Network Marketing vs. Network marketing: pros and cons. Let's be honest about network marketing

MLM is a business of the weaker sex, some husbands perceive it with hostility. It happens (and this is an easier case, although tender female pride hurts painfully) that they treat the network business ironically, with a grin, they say, again they fool you, you don’t shine with your mind ...

Be that as it may, but not all husbands support wives who are carried away by network marketing.

This is only later, when a woman reaches tangible financial results, the man will think about it and go after her.

I will not consider the causes of male discontent, a fact is a fact. Better let's talk about how to solve a similar problem.

One of the ways that I liked is to say something like this to your precious half:

“I really liked this business and I want to achieve success. So please don't bother me for at least the first three months. If it doesn't work out, then I'll quit, and you'll be right. And if everything goes well for me, then you will still be proud of me.

Usually, after such words, men agree to endure the strange behavior of their wife for a short time, but the woman tries to do everything possible to be on top.

And here is another way that I propose after reading an article by psychologist Tatyana Ogneva. A friend brought this article to me. I read it and thought that all this should be used by women who underestimate their husbands, because in fact the same man behaves differently in the presence of different women. You can even notice such extremes: now he is rude - now a gentleman, now generous - then stingy.

It turns out that the behavior of the woman herself depends on the behavior of the man.

Dear ladies, let's carefully read the article by Tatyana Ogneva, which I am quoting you verbatim, draw smart conclusions and remove all obstacles from our husbands.

In general, we use this method: if the husband is against MLM, we will make him rich, or rather, we will carefully make him a rich MLM businessman.

So, article "How to make a husband rich?"

Whether your life partner is an oligarch or not, of course, largely depends on him. But the woman next to him is also very important.

"Cherche la femme" - say the French. And for good reason. La femme can help a man grow, and she is also able to overthrow him into the abyss of failure. Potential Rockefellers as wives subconsciously choose girls who can inspire them to enrich themselves.

For example, once in an interview glossy magazine Igor Krutoy said that he owes his success to his current wife. Before her, he had not dreamed of such heights.

And they say about Boris Berezovsky that he became an oligarch under the influence of his second wife. And before that he was a poor teacher with no special prospects.

But let's get down to specifics. To begin with, let's figure out which ladies are able to bring good luck in business.

The "victim" raises the tyrant herself

The foundation on which family well-being is built is the balance of “give and take”. Women from this point of view are divided into three types.

Victims get little in return. They do not know how to ask and accept something from others. This is a kind of pride to show how strong she is and how much she can endure. If someone gives her something good, she is embarrassed. If someone praises, gets lost and objects. He does not know how to claim a reward for his exploits. Unable to even talk to the boss about a promotion...

It is hard for the husbands of sacrificial women to succeed. They have an underlying sense of guilt that their wife is unhappy, and they subconsciously seem to be trying to punish themselves for this. There is no energy to do anything, to create.

In addition, the life partners of such ladies easily turn into domestic tyrants. After all, female “victims” do not respect men. You can't ask your husband for anything. For example, instead of clarifying, they say, it’s not these roses that I like, but those peonies over there, they start to cut: you are a moron, but I like peonies. And in general, you ruined all my youth ... As a result, they don’t get either one or the other. And even in general they are finished to the point that they get only in the neck. And this corresponds to her picture of the world, in which she proudly bears the cross of a martyr.

Sharks are easily cheated

The second category - accustomed to grabbing - "Everything to me, to me!". This is the predator position. She does not know how to give, but she wants to take. Such a lady knows how to masterfully manipulate a man. In relationships, he puts the material component in the first place. In advance, it creates precisely material barriers for the husband, so that he does not suddenly leave. She is not confident in herself and tries to spread straws everywhere.

“Children, love, sex - these are all fragile bonds,” one older colleague once told me in my youth. - Real estate! That's what holds a man much stronger!

"Predators" are stingy not only in money, but also in women's warmth. And it is to such women that husbands most easily change. After all, one day a man gets tired of giving all the time and not receiving love in return. And he goes to the left for a portion of what the keeper of the hearth should give. And the "predator" sits and guards the property, turning over time into a treasurer. Happiness, of course, does not give anyone.

