Setting up a coworking area. Opening a coworking center: non-standard solutions for business. Regulatory framework

In fact, even the state. The Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship has been building co-working spaces in every district of the capital for several years. And in Troitsk, for example, at the beginning of 2016, the co-working was closed, explaining that the format was unclaimed in New Moscow.

There is a demand for coworking services, but the supply has become massive. How to make money on communal services for business?

350 sq. m— average coworking space in Moscow

By 25% the coworking market in Russia is growing annually

5.6 sq. m- average working area

8-20 thousand rubles. - how much will it cost to rent a workplace in a coworking space in Moscow

1000 rolls toilet paper per month needed for coworking space for 100 jobs

Sources: NAI Becar, RBC Real Estate, Workstation

office in the park

“There is a stereotype that “hipsters hang out in coworking spaces with smoothies”, in fact, people come here to work, not to have fun. This is one of the differences between this format here and abroad, where people play games with pleasure, stay to chat after work,” says Mikhail Komarov, co-owner of Workstation, one of the first coworking spaces in Moscow.

Since 2008, the owner of the Myme web studio, Mikhail Komarov, could not find a suitable office for his team. “I wanted to do something for myself, and not just move into a standard office,” recalls Komarov. A familiar entrepreneur, Yuri Krylov, supported the idea - together the partners began to look for a space for co-working, where Komarov's team would be located, and vacant places could be rented out.

Co-owner of "Workstation" Mikhail Komarov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

Acquaintance with Ekaterina Kibovskaya, who at that time was engaged in special projects in Gorky Park, helped. She helped to contact the director of the park, Olga Zakharova - she liked the idea, and in the spring of 2012, the administration leased the pavilion in the Neskuchny Garden to entrepreneurs.

It took about 15 million rubles for the reconstruction, construction of a summer terrace using a terrace board, decoration and furniture, although a lot was done on our own. For example, the interior was designed by an architectural bureau led by Anna Titova, Komarov's wife. We tried to do it “for ourselves”: in addition to the working area, meeting rooms and the kitchen, showers and a mini-cinema were placed. The start-up capital was formed from the personal savings of the founders and a bank loan for 5 million rubles.

The project became popular almost immediately after the opening, which took place in August 2012. About 250 people came to the party - mostly friends and acquaintances. Everyone considered it their duty to “check in” at Rabochka and post a photo on the social network in an unusual, not at all like an office interior: a high space with skylights and an abundance of sunlight, panoramic windows overlooking the park. As a result, Komarov did not manage to put his team in the coworking space: all 82 jobs were bought out in the first month. The entrepreneur decided to take this business seriously - in January 2013, Komarov bought out the partner's share, becoming the sole owner of the Workstation.

However, not everyone was able to successfully start. The second "Workstation" was opened in 2014 on the territory of the Artplay design factory in the place of a closed co-working. “The director of the design center, Sergey Desyatov, called us and said that the co-working space that exists there is closing due to debts. He offered to take their place,” says Komarov. The mistake of the owners of a closed coworking was that they insisted on annual contracts with tenants, as in a regular office, but few people agreed to this.

This “Station”, although it was larger in area (700 sq. m versus 500 sq. m in Gorky Park), was cheaper - 10 million rubles were spent on furniture and redevelopment. For the duration of the repair work, the residents of the previous tenant were transferred to the Neskuchny Garden.

It took more time and effort to promote the coworking, which was not located in a park area, but on the seventh floor of an ordinary building. Nevertheless, the Workstation brand worked, six months later Komarov managed to hand over all 130 jobs.

Interior for Instagram

To attract people, Komarov tried to hold events like mini-parties, pitch sessions and film screenings, but they did not give the desired effect. “We are faced with the fact that our person is not interested in all this, people are not so much interested in hanging out as status. So that when a client posts a photo from a coworking space on Instagram, they write to him in the comments: “Wow! Where is it? I want that too!” Komarov says. Having saved on repairs, this effect cannot be achieved. It is easier for a person to sit at home or in a cafe or rent a small office - fortunately, in a crisis, supply exceeds demand.

