Secrets of making money in a taxi. How to make money in a taxi service What time are more taxi orders

Despite the constant growth in the number of people driving a personal car, taxi services do not lose their relevance. This is good source income. How you can make money as a taxi service, you will learn in this article.

High competition

The outward simplicity of working in a taxi regularly attracts new drivers. And almost immediately they are faced with high competition. To cope with it, not to be disappointed in the chosen profession and reach a stable income, it is important to monitor the prices for taxi services and their quality. In addition, even at the initial stage, future taxi drivers should learn the basics of a successful start, existing ways to earn money and increase income.

Top 3 mistakes new drivers make

In pursuit of quick money, inexperienced taxi drivers make a number of mistakes. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Striving for a large number of orders. Reducing the time to complete the next order, the driver often has to break the rules traffic, which causes additional costs for paying fines or eliminating the consequences of an accident.
  2. Neglect of the distance between the previous and subsequent passenger. Lack of control of routes causes high transport costs. Their value directly depends on the number of working trips and extra kilometers during their execution.
  3. Poor communication with clients. It is important for a taxi driver to be polite with each passenger, regardless of the behavior and level of education of the latter. To earn a good reputation and constantly replenish the customer base, a taxi driver needs to quickly adapt to the mood of any person, always be friendly and welcoming.

Secrets of high earnings from experienced taxi drivers

Experienced drivers know that making money in a taxi is real. For a stable and regularly growing income, it is important to follow some simple rules:

  • keep the salon clean. It does not matter which car the taxi driver provides services on: personal or work. A pleasant atmosphere inside, unobtrusive music, clean seats and surrounding objects are a guarantee of passenger comfort, which can leave a good tip as a token of gratitude;
  • adhere to a careful driving style. Harsh accelerations and extreme braking are not only the cause of increased fuel costs, but also discomfort for the client. Of course, unless he himself demands to move faster when he is late;
  • know the city and make the best route. An experienced driver without the help of a navigator knows how to take the client faster, where to bypass traffic jams. So he saves time for both the passenger and himself, getting the opportunity to fulfill a greater number of orders.

When is the best time to tax?

Riding all day long in search of passengers is unprofitable. And experienced taxi drivers know this. To obtain a stable high income, it is necessary to take into account the time of day, days of the week and weather conditions. There are periods when it is not worth taxing. For example, at noon time on weekdays, as well as on Tuesday, the number of orders is small. Therefore, knowledgeable taxi drivers take a short break at lunchtime, and on Tuesday they most often have a day off. In good weather, many people prefer to walk. But sudden rain, heavy snowfall or severe frost increase the number of people who want to use taxi services to get home faster.

The peak of taxi orders falls on:

  • morning and evening of weekdays, when a large flow of potential customers goes from home to work and back;
  • evening and night hours before Saturday and Sunday;
  • the beginning of a new working week, when many refuse to travel by personal transport due to a well-spent weekend.

Proper timing allows the driver to always have a sufficient number of passengers.

What is the real income in a taxi?

To answer this question, it is important to keep track of income. Usually this is done by the hour. It is most advantageous to carry out frequent orders located close to each other. In this case, the taxi driver receives a fixed payment "for the delivery of the car" and the calculation of the meter for mileage. On average, a taxi driver can earn from 250 to 300 rubles per hour. Working with two days off a week with an 8-hour working day, the approximate net income will be about 45,000 rubles. This amount can be increased, for example, by increasing the daily work time. But it should be borne in mind that in this case the taxi driver himself will experience serious stress. Therefore, it is better to stick to a schedule that is comfortable for you.

How to earn more in the taxi service

Many drivers start their activities in a taxi, settling in large companies. Orders in them are distributed evenly among all registered taxi drivers, and a certain percentage has to be paid from daily earnings. But there are several ways to increase your own income:

  • base time regular customers. To do this, taxi drivers hand out business cards. If the passenger likes the trip, then with a high probability he will apply for taxi services to a trusted driver;
  • order quality control. Here the main role is played by the status of the client. A wealthy passenger can give a good tip, which is unlikely to be received from a company of students or workers from a construction site;
  • search for clients "by hand". This technique is most often resorted to by drivers engaged in private transportation. For taxi ranks, they choose places near institutions where a taxi service may be required at any time (polyclinics, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.).

In this way, every driver can increase their income and create a good basis for starting to work for themselves.

