How to organize a family business? Interesting ideas for family business

Family business in Russia is somewhat different from the similar concept adopted abroad. In the West family business- This is a matter passed down from generation to generation. A family business is created there with the aim of ensuring a prosperous life for descendants. In Russia, relatives, having united, jointly organize a business, fortunately, at present there are many programs that support, including small family businesses, so there are more and more people who want to work only for themselves and their relatives.

What is a family business

In Russia, as well as in some countries abroad, many small businesses are family businesses. The advantage of this type of income generation is that relatives involved in the family business plan their own work time, and the profit they receive is significantly higher than when working for hire. However, family business also has its disadvantages. These, as in any enterprise, are risks that entail the loss of monetary investments.

As such, family business in Russia began to take shape under Tsar Ivan the Terrible. New round Such entrepreneurship, including the emergence of numerous related dynasties of entrepreneurs, is associated with the time of Peter the Great. By the beginning of the eighteenth century, merchant dynasties began to form, which later became the industrial pride of Russia. This was the family business of the Morozovs, Ryabushinskys, Prokhorovs, Gorbunovs, Skvortsovs, etc.

Most clear example how to open a family business and achieve financial success is an example of the Rothschild or Rockefeller business empires. The total fortune of the Rothschilds today, according to the most conservative estimates, reaches three and a half trillion dollars, about the same as the Rockefellers. But they started their, then still small family business, with a few hundred dollars. Examples of success of families whose names are very well known today are numerous.

However, despite the well-known stories of family businesses, the share of Russian small family businesses accounts for amounts millions of times smaller. However, this does not change the principle of running a family business. main idea The point is that, regardless of the scale of the family business, the main factor of success is the support of the family, since the business involves only close people who will not let you down or deceive.

Types of family business

Today, the small and medium-sized business sector is one of the foundations of the well-being of any state. A company can be opened by people who know each other well and are on friendly terms. In this case, we are talking about an enterprise created by partners on shares. But often a new company is opened by relatives - close and distant, but members of the same families. Such companies are called “family businesses” in world terminology. At the same time, in order to remain so, the company itself and its equity should remain in the hands of families and be passed on through generations.

Not only in Russia, but also in many developed countries possible in last years observe the trend of new family companies emerging. In our country, according to analysts, in some sectors of the economy up to eighty percent of all small or medium-sized enterprises are family-owned. These are industries such as:

  • agriculture - for example, business in seeds, vegetables, etc.,
  • food industry;
  • textile production;
  • IT technologies;
  • trade.

In our country there is even a Russian Family Business Association, which not only helps young entrepreneurs and protects their rights, but also periodically holds seminars and conferences, the main topics of which are issues related to how to start a family business, how to pay taxes, etc. . e. The entire set of such businesses, in terms of their structure and the distribution of capital, as well as the management and size of the companies, is conventionally divided into two groups.

The first group is a company in which only family members and their immediate relatives work. As a rule, these are very small companies, rarely employing more than ten people. The second - large group - are firms inherited from generation to generation. Their owners are entire family clans. This group, which mainly forms foreign family capitalism, usually includes very large or large international corporations with subsidiaries. In this case, the “families” have at their disposal the largest block of shares, allowing them to exercise only control over the company.

How to start a family business

There are a lot of ways to earn money in our country. The most popular and interesting ideas are:

  • opening of various online stores where you can buy the right products without leaving home: these can be stores that sell creative products, various equipment, shoes, clothes, accessories, branded items at discounts, etc.
  • organization of special events - corporate parties, birthdays, weddings, memorable dates, etc.
  • opening a small hotel or hostel with a cozy homely atmosphere;
  • gastronomic establishments - cafe or restaurant, pizzeria, bakery, dumpling shop, coffee shop, etc.
  • providing various services for repairs, cleaning, landscaping, courier delivery, storage of items, etc.
  • private kindergarten;
  • farming.

In addition, it is possible to establish some kind of production of goods that are in great demand among the population. This could be the production of toilet paper as a business, a seed business - packaging and subsequent sale, etc. To start your own business intended for family members, no matter how large or small, you must have a business plan. A plan is an integral part of any business activity. It defines development concepts, takes into account all costs and all difficulties that may be encountered.

Legal knowledge, even if not at a professional level, is very helpful in family business. Therefore, even between family members, it is imperative to formalize all agreements in writing, because sometimes it can be more difficult to work with relatives. It’s a good idea to discuss in advance between family members the issue of profit distribution: who should receive what percentage of the profit. This eliminates many problems in the future, so this circumstance must be fixed in the contract.

