Presentation for children on the topic of the profession of lifeguard. You are your own savior. How to act in various emergency situations. How to behave if a person finds himself in an ice hole

Presentation on the topic: « Rescuers

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry"


teacher Tutushina M.N.

Rescuer - a citizen trained and certified to carry out emergency rescue operations.

  • number
  • Services
  • Rescue

  • Rescue people during emergency rescue operations.
  • Provide first medical care victims of accidents.
  • Carry out emergency response work.
  • Conduct reconnaissance and search for victims.

  • be ready to participate in emergency response work, improve your physical, special, medical, and psychological conditions.

  • Improve skills in action as part of emergency rescue teams

  • Strictly follow the technology of emergency rescue operations

  • Actively search for victims, take measures to rescue them, provide them with first medical and other types of aid

  • Strictly carry out orders given during the work to eliminate emergency situations by the heads of emergency rescue services, emergency rescue units, in which rescuers take part in carrying out these works.

  • explain to citizens the rules of safe behavior in order to prevent emergency situations and the procedure for action in case of their occurrence

  • A citizen who has reached 18 years of age and is trained and certified to carry out emergency rescue operations can become a professional rescuer.
  • Training in the profession of “Rescuer” is carried out in Moscow: at the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and at Training center Moscow rescue service.
  • rescuer of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • Sergei Kozhugetovich Shoigu

  • The dog’s unique sense of smell is its main tool; with its help, it easily finds people lost in the forest and trapped under rubble as a result of building collapses. The dogs work in real search and rescue missions and are faithful assistants in the matter of saving people. But before they actually become a rescuer, dogs have to study long and hard.

"Mourning Newfoundland"

Monument dog - to the rescuer exists in Perm

Accompaniment of patients Air transportation of patients of any severity, medical support

Ground transportation rescuers

thanks for

  • Main rules of life safety……………….………………………….…3
  • What to do if something catches fire in your house?........4
  • What should you not do if something catches fire in your house?.................................................. ..............................5
  • Algorithm of actions in case of fire in public

place........................................................ ........................6

  • Evacuation from a room filled with toxic smoke.................................................... ...............................7
  • What should you do in case of technical accidents?.................................................... ..............................8
  • What to do in case of danger of building destruction?.................................................... ...............................9
  • How to resist ice? ………….….………….……10
  • Thin ice…………............................................ ..........eleven
  • How to behave if a person finds himself in an ice hole?…..12
  • Situation “Man overboard”………………………..……13
  • Home alone …………………………………..……….…….14
  • If the apartment was robbed when no one was home……………………………………………………………….15
  • What to do if there is a threat of a dog attack?...……………………………………………………………..…….16
  • Attack at the entrance…………………………………….17
  • How to avoid becoming a victim of an adventure-seeking company?................……………..…………….…….…….19
  • How to survive in a crowd?........................................................ ......20
  • When captured by terrorists………………………………….21
  • Conclusion…………………………………………………………..……22
  • study the types and causes of dangers; learn to anticipate their occurrence anywhere; If possible, avoid dangerous situations, avoid dangerous places, do not take unnecessary risks; do not be afraid or panic in difficult situations; when danger appears, act decisively; always seek advice and help; choose the safest path or course of action of all possible; actively fight (by any legal means) for your life, your rights and property.
  • study the types and causes of dangers;
  • learn to anticipate their occurrence anywhere;
  • If possible, avoid dangerous situations, avoid dangerous places, do not take unnecessary risks;
  • do not be afraid or panic in difficult situations;
  • when danger appears, act decisively;
  • always seek advice and help;
  • choose the safest path or course of action of all possible;
  • actively fight (by any legal means) for your life, your rights and property.
  • Call fire department by phone 01. At the same time, saying the exact address and last name.
  • If there is no phone, call

neighbors, shout "Fire"