The third "Workstation" was opened at the beginning of 2016 in the Z-plaza business center on Butyrskaya. To make an “Instagram” interior for her, Komarov had to sell part of the company. “When we had already begun work on co-working, Sergey Rumyantsev, a former top manager of VimpelCom, contacted us and expressed a desire to participate in the project,” the entrepreneur explains. As a result, Rumyantsev bought out a stake in the Workstation.

The interior of the "Workstation" (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

“In the face of a decline in demand for offices at fixed rates, a flexible model for renting workplaces is becoming increasingly relevant. In a coworking space, you can rent several jobs if the team has grown, and vice versa, abandon them if the staff has been reduced. Not only startups and freelancers are now sitting in coworking spaces, but also project teams from large companies. For example, some employees of Sbertech work in the Workstation, - says Sergey Rumyantsev.

Komarov says that all the money raised was spent on decorating the 1,800 sq. m: "We just made it even cooler than we planned." According to his estimates, this co-working is the largest in terms of area in the CIS. In addition to workplaces and meeting rooms, you can rent one of the six boxes in a capsule mini-hotel - a night will cost 1.5 thousand rubles. (bed linen, slippers, towels and breakfast included). Hot food is provided by Food.Station Cafe, another Komarov company that operates catering outlets at co-working spaces.

According to the businessman, the first two "Stations" fully paid off in about a year and a half after opening. The costs are quite high, but the format has a flexible business model. So, 80% of the revenue comes from the basic tariff "resident" - a fixed workplace (15 thousand rubles per month), another 20% comes from the rental of meeting rooms and workplaces for a week and a month. Additional income is provided by the “per day” tariff - since not all subscription holders spend time every day and there are those who come in the late afternoon (co-workings work around the clock), the guest is seated in any free seat. If the "owner" of the seat comes, the guest is offered to change seats. This approach makes it possible to ensure an average occupancy rate of 102%, Mikhail Komarov admits.

Today, all three "Working Stations" in Moscow are 100% full, Komarov claims. The total monthly revenue is about 10 million rubles. In early September, the first Workstation outside the Moscow Ring Road opened in Orenburg: the owner of an industrial park located in the city center offered favorable terms of cooperation. “If we succeed in Orenburg, which has a population of 650,000, it will definitely work in other regions,” Komarov believes. He is convinced that the Moscow market is already close to saturation - only large co-working spaces with an area of ​​​​more than 2 thousand square meters can be opened here. m.

Regional approach

“Coworking spaces are a promising business, but the peak of demand in Moscow and St. Petersburg has already been passed,” says Alexander Vusov, head of the business and asset valuation department at Uphill consulting group. — Firstly, there are already many such projects in both capitals; secondly, offices are sometimes cheaper. Over the past two years, the decline in prices for both rent and sale of offices in Moscow amounted to approximately 40%. And when looking for office options, including in the center, you can always bargain and reduce the rental rate by 5-10%.”

Therefore, now co-working spaces are opening in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, in satellite cities, as well as in regional centers - the competition there is not strong, but the demand is also low. For example, the RE Group company, in partnership with the Ministry of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region, is developing the Start co-working network. The first two opened in Odintsovo near Moscow and on the territory of the SEZ "Dubna", by the end of the year it is planned to launch co-working spaces in four more cities of the Moscow region. According to Ekaterina Chapygina, head of the Start project, the company is considering options for attracting third-party private investors to the project.

When opening a co-working space, it is worth considering alternative ways to use the space, advises Irina Vishnevskaya, CEO of the Berkshire Advisory Group consulting company: “Firstly, there is an acute shortage of money in the regions; secondly, coworking is still a rather highly specialized segment, focused on young and energetic professionals working "for themselves", including in the field of IT technologies, consulting, law and other services. There must be a critical mass of such people in the city for the project to be profitable.”

If in 2012 co-working spaces were new, today this word is used to refer to technoparks, mini-offices, and even anti-cafes. “The main problem of the market is the blurring of the format. Now anyone can rent a basement, buy cheap furniture there, calling it coworking,” says Alexander Kolodezny, adviser to the Moscow government on creating coworking spaces. - There are a lot of residents, so entrepreneurs will come, but they will be very disappointed in the format and in the very concept of joint work. That is why it is necessary to introduce standards for coworking spaces, taking into account all SNIPs, SanPiNs and architectural supervision.” According to him, at least one large co-working space (from 350 sq. m.) appears in Moscow every year, but not all of them survive. Why?