Sunflower seeds - business for families

In order to organize production and produce roasted seeds packaged in bags, you must first draw up a work plan, then purchase necessary equipment and raw materials. It is possible to agree on wholesale purchase seeds with owners of private plots who sell vegetables at the market. Then, when the business becomes successful, you can find farmers selling wholesale batches of seeds at a good price. To organize a small business of frying and packing seeds, you need to find an appropriate room in which you can install the equipment.

The premises for the production of seeds must have certain characteristics: it must be spacious, warm and dry, so that both raw materials and goods ready for sale can be stored in it. To make roasted sunflower seeds look competitive, you need beautiful packaging. The cost of one roll of such foil packaging is about one hundred dollars. As an option, you can order packaging film from your local printing house. In this case, you can install pre-selected pictures on the film so that the product can be recognized by them in the future. This could be a comic, a photo of sunflowers, etc. - everything, with the exception of prohibited photos, for example, porn.

In order to sell manufactured products, you need to enter into agreements with retail outlets. You can also open your own small kiosk and sell your goods yourself. It would be good if there was a school or college nearby. The starting estimate for such production is as follows:

  • a simple filling packaging machine with electronic scales - about seven hundred dollars; equipment for frying seeds;
  • electric or gas oven - about eight hundred dollars;
  • cooler and seed cleaning device six hundred dollars.

Today the richest family owning own business, is the Walton clan from the United States. The income that their corporation brings in is more than two hundred billion dollars a year. The family owns a chain of supermarkets, the number of branches of which reaches six and a half thousand. This is especially impressive when you consider where the Waltons started and what their initial income was. It all started with a small shop called “Everything for Fifteen Cents,” which soon went bankrupt. However, almost twenty years later, the head of the clan again attempted to get rich by opening his first supermarket together with his brother.

The topic of family entrepreneurship is so relevant that they even make films about it. For example, in 2004, Colombians filmed a dramatic and exciting story about the Manrique mafia family, called “The Family Business Saga.” The Russians did not stand aside either. In 2014, Alexey Chistikov and Ivan Kitaev filmed a series called “Family Business,” in which many famous actors starred.

First of all, you need to choose the type of activity. To do this, you need to assess the level of competence of family members– find out who has what education, skills and abilities.

After this you need to analyze the market, identify the most vacant niches, compare this data with information about relatives, and select those options that will be the least competitive.

Prohibited activities

There are several types of activities that are prohibited by law for family businesses:

  1. PSC (private security company);
  2. Pharmaceutical production;
  3. Activities on the securities market;
  4. Manufacturing of pyrotechnics;
  5. Production of alcohol and tobacco products;
  6. Production of weapons and ammunition.

Distributing responsibilities

Despite the fact that the business is family-owned, it is first and foremost a business. And the basis of any business should be a hierarchical structure.

The widespread option “everyone does everything” has long proven to be flawed, so responsibilities must be clearly distributed. In this case, all responsibilities should be specified in the charter and contracts.. As a result, your company will only benefit, and the environment will become more productive.

Financial questions

To truly create successful business, it is important to determine financial questions : who will carry financial liability who will be responsible for finances and interact with the bank and tax service who will have signatory authority (and in what order).

It is necessary to set salaries in advance, work out provisions on bonuses and bonuses, and determine who and under what conditions will be able to take money from the business. The understanding that the company’s cash register and your own wallet are not the same thing must be conveyed to everyone.

It is important to document all this so that in the future there will be no quarrels and disputes that disorganize the work of the enterprise.

Best ideas

Due to the nature of a family business, not just any business is suitable for starting an enterprise.


If your family lives in rural areas, then the best option will become . One of the most important advantages of this business is the ability of workers to insure each other - even with the division of duties, such a need arises in any enterprise.


A small cafe can bring a solid profit, especially if every relative is interested in the common cause. Many establishments fail because of employees who behave inappropriately with customers, but if it is not just a job, but a family affair, the approach will be completely different.


– an ideal small business for a small family. Trade allows you to very clearly delimit work responsibilities, and if successful, you will be able to quickly open new stores, scaling your enterprise. First of all, you should take a closer look at the sale:

  • food products;
  • construction and finishing materials;
  • plumbing and sanitary ware;
  • meat;
  • goods for children;
  • household goods.


In essence, the idea of ​​a confectionery is to combine production and trade, and possibly a cafe - if the premises are located in suitable place. There is enough work for everyone: several people will be busy making cakes, pastries and other desserts, one will pack them, another will deliver them to customers, someone will sell products on the spot, others will serve customers in the hall, etc.


Although any workshop requires special skills, it is perfect for organizing a small family business. These areas are the most profitable:

  • sewing curtains;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • auto repair;
  • production of baguettes;
  • making mirrors.

