Trucking business. Is there a benefit? How I started a freight transport business How life is in the truck transport business

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If cargo transportation is chosen as an activity, where to start the business? Such an occupation was considered unpromising 2 years ago. Today, even a beginner has the opportunity to transport goods quite profitably and create profitable business. This is a costly and troublesome task. Up to $10,000 is the amount starting capital without purchase.


Trucking business concept In Russia, the market for in-demand products is continuously growing forwarding services

. The services of qualified logisticians are always in demand. The activities of industrial, trading and manufacturing enterprises are closely related to various types of transportation. How to start a business related to the transportation of various types of cargo? You should navigate the market by studying competitors' offers. Intercity and international flights are the most profitable type of cargo transportation business. In this market segment, the company is subject to more stringent requirements for documentation technical means

and technical conditions, however, significantly higher than the average prices for such cargo transportation. Various options for organizing this business are possible. Without having your own car, you can implement a business idea for cargo transportation. Trucking as a business allows customers to purchase from suppliers necessary equipment

, various types of equipment, bring raw materials for production, send goods to their customers. Cargo transportation is used by various modes of transport. Delivery by water transport, plane, railway or road transport is a popular service. Heavy and large cargo can be transported profitably and conveniently using rail or air transportation. Small consignments of cargo are transported using curtained vehicles. Clients value high-quality, reliable, prompt delivery during office or apartment moves.

Specifics of the cargo transportation business In a mature market for forwarding services, there is a very high level of market competition, but stable have entrepreneurs who managed to occupy a niche and organize a profitable cargo transportation business. Small private firms account for about 60% of the cargo transportation market, the remaining 40% belong to large companies. An enterprising, enterprising entrepreneur can open a business from scratch in the forwarding services market, provided the right approach to organization is taken. When entering this business, significant amounts of start-up capital are required.

How to open a business related to freight transportation?

Within the framework of current legislation, you can register as an individual entrepreneur, the owner of a small company. An individual entrepreneur manages his business independently. How to open an individual entrepreneur? As part of the standard procedure, an individual entrepreneur is registered, which costs several thousand rubles.

The legal right to transport goods is given by a transport license. For smooth crossing state border freight vehicles must obtain an additional license, which is valid for 15 days. To the person in charge a power of attorney for the carriage of goods, a list of transported items, a package of accompanying papers, and a waybill are presented. These forwarding documents are required to fulfill various types cargo transportation.

To transport oversized or bulky cargo, the carrier must obtain a special permit. To officially open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation, you must obtain insurance for the cargo vehicle. A package of constituent documents is required to register as an object of taxation with the authorities tax service. An entrepreneur must obtain a TIN.

Individual entrepreneurs involved in cargo transportation are exempt from accounting. Any enterprise is quite a risky business, so the various nuances of a cargo transportation business being opened should be taken into account by the main document drawn up by professionals who will help and advise on how to organize a business. A business plan is the main document of a future entrepreneur, which helps to assess their commercial opportunities. The success of a business related to cargo transportation primarily depends on this competent document.

The business plan should reveal the main problems of the activity:

  • strategy and goal of the company's development;
  • organizational issues;
  • sources of start-up capital;
  • order search options.

Part of the business plan is the financial side.

Smart startup

To carry out full-fledged cargo transportation, it is necessary to purchase cars. It is worth starting a business from scratch by purchasing reliable imported cars. A startup will be easier if the aspiring entrepreneur has his own freight transport. The location of the office is not critical. If you want to start cargo transportation, it is better to start the freight forwarding business by using one car. Where to start a business to earn a good income? It is important for carriers to avoid unprofitable idle runs.

A future entrepreneur should take care of hiring qualified workers for a cargo transportation business in a timely manner. Logistics forwarders help minimize transport costs. In accordance with the contract, these professionals perform insurance, storage, transhipment, and freight forwarding from the initial loading point to the final destination. These business specialists in cargo transportation choose the optimal route, solve problems with customs clearance, monitor the completion of documents.

