Marketing in the tourism industry. Marketing in tourism Direct marketing in tourism briefly

Specific features of tourism marketing

Tourism is one of the most dynamic emerging industries global services sector. Thanks to its rapid growth rate, tourism was recognized as an economic phenomenon of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that in our country tourism is not yet perceived as a full-fledged sector of the economy and as a subject for scientific analysis, the state pays increasing attention to tourism every year.

Example 1

The global economic and political situation has become an impetus for the active development of domestic tourism in Russia in recent years. The closure of major tourist destinations for Russian tourists turns Russians to domestic resorts and cultural and historical territories.

Every year the need for qualified personnel hospitality and tourism industries, the capabilities of universities are emerging and expanding, advanced training courses are appearing to train tourism personnel.

Note 1

However, a specific feature that distinguishes tourism from other sectors of the economy is the peculiarity of the tourist “product” - services. According to experts, the share of services and goods in tourism is distributed as 75% and 25%, respectively. The result of activities in the field of tourism comes down to the tourism product.

The tourism product is a complex of services that best meet the desires of tourists and satisfy their needs for recreation, wellness, knowledge of the surrounding world, accommodation, food and others.

The tourism product has the distinctive characteristics of a service, namely intangibility, non-storability, inseparability from the source and variability of quality (4 “NOT”). The four “NOTs” of a tourist service as a product significantly influence the features of tourism marketing.

Functions of tourism marketing

Tourism marketing is aimed primarily at developing a company in order to maximize profits, promoting its tourism products, and meeting the consumer expectations of tourists, based on the study of tourist demand.

According to the provisions of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), there are three main functions of tourism marketing:

  1. Formation of contacts with consumers of tourism services. Establishing contacts with clients aims to convince them that the proposed holiday destination and the existing services, attractions and expected benefits are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive.
  2. Developing contacts involves designing innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. Such innovations must meet the needs and preferences of potential clients. Development of contacts through innovations; ¢
  3. Monitoring service results. Control involves analyzing the results of activities to promote goods and services to the market and checking to what extent the results reflect the full and successful use of opportunities available in the tourism sector, comparative analysis advertising expenses marketing activities and income received.

Tourism marketing mix (4P + 3P)

The traditional marketing mix consists of the following interrelated elements, known as the 4Ps: Product - Price - Place - Promotion.

  1. the service process (Process), developed using various design and reengineering methods, is aimed at improving the service functions of the tourism product;
  2. staff (People). Contact personnel are company personnel who simultaneously produce and sell tourism services. Contact zone employees in marketing are often called “part-time marketers”;
  3. material environment (Physical Evidence). This refers to the atmosphere of a hotel, restaurant, travel agency office, from a marketing point of view, the impact on human sensory channels: visual (harmonious design and interior, color schemes, organization of space, lighting), auditory (style of music, its tempo and volume), olfactory (room ventilation, pleasant smells), tactile (room temperature).

Note 2

Together with the other marketing mix strategies (product, price, distribution channels, promotion), these additional three elements form the tourism marketing mix.

Marketing concept that emerged at the end of the 19th century. in the USA, begins to be used by tourism professionals in the 50s. VSKH c. in Europe.

Tourism marketing is a system of interrelated techniques aimed at researching and transforming the tourism services market in accordance with customer needs.

It is an integral part of service sector marketing, therefore, tourism marketing recommendations must be used when creating service services, for planning and monitoring the quality of their work. The following definition is often used: tourism marketing is a constant study of how adequately an enterprise meets the requirements of the market in which it operates.

But, giving such a general definition of tourism marketing, it should be remembered that the tourism sector created by a system of enterprises of more than 56 sectors of the economy, significantly different in type of activity (a chain of restaurants, hotels, travel agencies, transport organizations etc.), implies a difference in marketing goals, methods, and means.

