How to create the simplest digital library using ResCarta. Digital libraries: prospects and problems of creation Replenishment of electronic libraries with your own

With the advent of more stringent requirements for electronic library resources in universities, namely the requirement to provide access to the electronic library system, a number of technological and organizational questions arose about how these requirements can be met. Last time, based on a report from the conference “Management of University Libraries,” we touched on the topic of external electronic library systems. Today I would like to dwell on the creation of our own electronic library system at the university. Note that this will be an internal ELS, based, as a rule, on the electronic library of the university, on already accumulated electronic publications, but at the same time owned by the library and as an external ELS meeting all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education. In addition, I am going to highlight this problem at the upcoming conference in Yekaterinburg “University Library: Meeting the Challenges of the Time”. Therefore, this post is somewhat general in nature, providing general information and main features. In turn, I would like to hear from readers as much as possible more questions related to this topic. This way, the elaboration of the issue will be deeper, and we will be able to combine online with offline, bringing communication into both communication formats.

All work on creating your own electronic library system comes down to three complementary areas: organizational, content And technological.

Organizational part includes primarily ensuring registration requirements. This includes registration of electronic media And materials database registration. With the first there are minimal problems. Registration is carried out with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, information technologies and mass communications. A package of documents is being prepared. Along with the application, about 5 documents are collected and sent to RosKomNadzor. In this case, the website is registered as a media outlet. The main difficulties may arise only when filling out the application. Database registration is carried out by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and trademarks. You also need to collect about 4 different documents. However, an interesting nuance arises here, which one of the readers of our community has already noticed. More details about it in the comments to the post. It is obvious that the database is created on the basis of the works of teachers: books, methodological manuals and other educational and methodological literature. This is the content side of the issue, we will touch on it separately. Also, in the registration requirements we must not forget about software , ensuring the operation of the EBS. It's actually software electronic library. If this is the university’s own development, then such a program must be registered in the same way as the database (in RosPatent, registration of databases and computer programs is considered together). Moreover, it is worth noting that any open source programs cannot be registered. And now many electronic libraries of universities often use free software, such as DSpace. If proprietary software is used, there must be an appropriate license for its use.

Content part- the most important component, because we are going to support the educational process with the electronic library system, and educational materials are its main link. Unfortunately, formal requirements have reached here too. In its own ELS, the content primarily consists of the works of university teachers. Moreover, according to the requirements, they must cover all the main disciplines studied. This is an important point that should not be forgotten. It is curious that the requirements do not indicate a specific number of publications for each discipline; the main thing is that there should be at least something. However, there are restrictions on the “freshness” of literature - 5 or 10 years, depending on its profile. Another important point is the correct registration of rights to educational literature. Not all universities implement this process. Here you need to pay attention either to concluding agreements with authors, or to building the right policies regarding the official work. It is also possible to use external content in the electronic library system. However, you need to be careful when purchasing it. One of the requirements for ELS is to ensure access to each publication for 25% of students. Accordingly, this should be taken into account at the time of purchase.

Technological part consists of providing the software and hardware complex for your EBS. In the registration part, we touched upon the issue regarding software for EBS. So, this software must also meet some requirements, namely, that access to your ELS is carried out via the Internet and that the ELS can withstand the load of simultaneous individual access by 25% of students. This all relates directly to requirements. From a practical point of view, the system being developed must be understandable and accessible to users. All basic functions - adding a new book, editing metadata, searching, etc. - should not cause difficulties. The system must interact with the automated information system and borrow/transfer something somewhere; the user, browsing the catalog, must know whether this book is in in electronic format or not. Of course, the selected software must have potential for development, i.e. a scalable solution must be chosen that the library can invest in and that can be continually improved. Plus there must be some free server capacity for the deployed system.

Creating your own ELS undoubtedly has a number of objective advantages for the library and the end user. Something of our own is being created, the university’s electronic educational and methodological material is being put in order, existing developments in the field of electronic libraries are being used. But all these advantages require careful work and a set process, which must be taken into account when deciding on EBS.

is an experimental server that provides remote access to the digital collections of the National Library of France.

The National Library of France has digitized 30 million pages - printed paper formats, static and moving images, sound recordings (about a third of them date back to the 19th century). Gallica currently provides access to more than 2 million pages in image format. The server also contains part of the Frantext (French National Center for Scientific Research) database - more than 250 full-text volumes. The goal of the Gallica project– show samples of texts from various publications (monographs, dictionaries, periodicals, rare books) in order to assess the conditions under which such digital documents can be accessed via the network.