Features of work in the suburbs and intercity

Suburban and intercity transportation is a separate category of orders. They are priced at the "wholesale" rate. At the same time, the income received often does not correspond to the time spent. Earnings on intercity transportation can be profitable if the driver finds passengers on the way back. You can do this via the Internet or by stopping at the bus station. Often, taxi drivers take several passengers at once, dividing the cost of the trip between them equally.

Optimal time for intercity and suburban transportation

The best period for working in the intercity and suburbs is considered to be the time from mid-spring to early autumn - the active phase of holidays and vacations. Also in the summer it is much easier to find fellow travelers on the way back. The choice of time of day for the trip depends to a large extent on the experience of the taxi driver. Day trips are considered the safest. At this time, there is usually good visibility of the road, the risk of meeting inadequate passengers while intoxicated is much lower. And the driver himself is not tired, which means that he is less likely to fall asleep at the wheel or get into an accident.

Taxi service earnings on transfers

The transfer is a work on a preliminary order. Most often, this service is used by passengers traveling on a trip. When planning a trip, it is convenient to book a car in advance to get to the airport or hotel.

Benefits for the taxi service from transfer transportation:

  • high price. The transfer is most often associated with a trip over long distances. At the same time, the tariff is fixed and much higher than the city one;
  • paying customers. Passengers use a pre-booked taxi for their own comfort and are willing to overpay to get to a place on conditions that are convenient for them;
  • happy drivers. The time spent on the transfer trip is justified by the cost. Therefore, taxi drivers are happy to agree to such orders.

If the company provides for a pre-order, then this helps to attract both new customers and drivers who are not averse to increasing their earnings on a well-paid service. Taxi service can become a source of stable and high income. And taking into account the above recommendations, a competent driver will receive from work not only profit, but also pleasure.

Some probably know or guess that transport services like Yandex.Taxi, in addition to creating convenience for passengers, are also struggling at a technological level with the traditional tricks of taxi drivers. For example, car delivery to is controlled by the application via GPS, and the route to the end point is built by the navigator, taking into account traffic jams and monitored - so that the driver is not tempted cut circles, inflating the cost of the trip.

But our person for the sake of an extra penny, he is able to hack any technology.

Here are some tricks almost legal to withdraw more money from the client.

1. High expectations. As already mentioned, the delivery of the car to the ordered address is controlled by geolocation. SMS to the client will not be sent and the waiting time will not start if the position of the taxi on the GPS does not match the coordinates of the address. But some drivers park their cars in such a way that it is difficult for the passenger to find them. The classic of the genre here is to put the car on the opposite side of the entrances / front doors of the house. And when two free waiting minutes will expire and the counter will start ticking, you can turn on the fool- start calling the passenger, allegedly in order to clarify where he is. This allows you to twist 100-150 rubles before landing. Moreover, sitting down in the salon, few people look at the taximeter.

A trifle? How to say, because the average cost of a trip in Moscow on the same nuclear fuel is rubles 500-600 .

2. Slow driver . Gone are the days when taxi drivers deliberately meandered through the streets to inflate the cost of the trip. Now the route from point A to point B is laid by the navigator, and the passenger can control it. But small games with the speed of movement and maneuvers on the track allow the driver to increase the check.

So, Moscow taxi fares are combined - by mileage and by time. An experienced taxi driver can drive in such a way that the total duration and, accordingly, the cost of the trip is slightly higher than originally calculated by Yandex - percent by 15-20 . For example, when a driver delivers a passenger to the airport (the fee in this case is initially fixed), he will drive along the Moscow Ring Road with all his might, regardless of the traffic, and when he simply takes the client around the city from point A to point B using the Moscow Ring Road, it will literally trail, even if the trace is empty. From the same opera - braking at every traffic light, stopping at an intersection even at a flashing green, etc.

Bonus? Another plus 50-150 rubles to revenue. The passenger will not notice this, most likely.

3. Services not rendered. According to the tariffs, some additional Yandex.Taxi services are paid separately. For example, a child seat, ski transportation, luggage in the cabin. And some taxi drivers quietly add them to the bill. Especially when it comes to luggage - they can also give out an ordinary backpack for it, which, according to the rules, is considered free hand luggage. The expectation that the passenger in a hurry will not go into details or waste time arguing.

And that's another plus. 100 rubles to the check.