For travel agencies, restaurants and local tourism offices, hotels, marketing is not at all the same thing. Ultimate goals marketing are different for an enterprise that seeks to increase its profits, for a national or regional administration that wants to attract as many tourists as possible to the region, and for a tourism organization, transport, hotel and restaurant chains. But they are all involved in marketing to a greater or lesser extent.

Speaking about the importance of marketing in the field of tourism, American specialist G. Harris notes: “Tourism requires more than just marketing. It must strive to make attractions more attractive. This means preserving and developing natural tourist sites. Ultimately, it is the unique cultural heritage that wildlife or the beauty of the landscape primarily attracts tourists." This definition emphasizes the national importance of tourism marketing.

Tourism as a branch of the world economy is becoming more and more relevant; a large number of social class society: about 1 billion people participate in international and more than 2 billion in domestic tourism. It is obvious that tourism marketing is increasingly acquiring a social connotation, based on the study of public needs for recreation, especially since the range of offers to satisfy these needs increases from year to year. Tourism marketing is becoming an urgent necessity, a means for studying and satisfying the obvious and hidden needs of the planet's inhabitants V full use of free time, vacations and holidays.

The definition of tourism marketing, based on the above, could be as follows: tourism marketing- this is “a series of basic methods and techniques developed for research, analysis and solution of assigned problems. The main thing that these methods and techniques should be aimed at is identifying the possibilities of most fully satisfying people’s needs from the point of view of psychological and social factors, and also to determine how tourism organizations (enterprises, bureaus or associations) conduct business in the most financially rational way, allowing them to take into account identified or hidden needs for tourism services.

These kinds of needs can be determined either by recreational motives (entertainment, vacation, health, education, religion and sports), or by other motives that are often found among business groups, families, various missions and unions" (WTO).

Experts identify five groups of factors influencing the formation of tourism needs.

  • 1. Natural factors (geographical location of the vacation spot, climate, flora, fauna, etc.).
  • 2. Socio-economic development of the holiday destination (language, economic and cultural level of development of the country).
  • 3. Material base of the tourism industry (transport, hotels, catering, leisure, sports and resort establishments, etc.).
  • 4. Infrastructure of the recreation area (communications, access roads, lighting, beaches, parking lots, gardening facilities, etc.).
  • 5. Tourist offer (hospitality resources, including excursion, educational, sports, entertainment, resort and recreational offers).

Tourism marketing studies the needs of each specific category of Tourists (market segment).

Marketing research of the tourism services market consists of:

  • a) analysis of recreational conditions, material and recreation infrastructure;
  • b) studying the directions of development of consumer demand -
  • c) working out the correspondence between possible supply and existing demand.

The main motives for choosing tourist services, as a rule, are the type of tourism and a certain level (class) of service, duration of vacation. The specialization of services according to age and family composition is dictated by the specifics of servicing people of different age groups, which arises on the basis of the psychophysiological characteristics of a particular age, and is determined by the size of the flow of tourists to a specific material base.

The main thing that modern marketing methods should be aimed at is identifying opportunities to most fully satisfy people's needs from the point of view of psychological and social factors, as well as determining the best ways financial activities travel companies, based on available resources.

Tourism marketing is always a continuous process, since it is always necessary to know new customer needs and monitor the results. The objective difficulty is that the demand for tourism services is extremely elastic with respect to income and prices, but also largely depends on the political and social conditions in the regions of the world. Demand for tourism services is also subject to significant seasonal fluctuations and has saturation limits.

The supply in the tourism sector is not flexible, since there is no possibility of creating reserves (tourism services are consumed locally). A hotel or airport cannot be moved at the end of the tourist season to another region, i.e. they cannot adapt to changes in demand over time and space.

The tourism business is characterized by high specific gravity fixed capital in total costs and the structure of liabilities of tourism enterprises. Fixed assets account for most of the expenses. This is unprofitable for a tourist who must pay the costs of operating enterprises in the off-season period, or for a company that cannot use existing fixed assets all year round, a country that cannot receive foreign exchange earnings all year round.

