How to open a service business. Services to the public: the most promising business ideas. What services can be provided to the population?

Those who want to start a business with a minimal investment of capital are advised to pay attention to the service sector. If you have special education or practical experience in this field of activity and the right promotion strategy, the initial investment will quickly pay off, and you will be able to earn good profit. Before choosing a type of activity, you need to study the services in demand for business - what is in demand in a particular region, what are the volumes of planned sales, is there a development prospect, etc.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the volume of all types paid services in 2014 in Russia amounted to 7,302,335 million rubles. The most popular services in Russia are transport, the volume of which amounted to 1,375,986 million rubles, and household services – 799,200 million rubles.

How to choose a field of activity

In order to determine the most popular services to the population, you need to conduct a little research in the region where you plan to do business. This must be done in order to determine the volume of demand for certain services, the level of competition in this area of ​​business, profitability and approximate payback period, compliance with federal and local legislation.

To determine the approximate level of demand, you need to take into account data such as: population size, cost of the service, demand (how many times a year a person uses this type of service), etc.

If you have practical experience and knowledge in a certain field, at first you will be able to run a business without hiring employees and, after you have formed a circle of clients, hire staff.

What services can be provided to the population:

  • repair work at home (“husband for an hour”, “master for an hour”);
  • transport service: delivery, transportation;
  • service maintenance household appliances, mobile phones;
  • hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • conducting seminars, trainings, educational courses;
  • sewing and repairing clothes;
  • Shoe repair;
  • massage, other wellness treatments;
  • organization of events - birthdays, weddings, corporate events;
  • dry cleaning;
  • care for elderly and sick people;
  • funeral services.

For private entrepreneurs and legal entities:

  • design development, copywriting;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • legal support;
  • office equipment repair;
  • accounting

How to open a business in this direction

In order to start a business in Russia, you need not only to study the supply and demand for the population in a given region, you must register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

Main stages:

  1. Determine which services are in greatest demand.
  2. Select the desired OKVED code ( All-Russian classifier types of activities). It is best to choose several related activities in order to be able to expand the range of offerings as your business develops.
  3. Determine the most optimal form of taxation. This choice must be made taking into account the planned sales turnover, types of customers and contractors (private individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities), the planned number of employees, etc. The most popular in Russia is a simplified form of taxation for individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Register with the tax office at your place of residence and register with social funds. Open a bank account (if you plan to work with legal entities).

The most popular services to the population

When choosing a niche, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of demand, but also the solvency of the population of a given region, and other features - seasonality, the need to obtain licenses, permits from sanitary and fire services, etc.

The most popular services for the population in small and medium-sized cities:

  • Shoe repair;
  • hairdresser, cosmetologist;
  • "husband for an hour";
  • repair of household appliances, computers and phones;
  • organization of holidays;
  • funeral services.

Shoe repair

A type of business that requires professional knowledge and experience. Minimal investments will be required - for registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing special tools and raw materials, making signs and business cards. It is characterized by constant demand with an increase in the spring and autumn periods. The approximate sales range per month when working independently can be 40,000-50,000 rubles, when hiring several craftsmen - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Hairdresser, cosmetologist

Opening a hairdresser is one of the most promising types commercial activities- given that the right choice places and selection of qualified craftsmen. You can open an economy-class hairdresser or a premium salon, depending on the income level of the target audience and the level of competition. Initial costs vary from 300,000 thousand rubles to several million (depending on the need to purchase premises, the list of equipment and tools, furniture, advertising costs). The volume of monthly revenue is from 100,000 rubles and depends on the size of the average check, the number of artists, and the intensity of promotion.

"Husband for an hour"

A relatively new and promising type of business. Consists of performing a wide range of work - repair of household appliances and appliances, installation of plumbing and kitchen appliances, replacement and restoration of electrical wiring, water supply systems, small construction works. Minimum investment capital - registration, purchase of instruments, advertising costs. The amount of revenue from such activities can be 30,000-50,000 rubles. per month.