To develop your business you will need:

  • use of reliable cars;
  • website with prices and descriptions of services;
  • electronic digital signature;
  • experienced drivers, several logistics forwarders.

In the first months of the company’s operation, when the client base has not been created, the work has not yet been established, and no one knows about the transport company yet, it is especially difficult for entrepreneurs.

If you organize your cargo transportation business correctly, you can soon make a good profit.

Order a business plan

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Cargo transportation is a business for a narrow circle of people

This is partly true. To enter the market, you need to invest a lot of money - buy cars and trailers, find and train staff, buy/rent sites for storing trucks. In order for a company to operate effectively, it is imperative to hire a professional logistician.

After the abolition of carrier licensing, many people rushed into this sector who previously had no experience with transport. To break into the market, such people choose a dumping scheme, thereby reducing their income, as well as destroying the established course of things. In addition, a significant increase in the number of intermediary companies has upset the balance of supply and demand. The illusion of market oversaturation with affordable transport has been created. All this led to the fact that a number of cargo carriers began to sell their vehicles to inexperienced market players, assuring them of the incredible profitability of this business. Well, in fact, profitability in this area is not so high.

The dispatcher will refund the cost of the cargo if it is damaged/lost

This statement is true for small and inexpensive cargo. If the cost is calculated not in thousands, but in millions, then the probability of compensation for losses sharply approaches zero. And even if the court recognized your right to receive Money, then the dispatcher will not be able to pay - he does not have that much money in assets. That's why banks don't give loans to dispatchers.

“Recovering” the cost of lost cargo through transportation is not at all an option. Real carriers, without receiving compensation from the dispatcher, will turn to the real payer.

If the dispatcher has insurance, this is a guarantee of compensation for losses

Many dispatchers take pride in carrying liability insurance. Policies are provided upon concluding a transaction as a talisman against all misfortunes on the road.

But is it as easy to get an insurance payment as it sounds? Unfortunately no. The terms of the insurance contract are very strict and even the slightest deviation from the prescribed conditions means that the case will be considered not insurable. And this entails the insurer’s refusal to compensate for losses. In addition, some contract terms cannot be verified. This means compliance with the driver’s work schedule, speed limits, driver rest in special guarded parking lots, and adherence to the route.

Here we consider only the problems of small businesses that participate in the transportation of goods along the roads of RUSSIA. This is a subjective opinion and may not fully reflect the views of market participants, or may even contradict them.

Primary problems in cargo transportation for small businesses:

  1. Incompetence and financial illiteracy of some participants in the cargo transportation market;
  2. Value added tax, its impact on the cargo transportation market
  3. Aging of the vehicle fleet of transportation participants;
  4. Price competition, dumping by cargo carriers market participants;
  5. Dialogue with authorities.

Secondary problems in cargo transportation for small businesses, although these are the problems that concern the majority of carriers in the first place:

  1. System of collecting funds to compensate for damage to the roadway “Platon”;
  2. Tachographic control;
  3. Weight and dimensional control.

Consideration of the main problems in cargo transportation for small businesses in more detail.

  1. Incompetence and financial illiteracy of some participants in the cargo transportation market.

The illiteracy of some “entrepreneurs” involved in cargo transportation by road is as follows: there is no clear understanding of the basic basic principles work. These “entrepreneurs” cannot calculate the cost of work.

Accordingly, the calculations of such entrepreneurs look approximately as follows:

A) freight cost - diesel fuel = if the remaining amount is more than 0, then you have earned, otherwise you have lost

B) freight cost – diesel fuel – food – overhead costs = see point “A”

C) distance X fuel consumption X cost of a liter of fuel X 3 = they try to leave according to the amount obtained as a result of the calculation.

These are just three freight cost calculation options that some carriers use. In fact, there are many more payment options; I have even met those who do not use any payment options at all, but travel for the amount offered by the dispatcher.

