Methods of maintaining the efficiency of personnel. Maintaining employee performance Interesting facts about human performance

Efficiency and employability.

legal capacity(ability to activity) characterizes human activity from a qualitative point of view. In the process of labor, a person is able to endlessly create material and spiritual values, setting himself various goals and achieving them in various ways. An infinite variety of goals and ways to achieve them is a consequence of the functioning of the human body. Therefore, legal capacity is the ability of a person to qualitatively different types of expedient activity, the ability to realize their infinite variety.

A person can solve the tasks set for himself using his working capacity, which is dynamic during the working day. In general, the working day can be represented as two components: work before lunch and work after lunch. In each of these components, human performance changes and goes through three phases:

  1. the phase of development and adaptation, characterized by an increase in working capacity, its duration can last from several minutes to 1.5 hours and depends on the characteristics of the work and the person himself;
  2. the phase of high stable performance lasts about 2-3 hours, and is characterized by minimal labor costs for the performance of labor functions, with their high quality;
  3. the phase of decline in working capacity occurs as a result of accumulating fatigue, and the employee's reaction slows down and work results worsen. The phase of falling performance signals the need for rest for the worker.

Considering the dynamics of the employee's performance during the working day, we can identify the main areas of maintaining efficiency at a high level:

  1. ensuring the rapid development of a person, for this industrial gymnastics, functional music, etc. can be used;
  2. maximization of the period of stable performance is ensured by the introduction of micropauses (can be from 9 to 15% of the working time);
  3. the prevention of employee fatigue is achieved by establishing breaks in work for rest and personal needs and by establishing regulated breaks in work.

The working capacity of a person changes not only during the working day, but also during the week, month, year.

Efficiency characterizes the quantitative side of a particular labor activity of a person. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to perform the action itself and obtain its result in quantitative terms.

Efficiency is characterized by a number of indicators: economic and physiological.

To economic indicators include the number of products produced for each hour of work, the average time spent on the manufacture of a unit of output; the number of defective products per hour of work, etc.

Physiological indicators include a change in heart rate, the speed of visual reaction, that is, those indicators that characterize the change in the physiological state of the human body.

The ability of a person to work reflects the possibility of his participation in labor in general. If a person is able to work, he is able to work. Disability means that a person is completely unable to perform work or that work is contraindicated for him for health reasons. A person acquires ability to work when he reaches working age, and loses it in old age, as a result of illness or injury. Therefore, one of the measures to increase employment is the creation of jobs for people with disabilities.

If you want to know about the involvement of staff in the work of the company, you simply need to proceed from the result of their work. Most often, they speak very beautifully about what is really important. Be that as it may, but the involvement of personnel is reflected in almost all segments of production. This is very well shown in the relationship between employees, the relationship of employees to the leadership. This can be seen in the way the assigned tasks are performed by the involved employee. He can creatively do the job, or simply say that it is not in his authority. Employee engagement is a key factor in assessing the performance of workers.

Initially, it should be said that the involvement of staff is their own choice. We can order employees what he needs to do, but how he does it depends only on himself. Naturally, we, as leaders, can show that an employee is valuable to us, motivate him, promote him professional growth. Unfortunately, this cannot give us 100% guarantees that employee engagement will be at its best. Even the most strict employer will not be able to force the employee to work more efficiently, you can simply motivate and guide.

There are several rules on how to influence the involvement of staff in the common cause of the company.

Increasing the efficiency of personnel

1. Specific purpose

Personnel involvement is characterized by the fact that each of the employees must understand what exactly the company and its department are doing. Understanding this should greatly increase the performance of everyone. The problem with many employers is that they don't show the big picture to their employees. From such examples, one can cite: many do not say that if the work is done “excellently”, then the employee will receive a bonus or the 13th salary. You can motivate employees with various bonuses that you yourself come up with. For more cohesive work, you can give a task to everyone, and with excellent performance, reward everyone together.