The most common mistake family businesses make is misunderstanding the situation. You should immediately set priorities and follow simple rules:

  • professionalism and responsibility are above any family ties;
  • in any conflict situation, you should find out whether the conflict relates to the family or to business, and if the issue is family, it should not affect the working relationship, and vice versa;
  • always clearly distinguish between work and rest: do not take work home - at lunch or before bed it is better to talk about the children’s successes at school or discuss sports news;
  • it is important that family members have control, while the bulk of the work can easily be carried out by outside specialists;
  • a leader must have unquestionable authority: this is important in any business, especially in a family one.

As you can see, it’s not difficult, but it will be much more difficult to keep the enterprise afloat. Any business can face a crisis, and to be able to overcome it, just follow our advice.

Today, more and more attention is paid to small businesses, including family businesses. And this is not surprising, because it is much easier to open a small company with someone you trust. And family members traditionally enjoy our trust.

Types of family business

There are many types of family businesses, it all depends on how to classify them. The most common is the division of home-based family businesses according to their size. Thus, three types of organizations can be distinguished.

  1. Small companies (usually no more than 10 people) where immediate relatives work. In such companies there is no clear hierarchy; all employees are interchangeable, often combining several positions.
  2. In grown-up family companies, where there is a clear subordination structure, business relationships replace family ones.
  3. These are large companies, the leadership of which is inherited from father to son. Here the owner of the company is not the head of the family, but the entire family clan. These are usually joint stock companies, so control of the firm is exercised by the controlling shareholder.

Features of a family business

Whichever idea for a family business you choose, its organization and further management will be fraught with a number of different difficulties. But some of them can be avoided if you adhere to the following rules.

  1. Define the framework business relations. It's not easy in a family business, but try to refrain from discussing work issues over dinner.
  2. Agree on ways to resolve problems. For example, a morning discussion of upcoming matters, or evening communication about accumulated problems. The main thing is that the procedure is streamlined.
  3. Be clear about your responsibilities. Global issues can and should be resolved together, but convening a council on trifles is not worth it.
  4. As they say, nothing personal - it's just business. Yes, much of what is required for the prosperity of the company will not correlate well with family values. But there are only two ways: choose a family and forget about business, or give up some norms family life for the sake of business.
  5. Having a family business has its advantages.

    Ideas for a family business from scratch with minimal investment

    Entering the market is always difficult; at first it’s not even worth talking about profit. For employees You need to pay wages, but in a family business you can save on this point. It is also easier to get a loan from a family member than from a bank.

  6. Try to fairly evaluate each family member's contribution to the company. Avoid personal attachments at this moment - there should be no favorites.
  7. Family is, of course, trust, but when creating a company you cannot do without documents. Therefore, write down all the nuances - share of ownership, method of distribution of profits, responsibilities, etc.
  8. You should not try to accommodate all your relatives. Your company should work and accept a person without knowledge and skills, only on the basis of blood relationship, it is stupid.
  9. Make a consistent plan for the development of the family business, what is the priority, what values ​​are important for the company, the method of transferring ownership to the next generation and in case of dismissal of any family member.

Family business options from scratch

I would like to say right away that there are no good or bad (profitable or unprofitable) ideas for a family business; it is not necessary to try to invent something fundamentally new. Everything will depend on how competently you can find and occupy a market niche. And this is influenced by the conditions of the place of residence and the presence of competitors (their strong and weak sides), and yours organizational skills, and much more.

When choosing a field of activity, you need to build on the knowledge and skills of family members. For example, if you have a programmer, designer and journalist, then it makes sense to try to create an online game. But open the same composition of a legal or accounting consulting firm does not make sense.

Here are the most common family business options:

  • online store or website;
  • consulting firm;
  • online game;
  • services of translators and tutors;
  • organization of holidays;
  • trade;
  • cafe or hotel (for those living in the resort area);
  • "husband for an hour".

Family business

A family business is understood as the type of business that is organized by relatives, with subsequent hereditary succession. However, this is not always the case, so family businesses are divided into two types.

  • a family business, in which all relatives are at the top management. Initially, these are small companies with a staff of no more than ten people. The head of the family business, accordingly, becomes the head of the family, the rest of the relatives perform general responsibilities. The disadvantage of this type of family business may be that family members are not always professionals and fulfill their obligations to the best of their ability. The positions here are not clearly demarcated; if one relative becomes ill, another takes his place;
  • a family business, the purpose of which, in addition to making a profit, will be further continuity.

    Business ideas - Family

    This type of family business includes a number of foreign corporations that pass into ownership from generation to generation.

Examples of successful family businesses of the second type would be such financial giants as Wal Mart, FORD Corporation, world famous Rothschilds and many others.