In this regard, in relation to the tourism business, synchromarketing is of greatest relevance, which can smooth out fluctuations in the seasonality of the destruction of tourism products.

The use of synchromarketing techniques and methods in France made it possible to level out the seasonality of demand. Therefore, today the main peak (70%) of the influx of tourists into the country occurs in the off-season period - November-March. Managed to change seasonal fluctuations by promoting the international value of historical and cultural heritage France. Therefore, the Cote d'Azur and the Riviera, which just 7 years ago provided 70% of income from tourism activities countries have faded into the background. Today, tours to Paris (Louvre, Versailles and other historical and cultural centers) are more prestigious.

In this regard, it is important for travel agencies to conduct research to find methods and means of smoothing out the seasonality of demand, including assessing the possibilities of organizing and holding international exhibitions and symposiums in the off-season period, which allows both to “preserve” the product and to smooth out seasonality in the use of fixed assets. Thus, the resort city of Sochi offers buildings of sanatoriums and holiday homes for rent during the off-season period for holding seminars, conferences, and studies.

One of the necessary components of the success of the tourism business is the ability of travel agency employees to choose an appropriate strategy of behavior when serving clients with different socio-psychological features.

Interest in various forms behavior, the diversity of people's reactions to the same phenomena existed for a long time. The first attempts to classify people into types were made in Ancient China in the 8th-7th centuries. BC e. As the basis for this classification, ancient Chinese scientists took the presence of bile, mucus, blood and air-like substances in humans. The proportions of their mixing cause different reactions to external circumstances.

A later classification, which is currently used by many scientists, was proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (V-IV centuries BC). Unfortunately, from Hippocrates’ rather extensive teaching on temperaments, in our time only a classification is used that involves dividing people into sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung proposed to distinguish people by the openness of their souls. This classification divides people into extroverts and introverts.

An extrovert is a person with an open soul, exceptionally disposed towards people, sociable, able to capture the attention of others, not recognizing any secrets, capable of resolving even insoluble problems. An introvert is closed, focused, silent, secretive, and knows how to foresee a situation several moves ahead.

Human science knows many other classifications. Getting to know them will help you create your own classification, which will most accurately reflect the contingent of clients served in your company.

A special feature of service in a travel agency is that the client often comes more than one, so the company employee must be ready to communicate with several types of people at once.

Negotiations are an important step in the service process, so they should be carefully prepared. The more important the negotiations, the more thorough scrutiny they require. You should “scroll” several options for the course of negotiations in advance, calculate the results, select the desired option during the negotiations and try to stick to it.

During the dialogue, a number of practical recommendations need to be taken into account.

  • 1. Don’t solve the problem right away, build a relationship with the client, get rid of formality.
  • 2. When you have to solve several issues at once, you need to arrange your goals in order of their importance, determine what you can sacrifice.
  • 3. Resolve non-contentious issues first.
  • 4. Be always correct and alert, even when attacking enemy positions harshly.
  • 5. If you know weak points, tell about them before the client discovers them himself.
  • 6. Be prepared to answer any question, even if it is a paraphrase of what was just said.
  • 7. Don't ignore your interlocutor's beliefs during counter-persuasions. Treat him with respect.
  • 8. Use your interlocutor’s statements to develop his own thoughts.
  • 9. Refer to other people's experiences.
  • 10. Know how to listen.
  • 11. If negotiations reach a dead end, consider the problem from the other side.
  • 12. Even unsuccessfully concluded negotiations cannot be rudely terminated; one must leave hope for a solution in the future.

Accounting psychological characteristics certain types of clients, the selection of individual methods of working with them will certainly have a positive role in the service process and will increase the efficiency of all work tourism enterprise.

