Modern trends in the development of international trade in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution. Current trends in the development of world trade Prospects for the development of world trade

International (world) trade is the process of buying and selling goods and services carried out between buyers, sellers and intermediaries in different countries.

At the present stage, MT plays an important role in the economic development of countries:

1. foreign trade has become a powerful factor in economic growth;

2. countries' dependence on international trade has increased significantly.

Factors influencing the development of MT:

1. development and improvement of the MRI system and internationalization of production;

2. STR (scientific and technological revolution), which pushes for the renewal of fixed capital, the creation of new sectors of the economy and accelerates the pace of improvement of old ones;

3. increase activity activity transnational corporations in international relations;

4. liberalization of world trade through the creation of the WTO;

5. formation of free economic zones and regulation of world trade from the point of view of abolition quantitative restrictions imports in most countries and a significant decline customs duties, i.e., the development of trade and economic integration processes: the elimination of regional barriers and, as a consequence, the formation of common markets;

6. the emergence of new industrial countries oriented toward foreign markets as a result of colonized countries gaining independence.

Among the main trends in MT at the present stage are the following:

1.Globalization and internationalization international trade.

The main features of globalization of international trade are:

Integration (between government regulation economic interdependence, the formation of a regional economic complex with a structure and proportions focused on the needs of the region as a whole);

Increase in the pace of international trade and international capital flows;

Transnationalization and corporatism of world exports;

Further unification of rules and norms of international trade.

2. The increasing role of scientific and technological progress and electronic technologies. In modern conditions, the share of finished goods in the commodity structure of international trade has increased significantly. industrial goods, especially machinery and equipment.

3. The dominant role of the information product. Formation takes place information society, when the possession of information determines the company’s ability to respond to rapid changes in the internal and especially external environment.

4. increasing role of the Asia-Pacific region;

5. reducing the dominant role of the United States in international trade;

6. increasing role of environmental aspects of global trade products;

7. rapid growth of trade between developing countries (NIS export expansion);

8. growth in the volume of the services market, especially in the export of industrial countries;

9. increasing the volume of intra-industry trade between developed countries, etc.

Changes occurring in the service sector are caused by the processes of internationalization and globalization in international production and exchange. The service sector is developing in integration with material production: in services, the level and quality of material support and equipment is increasing, and in production, costs for services are increasingly increasing in the value of total production costs. This especially applies to high-tech industrial sectors. The service sector is greatly influenced by the large-scale structural and technological restructuring of material production, the transition to a post-industrial model, where knowledge-intensive types of services come to the fore.

Business and professional services, represented by management, marketing, advertising, auditing and accounting services, etc. The functions of these services include the development and implementation of organizational and management models, new technologies, methods for increasing the efficiency of resource use, etc.

The volumes of information and computer services are growing fastest, and engineering and consulting services are growing rapidly. They provide firms with information for making decisions on production, financial, and management aspects of doing business.

The share of international tourism in the export of services is steadily increasing, which is due to rising incomes of the population. The practice of receiving education abroad is becoming increasingly popular. medical care. A number of other service industries are developing at a more moderate pace, corresponding to the average indicators for the service sector and the economy as a whole.

The service sector is developing in several directions:

  • new types of services appear: e-commerce, telecommunications, credit and financial services, logistics, global transport systems etc.;
  • services that were previously of an in-house, auxiliary nature (accounting, auditing, legal and other business services) are separated into independent branches;
  • In the service sector, large integrated companies are formed - TNCs, supplying consumers with a comprehensive package of services. For example, large transport companies deliver goods to the consumer at the “exactly appointed time”, “door to door”.

Large financial companies provide banking, insurance, and trading services for navigating the foreign exchange and stock markets. This allows the client to enter into an agreement with a single supplier.

In the 90s XX century Electronic commerce has become the main direction of international trade in services. It is taken into account under the article “Distribution services” and, to a certain extent, erases the time and spatial boundaries between the parties to the transaction. E-commerce, firstly, allows you to purchase services (order, payment, delivery) electronically. An example would be the purchase of books or newspapers in electronic format, computer programs, audio and video recordings, and the provision of consulting services. Secondly, e-commerce simplifies the procedure for trading in services when it is necessary to transport a service by completing transport transaction documents electronically.

As a result, the process of identifying product quality, comparing order prices, preparing transport and payment documents is automated, which significantly speeds up the conclusion foreign trade transaction. The seller immediately has access to the world market, and the buyer has a wide choice from a huge number of services offered. Besides, this method doing business makes it possible to reduce the number of intermediaries. Thus, when selling plane tickets, for entertainment events, and when providing other services, “business to consumer” operations are carried out without intermediaries (business to consumer), bypassing the relevant agencies and offices.

On the market electronic transactions(operations or transactions) systems of bank cards, systems for reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering goods and services, as well as stock exchange, banking and settlement operations are presented. The development of the Internet has transformed this previously corporate and elitist market into a mass market, a rapidly growing new industry of electronic commerce. The Internet effectively serves the electronic transactions market, despite the still existing insufficient information security capabilities.

Market electronic services transforms into a market electronic global communication. It is formed on the basis modern means communication and human communication. These are commercial and public data networks, systems Email, commercial dialogue systems that bring together owners of personal computers, teleconferences, electronic network bulletin boards, etc. They also use cable and satellite television services to distribute business and commercial information.

The nature of the information transmitted includes business information on economic and social status of firms, companies, TNCs and others organizational structures business. It consists of numerical economic, social, demographic estimates in the form of time series, forecast models and estimates provided by public services and private companies.