This raises a very funny question at first glance, which is very common among those who want to try to start a business in cargo transportation - which tractor (car) to buy. Where is your calculation, fellow entrepreneurs?

If you conduct even a superficial analysis of the cargo transportation market, it will become clear that there is no fundamental difference. There are some deviations in the operating costs of servicing equipment, but their impact is not so obvious if you make a competent cost calculation. It is from here that such concepts as return trips and rides are formed.

Based on what is described in this paragraph, we can draw an intermediate conclusion: it is very difficult to make money when the final price for a service, being equal or with slight deviations in the price of the costs of providing this service, is formed practically with the help of a shamanic tambourine.

If there are difficulties with calculating the cost, then you can start with this.

  1. Value added tax

The problem with value added tax “VAT” lies in the following:

A) Inability to work individual entrepreneurs with organizations, since a large number of entrepreneurs engaged in the field of cargo transportation work under the patent system or on UTII. These taxation systems do not involve working with VAT. This, in turn, makes cooperation between organizations working with VAT and representatives of small businesses unprofitable.

But as always, if something doesn’t work out, then there is someone who can help. This is where assistant dispatchers come into the picture.

B) Dispatchers are not only those people who, for their “interest”, can bring together the participants in the chain of cargo owner – cargo carrier – consignee. They take on the role of a company that transfers money with VAT into money without VAT. It is unknown where the VAT goes.

There are enough platforms on the Internet where the cargo owner - cargo carrier - consignee can find each other, but this is of little use. Due to the use of different taxation, their interaction is practically excluded. This is why there are such a large number of intermediaries on platforms intended for direct cooperation.

Brief summary: carriers can also use a taxation system that allows them to work with VAT, but this incurs additional financial costs in the form of creating jobs for accountants. The use of such systems can only be effective if there is a large fleet of vehicles, which is clearly beyond the scope of small businesses.

  1. Aging fleet of transportation participants

The fleet of carriers in Russia is very diverse, ranging from vintage domestic trucks to almost new modern technology. Exemplary, average The age of the vehicle fleet of individual entrepreneurs involved in the transportation of goods is more than 10 years.

This state of affairs is due to a number of reasons:

A) lack of funds to purchase new commercial equipment. This is a consequence of the phenomena described above.

B) inability to attract credit funds for small businesses: there are no available lending and leasing programs.

  1. Price competition, dumping of cargo carrier market participants.

As follows from the definition of the word dumping, it is price competition, the essence of which boils down to the sale of goods and services below cost, which is aimed at conquering new markets and gaining economic advantages.

What is happening in the cargo transportation market cannot be called dumping. To engage in dumping, you need to know the cost of work and services and have a goal of capturing the market. This point is impossible to implement, since the first point states that some market participants cannot calculate the cost of the services they provide.

Some market participants are clearing the way with their own hands for those who will come in their place. This is just a consequence financial policy carried out by some transportation participants, because their cars, which are essentially fixed assets, do not last forever.

  1. Dialogue with authorities.

Once I managed to take part in a dialogue with the authorities. True, calling this a dialogue would be a huge stretch. Representatives of the authorities in this dialogue had their own goals - to force them to accept the point of view of the legislator and remain in their warm chairs. Needless to say, government officials were not interested in the problems of market participants. Representatives of the authorities did not ask a single question regarding the nature of the current situation. Although, logically, the main task of government officials is to make sure that citizens live better. The arguments of representatives of the cargo transportation market were not heard. According to reports, a dialogue has been held, everyone agrees with everything. This state of affairs, at a minimum, shows the incompetence of people holding responsible positions.

Secondary issues that put significant pressure on small shippers.

This list of problems causes the most intense emotions among cargo carriers, since they have to deal with them every day.

  1. System of collecting funds to compensate for damage to the roadway “Platon”.

A system for collecting funds to compensate for damage provided to the road surface with Vehicle, with a permissible weight of more than 12 tons, hereinafter referred to as “PLATON”.