It is a little easier for the husband of the predator to succeed than the husband of the victim. For the time being, he is spurred on by the desires of his wife. But one day he fizzles out and can drop everything or let it take its course. And most importantly, this family will not live long. Spouses either get divorced or live in a pseudo-marriage.

Know how to take and give

The ability to take is to know what you need and how much. And to claim the rights to it specifically and calmly at the address.

For example, a woman lacks the attention of her husband. In a healthy version, she says: "Give me half an hour of time, I want to chat with you, look at the stars, etc." The sacrificial lady is silent to the last, so that later she bursts into a tearful tirade: “You don’t give me time at all! Reptile! ..” But the “predator”, on the contrary, will begin to demand to give her a lot of time and attention, to buy that trinket, just to show her power. And zadolbaet faithful so that he will run away at the first opportunity.

The ability to give is not to impose your services or feelings, but to give exactly as much as the other needs, and when it is needed.

This balance concerns not so much the material, but rather the mental and spiritual in the relationship of the spouses. When the balance is normal, the husband perceives the family as a calm haven, for which he is ready for exploits, she inspires him.

Raising a Profitable Wife

What character traits do you need to develop in yourself in order for your husband to succeed?

Mutual respect. "I respect you and you respect me!" - such a message is conveyed with all her appearance by a woman who brings good luck. This is shown in her behavior and words. She has self-esteem, and if something does not suit her, she talks about it calmly.

The main thing in this is an affectionate tone.. Repeat - repeat - repeat. With a smile on sugary lips. So you can bring up a man who always brings his coat, opens the door, and so on.

Why does this behavior of a woman attract success to a man? Because the possession of a lady who gently demands respect for herself, self-sufficient and confident, who knows what she wants, automatically makes a man straighten his shoulders and act like a winner.

Sense of taste. If a woman feels like a high-class lady, then the man next to her sits down. But to look like a lady, you need style and good taste. He needs to be trained. How - it's up to you to decide. Watch fashion shows, flip through magazines, chat with women who know how to dress.

Style is the ability to look amazing regardless of money. There are ladies who have been given the opportunity to buy items from the latest collections in boutiques, but they still look like they just came from the market. And vice versa - an understanding lady will bring such things from a Chinese flea market that will only decorate her.

And of course, a sense of taste and style must be brought into the house. This encourages a man to earn more.

Smart economy. As you know, rich people do not squander money. A profitable wife knows the value of her husband's penny. Therefore, will not spend on trifles and cheap stuff. As the saying goes, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.

But this does not mean that she only buys expensive ones. Not! A good wife knows how to shop. For her, quality comes first. Money must be loved so as not to waste. Only for worthy things, necessary and necessary for real, and not for a fictitious reason. Moreover, a good hostess knows where you can buy the best thing for the house cheaper.

Do you know the joke about Bill Clinton? He once drove, while still president, with his wife Hillary past a gas station owned by her former boyfriend. And Bill says to her: “Look how good it is that you married me and not him. I would now be the wife of the owner of the gas station. To which Hillary replies: “No, he would be the president now!”

What kind of woman should one strive to become in order to harmoniously inspire her husband to career exploits? And what practical actions are useful for a financial muse? By the way, women often say and do it all instinctively:

1. Create an atmosphere

If a woman does not believe in her husband, even silently, he is also not confident in his abilities and is secretly angry with his wife for this. That's why…

Laying the foundation for confidence. There is a small but effective lesson for this.

Take a piece of paper, a pen and write ten answers to the question: “Why is my husband the best?” And by the way, the more often you tell your spouse that he is the best, the more your chances of remaining the only one for him increase. He stops looking for other ways of self-affirmation. He is not distracted by his internal complexes. This encourages him to keep growing.

Use the power of positive parting words whenever possible. Tell your husband more often: “You are strong, you can do anything, I believe in you” - and so on.

There are women who, for some reason, wanting to help their husband, try to solve all the problems instead of him, do all the men's work. But even if you know how best to do it, let the man decide for himself. And present your advice in the form of reflections with the obligatory use of the words “maybe”. The main thing here is to relax. Learn to trust your husband.

The feeling of being loved gives strength to the husband. Once Dmitry Dibrov answered an interview question: “What should a smart wife do?” - "Cut out hearts with words of love and hang them around the house."