The Classical Gallica service is designed as a reference book on infant formula for scientific researchers, offering digital documents and images of the literary works of great French writers via the Internet.

The main version of the Gallica 2000 system (80 thousand documents) provides access to a multimedia library that covers the period from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Germany . Project Global Info(see) - a project of German digital libraries, launched in 1998 and implemented in two stages over 6 years. Based on cooperation with universities, publishing houses, booksellers, specialized information centers, scientific societies: from libraries - rather with academic and research libraries than with public ones. The goals of the project are to provide effective access to global information directly from the scientist’s workplace, provide organizational measures and stimulate structural changes in information and communication processes scientific community.

Denmark . Project DEF(Danish Electronic Research Library, see) is a virtual library for researchers, students, teachers and other users of Danish research organizations via the Internet. The web gateway provides access and the ability to order data from the library catalog and digitized collections, including foreign databases with full texts of periodical articles. One of the important features of DEF is that it allows the user, through a common search template, to perform a simultaneous search in several databases with one query. DEF makes it possible to digitize and open to the general public rare book holdings that are currently inaccessible to them.

The DEF project is the result of a joint effort by the Danish Ministry of Culture, Research and Education. The management of the National Library of Denmark is responsible for the implementation of the project, which involves 56 research libraries, including 12 of the largest. More than 200 small research libraries and other information providers and research institutions subsequently joined the project.

Finland . Project FinLib(National Digital Library, see) is a program organized by the Finnish Ministry of Education to support higher education and scientific research in the country. Since the beginning of 2000, the National Library of Finland has been responsible for this work. FinLib is completed with Finnish and foreign electronic materials, such as scientific journals and reference databases on special fields. Objective of the project– information support for as many scientific disciplines as possible, as well as a more efficient way of finding materials on the Internet, access to information using computer data networks. FinLib works in close cooperation with other national research programs on issues of electronic publishing, long-term preservation of electronic materials, copyright, etc.

Sweden . Project Raneberg(q.v.), partly financed by Linksping University and housed on its premises, aims to publish free online electronic editions of old books (without copyright) from Sweden and other Nordic countries. The catalog of Nordic literature has been available on the Internet since 1992 and contains more than 200 book titles, mostly in Swedish.

Spain . Project "Memory of Spain"– project of the National Library of Spain; started in 1995 Project objectives- search the best solutions to preserve materials from damage, provide new services and increase the accessibility of Spanish literature in the world through a global digital documents system. The initial selection for digitization included manuscripts, printed books, periodicals, illustrations, engravings, drawings, musical scores, sound recordings, maps, photographs and films. The project began with iconography and included more than 20 thousand portraits of Spanish citizens from all centuries.

Another project carried out by the National Library of Spain in collaboration with the Foundation Historical Tavern "Classico Tavera", includes digitized classics and key works on Spanish and Latin American history in all areas of study. It includes two additional areas: regular information sources and special ones. The first area covers manuscript collections, special archives, dissertations, bibliography, etc.; the second - colonial and constitutional legislation, genealogy, cartography, architecture, medicine, science and literary history of the Iberian Peninsula.

Netherlands . The Royal Library has completed its digital collections program, the purpose of which– provide online access via the Internet to their scientific funds and documents in the field of the humanities. The Library has an extensive digitization planning policy. The plan covers aspects such as the digitization framework, types of funds and selection criteria, functionality (how users will be able to view texts), development of management technology, registration of funds, tariffs and use of results. One of the Royal Library's many projects "Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts"– provide electronic access to sketches, miniatures and vignettes (about 6.5 thousand images) decorating many medieval manuscripts of the library. This fund is unique; it reaches a diverse and fairly wide audience.

The country's cultural heritage includes various components, such as books, brochures, historical publications, commemorative medals, drawings, letters, other unique materials and a wide range of artifacts, such as ship models, armor, agricultural implements, and ceramics. They are often poorly cataloged and therefore easily vulnerable, making it difficult for users to access them. The Royal Library and Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam have decided to put part of their rich collections on the Internet. Project "Digital Historical Atlas" focuses on the history of the 17th century, the so-called Dutch Golden Age. All materials selected by the Royal Library and the Rijksmuseum are digitized: more than 2,200 brochures, 600 historical publications and 200 commemorative medals; Moreover, the system can be easily expanded for other types of materials, for example, ship models and other three-dimensional objects. This project, started in June 1999, was completed in 2001.