Opened in February 2014, the "Coworking on the Roof" was made in a trendy Scandinavian style, made a loud opening, which was written about by fashionable city publications, but this did not save it from an imminent closure. “The landlord raised the rent so that it became unbearable for us, and a more stable tenant came to replace him, ready to pay more,” explains Evgeny Savin, founder of Kovorka on the Roof.

According to him, the main difficulty of this business is that, as a rule, places in co-working spaces are rented for a short time and not always consistently. Startups fail, freelancers can go on vacation or work a day in a co-working space, the other in a cafe. In such a situation, it is difficult to plan income, while the cost of renting and maintaining the space is stable. The coworking business model “rent a room cheaper in bulk – rent it out at a higher price in retail” does not always work. It is necessary to create a “place of attraction” and earn money from events and educational programs taking place on the site.

But this does not always save. St. Petersburg co-working "Third Place", opened in 2012 by ex-journalist Elnara Petrova and her partner Svetlana Romanovich, was precisely the "center of attraction" for St. Petersburg entrepreneurs from among "their own". But the fashion quickly passed - in 2015, a mini-hotel replaced the coworking, and then a bar.

The article discusses the main elements coworking center business plan. Coworking centers in Russia are only gaining momentum, although in foreign countries this is a well-known concept and a popular type of organization of activity. In this regard, the level of competition in the Russian market is low, which will allow a novice entrepreneur to find his niche.

However, it is necessary to focus on a detailed demand analysis. This is best done within coworking center business plan. It structures all the necessary information, substantiates further steps, and also makes the necessary calculations and builds a financial model of the future company.

Key features of a coworking center business plan with calculations

Features of a coworking business plan

As mentioned above, one of the main steps in the process business planning coworking centers is to study the demand from the population for this type of service. Since the circle of consumers is limited, before opening, you should study the number of potential customers and how much they will be willing to pay for it.

In addition, you should focus on calculating the efficiency and profitability of investments, as well as on the profit forecast.

Well crafted marketing plan business plan integral part of the launch coworking space.



Coworking business involves the opening of a space where people work, renting a workplace for a certain time. This space involves the provision of the following services:

  • Providing a workplace with all necessary equipment;
  • Ability to use meeting rooms;
  • Organization of educational courses and seminars;
  • Coffee and drinks are included in the price.

Thus, a territory is organized in which a working atmosphere reigns, which is important for the target audience, which includes:

  • Freelancers;
  • Businessmen;
  • Self-employed.

In a word, people whose work is not tied to a specific place, however, they need the infrastructure for meetings or they are simply not comfortable or not able to carry out their activities from home.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for launching a coworking center

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of a coworking center

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of a coworking center

7 - Conclusions

The business plan of the coworking center is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business plancleaning company

We express our gratitude for the work done on the creation of a business plan for a cleaning company. With this business plan The bank approved a loan for 18 million rubles for 6 years.

Elizaveta K.L., Kazan

Feedback on a business plan for opening a pawnshop

The business plan downloaded from the site contains a very clear and accessible description of both the business in general and its financial component in particular. Calculations show a fairly clear picture of actions and are convenient to use: make changes, adjust investments, sales, expenses. All formulas are editable and transparent.

Ivan Nekrasov, city of Pskov

Feedback on a business plan for home delivery of food: pizzas, sushi, lunches, rolls, pies

The business plan was prepared by a website consulting company in accordance with the requirements, with high quality and even a little ahead of the agreed time. As a result, funds in the amount of 50 million rubles were received from a private investor.

Oleg Alexandrovich, city of Sarov

Feedback on the business plan of the typography

Extremely sound business plan. He helped our printing house get a loan from Sberbank necessary for expanding production (21 million rubles), for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod Region

Benefits of coworking

The main alternatives to coworking centers are working from home, as well as in various cafes and anti-cafes. The benefits of using coworking are:

  • Communication with like-minded people;
  • Everything for meetings and negotiations;
  • Ability to use a scanner, printer and other equipment;
  • Cheaper than renting an office;
  • No distracting elements;
  • Comfortable conditions and creative atmosphere;
  • Good location.

It is also worth noting that, as a rule, drinks are included in the price, in addition, a separate area for meals is organized, which creates optimal conditions.