The most unpredictable options can become ideas for a family business. For example, you live in a village and you have a house there. You can attach a small bathhouse and get involved in the bathing business closely. Or you and your programmer husband can develop your own website and make a profit from advertising. There are a huge number of options; the chosen direction will depend only on your enthusiasm, knowledge and capabilities. In fact, organizing a family business is not such a big problem, the main thing is to approach it wisely. However, in the history of family business there are different scenarios for the development of events.

Pros and cons of family business

The positive aspects of a family business, first of all, include trust. Many people know how much unity among all team members plays a role in business. For relatives connected by the same goal, this will not be a difficulty. Everyone will know perfectly well what they are working for, and the profit will undoubtedly be higher. Additionally, trusting each other, communication and frank discussion of family business issues are critical. Yes, each family member will also work for the benefit of their children, since children are the direct heirs of the family business.

The disadvantages include almost the same as the advantages. On the one hand, you trust each other, but on the other hand, it will be all the more difficult to tell any relative that he is not doing the job he is doing. Having said such things, especially if you are angry at this moment, you may lose not only an employee, but also communication with this relative, and maybe even several. Now let's look at inheritance - it's very controversial issue, especially when there are several children. How to make sure that later the heirs do not quarrel over the director’s chair? It's worth thinking about.

And yet, you need to be able to distinguish between the spheres of business and family. This will be impossible if you do not have the opportunity to relax at home, since all family members will be constantly busy discussing business problems. By the way, the problems of family business also include some pride, which may begin to develop in some of your relatives.

That is why, when thinking about how to open a family business, first think - will you be able to survive as a family the more moral trials that lie ahead of you?

Remember the progenitor of Wal Mart. It is this kind of family business that can become an example for you, since it was he who drew up a set of rules so as not to offend each other. These behavioral norms stated that it was important to listen to everyone, treat everyone with respect, share equally, and appreciate and praise the achievements of others. At the very beginning of your perhaps home-based family business, sit down together as a family, talk frankly and decide for yourself whether you are ready to work for the same goal.

Family business has several undeniable advantages. It is often created with those people who are completely trusted. In addition, the main profit will remain within the family, and each relative will work for the common good. However, there are also several disadvantages here. Possible problems and failures in the chosen activity can negatively affect the relationship between relatives.
Therefore, having decided to create a family business from scratch, you need to approach this enterprise with the full degree of responsibility and seriousness.


Depending on the number of employees involved, a business can be of the following types:

  • Small business employing no more than 10 people. Often all employees are immediate family members. For similar business Characterized by the absence of a clearly defined hierarchy, the versatility and interchangeability of each employee.
  • A family company is a more professional and serious business compared to the previous option. In such companies there is a clear hierarchy. Each relative is busy in his own field.
  • A family corporation is a form of management, usually reminiscent of a joint stock company (what is it?), the main shareholders of which are members of one family. Such corporations are inherited from generation to generation.


Success in a family business from scratch depends mainly on the entrepreneurial abilities of family members, a well-chosen niche, the presence of competitors and a correctly established course for development. When choosing an idea and a niche for activity, you should focus on the abilities and personal qualities of each family member.

Below are the most popular and interesting family business ideas from scratch.

  • Various online stores through which you can purchase the products you need without leaving your home.

    Home Business - 38 Home Business Ideas

    For example, these could be craft stores, various types equipment, shoes and clothing, accessories, branded items at discounts, antiques, etc.

  • Providing services for creating various websites.
  • Providing translation services.
  • Organization of special events: birthdays, corporate parties, weddings, name days, memorable dates, etc.
  • Opening a hostel or small hotel with a cozy homely atmosphere (features of investing in hotels).
  • Opening a gastronomic establishment: cafe, restaurant, pizzeria, bakery, dumpling shop, coffee shop (business plan on how to open a coffee shop), etc.
  • Providing various types of services: repairs, cleaning, landscaping, Express delivery, storage of things, etc.
  • A private kindergarten or institution where children can come and engage in creativity, play, etc.
  • Farming.
  • Production of original furniture or interior items according to our own design.
  • Providing information services.
  • Organization of various trainings and seminars.
  • Making individual gifts.

Where to begin?

To organize a family business from scratch, it is first important to choose an area of ​​activity. To do this, you need to find out and analyze the following information: what abilities each family member has, in what area he is talented and competent. Based on this data, you should analyze ideas and select several of the most acceptable options in which each relative could use their abilities.

It is worth noting that there are several areas of activity that are prohibited by law for starting a business. Among them:

After determining the direction, an analysis of the specific market should be carried out regarding the prospects and competitiveness of the chosen area. It is worth discussing first how profits will be distributed among relatives.