“Plato” raises a number of questions for the carrier:

A.) This system places a significant burden on individual entrepreneurs working in the cargo transportation market, since they are not able in the current situation to shift these costs to the transportation customer. This situation takes its roots from the first point of the cargo carrier's primary problems.

B.) The second most popular question is the timeliness of this system, why the system was launched at such an inopportune time. The launch of the system coincided with a deep crisis in the country's economy. The cargo transportation market, in particular individual carriers, felt it very acutely.

C.) The third question that concerns market participants is why economic justification with calculations of the harm of “trucks” is not available for free consultation. It is possible that familiarization with the calculations will remove a number of questions, and perhaps give rise to a number of new questions. It is possible that taxpayer money has run out. Therefore, there is no way to familiarize interested parties with the calculations; people must see these figures and calculations. People have enough education to draw appropriate conclusions, because the majority received it at a time when it was of high quality.

  1. Tachographic control.

There is also confusion with tachographic control, which creates the following questions:

A.) The cost of equipment for monitoring compliance with RTO.

B.) Incompetence of employees monitoring compliance with RTO.

C.) There is an almost universal lack of infrastructure for compliance with RTOs.

  1. Weight and dimensional control

Weight and dimensional control, in the form in which it now exists, is aimed at destroying the small business of cargo transportation in Russia. Which automatically creates a lot of questions:

A.) Amounts of fines for violations, lack of the concept of presumption of innocence. There is no way to prove innocence in court. A couple of weight and size fines can bring almost any small cargo carrier to its knees and drive it out of the market.

B.) Substitution of tasks for maintaining the roadway with tasks for collecting fines, as well as personal enrichment of dishonest employees.

C.) Lack of ability for cargo carriers to control axle load.

Bottom line. Small cargo carriers are on the verge of bankruptcy, “Plato” was the last straw from which the cup of patience ran out. Now almost every carrier understands that something needs to be changed, but what? Perhaps now is the time to suspend “Plato” and other innovations. Enter into dialogue with market participants. Come to an understanding of the industry’s problems and begin to jointly solve them. Now is the time to work together.

Thank you for your time, you can express your thoughts in comments.

Russian freight market

There are about 6.5 million trucks in Russia; last year alone, almost 5.5 billion tons of cargo were transported on these heavy trucks. At the same time, most of them were delivered by cargo owners on their own trucks and dump trucks; a third of all cargo transportation was carried out by transport companies, Business Vector reports.

In our country, it is rare that any manufacturer has a railway nearby. The vast majority - 99% - this needs to be brought to railway. And most often in recent years, they use road transport to deliver from door to door: from the consignor to the consignee.

In total, there are more than 20 thousand transport companies in Russia and about two million individual entrepreneurs, who often have one truck in their garage.


Experts note that the most dynamic segment of cargo transportation today is consolidated cargo. According to market participants, this year its volume will exceed 180 billion rubles.

Every year, the delivery of online orders increases by 20-30%. At the same time, most of such cargo is transported by truck, since groupage cargo is a troublesome task for the railway.

New directions

From October 1, truck traffic has been opened on the Crimean Bridge across the Kerch Strait. The first trucks brought milk, meat and building materials to the peninsula.


Up to 1,000 trucks cross the Crimean Bridge every day. The volume of cargo transportation to Crimea via the bridge immediately increased by a third compared to the ferry crossing.

Combustible market

In Russia, each gas station has a special route for gasoline delivery. These restrictions protect against competitors and hinder development. Companies transporting flammable substances are placed in such conditions that they can only grow with customers.

As for the Crimean Bridge, the movement of vehicles with dangerous goods is prohibited there. The Ministry of Transport promises that by winter fuel trucks will be able to obtain permission to travel through the Kerch Strait.

Uber for cargo transportation

Relatively recently, mobile applications have entered the cargo transportation market in Russia, through which you can place an order for cargo transportation. The developers of these new products plan in this way to oust freight forwarders from the market with their “astronomical” tariffs, which make money from their clients.

