How to find new clients for the company. Where to look for real estate clients

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If you don't take care of your customers, your competitors will take care of them.

Is the usual algorithm of work no longer effective?

Ordinary managers, as a rule, use a simple and effective algorithm in their work, which includes calls and mailings.

At the first stage, it turns out whether the offer is interesting to the opponent, then a commercial offer is sent, and after a few days, through the second call, the readiness of the addressee for cooperation is clarified. Methods for finding customers using Internet resources are still not very common.

But for effective modern development This approach is not enough for a company. In conditions of increased competition, customers almost never come by themselves, they must be sought out and it is necessary to work with them competently.

If this is not done, then more enterprising customers will soon take the lead in the market. Therefore, the search for clients on the Internet is one of the most promising lines for expanding the client circle.

Development latest systems searching for potential customers becomes a defining part successful development business. Finding clients is part of the development strategy.

Search for clients through the Internet or traditional methods?

The Internet is a progressive area that opens up great opportunities for finding potential customers. The main advantage of this tool is its budget and versatile orientation.

The Internet has the most diverse audience, among which any company can find its customers. Searching for clients on the Internet is not only much cheaper than all other methods, but can also be significantly more effective.

Of course, you can stick to traditional methods such as:

  • Cold calls;
  • Personal calls;
  • Direct mail;
  • affiliate sales;
  • Placement of advertisements in print media;
  • Work on recommendations;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Participation in forums and professional communities.

But if you make simple arithmetic calculations, it becomes obvious that searching for customers on the Internet is more profitable and economical. For example, if an organization has 3 managers who make 40 calls a day, then more than 60,000 rubles are needed to ensure their work.

This amount does not include the cost of training each manager. Searching for leads online is much cheaper, and it also allows you to pre-calculate costs by managing search efficiency.

Attracting customers via the Internet for the company

Today, most people look for the goods and services they need on the Internet. Therefore, promotion on the Internet is the easiest way to reach potential customers who are ready to purchase goods and services.

The first and most obvious way to find clients on the Internet is to create a company website. At the same time, it should be taken into account that website promotion is several times cheaper than the traditional work of a manager or other methods of advertising.

At the same time, the site should not be multi-page at all. A business card site may well be enough at first. To create a website, it is not necessary to have your own web specialist, since this work can be entrusted to a third-party company.

How to search for clients on the Internet for a sales manager?

You can use Internet directories and databases to find companies that may be interested in the services provided. You can start searching for potential customers from your own city, and then increasing the field of activity.

Internet bulletin boards- Another way to find potential customers. The audience on the Internet is approaching television, and the cost of advertising on the Internet is much lower than on television. Therefore, the more ads, the more chances to expand the client circle.

Social networks- a modern way that reveals many ways to attract customers on the Internet. Creating a topic group where you can promote your services is a great way to reach potential customers online without any extra effort.

The task of the manager in this case is to invite users to the group, fill it with interesting content and promote it on the social network. Posting interesting video and photo materials can significantly increase the interest of the audience in the organization that hosts them.

Benefits of finding clients online

By eliminating unprofitable channels of promotion and customer sourcing, an organization can reduce a significant amount of funds that can be used to improve the efficiency of finding customers on the Internet.

The number of Internet users is growing every day. Almost all groups and audiences are present here. Therefore, finding customers on the Internet today is not just real, but more than real.

In order to sell your service, you must first find someone who will be interested in buying it. Therefore, the first step in the work of a realtor will always be the search for a client. There are quite a lot of people providing services for real estate transactions, which indicates a high level of competition among realtors. However, everyone will be able to find their client if they approach this issue professionally.

Finding Clients for a Realtor

Conventionally, methods of finding customers can be divided into two categories: online and offline.

To online methods can be attributed:

  • Blog in in social networks;
  • Sites aimed at selling or renting real estate;
  • Advertising through online bulletin boards;
  • Personal site.

To offline methods relate:

  • Word of mouth method;
  • Placement of advertisements in the media;
  • Creation and distribution of business cards, flyers and other printed products informing about your services.

These methods are effective in cases of buying and selling real estate. Separately, it is worth considering the places to search for a client for a realtor for rent.

  • People approach the issues of renting an apartment more easily than buying it, therefore, it is unlikely that websites, business cards and press ads will be relevant in this case.