The World Tourism Organization identifies three main functions tourism marketing:

  • 1) communication with clients, convincing them that the proposed vacation spot and the services and attractions existing there fully correspond to what the clients themselves want to receive;
  • 2) development - designing innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. To do this, such innovations must meet the needs and preferences of potential customers;
  • 3)marketing control-- analysis (using numerous methods) of the results of activities to promote goods or services on the market and check to what extent these results reflect the truly full and successful use of opportunities available in the tourism industry; comparative analysis of the costs of advertising marketing activities and the income generated.

To implement these functions in the market, the company must collect and analyze relevant information. The information network in the tourism business involves the use of official sources of information, as well as specially obtained information as a result of on-site research during observations, surveys, conversations, and experiments. It is often worth collecting information big money, therefore it is important to be able to optimize the informative data base. This is also a marketing task.

Despite the differences between tourism organizations, the necessary for their marketing activities The information can be summarized as follows:

  • · for foreign tourism: profession; floor; travel purposes; countries and cities visited; duration of visit; placements; modes of transport and vehicles; travel organization;
  • · data on the accommodation stock - hotel category; places; tariffs; percentage of places occupied; data on housing comfort; its remoteness (from the center, the sea);
  • · data on tourism services - financial indicators on taxes; size of investment; expert opinion about the market;
  • · other information: about sea, rail, road and air transport; about banks; restaurants; shops; calendar national holidays, celebrations.

In accordance with the recommendations of the World Tourism Organization (WTO)1, there are three main functions of tourism marketing  

Tourism marketing is a complex and capacious concept, which is why it has not yet received an accurate and final formulation. There are many definitions of it, including  

However, it is clear that in any case, tourism marketing is a system of continuously offered services in the holiday market with the aim of making a profit for the tourism enterprise and satisfying the needs of its customers. The system of activity of such an enterprise includes the design of services, the development of their organizational foundations (the relationship between the production process and the sale of services), advertising activities, and the sale of services (commercial work).  

The peculiarity of tourism marketing is that the market is in constant dynamic change. The demand for tourism services changes under the influence not only, for example, of weather conditions, but also the introduction of new prices and competition. Marketing in this regard is presented as a continuous process. Therefore, the marketing strategy of any travel company includes designing the distant, and most importantly, the near future. A travel company, outlining long-term plans, coordinates them with environmental factors, i.e. uses all possible marketing tools to achieve future goals.  

Classic views tourist services in the marketing system are filled with new content, since the company’s resources (financial, material, human) are opening up more and more potential opportunities. By purchasing a tourist package, the consumer thereby buys a set of certified services, while the company receives a well-deserved profit, which makes tourism marketing an exclusively economic category.  

Levels of tourism marketing in a competitive environment  

List the main functions of tourism marketing.  

In recent decades, interesting experience has begun to accumulate in regions and cities of various countries in using the potential of marketing in order to increase the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the regions.  

In addition to a deep understanding of customers' core values trade organizations also need to know how and why organizational buyers make purchases. This is all the more necessary due to the fact that the purchasing mechanism inevitably affects the nature of customer needs. Understanding the purchasing process helps companies target their marketing efforts to most effectively influence product purchasing decisions. For example, travel companies know that purchasing a trip is a long process and all family members are involved in the decision making. Therefore, it makes sense to print detailed brochures that will serve as a basis for family discussion. Plus, personal service from travel agents who can answer all outstanding questions. In short, by understanding the purchasing process, sellers and service providers can create a more appropriate marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion and personnel) for target buyers.  

Marketing varies by type of product and service. In particular, marketing of consumer goods and industrial goods, banking and financial marketing, trade marketing, services marketing, agricultural marketing, construction marketing, tourism business marketing, scientific and technical marketing, marketing of ideas, etc. have their own specifics.  

Service reliability can be improved by setting higher service standards and linking employee pay and promotion to the quality of their work. Peripheral services are often used to complement and reinforce core services to create and maintain competitive advantage. For example, although a tourist hotel may market rooms, it also needs an adequate reservation system, staff responsible for maintaining clean parking areas, recreational facilities, restaurants, and communications with transportation agencies.  