Repair of household appliances, computers and phones

A relevant direction for any region of Russia, including small cities and towns. Key Feature There will be an attraction of qualified craftsmen and constant advertising. The volume of revenue can be from 50,000 monthly, with the expansion of the range of offers and active promotion - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Organization of holidays

There is always a demand for such services, especially in large cities. You can organize birthdays, corporate holidays, weddings. In such a case, the main specificity is the need to establish connections with food establishments, local artists and musical groups, manufacturers souvenir products etc. Sales volume is unstable (the highest revenue figures are in May-September) and can vary from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Funeral services

When assessing which services are most in demand, pay attention to ritual activities. In order to increase revenue, you can expand the list of offers - for example, to include the production and installation of monuments. Costs at the startup stage will be small - registration of individual entrepreneurs, purchase of samples, advertising. The amount of revenue depends on the number of orders and the size of the average check. Funeral agencies in medium and large cities earn from 200,000 rubles. per month.

Effective promotion

The success of any enterprise depends on a number of factors: the correct choice of a commercial niche, the level of competition, the professionalism of the staff, good place location, competent marketing strategy.

What steps need to be taken to effectively promote your business and make a good profit:

  • study target audience(needs, interests, income level, advertising tools they trust, etc.);
  • analyze the strengths and weak sides competitors;
  • develop your competitive advantage and build your advertising campaign on its basis;
  • analyze which advertisements clients come from (if several marketing tools are used).

Business ideas in the service sector

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Service business ideas

Which ones exist? profitable business ideas in the service sector? No one can answer your question about the profitability of a particular business idea. You have to try it yourself and see how profitable it is. this business or a low-profit venture. What are the advantages of business in the service sector? Firstly, this type of business does not require large financial investments. And this is a significant factor for beginning entrepreneurs with a limited budget. The second advantage is that a person who decides to organize a business in the service sector does not need to spend time on training. Surely each of you already knows how to do something, you just need to competently sell your services to other people for money. Right organized business in the service sector has every chance of becoming successful. I wish you quick profits!

Section about small businesses in the service sector: ideas from scratch, profitability, new and current technologies in the industry, risks, analytics and tips for beginners in this field. Here we will analyze all possible business ideas in the service sector, as well as answer questions about how to start your own business, which one is better to choose and where to start.

The service sector is part of the economy, including all types of commercial and non-commercial services; a consolidated general category that includes the reproduction of various types of services provided by organizations and individuals.

The best ideas for business in the service sector

We will try to reveal all types of services on which you can make money.

Opening a car service

The service sector today is developing at tremendous speed. This includes many entertainment venues, hotel and restaurant businesses and much more. But how can you figure everything out on your own with so many options? How to choose? Strategy and business idea needed! All these questions will be answered in this section of the site.

It is believed that this particular area of ​​business is one of the most difficult to start. After all, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. These include all possible licenses and permits. The average person simply does not have the opportunity to know about all of them at the initial stage. For this purpose, business ideas in the service sector were collected with all the necessary information to open your own business. Our website presents only the most effective and practical methods that, using minimal investments, can develop entrepreneurial activity from scratch. Collected here best recommendations according to the necessary documentation, competent business plans were drawn up, described necessary equipment.

Services are in demand, and most importantly - endlessly profitable area activities. Undoubtedly, to start you will need a certain monetary contribution (not always), but our employees select exclusively economically profitable offer, which in as soon as possible will make your establishment popular. Using these ideas and methods, any person will soon be able to become a financially independent owner of their favorite business.

The service sector is one of the most profitable directions entrepreneurial activity. Many business ideas related to this area do not require large investments and are therefore accessible to any person who wants to start their own business. In this article we will discuss what services can be provided to the population in order to receive decent profit.


Recently, many enterprises and companies have been outsourcing some of their non-essential functions. Organizations that provide outsourcing services have specialists on their staff who quickly and efficiently perform any work.

The most popular services in this area:

  • Personnel Management;
  • Accounting;
  • Advertising;
  • Security;
  • Legal support;
  • Logistics;
  • Service staff.

Before that, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and approximately calculate the number of possible customers. Using your findings, develop a go-to-market strategy and get to work. Effective advertising and professional approach to the point - these are the main components of the success of such an enterprise.

