Nux ID verification by last name. How to find yourself by last name in the list of certified Nax welders. Who is on the certification committee

The role of the human factor in such a matter as ensuring the quality of work performed is one of the key ones. The level of competence of specialists in the field is especially important, since the safety of the facility, the life and health of people depend on their professionalism. Therefore, NAKS certification is the main criterion for assessing the qualifications of a welder.

Activities of NAKS

National Welding Control Agency:

  • a complete package of regulatory and methodological documentation required for certification of welding production is being developed;
  • consulting and methodological assistance is provided to certification centers and control of their activities;
  • a composition of experts on welding equipment, materials and technologies is being formed;
  • a register is created by the NAKS, in which data on all successfully passed attestation checks are entered;
  • the technical policy of the certification system is developed, its activities are coordinated and improved.

Why does a welder need to pass a certification test?

A NAKS welder is a sought-after highly qualified specialist who has the right to work for those controlled by Rostekhnadzor welding work level of their professional practical skills and available theoretical knowledge.

How and where is the certification of NAKS carried out

  • The certification test procedure includes three mandatory exams: general, practical, special.
  • The first stage of the examination chain is a practical exam. It can also be the last one if the certified welder or welding specialist does not cope with the task and receives an unsatisfactory grade. The next time, he will be admitted to certification only in a month, subject to additional practical training and payment for the re-examination.
  • To obtain a satisfactory grade and admission to the general and special exams, it is necessary to demonstrate the ability to perform welded joints, observing the requirements set forth in the technological documentation, as well as knowledge of labor protection and safety standards.
  • Simultaneous certification by the NAKS of one specialist in several types of welding work is allowed.
  • Welders or welding specialists can be certified in any region Russian Federation. The place of attestation exams is the production base of attestation centers or attestation points (regional offices) of the NAKS.

Who is on the certification committee

The composition of the commission that takes exams and makes a decision based on their results on assigning a certified level of professional training:

  • representative of Rostekhnadzor (mandatory);
  • employees of certification bodies who are specialists in welding production (not lower than level II) and who have passed special attestation which gives them the right to conduct training and take examinations for compliance with the level of vocational training.

Attestation levels

Level of professional trainingCategory of welding production personnelMandatory certification
IImaster welderforemen, foremen or other specialists whose oral or written instructions are mandatory when performing welding work
IIIwelder-technologistengineering and technical workers responsible for the development, approval and control of technological processes of welding - heads of structural divisions of the enterprise (laboratories, technical bureaus, departments, etc.)
IVwelding engineerchief engineers, chief welders, heads of the welding service and other specialists in whose official duties includes approval of all documentation for the implementation of welding work at the enterprise

Important: the commission of the NAKS levels does not cancel or replace the qualification category assigned to the welder.

Preparation for certification

Applicants for obtaining the NAKS level, in addition to having a system of attestation of work experience that meets the requirements, qualifications of general and vocational education, must pass in training centers special additional training that allows you to consolidate and expand existing skills.

The programs according to which NAKS is trained are developed taking into account industrial specialization and the level of professional training of the certified specialist. The required sections include:

  • rules of safety and labor protection in the production of welding work;
  • technologies for surfacing and welded joints;
  • welding materials and equipment;
  • welding quality;
  • ways to eliminate the identified defects.

If the specialist has mastered curriculum special training on his own, he can be admitted to certification by decision of the certification committee.

What documents are issued at the end of the verification

A welder or welding specialist certified by the National Welding Control Agency must be issued:

  • attestation certificate of NAKS, valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the protocol on primary, periodic, extraordinary or additional certification drawn up in accordance with the approved sample;
  • certificate confirming the fact of passing special pre-certification training.

How can I check the authenticity of NAKS documents? The register, which contains data on all certified welders and welding production specialists, can be found on the official website of the organization.

Important: certified specialists and welders can only be allowed to perform only those types of work that are included in the scope of their certification and are indicated in the issued certificate.

Certificate validity period

The certificates obtained after successfully passing the exams (during the initial certification) are valid for:

  • two years - for welders certified for the I level of professional training;
  • three years - for welding production specialists certified for II or III level of professional training;
  • five years - for welding production specialists certified for the IV level of professional training.

When they pass additional and extraordinary checks

Additional certification of the NAKS is carried out if it is necessary for the welder to obtain admission to the types of welding work not specified in the certification certificate, obtained after the initial certification, or if the break in the work of a specialist in these types of work is more than six months. Only practical and special exams are given.