Commercial information contains information about products, prices, financial condition, transactions, economic relations, company leaders.

Scientific and technical information includes documentary, bibliographic, abstract and reference information, data in the field of fundamental and applied sciences, industries and spheres of human activity.

Along with business information, it is widely distributed mass and consumer information for a wide range of services, such as purchases and sales, currency exchange, car rental, tourist tours, rentals, etc.

Among modern services, engineering, consulting and consulting services play a prominent role.

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I. Theoretical foundations of international trade research

1.1 Theories of international trade

1.2 History of the development of international trade

1.3 Key indicators of world trade

II. Current trends in the development of international trade

2.1 Forms of international trade and their features at the present stage

2.2 Current situation and trends in the development of international trade

2.3 Features of the structure of world trade at the present stage

2.4 Main problems of international trade


List of sources used



International trade is the most developed and widespread form of international economic relations. It occupies a central place among the modern foreign policy interests and problems of the countries of the world. Therefore, the study of its essence, dynamics of development and modern structure is an important element for determining foreign policy state of its development programs.

Based on this, we can formulate the following main goal of this course work, which consists in determining the essence, studying the dynamics and structure of international trade. This goal of the course work involves the following main tasks: determining the essence of world trade; study current state world trade and trends in its development; determination of the features of the structure of world trade at the present stage; consideration modern politics in relation to international trade.

Thus, in this course work The object of the study will be international trade itself, and the subject will be the factors, dynamics of development and structure of modern international trade.

This topic has been and is being studied almost constantly. This is a necessary condition for both work individual organizations related to foreign trade, as well as the activities of each state in implementing its foreign policy and developing medium- and long-term development programs. Therefore, monitoring the state of international trade, as well as the processes of forecasting and planning, do not stop, which is reflected in widespread interest in this topic. There are articles on international trade issues in all literature on international economic relations without exception. The following authors can be distinguished: A. Smith, D. Ricardo and others, who covered theoretical basis international trade most widely. The use of analysis as a method for studying changes in international trade at the present stage involves consideration of two aspects: firstly, the rate of its growth in general (exports and imports) and relative to production growth; secondly, shifts in the structure: commodity (ratio of main groups of goods and services) and geographical (share of regions, groups of countries and individual countries). The very topic of the work involves studying not only the quantitative characteristics of changes in international trade, but also the qualitative side of these changes. As a result of the analysis, using the synthesis method, conclusions will be drawn about the dynamics and structure of international trade. In accordance with the grouping method, groups of main indicators of international trade, its forms will be formed, and its structure will also be characterized.

I.Theoretical foundations of international trade research

1.1 Theories of international trade

International trade is a form of communication between producers of different countries, arising on the basis of the international division of labor, and expresses their mutual economic dependence. The following definition is often given in the literature: International trade is the process of buying and selling between buyers, sellers and intermediaries in different countries.

International trade includes the export and import of goods, the relationship between which is called the trade balance. The UN statistical reference books provide data on the volume and dynamics of world trade as the sum of the value of exports from all countries of the world (see Table A1., Appendix A).

The term “foreign trade” refers to the trade of a country with other countries, consisting of paid import (import) and paid export (export) of goods.

International trade is the paid total trade turnover between all countries of the world. However, the concept of “international trade” is also used in a narrower sense: for example, the total trade turnover of industrialized countries, the total trade turnover of developing countries, the total trade turnover of countries of a continent, region, for example, countries of Eastern Europe, etc.

National production differences are determined by different endowments of production factors - labor, land, capital, as well as different internal needs for certain goods. The effect that foreign trade has on the dynamics of national income growth, consumption and investment activity is characterized for each country by well-defined quantitative dependencies and can be calculated and expressed in the form of a specially developed coefficient - a multiplier.

IN different time Various theories of world trade appeared and were refuted, which in one way or another tried to explain the origin of this phenomenon, determine its goals, laws, advantages and disadvantages. The following are the most common theories of international trade.

Mercantilist theory. Within the framework of this theory, it was believed that the main goal of each state is wealth, and the world has limited wealth, and increasing the wealth of one country is possible only by reducing the wealth of another country. At the same time, the role of the state in international economic policy was reduced to maintaining a positive trade balance and regulating foreign trade to stimulate exports and reduce imports.

The mercantilists were the first to emphasize the importance of international trade and were the first to describe the balance of payments. The main disadvantage of this theory is that here the development of countries is seen as possible only through the redistribution of wealth, and not through its increase.

A. Smith's theory of absolute advantage. It was believed that the well-being of nations depended not only on the amount of gold, but also on the ability to produce goods and services. Consequently, the task of the state is to develop production through the division of labor and cooperation. The formulation of the theory itself sounds like this: countries export those goods that they produce at lower costs, i.e. in the production of which they have absolute advantages, and I import those goods that are produced by other countries at lower costs, i.e. in the production of which trading partners have an advantage.

This theory shows the advantages of the division of labor, but, at the same time, does not explain trade in the absence of absolute advantages.

Theory comparative advantage D. Ricardo is formulated as follows: if countries specialize in the production of those goods that they can produce at relatively lower costs compared to other countries, then trade will be mutually beneficial regardless of whether production in one of them is absolutely more efficient than in another or not.

This theory was the first to prove the existence of gains from trade and describe aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Although it does not take into account transport costs and the impact of foreign trade on the distribution of income within the country, acting only under conditions of full employment.