Flower delivery

Are you thinking about what services can be provided to the population in the city? Last time very popular I started using the flower delivery service. This line of activity allows you to build a fairly profitable, fast-growing business in a short time.

If you decide to start providing flower delivery services to the population, at first, in order to save money, you can do this business at home.

Everything you need for work:

  • Computer;
  • Telephone with answering machine;
  • Stationery.

In addition, you need to purchase a camera in order to take pictures of various bouquets and present them to clients. It is most profitable to open such a business in the field of services to the public in the city, since in a small locality it will not bring a decent profit. When business begins to flourish, you can create your own online flower store and hire an experienced florist.

Courier service

If you are attracted to service industries that provide services to the public, you should think about how to open a courier delivery service. In order to start such a business, you do not need special knowledge, expensive equipment or large investments. This business idea of ​​services for the population is the most The best decision for beginning businessmen.

Any enterprise requires state registration, therefore, before you need to register as individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office. If you can’t afford to rent office space, you can initially take orders from home. The most important thing is to earn a good reputation at the formation stage. If you manage to develop your own client base, such a business will bring a stable profit. Service courier delivery- this is one of the most simple business ideas in the field of public services.

Apartment and office moving

Many citizens who want to provide business services to the population refuse such an idea because they believe that a large start-up capital is needed for its implementation. But they are mistaken. Of course, in order to open a spa salon or boutique fashionable clothes, large investments will be required. But there are also types of services provided to the population that allow you to earn good money without large investments. These include organizing office and apartment moves. If you don't have your own car, it doesn't matter. The truck can be rented. Another option is cooperation with a freight forwarding company, which, if necessary, will provide the necessary transport.

To attract customers, place advertisements on the Internet and media. The profitability of this business largely depends on the number of orders and the quality of services provided to the population. Small companies that organize relocations receive up to 8 million rubles in annual income. Such a business is characterized by high profitability and broad development prospects.

Consulting company

According to experts, providing services to the public as a business is a very profitable and, at the same time, low-cost business. If you can't find suitable idea, pay attention to the field of consulting services. Many people have some useful knowledge or skills, most of which remain unused. But you can earn good money from this.

Nowadays, anyone, regardless of education and age, can become a successful independent consultant and earn a decent profit from it. For example, if you are good at software and computers, you can turn your knowledge into a source of additional income that will bring a stable income.

Before that, you can work for some time as an employee. Thanks to this, you will be able to study all business processes from the inside and determine the main development priorities own business.

Renovation of apartments

Despite the huge competition, the demand for apartment renovation services is constantly growing, so newcomers can easily find their niche in this market. This is one of the most profitable paid services provided to the population. It is best to start such a business in a big city, where you can get the required number of orders.

To open a small business providing apartment renovation services to the public, you do not need to be an electrician, painter or plasterer. Many entrepreneurs start such a business without any education. The most important thing is a competent business plan for providing services to the population in this area. Once you have developed a strategy, you can start practicing.

To work, you will need special tools and equipment, as well as a car in which you can transport workers from one site to another. In addition, you need to allocate a small amount to attract customers. It is better to entrust this matter to experienced professionals who can provide inexpensive, but at the same time effective advertising your business.

Cosmetology salon

For many women, visiting a cosmetology salon has become a habitual procedure. In addition, recently this service is often used by men who look after their appearance. If you want to open your own business, then new services to the public in the field of beauty can be an excellent start for you to start your entrepreneurial activity.

Before that, you need to draw up a competent business plan. According to preliminary calculations, you will need approximately 100 thousand rubles to start. On average, a cosmetology salon brings in 14-15 thousand rubles a month, respectively, the initial investment will pay off in 9-12 months.


Let's figure out what services are profitable to provide to the population? The biggest profits come from businesses that do not require large financial investments. Among these types of business activities, I would like to highlight cleaning. If you want to start providing services to the population during a crisis, a business idea for cleaning apartments and offices is perfect for these purposes.