The founders of one of these companies, Cargo Go, say that on average their commission is 8%, and the rate is ranged based on the length of the route: on short routes the commission is higher, on long routes lower. In three years, 3,000 carriers and 1,000 cargo owners joined the platform. Over the nine months of this year, the company earned 50 million rubles; the money is spent on developing algorithms.

The cargo transportation market is moving towards this – cargo owners are starting to order smaller shipments. Accordingly, delivery is needed by smaller vehicles. Or we are already talking about groupage cargo.Oksana Pogodaeva, founder of the Cargo Go service

The company invested 43 million rubles in its development.


Freight carriers cite loading the truck on the return journey as one of the main problems. So, from the Urals there is nothing to transport in a refrigerator, and the busiest routes are around Moscow. Experts estimate empty mileage at 30% of lost revenue.

Another problem is “gray carriers”. According to market participants, “gray” operators transport up to 500 billion rubles a year, all of which goes beyond the budget. Most of the government's initiatives in the transport sector are aimed precisely at whitewashing the market.

We have a proposal to prepare a law, a bill first, on road freight transportation. Only those, according to our proposal, who are in the register will be able to get there: registered as a logistics company, forwarder or freight carrier. It seems to me that this is not only whitewashing the market, it is increasing competition and lowering prices. And most importantly, this is an opportunity with minimal or no losses for manufacturers.Sergey Katyrin, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


To “clarify” the cargo transportation market, the “Platon” system was created: cargo owners of vehicles weighing more than 12 tons pay for travel on federal highways. Business Vector reports that more than a million cars are registered in the Platon system.

In general, the system is intended for good, because high-quality roads and the absence of traffic jams along the route are the most cherished desires for all motorists, including truckers. On the other hand, for many road carriers, including us, this is an additional financial burden, which entails an increase in cost transport services and for our clients. In addition, the system is still “young” and requires improvement.

At the beginning of this year, fees in the Platon system amounted to 40 billion rubles. Some industry participants consider them a forced payment and hope that this will lead the market to uniform rules of movement, others believe that Plato is “strangling” business.

A source who wished to remain anonymous told Bel.Ru news agency that not everyone pays for Platon: it is more profitable to pay a fine if caught. Since a cargo carrier using the Platon system is forced to pay more than a million rubles, and the fine is only ten thousand rubles - incommensurable figures for businessmen. “If Platon is strictly controlled at the state level, this will strangle our business,” the interlocutor said.

Freight transportation market of the Belgorod region

According to Belgorodstat, at the end of 2017, 73.6 thousand were registered in the region. trucks. The structure of cargo transportation is dominated by agricultural organizations (52%), construction (18%), and manufacturing (10%). The volume of cargo transportation amounted to 49.5 million tons in 2017, the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region reported.

Oversized cargo transportation

The Negabaritika company was founded more than 15 years ago. At that time, the sphere of providing services for the transportation of oversized cargo was just beginning to emerge, which, in fact, became the incentive for its creation.

The company transports various cargoes - agricultural machinery, aircraft, military equipment, modular buildings, equipment for drilling rigs, metal structures, special equipment. Negabaritika LLC took part in the construction and reconstruction of large and significant facilities throughout the country, transported materials for the construction of the Kerch Bridge, St. Petersburg Zenit Arena, Sheremetyevo Airport and Dynamo Stadium in Moscow, as well as sports arenas for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.

Of course, there were difficult periods in the course of the organization’s activities: in 2008, the crisis that hit the Russian economy was no exception for the cargo transportation market, and 2014 was also not an easy year due to a decrease in import volumes, a reduction in customer expenses for logistics sector and, of course, the fall in the ruble exchange rate. But, despite all the difficulties, our company has grown very quickly and continues to grow. And if in 2003 the company’s staff consisted of only a few people, today we have a large and, importantly, well-coordinated team that works as a single mechanism for the benefit of the common cause. This year we joined one of the cargo carrier associations, the largest and most promising in the country, and this is also one of important points regarding the future of our enterprise, since this will streamline the work. I would like cargo carriers in Russia to work within the legal framework, so that the state, thanks to the association, knows about our problems.Dmitry Palienko, CEO Negabaritika LLC

Currently, the company’s fleet includes more than 250 units of equipment with a carrying capacity of up to 100 tons (not counting the number passenger cars escort), and the vehicle fleet is regularly replenished.