Heckscher-Ohlin theory of the ratio of production factors. Operates with the concepts of factor intensity (the ratio of the costs of production factors to create a product) and factor saturation (the provision of production factors). According to this theory, each country exports those factor-intensive goods for the production of which it has a relative surplus of factors of production, and imports those for the production of which it has a relative shortage of factors of production. This theory deduces the reason for the influence of different factors of production on international trade. International trade leads to equalization of prices for factors of production in trading countries.

The limitation of the theory is that only two countries with the same technologies are considered and internal factors are not taken into account.

Leontief's paradox. The famous economist Vasily Leontiev, studying the structure of US exports and imports in 1956, discovered that, contrary to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, relatively more labor-intensive goods predominated in exports, and capital-intensive goods dominated in imports. This result became known as Leontief's paradox.

Thus, with the development of the concept of “international trade”, its content became more complex, although to date it has not yet been possible to create a theory that would best correspond to practice.

1.2 History of the formation of international trade

Originating in ancient times, world trade reaches significant proportions and acquires the character of stable international commodity-money relations at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. A powerful impetus for this process was the creation in a number of more industrially developed countries (England, Holland, etc.) of large machine production, focused on large-scale and regular imports of raw materials from economically less developed countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the export of industrial goods to these countries , mainly for consumer purposes.

In the 20th century world trade has experienced a number of deep crises. The first of them was associated with the world war of 1914-1918, it led to a long and deep disruption of world trade that lasted until the end of the Second World War, which shook the entire structure of international economic relations to the core. In the post-war period, world trade faced new difficulties associated with the collapse of the colonial system. However, all these crises were overcome. Generally characteristic feature The post-war period saw a noticeable acceleration in the pace of development of world trade, reaching the highest level in the entire previous history of human society. Moreover, the growth rate of world trade exceeded the growth rate of world GDP.

Since the second half of the 20th century, world trade has been developing at a rapid pace. In the period 1950-1994. world trade turnover increased 14 times. According to Western experts, the period between 1950 and 1970 can be characterized as a “golden age” in the development of international trade. Thus, the average annual growth rate of world exports was in the 50s. 6.0%, in the 60s. -8.2%. In the period from 1970 to 1991, the average annual growth rate was 9.0%, in 1991-1995. this figure was 6.2%. The volume of world trade increased accordingly. Recently, this figure has been growing by an average of 1.9% per year.

In the post-war period, an annual growth of world exports of 7% was achieved. However, already in the 70s it dropped to 5%, decreasing even more in the 80s. At the end of the 80s, world exports showed a noticeable recovery - up to 8.5% in 1988. After a clear decline in the early 90s, since the mid-90s it has again demonstrated high, stable rates, even despite significant annual fluctuations caused first by the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, and then by the war in Iraq and the resulting surges in world prices for energy resources.

Since the second half of the 20th century, the uneven dynamics of foreign trade have become noticeably evident. This affected the balance of power between countries in the world market. The dominant position of the United States was shaken. In turn, German exports approached American exports, and in some years even exceeded them. In addition to Germany, exports from other Western European countries also grew at a noticeable pace. In the 1980s, Japan made a significant breakthrough in international trade. By the end of the 80s, Japan began to become a leader in terms of competitiveness factors. During the same period, the “new industrial countries” of Asia - Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan - joined it. However, by the mid-90s, the United States again took a leading position in the world in terms of competitiveness. They are closely followed by Singapore, Hong Kong, as well as Japan, which previously held first place for six years (see Table A1, Appendix A).

For now, developing countries mainly remain suppliers of raw materials, food and relatively simple products finished products to the world market. However, the growth rate of trade in raw materials lags noticeably behind the overall growth rate of world trade. This lag is due to the development of substitutes for raw materials, their more economical use, and the intensification of their processing. Industrialized countries have almost completely captured the market for high-tech products. At the same time, some developing countries, primarily “newly industrialized countries,” have managed to achieve significant changes in the restructuring of their exports, increasing the share of finished products, industrial products, incl. machines and equipment. Thus, the share of industrial exports of developing countries in the total world volume in the early 90s was 16.3%, but now this figure is already approaching 25%.

1.3 Key indicators of world trade

The foreign trade of all countries together forms international trade, which is based on the international division of labor. In theory, world trade is characterized by the following basic indicators:

Foreign trade turnover of countries, which is the sum of exports and imports;

Import is the import of goods and services from abroad into a country. The import of material assets for their sale on the domestic market is visible import. Imports of components, semi-finished products, etc. constitute indirect imports. Costs in foreign currency for cargo transhipment, passengers, tourist insurance, technology and other services, as well as transfers of companies and individuals abroad are included in the so-called. invisible imports.

Export is the removal from the country of goods and services sold to a foreign buyer for sale on the foreign market, or for processing in another country. It also includes the transportation of goods in transit through a third country, the export of goods brought from other countries for sale in a third country, i.e. re-export.

In addition, international trade is characterized by the following indicators:

Overall growth rate;

Growth rates relative to production growth;

The growth rate of world trade relative to previous years.

The first of these indicators is determined by the ratio of the indicator of international trade volumes of the year under review to the indicator of the base year. It can be used to characterize the percentage of changes in international trade volumes over a certain period of time.

Relating the growth rate of international trade to the growth rate of output is a starting point for identifying several characteristics that are important for describing the dynamics of international trade. Firstly, this indicator characterizes the production productivity of a country, that is, the amount of goods and services that it can provide to the world market over a certain period of time. Secondly, it can be used to assess the overall level of development of the productive forces of states from the perspective of international trade.