So where to find real estate agents for rent? Through social media, online ads, and word-of-mouth, as discussed above. However, you can use non-standard methods, for example, to convey information to students entering universities, they are often in search if they change their city of residence. At the same time, the same category often does not have people who are ready to advise a realtor. And the ways of interacting with them can be very different, ranging from working with teachers who can assist the realtor in finding clients, ending with youth "hanging out" where you can unobtrusively affect the scope of your activity.

Expanding the topic of where realtors find clients for rent, it is worth touching on the places to find clients in general. They can be the most non-standard. But, first, it is worth studying the main ones.

Where to find realtor clients:

  • Bases and sites for realtors. The presence of narrowly focused platforms greatly facilitates the reunification of the parties seeking each other. This method can be considered the most simple and convenient.
  • With the help of social networks. Searching for clients by tags #snimuapartmentmoscow (or others), tracking updates in groups dedicated to finding real estate, advertising your blog - these are all modern and effective tools, which allow not only to find a client, but also to study his views, lifestyle and interests, based on information from his social networks.
  • Forums. This is not the most popular method, but due to this, you can play on the fact that the competition for them is quite low. If you do not quite understand how a realtor can find clients through a forum, let's figure it out. Many cannot make a decision without the advice of another person, if among relatives no one can give advice on any issue, these people go to various forums where they are interested, for example, in which area it is better to buy an apartment, or what to look for when her purchase. You can enter into a dialogue, demonstrate your knowledge and offer real estate services.
  • Such search methods take place when you have at least a little work experience.

If you are just starting out in the profession, potential clients may be skeptical of your professional skills and opt for another candidate. Therefore, this situation should be considered separately.

How to find a client for a novice realtor

For a new realtor the best option will work in the agency. Agencies provide their employees with access to a client base, in addition, you can get support, new knowledge and experience from employers and colleagues. Also, clients have more confidence in a realtor from an agency than in a novice working on his own. If working for an agency is not a suitable option for you, and you are still thinking about where to look for clients for a novice realtor, let's look at other options.

You need to understand that without an agency, the search methods will be identical to those described above. However, how to find the first client to a realtor?

Perhaps someone you know needs real estate services, offer them your help for a purely nominal fee if the deal is successful, you will be able to get new customers. Also, call ads on similar topics, introduce yourself and offer your services. Even if a client is not found right away, there is a chance that someone will save your number and contact you at another time.

Having dealt with how a novice realtor to find the first clients, it is worth moving on to the issue of attracting clients.

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How to get clients for a new realtor

  • Discounts and promotions. These tools almost always win people over. Offer a nice discount to your client that applies to the people he brings to you. Offer free legal advice.
  • Show concern for the client. Be friendly when communicating, offer your help regarding your professional activity for example, help with moving. It will be a nice gesture, a bit out of scope, which will obviously be appreciated by the client.
  • Present your inexperience in a favorable light. You can show yourself as a new specialist who focuses on modern approaches at work. Carefully study the real estate market and when communicating, make it clear that you are interested. After all, for someone a cold, experienced look is closer, while for another it will be much more pleasant to work with a young specialist who has not only professional knowledge, but also a burning look that speaks of your interest.

If you are already an experienced realtor, the number of available ways to attract clients is expanding.

How an experienced realtor to attract clients

  • Professional image. Beginners with "burning eyes" are not of interest to everyone. In most cases, the reputation of a connoisseur, constantly expanding the scope of professional knowledge, is the main criterion when choosing a realtor. Don't forget to subtly convey information about your work experience to a potential client.
  • Work with partners. Partners in the related field (lawyers, appraisers, builders, developers) may be interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. Barter or percentage for a recommendation will not only attract customers, but also improve your reputation as a realtor.
  • Remind yourself. Subscribe to customers on social networks, congratulate them on the main holidays. This way you can stay within easy reach in case a past client needs a realtor's help again.

There are a lot of ways to find a client, and if you are still wondering “where to look for clients for a novice realtor?”, Re-read the article, select several methods for yourself and implement them in parallel.

You will need

  • – analysis of the market of advertisers and their interest in advertising;
  • - analysis of the work of competitors over the past few months;
  • - data on young companies that entered the market in the last year.



  • how to find a sales manager


Give as many answers as possible to the question of who your potential customers serve. For example, your company sells sweets in bulk, but not directly in, but through small wholesalers. So who are these wholesalers serving? The more answers you find, the faster you will reach your potential clients.