call for help, knock on

walls, through pipes, so that

everyone heard your signal

  • Leave the burning room and warn your neighbors.
  • Meet the firefighters.
  • Only if the fire is small, try to deal with it yourself: tear off the burning curtains, trample the fire with your feet, pour water on it, cover it with a blanket, knock it down with a broom. Breathe through a wet scarf or towel.
  • open windows and doors in a burning room - oxygen promotes combustion, and smoke reduces it;
  • come close to the fire due to the danger of explosions and collapse of building structures;
  • give in to panic and interfere with those who are putting out the fire and saving property;
  • Extinguish electrical household appliances, electrical panels and wires connected to the network with water.
  • immediately report the appearance of smoke or fire to the driver (driver, conductor);
  • notify passengers, wake up sleeping people;
  • Protect your mouth and nose from smoke with a handkerchief, scarf, sleeve, hem of a dress, jacket. Bend down when getting out of the burning cabin. Do not touch metal parts in a trolleybus or tram - in the event of a fire they may become electrically live;
  • To prevent the wind from fanning the flames, close the windows;
  • On the train, get away from the fire into the front cars. If this is not possible, go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you - in compartments, vestibules and inter-car passages;
  • if there is a threat to

your life, don't try

rescue luggage;

  • jump out of the car only at

as a last resort. Putting it on

yourself for more cushioning

clothes or together with a mattress.

  • Move around the smoke-filled room, bending down as low as possible, or better yet, crawling (there is less smoke below).
  • Cover with a damp cloth

nose and mouth.

  • Cover yourself with something wet

blanket, coat, carpet.

  • After making sure that the apartment

everything is in order, but the smoke is coming from the landing, try to find out where its source is. Do this very carefully, think through every step. Be sure to close the door behind you when leaving the apartment.

  • If the door to the outside becomes very hot, do not open it, but pour water on it and seal the cracks.
  • While there is an opportunity, it is better to take the most valuable things and go outside.
  • Elevators should not be used. They sometimes get stuck, and in the event of a fire they can also cut off the power.
  • If it is impossible to leave the apartment, then quickly seal the door cracks with wet rags. After that, go out onto the balcony, close the door behind you and call passers-by for help.
  • First of all, try to turn off the tap or turn off the water supply. If you can’t do it yourself, ask an adult.
  • Report what happened

parents or neighbors

if they are not at home, then

repair manager


control (REU) or

housing maintenance office (ZhEK).

  • Warn the neighbors living below.
  • Place basins, jars, pots and buckets in places where there are grooves, and collect water from the floor in them with a dustpan and a rag. This way you can protect the floor from swelling, and your neighbors below from flooding and repair costs.
  • Move valuables to closets in a dry place, cover the furniture with film, raincoats, and plywood.
  • If water is running down the walls or dripping from the ceiling, turn off the electricity. If there is severe flooding (flooding) of the entire floor or house, it is better to leave it without using the elevator and taking with you the necessary things and documents. A house flooded with water may collapse.
  • Feeling the first tremors

(in case of an earthquake they begin

chandeliers sway, tremble

furniture, windows rattling), and when you see the first cracks, act immediately. If you are on the first or second floor, go outside.

  • If you live higher

second floor, settle down in

the safest place -

opening of capital

interior walls, corner,

formed by internal capital walls. Don't stand near windows, doors, stairs, don't stay in corner rooms.

  • In order to protect yourself from structural debris, glass, and falling objects, hide under a bed, table, or desk (at school), covering your head with your hands.
  • Immediately go outside as soon as the shaking stops. Remember: you cannot use the elevator, touch the wires, or light a fire.
  • Wear shoes with small, stable heels or without heels, preferably with microporous, soft soles.
  • Use various methods (for example, gluing insulating tape or adhesive tape to the heel or dry sole, rubbing the sole with sandpaper before going out) to increase the adhesion of shoes to ice.
  • Try while walking

step on the entire sole,

relaxing your legs a little

  • Do not use your hands so that if you are in danger of falling, use them to maintain your balance.
  • Take your time and leave the house with plenty of time.
  • Learn to fall: squeeze, tense your muscles, and when you touch the ground, in order to soften the blow, be sure to roll onto your side, pressing your head into your shoulders. Do not fall on a straight back or outstretched arms!

What to do if you fall into cold water?