2. Set yourself up for success

The visualization method works very well. The point is to clearly represent the desired future in colors and nuances.

Visualization for the wife "Rich Husband". Sit in a comfortable position and imagine what your husband would look like if he were very rich. What car does he drive? What things does he wear? What gives you? What does your home look like? What time does he leave and come? And so on.

Specialists in positive thinking they say that if every day for 5 minutes like this “imagining”, in a month the first changes for the better will begin.

Visualization for husband "Superman". Meditation for a man is to feel himself in the "Superman" state. For example, give your husband a Sunday massage and ask him to imagine being able to be on top of his wildest dreams. As if he has already achieved everything, he has everything, he is prospering. You can feel with your own hands how a person reacts when he enters this state. His back muscles relax and seem to rebuild.

3. Massage "for money"

From the point of view of psychosomatics, the finance zone is located on the back in the lumbar region. The zone of trust in people and one's own strength is between the shoulder blades. Shoulders are responsible. Massage by a beloved woman relieves muscle clamps in these areas.

Breaking your lower back? It's money fears. Fears create clamps, and then clamps increase fears, everything is interconnected.

4. Strengthening ties with the father

From the point of view of the method of family systems, the energy of money flows to us from the side of the father. Therefore, start making friends yourself, and persuade your husband to be friends with your dads.

And if, for example, in parental families, everything was not going smoothly in money or in love, the German psychoanalyst Bert Hellinger advises mentally telling parents:

"Let me be a little happier and richer than you."

And ask for blessings. So you are working on your tribal conscience, which makes a person repeat the family scenario at all costs.

How to behave when a life partner is unlucky?

If the period is not good, your task is to distract from gloomy thoughts. So what, that they were underpaid, there is no work or something else. Life does not end, no one has died, you are together, the main thing is your family, children, your love. Tomorrow will be different, the morning of the evening is wiser.

Smile! Do not allow whining about why not rushing and who is to blame. He wants to curse someone, let him speak and change the subject gently, saying, what a wonderful cake I got.

The fact is that, if we talk about the problem, it increases. And if you think about the solution - decreases.

Sometimes it's good to just put off looking for the answer to the question "what to do?". This is what psychoanalysis advises, even Freud discovered the so-called Superconscious, which does all the dirty mental work. There the answer will ripen.

And even more so, you don’t have to drink. If the husband is stuck in a state of depression for a year or two, shock therapy can help. But very carefully.

Allan Pease, an American psychologist, said that he was depressed because he was robbed by an accountant. Two years after the beginning of this black streak, Barbara's wife said: “Darling, I love you, but this cannot last any longer. Either you sign up for a psychologist, stop winding snot around your fist and go to work, or I and the children will leave you in an embrace with your depression. He was scalded with boiling water, he jumped up and after a couple of years became a world-famous best-selling author.

How to behave when a life partner is ... very lucky?

But when the husband is on horseback, at the first sign of boasting and arrogance, it is necessary to explain to him that luck is changeable. And if you revel in success, he will cheat on you.

You just need to be happy for your husband and spend money on joint pleasures. And, by the way, in order for the husband’s income to grow further, you need to ask him for gifts. Some purely feminine things that decorate and make you happy.

Instead of an afterword

After reading all this, someone may get the impression that a woman only does what she jumps around her husband.

But here the principle “do everything for pleasure” is important. This time. Not drawn to the positive and no strength for a massage? Who forces! On the contrary, a husband can give his wife a massage of the money zone - it won’t hurt.

Two. It is important that when performing all these exercises, the wife lives her own life, does not “hang” on her spouse. It is she who colors a gloomy day with joy and causeless happiness.

In society, it is customary to perceive finance as something evil. And when you give to a beggar, knowing that with this money he will buy food, then banknotes in perception are transformed into good. And the bans on earning are lifted. It is not for nothing that many wealthy families themselves come to such a scheme - the husband earns, and the wife does charity work.

Those of you, dear women, who are interested in this article and who have read it to the end, may ask: “What does MLM have to do with it?”

Maybe nothing. It won’t hurt anyone to use the author’s advice, and if you take them into service in relations with husbands who speak out against the network business, then I think you can get quite positive changes. Yes, plus add to this your success in MLM! Can you imagine what will happen?!