Does not require large resources, but has a sufficient other way to attract clients to the bank. We are talking about personalized mailing of letters of proposals for cooperation to customers. In this case, much depends on the text and appearance such a letter.


  • attracting customers to banks

The activity of the company, regardless of what it does, is based on the number of customers (partners, buyers, customers). The larger their number, the more profit the company receives. To find buyers, it is worth using several methods that together give the maximum possible result.


Place announcements about your company's activities both on message boards where organizations like you are posted, and on resources where your customers are located. The more ads you post, the higher your chances of success.

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The profitability of a business is directly related to its clients. However, in some areas of business it sometimes happens that clients simply "not enough" for everything. In this case, you can and should think about the strengths and weaknesses your business. Perhaps your problem is that starting out, you took on the provision of almost any service from your field. Thus, you have acquired a wide range of experience, but have not acquired specialization and therefore uniqueness.

Think about what your specialists do best. For example, if you have Law Firm, then there is probably a specialist in arbitration process, corporate law, etc. Which of these specialists is the strongest and most active, able to take on the maximum work for the first time after your "restructuring" of the business? And are the services that he is able to provide to customers in sufficient demand? It is worth choosing several such strong specialists and forming one or two highly specialized ones, where to hire them later new of people. Accordingly, after that it is important to change - to be no longer a company that does everything in a row, but, for example, a company - a specialist in corporate disputes.

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With a search problem customers familiar to every freelancer or aspiring entrepreneur. It seems that there is a lot of work and enough for everyone, but sometimes even the best specialists are faced with the fact that prospective customers simply ignore them. Consider several ways to search customers.


You should start thinking about customers long before you start any independent activity: firstly, some of the clients in which you work can become your customers, and secondly, you should not assume that customers you will find quickly. Therefore, it is better to "insure" and search for them while still working in .

It is important to use the Internet as actively as possible. You can advertise your services on social networks, professional communities, freelance labor exchanges, and virtual bulletin boards. It is worth posting such ads inexpensively (and sometimes done at all), but the effect can exceed expectations, as more and more people use the Internet. If you own English language, then do not forget about international sites for freelancers. Customers from all over the world offer work for them, and prices are usually higher.

Companies that offer "mass" services, that is, those that do not have a rigid target audience (for example, if you represent a new provider), can use the services of call centers. For a certain amount you are relatively short term get a base customers who need your services.

There is an opinion that young business(or not very experienced freelancer) must definitely dump in order to attract the attention of customers. This makes sense, but it is not very profitable for a business or a freelancer: who wants to receive less for their services? A reasonable compromise would be discounts - for example, small discounts on the second and subsequent orders from one. You can also think about agreements on the principle of "favor for": you give the customer a small discount in exchange for the opportunity to put on your site information that he is your client. Thus, you create a good reputation for yourself in the eyes of future customers.


  • search for service customers

You have successfully passed all stages of the interview and received the position of sales manager. Ask your boss if there is a list of potential clients. If yes, then the task is simplified. But, most likely, you will be asked to create your own client base. Where to begin?


Participate in seminars, conferences, exhibitions. Before the event, try to find out from the organizers who plans to visit it - so you can gather information about potential customers in advance. Stock up on enough business cards, make, prepare a special one. If you have the opportunity to make a presentation or participate in a round table - great! Your task is to make yourself known to as many people as possible.

Use the recommendations of your clients. After closing the deal, ask the client to recommend new customers - maybe his neighbors or friends will want to use your service? As a give a discount or make a small present.

Useful advice

To enter data about clients and record the history of negotiations, it is convenient to use the appropriate software(CRM system). Free single-user versions of some CRM systems can be found online.


  • Where and how to find your client

Customers are reluctant to start working with new suppliers of goods and services. This is due to the abundance of companies that do not fulfill their obligations up to the mark. To stand out from the like, some firms invite clients to free events where they talk about themselves and offer cooperation. This tactic can be successful.


Based on the examples, write step by step plan how new customers might solve problems or achieve other goals on their own, without your participation. Forget about the commercial component of the work for now. Show in your plan how easy it is to get what you want with the products or services you have. But don't say it's yours. The client needs to be shown the future.

Rehearse the training seminar. Based on the developed plan, the seminar can be either 2-hour or 2-day. There is no need to deliberately delay, but the information should be given out at a reasonable pace so that participants learn key principles. Proceed from the complexity of the topic and the preparedness of the audience.