In force high degree interconnections and interdependencies between countries in economic terms, there is a very large international market that allows you to import and export various products (import is the process of purchasing a product in another country and moving it to your own for the purpose of subsequent sale, and export is the export of a product manufactured in one country, to another for subsequent sale). And here, for enterprises (companies) that focus their activities on the export of goods or services (this could be, for example, cosmetics or travel companies), additional requirements arise in the field of marketing, firstly, compliance of the quality of the product, packaging, design, advertising with international standards, and production complex- modern scientific and technical level; secondly, the ability to establish close connections with foreign representatives and organize international auctions, exhibitions, fairs, conferences, etc. at a high professional level. In addition, import-export policy requires a specific approach to maintaining the competitiveness of an enterprise in both quantitative and qualitative aspects.  

From a marketing perspective, tourism is trips of citizens for tourism purposes and a complex of industries serving such trips. As defined by the rules of the World Tourism Organization, tourist trips are classified as follows  

The functions of employees of the department for organizing intermediary operations of international tourism are reduced to planning and implementing tourist trips on the basis of dealer agreements with tour operators. Any tourist season begins with identifying data on demand and market conditions. They are provided by the marketing department, on their basis a plan is drawn up for recruiting groups of tourists in various directions, after which the request is sent to the tour operator for the provision of individual tours for a certain period. The same department carries out all the work to ensure the agreement; formation of groups; selection of leaders and guides-translators; provision of necessary information to guides, as well as lists of groups; visa registration and insurance.  

At the core business interactions The firm and the client are based on a contractual relationship between them. They develop as a relationship between a buyer (customer) and a seller (performer). Marketing theory considers the concept of a tourist service as the provision by a company of a special service to a client. This is essentially a tourism product purchased from a travel company by the client. By entering into a contractual relationship with a company, a tourist expects to ultimately receive the set of services he needs. The company provides him, as a rule, not with the services themselves, but with the rights (guarantees) to receive at a certain time in a certain place services directly provided by other companies that do not have direct contractual relations with this tourist, but are in contractual relations with the sending travel company . The tourist also acquires guarantees for the provision of certain types of services by the sending company itself. The totality of these rights is displayed in the voucher, which is  

In some cases, the agreement provides for the introduction of a clause obliging the agent not to enter into business relations with other companies, as well as clauses on the monopoly right to sell certain tourist services. This form of activity, on the one hand, makes it possible to work without having to spend a lot on advertising, marketing, organizing tours and receiving commissions, but on the other hand, it prevents significant expansion and receiving large profits. In addition, the agent is often too dependent on the tour operator and, in fact, lacks independence.  

The most ardent supporters of online marketing believe that it will bring significant changes to all areas of the economy. The possibility of direct consumer ordering will affect the work of many commercial structures, in particular travel agencies, brokerage firms, insurance agents, automobile dealers and bookstore owners. Many functions will be performed by online services. At the same time, there will be a reorganization of intermediation in the form of the emergence and increase in the number of online  

Marketing of regions. To a large extent, it solves the same problems and uses the same means as country marketing, but at the appropriate level. In recent decades, interesting experience has begun to accumulate in regions of various countries in using the potential of marketing in order to increase the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the regions.  

A lottery (from the French lot - lot) in marketing implies the distribution of tickets to potential consumers, the receipt of which for them is associated with participation in a sales promotion campaign, and the determination of winners among them according to a random law. For example, numbered invitation cards for the opening of a new store are sent by mail; at the end of official events, a lottery is held for tickets, in which a tourist trip for two to Australia is won. The winner is determined from all those who arrived at the opening at random; no special knowledge is required from him; it is enough to be present in a certain place at a specified time.  