Also, specialized co-working centers are becoming very popular, where representatives of the same profession unite, for example, designers, copywriters, website creators, etc.

Mentioned advantages coworking center should be reflected in the program of marketing activities within the framework of business plan.

Premises for a coworking center

The key to success coworking business is a properly selected room, the main requirements for which are:

  • Good location. It is best if it is the central part of the city or a business district.
  • Design. The more attractive the design solution, the more people will tend to work in this place, this is especially important for creative professions.
  • Various zones are provided. For example, a work area, meeting rooms, conference rooms, a kitchen, a recreation area, administrative premises.
  • Good ventilation system, natural light.
  • Availability of free parking. This is especially true when located in the city center, since, as a rule, customers arrive for several hours.

Startup stages in the business plan of a coworking center

To start coworking center business you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Analysis of the market situation. Competitors, demand, pricing procedure, environmental factors influencing development.
  2. Description of the concept, including ideas, goals, list of services, creation of a price list, etc.
  3. Determination of the list of advertising and marketing activities.
  4. Drawing up a financial plan, calculating the feasibility and effectiveness of an investment.
  5. Registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registration with the tax authority, selection of a taxation system, opening a current account.
  6. Search for premises, approval of the design project, implementation of repair work.
  7. Procurement of necessary equipment and furniture.
  8. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  9. Selection and hiring of personnel.

Thus, in the end, based on a pre-compiled business plan opens coworking center.

Investments foreseen in the coworking business plan

For start coworking business the following investments will be required at the initial stage:

  • Premises rent - xxx rub.
  • Design and repair work - xxx;
  • Purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Registration and opening of a current account - xxx;
  • Advertising and marketing - xxx;
  • Stock of money - xxx.

Total from 5 to 50 million rubles. depending on the premises, since it is its rent and equipment that accounts for the bulk of the initial investment.

To do this, you can use both your own and borrowed funds. To get loans or attract investors, you need a professionally written business plan. Ready coworking business plan can be downloaded from the link below. The financial model is calculated there and all the necessary information is structured.

Another promising option for business development is cryptocurrency mining. will help you understand all the nuances of this direction.

Coworking equipment

To organize a comfortable space coworking space the following equipment should be procured within the framework of business plan:

  1. To create jobs - computers, printers, scanners, copiers, office equipment, speakers, headphones, webcams.
  2. For conference rooms and meeting rooms - a projector, a plasma panel, a magnetic board.
  3. For the recreation area - a coffee machine, a cooler, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a kettle, a toaster, etc.
  4. Furniture - tables, chairs, sofas, poufs, cabinets, etc., provided by the design project.

In addition, it is important to provide for the mandatory connection of high-speed wireless Internet and a charging device. Expenses coworking center for the purchase of equipment are included in the financial plan business plan with calculations.

Promotion of the coworking center

The main task of the entrepreneur at the initial stage is to attract as many visitors as possible. To do this, you can perform the following steps. These activities and the budget for them are recorded in coworking center business plan.

First, create a selling site and groups in social networks for coworking business and engage in their promotion with the target audience, since customers are active Internet users.

Secondly, the presence of a bright sign and the distribution of leaflets near the nearest coffee shops and anti-cafes will become another channel for influencing potential customers.

Thirdly, it is important to provide a bonus system for regular visitors or a discount when buying long-term subscriptions. You can also do a free trial visit.

Finally, organizing several large educational conferences and webinars will allow you to introduce the maximum number of people to your coworking center.

Coworking income and expenses in a business plan

They show up financially. business plan and serve as the basis for calculating the profit forecast coworking center.

Costs of coworking centers

Costs are necessary to maintain the coworking space and ensure its development and include:

  • Premises rent – ​​xxx rub.;
  • Utility payments and communication services - xxx;
  • Tax deductions - xxx;
  • Salary - xxx;
  • Maintenance of equipment - xxx;
  • Organization of drinks and meals - xxx;
  • Advertising - xxx.

General operating expenses business coworking centers will be from xxx rub. monthly and will be covered by the payment of services by visitors.

Coworking Profit Forecast in a Business Plan

Profit is projected based on revenue, the bulk of which is service fees coworking center:

  • For renting workplaces - from xxx rub. per month;
  • For an entrance ticket to events - from xxx rub. per month;
  • For additional services - from xxx rub.