Good luck to all! Write your comments below, share your thoughts.

If your husband is against MLM, make him rich!

Today we will talk honestly about network marketing, or rather, about those obstacles that are most often encountered in the work of any beginner MLM business a.

In order to succeed in the network business, we involve a lot of people. But not all of them become our like-minded people, our true business partners.

We often face objections. And how professionally we learn to work with objections depends on how quickly success will come in the MLM business.

After analyzing the most common objections, I have identified three of them, which, in my opinion, are the most dangerous. These are the three illusions that hinder success.

The most dangerous objections in MLM:

  1. I need to earn now.
  2. My husband is against it.
  3. I can't, I have kids.

Let's analyze all these three points separately.

Illusion 1. I need to earn NOW!

This is the most common objection and at first it is not at all easy to work with.

Look at the situation and it's clear. A woman works, earns 10-12 thousand rubles. My husband also has difficulties with work. And she also has children to raise. And indeed, it is clear that she has no money and no time. How can you fit into the budget with that kind of money, so that the children are dressed, that they have enough for food, and even to look good myself.

How can she answer such an objection, where can she find free time for her? Especially not for an experienced MLM beginner.

Let's talk honestly about network marketing.

We need to explain that even in such a situation there is a way out of the situation.

What do you mean no time or money? This means when a person himself chose this path. And it was this path that brought him into this situation, into this vicious circle. Not everyone can break out of this vicious circle. Many people live their whole lives without trying to change anything.

What can you say to such a person?

I would answer like this: “What will happen in the future if you do not change this situation now? If you continue to earn the same money, and your family's demands will only increase? What can change, say, in three years, in 5 and 10 years? How old will you be in 10 years? What do you expect?

In order for our tomorrow to change, we need to start changing something today. Every day we need to do at least something that can change our future. Earn this money that you have further, but change at least some little thing in your life.

Let's imagine such a situation. A man's button came off his pants. And he has nowhere to go, as soon as holding his pants with his hands. At the same time, he cannot move anywhere, he cannot do anything.

If you ask him why he does not sew on a button, because you can stand like this all your life, he will answer that then he will have to remove his hands and let go of his pants.

This is how a lot of people live, holding their pants without a button with their hands. Doing nothing, changing nothing in your life. And life goes on, and goes by very quickly.

To change our lives, we need to go to some temporary discomfort. We need to let go of our hands to sew on the button! Most likely, if you have a strong desire to change something in your life, the time of discomfort will not last long. But ahead of you will have a normal life. The kind you wouldn't even dream of.

Illusion 2. My husband is against it.

It seems to me that this objection is simply absurd. Why did you come into this business? Most likely in order to change your life for the better. So that you and your children have the opportunity to study at prestigious universities, so that you can relax not in the country, but in the best places world and country to help their elderly parents, to improve their living conditions, etc.

Is your husband against it? Will your husband be against if you can buy a prestigious car? Or will your husband be against it if you can have a decent vacation with the whole family twice a year? What does your husband know about network marketing?

I do not think that the husband will be against your life changing for the better.

Another situation is possible. The husband earns well, and tells his wife to stay at home, take care of the children and the house. But over time, in such a situation, a woman turns into a grouchy, limited in interests, housewife.

She is getting used to this lifestyle. Meanwhile, a husband who has someone and something to compare her with, becomes simply bored with her. You can imagine how it will end.

I am sure that if your husband sees that you are developing as a person in this business, that you are passionate and interested, he will help you.

And one more thing in this illusion that your husband is against. If at some point, when your husband has temporary difficulties with his job or with his income, he may get involved in your business. He will help you in everything. And this is a huge plus.

In MLM, couples often achieve success.

Illusion 3. I can't, I have children.

Well, it's against all logic. This begs the question: “What are you doing for your children now?”

The answer is obvious: “I drive and take the children to Kindergarten, school. I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. I dress, I undress. Etc. etc.

Okay, let's ask another question then: "What can you do for your children with an income of $3,000 or $5,000?"

Doesn't it occur to you that $500 of that money could be spent on another woman doing all the technical work for you? And with the rest of the money, you can take your children to see Disney Land, or go to the water park, relax on the seashore, etc.

