Ppc contextual. P.P.C. Contextual advertising. How contextual advertising differs from search promotion

At some point, every site owner has a question: what is better SEO or PPC?

Which website promotion option is the most rational to use in my situation?

Perhaps the best option is a combination of the two methods?

Before deciding for yourself the question - search engine optimization or contextual advertising, you need to figure out how contextual advertising differs from search engine promotion.

Contextual advertising (PPC)- this is an advertisement of your business in search engines, on partner sites. As a rule, such ads are displayed above and below the search results, in the body of the page of the partner site. The display of ads depends on the requests and interests of the user.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- this is a progressive improvement in the structure and "completeness" of the content of the site; adaptation of the site according to the requirements (Google requirements for Webmasters, Yandex requirements), due to which search engine algorithms determine the site to more relevant user requests.

Compare which is better SEO or PPC for your business?

PPC, pay per click or contextual advertising

The main goal is to get quick sales or test a business hypothesis.

The number of paid ads placed in search engines is constantly growing, which indicates the popularity and effectiveness of this promotion method.

Advantages of PPC

  • starts quickly and quickly gives results (24 hours);
  • good for starting promotion work;
  • good for seasonal projects;
  • many different advertising formats (remarketing, display networks, etc.);
  • you can quickly test a new product or niche;
  • help you quickly check the effectiveness of the new design and changes on the site;
  • allows you to get the target audience on all devices.

Today, this way of attracting users is becoming more and more popular and the main reason for this is the rapid achievement of the desired results. If everything is set up correctly, you can feel the result of launching contextual advertising already on the first day, which captivates many business owners and marketers.

The main thing is here- fine-tune the campaign and work out relevant key queries that will bring you users who are already interested in your product or service. For those who do not have enough promotion experience and decide to set up a campaign on their own, this can cost much more.
If you still want to learn how to set up contextual advertising yourself, we recommend our free one.

PPC is ideal for seasonal projects, or when you need to promote your own brand in a short time. Studies show that contextual advertising can increase brand awareness by 80%, so even such giants as Facebook and Amazon continue to use it.

Do not forget that contextual advertising is found not only in search engines. The largest social networks and portals are steadily expanding the range of marketing tools and it is clearly not worth ignoring such an opportunity.

  • Remarketing is intended to make the user perform a second action. For example, he enters your site, selects a computer mouse, goes to the point of payment, and then suddenly closes the tab. And thanks to remarketing, he will see your store's ads on other sites that are part of the Google or Yandex advertising networks. This will encourage him to take the action you want, such as completing a purchase, reading an article, etc.

  • Google Shopping, Yandex.Market and other price comparison platforms are also a good tool to promote online stores. In addition, classic optimization is not possible within these services, so buying ads is the only option.

For best results, setting up contextual advertising is worth it - yes, you have to pay for it, but it is several times less than if you decide to use the trial and error method to the fullest and choose between SEO and PPC on your own.

Contextual advertising - ideal tool for demand testing to your product in new niches, and here its advantage over SEO is undeniable. You do not have to wait for the result for months, and quite visible results will appear within a week.

The best illustration of the effectiveness of PPC is when you need to quickly determine the effect of a design change or other major change. In the case when you have little organic traffic, you risk spending several months on it. And contextual advertising will allow you to find out which of the options improves conversion in just a few days.

Finally, contextual advertising will help you reach your target audience, no matter what gadget they use. This is especially important in an environment where the number of mobile device users is growing every year, and in some regions a smartphone is the only way to access the network.

In general, if you are targeting mobile traffic, then you simply cannot do without contextual advertising. Firstly, in the search results, the user will first see advertising posts. Secondly, if PC users 3 out of 4 times do not reach the second page of Google, then smartphone fans, as a rule, rarely fall below the third position of the first page. This is the area where the differences between SEO and PPC are felt most strongly.

Disadvantages of PPC

  • Works as long as there is money in the account. No money - no advertising;
  • The quality strongly depends on the experience of the specialist and the analyst. You can simply drain the budgets and not get a profit.

More than 5000 UAH was spent on requests for a product and service that is not provided by the advertiser who placed the advertisement. This happened due to ignorance of the nuances of the advertising system.