Nothing out of the ordinary, as usual. But it often works. Among the taxi drivers there are many who will give odds to a certified psychologist in terms of ability flight rate the passenger. Some experts also argue that in taxi services there is a higher than average percentage of people with a criminal past, and they are all right and with the ability to read people, and with the gift of persuasion. Perhaps this is urban legend- but from among those who can be trusted.

Antidotes here as a whole are understandable - attentiveness, common sense and perseverance. So there is probably no need to expand on them.

And you were cheated official taxi drivers? How?

Work in the field of transport by car - your personal or organization, can bring quite good income. Because it is not without reason that such a source of income has been very popular for over 100 years, and many experienced taxi drivers, having accumulated certain skills over the years, are able to earn money on a taxi much more than many other entrepreneurs.

About competition

Market competition transportation at the moment is very high, and, consequently, the level of quality and prices of services are constantly pushing inexperienced drivers. Beginners who come to work in this area make a number of serious mistakes, after which they often receive only losses and disappointment. Therefore, before you take up personal transportation, you need to familiarize yourself with some secrets of success - how to start working, what proven options exist good earnings and how to earn more money in a taxi.

Rookie Mistakes

Some of the most common mistakes novice drivers make are:

  1. Take a lot of orders in a fit of desire to earn as much as possible in a taxi. The rush here leads to the fact that the driver begins to violate the rules of road traffic, after which he has to pay expensive fines, which, in turn, leads to losses. Sometimes more come serious consequences haste - accident.
  2. Take orders from far away. It is extremely important to calculate transport costs, and novice taxi drivers usually believe that a couple of kilometers will not play a big role. However, in practice this is far from the case.
  3. Rudeness and rudeness towards customers. In any service sector, a taxi driver has to communicate a lot with people. Having received a portion of negativity, the driver’s mood deteriorates, and all subsequent customers begin to feel it for themselves. If at the same time a newcomer works in a transportation company, he will obviously not be praised for this (possible penalties).

Secrets of experienced taxi drivers

In order to understand how to make money in a taxi, you need to contact experienced drivers. People who have been working in this field for a long time say that there are a few simple rules, following which you can work successfully and constantly increase your earnings. Naturally, each passenger, sitting in a clean car, where it smells good, music does not irritate, will have a good time on the trip, and perhaps even want to thank the taxi driver for the comfort. The situation is fundamentally the opposite, if when getting into a car a person gets his clothes dirty, sits in a dirty seat, and in the cabin, plus everything, there is a strong smell of tobacco smoke. Such a taxi driver certainly does not deserve encouragement.

Taxi drivers with experience, as a rule, drive the car very smoothly, without sudden extreme braking and acceleration. The main goal of such driving is simple - fuel economy and careful operation of the car. By saving on costs, you can earn much more in a taxi. As a rule, at the same time, it is relevant - “I earned what I saved”. Plus, with smooth driving, passengers are provided with safety and comfort. And it has been noticed that most of them prefer a moderately adequate and calm speed limit, and exceptions occur only in cases where the client is late and asks to go faster.

What time of day is best to work?

Is it possible to make money in a taxi, adhering to the same schedule day after day? Another secret of success is that the taxi driver does not sit behind the wheel 24 hours a day. He comes on shift at a time when there are most orders and among them you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Taxi drivers with experience identify several of the most profitable periods of time:

  1. Early morning time on weekdays, when people go to study, work, etc. There are always a lot of orders at this time, because people tend to be late in the morning and rush. It is easier for many of them to take a taxi than to wait for a minibus at the bus stop.
  2. Evening time on weekdays. This is the time when morning customers who regularly use taxi services return home. The rest - who are sick, tired, also want to get to their place of residence as soon as possible, and taxi drivers come to the rescue. The number of orders in the evening increases significantly, but the route should be thought out in advance, because there are always traffic jams in the city.
  3. Evening and night from Friday to Saturday. This is the time when many people relax after the work week. People walk, have fun and, as a rule, take a taxi. Moreover, some clients sometimes pay quite generously.
  4. Mondays are better to work. After a well-spent weekend, the start of the working week is not easy for many people, they often refuse to drive a private car, are late and use taxi services.

When is it not profitable to tax?