The last of these indicators is the ratio of the volume of international trade in the current year to the value of the base year, and the base year is always taken as the year preceding the current one.

II.Modern trends in the development of international trade

2.1 Forms of international trade and their features at the present stage

Wholesale. The main organizational form in wholesale trade in developed countries market economy- independent firms engaged in actual trade. But with the penetration of industrial firms into wholesale trade, they created their own trading apparatus. These are the wholesale branches of industrial firms in the United States: wholesale offices engaged in providing information services to various clients, and wholesale depots. Large German companies have their own supply departments, special bureaus or sales offices, and wholesale warehouses. Industrial companies create subsidiaries to sell their products to companies and can have their own wholesale network.

An important parameter in wholesale trade is the ratio of universal and specialized wholesale firms. The tendency towards specialization can be considered universal: in specialized firms, labor productivity is much higher than in universal ones. Specialization is based on product and functional (i.e., limitation of functions performed by a wholesale company) basis.

Commodity exchanges occupy a special place in wholesale trade. They are similar to trading houses where they sell various goods, both wholesale and retail. Basically, commodity exchanges have their own specialization. Public exchange trading is based on the principles of a double auction, when increasing offers from buyers meet decreasing offers from sellers. If the bid prices of the buyer and seller coincide, a deal is concluded. Every contract concluded is publicly recorded and communicated to the public through communication channels.

Price changes are determined by the number of sellers willing to sell a product at a given price level and buyers willing to purchase a given product at this price level. A feature of modern exchange trading with high liquidity is that the difference between the prices of offers for sale and purchase is 0.1% of the price level and below, while on stock exchanges this figure reaches 0.5% of the price of shares and bonds, and on markets real estate - 10% or more.

In developed countries there are almost no exchanges of real goods left. But in certain periods, in the absence of other forms of market organization, exchanges of real goods can play a significant role. The institution of the exchange has not lost its importance for international trade, due to the transformation from an exchange of real goods into a market for rights to goods, or into the so-called futures exchange.

Stock exchanges. Trade securities is conducted on international money markets, that is, on the exchanges of such large financial centers as New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt am Main, Tokyo, Zurich. Trading of securities is carried out during business hours at the exchange, or the so-called exchange time. Only brokers (brokers) can act as sellers and buyers on exchanges, who fulfill the orders of their clients, and for this they receive a certain percentage of the turnover. To trade securities - stocks and bonds - there are so-called brokerage firms, or brokerage houses.

At this time, trading in securities both on the domestic and foreign markets is acquiring great importance for the development of world trade as a whole. The volume of turnover within this form of international trade is steadily increasing, although it is strongly influenced by foreign policy factors.

Trade fairs. One of the best ways to find contact between producer and consumer are fairs and exhibitions. At thematic fairs, manufacturers display their products on exhibition spaces, and the consumer has the opportunity to choose, buy or order the product he needs right on the spot. The fair is an extensive exhibition where stands with goods and services are distributed according to theme, industry, purpose, etc.

In France, numerous industry exhibitions are organized by organizing societies, which in most cases do not have their own fairgrounds belonging to the chamber of commerce and industry. In the Italian fair industry, the largest fair company is the Milan Fair, which has no competitors in its annual turnover, which amounts to 200-250 million euros. It mainly rents out exhibition pavilions, but also acts as an organizer. At UK fairs, two large companies, operating outside the country, stand out - Reed and Blenheim, whose annual turnover ranges from 350 to 400 million euros. However, they also generate a significant portion of their turnover from outside the UK. According to official data, about 30 percent of Italy's foreign trade is carried out through fairs, including 18 percent through Milan. It has 20 representative offices abroad. The share of foreign participants and visitors averages 18 percent. Fairs in Germany generally occupy a leading place in Europe. Recently, the annual turnover of, for example, the Berlin Fair exceeds 200 million euros and has a steady upward trend.

The role of fairs will not decrease in the future, but, on the contrary, will increase. With the development of the international division of labor, which will deepen even more thanks to the free exchange of goods in Europe. With some exceptions, no obstacles or restrictions were created for visitors and participants of European fairs.

2.2 Current situation and development trends in international trade

As foreign trade statistics show, in the last decade and a half there has been a stable and constant growth in global foreign trade turnover, exceeding the growth rate of GDP, which convincingly indicates that all countries are increasingly drawn into the system of international division of labor. Global exports more than doubled, rising from $2 trillion. dollars In 1980 to 5.5 trillion. dollars in 2010. This means an increase in export volumes by more than 70% in the 80s and by more than 65% in 2009. Import indicators are also close to these values ​​(see Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 General results of world trade, billion dollars.

As can be seen from this table, the values ​​of exports and imports, and therefore the indicators of trade turnover of countries around the world, almost doubled from 2009 to 2012. But due to the slowdown in global trade growth observed since 2010, the author of this textbook predicts a decline in this indicator in 2011.

Table 2.2 Forecast of changes in trade turnover, % 2011/2012

Country or region

Change rate, %

European Union

Latin America


North America (USA and Canada)

European Union

Latin America


This table, in support of the above about the decrease in trade turnover, demonstrates forecasts of such a decrease in the indicator under consideration for various regions and countries of the world. Negative values ​​indicate the percentage of decrease in trade turnover, positive values ​​indicate the percentage of increase. What is typical is that for most of these countries and regions, changes, no matter in which direction they occur, occur synchronously.