Let's start with the financial component. As long as there is money in your Google AdWords account, you get traffic, but as soon as they run out, it will disappear. Contextual advertising is unlikely to help projects with extremely limited budgets. In addition, depending on the scope of application, the price of one click may differ.

If in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet (in the same Yandex Direct) the cost per click can still be called affordable, then abroad it is high, especially in very competitive niches. According to statistics, the cost per click for insurance-related queries in the US can reach over $50. So, if your budget is small and its increase is not expected in the near future, then when comparing SEO vs Contextual Advertising, it would be rational to give preference to the first option.


The level of conversion directly depends on the level of competition and the quality of your product or service, as well as on the professionalism of a contextual advertising specialist. There are cases when inexperienced users, believing that they can handle contextual advertising alone, have lost hundreds of dollars without getting the desired conversion rate.

Therefore, if you have your own product that you would like to promote online, but have no experience in promoting it, it is worth hiring a PPC specialist. It should be taken into account that the higher the skill level of this specialist, the higher they will evaluate the cost of their own work, no matter if it is search engine optimization or contextual advertising.

When is contextual advertising better than SEO?

  • When you need instant results.
  • When you need a predictable level of sales.
  • When you need an audience with very precise characteristics.

Choose your keywords, fine-tune your campaign, hit the publish button, and magically your site appears above the SERPs. At the same time, you can choose an incredibly flexible configuration - even specify the number of the house whose tenants are your potential customers. If you're looking for that level of targeting, then PPC is second to none.

How does PPC help SEO?

The first thing to remember in this context is brand protection. As we already mentioned, search promotion and contextual advertising are used simultaneously even by the giants of the industry, but they do not rely on blind luck, but on data from studies in the USA, according to which 89% of commercial traffic cannot be obtained by organic issuance.

As you might have guessed, people pay more attention to advertisements than to organic search results, and if you give them branded context, they turn into a powerful promotion tool.

Secondly, if identical keywords are used for promotion through SEO and PPC, it is highly likely that your site will be presented in the SERP twice: once as an advertisement, and once in an organic form. Why is this needed? There are users who click on ads without thinking, and there are those who do not trust them and prefer organic results. But when there are links in both areas, you increase the reach of the target audience and the chance to make contact with a potential buyer.

If you have a budget, you should not choose: SEO or Google AdWords, it is much more profitable to use both methods at the same time, as well as attract other contextual advertising options, for example, post ads on social networks.

SEO or search engine promotion

Anyone who wants to create an Internet business that can withstand competition in the long term is simply obliged to pay attention to this method of promotion. Even if you have an incredibly large budget, spending it solely on contextual advertising would be pure recklessness.

In the long run, getting customers from the free traffic channel will save you a fair amount of money. Which, in turn, send to new channels to attract traffic.

Competitors who don't excel at SEO will be forced to focus on generating paid traffic and won't be able to experiment with new marketing channels.

Advantages of SEO

The effect of SEO in most cases will be stronger than contextual advertising. But you need to wait for it from 6 months, and sometimes even about a year. Why does it continue to be used?

Search traffic will go to the site even after you stop financially supporting this online marketing channel.

The main advantage that most SEO proponents point out is that there is no need to inject large sums in a short period.

Your task is to have a clear action plan, and its stages can be implemented as funds become available. That is why in the battle "Search Engine Promotion vs Context", beginners often choose the first option.

Moreover, if your site has already reached the top of search results, the likelihood that it will leave it in the near future is small. This way you can reduce your SEO funding with minimal loss of search traffic and switch your focus to a different type of marketing.

Disadvantages of SEO

The effect of the work comes only after 2-4 months, so SEO is unlikely to be suitable for seasonal projects (or work should be started 3-4 months before the season).

Although many will argue that traffic after search engine optimization is practically free, and the cost of maintaining it is insignificant, you should not completely believe them.

From a long-term perspective, investment in SEO can significantly outweigh PPC spending.

Google, like any other search engine, earns not on search results, but on the sale of advertising, so it is becoming more and more every day. For some queries, to get to the results themselves, you need to walk past 4 advertisements, and not all users have the patience for this.