Abroad, in the tourism marketing system, the relationship between a tour operator and a travel agent is most often built on the basis of an agency agreement granting the former the right to sell the tourism product generated by the tour operator. This circumstance explains the fact that when organizing tours, travel companies cooperate with insurance companies. The insurance premium is included in the price of the tour, and its amount depends on the tariff. Types of tariffs are based on the following factors conditions of embassies, which can determine the minimum amount of the insured amount, for example, for Western Europe it is approximately 30 US dollars duration of the trip number of people in the group (discounts from 5 to 20% are possible) age (if the client is over 60 years old, the insured amount can be increased 2 times).  

This is the second, revised and expanded, edition of the textbook "Marketing" (1st ed. - UNITY, 1998). The textbook has been supplemented with new chapters that reveal the principles and methods of publishing, tourism and environmental marketing, as well as the organization of marketing activities of an industrial enterprise, and the specifics of marketing means of production.  

S market-oriented management, aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise by meeting the needs of tourists more effectively than competitors, marketing can be used both at the level of an individual travel company and in the activities of tourism concerns, holdings, including at the international level1.  

Let's assume that an Airbus has 300 seats and an average load factor of 80%. In the case of an undifferentiated strategy, when the airliner does not divide the cabin by passenger class, to achieve a given occupancy rate, the ticket price should not exceed 250, and the profit will be 200. However, marketing service managers believe that a price of 250 is the upper limit for those who do not have vacationers have significant funds, but entrepreneurs and wealthy clients are willing to pay a large amount for high quality service and comfort. The marketing department suggests that the company management move to

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Tourism in its main characteristics does not have any fundamental differences from other forms economic activity. Therefore, all the essential provisions of modern marketing can be fully applied in tourism.

At the same time, tourism has its own specifics that distinguish it not only from trade in goods, but also from other forms of trade in services. There is trade in both services and goods (according to experts, the share of services in tourism is 75%, goods – 25%). In tourism, the result of activity comes down to the tourism product.

A tourism product is any service that satisfies certain needs of tourists and is subject to payment on their part. Tourist services include hotel, transport, excursion, translation, household, utility, intermediary and others.

In a narrow sense, a tourism product represents the services of each specific sector of the tourism industry (for example, a hotel product, a tourism product of a tour operator, transport enterprise etc.).

In a broad sense, a tourism product is a set of services that together form a tourist trip (tour) or are directly related to it.

The main tourism product is comprehensive service, i.e. a standard set of services sold to tourists in one “package”. The tourism product, along with the general specific characteristics of services, has its own distinctive features:

  • demand for tourism services is extremely elastic with respect to income and prices, but largely depends on political and social conditions;
  • the consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourism product before consuming it and overcomes the distance separating him from the product and the place of consumption;
  • a tourism product is created through the efforts of many enterprises, each of which has its own operating methods, specific needs and different commercial goals;
  • The quality of tourism services is influenced by internal factors, as well as external factors of a force majeure nature ( natural conditions, international events, etc.).

These specific features tourism product have a significant impact on tourism marketing. There are three main functions of tourism marketing:

  • 1) establishing contacts with clients. This function aims to convince them that the proposed holiday destination and the expected benefits from it fully correspond to what the clients themselves want to receive;
  • 2) development. This function involves the development of innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. In turn, such innovations must meet the needs and preferences of potential customers;
  • 3) control. This function involves analyzing the results of activities to promote services to the market and checking to what extent these results reflect the truly full and successful use of opportunities available in the tourism sector.

Effective implementation of these marketing functions involves the establishment of long-term relationships with clients, since they are much cheaper than the marketing costs required to increase the interest of a new client in the company's services.

Marketing in tourism is a system for managing and organizing the activities of tourism companies to develop new, more effective types of tourist and excursion services, their production and sales with the aim of making a profit based on improving quality tourism product and taking into account the processes that take place in the global tourism market.