Next year we plan to double our vehicle fleet and purchase new modern vehicles. We have something to strive for; we consider ourselves one of the most reliable companies in Russia when it comes to oversized, complex transportation.Dmitry Palienko, General Director of Negabaritika LLC

Transportation of oversized cargo is carried out in priority by new vehicles. Each car is ready for a long journey, climate change, difficult road conditions, and unexpected weather. Employees carefully monitor the technical condition of the vehicle fleet, because the absence of failures in the operation of equipment is another important component of delivering oversized cargo on time.

The geography of transportation is very extensive - all of Russia, CIS countries and China. We are constantly expanding our route network and can deliver oversized cargo even to hard-to-reach settlements in the Far Eastern District and Siberia. Starting this year, we begin to cooperate more closely with China, carry out transportation to the EU - exports to the Russian Federation are emerging. On average, we transport about 10,000 cargoes per year and travel 24,000,000 kilometers. The volume of cargo transportation is constantly increasing, we are finding new clients both in our country and abroad, for whom the guarantee of reliability and safety of cargo is important.Dmitry Palienko, General Director of Negabaritika LLC

The company believes that government policy in this industry does not take into account a number of evolutionary factors that resulted from a serious imbalance that has arisen between the needs of carriers and economic conditions their activities. For example, creating an optimal route for transporting oversized cargo by road train is often impossible due to the lack of universal roads and bridges, which, by their nature, technical specifications, are able to withstand the loads that arise when a heavy road train moves.

Carriers are not able to quickly find their bearings, much less adapt to work effectively in the newly adopted conditions. legal documents. Regularly updated legislation disrupts the implementation of long-term contracts by transport companies, since the cost of this type of cargo transportation services is constantly changing depending on the introduction of new requirements.Dmitry Palienko, General Director of Negabaritika LLC

The head of the company noted that the process of obtaining permission to transport oversized cargo has become more complicated for carriers. According to the established procedure, the waiting period for permits is 15 working days. Thus, three calendar weeks must pass before transport company will receive a response from government agencies. In other countries, the waiting period for permits is one day.

Thus, the adopted laws are directed against the interests of cargo owners and cargo carriers, contribute to another round of inflation, increase the additional burden on customers and, as a result, lead to an increase in the budget.Dmitry Palienko, General Director of Negabaritika LLC

Belgorod transport company

Belgorod Transport Company (BTK LLC) was founded in the summer of 2012. Initially, the company had only 8 Renault trucks. Today, the vehicle fleet of BTK LLC includes 25 DAF XF 105 tractors with trailers, of which 20 are tilted, the so-called “curtains,” and 5 refrigerators (they carry goods that need to be transported at a certain temperature). Cars produced in 2012, 2013 and 2014. This is one of the largest private fleets of trucks among transport companies in Belgorod, with the exception of large enterprises and agricultural holdings with their own fleet.

What advantages do we have in comparison with other similar transport companies? Firstly, transport companies often purchase equipment on lease or on credit. We have our own park. Therefore, we are responsible to the customer, including with our fixed assets. Secondly, we work with VAT. Large customers who work for common system Taxation is convenient, it is possible to reimburse VAT. Having our own staff of professional drivers is also a plus.

The company had to work in difficult times: the 2014 crisis, sanctions, loss of ties with neighboring Ukraine. As a result Belgorod region has become a kind of “dead end” for cargo transportation. Over the six years of its existence, BTK LLC cars have traveled to many corners of Russia: they have been to Irkutsk and Ust-Kut, Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk and Crimea, Arkhangelsk, Surgut, Rostov, etc.