  • Once in a hole, cling to the edge of the ice with your hands, a stick, or a screwdriver. Then

crawl out carefully and calmly

onto the ice with your chest and pull one out

leg, then the other. Crawl into that one

the direction you came from, where the ice is

stronger. Don't think about the cold -

crawl ashore. And now

run to the nearest house to warm up. If it’s far from your home, you need to wring out your clothes and, while getting dressed, keep moving.

How to behave if a person finds himself in an ice hole?

  • Do not approach someone who has fallen into the wormwood, but carefully crawl on your stomach, spreading your arms and legs wide. If you have a stick, ski (board, rope, belt, scarf, outerwear), push them in front of you 3-5 meters before the failure and give them to the victim.
  • If there are several rescuers,

should insure each other

rope, straps or crawling

to the victim in a chain,

hold each other's legs.

  • If there is housing nearby, you can use an attachment to reduce pressure on the ice.

ladder, sheet of plywood, tin,

fragment of a front garden or wooden fence.

  • Help for the victim must be provided as quickly as possible, as he may die from hypothermia.

If you find yourself overboard

If it happens to you, don’t lose heart and act according to the following plan:

  • Wave your hand, shout as much as you can

louder to get noticed;

  • Try to get rid of unnecessary items, but do not throw off all your clothes - they will help maintain body temperature;
  • Save your strength, don’t make unnecessary movements.

If you are in an apartment without adults:

  • be sure to check that the doors are locked;
  • if the doorbell rang, first

look through the door peephole;

  • don't open the door to a stranger

or to a stranger, or

to acquaintances without parental permission;

  • if the person who comes says that an urgent telegram has arrived, ask to read it out, but do not open the door;
  • do not engage in conversations with anyone through the door;
  • before leaving the apartment, taking out the trash or picking up the mail, look through the peephole and, if there are strangers on the site, delay your exit;
  • when you leave the house,

even for a little while, lock the door

  • do not enter the apartment, assess the situation from a safe distance.
  • Immediately notify your neighbors, call the police (tel. 02) or your parents at work.
  • Don’t try to be a hero, don’t try to apprehend a criminal yourself under any circumstances. But try to remember the make and number of his car or trace in which direction the criminal went.
  • if you return from guests late in the evening, ask them to accompany you home;
  • warn your family about the time of arrival;
  • if a stranger is following you, do not go into the entrance, pretend that something

forgot or are looking in your bag,

briefcase, and stay by

entrance for a while;

  • do not enter the elevator with

a stranger;

refuse the trip

the pretext that

forgot something in the yard or at home;

  • If, while in the elevator, a stranger enters it, try to get out of the cabin;
  • If you still had to continue going up in the elevator with a stranger, press the button for the nearest floor; turn your back to

board with buttons and

try to be discreet

press the button

"dispatcher call"

  • Approaching the house (apartment),

look around, get your keys ready

in advance, so as not to fiddle around at the entrance for a long time, quickly enter and close the door behind you;

  • If they extort valuables or money from you, give them back, because life and health are more valuable.
  • Look carefully

a group of teenagers. If

they are turned towards each other

engrossed in conversation - boldly

continue on your way: they don't

before you. If the general conversation

no, company members are watching

in different directions, looking around

passers-by - this company poses a threat. Try to avoid meeting such a company, cross to the other side of the street, turn back, use another path;

  • If you are walking with your friends and they call you back, ask you to come for a minute, never leave your companions;
  • When walking alone, do not wear expensive, attention-grabbing things (jewelry, cameras, watches, mobile phone). Never carry your player while walking. Firstly, you won’t hear what’s happening around you, and secondly, someone stronger may also want to listen to your player.
  • Do not carry large sums of money with you. If they ask you for money, give the change right away, don’t resist.
  • It's best not to fall into it,
  • Don't go against the crowd.
  • When in a crowd, you should avoid

both its center and edges

(they can press you against a fence or shop windows).

  • Don't cling

no way with your hands

(may break).