The essence of marketing in tourism is that the offer of tourist services must be consumer-oriented and the capabilities of the enterprise are constantly coordinated with market requirements. Based on this, marketing in tourism, as well as other sectors of the economy, is characterized by two types marketing analysis: internal and external environment.

Analysis of the internal environment (microenvironment) involves the study of the marketing environment, which is located inside the enterprise and is controlled by it. This environment includes the potential that enables a company to function, and therefore to exist and survive in a certain period of time. The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas:

  • personnel (their potential, qualifications; selection, training and promotion; assessment of labor results and incentives; preservation and maintenance of relations between employees, etc.);
  • management organization (communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; hierarchy of subordination);
  • finance (maintaining liquidity, ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities);
  • marketing (tourism product strategy; pricing strategy; sales strategy; communication strategy).

The purpose of studying the internal environment is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a tourism enterprise, development strengths, on which the enterprise relies in competition, and paying close attention to weaknesses in order to get rid of most of them.

Analysis of the external environment involves studying the following main factors:

  • demographic. These factors occupy an important place when analyzing the market opportunities of a tourism enterprise;
  • economic. These factors involve studying the distribution of income between different groups of the population and the structure of consumption expenditures;
  • natural. These factors cannot but influence the activities of a tourism enterprise, especially since questions rational use natural resources, protection environment become global;
  • socio-cultural. These factors require taking into account the norms accepted in society, the system of social rules, spiritual values, people’s relationships to nature, work, among themselves and to themselves. Knowledge of socio-cultural factors is very important, since they influence both other elements of the macroenvironment and the internal environment of the enterprise;
  • scientific and technical. These factors make it possible to timely see the opportunities that science and technology open up for the production of new types of services, their marketing, improvement, etc.;
  • political and legal. These factors must be taken into account primarily in order to have a clear understanding of the intentions of government authorities regarding the development of society.

Marketing in insurance

In modern conditions, the number of accidents and disasters increases annually due to increased wear and tear and disruption of the operation of technical facilities, the lack of necessary measures to prevent them, and effective systems for combating the negative consequences of natural phenomena.

By providing protection against the consequences of unforeseen events (accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, etc.), insurance acts as a market mechanism for compensating damage in the process social production. To do this, insurance companies create reserves of preventive measures, which finance work to prevent insured events and reduce the degree of risk.

The insurance market is a special sphere of relations in the process of buying and selling a specific product (insurance service). The specificity of the insurance service is that it is both consumer and financial.

The purpose of marketing insurance as a consumer service is to satisfy the client's need for insurance protection.

The purpose of insurance marketing is financial services is traffic optimization financial resources insurers and policyholders.

In a narrow sense, insurance marketing is that part of marketing activity that is directly related to the sale of insurance projects.

Relations arising during the purchase and sale of an insurance product are based on the interaction between the insurance company (represented by its representative) and the policyholder, who enter into an insurance agreement and assume the rights and obligations specified in it. At the same time insurance company is the manufacturer of the insurance product, and the policyholder is the buyer. End users of an insurance product can be both policyholders and insured persons and beneficiaries.

In modern conditions, the sale of insurance products directly by the insurance company to the policyholder (the so-called direct sales method) is not predominant. There is a link between producers and consumers of insurance services (insurance intermediaries). They can act both on behalf and on behalf of the insurer (insurance agents) and on behalf of the policyholder (insurance brokers).

Both agents and brokers solve one problem - achieving a balance of interests between the insurer and the policyholder when concluding an insurance contract, taking into account their own economic interests associated with receiving a commission.

An insurance agent acts as a market participant on the supply side, i.e., the interests of the insurer are a priority for him, and an insurance broker acts on the demand side, and the interests of the client are a priority for him.

Thus, insurance marketing includes activities related to studying the needs of potential policyholders, the competitive environment, the development (based on the results of these studies) and implementation of insurance products, mechanisms for their sale, the creation and operation of the necessary intermediary network and infrastructure.