Using "gray" optimization methods significantly increases your chances of getting sanctioned or losing top positions. Algorithms of search results are constantly changing and not everyone succeeds in holding leadership positions for several years.

When is SEO Better than PPC?

  • When your goal is to significantly reduce the cost of acquiring new customers in the long run.
  • When your budget is limited and there is no need to achieve instant results.
  • When your priority is user acquisition in the long run.
  • When you are interested in the growth of ROI even after the immediate completion of the promotion campaign.

How contextual advertising differs from search promotion

Below is a comparative table that will show the main differences between search engine optimization and contextual advertising.

Read in great detail about the work of SEO and contextual advertising for an online store.


It is almost impossible to single out a clear leader in such a confrontation, since both methods are good under certain circumstances.

Ready for the long-term development of your project? Search engine optimization is the best option.

The only thing to remember: in the absence of a clear understanding of the market and the main nuances of setting up, it would be more rational to seek help from specialists. Otherwise, you run the risk of spending a lot of money, but not getting the desired results.

If a company has a commercial website, then it most likely has tried, is engaged in or is thinking about contextual advertising as one of the points of growth for its business.

Consider the main pros and cons of this sales channel.

Pros of contextual advertising:

  1. This channel is extremely selective, which is clear even from the name. It relies on the interests of users, which are calculated based on queries, browsing history, page content, which means that the message will be potentially attractive to visitors. Such high targeting makes PPC more effective than other promotion channels.
  2. The context block is relatively easy to create - just formulate the title and text, specify keywords, select the audience and site topics, set the display mode, and the rest of the work will be done automatically using platform technologies.
  3. Advertising can be selected not only by topic, but also by the style of the site, so that it fits into the design of the site as organically as possible and does not annoy users, distracting them from the main content. This item is of great importance for site owners who want to enter the affiliate network.
  4. PPC is a great opportunity to get to the top of the search without bothering too much with SEO optimization, which is especially true for new resources with a small audience and / or significant competition in the industry. The return from the campaign, as a rule, is already observed in the first week after the placement of contextual ads.
  5. Only resources that meet certain criteria are accepted to participate in the affiliate network. Thus, the site of a YAN partner must be registered on a paid hosting, have high-quality content and a specified minimum number of unique visitors. In addition, unscrupulous partners who cheat clicks and transitions can be blocked.
  6. This advertising involves numerous tools for evaluating effectiveness, the ability to analyze the behavior of visitors, set goals and parameters for achieving them, track problem areas, etc.

Cons of contextual advertising:

Like any tool, PPC has its own characteristics and limitations. This is not a reason to abandon the channel, but before planning a campaign, read the possible disadvantages:

  1. The main goal here is not the number of clicks (CTR) or page views, but the maximum conversion. This means that a poorly targeted message can “down the drain” the entire budget without bringing any return on investment (ROI). The problem is especially relevant for advertisers, since they are the ones who pay for each link click.

The reason for poor conversion is often the wrong or inaccurate choice of keywords, due to which the offer does not reach its target audience, the mismatch between the ad and the content offered, poor design, difficult navigation, long loading times, questionable content, incomprehensible resource message and other factors.

  1. A modest appearance and unobtrusiveness can act simultaneously as a disadvantage. Of course, unlike animated banners and other media advertising, contextual advertising does not distract users from the main content of the page, but often leaves them completely indifferent.
  2. Since CPC is based on bidding, and the option that the company is willing to pay the highest bid for to click comes first, there can be a lot of competition in some areas. As a rule, the most expensive keywords are related to financial, educational, medical services, as well as construction.
  3. In addition to the price, the impression in the selected position is affected by the click-through rate, or the frequency of visitors clicking on the link. This further increases the requirements for design, the right choice of keywords and the relevance of the site and target audience.

The most popular contextual advertising options are Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.

  1. Looking for

The first 3 (special placement) and the last 4 (guaranteed impressions) positions in Yandex search results are marked with "Advertising" icons. You can buy impressions in these positions by participating in an auction with other sites that want to advertise for the same phrase or semantic core.