The basis for an extraordinary certification is a temporary suspension from the performance of welding work for the repeatedly revealed unsatisfactory quality of the welded joints made by the welder or a violation technological process welding. All three types of exams are taken (general, practical, special).

Improve your level of competence, learn, expand your knowledge base, successfully pass certification. The Russian economy needs professionals!

Not every welder is allowed to assemble critical structures. And only those who have passed the certification of NAKS. What is NAKS - the decoding is as follows: national welding control agency. It is this organization that controls the qualifications of workers associated with welding work. These are not only welders, but also engineers and technologists. By the way, each worker has his own level, but more on that below. So, a welder (who received a NAKS certificate) is considered the most highly qualified, therefore he can perform work in the most critical areas.

The agency is engaged not only in the licensing of welders, it has a fairly large scope of functions.

  • Development of regulatory documentation.
  • Methodological aids.
  • Advice on proper welding procedures.
  • Development of technical policy at enterprises.
  • Formation of expert commissions.
  • But the main thing is certification.

There are four levels for certification.

  • Level #1 is a NAKS welder. That is, the go-ahead is given for welding critical structures.
  • Level 2 is the master welder. This specialist can control the welding process and give instructions on the correct operation. Instructions may be oral or written.
  • Level 3 is a technologist. Basically, technologists control all welding processes at enterprises.
  • Level 4 - engineers. These are the heads of welding services who approve the documentation governing welding processes.

It should be noted that welding equipment and tools are certified by NASK. That is, the agency also controls the quality of the equipment used, which confirms the possibility of welding critical structures.

Welders pass three types of certification:

  1. Primary.
  2. Repeated when the time is right for studying at the NAKS courses.
  3. Extraordinary. This can happen if a higher organization has doubts about the qualifications of the welder.

The purpose of the NASK certification has two points: to check the readiness of the company that is engaged in welding, and to confirm the qualifications of the company's employees who are allowed to carry out complex welding work.

How to get a NAKS certificate

Licensing of employees is carried out in special training centers that are in the register of the NAKS. In order to pass the exam, the welder provides a package of documents, which, in addition to the application, includes: a medical certificate, an extract from the labor force confirming work experience, documents on education and special training, photographs, protocols for testing safety knowledge.

2 exams are taken: theory and practice. If one of the exams is not passed, the welder can retake the test in a month. The first is the practice exam, if it is not passed, then the welder is no longer allowed to pass the theoretical knowledge. As for the certification of the engineering staff, their knowledge is mainly checked to verify the standards and requirements in narrow areas of narrow specializations. Quite often questions of the commission affect not one type of welding, but several. Therefore, it is recommended that engineers know all types of welding, the requirements for them and the technical standards of the welding process.

Attention! If a welder or engineer has not worked in his specialty for six months, then he must pass the NAKS exams.

Before the exam, it is recommended to study the documentation related to welding processes and standards that have been developed on the sidelines of the NAC. Training in welding courses covers all positions that will be present in exam papers. Therefore, it is very important to attend such courses. The courses are required to study:

  • safety precautions during welding;
  • methods of control of welding seams;
  • welding equipment and consumables;
  • welding and soldering - technological processes;
  • ways to eliminate the resulting defects.

In principle, a welder can study all these sections on his own, without attending advanced training courses. Just at the same time, a certificate will not be issued to the hands that the employee has taken these courses. The main thing is to pass the certification of the commission.


A NAKS welder receives a certificate after successfully passing the exams. NAKS certificate - what is it? This is a confirmation that the employee can work at facilities that are controlled by Rostekhnadzor.

The certificate is issued to all specialists (of all levels). At the same time, the NAKS welder is re-certified after two years, the foreman and technologist after three, and the engineer after five years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the certificate will indicate which types of welding work this worker admitted.

For example, the “RD” mark indicates that the NAKS welder is only allowed to carry out welding operations using the manual arc welding method. RAD - manual argon arc welding with non-consumable electrodes. G - gas. MP - mechanized. KTS - contact spot welding. AF is an automatic submerged arc method. The list is large for each position. Often there are several marks that provide admission to several types of welding. The received certificate is an admission to the welding of critical structures.

Certification of enterprises and organizations

Companies that are engaged in welding processes must also be certified by the NAKS. Its purpose is to confirm that the company has all the capabilities (technical, technological and organizational) to carry out the certified technology, that control is carried out correctly inside the production. Of course, the presence of specialists confirmed by NAKS is a prerequisite.