Great Britain . Program eLib ( The British Library's "digital library" aims to provide digital information services based on the contents of the British Library's various collections, and then develop the ability to work with these collections in a variety of ways, while improving access to the collections around the world. The digital library consists of the most important documents on a variety of topics, including text, static and moving images, and sound. The idea is that digital funds and services will grow faster than traditional ones. It is expected that with remote delivery of electronic documents, the library will attract new users. The British Library's digital collection is built from a small number of sources in three main ways: through the digitization of some of the library's existing collections of materials (such as ancient texts and manuscripts), through the compilation of published digital materials (such as patents, CD-ROMs, sound recordings), and through the legal storage of digital materials published in the UK.

The main goal of the program eLib is to involve the UK higher education community in the development and formation of an electronic library. In the first two stages (1996 - 1998), about 60 projects were financed in the field of electronic publishing, digitization of images, document delivery and access to network resources. The third phase (from 2000) brought together the experience of previous projects and built a model of digital libraries of the future using four main approaches: hybrid library, large-scale resource discovery, digital preservation and transformation of early eLib projects into services.

Objective of the project "Hybrid Library"– integrate electronic products and services with traditional library functions. There are five projects within the Hybrid Library, each of which demonstrates a variety of approaches: thematic for business (Headline) and the humanities (Malibu); focusing on user needs (Hylif), technical topics, or the development of a number of modules within different subject areas in one organization (Builder). Project Clumps, an approach to large-scale resource discovery, stems from the need to share resources. The four eLib Clump projects have taken the form of virtual union directories that have simultaneous network search capability and accessibility through a common interface. Three of them are built on existing agreements and are regional, the fourth is thematic (music).


Digital library archiving. –




Lugansk people's republic

scientific and methodological center for education development

Department of Educational Facilities Management

Electronic libraries:

prospects and problems of creation


Musienko Oksana Vladimirovna,

student of advanced training courses for school librarians,

Librarian of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the LPR "Novodarevskaya"

comprehensive school"


20 16


Chapter 1. Electronic libraries


1.2. Composition of digital libraries



In the century maximum use of all achievements of scientific and technological progress andThe rapid development of electronic and digital technologies has changed both the direction of library activities and the view of the library in modern world. The following concepts are increasingly heard in society: electronic information resources, digital documents, electronic libraries. Internet resources are increasingly being used to obtain information.

Electronic libraries have become one of the most popular Internet resources. They are called both virtual and electronic, digital libraries. The peculiarity of such libraries is that a certain part of the information collection (or the entire collection) after digital processing becomes available through networks,CDor DVD. They can be virtual, that is, exist, so to speak, “without walls,” or rely on the resources of existing traditional libraries. The name “electronic libraries” is the most frequently used in our time.

The electronic library is not a competitor to the traditional library. This is a new phenomenon in library, bibliographic and information services. Experts in most cases are inclined to believe that electronic libraries can rather be considered as a form of implementing the functions of a traditional library in modern conditions, i.e. on a fundamentally new technical and technological basis, including: computer and other hardware, various software, mathematical, linguistic support, telecommunications, network computing, information resources, etc.

How are such libraries useful? The fact that it is possible to work with catalogues, access to electronic materials: digitized printed works (books, magazines, illustrations, maps, diagrams, graphs, etc.), photographs, films and videos, paintings, three-dimensional models, animations, audio files and so on. Moreover, catalogs and many electronic materials are offered in free (free) access.Other advantages include: a significant increase in quality library maintenance, reducing the need for library buildings, round-the-clock operation, high efficiency of service, including through electronic delivery of documents, positive impact on development educational system, positive changes in the nature, content, working conditions of library workers and many others. Of course, all these properties can be revealed only if there are appropriate technical prerequisites.

It can be stated with certainty: the electronic library is a fundamentally new, promising, promising form of library existence in the information society, the main purpose of which is to improve library services. The above indicates the relevance of the topic of the abstract, its significance at the level of library and information activities. The purpose of the work is to reveal the prospects and problems of creating digital libraries as a factor in improving library services to users.

Job objectives:

1. Analyze the concept« digital library».

2. Explore the essential aspects of a modern electronic library.

3. Explore new forms and methods of using electronic libraries for effective library services to users.

4. Formulate practical recommendations aimed at solving the problems of creating and widespread implementation of electronic libraries.