An important point in organizing a business from scratch is a well-written business plan, which should highlight the following points:

  • Definition of a specific activity.
  • Scope of work performed.
  • Business development strategy.
  • Determining the amount of financial investments required for the development of a family business.
  • Assigning a certain type of occupation to each family member.
  • Identification of the target group of people for whom the business is oriented.

Any business, regardless of the area and the chosen idea, is almost impossible to promote without investment. Its creation and further development requires certain financial resources. If you do not have the required amount of money, then you should contact one of the commercial banks to get a loan.

After receiving the required amount of money, you should carry out the procedure for registering the created company in state register. Further, depending on the chosen area, you may need premises or special equipment. One of the most important aspects is advertising. To implement it, it is more advisable to turn to professionals.

Some important tips for those who decide to create a family business

  • It is important to initially establish clear boundaries separating family and business relationships.
  • For each relative involved, their responsibilities must be determined.
  • Family business, like other types of business, requires a lot of time.
  • A clear business management and development plan must be drawn up.
  • To successfully run a family business, it is necessary to bring in experience from outside: read relevant literature, analyze success stories of famous entrepreneurs, study competitors, if possible attend relevant trainings and constantly develop.

The myth about the unprofitability of farming

One of the most interesting ideas for a family business from scratch is organizing your own farm. Many, when considering various ideas, immediately discard this option, considering it unpromising and unprofitable. However, such an assumption is erroneous. Producers of agricultural products today receive quite good income. However, profit from farming can only be obtained if you properly equip your production and are not lazy to work.

It is quite easy to organize such a company. To do this, you just need to choose a place, register your enterprise and then enter the appropriate market with your own products. Farming includes livestock raising, poultry farming, crop growing and the production of certain food products from produced raw materials (for example, sausages, smoked meats, jam, etc.).

It should be noted that environmentally friendly products are especially in demand and relevant on the market today food products. Therefore, a good income with competent production of such products is guaranteed.

The essence and forms of family entrepreneurship

Family entrepreneurship can be defined as a form of small business where family members and other relatives are the owners and employees of their enterprises.

The historical roots of family entrepreneurship are handicrafts in the era of medieval cities and cottage workshops and manufactories of the period of early capitalism.

IN modern conditions industrial and post-industrial society, family enterprises occupy unclaimed middle and big business economic niches. This includes small wholesale and retail trade, consumer services (dry cleaners, laundries, ateliers, hairdressers, small tailoring and repairs household appliances, clothing and footwear, etc.), small restaurant business, transport services for the population (transportation of furniture, building materials, home and business delivery of ready-made meals and food products, etc.), rental of cultural, household and household equipment, small repair and construction (housing, dachas, garages, utility and cultural buildings), accounting work and auditing, folk crafts, farming, etc.

Family entrepreneurship in Russia has such untapped development reserves as service housing stock(especially in connection with the reform of housing and communal services and the development of homeowners' associations), recreational and tourism business, development of personal peasant farmsteads.

2. Problems of legislative regulation
family business

Family entrepreneurship, as a rule, is one of the forms of small business or self-employment of the population and in Russian legislation does not stand out as a special form legal regulation And state support.

If we talk about regulatory documents at the federal level, the concept of family entrepreneurship is used in only two documents.

The Federal Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” determines that a peasant (farm) economy is an association of citizens related by kinship and (or) property, having common property property and jointly carrying out production and other economic activity based on their personal participation.

In the Main Directions of State Family Policy, approved by Presidential Decree Russian Federation
dated May 14, 1996, No. 714, the concept of family entrepreneurship is used as a tool for ensuring the material well-being of families and a form of combating poverty.

Subparagraph c) of paragraph 18 of Section IV of the mentioned Decree refers to “support for the development of individual labor activity, family entrepreneurship and farming” as one of the methods of “providing conditions for overcoming negative trends and stabilizing the financial situation of families, reducing poverty and increasing assistance to low-income families” .

In the current Federal Target Program “Economic and social development indigenous peoples of the North until 2011", approved by the Resolution The Government of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2001, No. 564, considers “creating new jobs, developing and supporting small businesses, farming, family-tribal and community forms of cooperation, improving land relations” as one of the objectives of state policy. Thus, in this document we are talking, in particular, about another form of family entrepreneurship, “family-tribal cooperation.”

In all other regulatory documents at the federal level, more than general concept small business.

Questions government regulation small businesses in Russia are reflected in the Federal Law “On State Support of Small Businesses in the Russian Federation” (No. 88-FZ), adopted on June 14, 1995 (with subsequent amendments and additions).

This Law is aimed at implementing the right of citizens established by Article 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “to freely use their abilities and property to carry out entrepreneurial or other economic activities not prohibited by law.”