Total total monthly revenue can reach xxx rubles. Then, with existing costs, the net profit in coworking business plan will be from xxx rub.

Staffing in the business plan of coworking centers

The organizational plan of the coworking center provides for the following positions:

  • Administrator;
  • Marketer;
  • PR manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Hall employee;
  • Worker.

In addition, when creating a design project, a designer will be required. Total population by scale business coworking center will be 7 or more people.

The structure of the financial model of the coworking center

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - in fact it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we look at dozens of different sources
information. These are data from equipment suppliers, and industry portals, and interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such a systematic data analysis gives a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Should you open a coworking space?

The presence of a low level of competition and the demand for this product on the market create favorable conditions for the development co-working center business and making a profit.

This will require a well-built system at the planning stage in the format of a business plan. We have already prepared coworking center business plan, which included all the necessary information and all the calculations. You can download it from the link below and start implementing the idea right now. If you need additional funding, this document will help you negotiate with bankers and investors. At your request, we can also draw up an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all the wishes.

Detailed study of customer needs and taking them into account in the project creating a coworking space will ensure the necessary customer flow to maximize profits.

In large cities in the West and in Russia, co-working spaces for representatives of office specialties are successfully operating. What determines success and how to open a coworking center?

What is coworking

The term coworking comes from the English co-working or coworking - joint work. This is the name of the workspace, which replaces the office for independent specialists of various office specialties. Programmers, journalists, copywriters, designers and specialists of other profiles work in co-working spaces. In fact, coworking is a collective office, the rent of which is paid by each client.

A typical coworking space has a spacious open workspace. The minimum set of equipment and furniture necessary for work is installed here. These are tables and chairs, lighting, electrical outlets, WiFi routers. Also in coworking spaces there may be other utility and work rooms:



The meeting room.

Bathroom. Some coworking spaces have showers.

Sports or game compartment.

Conference hall.

For a relatively low fee, a specialist can rent a workplace. Renting a coworking space is much cheaper than renting an office. Even startups and young IT companies use this. It is more convenient for them to rent several jobs in a coworking space than to rent an expensive office.

One of the most famous co-working spaces in New York, NewWorkCity, is located in the center of the metropolis. It features a large open workspace as well as five isolated mini-offices for teams. The comfort of this coworking space will be envied by employees of many large companies. The first contribution of the founders of NewWorkCity was $17,000. The guys raised funds to start a business on Kickstarter.

NewWorkCity: one of the most famous co-working spaces in New York

How coworking earns

The coworking project involves the receipt of income from the rental of workplaces by specialists. However, this is not the only source of financial income.

Coworking centers also make money by renting conference rooms and training rooms, holding paid events and training courses. New coworking spaces receive more than half of their income from paid trainings and conferences.

The premises of coworking centers are rented out for holding press conferences, filming TV shows, and photo shoots.

Some centers offer related services, such as chargeable use of office equipment. However, a more promising business model is one in which the cost of office equipment is included in the rent for the workplace.

Coworking "Kavardak" in Yekaterinburg

To attract tenants, the coworking team must be very active at the start. In addition to investing in equipping the office space, you will have to invest and organize promotional events for specialists. It can be:

Free trainings and workshops.


Creative evenings like "Hello, we are looking for talents."

Fairs of handicrafts.

Exhibitions of creative works.

Themed parties.

In order to conduct business effectively, the coworking team must create an active community based on the center, which constantly participates in various events and even organizes them itself.

With a successful combination of circumstances, the initial investment in coworking pays off within a few months. However, most Russian centers pay off within about a year.

How to open a coworking center: a step-by-step plan

To open a coworking space, the owner team must solve the following tasks: rent or buy a suitable space, renovate and equip the center, organize marketing services to attract partners and customers. More about solving these problems below.

1. What kind of space is needed for coworking

Renting a space is the best solution for future coworking owners. First, it will cost less than buying. Secondly, if necessary, the center can be moved to another building. However, if you are confident in the success of the project and the good location of the building, it can be purchased.

What to look for when choosing a room? Here are the main ideas:

Coworking should work in the city center. It is good if there are universities, entertainment venues, shopping centers, cafes or canteens nearby.

