Soft toys are like a business. Production of soft toys. Business plan for the production of wooden toys What is needed for the production of toys

There has always been and will be a demand for soft toys, as they are a universal gift for both children and women.

And if you give soft toys with your own hands, they will certainly become a memorable gift. Demand for toys all year round, therefore, organizing women's business in the making soft toys, you can always count on making a profit.

Women's business: how much can you earn?

Usually, homemade soft toys are not cheap. The price is increased on average by 100-300% of the manufacturing cost. This takes into account the work time of the master, consumables, electricity.
Popular are both simple toys in the form of letters, hearts, pillows, and complex ones that require special skill, for example Teddy Bears in which all parts of the body rotate. Of course, the more complex the toy, the more expensive it is, but you can also make good money on simple products. On average, a woman's business from home sewing will cost 15,000-30,000 rubles.

What is needed for production?

You can start making toys yourself at home; for this you will need:
1. Craftsmanship.
Even if you are not a professional, there is a lot of educational material on the Internet. master classes, even with ready-made patterns. After understanding the basics of pattern construction and sewing technology, you should try to model your own toy design.
2. Equipment.
A sewing machine that can sew thick, thick fabrics. It is best if it is a professional machine.
The second necessary thing is an overlocker.
Equipment is the most expensive item of expenditure.
3. You will also need consumables such as needles, scissors, fur, stuffing, pieces of leather, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the selected material. Usually toys are chosen to be pleasant to the touch. Therefore, when choosing fur, pay attention not only to the color, but also to the texture of the fiber. After all, it is much more pleasant to touch soft, silky fur than dense, hard, prickly fiber.

It is also worth taking care of the variety of materials.
When one toy can have fur of different shades. You don't have to stick only to fur. On the Internet, craftswomen make combined soft toys with their own hands from corduroy, drape, wool, thick cotton, fleece, mohair, plush, and combine fabrics with each other.

Prepare beautiful accessories to form a muzzle, like eyes, beads.

The filler can be synthetic padding polyester, foam rubber, sawdust, weighting agents in the form of plastic, glass, silicone, or cotton wool granules.
They even stuff toys with cereals, but it’s unlikely that such a toy stuffed with natural raw materials will be able to withstand several washes. To create a high-quality toy with your own hands with a long service life, it is better to use artificial fillers.

If you want to create a unique toy, dress it up in a suit and headdress, this will immediately highlight your work.

Where to sell home toys?

To sell toys in regular stores, you will be required to provide a quality certificate. And to get it, you need to register a business.
For home production, registering as an individual entrepreneur is not always relevant, so we will consider options on how to sell differently.
The main place for selling home toys are sites on the Internet, such as crafts fairs, your own online store, and stores on social media. networks, free message boards like Avito.

How to start selling more?

To expand women's business and increase income, it is worth applying the following recommendations:

1. Diversify the assortment. For example, release not only bears, but also come up with plush friends for him.
2. It is also worth opening the production of products from related areas. For example, slippers, pillows in the form of toys, flower bouquets of soft toys.

Gradually, your online store will gain popularity and you should think about expanding your business. Here the question arises about increasing production capacity. First you need to officially register with tax service, obtain product quality certificates.

For production, you can rent a workshop and hire personnel, as well as use the services of seamstresses.
3. Increasing sales involves working with wholesale suppliers and retail children's stores.

4. Marketing gimmicks will also increase sales.
Popular ones include a system of discounts for volume of purchases, promotions with discounts, competitions among buyers (for example, for best review), a deferred payment system (only for time-tested buyers), a convenient system of delivery, return, and exchange.

5. Try to reduce costs on the purchase of consumables, such as material and filler. To do this, you should contact the manufacturer or wholesalers.

Go for it!

Business idea: Production of soft toys

No matter how full the soft toy market is, you can always find sales and your niche in it. Toys are bought very often. Moreover, soft toys are interesting because they are popular with both children and adults. Their range is very diverse: from simple, unpretentious, small to the most gigantic and sophisticated.

Besides big role The factor that plays a role is that recently most buyers give preference to domestic manufacturers, especially in this area.

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What is needed to produce soft toys?