  • If you drop something, do not try to pick it up (they may get trampled).
  • The main thing in the crowd is not to fall! If you fall, protect your head with your hands and get up as quickly as possible - with a jerk, pulling your legs under you and grouping yourself.
  • In order to resist pushes from behind, squeezing, you should bend your arms and elbows and clasp your hands on your chest.
  • Stay where you are;
  • Follow the terrorists' demands. Do not create conflict situations;
  • Ask permission

for all your actions;

  • When storming an aircraft by a capture group, lie down on the floor and do not rise until the end of the operation;
  • Leave the premises only after special permission or command.

The events taking place in our country recently have caused profound changes in all areas public life. Increase in the frequency of natural disasters, the number of industrial accidents and catastrophes, dangerous situations of a social nature, low level vocational training specialists, lack of skills to behave correctly in everyday life, in various dangerous and emergency situations have a detrimental effect on people's health and lives. In this regard, the role of training on issues related to life safety and the development of safe behavior habits and healthy image life.

The specialized magazine “School of Survival” is a collection of rules of human behavior in various situations that will help ensure the safety of human life and health.

If you fell through the ice. 1. Don't panic. 2. Call for help 3. Don’t flounder in the gap 4. Rest your elbows on the ice; 5. Bring your body to a horizontal position, 6. Bring your leg onto the ice. 7. Turn onto your back and climb out of the gap. 8. Once on solid ice, you need to crawl away from the gap.

It is more correct to fall on your side, group yourself on your forearm so as to lean on your forearm. group, pulling your knees to your chest, and fall to the side again. try to sit down - this will reduce the height from which you fall. Protect your face and head: try to cover them with your hands. If you fall on your back, press your chin to your chest and spread your arms wider. At the moment of falling, you need to tense your muscles! How to properly fall in ice.

How to behave during a fire. Don't panic, call the rescue service and close the doors and windows. Prepare a wet rag through which you will have to breathe. move as low to the floor as possible. Do not jump from upper floors; do not go down ropes, sheets, or drainpipes. If you have the opportunity to help other people, do it.

How to behave during a thunderstorm. Try not to walk in a thunderstorm. Avoid open areas. hide in any possible recess. Avoid the water.. Try to hide! In the city - in a store, an entrance, under a canopy near the walls of buildings. In a car, close the windows and the elements will not reach you. DO NOT hide under the trees, do not fuss. Do not ride bicycles or motorcycles.

How to get out of an area where a cable has fallen. leave the area with very short steps, or even better, jumping on one leg. DO NOT approach a wire on the ground. DO NOT approach a person lying in the affected area. DO NOT lift your soles off the ground. Do not touch a person who has suffered an electric shock without first disconnecting the power line.

If you are lost in the forest. stop and sit down. do not panic. Remember the last sign Remember familiar landmarks: highway, Railway, river, buildings, etc. Listen. climb the tallest tree, see various pipes, antennas, power transmission towers. Rivers and streams are always a good guide in the forest. If you have food supplies with you, then calculate your diet for at least three days. when it starts to get dark, you shouldn’t try to immediately find the right road at any cost. If you have sleeping gear, then it’s better to choose a place to spend the night.

If you broke a thermometer. Wear rubber gloves. Contain spill area. Carefully collect the mercury and all broken parts of the thermometer into a glass jar with cold water. We collect the mercury using two sheets of paper (in the form of a scoop). Small droplets - using a disposable syringe. Ventilate the room for 2-3 hours. Treat the mercury spill area with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or bleach.

If you're drowning. Don’t flounder, turn over on your back, spit out the water, take a deep breath. Calm down, rest, lying on your back, slowly and calmly swim to the shore. What if your leg cramps? Then immerse yourself for a second and, straightening your leg, strongly pull your foot towards you by the big toe. DON'T PANIC!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Rules of conduct when communicating with natural environment A person, having lost his way in the thicket of a forest, becomes more and more disoriented and easily crosses the line between sober prudence and feverish panic.

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How should a person who is lost in the forest behave? Having lost his orientation, he must immediately stop moving and try to restore it using a compass or using various natural signs. If this cannot be done, the best thing to do is to organize a temporary parking lot, build a shelter from scrap materials, build a fire, replenish food supplies from nature’s pantry and wait for help to arrive.