According to Article 3 of the above Law, small businesses are understood as commercial organizations in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of enterprise owners is at least 50%, and the number of employees does not exceed the maximum levels of 30 (in retail trade and consumer services) up to 100 people (in industry, construction and transport). Small businesses also include individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity (self-employment).

This Law establishes the responsibilities of the state to support small businesses. In particular, the procedure for the development and implementation of federal, regional and local programs for supporting small businesses (Article 7), preferential lending (Article 11), creating mutual lending societies (Article 12) and insurance (Article 13) for small businesses, reserving certain ( at least 15%) share of government orders for production and supply individual species products and goods (services) for state needs (Article 14). Measures are also provided to support small businesses in information sphere: provision (including on a preferential basis) of economic, legal, statistical, production, technological and other information necessary for their effective development(Article 16). The law also establishes measures to ensure production and technological support for small businesses (Article 18), training and retraining of personnel (Article 19). The law defines the procedure for organizing and operating unions (associations) of small businesses.

Noteworthy is Article 7 of the Law under consideration, which contains an instruction to the Government of the Russian Federation annually, before presenting the federal budget, to submit to the Federal Assembly a draft federal program for state support of small businesses and to provide for the allocation of funds in the federal budget for its financing.

It must be said that such federal programs (FTPs) were developed twice: for 1998–1999 and 2000–2001 and approved by relevant resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation1.

In the “Federal Program of State Support for Small Businesses for 1998–1999,” the goal of this program was formulated as follows: “creating favorable conditions for the sustainable activities of small businesses by improving the regulatory framework, developing support infrastructure, developing new forms and mechanisms of financial support for small businesses "

How to create a family business: ideas and useful tips for starting your own successful business

The main objectives of the Program were “overcoming administrative barriers, maximum legalization of the activities of small businesses, accelerating the development of new credit and investment mechanisms, creating regional centers for supporting entrepreneurship, developing international cooperation and export orientation of small enterprises, strengthening social status, increasing the prestige and ensuring the security of entrepreneurs.” .

The objectives of the next program actually remained the same, only they were more specifically detailed.

It should be noted that family entrepreneurship was not mentioned in these programs.

It must be said that in the Russian business community there are active discussions on the issue of a radical revision or abolition Federal Law“On state support for small businesses in the Russian Federation” as not being implemented.

The reason for this is that there are no mechanisms to implement all these correct norms. In fact, small and family businesses are overwhelmed with taxes and levies, and are experiencing administrative arbitrariness from the authorities and crime.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, some work is being done on legal and organizational support specifically for family entrepreneurship. In particular, assistance to families in its development is formalized in Bashkortostan, Karelia, Krasnodar Territory, Leningrad Region, Chuvashia, etc.

In Chuvashia, for example, in 2003, declared the Year of the Family, a Decree of the President of the Chuvash Republic “On the accelerated development of small businesses in the Chuvash Republic” was issued, in which special emphasis was placed on the development of family entrepreneurship in rural areas. The Ministry of Justice of Chuvashia is entrusted with ensuring the preparation of the necessary documents, including making a seal and obtaining various permits. All this must be done promptly and free of charge, with the exception of compensation for the amount of the state registration fee. For a potential entrepreneur, this Decree is protection from administrative barriers, bureaucratic arbitrariness and bureaucratic delays.

In the Moscow region, a program was developed to support and develop family entrepreneurship in the Moscow region
for 2004 – 2007.

This Program aimed to solve the important social problem of supporting family entrepreneurship through the development of the consumer market of the Moscow region using modern information technologies. In accordance with the project, in the period from 2004 to 2007 it was planned to implement the following main activities:

1. Conduct research on issues of family entrepreneurship in the Moscow region and prepare proposals for improving current legislation.

2. Develop standard modular programs for family entrepreneurship, including a business plan, standard constituent documents, training for entrepreneurs, a hotline for consultations, organization of accounting and tax accounting, including a simplified taxation system and a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.

3. Create an online hypermarket in the Moscow region for small family businesses (small wholesale market on the Internet).

4. Ensure the creation of a lending system for family businesses through credit unions in the form of consumer credit cooperatives of citizens.

5. Organize training of specialists in family entrepreneurship.

6. Ensure the formation of a civilized consumer market in the Moscow region in the form of a network of consumer cooperatives of the population in municipalities Moscow region.

7. Organize direct connections between manufacturers of consumer goods and a network of consumer cooperatives and create on this basis an environment for family entrepreneurship with the organization of direct delivery of consumer goods to the final consumer from their manufacturer.