To start organizing the production of soft toys, you must have special equipment. This includes professional Sewing machines. Their cost is in the range of 12 – 25 thousand rubles. You can immediately purchase a machine for stuffing toys, although here we are already talking about an amount of at least 300,000 rubles. At the first stage, you can still do without such equipment, but this will affect the quantity of products produced. In any case, the decision here depends entirely on your capabilities.

Production cannot be imagined without the costs of purchasing accessories and raw materials, which will amount to an average of 50,000 rubles. The production itself at the first stage does not require large areas and can take approximately 20 square meters. It is also better to immediately provide for the costs of advertising in newspapers and creating a small page on the Internet with photographs of all products.

Of course, before making these purchases, it is necessary to think through the entire range that will be produced. Despite the fact that many soft toys are intended for children, adults make purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is best to evaluate your design decisions among them. Moreover, now a soft toy is one of the most popular gifts for girls for all kinds of women's holidays and for romantic relationships.

Popular and profitable areas of business.

The creation of their own branded toys by different companies has become very popular. These funny teddy bears and perky colorful cats are often one of the components of the image of various companies. On the one hand, there is no fierce competition between soft toy manufacturers, but on the other, this situation shows that the most important thing in this business is the buyer.

A soft toy can be not only branded, but also folklore style. A variety of brownies, girls in national costumes, angels and much more. That is, everything your imagination is capable of.

Another interesting direction in this business is the production of toys to order. Such a service is now not found in every city, although it is in good demand. When working with such orders, the client understands that he is receiving an exclusive gift that no one else will have.

Many people are now trying to do something themselves, so in addition to making the soft toys themselves, another interesting direction is the sale of creativity kits. They include a complete set of everything you need to make such a toy with your own hands: a pattern, the necessary accessories, a set of threads, filler and detailed instructions.

Product sales and seasonality of product sales.

When starting work, you should pay attention to the seasonality of this product. Starting from September, the demand for it increases. Reaches its peak in new year holidays and lasts until March 8, and by the end of May it disappears. This way, you can safely go on vacation in the summer without worrying about production. And summer vacation time means new creative plans and fantasies. At a time when demand is fading, you can review last year’s collection, come up with something new, and perhaps upgrade equipment.

To sell soft toys you will have to carry out great job in all children's stores and souvenir shops. And also try to conclude agreements with wholesale buyers. You can create your own small department where you can sell your own soft toys.

Development and profitability of the soft toy business.

Previously, many retail chains worked exclusively with foreign manufacturers of these products, due to the fairly low cost and large assortment of soft toys from these suppliers. Today the buyer himself, giving preference domestic brand, changed the attitudes of many retail chains to imported toys. This provides a great opportunity to conclude contracts and develop fruitful cooperation.

The organization of such a business often becomes a real family enterprise. Someone works with wholesalers and stores, another purchases the necessary fabric and accessories, and the third carries out the production itself, or works in the department. It all depends entirely on what volume of products you decide to produce.

Here, many are immediately interested in the question of profit and profitability. The costs of producing soft toys today are quite low. When forming even wholesale price the markup is at least 100 percent. This allows you to recoup the costs of such production within one year. In addition, with properly organized sales, the income in this industry itself is not bad, even for a small, family-owned enterprise.

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The production of soft toys can exist as separate species business, and an addition to the existing one clothing production. In the second case, investments in the business will be minimal.

Soft toys are in steady demand, even though they are not essential goods. Moreover, buyers have recently been striving to purchase domestically produced toys, rather than cheap Chinese ones, as was the case not so long ago, ensuring market growth by an average of 30% per year. However, there is no oversaturation of domestically produced goods on the market.

But the production of soft toys is promising, in demand and profitable view business.

It is worth noting that this species business is seasonal. This fact must be taken into account when organizing a business. As a rule, demand reaches its peak in the period preceding the New Year and Christmas holidays, when during the holidays people buy toys en masse as gifts, especially those that are symbols of the coming year.

By May, sales volume falls and picks up again only in September, when parents want to please their children with a new toy at the beginning of the new school year.

Creation costs production workshop will amount to approximately $30 thousand. This will include the purchase of sewing machines (from $300), machines that stuff toys ($15 thousand), rental of premises (from $100 per sq. m.), obtaining the necessary documentation (about $ 1 thousand), purchase necessary materials(from $1 thousand). About $1 thousand will be spent on advertising campaign in inexpensive but popular media.