Such a childhood of your children will be able to fill their lives with happiness, positive emotions. Yes, you yourself know what you can spend this money on to make your children live better. And not like now, when every now and then they hear from you that it's expensive, it's not for him, that now there is no money, etc.

So, let's sum up our honest conversation about network marketing.

  1. Need to make money now?
    Earn! But set aside a piece of time, a piece of your soul, in order to start changing something in your life. Do at least a little each day to get closer to your goal.
    In this case, your life will definitely change!
  2. Husband is against it?
    Well, it happens. Do this business! And your husband will eventually take your side and be your ally. And it will come much faster, the faster you start getting decent money in this business.
  3. Do you have kids and don't have time?
    Children are the strongest motivator. It is the future of our children that is the strongest argument in favor of doing network marketing and becoming successful.

P.S. Today we talked quite honestly about network marketing. Do you have any questions left? Write your comments!

Such a way of promoting a product as network marketing, of course, has the right to exist. But that kind of work just doesn't work for me. And I would not recommend him to friends and acquaintances either. I'll tell you about personal experience.

I worked for a year in a company producing and distributing dietary supplements (biologically active food supplements), then I changed two more similar ones. Everywhere the same principles and methods of work, causing rejection - at first light, but the further, the more.

A person who is tired of deprivation and illness is beckoned by a ghost " beautiful life". With villas, limousines, yachts, trips abroad, high society receptions ... It's all nearby, just reach out! Believe in the Company, work for its benefit - and you will be rewarded. And if a person has never had a beautiful and normal life at all? And he does not need a villa and islands, sometime later, but to improve his health and improve nutrition - right now.

But money investments are required from him, and immediately: for the signing of a contract, for the purchase of products that need to be distributed. A few of those who signed the contract really become healthy and wealthy. And these are those who stood at the origins of the company in Russia. Who managed to capture in time the upsurge of the enthusiasm of the newcomers who believed them. But hundreds and thousands of people who came after them spend their last money and strength without getting anything in return.

A distributor of one of the companies told how he fought poverty and his daughter's illness. He borrowed money to buy jars of dietary supplements, went to Moscow from his village to pick them up, delivered them to his clients by bus, and held his daughter on his shoulders during the company's festival in Moscow. And he believed, boundlessly believed that everything would get better: my daughter would recover, money for a normal life would appear, recede like a bad dream, deprivation and hunger ... Everything seemed to be simple - I got a job in a reputable "international company" with a foreign name, and the economic laws of your home country no longer apply to you. He saved himself, and saved the children! Is it true that they don't work?

They work and how! Trusting people do not understand the obvious facts: you can not deploy economic activity in the country and not depend on it economic conditions. You depend on the exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble, on the availability of your own start-up capital, on the speed and cost of delivery of the goods you are promoting, on the solvency of your potential customers.

To purchase the first batch of goods, you also need money, right? Or you have to borrow, make debts. And then? Try to sell a jar of dietary supplement capsules for 650 rubles in a village where people have not seen real money for years! Or the same thing - in the city, state employees, with a salary of 6 - 7 thousand rubles! Yes, after buying such “food additives” he will have nothing left for the food itself! And those who can afford such expenses are unlikely to be interested in this product: it has the opportunity to go to a paid clinic or beauty salon. Yes, and they will not let some kind of “distributor of a network company” into the circle of the rich and influential.

And so it turns out: with great difficulty to sell several jars of dietary supplements to your friends or someone who really needs it - the child is sick or the spouse. And they won't buy it the second time. Because it is too expensive, and 650 rubles is new shoes for a child or curtains for a bedroom or part of a loan for an item that is needed in the household.

As for "success and prosperity" ... Very doubtful. If it does, it will not be for everyone, and not at all soon. But real relationships with friends and loved ones deteriorate very quickly.

What is taught to a new distributor in any network company? That's right, "make a list of your acquaintances" and "invite your friends to various Company events." Naturally, everyone will turn first of all to relatives, classmates and classmates, childhood friends, "dog lovers" from the nearest park, colleagues - that is, to their close circle. After all, “everything in our company is based on trust, everything is honest, without deceit,” as the “information sponsors” say, agitating newcomers.