Thus, we can formulate the main problems of legislative regulation of family and small businesses:

1. Lack of real mechanisms for providing preferential conditions for the development of small and family businesses.

2. Underdevelopment regulatory framework at the regional level.

If you decide to open a family business from scratch, then you just need to know the features and pitfalls of this complex process. More details about this below.

Is it worth opening a family business?

Many will think that family is sacred and its members will never betray each other, so a family business is simply doomed to success. But is this really so? Let's figure this out. First, let's tell you why it is worth organizing a family business.

  1. Members of the same family are interested in the prosperity of the business, unlike employees of standard firms. So everyone will strive to ensure that the business develops and is successful.
  2. The employees of the family company have known each other since childhood, so they know each other. Everyone will be aware of the shortcomings, weaknesses and prevailing character traits of their colleagues. And this can significantly simplify doing business.
  3. Relationships within the team of such a company will be trusting and relaxed.
  4. It has been proven that family-owned companies stay afloat much longer than other companies.
  5. If all employees of a family company are relatives, this will significantly reduce the risk of information leakage to competitors. All production secrets will be carefully kept.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • when mixing career and financial interests with family relationships and values, some difficulties may arise;
  • if difficulties arise, they are likely to affect the situation in the family;
  • Some employees of a family firm may think that such a business is an opportunity to earn income without effort. And this will not benefit the matter;
  • sometimes a person cannot objectively assess the abilities of his relative;
  • Disputes and disagreements may arise regarding employee income.

It is worth weighing the pros and cons in advance and deciding whether the business will be successful in this particular situation. And only when all the risks and probable outcomes of events have been assessed, you can proceed to opening a case.

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Where to start: ideas for business

So, to organize your family business, you need to find a win-win and profitable idea. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. It is important to study the characteristics of the market in a particular city to find out what is popular and most in demand. Or you can come up with some kind of feature that will interest many and generate income. Another important point: You need to find out the ideas and abilities of your family members. Suddenly, one of them knows how to work superbly with his hands, does handicrafts and creates unique things. We offer some sample ideas.

  1. Joke shop. you can sell fun and funny souvenirs. Today it is in demand.
  2. Home help agency. For example, the female part of the company could do cleaning (washing dishes and floors, vacuuming), while men are quite capable of performing purely male duties (for example, hanging a shelf).
  3. Courier and loader services. Many require delivery of documents, goods or something else. You can safely do just that.
  4. Homemade family dinners. So, if one of the family members loves and knows how to cook, then you can organize a kind of mini-cafe right at home.
  5. Assembly and disassembly of furniture. This service is provided furniture stores, but many prefer to save money and turn to a private master.

There are still a great many different ideas. But choosing just one depends on your family, its members, their abilities and capabilities.

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We draw up a business plan

A business plan is considered practically a document, because it will certainly be required if you are looking for investors or taking out a loan. How to compose it? This includes several sections:

  1. Description of your project. Here you can indicate how the company will work and what you will offer to your clients. In addition, in this part you can indicate the amount required to open it, as well as the time frame within which you plan to return it.
  2. Description of your business. Indicate what goals you want to achieve (customer satisfaction) and how you will achieve them. Describe how you see your business, your clients and employees. You can even write the address of the future company.
  3. List and describe the goods and services that you will offer to consumers. Tell us what the features of what you offer are.
  4. The results of your marketing research, namely: listing your competitors and potential clients. Write about the characteristics of the sales market and what niche your family company will occupy.
  5. Production plan. Here you need to describe everything technological process from the beginning to the end.
  6. Sales plan. It should describe how you plan to sell the product. Don’t forget to tell us how you plan to attract clients.
  7. Financial plan. Here you need to calculate and list all the income and expenses of the enterprise.
  8. Analysis of firm stability. Think through all the ways to solve problems and get out of any situations. Assess the condition of the company and its stability.
  9. Indication of laws and acts that will regulate the activities of your company.
  10. Applications: calculations, tables, etc.

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Other Important Points

What else might you need to organize your family business?

  1. Capital. you decided to open a business from scratch, so most likely you don’t have your own money. Then you need to decide how and where you will get funds to open, because without initial capital it is impossible to open almost any more or less serious business. If you decide to take out a loan, then study all the available offers from banks and choose the most optimal one. You can find investors, but it's more difficult.
  2. Registration. The company must be registered. Shape depends on specific type activities. Most often they open an LLC or individual entrepreneur. You can find out all the details and features of registration at the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
  3. Room. Decide where your company will operate. For example, it could be an apartment. But if you are planning something large-scale, then it is better to rent a room.
  4. Equipment. Find out what devices, fixtures and equipment will be needed to run a family business. Calculate how much money this might cost. Best on initial stage choose leasing, that is, rent equipment to understand whether the business will be profitable. Or you can buy used devices, but they must be in working order.
  5. Income and their distribution. It is very important to decide at the initial stage what kind of wage each of the employees so that there are no disagreements later.
  6. Advertising. People need to know about your company, so decide how you will find clients. You can place information about the company on the Internet, in newspapers and on television. Call everyone personally, tell your friends and acquaintances about yourself.