Some manufacturers believe that best advertising- sponsorship of children's charity events where toys are given away as prizes.

Equipment for the production of soft toys can be domestic or imported. As a rule, experts advise purchasing installations of the second type, since with their help the well-established production of soft toys from high-quality materials will meet international standards. Find where it's sold necessary equipment, you can use the Internet - you can also use it to find a company offering it at the best price.

A strategically correct step on the part of the entrepreneur would be to find suppliers of raw materials at the stage when the production of soft toys has not begun its work. Partnerships are worth cementing standard contract. It will be very important to find reliable suppliers, since the consistency of production will depend on regular deliveries. Sales of products can be organized through your own website, through wholesale buyers, as well as in our own retail outlets.

It is worth noting that the production of soft toys is one of the most best ideas to create and organize family business. In such a model, one of the family members can be directly involved in the toy production process, while the second can take on all issues related to the supply of raw materials and materials, and the third can build and control the process of selling finished goods.

This type of activity may be of interest to women who dream of starting their own home business. May be interested women registered as individual entrepreneurs. Due to their capabilities and experience in business, they are able to organize everything on their own. They will be able to choose a location, open sewing workshops and hire the required number of specialists. You can even organize mass production.

And finally, I would like to say that as a result of such activities you can get a good profit. This is manifested in the low cost of finished products. The markup on soft toys sometimes reaches 100 percent. Sometimes it turns out that the money spent on one toy comes back several times higher.

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Soft toys are still one of the most pleasant and cute gifts. They are mainly given, of course, to children, but there is some demand for them among adult audiences as well. Properly structured work with your customers will help build profitable business. Let's figure out how to start producing soft toys and find your first customers.


The main advantage of a business based on the production of soft toys is the opportunity to start with a very small investments. If you have limited funds, you can literally set up a business at home, focusing on uniqueness and handmade work when promoting a product. If you don’t have enough skills, you can attend cutting and sewing courses, which will cost 6,000 – 12,000 rubles.

If it is possible to invest a certain amount in an enterprise, it is possible to launch larger-scale production or even open a full-fledged factory.

Required Documentation

You can start the production and sale of soft toys on a general basis - there are no special legal requirements for this business. Necessary:

  • Register as a legal entity. person or individual entrepreneur.
  • Register with the tax service.
  • Obtain opinions from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services on the safety of premises used in production.

Additionally, you can obtain a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service on the safety of manufactured products. Requirements for soft toys are established by GOST 25779-90. The presence of this certificate significantly increases the confidence of stores and customers in your products.


There are three options for premises for the production of soft toys

  • Own apartment. When registering as an individual entrepreneur and sewing products yourself, this is an ideal choice.
  • Small workshop. You will need a room of 25 m2 in size for production and approximately the same area for storage.
  • Factory. Production room must be at least 60 m2, warehouse - 50 m2. Also, most likely, you will need a separate area for the work of an accountant, designer, and sales manager.


For home production you will not need specialized equipment - an ordinary sewing machine costing about 4,000 - 6,000 rubles is enough.

Setting up a small workshop will require more equipment:

  • 4 sewing machines– 6,000 rubles for each.
  • 2 stuffing machines – from 400,000 rubles each.

To operate a small workshop you will need:

  • Designer. If you have a small budget, at first you can simply purchase ready-made pattern designs without involving this specialist.
  • Tailors. By the number of working sewing machines.
  • Accountant.
  • Sales Manager.

Monthly payment costs wages– about 120,000 rubles.


The main consumable material for sewing soft toys is faux fur. The easiest way to purchase it is in stores that sell fabrics, but this option is only suitable for home production - the choice in such places is usually small, and prices are higher than the market average.

For more large production It is better to purchase material in bulk directly from the manufacturer. You need to immediately take fur of various colors. You will also need regular fabric, fittings, and stuffing material.

For the first purchase of raw materials, it is advisable to allocate at least 200,000 rubles.


The most important element of successful promotion of soft toys is the development of product design. To do this you need:

  • Determine the age of the target audience to which the product will be targeted.
  • Decide on the idea of ​​toys: will they be unique characters or cartoon characters? Please note: in the latter case, the characters may be protected by copyright!
  • Develop marketing strategy: write your own story for toys, focus on handmade etc.