Freight transportation price for last years increased, but prices for diesel fuel and spare parts increased even more. When we first started to engage in cargo transportation, we received an international license and almost became members of the association of international cargo carriers of Russia ASMAP. However, we did not have to work with cargo transportation to Europe. The market for such cargo transportation has been actively taken over by drivers from the Baltic states: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. They brought down prices, and transporting goods to Europe became less profitable.Alexander Kravchenko, General Director of Belgorod Transport Company LLC

Now BTK LLC also does not transport cargo to European countries, although it has an international license. According to Alexander Vladimirovich, this is simply unprofitable. “To transport cargo to Europe, many additional points must be taken into account. These include customs procedures, obtaining foreign passports by drivers, permits for each car and driver, the high cost of fuel in Europe, knowledge of foreign languages ​​by logisticians and drivers, and much more. As a result, it will be a business with approximately the same profitability as in Russia. But in Russia we have an established logistics chain, there are many reliable counterparties, there are practically no issues with accounts receivable", explained Alexander Kravchenko.

On average, the cost of transporting cargo by vehicle with a carrying capacity of 20 tons is now 32-34 rubles per 1 km. It’s paradoxical, but due to the fact that the Belgorod region is the final stop for Russia, bringing cargo into the region costs half as much as taking it out.

It costs 95 thousand rubles to transport cargo from Belgorod to Yekaterinburg, and 50 thousand rubles back. A flight from Belgorod to Samara will cost the customer 55 thousand rubles, and from Samara to Belgorod 28 thousand rubles. Our region's population is not very large, only 1.5 million people. In many ways, we provide ourselves with both food and industrial materials. Therefore, bringing something here is not very profitable. We'll return for next to nothing.Alexander Kravchenko, General Director of Belgorod Transport Company LLC

One driver leaves for a trip on one truck. At BTK LLC average age Truck drivers are 40-45 years old and have more than 10 years of driving experience.

BTK LLC vehicles can transport up to 20 tons of cargo on each trip. On average, the machine load is 17-18 tons. Each car makes 6-8 trips per month, with a mileage of 15-17 thousand km. Thus, every month the trucks of BTK LLC transport over 3 thousand tons of cargo. And per year, accordingly, about 40 thousand tons.

We try to work with large companies, the so-called cargo owners. We transport metal structures for Belenergomash, food and non-food products for “Efko”, Stary Oskol factory “Slavyanka”. Miratorg, Prioskolye, Yashkino are also ours regular customers. We also carry goods consumer consumption, food, non-hazardous chemicals. You also have to work with forwarders, since many factories do not hire transport directly, but work with certain forwarders who are already organizing transportation.Alexander Kravchenko, General Director of Belgorod Transport Company LLC

“Most often our machines are engaged in moving cargo from warehouse to warehouse. And only then from warehouses to outlets companies deliver cargo using medium- and light-duty vehicles. Many cities are closed to twenty-ton trucks, there are restrictions,” explained Alexander Kravchenko.

Alexander Vladimirovich says that in recent years, many private owners who have one or two trucks have left the business.

It is clear that the state is not very interested in small companies like ours. Increasing prices for fuel and lubricants, introducing the PLATO system - all this does not contribute to business development. In addition, there is a trend towards increasing cargo transportation by rail. Perhaps on the scale of our big country, it is really more profitable to transport cargo by wagons. And cargo transportation using heavy vehicles is increasingly becoming the prerogative of large transport companies, with the number of vehicles from 1000 or more.Alexander Kravchenko, General Director of Belgorod Transport Company LLC

In April 2018, the Belgorod transport company received the AutoTransInfo certificate with a five-star rating (the criteria included reliability, absence of disputes, work experience) and first place among freight carriers in the city of Belgorod. Also, according to AutoTransInfo, the company is one of the hundred best participants of the ATI of Russia among cargo carriers.