According to WTO exporters, global trade turnover grew by 15% in 2011, which is one of the highest figures for last years. And this despite the fact that at the beginning of 2009, the growth of world trade volumes began to decline somewhat.

As for the growth rate of world trade, it can be stated: sustainable, faster growth rates of world trade turnover are indicators of new qualitative features of international trade associated with an increase in the capacity of world markets. Characteristic were the outpacing, fairly high rates of expansion of trade in finished industrial products, and in them - machinery and equipment, and even higher rates of growth in trade in communications products, electrical and electronic equipment, computers, etc. The volume of trade in components, components and assemblies supplied through production cooperation within TNCs is expanding even faster. And another dynamic phenomenon is the accelerated growth of international trade in services.

All this could not but affect radical shifts in both the commodity and geographical structure of world exchange. At the same time, the share of the main groups of developed, developing and former socialist countries has remained practically unchanged over the past 15-20 years. It was 70-76%, 20-24% and 6-8%, respectively. Now this ratio is beginning to change due to the accession of several post-socialist countries to the European Union, which was caused by their economic growth, and the changes caused by this.

In the commodity exchange of world foreign trade, an obvious trend of increasing share emerges finished products, which account for more than 70% of world trade. The remaining share is divided approximately equally between agricultural exports and extractive industries. For comparison, we can say that in the middle of the last century, the share of raw materials accounted for about two-thirds, and only one-third - for finished products.

Services currently account for almost a quarter of international trade exchanges. That is why various studies now pay special attention to the growth of global trade in services. Changes in global services exports over recent years are shown in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 World exports of services, billion dollars

Type of service


Transport, incl.


Other modes of transport


Government Services

Other types of services

Thus, total services account for about 25% of total world exports. If we talk about the distribution of the cost of services by certain species, then tourism and transport are of greatest importance in world trade in services. In addition, another trend is observed: exports are growing labor resources to developed countries from developing and especially post-socialist countries.

2.3 Features of the structure of world trade at the present stage

Significant changes have occurred in the structure of world trade: the share of finished goods has increased and the share of specific gravity food and raw materials, except fuel. While in the 1950s the share of raw materials and fuels was approximately equal to the share of manufactured goods, by the beginning of the new century the share of raw materials, food and fuel had fallen to 30%, of which 25% were fuels and 5% were raw materials. At the same time, the share of finished products increased from 50% to 70%. Quantitative characteristics of the structure of world trade are presented in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Structure of world trade in goods


Total volume, billion dollars Share, %


Mining industry:


Non-ferrous metals


Iron and steel

Products chemical industry

Other types of lower processed products:

Mechanical engineering and transport equipment

Automotive products

Office and telecommunications

Other types of transport equipment

Textile industry products

Other types of consumer goods

The decrease in the share of raw materials in international trade is explained by three main reasons: expansion of production synthetic materials based on the development of the chemical industry, greater use of domestic raw materials and the transition to resource-saving technologies. At the same time, trade in mineral fuels - oil, natural gas - has increased sharply as a result of the development of the chemical industry and changes in the structure of the fuel and energy balance.

If previously, international trade was dominated by raw materials and final products, then in modern conditions the exchange of semi-finished products, intermediate forms of products, and individual parts of the final product is becoming important. The emergence of a powerful production apparatus of TNCs abroad, the establishment of stable cooperation ties between individual international links in technological chains has led to the fact that already about 1/3 of all imports and up to 3/5 of trade in machinery and equipment are accounted for by intermediate products.

The reason for this phenomenon can be called the growth of specialization in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution. Monopolies strive to reduce unit production costs by increasing the minimum and optimal size of enterprises, achieving savings on large-scale mass production with widespread use of exports, since the volume of the domestic market does not allow for a significant increase in production. According to research, with a doubling of serial production, unit costs are reduced by 8-10%.

In the exports of industrialized countries, the share of high-tech products is growing, which in the USA, Switzerland and Japan amounts to over 20%, in Germany and France - about 15%. Trade in microelectronics products is growing especially rapidly. China has recently begun to lead in this position, where the annual increase in exports of such products amounted to 29.7% in 2012. The export and import of services, the so-called, play an important role in trade. "invisible exports". If in 2010 the volume of world exports of services amounted to 80 billion dollars, then in 2011-2012. - about 1.5 trillion. dollars, i.e. more than 20% of the cost of goods sold. Services account for more than 40% of US exports and 46% of UK exports.

With a decrease in the export of some traditional services (for example, transport), the export of services related to the use of scientific and technical achievements, with the introduction of computer technology, consulting, trade intermediary and technical services, know-how, communication services, banking services, insurance agencies, etc.

An analysis of trade directions reveals that mutual trade between industrialized countries, which account for almost 60% of world exports, is growing at a faster pace. In turn, developing countries export about 70% of their export goods to industrial countries (of which China - 34%). As for trade participants, the tendency to oust medium and small exporters and importers from the world market is intensifying. Foreign trade relations are concentrated within the framework of monopolistic associations. Already in the 80s, American exports related to the activities of TNCs amounted to 84% of all US exports and 60% of imports. A similar picture is observed in other countries.

A characteristic feature of recent years is the barterization of foreign economic transactions - the growth of counter trade. Such “counter” transactions account for 20% to 30% of all world trade.

Along with legitimate trade practices, criminal forms of trade, smuggling, and trade in counterfeit goods are gaining momentum, especially in a number of countries in Southeast Asia. trademarks(clothes, shoes, household electrical appliances). The volume of such trade reaches 60 billion dollars per year.