2. Choose involved staff

Many employees say to themselves: “Why work hard when you can just not do it.” Such employees are the norm. They are everywhere and it is standard. Usually, such employees do not look at the company from all sides, they do not need to. Employees have enough to do their job so that he would not be fired in the future. How does he navigate, how much work needs to be done? It's simple, he looks at the other workers, and does everything the same way. As a result, all the staff repel each other, and there is no result. In order to increase the level of involvement of all staff, initially there should be a couple of people who give their best. Lazy workers simply will not have a choice how to adapt.

3. Set the staff engagement level

What do you think you pay your employees for? You know very well why. But do they know it themselves? If you ask them, the staff will answer that for performing functional actions. However, they worry that they must be polite to every employee, strain the IT department all the time, respect the accounting department. The thing is, they don't see your business the way you see it. Therefore, in order to improve efficiency, the employer must establish clear standards and rules for staff involvement. The list of conditions set should be clear and easy to understand. In addition, you yourself can be a great example.

4. Good worker- generous employer

The most important factor for improving performance is all kinds of rewards. Publicly reward the employee for good engagement. Let everyone see why the other gets more money. At the same time, gratitude can be shown not only with a prize, but also with words. If you do this in front of everyone, many will want the same. Naturally, you need to be careful here. Because of such motivations, enmity can arise between staff. Think and motivate each carefully and carefully.

5. Management involvement

If you want your staff to be efficient, show the same result yourself. All undertakings come from you. First, all employees rely on the leader. How you present yourself at work will be the start of staff engagement. The most important thing is to set a high bar for yourself, then this bar will be set in front of all the staff. If you are lazy, then lazy and all employees.

6. Work from love

What do you think, in which case, the involvement of staff will be the highest? If they love what they do. Usually such people are associated with creativity, art, work with children, public works. Usually, such people work not for money, but for the profession itself. Of course, there are fewer such people, but still they exist, and they exist in every sphere. Therefore, it makes sense to send employees to love work. Of these methods can be cited: joint recreation, sports, corporate parties. In this way, staff engagement can increase through mutual respect and good relationships.

7. Caring for staff

Always listen to your employees, their opinions and comments are very important. This does not mean that you must comply with all their conditions and requests. Do everything in a way that makes you and your staff feel comfortable. This seriously affects performance. Every person is pleased when they listen to him and talk to him. Employee engagement is the comfort they experience in the workplace. But once again it is worth recalling that everything needs to be done starting from the company itself and the team.

Human performance- is the ability to maintain the body in optimal working condition to maximize the contribution to the result of the working system through physical or informational labor. This contribution individual worker in the overall result of the group is consistent with the performance requirements that direct this group and the environment, for example, the family to achieve it.

Requirements for human performance have not only a temporal and quantitative dimension; they cover also the benefits of the stated results. At the same time, the requirements for performance are not always directed to a person as part of a work system, but to a work system in general, with its biological, organizational, technical and social components.

The demand for work capacity is opposed to the worker's work capacity supply, which consists of his work capacity and willingness to work.

Human performance encompasses both maximum performance in a short period of time, and not high long-term performance, which can be available for a long time. In general terms, health refers to the overall level of available individual health prerequisites that can be applied to meet health requirements. Efficiency is not a constant value. It is determined by numerous conditions that change over time and can interact with each other. This includes, for example, the constitution of the body, gender, experience, basic abilities, knowledge and acquired skills.

Efficiency represents the productive capacity of a person, which he can dispose of. This formulation does not fully describe the human offer of performance, since it depends on whether the person is ready under given conditions to be able to use these abilities in full or in part. Willingness to work is denoted as the possibility or also the readiness to realize this productive capacity.

Professional suitability of a person

Professional suitability of a person to work is not a constant, but a variable value, which indicates, depending on various influencing factors, a significant distribution. This distribution can in one case be interindividual, i.e. touch on the differences between different people; and also we can talk about intra-individual distribution, that is, about the distribution of signs of professional suitability of the same person, but only at different times.

Taking into account both inter-individual and intra-individual distribution is essential when organizing work tasks and work processes. Only in rare cases, when, for example, labor organization activities are carried out for approximately the same groups of people, the labor organizer can focus on average values. In other cases, he must take into account the distribution areas on the grounds of professional suitability or personality traits.