Invite potential clients to a free seminar. The number of participants depends on what name you come up with for the workshop. Take from newspapers with millions of copies. Article titles draw readers in. The title of the workshop should have ambitious goals. They should have the feeling that if they miss the seminar, they will lose something important. Inform that the seminar is held only once. Naturally, you will hold other seminars, but in the future you will choose other goals, structure and name of the event.

At the end of the workshop, offer clients paid services. At the seminar, you will tell you step by step how to achieve your goal without your help. The longer customers stay, the more clearly they will begin to understand that it is better to pay for your services than to organize all this on their own. This is how you establish trust and conclude new agreements.

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Useful advice

Let us know that there are special terms of cooperation for those who take advantage of the offer within 3 working days.

Demand, as you know, creates supply. But demand as such is not a guarantee that a queue of buyers will line up in your office for a service or product. Clients most often you have to search.


Use your social circle. Tell all your friends and acquaintances about what you do, about your product. Make sure that the product in the minds of your friends is associated with your person. In this case, when they need what you sell, they will turn to you, and not to your competitors, and become your customers. Distribute your business cards to all your friends.

Get an industry or general directory of enterprises with phone numbers and addresses of organizations. Use the specified numbers for cold calls.

Connect with potential customers on forums, blogs, and community sites. Leave comments containing a link to your site. Recommend your product to Internet users.

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The most important issue for any business is finding a market. Without customers, any undertaking in the field of entrepreneurship is meaningless. The question of where and how to find your client is a stumbling block for most companies.

You will need

  • - knowledge of the target audience;
  • - advertising.


First you need to define your target audience. Think about who your customers are, whom you help with your product or service, what product they want to purchase, what qualities it should have.

Often, an effective method of finding customers is to hire a telephone sales manager who makes so-called cold calls and sales representatives who travel to potential customers.

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Having found one or two points of sale for products, do not stop there, engaging in the development of existing points of sale, because these sources of sales may dry up. Finding new customers should not be done from time to time, but always.

Useful advice

Use different methods of finding clients at the same time, this will allow you to inform your target audience as much as possible.

When looking for new customers, be sure to keep in touch with those who have already used your product or service, because on their advice a lot of people can come to you.

The Internet is a real Klondike for those who want to promote a product or service. For this purpose, blogs are maintained, websites are created. However, even if you do not have your own website with which to promote your business, you can find clients no matter what field you work in.


Focus on the area in which you work. There are many sites dedicated to this or that, where a person can find a temporary part-time job or a permanent one. For example, if you are a tutor, then you can search for students on specialized sites with your own client base. It is constantly updated, in addition, you yourself will be able to bring people there who need a private teacher and who no longer fit into your schedule.

Go to communities on social networks. There you can place, colorfully painting your knowledge. This method is especially suitable for so-called freelancers, such as copywriters or website builders. You can find a client for a one-time job or a group of jobs, and then find another employer. If you like this kind of work, go for it!

Finally, look for people and organizations that might be interested in the products or services you offer. This is where social networks and blogs come to your rescue. No need to harass people with spam or, moreover, persistent calls. You must make it so that users themselves go to your page and get to your site through it. If we are talking about blogs, add as a friend or leave a few relevant comments so that the person does not immediately ban you. Be careful and attentive to people.

All credit organizations offer lending services. Some banks are able to attract a much larger number of customers due to the successful work of the marketing department, whose specialists develop proposals that allow them to successfully attract a huge number of customers.

Why is there a job for beginners when there are professionals?

Beginners charge less than professionals.
- Newcomers are more often approached by customers with small projects and a small budget. They pay little but are willing to take risks.
- Beginners are more open and willing to learn, they have more enthusiasm, and they are more responsible approach to work.
- Often, novice specialists can do the job more professionally, because everything changes very quickly on the Internet, and they have the most up-to-date knowledge.

The first customer: how to find a customer, even if you are still a novice specialist?

1. Publics: “cerebro”, “messengers”, “internet marketing from a to z”, etc.

2. Acquaintances and friends. As it turned out, one of the most efficient ways. Think carefully about all your acquaintances - most likely, among them there are business owners who may need your services.

3. Employers and partners from past work. When a person leaves work, he often stops communicating with former employers, but in vain - among them may be your potential customers.