The abstract is based on the works of M.I. Vershinina , G.B. Parshukova, I.S. Pilko, E.Yu. Kachanova, V.S. Guseva, V.V. Brezhnev, Ya.L. Schreiberg , S.Yu. Anokhina, F. Toneeva, T.V. Krasnova, WITH.Moiseeva, V.K. Stepanova V.K.and other authors.

Chapter 1. Digital libraries

    1. The emergence and development of digital libraries

Creation of an Electronic (Digital) Library (aka “library
without borders” or “library without walls”, “ virtual library”)
relies on the formation of an electronic resource on the scale of one organization or on the scale of an industry or even national program and providing wide access to these resources, which requires the availability of a reference apparatus and data networks.

Historically, powerful international telecommunications networks have been established in the Western world
a little earlier. The first project to create an electronic library was
(). With the growing number of computer and Internet users, more and more people are starting to use e-books. At the same time, the number of library users is declining. Thus, during the period 1997-2002 at the University of Idaho, the number of visitors decreased by more than 20%, and the number of users of electronic versions during the period 1999-2002 increased by 350%. In this regard, many libraries began to create electronic versions books stored in their collections.

    IN The American Memory Project was launched. The project provides free and free access to electronic materials on US history.

    IN starts own project on digitization of books. In December 2004, the Google Print library project was announced, which was renamed "Google Print" in 2005.».

    IN The Russian Association of Digital Libraries was created. The initiator was, and other organizations.

    WITH The Electronic Library “Scientific Heritage of Russia” was opened. She works under the Presidium programto ensure the safety and provide public access to scientific works of famous Russian and foreign scientists and researchers working in Russia.

    IN Pan-European Digital Library launched.

    IN official opening took place.

    In 2009, it was opened in St. Petersburg, whose task is to provide electronic materials on the history of Russia.

A number of countries have national programs for creating digital libraries. This, for example, is the 5-year “Digital Library” project to digitize historical documents from the collections of the US Library of Congress andproviding access to them to almost all American schools. Subsequent development of these ideas was found in the project publicly available forevery American National Digital Library foreducation, as an integral part created by the Institute of Museumsand Libraries. ProjectsThe Universities of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles, Santa Barbara - the Alexandria library with giant arraysgeoinformation is aimed at meeting the needs of scientists and students. Work on the 3rd stage of Electronic is organized as a set of separate 30 projects led by leading universitiesLibraries Program (eLIb, inUK: this is electronic delivery of documents,use of electronic texts in education, electronicpublications, hybrid library.

The English approach largely determines andthe position of the European Community on this issue, since the UK participates in more than 70% of Community research in the field of library and information technology. In Germany this directioncovered by the Global Info project. The case has been carried out on a grand scale in Japan,The cost of the 21st century Electronic Library project is $500 million.

The development of machine-readable resources in Russia is quite active, although fragmented; So far, it is estimated that about 300 million documents have been created in electronic form. These are, for example, giant bibliographic databases, which now number about 30 million documents. Since the 80sLibrary electronic catalogs are being created. Began in the 90s active activity By
creation of legal, financial, registration,
educational information; In the near future, tax and pension national databases will become very impressive arrays. From the middle
Since the 1990s, vigorous digitization of art collections has been underway.

central and regional museums, musical works. WITH

At the same time, the activities of universities, institutions,
organizations to open their own pages on the Internet.

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the origin and subsequent successful development electronic libraries are:

A clearly expressed public need for a radical improvement in library, bibliographic and information services,

Mass distribution of systems and devices,

Creation of fundamentally new information technologies,

The emergence and widespread distribution of information and computer networks on the Internet.

At the same time, activities in the field of electronic libraries are developing: the number of electronic libraries is growing, their level is increasing, functionality is expanding, and some research is being conducted.

Conclusion: The emergence of electronic libraries is due to the objective nature of the development of society, its evolution towards the information society, the growth in the volume of information and other reasons.

    1. Composition of the electronic library

Digital library- an information system that allows you to reliably store and effectively use various collections of electronic documents (text, visual, sound, video, etc.), localized in the system itself, as well as accessible to it through telecommunication networks.

The electronic library can be divided into three blocks:

Communication server providingaccess to the software and information complex of the electronic library;

Information server - an information retrieval system that provides access to information resources of the electronic library;

Server for controlling access of library users to information resources.
The communication server provides network interaction between the client
programs with information server software.
An information server is a repository of data representing

collections of heterogeneous logically or physically interconnected databases (forming components of a three-level electronic library model), access to which
provided by means of an information retrieval system. At the same time, search and information components are traditionally implemented in the form of structured databases, while components of the primary information levelcan be represented by full-text databases or collectionsfiles, each of which most often stores an image in the volumeor other graphic or printed format.