Taxi drivers with experience say the main secret of this work is the importance of choosing working hours. It was said above when it is profitable to work, but then the secret of how to make money in a taxi will not work:

  1. At noon and lunch. Approximately from 11 am to 4 pm on weekdays in all city passenger traffic there is a decrease in the flow of people. During this period of time, students and pupils are in the classroom, children are in kindergartens, workers are working. There remains only one category of people who are not employed during this period - these are pensioners. They, of course, use taxi services, but much less often than others. Taxi drivers have income at this time, but it is not at all great. It is better to stay at home, relax and gain strength in the evening, when the flow of people increases.
  2. Tuesday. For many experienced taxi drivers, Tuesday is a day off. On this day, according to the observations of experienced workers in the taxi industry, there are the fewest orders, and you can rightfully arrange a good rest for yourself.


How to earn more in a taxi, focusing on the weather? The secrets of successful work in a taxi lie in weather conditions. Changes in air temperature, precipitation, the presence of strong winds - all this significantly affects the demand of people in the field of transportation. For example, as soon as a thunderstorm starts, most people who walk down the street on foot immediately run to the bus stop or start calling a taxi. In heavy snow, for example, few people have the desire to walk in wet shoes, hence the high demand for taxi services. The direct opposite of such factors is a sharp warming in the cold season, when people are weaned from the rays of the sun, and on a bright day everyone wants to take a walk and get some air. Such people certainly do not want to go home by taxi.

Knowledge of the city

Is it possible to make money in a taxi if you don’t know the names and locations of the streets at all? The experience of people who have achieved success in this field of work shows that a good knowledge of the city is an important factor in making good profits. Of course, such knowledge does not come immediately, even if you study the maps and know the location of the streets. Everything comes with experience, but you should not neglect getting acquainted with the maps of the city. Many drivers use a navigator, which is very convenient, since this application easily creates the shortest route and can even tell you which city street is most likely to get stuck in a traffic jam. Such devices allow you to effectively manage your working time and increase income.

Experienced taxi drivers already know where traffic jams usually occur, and where it is better not to go, especially during rush hour. In such areas, you can spend a lot of time and fuel, earn losses. All these subtleties help experienced taxi drivers to be one step further than beginners. At a time when a beginner will stand in a traffic jam, for example, for two hours, a pro will make several orders and earn several times more.

How much can you really earn in a taxi?

How to correctly calculate the income of a taxi driver? The most acceptable option is to calculate income by the hour. At the same time, it turns out that it is more profitable to take many small orders - each order brings money "for giving a car", plus there are often certain bonuses for a large number of orders. Of course, this way of making money in a taxi will be profitable only when they appear constantly and are at a small distance from each other.

According to statistics, the average net income of a taxi driver per hour is:

  • 300 rubles when working in Yandex.Taxi, Metro, Lucky;
  • less than 300 - in a taxi "GOST";
  • about 250 rubles per hour - in a taxi "Grand Auto", "Maxim" and "Let's go."

Thus, a taxi driver earns about 300 rubles per hour, which is 45,000 rubles a month if you work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. And if you work 12 hours a day, which is certainly difficult, but at the same time, earnings are 108,000 rubles. Of course, with this mode of operation, a person quickly gets tired, risks his health and safety on the roads. Therefore, you can stick to the golden mean and earn about 40-50 thousand rubles a month.

How to earn more in a taxi?

As mentioned above, earnings in a taxi depend on the time of work, knowledge of the city, choice of orders, weather and much more. However, you can increase your own popularity, and work not for the company, but for yourself. In this case, it will not be necessary to deduct part of the organization's money, and the income will go into your own pocket. A good way to earn customers is by handing out business cards. If the client liked the car and the driver, he will want to use the services of a proven and comfortable taxi again. The more regular customers there are, the more stable the financial component will be.

Order quality

In order to earn more in a taxi, you should follow the rule that is known to almost all entrepreneurs, and it lies in the efficiency of work. So, for example, when delivering one wealthy person to the address, the taxi driver does not strain the car, fuel consumption is moderate, the interior of the car does not get dirty, etc. The absolute opposite is such an order - a company of 3 tipsy people who work at a construction site. They'll stain your carpets, your seats, and they're unlikely to pay more than the fare. In such a case, the costs of the taxi driver will be significantly higher than in the first case, and the base cost of both trips may be approximately the same. Experienced taxi drivers try to refuse such orders.