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Organizing a camp Having made this decision, it is necessary to find a suitable site for the future camp. Right choice temporary habitat will allow you to avoid many unnecessary inconveniences in the future. First of all, it must be dry. Although it is not easy to find such a site, especially in moss forests, where the ground is covered with a continuous carpet of sphagnum, which absorbs a huge amount of water - more than 20 times its own weight. However, the time spent searching will pay off in spades: you won’t have to constantly dry wet clothes and shoes, or shiver at night from the chilly dampness.

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It is best to locate close to a stream or river, on open place to always have a supply of water on hand. In addition, a cool breeze that constantly blows at night will be the best protection against attacks by hordes of midges.

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Temporary shelter can be a canopy, hut, dugout, tent. The choice of shelter type will depend on the skills, abilities, hard work and, of course, the physical condition of the people, since in building material there is no shortage. However, the harsher the weather, the more reliable and warm the home should be. Make sure that your future home is spacious enough.

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GENDER HUT Drive in the posts and lay the supporting beam on them. At an angle of 45-600, fasten 5-7 poles on both sides and tie 3-4 poles parallel to the ground of the rafters to each slope. Then, starting from the bottom, lay spruce branches on the rafters so that each subsequent layer covers the bottom one to about half. Cover the front part - the entrance part with a piece of fabric, and cover the back with 1-2 poles and braid with spruce branches.

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CHUM SNOWY Temporary frame-block housing for 2-3 people. The materials used are fine snow, thin crust, and poles. Constructed in open spaces, inflatables.

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CAMPING TENT FOR A GROUP OF PEOPLE It is made of a canvas measuring 3.5x3.5 meters, which is raised by three posts and the outermost ones are secured with guys. The cloth is stretched and tied with the ends of the ropes to the pegs.

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CANOPY An easy-to-make shelter for people. It is enough to throw a piece of plastic film or fabric over a pole wedged between two trees, pull the freely hanging halves apart to form two symmetrical slopes, and secure them to the ground with stones. When there are no suitable trees nearby, you can drive or dig two stakes with forked ends (slingshots) into the ground. Place a ceiling pole in the forks and throw film or fabric over it. A lean-to canopy is constructed from a piece of polyethylene, one end fixed to the ground with stones or pegs, and the other side tied at a height of 1-1.5 meters to a transverse pole laid in slingshots driven into the ground. If there is no fabric or film, then a canopy can be built using only trees. These can be single-pitch or double-pitch awnings. A frame of the desired shape is assembled from poles and secured to the trees. The spruce branches should be laid from below, like tiles, i.e. so that each subsequent layer covers the underlying one by about half. In this case, water will roll off from above. At the end of construction, you need to cover the ridge well - the top of the roof and braid the back or sides of the hut with branches, depending on the design. During the cold season, such a canopy can be insulated by placing 30 centimeters thick snow on top. In a marshy or damp area, the canopy must be raised above the ground. The height of the platform is usually at least 0.5 meters.

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"IGLU" To build an "igloo" you need a relatively flat area with deep and dense snow crust. The diameter of the shelter is selected based on the following calculation: for one person - 2.7 meters, for two - 3 meters, for three - 3.4 meters. Using a knife, shovel or ski, cut snow blocks 50-70 cm long, 40-50 cm wide and 20-25 cm thick. The weight of such a block will be approximately 20-30 kg. You should start cutting at the site of the future entrance tunnel. To remove the first block, you need to trim it on four sides by 7-10 cm. Then bring something flat under the base of the block and swing it with light movements. After this, the block will easily separate. After cutting out 10-15 blocks, lay the first row. In this case, the edges of the bricks are cut by 10-150 so that they are laid in a dome. The remaining rows are laid in the same way. After finishing laying the walls, cover the gaps between the blocks with snow. At the end of the work, do not forget to make a ventilation hole.