A number of signs of professional suitability depend on each other, for example, body size and arm length, professional experience and age, as well as body strength and sex. These dependencies may serve to reduce the spread of performance differences due to individual differences and, consequently, changes in performance attributes. So, for example, little skill can be compensated by great working experience.

The return on a person's performance depends on his capacity for work and readiness to work. A person's performance is altered, among other things, by exercise and fatigue. There are also autonomous, that is, not subject to the will, regulatory mechanisms that regularly switch the function of the body from the “working phase” to the “resting phase” and vice versa throughout the day. Thanks to these various manifestations, it becomes possible for a person, at his will or unconsciously, to adapt to different situations, achieve results as economically as possible and protect yourself from overload.

Many functions of human organs change throughout the day, and these changes are repeated periodically in a rhythm for about 24 hours (23 - 26 hours). This includes, for example, blood pressure and the circulatory system, body temperature, skin moisture. Body temperature shows, for example, in the morning, between 8 and 11 o'clock, its absolute maximum and reaches its relative minimum between 13 and 15 o'clock, and its absolute minimum - during the night, between 1 and 4 o'clock. This innate diurnal rhythm is synchronized to a 24-hour rhythm due to environmental influences.

For such synchronization, along with the change of light and darkness, social settings of time, such as the established work time, the time for eating, the time for possible contacts between people and the time for habitual spending of free time. These time periods refer to daytime. If all these time settings are interleaved, the human body can adjust to such a shift.

After a long flight, for example, in the US, it takes a person 14 days to adjust to this time shift. If only some time settings change their place in relation to the diurnal rhythm curve, for example, working hours at shift work, while other settings of the time of the rhythm of the change of light and dark, such as, for example, working hours and rest times of other persons and family members, will remain the same, the body will not be able to rebuild itself or it will be very difficult to rebuild itself. This state of affairs must be taken into account when organizing shift and night work.

Labour Organization should take into account the process of the biological daily rhythm. Along with the curve of physiological readiness for work, there are areas of automatic performance, reserves of use available to the will, as well as emergency reserves inaccessible to the will. The more the worker moves from the area of ​​automatic performance, which allows him to perform work at minimal cost, to the area of ​​​​admissible reserves of application, the higher will be the expected fatigue.

The second essential component of readiness for work is the psychological readiness for work, as well as labor motivation. Within certain limits, weak physiological readiness for work can be replaced by a corresponding strong labor motivation.

When repeating the same or similar works This leads to increased performance, which manifests itself in reducing the tension of workers, in reducing the time required for work and in improving the quality of work. The practice is included, regardless of the training of the employee.

Exercise, performed consciously or according to a plan, is an integral part of the learning process. Practice also occurs unconsciously and can be designated as a companion of human activity. Learning and exercise are not mechanical, but vital and evolving processes.

Fluctuations in the level of human performance in conventional units

Changes associated with the course of practice, such as execution time, are very strong at the beginning of training and exercise and gradually decrease over time. The gain from practice is also generally higher, meaning that the practice curve on the chart gets steeper the lower the practice an individual brings into their work assignment based on their previous performance (practice transfer). Manufacturing experience and scientific research shows that the practical gain mainly depends on:

  • frequency of activities and duration of practice,
  • professional fitness that a person brings due to his inclinations, abilities, and the transfer of practice from his previous activity,
  • level of complexity of working methods and
  • practice methods.

Next to "active practice" due to repetitive performance, practice methods such as "observational practice" (observations) and "mental practice" repeated execution in the mind of the work cycle can be introduced. The combination of active and mental practice often leads to the benefits of practice.

Achieving a certain execution time, which is often resorted to in practice, can be reduced by having pauses during the practice, and that the practice intervals will not exceed a certain length. Once before work, perhaps, a practical stimulus appears, which weakens with the duration of practice, and after a pause again reaches a certain height. Rest during breaks is important. For systematic learning with the goal of the shortest possible learning time, the following follows: the total practice time is divided into segments of short duration, which will be diluted with breaks or activities of a different kind.