Friends and acquaintances, having visited the next presentation, begin to express their doubts and criticism. The distributor wonders why they do not understand him and do not want to understand? His relatives, in turn, consider him a zombie. And the person runs the risk of simply being left alone.

"Your unsuccessful friends are pulling you back!",
“You will change your environment and enter our new family!”,
"You will easily communicate with the rich and successful",
"Do not communicate with critics and whiners, they extinguish your enthusiasm!".

But for some reason, "critics and whiners" are dear to our hearts, and this is the highest truth, which is much more significant than the "success" and "financial independence" promised in the near future.

My friend once complained: “Our drugs cannot be distributed among your friends! They listened to me a couple of times, and then promised to exclude me from our circle if I didn’t stop talking about my dietary supplements. As a joke, of course, but I didn’t risk it!

“Are friends more valuable to you or the opportunity to earn money?” I asked her. She chose friends.

That's why I don't play network marketing games anymore. And I do not believe "information sponsors".

Let's analyze in detail why many of us do not like MLM and is it really worth not loving it so much?

Here are some main reasons to consider:
1) In MLM, no one earns, but only spends
Alas, in most cases this is exactly what happens. In any business, according to statistics, 9 out of 10 fail. The fact that many people fail in MLM can be easily explained.
There are already a number famous companies network marketing. Everyone already knows about the company, even those who have nothing to do with MLM. All this suggests that people in the company have already earned their millions, and newcomers will get only a donut hole. Of course, in this case, the income of the newly minted “businessman” will be much less than his expenses. In any network company, it is necessary to make monthly purchases in order to ensure turnover. And to whom you can sell the purchased goods, if there are your fellow networkers around, eager to sell the same thing. So it turns out that the newcomer buys this product for himself. And then half the apartment is littered with dietary supplements and creams.
But there is a solution to this problem!
You need to find a reliable, but relatively young company in which rapid growth is yet to come. For clarity, imagine that you would have started a business with Amway 40 years ago. What level would you be at right now?
Something similar is possible now! Such companies exist today!

2) MLM is a pyramid scheme
It is not true! There is a sea of ​​information about how a pyramid differs from a network marketing company. Whoever needs it will figure it out, and we'll move on.

3) MLM is a sect
Alas, I have to partly agree with this. I have had occasion to communicate with representatives of network companies that do not see beyond their noses.
For example, to the question “Why exactly company X attracted you so much, did you study the offers of other companies?” I got the answer: “Company X has been on the market for N years and we don’t need anyone else! Other proposals have not been considered and do not want!”
Illogical, right? Agree, if you are looking for, say, a manager's job, then it would be quite normal to find out about the conditions: what is the working day, what is the schedule, what is the salary level, etc. After all, it is possible that there is a company nearby where good money is paid for the same work, and you have to work 7 hours a day, while here you are offered to plow for pennies 12 hours a day.
For example, I have studied and continue to study various network marketing companies. It makes no sense to miss your chance, besides, sometimes interesting products come across. For example, I like Noni juice, although I have nothing to do with TNI. Simply delicious juice!
People who do not consider any other options other than their company X, perhaps, I would also classify as sectarians. These are fanatics of their business, their company, who not only do not want, but are even afraid to hear about some other options.
Yes, there are such people. Unfortunately, there are quite a few of them. But ... tell me, are there many people in your environment who are constantly looking for new and new opportunities, and do not stupidly thump beer at the entrance every day?
I'll tell you a secret, many people just don't want money! Seriously! Some of my friends hate me because I openly declare: “I love money!”. Paradoxically, but true!
The level of development of people does not directly depend on whether they are a networker or not. And among ordinary people, and among the networkers there are boobies who do not want to think!

4. Networkers are pushy! I don't want to be like that!
Not all! For example, I do not pull anyone. Why do I need partners in my team?
But, alas, there are annoying ones. Usually annoying losers who have no idea what to do and get everyone in a row. In classical network marketing, it is customary to offer a product to everyone who comes to hand. Brad full! However, this is still true in some companies.
It also happens that you are tricked into attending some MLM seminar. There is, alas! I myself encountered this a few years ago - until the last they do not admit that this is MLM.
Therefore, networkers are not loved for their importunity, and quite rightly they are not loved. Fortunately, the rules of the game are changing. And I, for one, am proud to be doing network marketing.