Before opening a cleaning company, you need to carefully prepare, draw up a competent business plan and calculate the payback period. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses. In addition, you need to decide what rooms you want to clean and how often you are going to do it. It is most profitable to conclude cooperation agreements with several companies for cleaning office premises. In this case, you can count on a constant income. If you strictly follow all the rules for providing services to the public, any business in this market segment will flourish and, accordingly, bring good profits.

Mobile phone recharge

Residents rural areas People often wonder what services can be provided to the population in the village? Nowadays, the vending business is developing rapidly. Vending machines and payment terminals can be found in any big city on almost every corner. There are no such machines in the villages, so many villagers sometimes have problems even recharging their mobile phones.

This is the simplest and most easily implemented business idea providing services to the population in a small town. All that is needed for this is to install a couple of payment terminals in several localities and provide them Maintenance.

A fitness center

In our country, the demand for health services significantly exceeds the supply. If you decide to start providing services to the public during the 2018 crisis, business ideas related to this area will bring excellent profits.

Before entering this or any other health establishment, thoroughly research the market and assess the level of competition. Some aspiring entrepreneurs start a business in social services to the population. It could be children's sports schools or health resorts. In this case, newcomers can count on full support from the state. In this matter, you should enlist the support of professionals who will help you achieve success in this matter.

Tourist agency

Tourism is a highly competitive industry. If you decide to open a business in this market segment, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that you will have to work hard, otherwise you will not be able to make a decent profit.

I would like to note that the business of providing services to the public is quite complex and labor-intensive, but it does not require large financial investments. You can open a travel agency at home. To do this, it is enough to have a phone and a computer with Internet access. But in this case, you will not be able to attract many clients and, accordingly, receive good income. Therefore, before doing so, calculate all the expenses that will be needed to organize such a business, and try to find the necessary amount for renting office space, advertising and purchasing office equipment.

Profit travel agency consists of the commissions you receive for selling a trip. The monthly income of a small company during the season can be several thousand dollars. If you don’t know anything about tourism, you can open a franchise agency. In this case, you can count on the full support of a famous brand.


A business based on services provided to the public cannot be called labor-intensive. The most important thing is to choose the right direction of activity and confidently move towards your goal. A competent approach and self-confidence will definitely lead you to success.

By registering as individual entrepreneurs, many Russian citizens begin to think about which sector of the national economy is best to develop their business.

If budding businessmen have impressive starting capital, they can “swing” at more serious projects, requiring large financial investments. In the case where representatives of small businesses have limitations in personal funds, they should turn their attention to less global business projects.

How to choose a business direction

Many entrepreneurs decide to develop their economic activity in the field of providing services to the population. To actively expand your business in this direction, you need to become familiar with some nuances, the application of which will allow you to smoothly bypass all the pitfalls.

Just 20 years ago, enterprises providing household services to the population operated, if not at a loss, then with a very small profit, which was only enough to cover current expenses.

Today market situation household services changed radically.

Wide circles of the population have begun to trust more companies whose professional activities make their lives easier. In this regard, many representatives of small and medium-sized businesses began to develop more actively in this industry, offering Russian citizens well-designed and combined household services:

  • provision of any household appliances for rent;
  • cleaning service;
  • repair and tailoring of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories;
  • furniture repair and restoration;
  • maintenance of motorcycles and automobile transport;
  • repair of household appliances;
  • delivery of correspondence, products, medicines, etc.;
  • walking pets;
  • manufacturing and repair jewelry etc.

A skillfully built business in the field of providing services to the public is very can quickly pay for everything starting investments and will begin to bring regular profits to its owners.

Preparatory stage of creating a business

To choose a suitable business direction, an individual entrepreneur needs to conduct a thorough monitoring of the local services market. The main goal of such research is to determine the most popular types that are in demand among the population.

When planning to develop his business activities in the field of consumer services, a novice businessman must understand that he will have to:

  • rent or buy a premises in which all the necessary utilities will function,
  • You will also need to purchase special equipment, tools and other equipment through which work and services will be performed.

If you plan to use in your professional activity labor of hired workers, staff must be staffed before opening.

Currently, there is a demand in the domestic market for the following services intended for the population:

  • Photo services
    In order to provide this type of service, there is no need to rent a separate room, since all work on printing photographs, editing videos, etc. can be done at home.