4. Forums for entrepreneurs. Search for any business forums (business forums, startup forums, forums for restaurant owners / builders, forums in your city, etc.). Register, find topics on your specialization and answer questions there. T how do you secure the status of an expert, and customers will begin to contact you for services.

5. Internet exchanges:,, work at home (community on Facebook), Startup Woman, mama lancer (LJ). The method is not very working.. There are a lot of freelancers on freelance exchanges who want like 1000 subscribers for 500 rubles. or a website for 1000 rubles. You can’t raise good money on the freelance exchange. I myself started with freelance exchanges, and if you are completely new and without a portfolio, then you need to write 50 letters a day to get an order.

6. Write on your pages in social networks that you are looking for a customer. Among your friends and subscribers, there may well be those who need a specialist in the project. And it will be even better if you represent your profile on social networks. And start publish your cases and achievements. it will help a lot if set up promo posts for your case. For example, you promoted a beauty salon and drive traffic to all Beauty Salon Owners.

7. Organizations/companies whose services you use. These can be online stores where you buy goods or authors of newsletters that you subscribe to, or leaders of trainings that you have taken.

9. Companies that send you invites to groups. But keep in mind that they are probably have a small budget times use the free promotion method. It is better to choose companies that are already investing in advertising. But, nevertheless, the method is working, especially for beginners.

10. Companies that host contextual advertising. Enter in the search the topic that interests you, and write to those companies that fell out in the ad block. This way - one of the most popular from experts in contextual advertising.

11. Targeting (and retargeting) VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. Same - enter the topic you would like to work with, write to the owner of the business or company.

12. Companies advertised on Avito. In ads, you can see that advertising is given by a company or store, and not individual. Tested avito, did not work out. Clients do not understand the adequate price of the proposed project.

13. Inactive groups or groups with few posts. In the VKontakte search, enter the topic that interests you, look for inactive groups and write to their owners, offer your services.

Business groups in social networks - groups on the topic of business, whose members are business owners or those who are going to become them.

15. Instagram hashtags. Write something in the search in the style of #furniturenovosibirsk, #beauty salonirkutsk. Many accounts of companies and stores will drop out, which You can write. Besides, You can offer your services to people who promote through Instagram- photographers, stylists, etc.

Advice: sign your photo with the hashtag #city (#Moscow, #Khabarovsk, etc.). They will start knocking on you companies and shops from your city.

16. DoubleGIS (2GIS) - an electronic catalog of organizations, combined with a city map. Not really effective method. On April 6, I opened an IP, registered there, in 2 months not a single offer.

17. I recently tried a new one. I joined Facebook groups there are many entrepreneurs in it and they are looking for contractors. If you look at the posts you can find clients there. recently joined here, left a summary, one client wrote, wrote to another directly, started working with them.

Https:// there are good vacancies here.

19. Write your case studies for projects and publish them in large SMM publics. You will be noticed immediately customers will contact you.

Expert commentary in major marketing communities.

Advice: do not immediately take on all the ways to find customers. Choose 1-2 ways, but use them to the fullest. Most likely, more methods will not be needed.

How to make the customer choose you?

- Be honest. Directly say that you are a beginner study at the training center for remote employees. Tell us about the experience and reputation of the training center of the training center for remote employees, about the fact that an experienced trainer-practitioner will observe the work on the project.
- Rest assured. Here You'll get necessary knowledge and support do not lose face in front of the customer. Your work will be checked at every stage, but will not be done for you.
- Be generous. Do free consultation to your customer and generously share information - the customer will appreciate it.

How much to ask?

Even if you are a beginner, don't take the job for free. Appreciate your work - and customers will appreciate you. It's better to ask for a little than nothing at all. Raising the price tag from 0 to 5000 is harder than, for example, from 2000 to 5000.

And don't negotiate terms. when the customer pays you advertising budget, and you work for him for this for free or for a percentage of sales. Nothing good will come of it.

How and to whom do customers bring other customers?

- Customers prefer to recommend those specialists, which not only do their job well, but also love their clients, love what they do, and are ready to break into a cake, if only the client was happy.
- Customers recommend experts who know their topic perfectly and may on it advise. If you have a favorite topic (for example, yoga) and have already worked with it, share results and useful tips with other entrepreneurs and from the same area. Them Your experience can be very useful, they will turn to you for cooperation, as well as recommend to colleagues related areas who can also apply your advice (for example, fitness, legal centers).
- Make a portfolio with screenshots of projects and a graph showing the growth dynamics of group members, as well as describing the results in numbers. Thus, customers will see that You are a serious professional and are ready to take responsibility for the results of their work. Collect certificates and video reviews from customers. Diplomas with seals give a lot of trust.