5. In network companies, you need to look for fools and “sell” junk to them.
Not! The product of network companies must be exclusive and of very high quality. You won't get far with "junk"!
How about the idea of ​​selling a great thing to smart people?
For example, ISIF sells very high-quality courses that teach financial literacy, time management, presentation skills, etc. Do fools need this?
Only smart people who want to become even smarter will be interested in such an intellectual product. Or am I wrong?

I think that we have already dealt with the problems of the MLM industry. Let's now look at the pros of network marketing companies.

1. Team training and support.
Perhaps this is one of the most important advantages in MLM - the opportunity to constantly learn and receive support from like-minded people.
Of course, there must be a strong team, which includes people who will help everyone who really wants to grow.
I personally was very lucky with the team. My partners are reliable people and very powerful leaders. I look at these wonderful people and they inspire me.

2. Exchange of information
People united by one goal can exchange information. It is good for the brain and speeds up the processes. For example, valuable advice about what book to read can sometimes save a lot of time.

3. Change of environment
The environment has a very strong influence on us. Surrounding ourselves with positive-minded people striving for success, we ourselves are able to achieve success.

4. New acquaintances
New people mean new opportunities, new ideas. And sometimes new life. After all, it happens that some book or film changes our life, our understanding of what is happening. New people are also able to change our lives.
I say this from personal experience. My life has changed dramatically over and over! And all this thanks to the new people who met me on the way. I don't believe in coincidence. Everything is natural!

5. Success and money
No money in MLM? Do not make me laugh! They exist, otherwise hundreds, thousands and millions of people would not be engaged in the MLM business.
Network marketing- this is the only way to reach a large income without initially having large amounts of money. Of course, we know the stories of people who managed to create a fortune without initially having money. But these are exceptions, not the rule. MLM gives this opportunity to more people.

It is important to find the right leader or team of leaders and go to the right MLM company that has yet to grow.
Learn to look a few steps ahead!

Each of us was offered at least once to buy something or become part of the Oriflame company. I was tempted by a friend and I agreed. I will say right away that I have been working on the Internet for 3 years in addition to my main job, I know where and how much you can earn. It took me exactly one week. All week I did not climb out of social networks and forums and not a single registration. In a week, I lost 3,500 rubles (that's how much I could earn on the Internet). At that time, I realized that this was a long-term job that required a lot of effort and investment, and eventually stopped working. Later, I asked how much she managed to earn. For 8 months, 20 thousand rubles. Well, this is not enough, anyone can earn more online. I know she works 7-8 hours writing and writing, it's hard for me. Without straining anyone, I earned about 50,000 thousand rubles in 8 months. At the same time, she worked a day on the strength of three hours and not every day.
I do not know a single person who was able to achieve the real success that the company promises. Now about whether or not to work in Oriflame.

Advantages of working in Oriflame:

1. Good team. You will be supported in everything and always by your mentors.

2. You can still earn. It is possible, but if you plow like a horse.

3. Use the products. You will have to order products, at home you will only use Oriflame.

4. No need to think about what to give to friends, colleagues, relatives. To receive a salary, you need to buy for a certain amount. You can give everyone Oriflame products.

5. Lots of literature. This is the biggest plus of the job. Although I did not start working in Oriflame, but to open my online store, I take and will take their concept of attracting and selling.

Cons of working in Oriflame

1. Time. It will take you a long time to build your structure. Maybe a year or two, maybe more.

2. Money. Whatever one may say, you will have to buy products. Look at the development structure and see for yourself.

3. Big competition. During the week of my work, other employees whom I do not know in in social networks and offered to engage in oriflame. Just imagine already writing to each other. This suggests that everyone is already busy in this area and it is very difficult to find your client.

4. Friends and family may stop contacting you. You will only talk about work about the company, not everyone can stand it.

5. Opening of IP. If you managed to earn, then you need to open an IP to withdraw money. This is not beneficial for everyone, for example, at your main job you cannot open an individual entrepreneur (my case.).

Of course, everyone decides to work or not. I can say one thing, Oriflame is the most harmless company in network marketing, even if you have to invest money, then on products. Oriflame gave me a good information base for opening an online store, but I could not work in the company. As soon as a friend achieves success in the company, I will supplement my review, I promise.