At the same time, the enterprise must have technological documentation, which describes the technology of the welding process used at the facility. Essentially, this technological instruction how to properly carry out welding operations. It is usually developed by experts higher education. The duration of the NAKS certification will depend on how well the documentation was developed. The shortcomings will only increase the verification, which may eventually lead to the refusal to give a certificate.

  • Technological map of the welding process.
  • Instruction.
  • An agreement that the welding control laboratory conducts periodic inspections.
  • Quality certificates for welding equipment and consumables.
  • A list of equipment that has already passed NAKS certification.
  • NAKS certificates confirming the qualifications of the company's employees.

In the process of checking a company for compliance with NAKS standards, welded joints are usually examined. Both destructive and non-destructive methods are used here. Welding equipment is also checked. If all standards are met, then a certificate is issued. It is signed by members of the commission indicating the name and position. The validity of the certificate is 4 years.

As for the verification of equipment, it is certified according to technical specifications, which must correspond to the indicators in the accompanying documents (passport). The downward deviation gives the commission the right not to accept it as possibly used in welding operations. The same goes for consumables. If they are issued in serial batches, then the certificate is issued for three years, if in small batches, then for one year. Be sure to check the completeness of technological equipment.

During testing, all systems are checked: electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical. Usually the test takes place in the form of welding the joint of two metals. Based on this, an assessment is given.

additional information

There is always a group of employees at the enterprise, which is not subject to certification by the NAKS. This list includes:

  • professionals working on fixed-term contract valid up to 2 years;
  • part-time workers;
  • NAKS welder (foreman, technologist, engineer), who is on advanced training courses;
  • an employee who has passed the competition and has been working in a position for less than one year;
  • young specialist.

Not all business leaders understand that NAKS certification is a permit. If the employee does not have it, then it is impossible to allow him to carry out welding work or to control them. It's against the law. Inspection organizations during certification must present their own admission, that is, permission to conduct inspections and examinations.

National Welding Control Agency (NAKS) - self-regulatory organization, created to control the system of certification of welding production. The organization has developed the principles of voluntary certification of welding production employees.

Voluntary certification solves several problems, namely:

  • ensures the safety, quality, reliability of goods and services of welding production, as it confirms the compliance of specialists with the requirements of standards and codes of practice;
  • creates conditions for organizations and entrepreneurs to participate in international trade and economic cooperation, to work on commodity market Russia and the EEC countries within the framework of uniform standards;
  • protects the consumer from unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers;
  • allows consumers to correctly assess the quality of products, services, works performed in the field of welding production;
  • increases the competitiveness of the entire Russian welding production and its products.

Certification Levels

Why do you need a NAKS certificate? Today, its presence is a necessary condition for a specialist to perform welding work. The procedure and rules for the certification that a welder passes are established by the documents developed by NAKS. The procedure is carried out by certification centers, which are regional offices of NAKS. The attestation commission includes certification experts who are certified and included in the register of NAKS experts, as well as representatives of Rostekhnadzor. The received certificate confirms the professional level of the welder to perform specific work.

As part of the certification, a welder goes through several levels:

  1. Welder;
  2. Master welder;
  3. Technologist-welder;
  4. Welding engineer.

Specialists of levels 2, 3 and 4, who are part of the management of the enterprise's divisions, must pass certification without fail. Specialists who need a permit to work in dangerous or difficult conditions also undergo mandatory certification.

How to get a certificate

Any specialist who has the appropriate education, qualifications and the necessary professional training can pass the certification.

  • The candidate submits an application, documents on education and qualifications, a certificate of employment to the certification center.
  • Within 3 days makes a decision on the approval of the application. If the application is rejected, the Certification Center informs in writing of the reason for the rejection of the application.
  • consists in testing the knowledge of the theory of welding and the practical skills of a specialist. For level 1 certification, the test includes at least 15 theoretical questions, for level 2, 3 and 4 welders - at least 20 questions. Testing of theoretical knowledge is carried out using a computer or in writing using methodological materials developed by the certification body. An additional interview may also be conducted. The theoretical part is considered passed if the candidate answered 80% of the questions correctly.
  • When testing practical skills, they are guided by the NAKS and GOST documents, which regulate the conduct of practical tests. The check was passed if the specialist completed the practical task in accordance with the declared area of ​​certification. A candidate who successfully passes the test will be issued a certificate.
  • If the candidate has not passed the test for knowledge of theory or practical skills, he has the right to retake this part within 3 months at the same certification center. A candidate who has not passed the re-test is considered not to have passed the certification, he receives a written refusal to certify.
  • The certificate number of a certified specialist is entered in the register of the NAKS. Using the registry, you can find out when the certification was carried out, the scope of certification, as well as the validity period of the document.

