “You are carried away by a thought, then the thought gets acquainted with desire; desire, having conceived, gives rise to action, and action leads to a result.

Anyone who wants to be better, not like everyone else, but to be a winner in life, will live differently! He sets a goal for himself, plows and plows again and achieves it. He is not afraid of what others think or say about him. He is not afraid of their dissatisfaction with his desire to be different from them!

His goal is higher and higher. Maybe he won't get to the moon until his death. But he will absolutely be much higher than the rest of the faceless people who are still stuck on Earth. Isn't it worth it to strive to be not a gray mouse, but to become better than many others?

Many famous, rich people, when talking about success in life, believe that it is more than money, power or fame. This is a feeling of deep satisfaction from the work done in achieving the intended goals. The ability to see the results of this work and experience lasting joy.

Success is subjective, which means it won't be the same for two different people. I don't know how you define success in your life, but I will share my list, thanks to which I feel like a successful person in life:

- Be happy!
Doing what I love every day!
Help others, do what they need!
- Stay true to your values!
— Be a good, loving parent, husband/wife!
— Have a respectful relationship with those around us!
- Take care of your family!
- Work hard for the good of your family!
Learn to enjoy the little things in life!
Help each other in the family, deal with stress and chem mood!
- Strive for a better future!
— Know your dream and strive to achieve it!
— Setting and achieving reasonable goals!
- Maintain close ties and respectful attitude with your parents, relatives!
- Stay young at heart!

Success is not a nurse for one hour - it is perseverance and constant attention. You should expect that there will be barriers and resistance along the way to success, but there will also be many victories. So strive to have fun while achieving your goals!

Get up from your sofas and start doing something to achieve success, for your own future, for the future of your own children!

Remember, the success algorithm is very simple. Here it is: WANTED - PLANNED - DONE!

Good luck!

Tatiana Minina

We used to think that the path to success must be long, difficult and thorny. Actually this is a myth! Most modern psychologists agree that with some simple techniques, you can easily succeed in any area of ​​your life.

If you feel like an eternally tired dreamer, counting the minutes when the day ends, you may not realize what you are doing and where you are going. This occurs when there is no connection with their goals.

Any change is always a certain stress. This is why we so often fail when trying to get what we want.

Our subconscious, with its fears, habits and negative attitudes, can be afraid of the new and interfere with our goal. Therefore, in order to succeed in spite of everything, firstly, you need to gradually tame your subconscious mind and teach it to think in a positive way.

To overcome your fears, visualize your successful life every day, imagining in all colors how wonderful your life will be with a new figure / job / car. In your fantasies, scroll through only favorable circumstances. So we materialize thoughts and open ourselves a short road to success.

Success cannot be achieved in one big leap, success is achieved only step by step.

On the way to our goal, we often begin to worry and get nervous when something does not go according to plan. It seems that "life is against us."

Passing through the stage of failures on the way to your goal, you should stop focusing on your goal, things will go much easier and faster. Trust the world and let it help you achieve what you want.
Get into the weird habit of celebrating failure. Or maybe your failure is that very greatest victory and a huge step towards making the wish come true. In other words, look for the positives in every situation. When life “intervenes” in our plans, it does not destroy them at all, as we used to think, but corrects them.

Before achieving any goal, you first need to determine what result you want to achieve. Ask yourself the following questions:

* What do I want to leave behind?
* How should others remember me?
* How can I make my society better?
* My interests, hobbies?

The answers to these questions will help not only to clearly formulate the task, but also to assess the risks, motivation, and resources.

To begin to achieve something, you need to concentrate on your actions. Ask yourself: "Will what I'm doing guide me to the place where I want to be?"
Not everything you do has to be socially effective, but it should be fun and enjoyable.

Our will, aspiration, ability to self-suggestion and self-organization can work miracles. Turn your attention to the possibilities of using any chances and free spaces, and you will see that the restrictions begin to disappear on their own.

The main and most effective technique for achieving success is self-love! Psychologists have established an amazing fact: those people who love themselves are truly happy and successful. After all, self-love is a universal program that helps you all your life. A person who loves himself is accustomed to think well of himself. He considers himself worthy of all the best, which means that he simply cannot materialize something bad for himself!