Server for access control to information resources, implementing
restrictions on access to electronic library components is
a specialized system that provides support for the search process, as well as administrative accounting capabilitiesand control access at the individual user level toa separate information and functional resource. Implemented in the form of specialized databases, including:

A catalog of information resources that stores information about localized and associated resources;

A user directory that stores credentials for each user and a list of information resources available to him;

Technological session databases containing information about the current state of each search session;

Databases of accounting and statistical information on use
Such tools allow you to create catalogs of availableresources for each individual user, protecting certain databases or library arrays from unauthorized access. ExceptIn addition, access can be denied if the physical address of the request sender differs from the address recorded in the directory. Thus, the server supports the search engine levelsessions as a sequence of sessions - operations carried outuser in the information retrieval system environmentelectronic library. Such operations can be:

Selecting a presentation format (scheme);

Setting search parameters preferred for a given user;

Drawing up a request;

Carrying out a search;

View results;
- navigation in the protocol;

Shutdown, etc. (not necessaryexactly in this sequence - for example, after viewing the search results, you can conduct a new search).

At the same time we willconsider that a search session is one operation performed within one transaction - a physical network connection, i.e. a search session is a sequence of functionally relatedsearch sessions aimed at obtaining logicallyholistic result. The session layer within the session protocol is implemented using a specialized session database,in which the parameters of all search operations are entered: what databases are installed, viewing schemes and search parameters (search type, volume of output, method of sorting results, method of displaying found documents, clear/fuzzy search, with masking or not), what is the mechanismsearch, how many documentsfound. Each session is assigned a unique identifier, with which all functional requests and theirthe parameters are entered into the session database. The session ID is also entered into the registration database, and the next time the user visits the electronic library, after authentication, according to thisthe identifier can be restored and the search session can be continued. In addition, the user has the opportunity to save his request in order to use it in the future, i.e. the search session is implemented as a sequence of search sessions, where eachthe subsequent session uses the parameters of the previous one.
Conclusion: The electronic library can be divided into three blocks,
providing access, search and management of information resources.

1.3. Features of working with digital libraries

So, electronic libraries are sites that contain electronic versions of texts - literary works, art history, memoirs, scientific and other literature.

Let's consider the forms of working with these libraries. But first, let's look at some of the libraries.

The oldest network library on the Runet that exists today is the library of Maxim Moshkov ( It was opened in 1994 and is constantly updated by readers. Of course, this is not the largest library. It is incomparably smaller than modern large city or federal libraries. But at the same time, for school education it has a huge volume, which, naturally, significantly exceeds the capabilities of school and personal libraries. At the same time, Maxim Moshkov’s library is only one of dozens and hundreds existing on the Runet.

What can you find in the Moshkov library? For example, the “Russian Classics” section contains links to full-text works of more than 200 authors - from classic texts by Pushkin, Turgenev and Tolstoy to little-known ones, for example Dmitry Oznobishin, Alexander Shakhovsky, etc. The poetry section with almost 250 names of Russians and foreign poets.

The search principle in this library is quite simple. At the top of any page you can see a search form. By typing the author's last name in this field (for example, Chekhov) and clicking the “Search” button, we get search results.

Another large-scale library - “Aldebaran Library” ( - contains books of various genres: science fiction, detective stories, adventure and children's literature, ancient books. The structure of this library is slightly different. Firstly, there is a category by genre. Secondly, in parallel with this principle, rubrication is implemented based on literal access (A, B, C, D... and A, B, C, D...) - by the names of the authors. In addition, the bottom line provides a list of the latest additions to the library (New Books), a list of books whose electronic versions have been updated, corrected, and supplemented (Updated Books). There are also reader reviews of what they read: there is a comment form under each posted text (Reviews), feedback forms (Guest and Forum). All this makes the library interesting and easy to use.

There is no point in continuing the description of existing libraries: they are structured almost identically and differ only in the list of authors (and even then not always) and the volume of materials.

However, it makes sense to talk about the approximate structure of a modern electronic library.