By regularly advertising in the media, the photographer will be able to find clients to whom, if necessary, he will visit their homes.

  • Private car wash
    To ensure the quality of provision of such services to motorists, an entrepreneur must rent a large garage in which special washing equipment will need to be installed.

Also, a businessman will have to regularly purchase Consumables, intended specifically for washing vehicles.

  • Outdoor advertising
    An individual entrepreneur can produce advertising products.

If he does not have the opportunity to purchase or rent printing equipment, at the final stage the process can be delegated to private printing houses.

  • Car parking
    To work in this direction, an entrepreneur must have a plot of land that will be located within the city.

From the location of the land plot it will be directly the profitability of this business depends.

  • Tire service
    This type of private business has been for decades does not lose its relevance. Every car enthusiast sooner or later turns to such workshops, where specialists perform wheelbase maintenance.

To open a tire shop, you will need a separate room, in which you will need to install special equipment, as well as purchase tools and consumables for the work.

  • Sewing workshop
    This line of business is ideal for that category of entrepreneurs who are familiar with the basics of sewing and knitting.

If necessary, a businessman can invite employees to cooperate with specialized education.

  • Minibus taxi
    Providing transport services the population can be carried out based on license or other permitting documentation. The entrepreneur must have a special vehicle designed to transport passengers.

If a businessman’s car fleet includes several vehicles, he will have to hire hired workers who will perform the duties of drivers.

  • Private kindergarten
    IN last years Private institutions in which highly qualified specialists educate preschool children have become very popular.

To open such a business, an entrepreneur needs to find a suitable premises that meets all sanitary and epidemiological standards. At a minimum, it should have several rooms, a catering unit, plumbing and utility rooms.

High-level specialists who have not only specialized education, but also extensive experience working with preschoolers should be involved in working with children. In such children's institution must work medical worker, who, if necessary, can provide emergency assistance to kid.

  • Beauty saloon
    Many individual entrepreneurs are actively developing their business in this direction. Recently, among the female half of the population, various cosmetic procedures have become very popular to help take care of their appearance.

To open a beauty salon, you will need a well-located room, in which all communications necessary for the work of specialists must be connected.

To attract a wealthy clientele, an individual entrepreneur will have to purchase expensive equipment, preferably one that has no analogues in nearby competitor salons.

As additional service a beauty salon can offer the population solarium services, which young people enjoy visiting to purchase an artificial tan.

  • Hostel
    Provide services to the public in the industry hotel business Entrepreneurs who personally own real estate of suitable size can do so.

For the hostel to be more popular, it is necessary provide guests with comfortable living conditions: comfortable beds; an equipped kitchen where they can prepare food for themselves; a sanitary room where a set of hygiene procedures can be carried out; a safe or lockable chest in which residents can leave valuables, etc.

Business ideas: what services are in demand in a small town

It is much more difficult for aspiring businessmen living in small towns to develop their own business. To succeed they need choose the right business area demanded by the local population.

Stable income in populated areas with a small amount local residents will be able to bring:

  • bakery;
  • establishments Catering, bars and cafeterias that adhere to a budget pricing policy;
  • a hairdresser where people with any level of financial security can get a haircut or get their manicure done;
  • a pharmacy that sets prices that are acceptable to a wide range of people;
  • a shoe workshop that performs all types of repair work;
  • tailoring studio;
  • a fitness club with the necessary exercise equipment and a variety of sports equipment;
  • a veterinary clinic where specialists are ready to treat any animals;
  • a store whose assortment will consist of the most popular goods in the area consumer consumption etc.

Any private business opening in a small town, will not be able to bring “cosmic” income to its owner.

Despite this, with proper business management, an individual entrepreneur will be able to get a stable profit, which is enough for him to live comfortably.


If a novice entrepreneur has a burning desire to open his own business, but does not have a serious starting capital, he should turn his attention to the sphere of providing services to the population.

How you can earn money by providing services to the public as an intermediary, watch the video:

Choosing the most current business direction, a businessman must make every effort to ensure that the services provided to the population services were of impeccable quality. Over time, he will have his own client base, the presence of which will provide a stable income.