In general, it can be noted that over the past time the very nature of the world market has changed. It no longer receives surplus domestic production, but pre-agreed deliveries to a specific buyer.

2.4 Main problems of international trade

international trade turnover export

International trade is the process of buying and selling between buyers, sellers and intermediaries in different countries. It involves many practical and financial difficulties for the firms involved. Along with the usual problems of trade and commerce that arise in any type of business, there are additional problems in international trade:

Time and distance - credit risk and contract execution time;

Changes in foreign exchange rates - currency risk;

Differences in laws and regulations;

Government regulations - exchange controls, as well as sovereign risk and country risk.

The main effect of exchange rate fluctuations on international trade is the risk to the exporter or importer that the value of the foreign currency they use in their trade will be different from what they had hoped and expected.

Exposure to foreign currencies and foreign exchange risk may result in additional gains, not just losses. Businesses are finding ways to minimize or eliminate foreign currency exposure to plan business operations and more accurately forecast profits. Importers seek to minimize exposure to foreign currency for the same reasons. But, as with the exporter, importers prefer to know exactly how much they will have to pay in their currency. There are various ways to eliminate exposure to foreign currency, carried out with the help of banks.

In international trade, the exporter must invoice the buyer in a foreign currency (for example, the currency of the buyer's country), or the Buyer must pay for the goods in a foreign currency (for example, the currency of the exporter's country). It is also possible for the payment currency to be the currency of a third country: for example, a firm in Ukraine might sell goods to a buyer in Australia and ask for payment in US dollars. Therefore, one of the problems of the importer is the need to receive foreign currency to complete the payment, and the exporter may have the problem of exchanging the received foreign currency for the currency of his country.

The cost of imported goods to the buyer or the cost of exported goods to the seller may be increased or decreased due to changes in exchange rates. Therefore, a firm making payments or receiving income in foreign currencies has potential “currency risk” due to unfavorable changes in exchange rates.

The time factor is that a very long time may pass between submitting an application to a foreign supplier and receiving the goods. When goods are shipped over a long distance, the majority of the delay between requisition and delivery is typically due to the length of the transit period. Delays may also be caused by the need to prepare appropriate documentation for transportation. Time and distance create credit risk for exporters. The exporter usually must provide payment credit for a longer period of time than it would require if he were selling the goods within his own country. In the presence of large number foreign debtors there is a need to obtain additional working capital for their financing.

Insufficient knowledge and understanding of the rules, customs and laws of the importer's or exporter's country leads to uncertainty or mistrust between buyer and seller, which can only be overcome after a long and successful business relationship. One way of overcoming the difficulties associated with differences in customs and characters is to standardize the procedures of international trade.

Sovereign risk occurs when a country's sovereign government:

Receives a loan from a foreign lender;

Becomes a debtor to a foreign supplier;

Issues a loan guarantee on behalf of a third party in its own country, but then either the government or the third party refuses to repay the loan and claims immunity from prosecution. The creditor or exporter will be powerless to collect the debt because he will be prohibited from pursuing his claim through the courts.

Country risk occurs when a buyer does everything in his power to repay his debt to the exporter, but when he needs to receive that foreign currency, the authorities in his country either refuse to provide him with that currency or are unable to do so.

Government regulations regarding imports and exports can be a major obstacle to international trade. The following regulations and restrictions exist:

Regulations on currency regulation;

Export licensing;

Import licensing;

Trade embargo;

Import quotas;

Government regulations relating to legal safety and quality standards or specifications for all goods sold within that country, legal standards for health and hygiene, especially for foodstuffs; patents and brands; packaging of goods and the amount of information provided on the packaging;

The documentation required for customs clearance of imported goods can be very voluminous. Delays in customs clearing can be a significant factor in common problem delays in international trade;

Import duties or other taxes to pay for imported goods.

Foreign exchange regulations (i.e., a system for controlling the inflow and outflow of foreign currency into and out of a country) generally refer to extraordinary measures taken by a country's government to protect its currency, although the details of these regulations may change.

Thus, at the moment, global trade still faces many obstacles on its way. Although at the same time, in view of the general trend towards world integration, all kinds of trade and economic associations of states are being created to facilitate international trade.


The traditional and most developed form of international economic relations is foreign trade. Trade accounts for about 80 percent of the total current volume of international economic relations. Not a single country in the world has managed to create an economy without participating in international trade. In modern conditions Active participation countries in world trade is associated with significant advantages: it allows you to more efficiently use the resources available in the country, join the world achievements of science and technology, carry out structural restructuring of your economy in a shorter time, and also more fully and diversifiedly satisfy the needs of the population.

International trade is a consequence of the international division of labor and international specialization. This secures serious development prospects for it. In addition, global trade contributes to deepening the internationalization of production, international economic integration and globalization. Based on this, studying its current situation and considering the prospects for its development is necessary for building a foreign economic strategy at both the macro and micro levels. This means that not only states must have their own program of behavior in the international market of goods and services, but also enterprises and organizations operating in this market must have strategic concepts of functioning and behavior in changing conditions.

Foreign trade, especially in countries with open economies where the share of products sold on world markets is high, has a huge impact on the overall health of the economy. A deterioration in the conditions for the export of goods (decrease in prices, decrease in demand for them) or import (rise in price) can lead to a drop in national production, a deterioration in the balance of payments, and a depreciation of the national currency. The decline in foreign trade volumes has a particularly difficult impact on the situation of countries with a one-sided export structure and creates instability in their economies.