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SNOW DUGOUT. The simplest block shelter. A small (about 0.5 x 0.5 m) hole is trampled in the snow. From its edges, using a handsaw-hacksaw, a long knife, or a snow shovel, brick slabs of the greatest possible length are cut out. In the absence of saws and knives, you can use ladle handles, spoons, or pieces of broken skis as cutting tools. The trench left after removing bricks from the snow monolith will serve as the foundation of the dugout. The deeper the trench, the easier the builder’s task will be. If the depth of the trench exceeds 1.5 meters, the roof is constructed flat. A gable roof is installed over a shallow pit-trench. The entrance to the dugout is made in the form of an elbow-shaped tunnel.

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BARRIERS - CANOPIES Place them, if possible, near trees, using them as supports for the frame. On the trees, a horizontal purlin from the knurling is strengthened, inclined poles are supported on it at a distance of 1 meter from one another, and a transverse sheathing is laid. In the absence of trees, the frame of the canopy is supported by trestles tied together from poles. The canopy is covered with branches, reeds, straw or panels of raincoats.

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“ADYGHE HOUSE” Temporary frame shelter for 2-3 people. The material is thin trees, branches, foliage. To build it, you need to dig two flexible branches, cleared of leaves, into the ground parallel to each other. Bend the upper part of them towards each other, connect and intertwine. Pass horizontal branches through the resulting arches, on which spruce branches and leaves are tightly placed.

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HORE In the hollows in front of and behind obstacles, in the snowdrifts and sand formed as a result of snow and sand masses, you can dig an individual shelter - a hole. The diameter of a hole for one person should be at least 50 centimeters. If the snowdrift is large enough, you can dig a long, up to three meters, hole with a raised dead-end side. This can be done by digging not into the depths, but along the snowdrift. The height of the rise of the dead-end side of the hole must be calculated in such a way that the entire person is above the entrance level. The bottom of the hole is lined with a layer of spruce branches, branches, and poles. If the hole turns out to be shallow, you should climb inside it with your head, and the legs that are outside should be wrapped in polyethylene or fabric. It is better to make such a hole with a ledge, so that you can not lie in it, but half-sit. Then the head and body will be warm, and the blood flow, thanks to the semi-sitting position, will be directed to the legs, which will facilitate their warming.

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“WIGWAM” Represents a pole frame, fastened at the top with a rope or wire and placed on the ground along the perimeter of an outlined circle. The frame poles are covered with film or fabric on top. If you leave a hole in the upper part of the wigwam where the poles meet, then inside you can build a small fire from dry, low-smoking wood.

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Animal attacks When going on vacation, first collect information about whether there is a danger of animal attacks in the area where you are going to go. Pay attention to animals with strange behavior. Such animals can suddenly attack a person. Use a stick, a stone, or take off your clothes against them - it is important to avoid bites and contact with saliva. A dog or a wolf attacked: wrap your left hand in a cloth, put it in the mouth as deep as possible to block breathing, at the same time with your right hand grab tightly by the back of the neck under the back of the head. A cow has attacked: grab the nostrils tightly.

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WOLF It differs from similar dogs - German Shepherds - in its wide forehead, narrow front part of the muzzle and always drooping tail. The size of wolves is very variable. The body length of adults ranges from 105 to 160 cm, weight from 40 to 65 kg. Distributed almost everywhere. Abundant in open areas and forests with little snow. In the taiga it lives almost exclusively in river valleys, and is not found in continuous forests.

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The tick attaches almost painlessly. It carries tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease and other diseases. Removing a tick: cannot be removed with your hands or tweezers, since squeezing the insect’s abdomen leads to the injection of an additional dose of the virus into the blood; pull out only with a strong thread, making a loop out of it and leaving two long ends; place the loop as close to the sting as possible and tighten tightly;

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If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, remove the poison as quickly as possible. To do this, make a small cross-shaped incision on each wound with a knife and try to suck out the poison. Spit it often, do not swallow. Take turns and be careful not to get the poison on your sore teeth or wounds in your mouth. Apply cold to the bite site - it will reduce the absorption of the poison. Do not apply a tourniquet or cauterize the wound. To fix the bite site, apply a soft splint to the bitten limb (without squeezing the wound, wrap several branches with a bandage). Take the victim to the hospital. Attention! Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances - it dilates blood vessels and can contribute to shock.