First of all, you should understand that no matter what method you use, it is highly desirable to have your own website. Ideally, advertising on the Internet should lead to a site where you, using all the creativity and tricks, will turn the visitor into a potential client.

If you do not have your own site on the Internet, then you will have to agree with the rules for posting on other sites, have very limited opportunities (or pay extra) and compete with other companies.

A website is an analogue of a physical office/shop/showcase on the Internet. And all other sites on the Internet where you can collect customers are analogous to billboards / newspapers / leaflets, etc. When a potential client learns about the company, he needs to come to you or go to the site to get to know each other better.

At the moment, for finding and attracting customers, the following methods are most effective:

  • Website promotion in search engines
  • contextual advertising
  • Email newsletters and email marketing
  • Partnership programs
  • Online PR and reputation management

Let's consider each in more detail.

Website promotion

The essence of website promotion is to collect all the possible phrases that your customers enter into the search box and make sure that your site can be found by these phrases.

To do this, the phrases must be carefully filtered, grouped and, based on the groups, make the structure of the site (or figure out how to impose it on the existing structure). Then, all pages must be optimized for search engines so that search engines can easily find these pages and understand exactly what search phrases they correspond to (optimization includes working with meta tags, page layout, text formatting, image design, etc.).

It would seem that everything is simple, but because. There are a lot of sites on each topic, then search engines use a certain algorithm to put some sites above others. Guessing how the search engine algorithm works and trying to make the perfect page to rank in 1st place is the main task of SEO. To successfully solve it, you need to be able to analyze dozens of sites that are already in first place, identify patterns and use them.

Thanks to successful promotion, potential customers easily find your site. The more visitors on the site - the more calls to the company. .

contextual advertising

There is a faster way to get a client. It is not necessary to promote the site, you can just buy ads in search engines. You can pay to show ads in response to phrases people enter. But usually, it is much more expensive and as soon as you stop paying, then the transitions to your site end.

Contextual advertising also requires professional knowledge and experience. You need to choose the right phrases for displaying ads, and indicate the phrases for which you should not show ads. In words, everything is very simple, but in practice, people spend large sums for nothing. In contextual advertising is very important know exactly in which case your ad is shown.

If we compare contextual advertising and SEO in the long run, then SEO is more profitable. For example, you can spend 180 thousand rubles / year on SEO and have hundreds of visitors a day from search results. On the other hand, the average cost of a visitor in competitive niches is 100-200 rubles. 100 people a day can cost you 10,000 rubles / day or 300,000 rubles / month.

Promotion in social networks

This method is most suitable for answering the question "how to find customers via the Internet." Because the principle by which social networks work allows you to find potential customers according to the given parameters: city, age, gender, interests.

I do not like the idea of ​​creating and maintaining my own group in order to find a client, because. it takes time and only makes sense for certain types of businesses. The groups “Sale of Cement”, “Ritual Monuments” look very funny, what do they talk about there? But targeted advertising on social networks is a good tool.

Email newsletters

At worst, it's spam. On the Internet are sold (and you can find for free) bases of electronic boxes. For example: all firms of a certain city, users of some portal or service, etc. You can order mailing to these addresses. If you turn to a competent specialist, then the mailing list will not end up in the spam folder, and given the large size of the database, you can count on sales. This method works, tested.

The second way is email marketing. This means that you pre-collect mailboxes of potential customers (at exhibitions, during the first sale, in exchange for some product, etc.) and then periodically send them letters with interesting information and promotional offers.

It is worth adding that email marketing is the most effective online sales channel. But it requires great skill. Moreover, skill is needed not only to maintain the interest of customers in letters, but also to quickly and in large quantities collect mail addresses.

Partnership programs

If you do not want to do any of the above, then affiliate marketing is available for you. You decide how much you are willing to pay for a sale or client referral and go to specialized sites to attract partners.

Partners use all their possibilities (including the methods listed in this article). to attract customers to you, and you pay them for it. If you have a clear and interesting product with a good margin, then this method is very good.

The most common way: + .