The dynamics of international trade development are characterized by rapid growth in trade turnover in the last decade. This is due to both the growth of the economic and scientific and technical potential of most states. At the same time, it is important to note the trend according to which the share of trade in finished products is growing in relation to the share of trade in raw materials. The volume of trade in semi-finished products is also increasing. In the growing variety of forms of international trade, intra-corporate trade of TNCs is beginning to occupy a significant position. This is explained, first of all, by the strengthening of the position of TNCs themselves at the international level, as well as by the naturally favorable position of related divisions located in different countries.

Structural changes occurring in the economies of countries under the influence of scientific and technological revolution, specialization and cooperation industrial production contribute to the activation of international trade. The volume of international trade, which drives all international commodity flows, is growing faster than production. They are also growing relative to the previous ones, and at a faster pace. In addition, the structure of trade is changing. Now trade in finished products predominates over trade in raw materials. The geographical structure of international trade is also changing: the main trade turnover of developing countries is directed to developed ones, they, in turn, trade mostly among themselves, while reorienting more and more towards the services market, and developing the sphere of international tourism. In addition, developing and post-socialist countries are expanding their labor exports.

A significant role in regulating foreign trade is played by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), transformed into the World Trade Organization on January 1, 2009, as well as various commodity treaties and intergovernmental trade agreements concluded on a bilateral basis.

Thus, to summarize, we can say that there is a rapid growth in the volume of international trade, and the share of finished products in it is steadily growing. The structure of international trade, both geographical and commodity, is constantly changing, currently representing a system of two elements: developed countries trading mainly among themselves, and developing countries supplying their products to developed countries.

WITHlist of sources used

1. Avdokushin E.F. International economic relations: Textbook. - M.: Economist, 2011. - 366 p.

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16. Puzakova E.P. World economy and international economic relations. Series " Higher education" District: Phoenix, 2012. - 448 p.

17. Ustinov I.N. World trade: Statistical and analytical reference book. - M.: Economics, 2011.

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PAppendix A

Table A.1 Quantitative characteristics of foreign trade of some countries of the world (including Ukraine) in 2010

Volume of foreign trade, million $

Place in terms of foreign trade volume

Export, million $

Import, million $


Great Britain


The Republic of Korea



PAppendix B

Table B.1 Negotiations under GATT

Opening and holding location

Geneva, Switzerland)

Reduced customs tariffs

Annecy (France)

Torquay (England)

1960-1961 (Dillon round)

1964-1967 (Kennedy round)

Reducing tariffs, developing an anti-dumping code

Tokyo (Japan), Geneva

1973-1979 (Tokyo round)

Reducing tariffs, developing a code that expands and strengthens GATT compensation in the area of ​​non-tariff barriers

Punta del Este (Uruguay),

1986-1994 (Uruguayan Round)

Reducing customs barriers, improving the GATT mechanism, agreement on the creation of the WTO. Development of an agreement on trade in services (GATS)

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Currently, not a single state in the world can develop successfully without integration into world economy. Moreover, there is a direct proportional relationship between the degree of integration into the world economy and the level of development of the domestic economy. As a rule, the more integrated a country is into the global economic space, the higher the level of development of its domestic economy, and vice versa.

In the modern world economy, foreign economic relations are an important exogenous (external origin) factor that has a significant impact on the dynamics and sustainability of the development of the national economy, the formation of its structure, and the efficiency of its functioning.

For many countries around the world, the dynamic development of foreign economic relations has become a catalyst for domestic economic growth. In particular, for newly industrialized countries, foreign economic relations were the main structure-forming factor in the process of forming a dynamic model of sustainable economic development in them.

Foreign economic relations play a special role in global integration processes. The current stage of development of world economic relations is characterized by dynamism, liberalization, and diversification of forms and types of foreign economic activity.

One of the important trends in the development of world economic relations is the diversification of forms of cooperation. In addition to traditional forms of foreign economic relations - foreign trade and investment cooperation - scientific and technical cooperation, industrial cooperation, monetary and financial, military-technical cooperation, tourism, etc. have been actively developing in recent years.

The main form of global economic relations remains foreign trade, which in terms of dynamics and value indicators is ahead of the movement of capital and other types of foreign economic relations. In addition, the growth rate of international export-import transactions exceeds the growth rate of world industrial production.

After 5 years of fairly moderate growth and stagnation in 1993, the volume of world trade began to grow at a fairly high rate in 1994. The growth rate of world trade in 1994 was 9.5%, which is a record figure for the last 20 years.

According to preliminary data, in 1995 the volume of world trade increased by 8%. The intensification of trade was facilitated by significant progress in the development of the international division of labor. In addition, a significant factor in the growth of international trade was the continued favorable economic conditions in many developing countries and especially in newly industrialized countries.

The impetus for the rapid development of world trade was the revolution in the field of information technologies. The value of exports of office and telecommunications equipment increased by 25% in 1995 to reach 12%. total cost world trade.

An important factor in the growth of world trade is the significant increase in re-exports of manufactured goods manufactured in developing countries using components and materials imported under trade preference systems.

Industrialized countries control more than 70% of world trade. The world's largest trading powers are the United States, Germany and Japan, which account for about a third of global export and import transactions. Top ten largest trading countries world includes France, Great Britain, Italy. Canada, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg. In recent years, there has been a steady upward trend in the share of developing countries in world trade, and especially the newly industrialized countries of Asia. In terms of total foreign trade ($920 billion in 1993), Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are second only to the United States. These countries account for more than 10% of total world trade. Data on the exports and imports of some countries and their shares in world exports and imports are presented in tables 1 and 2. Among the Asian, newly industrialized countries, the top ten largest trading powers in the world include Hong Kong, which in 1993 ranked 7th on the list in exports and 8th place in imports. Hong Kong is significantly ahead of all countries in the world in terms of the value of exports and imports per capita.