What can you find in digital libraries today, besides texts? Let's turn to the non-profit electronic library Im Werden ( Munich literature lover Andrei Perensky has collected here a lot of interesting materials, some of which are unique. On the left side of the site page we see a rubricator, where among the posted texts ( Old Russian literature, Russian literature of the 18th century, 19th century, 20th century, modern literature) you can find rare materials. In the “Author Reading” section, for example, 104 musical fragments with recordings of the author’s reading are posted. If the voices of Akhmatova, Chukovsky, Brodsky, Okudzhava, Gorodnitsky, Bitov today can still be heard from different sources, then the voices of Zoshchenko (the only surviving recording), Andreev, Bryusov, Bunin, Voloshin, Gumilev, Yesenin, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky are rare recordings. Of no less interest is the “Documentary Video” section, where you can find videos of Brodsky, Akhmatova, Yesenin, Zabolotsky, Pasternak, Tarkovsky. It is unnecessary to talk about the significance of these materials for the practice of a language teacher. In the same library you can find works on linguistics, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, books from the Academia publishing house published in the 30s of the 20th century.

With all the wealth of sources presented in various online libraries, the real problem is the accuracy and reliability of the texts posted in electronic libraries. It so happened that in the early stages of the development of the Internet (and even now in many respects) electronic libraries were collected by enthusiasts, people who did not have professional skills in the bibliographic or philological fields. Consequently, questions of reliability and identity of the presented text turned out to be largely secondary. Therefore, you can encounter incorrect formatting, typos, and fragments of text presented as whole texts. Unfortunately, most modern electronic libraries are not reliable enough sources.

In addition to basic search, interesting features Electronic libraries have the following capabilities:

the ability to search for books within a specific library;

the ability to search for books in several libraries;

the ability to subscribe users to updates of specific books in the electronic library;

the ability to search for both individual words and exact phrases.

Conclusion: An electronic library is a huge and convenient catalog of books designed for bibliographic search, as well as a search engine in the field of electronic books.

Chapter 2. Prospects and problems of creating digital libraries

2.1. Prospects for creating digital libraries

The urgency of creating electronic libraries is determined by several factors, including: the rapid development of information and telecommunication technologies, an increase in the number of documents existing only in electronic form, an increase in the need of citizens for remote access to information, an ever-increasing habit, first of all scientific workers and students, to work only with electronic versions of documents and, finally, the desire of the libraries themselves to provide information services to their users improved quality. Electronic information arrays today are becoming one of the most important components of library information system.

A review of existing electronic libraries available on the Internet allows us to draw some conclusions about the development trends in this area in the field of library activities.

The most effective is the consortium model for creating an electronic library: as an example, we can cite the experience of the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovation - Scientific Electronic Library, which collects and processes complete bibliographic information about journal articles, annotations and lists of literature cited in articles. A type of electronic library such as open archives is successfully developing: the archive of scientific information ArXiv, which provides open access to 426,000 electronic publications in physics, mathematics, computer science and biology; project of Cornell University (USA), offering a system for archiving and sharing preprints (); the Dspace project is an open access system for scientific information developed by the MIT Library and Hewlett Packard Corporation (). This database provides free access to electronic documents of the following types: articles and preprints, technical reports, conference proceedings, dissertations, training and educational materials, statistical data, etc. An example of a powerful electronic product is the electronic collection of the National Library of Ukraine. Vernadsky ().

Projects for creating electronic library books of historical value also deserve attention: Electronic collection of old printed publications OldPrintedBooks of the Scientific Library named after. Maksimovich KNU named after Shevchenko (), providing display of a collection of early printed publications in graphic formats with an implemented search in a database of bibliographic descriptions.

Characteristic feature In recent years, IT industry giants have been paying close attention to library collections, and to some extent, libraries should not try to compete with them, but it would be more expedient to simply join. The world's largest libraries are already moving in this direction by joining the global GoogleBookSearch project (). Leader of Internet search technologies Google company is increasingly becoming known in the world as a generator of electronic resources. The creation of the Book Search service, launched in 2004, is one of the most successful innovative projects on the global network. Program " Library project", implemented by the company within the framework of this project, allows libraries to disclose the contents of their collections on the Internet. The world's largest libraries that have joined the project are already donating their books for digitization and allowing all Internet users to have access to them. Moreover, if a book does not fall under copyright law, it is shown in full, and if it does, the user can see its title, authors, 2-3 excerpts and information about the library where the user can obtain it online. Communication with publishers and authors is maintained constantly and the regulation of relations with them lies within the scope of international legislation and legislation of the countries participating in the project.