Almost the entire history of human development family production was the basis of the state's economy. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th-20th centuries, although it gave businesses the tools to produce goods on a large scale consumer consumption, but still could not completely displace the product produced by small family enterprises from the market. Today, such piece and natural products are in increasing demand among buyers. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to create a family business, then choose a business you like, produce a quality product, and customers will appreciate a high-quality and original product.

How to start a family business

If you are planning to work with your family, but do not know how to register such a family enterprise, and whether it is necessary to register it at all, then when making a decision, proceed from what product you intend to produce and how you are going to sell it.

The enterprise does not need to be registered in cases where the entrepreneur will engage in the following types of family business:

  • growing vegetables, berries, fruits and transferring them to producers (for example,);
  • breeding livestock or poultry on a personal plot and selling livestock products to wholesalers (see);
  • production of handicraft goods at home and their sale on the market or through online platforms (see).

When resolving registration issues entrepreneurial activity For small farms, one unwritten rule applies: if production does not go beyond the boundaries of the home and garden plot, then registration of entrepreneurial activity is not necessary.

However, this does not mean that an entrepreneur does not have the right to register under at will, especially since the official status of a family enterprise can provide additional opportunities for a developing business. Read about it.

Among the advantages of registration:

  • official activities with prospects for expansion;
  • opportunity to work with legal entities;
  • participation in government support programs for small businesses;
  • length of service for family members registered at the enterprise.

If you are worried that you will have to spend a lot of time and resources on maintaining accounting and tax records, as well as paying large sums of money to the budget, then these fears are unfounded. The modern tax system offers several convenient taxation options for family businesses and the ability to maintain simplified accounting.

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Business idea for the whole family

If you want to engage in entrepreneurship, but have not yet chosen which family business to open, we advise you to assess the resources already available to the family, since completely starting from scratch is both difficult and expensive.

For owners of private houses within the city, the following can be outlined: profitable ideas for a family business:

  • cooking and ;
  • mediation activities in the field of trade;
  • cleaning carpets and pillows;
  • auto repair shop and car wash;
  • repair shop leather goods and shoes;
  • sewing workshop;
  • family kindergarten.

The listed types of activities do not require the installation of bulky equipment or large areas, and the proximity to such business points will not create inconvenience for those who live nearby. On your site you can arrange workplace, install equipment and take orders from customers.

If a family lives in an apartment and does not have its own space for running a family business, then you can rent the premises. For those who have never been involved in entrepreneurship and are just planning an undertaking such as a family business, it is best to rent a small house with outbuildings and rent out your apartment.

Important! Landlords must agree that the family will not only live in the house, but also run a business. A preliminary agreement will avoid possible problems.

When choosing a direction of activity, you need to proceed from which family member has the knowledge and practical skills to work in the most in-demand specialty. For example, if the wife is good at sewing, then the husband can deal with the supply of fabric, searching for orders for workwear, etc. Or if the husband is a good carpenter, then the wife can sell wooden products at the market and help her husband in organizing production process.

And if you like confectionery, you and your whole family can master it. Read how to make sweet baked goods to order.

How much money is needed to open a family business?

In order to organize a small family enterprise, you need about 150 thousand rubles. This money is needed to purchase equipment, produce advertising, and purchase consumables.

The main advantages of products manufactured by a family business are: high quality, originality and individual style. It is thanks to these qualities that goods produced in small batches benefit from factory stamping.

In order to develop an individual style, it is not enough to be a professional in your field, you also need to have information about current trends and patterns of formation consumer demand. If you want to get off to a good start, pay for the services of a PR agency. A PR specialist will help you find your own concept, adhering to which you will be able to produce a product that is interesting to the consumer from the very first days.

In order for a family to live normally, the monthly profit should not be less than 60 thousand rubles. Such earnings can be achieved if the average daily profit is at least 2.5 thousand rubles (excluding costs for Consumables). This is not such a small amount for a beginning entrepreneur, so the company must have a plan for distributing its products and develop measures to attract customers.


The main problem of a family business is the lack of a clear distribution of responsibilities. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings associated with misunderstandings by the participants in a family business about their production tasks, it is best to secure on paper the rights and responsibilities of each employee of your enterprise. A small job description will allow the business owner to coordinate the entire production process.