The area of ​​the room should be sufficient to organize an open space type workspace for several dozen specialists. Ideally, it should be possible to organize several zones with different functional purposes. At a minimum, a coworking space should have a conference room, a kitchen, and a seating area.

A separate entrance would be a huge plus. It will simplify the possibility of functioning around the clock.

Ideal spaces for coworking should be sought in closed or opening shopping centers, abandoned industrial facilities, and educational institutions.

2. Repair, furnishing and equipment of coworking space

Investments in equipment and renovations will be a major expense for potential coworking space owners. The room should look decent and be comfortable for coworkers at any time of the year.

What you will need to buy:

Office equipment: multifunctional devices, projectors, screens, audio system.

Furniture: tables, chairs, wardrobes for clothes and things.

Kitchen appliances: coffee machines, microwave ovens, refrigerators. You will also need furniture.

Equipment and furniture for a recreation area or room. It can be sports equipment, computer consoles, board games.

Quality lighting. It is necessary to install modern LED luminaires with a neutral color temperature and a high color rendering index. They will positively influence the well-being and performance of coworkers.

Organizers need to take care of high-quality high-speed Internet connection. It is also worth considering the feasibility of equipping several workplaces with desktop computers.

3. Project marketing

The coworking center project is most profitable to promote on the Internet, since the target audience is among the active users of the Network. The site of the project should be in the center of Internet promotion. It should be sure to publish a description of the possibilities of the coworker, photos and videos of the premises. You can also publish regular photo reports from educational and entertainment events on the site.

Coworking MatrixOffice in Moscow

The coworking center website should be socialized. Connected communities on Facebook and Vkontakte should be lively, interesting and beneficial for subscribers. Half of the success in social networks depends on the activity of the coworking team. Visitors to the site and communities can be attracted with the help of useful publications, contextual advertising, retargeting.

As noted above, offline marketing should try to be built around the coworker community. Potential clients should learn about the project from satisfied freelancers who have become regulars at the center.

Instead of a conclusion, or is it difficult to open a coworking space

Technically, opening a collective office is simple. However, the success of the enterprise will depend on a number of factors. In addition to having start-up capital and a good team, you need to think about suitable premises, the format of the center, and related services. Coworking will work successfully and make a profit if you can constantly maintain activity and arouse interest in the center through certain events.

Coworking is a space designed for the joint work of several people at once. Its dimensions can be different, it all depends on the type of activity that will take place in the room. The space is equipped with the necessary equipment, comfortable furniture, everything that is necessary for comfortable activities. Coworking center can become a promising business in the future.

Often freelancers and people who make money on cryptocurrency need a room, they are free, independent, and need a common place to work. In appearance, coworking can be compared to an ordinary office. There is also a well-equipped workplace, furniture for relaxation. But the main difference is independence. Here at the same time there can be completely unfamiliar people who are not connected by anything.

There are situations when a person simply does not have the opportunity to work at home, and renting an entire office for this is very irrational. Then the coworking center will be the best solution to finish your project, and at the same time do it with the necessary comfort. It may become .

Coworking center: advantages and disadvantages

In this place, everything is as free as possible. A person is not assigned to his desktop, a constant change of scenery is beneficial. Also, the room is equipped with a special lounge, a conference room, and sometimes even a gym. Everything is based on the fact that the person who paid the rent should get the maximum comfort from his work.

Coworking has become a good outlet for young entrepreneurs who don't yet have enough money to rent an entire office. Indeed, in addition to this, it is necessary to think over its protection, cleaning, but here everything is much simpler. A good way to save a decent amount.

Recently, many companies have resorted to coworking. But in order to finally understand this concept, one should consider all its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

  1. The opportunity to make friends, or just chat with new people. And if representatives of various fields of activity have gathered in the room, this will be a good chance to slightly expand your circle of knowledge.
  2. In the course of work, you can easily identify real professionals who can be called in the future with your own project.
  3. Pleasant atmosphere, everything is created so that it is in the room, it becomes as comfortable as possible.
  4. Lack of control, each person feels free, it is much more pleasant to work when you understand that your actions are not strictly controlled. People often come here.
  5. Efficiency. People agreeing to rent understand that they are paying money for it, which means that it is in their interests to approach the project as responsibly as possible. Otherwise, you will have to renew the contract, and these are unforeseen expenses.