It must be said that, although not rich, but already significant experience in creating electronic collections helped librarians to clearly understand three main things:

1) an electronic library is a type of information technology and does not at all replace traditional libraries;

2) resources must be digitized in accordance with the law, copyright infringement and intellectual property must not be infringed;

3) you need to do digitization yourself, if you need it and have the resources, or you can use the services of other performers.

Conclusion: When maximum use of all achievements of scientific and technological progress andWith the rapid development of electronic digital technologies, the development of electronic libraries, their dominance and replacement of printed collections is inevitable.

2.2. Problems of creating digital libraries

Moving towards the creation of digital libraries, we must clearly understand the problems that inevitably arise and try to find ways to solve them. So, among the main problems that arise when creating an electronic library at any level - local or corporate, closed or public, we can name:

1) material

3) search problem

4) storage problem

5) management problem

6) the problem of legitimacy

We will not dwell on the first problem, despite the fact that it is the most relevant in our time. However, to calculate and determine material costs still seems to be a rather difficult task. Much greater difficulties may arise in other directions, some of which we will consider.

Content function . When deciding to create an electronic collection, the library must clearly define the audience for which it will be created, and depending on this, decide what resources will be placed in the library and in what way. Will the collection contain documents that fall under copyright protection or not, will they be digitized or borrowed from ready-made electronic files. Will this collection be public, with limited access, or provide distributed access to resources.

Information organization function in the electronic collection - one of the key ones. In this matter, the library needs, first of all, to decide on the unification of formats for storing information, creating a system of indexing, classification or description of resources, without which further search in the collection will be impossible. And the implementation of a convenient user environment, including using software, is the key to the success of any electronic library.

Search aspect. To organize a search in an electronic collection, we must provide convenient user tools: search within one collection, search within a specific thematic area, distributed search across all collections, etc. Let's not forget that the more opportunities we provide to users, the more successful the functioning of our electronic library will be. When choosing and creating an information environment, we, first of all, are simply obliged to provide the user with standard search capabilities: indexing, classification, register, phrase search, comparison of results with a search query, logical search, sorting by relevance.

Storage problems . The library will encounter them, if not at the beginning of the collection creation process, then inevitably after some time. And here we must realize not only and not so much the difficulty of ensuring the safety of files, but the possibility of their long-term use in the conditions of rapidly developing technologies. When choosing file formats, it is necessary to focus on standard formats that are supported by all tools that are used today in information institutions, and the development of which can be predicted in the future. Even at the very beginning of its journey, the library should think about how long to store certain resources, based on their purpose, whether it is worth storing some part of information forever, given the fact that electronic arrays tend to rapidly increase in volume.

And finally problem of legal regulation electronic library, which is essential. Collaboration between project participants (and there will always be more than one participant, even if we are considering the creation of an electronic collection in a single library, since authors of publications, publishers and users automatically become participants in the project) must be secured and regulated by certain legal acts: regulations, agreements, contracts. And, most importantly, to ensure the protection of intellectual property. It is impossible to deny this problem, and therefore the “Author – Library – User” relationship diagram should be built at the beginning of the collection creation, in order to avoid subsequent problems.

Conclusion: Based on all of the above, we can formulate the main problems and points on which the library should concentrate when creating an electronic collection andclearly understand that the creation of an electronic collection must involve both people and certain mechanisms that ensure the legal side of the existence of the electronic library.


Before the libraries of the 21st century. More and more complex tasks are being posed, the solution of which requires a radical change not only in working methods, but also in the very form of their existence. The rapidly changing world of information technology impacts almost every area library work, encouraging librarians to implementnew information technologiesand software and hardware tools for solving library, bibliographic and information problems aimed at satisfying almost any information needs of users.

This circumstance stimulated the emergence of electronic libraries, which are now cooperating in territorial and other entities, forming an information space that ultimately contributes to the creation of a unified electronic information environment. The activities of digital libraries are aimed at improving library and information services.There is no doubt that electronic libraries will develop and improve. Moreover, in the future, digital libraries will turn into “public centers of the information society.” The creation of large and accessible national electronic libraries contributes to a more efficient use of information, which will subsequently have a positive impact on the level of development of science, technology, culture and will improve the education system. Electronic libraries that provide the opportunity to work with modern electronic educational resources in free access mode, will help improve the efficiency and quality of professional activities.

List of used literature

    Vershinin M.I. Electronic catalog: problems and solutions: educational and practical work. manual - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2007. - 232 p.

