Presentation measuring the length of a segment centimeter. Presentation for elementary grades "Measuring segments. Centimeter"

"Length units" - Units of the metric system of measures. Units of length. The perimeter of a square. If a segment is divided into several parts, then its length is equal to the sum. The perimeter of the rectangle. Find the side of the square. 1 km. In Russia, the unit "field" was used. Compare the length of the measured segment with a segment of unit length. 1 verst = 500 fathoms.

"Meter" - Decimeter. Fill in the table: Centimeter. Express in decimeters: Ancient units of measurement: What can be measured with a meter? Express in meters: Meter. Practical work. Mathematics lesson in grade 2 on the topic "Meter".

"Old Russian measures of length" - Man. Units. A measure of length. Finger. Oblique fathom. Span. Seven spans in the forehead. Foot. Step. Elbow. Verst. Kingdom. Fathom. Pointer. Sits like an arshin swallowed. human stride length. modern measures. Ancient Russian measures of length in folk proverbs and sayings. Arshin. Length.

"Millimeter" - The unit of length is millimeter. Fizkultminutka. The unit of length measurement is MILLIMETER. Designing a box for small items. Engineer. Ruler.

"Length" - Mathematics. Boa. Length. Which cards are turned over. Find the entry you need. Decide for yourself. Task. What numbers are hidden in the windows. Centimeter. Values. Property. Which box to choose for a pencil. Vova's task.

“Russian measures of length” - The question is, at what time will the dog catch up with the hare. Vershok. Elbow - the distance from the end of the fingers to the elbow joint. 1 cubit is approximately equal to 46 cm. Span. Mutual verification. Arshin. Ancient tasks. 1 arshin is approximately equal to 71 cm. A span approximately equal to 18 cm was a quarter of an arshin.

Summary of the lesson of mathematics 1 - d class

primary school teacher MBOU "Kezskaya secondary school No. 1" Glavatskikh Nadezhda Anatolyevna.

EMC "Perspective Primary School"

Subject: Measuring the length of a segment. Centimeter.

Lesson type: lesson - workshop Target: to form students' ability to use a ruler: draw segments of a given length and measure the length of an object using a rulerTasks for the teacher:create conditions for the formation of students' practical skills in working with a ruler; organize learning activities in the classroom through cooperation with students; develop logical thinking, attention, speech of students; to cultivate the activity of the individual, the ability to defend one's position, to take the initiative.Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies:activity method technology, ICTUsed forms of organization of cognitive activity of students:frontal, in pairs, individual.Equipment and main sources of information:PC, projector, presentation for the lesson. Textbook: A.L. Chekin "Mathematics Grade 1", part 2. O.A. Zakharov's workbook "Mathematics in questions and assignments" part 2.Predicted results: Subject:At the end of the lesson, students:know the algorithm for using the ruler;they can measure the length of an object with a ruler and draw segments of a given length.Metasubject:R: are able to set learning objectives and formulate conclusions; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher; make adjustments to the actions after it is completedK: able to work in pairs, express their opinion and argue their point of view; use speech to regulate one's actionsL: are able to cooperate with the teacher and peers; the ability for adequate self-assessment, using the developed criteria P: to build verbal statements in oral form, using mathematical terminology; compare according to specified criteria; build reasoning in the form of simple propositions

During the classes

Stage of the lesson, time

Stage tasks

Methods, techniques, forms of education

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUDs and substantive actions

I Call stage.

  1. Updating knowledge on the topic of the lesson

(3 min)

2. Statement of the learning task

1. Inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

2. To activate mental operations, attention, memory in students

1. Arouse educational and cognitive interest in the study of a new topic

Simple question. Dialog

Conversation; key words

Creates conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities.

Guys, yesterday, when I was walking home, I heard an argument between two boys. One says: “Mom bought me skis!” The other answers him: “So what? My skis are longer! The first to him: “I don’t have it longer!” And so they argued fervently that the second boy wept out of resentment. I felt so sorry for him and helped them resolve their dispute.

“Can you guys help them resolve their dispute?” - Let's remember how you can compare objects by length.

slide 1

What will we learn in today's lesson? (If you find it difficult to answer the question, ask to open the textbooks on page 18)

Let's record this on the board so that at the end of the lesson we can evaluate how we coped with the tasks.