Sites connected to the Yandex advertising network display ads. According to the principle of display, they are divided into ads "after" (when he left the site, and the ad is shown on other sites), by user behavior (even shows sites that he did not visit and topics that he was not interested in), by content (based on the subject current site). Ads, unlike search, have a picture.

  1. Retargeting

This is conditional advertising: sites on which the user has fulfilled some conditions. For example, how retargeting works for some online stores: after leaving the site with a full shopping cart, but without making a purchase, the user sees the goods from his cart even on a forum of a different topic.

  • One key = one ad.
  • The key is duplicated in the header.
  • We work out an offer for each ad.
  • The ad should take up more space (quick links, hours of operation, contact information, warnings).
  • We end the ad with a call to action (for example, “Press!”).

To automate work, in addition to Excel and wordstat.yandex.ru, you can use the Key Collector (simplifies the work of collecting keywords) and PPC-Panel (helps clean up cross negative keywords in ads). Search advertising statistics can be found on Advse.ru, and competitors' ads can be analyzed using Spywords or Serpstat.

Internet marketing services:

PPC (Pay Per Click)- this is one of the types of advertising model, which implies the placement of an ad by an advertiser on another web resource or a special site, and subsequent payment to their owners for each click made by an Internet user on an advertisement. Simply put, PPC- This is a pricing model, based on which the advertiser pays a certain amount to the owner of the resource on which the advertisement is located, for each click on it by the visitor.

Marketing is developing more and more rapidly every year. In this regard, new terms and incomprehensible abbreviations, coined in Western countries, appear. One of them at one time was the concept of PPC. But these days it's hard to find a webmaster and marketing specialist who doesn't know about this advertising model.

pay per click translated from English means "pay per click". This phrase literally explains the essence of PPC. A person who wants to increase the popularity of his project places his advertisement on the site intended for this, and when a specific Internet user clicks on the ad and goes to the promoted portal, the owner of the site is paid for this.

Previously, another advertising model called CPM was very popular. It implies payment for a thousand impressions of the advertiser's banner. But the emergence of new tools and a thorough study of the behavioral factors of visitors on the Internet led to the need to introduce new methods.

PPC has perfectly joined the marketing sphere, and to this day is one of the most optimal and fair among the rest. And this is not surprising, because here the payment is charged only after the person has clicked on the ad, that is, he has carried out the target action, and not just seen the ad.

After all, the fact that an advertising banner caught his eye does not mean that he will be interested in a product or service. As a result, most of the money is wasted. But if the user has moved to the site being promoted, then the advertisement has paid off.

In what areas is PPC used?

Due to the fact that PPC involves pay per click, this model is popular only in Internet marketing, because clicks are unique to advertising on the World Wide Web. Ads can be placed on many platforms and resources:

  • search engines;
  • partner networks;
  • websites of other webmasters;
  • social media;
  • teaser programs.

As a rule, such marketing is used to attract the target audience to the site. With a competent approach, the attracted traffic will help increase the popularity of the site and increase the number of sales. If a person who clicks on an ad goes to your resource, this increases the chances that he will make a purchase. If a visitor simply finds your site in the search results, without any advertising, the likelihood of him purchasing the product is much less.

Today, advertising on the Internet surrounds us everywhere, so even a novice user can imagine what it is. Moving from one web page to another, chatting and reading publics on social networks, watching the abundance of videos on Youtube and other resources, ads are displayed everywhere. All this is the work of advertisers who advertise through various systems, which is paid depending on the agreed model.

If the payment is made according to the PPC model, then even if the banner is shown several thousand times a day, the funds are charged only when the visitor clicks on it and visits the resource.

How is PPC different from CPC?

As mentioned above, PPC is a pricing model while CPC (cost per click) is the cost of each click a visitor makes. The price can be both fixed, that is, constant, and flexible. The second option is mainly used in case of opening an advertising campaign in social networks and search engines. More specifically, the cost of a click is directly determined by the exact time a person clicks on an ad, since different periods are characterized by different competition.

The final cost of a click is also affected by the quality of the ad and the site itself, where people will go after clicking on it. It is difficult to name any specific amount, because all systems have individual evaluation criteria.