For welders, the certificate is valid for 2 years, for employees of welding production of levels 2 and 3, it is valid for 3 years, for level 4 - 5 years.

Types of certification

There are four types of certification for welding employees.

  1. Primary. For employees who do not have a permit for welding work.
  2. Additional. For employees who want to get access to work that is not indicated in the attestation certificate.
  3. Periodic. It is carried out to extend the validity of documents.
  4. Extraordinary. For welders who for some reason were suspended from work in order to obtain a new permit.

Types of certification of welders also differ in the areas of the national economy, which include technical devices. This can be NGDO (oil and gas equipment), GO (gas equipment), OKHNVP (equipment for chemical, petrochemical, fire and explosion hazardous industries), KO (boiler equipment) and others. NAKS specialists independently develop methodological materials for the certification of employees who are engaged in the installation and repair of NGDO, GO, OKHNVP, KO and other equipment. In addition, the procedure for certification of welders and the types of welding work carried out at oil and gas production facilities are regulated by federal and industry regulations of Transneft. Since in the course of certification the theoretical knowledge of OGDO facilities is checked, information on the necessary normative documents can be obtained from the Transneft website or attestation centers.


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News and announcements

Required PTO Engineers and foremen of construction and installation works with experience in construction and oil and gas fields. Accommodation in a hostel, transportation, food or daily allowance. Percentage of volume + salary official employment.

Welders are required in Ryazan and Veliky Novgorod at el. welding of technological pipelines and el. tank welding by NAKS OKHNVP welders p.4, p.16 type of welding RD and RAD with experience in welding pipes from 500 mm. Accommodation in a hostel, daily allowance, travel, special. clothes. 10 hour working day. Watch 60/30. Official employment.

Checking the certification of the NAKS welder

What is NAKS, how does it affect work and why is it needed?

Let's turn to history and remember the year 1980. At that time, Russia began to interact with neighboring countries in the engineering industry and, of course, welding has always been one of the key areas, but at that time, certification of welders in Russia was either absent or in its infancy.

Due to the fact that welding work became more and more popular in 1992, an organization responsible for welding production appeared - the National Welding Production Certification Committee (NAKS). This is the most common in the industry. NAKS certified welders have become widely represented in the labor market.

Today, this attestation committee is represented in almost every region of the country, where you can get training and receive a certificate of qualification from the NAKS.

To assess the competence of a welder, there are several levels of certification:

I level - welder;
II level – master of welding production;
III level – welding technologist;
IV level – welding production engineer;
There is also certification of organizations and equipment according to NAKS.

As in any educational institution NAKS training consists of theory in the form of lectures, exams and practice. The certification commission always includes a representative from ROSTEKHNADZOR, all other members of the commission must have a NAKS level of at least two. are entered into the NAKS registry, which can always be checked On-LINE.

I must say that despite the fact that NAKS certification does not reflect 100% of the qualifications of a welder, it must be admitted that it is currently the most relevant and can to some extent guarantee the quality of work.

  • Steam boilers with steam pressure over 0.07 MPa and hot water units with water temperature above 1150C
  • Steam and hot water pipelines with operating steam pressure over 0.07 MPa and water temperature over 1150C
  • Vessels operating under pressure over 0.07 MPa
  • Fittings and safety devices
  • Metal structures for boiler equipment

3) GO (Gas equipment)

  • Pipelines of internal gas supply systems
  • External gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure steel and stainless steel metal materials
  • Gas equipment of boilers, technological lines and units
  • Gas burner devices
  • Capacitive and instantaneous water heaters
  • Apparatus and ovens
  • Fittings made of metallic materials and safety devices.