Among countries with economies in transition, China's foreign trade is developing most dynamically. From 1979 to 1995, the average annual growth of export-import transactions was 16.5%, which significantly exceeded the growth rate of world trade. The value of China's foreign trade increased from $24 billion in 1979 to $281 billion in 1995, allowing the country to become one of the ten largest trading powers in the world.

Modern international trade is developing at a fairly high pace. Among the main trends in the development of international trade, the following can be identified:

  • 1) There is a preferential development of trade in comparison with sectors of material production and the entire world economy as a whole. Thus, according to some estimates, during the period of the 50-90s of the 20th century, the world's GDP grew approximately 5 times, and merchandise exports - no less than 11 times. Accordingly, if in 2000 the world's GDP was estimated at $30 trillion, then the volume of international trade - exports plus imports - was $12 trillion.
  • 2) In the structure of international trade, the share of manufacturing products is growing (up to 75%), of which more than 40% are engineering products. Only 14% is fuel and other raw materials, the share of agricultural products is about 9%, clothing and textiles are 3%.
  • 3) Among the changes in the geographical direction of international trade flows, there is an increasing role of developed countries and China. However, developing countries (mainly due to the emergence of new industrial countries with a pronounced export orientation from among them) managed to significantly increase their influence in this area. In 1950, they accounted for only 16% of world trade turnover, and by 2001 - already 41.2%. Since the second half of the 20th century, uneven dynamics of foreign trade have become evident. In the 1960s, Western Europe was the main center of international trade. Its exports were almost 4 times higher than US exports. By the end of the 1980s, Japan began to become a leader in terms of competitiveness. During the same period, the “new industrial countries” of Asia - Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan - joined it. However, by the mid-1990s, the United States took a leading position in the world in terms of competitiveness. Exports of goods and services in the world in 2007, according to the WTO, amounted to 16 trillion. US dollars. The share of the goods group is 80%, and services - 20% of the total trade volume in the world.
  • 4) The most important direction in the development of foreign trade is intra-company trade within TNCs. According to some data, intra-company international deliveries account for up to 70% of all world trade, 80-90% of sales of licenses and patents. Since TNCs are the most important link in the world economy, world trade is at the same time trade within TNCs.
  • 5) Trade in services is expanding, in several ways. The first is cross-border delivery, such as distance learning. Another way of supplying services - consumption abroad - involves the movement of the consumer or the movement of his property to the country where the service is provided, for example, the service of a guide on a tourist trip. The third method is a commercial presence, for example, the operation of a foreign bank or restaurant in the country. And the fourth way is moving individuals who are service providers abroad, such as doctors or teachers. The leaders in trade in services are the most developed countries of the world.

Keywords:international trade, trade between countries

International trade is the main form of world economic relations.In terms of dynamics and value indicators, it is ahead of the growth of world production, the movement of capital and other types of foreign economic relations, which is one of the most important characteristics of the modern world economy. The growth rate of international export-import transactions exceeds the growth rate of the main segments of world production, incl. industrial goods, minerals and agricultural products.

Increasing importance of trade in the global economy, as well as its intensive development are due to the objective process globalization and the increasing interdependence of most countries of the world. The intensification of world trade was facilitated by significant progress in the development of the international division of labor.

In the field of trade exchanges, international regimes and multilateral agreements were developed within the framework of the WTO - international organization, which operated on the basis of a multilateral treaty establishing the principles and rules of world trade. The activities of the WTO are aimed at liberalizing export-import transactions and, in particular, at reducing and eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers.

A further increase in international trade was facilitated by significant liberalization of foreign trade policies of developing countries, expanding the scale of trade between them and, in addition, maintaining favorable market conditions industrial products in many developing and newly industrialized countries. It was also significant revolution in the field of information technology and telecommunications.

An important factor in the growth of world trade is significant growth in re-export of industrial goods manufactured in developing countries using components and materials imported under trade agreement systems.

In recent years, there have been significant changes in the structure of world trade. In particular, significantly the share of communication and information technology services has increased, in the same time the share of trade in commodities and agricultural products is declining.

Certain changes are also taking place in the geographical distribution of world trade. Trade of developing countries is gradually increasing, but the volume of trade flows from newly industrialized countries is increasing at a particularly rapid pace.

The foreign trade of China, India and Brazil is developing dynamically, which has allowed these countries to become one of the largest trading powers in the world.

At the same time, a significant part of world trade turnover - about a third of world export-import transactions - is still accounted for by leading industrialized countries (USA, Germany and Japan). The largest trading countries in the world include France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

Thus, the following modern trends in the development of international trade can be identified:

1. The dynamics of international trade are characterized by at a fast pace development

2. With the general growth of foreign trade, it dynamics vary in individual countries and regions

3. Foreign trade is growing at a faster pace than the general rates of intra-economic development of countries

4. Export and import quotas have increased many countries

5. Geographical configuration world trade in the post-war period is characterized by asymmetrical

6. Main thread international trade accounts for mutual trade developed countries

7. The commodity structure of world trade is changing:

The flow of goods involved in international trade is diversifying;

The share of finished products in international trade is increasing;

The volume of international trade in chemical products has increased;

The share of international trade in commodities, fuel, and food is declining.