The coworking center has disadvantages:

  1. Waste of time. If a person works at home, he does not need to spend time on the road and back.
  2. Not reliability. Being in a team with strangers is dangerous to leave your belongings unattended.
  3. Lots of distractions. There are many different people nearby who can distract, ask questions, and sometimes it is distracting. Also, the lack of silence, conversations, can seriously harm the work.

But even these shortcomings do not stop people, because every year the number of coworking centers increases all over the world.

Coworking as an idea for a business.

In this place you can meet people of different professions at the same time. It can be translators, designers, programmers, artists, musicians, and many others. All those people who want to retire and work away from their usual environment.

Due to their popularity, these centers have the opportunity to constantly improve. If initially it was an ordinary room, equipped with the necessary furniture, today everything is much larger. There are coworking centers that have not only lounges and a conference room, but also workshops, gyms and even children's rooms, for those who have no one to leave their kids with. Conditions are becoming more comfortable and convenient every year. Coworking centers in Moscow are opening more and more often.

Many people use coworking not as a place to work, but as a business idea. After all, if it is so popular, the chance to get profit from it is huge. However, deciding on this idea, you need to carefully consider the following questions:

  1. Room selection. It is worth understanding how it will be, the profitability of the entire project depends. People around should want to come to this building, which means that it must fulfill the following characteristics: be conveniently located, have a good repair, enough free space and adhere to a business atmosphere.
  2. Purchase the necessary equipment, there should be everything that is required for comfortable work.
  3. Recruitment, it is necessary to hire people who will guard and clean the premises.

Business center coworking will be beneficial in big cities. As well as organized on their own. Coworking is an interesting idea, both for organizing a business and for people who temporarily need an office.

Coworking center plan

How much money do you need to open a coworking space? For this you can. Approximate calculations can be done as follows:

  • rent of a large room - from 150,000 rubles;
  • repair and purchase of furniture - 300,000 rubles;
  • staff costs - an administrator and a cleaner, this is another 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of computer equipment - 120-150 thousand rubles.

Initially, you will have to spend about 800,000 rubles, the net profit for the month will be 50-150 thousand rubles. If your business does not attract you, then you should study.

  • How much can you earn
  • Regulatory framework
  • Business information support
        • Similar business ideas:

A relatively new type of business in the real estate market is a coworking center, as well as an anti-cafe. But if the latter option is usually used for relaxation, then people come to the coworking cafe in order to work in a relaxed atmosphere.
In simple words, the purpose of coworking is to create a comfortable environment and the possibility of social interaction. However, anticafe will help in negotiations or any other business related to information interaction and freelancing.

More recently, such a center would have been inappropriate and unclaimed, but today everything has changed dramatically - the emergence of freelancers (people who work without a main place, remotely) contributes to the development of demand for office space in neutral territory. A freelancer may need a workplace away from home, where you can not only work, but also have plenty to chat with like-minded colleagues. And the coworking center in this case becomes a real lifeline that brings mutual benefits.

That is why the number of such establishments is growing rapidly, and the profitability of the business is over 100%. Naturally, it is worth working on the development of your coworking center, starting from the creation of a business plan, the design of the premises and advertising.

Competent organization of the project

The entrepreneur who strive to discover something new and promising it is necessary to study the situation of similar establishments in the city. For a small town, one such institution is enough, and if one already exists, it will be difficult to win the trust of visitors. In a densely populated area, it is much easier to open a coworking center. However, with the help of imagination, you can organize a successful business in any area. For example, by opening a center exclusively for programmers, writers or designers. Active visitors to the non-standard institution are also specialists who work on outsourcing.

Modern IT representatives are looking for non-standard and inexpensive rental solutions that allow them to work and communicate comfortably. A well-organized coworking center is able to offer them the best conditions for productive activities.

Step-by-step action plan, opening an “eternal wallet” business

The feature of the coworking center is versatility, a favorable atmosphere for work and leisure. That is why it is necessary to optimize the space by dividing it into zones. The launch of a business project should begin with a marketing research, search for a suitable premises. As for it, there are many options - an equipped basement, a first floor, a converted trading floor, an industrial warehouse within the city. The main requirement is space, stylish design and creation of comfortable conditions. Looking around the streets, you can find many options for implementing the idea.
The step-by-step plan for opening a coworking center looks like this:

  • business plan development;
  • search for premises;
  • design selection and repair work;
  • purchase of furniture, equipment;
  • creation of an Internet resource and an advertising company.