4) NGDO (Oil and gas production equipment)

  • Field and main oil product pipelines, pipelines of oil pumping stations (OPS), providing transportation of oil and oil products during construction, reconstruction and overhaul
  • Field and main oil product pipelines, pipelines of oil pumping stations (OPS), which ensure the transport of oil and oil products when current repair during operation
  • Field and main gas pipelines and condensate pipelines; pipelines for the transportation of marketable products, impulse, fuel and start-up gas within: complex gas treatment plants (CGTP), compressor stations (CS), booster stations (BCS), underground gas storage stations (SPGS), gas distribution stations (GDS), nodes gas flow metering (UZRG) and gas reduction points (PRG)
  • Pipelines within the GTP, CS; NPS; SPHG; DCS; GRS; UZRG; PWG; and others, with the exception of pipelines that provide transportation of gas, oil and oil products.
  • Reservoirs for storing oil and oil products, gas holders of gas storage facilities during construction and repair.
  • Offshore pipelines, offshore facilities (pipelines on platforms, as well as welded foundations of offshore platforms) during construction, reconstruction and repair.
  • Unique objects of oil and gas industry during construction and repair (working parameters of objects are not provided for by the current regulatory documentation)
  • Shut-off valves in the manufacture and repair in the factory.
  • Details of pipelines in the manufacture and repair in the factory
  • Pumps, compressors and other equipment in the manufacture and repair in the factory
  • Oil and gas pipes in the manufacture and repair in the factory.
  • Oil and gas field equipment, drilling and oil refining
  • Pipelines of automated gas-filling compressor stations (CNG)

OKHNVP (Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and fire and explosion industries)

  • Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining industries operating under pressure up to 16 MPa
  • Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining industries operating under pressure of 16 MPa
  • Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining industries operating under vacuum.
  • Storage tanks for explosive and toxic substances.
  • Isothermal storage
  • Cryogenic equipment
  • Ammonia refrigeration equipment
  • Compressor and pumping equipment
  • Centrifuges, separators
  • Tanks, containers (barrels), cylinders for explosive and toxic substances.
  • Waste heat boilers
  • Energy technology boilers
  • Boilers HERE
  • Pipeline accessories and safety devices
  • Technological pipelines and details of pipelines.

SK (Building structures)

  • Metal building structures
  • Fittings, reinforcing and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures
  • Metal pipelines
  • Structures and pipelines made of polymeric materials.

KSM (Steel Bridge Structures)

  • Metal structures of superstructures, supports and pylons of steel bridges in the manufacture in the factory.
  • Metal structures of superstructures, supports and pylons of steel bridges during assembly, welding and repair under installation conditions.

Depending on your level of professionalism and training, our firm will offer you 4 levelscertification of NAKS specialists:

  • Stage 1 - certification for a welder
  • Stage 2 - certification for a master welder
  • Stage 3 - certification for a technologist-welder
  • Stage 4 - certification for a welding engineer

Also, the last 3 levels include the following specialists who need to pass mandatory NAKS certification:

  • Workshop foremen, foremen - the link between ordinary welders and higher authorities, giving written and oral instructions to workers.
  • Specialists who are the heads of any divisions of the enterprise, determining the technology of welding work in production (heads of sectors, bureaus, scientific laboratories, small working groups and other middle management).
  • Chief specialists (chief welders, deputy chief welders and others), whose signature is necessary for signing regulatory and governing documents before carrying out the entire range of welding work.

Given the daily workload of your company's employees, it can sometimes be difficult to collect a complete package of documents. The specialists of our company will make the process NAKS certification (passing and issuing certificates), easy and affordable, and will also help to understand all the intricacies of training. When contacting us, you can get immediate assistance from consulting specialists on choosing a training and certification center, as well as obtaining an accepted NAKS certificate in the shortest possible time.

Depending on the categories of welders, the duration of the certification is determined:

  • Specialists of the 1st category during primary training receive certificates for a period of 2 years.
  • Level 2 and 3 specialists for 3 years.
  • Certified for level 4 - for 5 years.

It is worth noting that in order to start training and certification of welding production specialists, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the qualification categories of your employees according to the current system. of the All-Russian classifier professions, office workers and tariff categories(OKZ 016-94), which were introduced by the State Standard of Russia (Decree of December 26, 1994, No. 367). Additional training of your employees as gas and electric welders and electric welders is possible.

After passing the certification, the certificate of each welder and welding production specialist indicates the areas of activity available to him. According to the decision of the NAKS, all employees of enterprises can be trained in any special center located on the territory of the Russian Federation. The obtained certificates are valid in all regions and subjects of our country.

If you have any questions regardingNAKS certification (price, duration, expediency of passage) - contact us at the following contacts:

By phone 8 800 707-89-83

E-mail [email protected] website

Don't you dare buy NAKS certificationfor their employees, as this is a wrong and extremely costly decision. Only in case of certification by the relevant body, you will receive a certified document that will confirm the fact that your specialists have completed full training and confirmed their qualifications.