However, for greater effectiveness of Internet marketing, pay per click should not be calculated based on CPC alone. Of course, it is beneficial for the advertiser when the cost of a click is cheap, but the main parameter that you should focus on is ROI. This foreign abbreviation stands for returnoninvestment which in English means - "return on investment".

In this article, we will not consider this indicator in detail. It is important to understand the very principle of the successful operation of all PPC campaigns, which is to agree on the lowest possible CPC (cost per click), while attracting the maximum target audience, to get the optimal ratio of visitors who have completed targeted actions to the total number of visitors (conversion), as well as high ROI.

Its main function is to manage advertising campaigns. In practice, there are no people who specialize only in the PPC model. Therefore, in fact, their work is performed by specialists involved in contextual advertising.

They control and organize the creation and placement of advertisements on any sites, and, based on the situation, choose the most effective pricing models in order to achieve the best results. For this they need:

  • Know how to use all available and effective advertising tools today.
  • Constantly communicate with the sales team and decide together on which category of goods for them is the highest priority for commerce.
  • Develop an advertising campaign and build a strategy based on the features of the site.
  • Monitor and analyze campaigns, if necessary, adjust them to improve efficiency.

Many large companies that sell products in large quantities have a full-time PPC specialist. But he can also be freelance, like a freelancer.

Nowadays, many people want to make money on the Internet, but the truth is that only a few actually do it. Today we bring to your attention a small list of excellent options for making a profit (small profit, or serious income, depending on your enthusiasm and skills). If you want to study in more detail the ways to receive money from the Internet, then you should look into our "" section more often, as we are going to update it periodically and supplement it with useful information.

PPC Networks (Pay Per Click - Pay Per Click)

This is without a doubt the most popular way webmasters make their money. PPC is also the most efficient way to monetize your website because all you have to do is place paid ads on your own pages and you will earn money for every click on one of them. Typically, these types of systems (Google Adsense, Bidvertiser, etc.) have a pretty smart ad placement system that allows you to place ads that match the content of your site. You will be able to receive more serious payment or a small income, depending on the location of advertising on the pages of the site.

For your information, let me tell you that we have tried all of these systems in all of our webmaster experience and they are all good sources of income. Soon, we will provide you with articles on how to use them correctly. Enjoy reading!

Most Popular PPC Systems

This is probably the most popular system. Google Adsense is known all over the world as the best source of income from websites large and small (everyone can earn with Google Adsense). You can start using it without any problems - you just need to register in the system and place the system code on the pages of your website or blog. You can receive money by check or Western Union (if you wish), but the minimum for withdrawal should be $100. You can also just store money in the Google Adsense system (you can collect up to $5000 maximum), or you can request a payout - usually the payout is made after the 15th of each month.

A very popular ad network with over 2 trillion ads per month across over 35,000 sites. Chitika is the second largest web developer worldwide after Google Adsense, or they use both because it's possible. This year, Chitika entered into a partnership agreement with b5media, and has seriously grown. You can simply sign up for free and start earning money.

Exactly...even Yahoo! has its own PPC network and it cannot be said that it is worse than others. The system is very similar to Google Adsense, but we do not recommend that you use these two systems on the same site at the same time. YPN is also easy to use and free. You just need to place the system code on the pages, and it will select the appropriate content for the ad blocks.

A popular one that is very easy to use on blogs or website pages. We have a great affiliate program that allows you to earn even more by inviting new users to the system. A full WYSIWYG editor is provided for each ad unit, so you can edit the look very quickly and easily.

is a complete PPC system with which you can place various ad units on your site. It is possible to place both ordinary text advertising links, and graphic, or even full-fledged banners and pop-ups. is also considered to be an excellent source of income, which is operated by sites such as HI5, Imvu, Blog Toplist and so on.

With help, you can sell ad space on the pages of a website or blog, and you can also choose which links to display and which you don't want to display.

Maybe this system would be in third place for the majority, but we put it in 7th place. This is a subjective opinion, because we have not often and not much worked with this system, and cannot speak more extensively about it.

Easily create an account, add ad block code to pages, and start earning money!

The system is one of the first to start publishing text advertising links.

In our opinion, this is the best system for posting text links.