For a small or medium-sized company, it usually doesn’t make sense to open your own store: it will be cheaper and easier to negotiate with the owners retail space about placing your product in their halls.

When promoting products, it is worth considering seasonal demand. Soft toys are a product whose sales are steadily increasing in holidays, especially on the eve of the New Year, February 14, March 8.


The production of soft toys is a business with a fairly high profitability of 40-60%. The average price of one standard size product is about 300 rubles. With the monthly production and sale of 1000 products, the enterprise will pay for itself in less than a year.

The article will discuss the features commercial activities in the field of production of goods for children using the example of a business plan for the production of soft toys. Soft toys are a traditional type of product that remains in demand and popular, despite the development of high-tech and educational products of various kinds. The main requirement for this category of products is visual appeal, high-quality materials and safe fillers. Against the backdrop of the dominance of cheap Chinese goods with an unclear history of importation into the country, a domestic enterprise has every chance of achieving success in this field.

Organizing a company will require a large amount of resources, material and human; you should assess the market situation, choose the right development option and calculate ambitious but achievable targets. Well, attract financing with the help of an investment project.

If you are in the process of looking for outside investment, the best solution there will be problems ready business production plan for soft toys.

Key Features business plan for the production of soft toys

Business plan for the production of soft toys as the basis of a new business

Any processes for creating complex commercial systems include goal setting, research of the subject area and competitive environment, consumer behavior characteristics and many other factors. It is also important to calculate the objective parameters of the financial model, which will allow you to achieve real payback periods with an acceptable rate of profitability. Ideal for this.

Its complete and wide range of tools will allow you to create a project for a company of any field of activity and complexity, obtain correct and reasonable calculations, and also interest potential investors in need of profitable investment objects.

Description Files Features of doing business

The company's investment project for the production of soft toys involves its own production of these goods, in various forms and sizes, using environmentally friendly domestic raw materials and fillers. The target audience customers are children, accordingly, sales are planned to be carried out through chain stores of children's goods, as well as through our own online store.

Key business processes:

  • arrangement of production infrastructure
  • purchase of materials and components for production;
  • production of goods and their sale.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Volume of investments to launch the production of soft toys

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of soft toy production

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of soft toy production

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for the production of soft toys is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.

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Let's start development In a business plan, it is necessary to describe its essence and goals, provide the results of market analysis, and formulate key indicators

economics and financial efficiency.

The purpose of the company's business plan for the production of soft toys Company, with own production

high-quality soft toys, in quantities of up to XXX units of production per month.

Preparatory activities

  • Ensuring the uninterrupted execution of the main part of the project for the production of soft toys is an important task that must be solved before the start, at the stage of implementing the preparation plan for the following format:
  • Registration of a business in the form of a legal entity.
  • Obtaining a TIN and opening a current account.
  • Selection of territory for locating the complex.
  • Review of technologies and equipment and materials used.
  • Assessment of potential sources and cost of attracted investment.
  • Registration of licenses and certificates for product release.

    Structure of a business plan for a company producing soft toys In order to release of soft toys corresponded to its purpose and contained the entire volume of important information, it should be filled in accordance with the following example of content:

    • market analysis, including assessment of the dynamics of development rates;
    • project investment plan;
    • technologies and production lines used
    • operating costs to support current activities;
    • assessment of revenue volumes and its structure;
    • wage fund and staff requirements;
    • marketing and sales policy;
    • calculation of the period to reach self-sufficiency.
    Market analysis

    So, just as it is difficult to choose the right path without understanding the direction and the current situation, when drawing up a business plan for a company for the production of soft toys, it is important to rely on the results of accurate research conducted when studying the market.

    Based on the results, the company’s development strategy is formed and its key factors success:

    • toys that are hypoallergenic and safe for children of any age;
    • design and tactile quality of products;
    • range and coverage of different ages;
    • price policy;
    • own distribution channel in the form of an online store and availability in federal networks children's goods.

    If you have not yet decided on an activity option, try to consider the possibility of starting production cotton gloves, which can be used both in production and in the household. will help you quickly understand this type of activity.