Important! Access to the coworking center should be around the clock - this significantly increases the number of visitors. Many creative individuals work at night and pay double the rate for it.

How much can you earn

The main income of the coworking center is payment for the time spent in the institution. You can set an hourly price tag, create a subscription for morning, afternoon, evening and night hours, rent zones, a hall, an office. The average profitability of a business is from 10 thousand per day. The maximum income of anti-cafe will start from 30 thousand or more per day. But these calculations are relative, and depend on the ability of the entrepreneur to make the right decisions, as well as the location of the business. The payback of the project comes in the first year of operation.

Almost every coworking space allows you to implement a rather interesting and profitable option - staff search. Due to the large flow of freelancers, by entering into agreements with firms responsible for recruiting, it is possible to select personnel on an almost industrial scale. Along the way, coworking can become a base for contractor IT projects, but in this case, advanced management skills will be required. Such add-ons can increase the profit of the center almost 3 times.

How much money is needed to start

The main items of expenses at the start are:

  • rent of premises - the cost is from 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs in a single design - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture, computers, Internet connection - 500 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of kitchen equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

Current expenses should include the purchase of coffee, monthly rent, the purchase of stationery, internet fees, staff salaries, contingencies, advertising, website promotion - 200-250 thousand rubles.

Technology for opening a coworking center

The organization of a quiet space, divided into zones, makes the institution special. Visitors should be offered rooms for work, an office for negotiations, a hall for trainings and master classes. Also, you can’t do without the creation of a relax zone - a place where you can relax after doing work, calmly chat with like-minded people to quiet music and order lunch.

The technology of opening a coworking center is to create a place where people can work in a relaxed atmosphere, and, if they wish, communicate with other visitors.

Design - the number of visitors depends on it

For a stylish and modern design, young, creative designers who work "for themselves" should be attracted. An excellent solution to the problem can be a barter option: the designer creates a project, the entrepreneur provides him with a place to work. As the practice of European coworking centers shows - each institution has its own chip. Someone creates winter gardens, installs comfortable chairs for communication and work, someone prefers exquisite furniture and interior. Very often, a non-standard solution is able to attract an audience, but its creation costs relatively little. For example, a wall painted like a chalkboard will help hold a conference, business forum or lecture.

By connecting your imagination and giving free rein to your imagination, you can turn a coworking center into a place for creative people at little cost.

Non-standard approach in business, increase attendance

To some extent, this business idea is a social project, because it is designed for different visitors - artists and designers, young people working without being tied to a place, programmers, PR managers and journalists, women entrepreneurs. That is why it is important to create optimal conditions for everyone to stay in an anti-cafe-coworking. It is much easier to do this by developing a project for specialists in one direction. The way out of the situation can be a quick reorientation of the institution. For example, on Monday the co-working center is a place for artists to gather, Tuesday is for programmers, and Wednesday is designers' day. With this approach, people will come more for communication than for work. But this does not mean that access to the hall will be closed for other professions, it is just that colleagues are gathered at a specific time.

Regulatory framework

Registration of individual entrepreneurship is suitable for opening a coworking center. You can also register a legal entity, but this will take more time and money. An institution is registered with the local tax office and government authorities. They issue appropriate permits for activities.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

In accordance with the updated all-Russian classifier, when filling out the registration form, the OKVED code 68.2 "Rent and management of own or leased real estate" is indicated.

What documents are needed to open

When choosing an organizational form, individual entrepreneurs provide a photocopy of the passport, an application and a receipt for payment of state duty. Registration takes no more than 10 days and costs 800 rubles. If you plan to organize several centers, you should immediately register an LLC, supplementing the standard package of documents with a charter and a decision of all founders to organize this business.

Which taxation system to choose for registering a coworking center

A simplified taxation system is the best option for business. To apply it, you will need to write an application immediately after registering a business or in the process of work. The 6% rate allows you to pay tax on profits without documentary evidence of the company's expenses. In addition, the simplified tax system is distinguished by ease of accounting, availability and cost savings.