Clients on hand

Many taxi drivers with experience during a small number of orders coming from the company prefer to be engaged in private transportation, that is, to take clients "from hand". Such drivers often stop near children's clinics and hospitals, where a taxi may be required at any time of the day, especially if the weather is bad outside. For example, a woman with a baby will probably take a taxi if she leaves the clinic and finds that there is strong wind or rain outside. The same applies to hospitals - there are always a lot of people with injuries, those who feel unwell and try to get home as soon as possible and pay any money for this.

Work in the suburbs and intercity

To separate category include taxi orders for intercity. At the same time, the price of the trip is calculated according to the “wholesale” tariff, which is often not at all profitable for the taxi driver, since it does not provide income corresponding to the time spent. Is it really possible to make money in a taxi if you focus only on intercity transportation? The main secrets here lie in finding a passenger on the way back. It is considered a good way to “look” on the Internet, where it is easy to find a client and a fellow traveler on special sites, but this does not always work out.

Taxi drivers often look for passengers at the bus station. At the same time, you can place a sign on your car indicating the price and city, and if the cost of the trip is low, the probability of finding a client increases significantly.

Many doubt whether it is possible to make money in a taxi.

When is the best time to work internationally?

Most optimal time for work on long-distance and suburban directions - mid-spring and early autumn. At this time, the active phase of holidays and vacations begins, and taxi drivers become much smaller. It is generally accepted that in the summer it is easiest to find passengers on the long-distance route for the return journey.

As for the time of day, in this situation it is best to go on such trips to daytime. This is primarily due to safety considerations for the driver himself. Daylight hours are a small, but still a guarantee that the trip will pass without adventures and drunken passengers. Making money as a driver in a taxi is not difficult, given all the above conditions.

Drivers who work with Yandex.Taxi can have very different incomes, even if they spend the same amount of time on work. The one who knows about some tricks and applies them in business will have the greatest earnings.

What determines the driver's income

The amount of money earned per shift is primarily affected by the number of completed orders and the cost of each of them. Why do some taxi drivers get more calls and others less? The following points are essential:

  • rating formed based on the results of the last 60 days;
  • customer reviews about the driver;
  • the presence of Yandex.Taxi symbols on the car body;
  • compliance with work rules.

First of all, the size of the taxi driver's income depends on the rating. It must be at least 4.5 points. If this indicator falls below, new orders temporarily stop coming.

Starting to cooperate with Yandex.Taxi is a simple matter. Enough on leave a request. The manager will contact you and connect you to the service, after which it will be possible to go on the line, independently building your schedule.

To earn more money, you need to know the following.

  • The main assistant to the driver is the Taximeter. With it, you can easily determine which parts of the city currently have the most orders. Accordingly, you need to go there so that the work takes place without downtime. Experience shows that the maximum number of calls comes from densely populated areas, as well as from shopping and entertainment centers, train stations and airports.
  • It is a mistake to consider short orders unprofitable. And there are several reasons for this. For example, in the same time, you can complete one large or three small orders. And with the second option, the amount of earnings, as a rule, will be more. In addition, the service itself pays the driver extra for calls with a low cost and assigns additional points that increase the rating.
  • Holidays - the best time for work. On such days, the number of calls increases significantly and an additional coefficient is charged.
  • Many beginners do not want to work at night and miss out on their benefits. Travel rates after midnight are higher than during the day. An additional plus is that at night there are almost never traffic jams.
  • The Yandex.Taxi service provides the driver with complete statistics that allow them to objectively determine which days and hours are the most profitable for work. The information is displayed in the form of a graph, automatically built on the basis of data on previously received applications.
  • Prices for trips at Comfort, Business and Premium fares are significantly higher. To receive such orders, you need to have a car that meets the requirements and undergo a little training. For those wishing to work with foreigners, Yandex offers language courses.
  • Experienced taxi drivers distribute business cards to customers. If the passenger liked the way the trip went, he will probably make a second order.
  • To have a high rating, it is important to remember about driving etiquette. Pay attention to comments and personal messages coming to the Taximeter screen. Don't forget to go through photo control. Also keep in mind that the impression of the trip is formed by passengers not only from your driving style, but also from communication, as well as from the cleanliness of the body and interior. More satisfied customers - higher rating.
  • It is more profitable to work with the status of an official partner of Yandex.Taxi. To get it, you need to paste over the body of the car with company logos. In this case, you will receive orders in priority order, and the service commission will be reduced.


These are all the main nuances that you should know about in order to successfully earn money in Yandex.Taxi. The more and better you work, the more essential financial results. However, this is true in almost all areas of activity.