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CENTRAL ASIAN COBRA A large snake of uniform light yellow, brown and almost black color. When disturbed, cobras take a characteristic threat pose, raising the front third of the body above the ground and expanding the skin on the neck (inflating the hood). Average length 110-130 cm. Distributed in southern Turkmenistan, southern Uzbekistan, southwestern Tajikistan. Poisonous. The bite is deadly. Rare view.

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GYURZA Large snake. Body length up to two meters. A thick, dirty gray body with dark brown transverse stripes along the back. Distributed in Dagestan, Transcaucasia, southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the extreme south of Kyrgyzstan. Very often they live in vineyards and gardens in the vicinity of humans. Usually cowardly, but during the mating period males can be very aggressive. Poisonous. The bite is deadly.

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COMMON VIPER The snake is not large. The average length is 50-60 centimeters. A characteristic feature is a dark zigzag on the back; the usual general background color is gray, but it can also be brown, red, or red. Black snakes are quite common. Vipers are found throughout the forest area. They don't attack people first. The bite is very painful, but not fatal. The only poisonous species in the middle zone.

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Accidents during thunderstorms mostly (up to 90%) occur in open areas. If a thunderstorm takes you by surprise: Avoid isolated trees; If possible, ride out the thunderstorm in your car; Stay away from tall metal structures; In the forest - closer to bushes and low trees; In the mountains and in the steppe, you will hide in a hole or crevice. If there is nowhere to hide, place the ice ax and alpenstock on a hill, and take cover 15-20 meters away. If a person is struck by lightning, try to revive him cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Call an ambulance immediately.

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LIGHTNING An electrical discharge between electrified clouds or between such clouds and earth's surface several kilometers long and lasting tenths of a second. Lightning is accompanied by thunder. In addition to ordinary (linear) lightning, ball lightning is occasionally observed during a thunderstorm.

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The most difficult and mysterious profession is a rescuer.

They will come to our aid, When the ocean is raging, When there is an earthquake, Typhoon or flood. Risking their lives, they will save us - Such is their dangerous work! Who saves us from disasters? Let's say a few words about these heroes! No matter what happens to us from time to time, the Rescuer-superhero is ready for exploits!

A rescuer is someone who saves someone.

The profession of a rescuer The profession of a rescuer... Ordinary people It’s hard to name rescuers. It is the rescuer who can prevent the death of a person, save him from imminent death in any emergency situation, and come to the rescue in time. The profession of a rescuer can be put on a par with such noble professions as a doctor or a teacher.

Rescuer is a job for real men. A rescuer where there is trouble, He will always come to the rescue. And there is no reason to doubt: Saving is a job for men.

A rescuer today needs to learn a lot and train a lot. You need to know technology, physics, chemistry well, and be a psychologist. Trained, physically strong and resilient, technically competent, able to find a way out of the most difficult situations - this is a modern rescuer!

These are people who constantly give a piece of themselves to others. A rescuer is a smart, strong, courageous and hardworking person. Rescuers work at any time of the day, in any weather conditions. Neither rain, nor snow, nor hail, nor wind frightens such strong people like rescuers. They sacrifice their health, and often their lives, to help people in need.

“There is always room for exploits in life.” Fire. Flood. Earthquake. Road accident. Rescuers are always nearby, ready to help: looking for missing people in the mountains or forests, rescuing fishermen carried out to sea, extinguishing a burning forest...

Being a rescuer is a calling. The price of human life... Who knows it better? Probably, first of all, a rescuer. After all, it is he who, making his way through concrete rubble, descending under many meters of water, taming the flames, lends a helping hand to those who need it. The path of a rescuer is difficult and risky. But he walks along it so that at any moment he can be close to those who are in trouble and give a chance for salvation.

Hero rescuer is always nearby! If trouble comes to your house, rescuers will always fly to you to the sound of a siren and help you instantly. A very united squad of resourceful guys. Everyone is brave, kind, skillful - Few words, but a lot of action.

There would be fewer situations where you have to try to save people from trouble. I wish you could see less grief. The Motherland really needs you, the country's rescuers!

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