    Investments in a project for the production of soft toys

    Any company at the opening stage bears significant financial expenses, which in most cases are provided through external financing. Simply put - new business requires investment and investors. To attract them, download from our website a sample of a ready-made full-fledged business plan for the production of soft toys, with calculations of the main financial and economic indicators. Then your company will enter the market in a short time and be able to make its first profit.

    Investment structure:

    • equipment of buildings and structures of the company - XXX rub.
    • technological basis of business – XXX rub.
    • materials and accessories for the manufacture of products – XXX rub.;
    • promotion – XXX rub.;
    • hiring and training of employees – XXX rub.
    • financial reserves – XXX rub.

    The total investment in the project will range from 50 to 120 million rubles.

    Technical component of the project

    The technology for producing soft toys consists of several stages: developing sketches and models, determining the filler and outer covering material, preparing a pattern, sewing and filling the toy. Design of external details, packaging and shipping to places of sale.

    For successful implementation technology in the business plan for the production of soft toys, you will need:

    • tables for cutting and forming assembly kits;
    • sewing equipment of various types;
    • machines for mixing or making filler;
    • ventilation and air conditioning systems;
    • furniture and office equipment;
    • packaging line for finished products;
    • fire protection systems;
    • storage equipment.
    Financial indicators of the business plan for investing in the production of soft toys Costs within the current activities of the company

    An approximate list of operating costs within the framework of a company’s business plan for sewing soft toys:

    • rental payments – XXX rub.;
    • payment utilities– XXX rub.;
    • purchases of materials and accessories – XXX rub.;
    • repairs and technical equipment maintenance – XXX rub.;
    • expenses for promotion and sales – XXX rub.;
    • wage fund – XXX rub.;
    • tax payments and fees – XXX rub.

    The total amount of operating costs will be XXX rubles. per month.

    Profitable part of the business investment plan for the production of soft toys

    To correctly plan revenue, it is necessary to estimate sales volumes, take into account price levels and predict demand for products, depending on seasonality. It is also important to understand sales patterns and the factors that determine consumer preferences, for example:

    • safety for children of any age;
    • quality of tailoring;
    • variety of choices in sizes and characters;
    • reasonable prices;
    • possibility of ordering via the Internet.

    Sales structure, by toy size:

  • up to 20 cm – XXX rub.
  • 20-60 cm – XXX rub.
  • 60 or more – 12 pieces – XXX rub.
  • The total profitability of the project will be XX rubles. per month

    Personnel and their remuneration

    The production of soft toys being developed as part of the business plan involves a fairly large amount of manual labor, which affects the payroll and the number of employees.

    Example of staff structure:

    • director - XXX rub.;
    • designer – XXX rub.;
    • toy makers – XXX rub.;
    • accountant – XXX rub.;
    • marketing specialist - XXX rub.;
    • HR specialist – XXX rub.;
    • sales representative – XXX rub.;
    • other administrative and office personnel – XXX rub.
    Project payback period

    The company will begin to recoup its out-of-pocket costs within 3 to 5 years.

    The business plan has a clear structure and contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have ready-made template to develop your business plan.

    The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
    a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
    indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
    There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

    Traffic report Money - the most important document any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

    Download a ready-made business plan for the production of soft toys with financial calculations and financial model Excel

    Children's products, with proper quality and reasonable prices, are always in demand, therefore, projects in this area are quite popular among novice entrepreneurs. However, in order to choose the most attractive one among many projects, investors carefully study the provided business plans, their objectivity, reality and correctness of calculations. And independent development is not always capable of producing design results of appropriate quality.

    The best way out is to download from our website a ready-made structured business plan for the production of soft toys, with calculations of important financial and economic indicators. Or you can order an individual turnkey business plan, which will take into account all the features and specifics of your company. Timely investment will allow you to launch the project on schedule and achieve the desired results of the company’s strategy.

    Soft toys are an area of ​​activity in which an entrepreneur must invest more than his managerial skills. It requires a special attitude and love for its products that children will use. It is also important to find unique characteristics that will allow you to stand out among other manufacturers - innovative materials and fillers, new heroes, etc. Use professional business The plan will contribute to the establishment of all these processes and will allow us to take a leading position in the market.