Get involved in learning activities. Engage in dialogue with the teacher. Recall the material of the previous lesson on the slide talk about different ways to compare the length of objects

Speak out on a question

Statements on the issue

R: accept the learning task; take into account the guidelines P identified by the teacher: build speech statements orally; recall the studied material on this topic K: use speech to regulate their actions; formulate one's own opinion L: educational and cognitive interest in new educational material

II stage of maintenance

1. Explanation of new material(15 minutes)

2. Physical education minute

(2 minutes)

3. Continuation of work on a new topic(17 min)

1. Acquaintance with the algorithm for measuring the length of a segment

2. Acquaintance with the algorithm for constructing a segment of a given length using a ruler

3. Acquaintance with the measuring unit: centimeter and its designation in mathematics(cm)

4. Development of mathematical speech

5. Monitoring and evaluation of intermediate results of activities

Dynamic charging to avoid overworking children

Activity approach: work is carried out individually and in pairs

Work according to the textbook p. 18 No. 1 (practical acquaintance with the ruler: scale, centimeter)


Simple Question Conversation

Work according to the textbook p. 18 No. 2 (practical work in measuring the length of objects in cm centimeters)

Activity approach at the individual level

Maintaining interest in the topic while working with new information; organization of an activework. Determination of directions in the study of a new topic. - Put the ruler in front of you and tell us why we need the ruler. How will this skill be useful to us in life?

Take a close look at your ruler and tell us what you see on it.

(Concepts: measure of length, scale, centimeter) - Show a distance of 1 cm on the ruler. Can you show this distance in another place on the ruler?

Show it on a ruler on a slide. slide 2

What is the length of the pencil shown in the textbook. Pay attention to the left end of the pencil. What number on the ruler was it combined with? - Do you think this is important in order to accurately determine the length of the object? - Write it in a notebook in a cage. - Guys, in the last lesson we talked about how our ancestors measured the length of an object. Why today I suggest you measure the length with a ruler? - Align your ruler with your neighbor so that you can see that the distance between the long lines is the same.

Let's execute number 2 and check once again the correctness of our observation. Let's measure the lengths of the drawn objects. – Evaluate your work, how you learned to measure the length of an object

We have learned how to measure the length of objects using a ruler. And now let's try to draw segments ourselves. I will name the length, and you will draw in a notebook. But first, tell me how it can be done.(Introduction to the algorithm for constructing a segment of a given length)

We will work on unlined paper. - Draw a line 4 cm, 6 cm, 10 cm long(Note that you can draw segments in different directions by changing the direction of the ruler)- Sign the length of the segment on top as we studied today. Check each other's work. - Evaluate your work, taking into account the comments of your desk mate.

Students relate "new" information to "old" information using the knowledge gained at the challenge stage.

Children tell the work plan for the lesson according to the legend.

Children's statements.

They examine the ruler lying in front of them and tell what they see on it.

Children's statements using a new term

Children's statements

Evaluate your work with colored pencils.

Children open notebooks write a number and write down the length of the pencil behind the teacher: 10 cm

Children combine the rulers and come to the conclusion that the distances are really the same

Movements to the music "Boogie - Woogie"

Write down in notebooks the lengths obtained: 8cm, 5cm, 3cm, 1cm


Children's statements using learned terminology

Exercises in the practical construction of segments of a given length. Recording the length in the conventional form.

Mutual check


R: plan your actions in accordance with the task; take into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its implementation; adequately assess the correctness of the performance of the action P: build speech statements orally; use the information received to perform educational activities; carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features K: use speech to regulate their actions; to formulate one's own opinion; the ability to cooperate with a partner and a teacher L: educational and cognitive interest in new educational material; orientation to understanding the reasons for success in educational activities; ability for adequate self-esteem

III Primary fixation

(3 min)

1. Monitoring and evaluation of intermediate results of activities

2. Choice of action

3. Analysis of information on the topic of the lesson

Activity approach: work is carried out individually and in pairs.

Independent work

- And now let's consolidate everything that we did today in the lesson. Open notebooks p. 24. Let's do Nos. 1, 2.

(Assignments are read by Mila and Nastya)

Execution check

Now take the strips that I put on your desk at the beginning of the lesson. Measure their length and show the number from the envelope - Evaluate your work

Independent work in workbooks.

Checking, correcting your actions


R: plan your actions in accordance with the task set L: educational and cognitive interest in new educational material P: build verbal statements in oral form; use the information received to perform educational activities; K: to use speech in the regulation of one's actions;

IV Reflection

(5 minutes)

1. The ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice

2. The ability to build an oral statement on the topic of the lesson

3. Performance monitoring and evaluation

4. Ability to retain learning tasks


Work in pairs

Verbal method: key words

- Draw a strip 10 cm long on unlined paper. Color half of this strip with a green pencil. (May I ask what half means? How to find it?)

Check your work with your desk mate

Now check the slide. slide 3

Let's return to our tasks set at the beginning of the lesson. Have we done everything? - Evaluate your work, how you coped with the tasks. Thank you guys for today's work. You are great fellows! Who is very tired today, raise a red pencil, who is a little yellow, who is not tired at all, green

Independent work on the sheets.

Comparison of work with a roommate

The children voice the tasks of the lesson according to the key words.

Pick up pencils of the corresponding color

R: the ability to save the learning task; adequate self-assessment of the performance of actions P: use sign-symbolic means; build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments; build speech statements K: take into account different opinions; use speech in the regulation of their actions; to formulate one's own opinion L: the ability to adequate self-assessment based on the developed criteria; educational and cognitive interest in the material being studied