    Parshukova G.B. Methods of searching for professional information: educational method. Manual - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2006. - 224 p.

    Pilko I.S. Information and library technologies: textbook. manual - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2008. - 342 p.

    Kachanova E.Yu. Innovations in libraries: scientific. ed. V.A. Minkina - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2003. – 318 p.

    Gusev V.S. Website analytics. Using analytical tools for Internet promotion. – M.: LLC “I.D. Williams", 2008. – 176 p.

    Brezhneva V.V. Information services: textbook. manual - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2012. – 368 p.

    Zakharchuk T.V. Information resources for libraries: textbook. pract. manual - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2011. – 128 p.

    Shrayberg Ya.L. The role of libraries in providing access to information and knowledge in the information age: Annual report of the Crimea Conference. Year 2007. – Sudak, M., 2007. – 47 p.

    Anokhin S.Yu. Electronic libraries // Journal “Public Education” No. 2 (1355), 2006. - P.35-39.

    Toneev F. Waiting for the creator. Love the e-book - a source of knowledge // Teacher's newspaper. - 2009. - No. 49.

    Kostenko L. New information technologies in electronic libraries // Library News. – 2005. - No. 6. – pp. 25-28

    Krasnova T.V. Concept of an electronic library (Library management) // Proc. establishments. - 2005. - No. 14. - P. 17-24

    Moiseeva S. Electronic collections of documents in regional libraries Ukraine – development prospects // Library Forum of Ukraine. – 2007.- No. 3. – pp. 18-20

    Pashkova V. New projects: information literacy, electronic libraries, development of book collections // Library Planet. – 2006. - No. 2. – P.23

    Stepanov V.K. Formation of digital collections in traditional libraries // Scientific and technical libraries. – 2007. - No. 2. – 89-94

    Russian scientific electronic journal “Electronic Libraries” // Volume 3. - Issue 3. - 2005.

How to create the simplest digital library using ResCarta

The first time I heard about ResCarta was at one of the foreign conferences. After the report, I went up to the developers to talk and was surprised to learn that it turns out that this system is already used in Russia, in the Library of St. Petersburg University, and the developers themselves found out about this completely by accident, since no one approached them for advice on implementation. I contacted Andrey Sokolov, who implemented ResCarta, and found out that the system solves its class of problems well, is easy to install (which is why he did not contact the developers) and is successfully used by them.
Since the main question for beginners creating digital libraries is “where to start?”, as an answer I suggest starting with installing and mastering ResCarta. For many, this is quite enough to solve their problems.

What it is: ResCarta is a freely distributed electronic library system (ELS), that is, software designed for managing and storing digital content on the basis of which the EL is created.
(Since in Russia the incorrect definition of ELS is often used, I would like to note that I adhere to the point of view developed during the DELOS project. As part of this project, a system of concepts (Digital Library Reference Model) was developed related to what we usually call an electronic library) .

Where to use: To create a small electronic library (100 - 1000 documents), consisting of texts and/or images. For example, scanned and recognized (or unrecognized) books or magazines. This could be a collection of old books, photographs, sheet music, etc. The electronic library created using ResCarta can be easily accessed via the Internet.

Required qualifications for installation: Advanced user.
Where it already works:
1. B Scientific library St. Petersburg State University,
Collection – Periodicals of the 18th century.
2. Los Angeles Public Library

What are the advantages: It is quite simple to create an electronic library and organize access to it via the Internet or Intranet. Completely free software.
A full text search is carried out (if recognized texts are included in the electronic library), additional search keywords can be added to each document. The pages of the book are displayed sequentially, making it impossible to download the entire document. For copyrighted documents this can be very important. Images are scaled and rotated. The application is developed in Java and can be used on any operating system.
It is possible to integrate ResCarta with other library systems based on the OAI PMH protocol.

What are the disadvantages: A very simple interface, modest functionality, the search is carried out only by exact match without morphology or truncation.

The ResCarta software consists of two applications. ResCarta Web and ResCarta Toolkit. ResCarta Toolkit allows you to create digital collections. Collections can include files in the following formats: JPG, TIFF, single-layer PDF (images) and double-layer PDF (text+images).
Using the ResCarta Toolkit, you consistently, step by step, go through the five stages of creating an electronic library
Uploading digital objects and creating metadata
Converting data to ResCarta format
Adding and editing additional search metadata
Constructing collections from loaded objects
Full text indexing.
Access to these collections is provided through the ResCarta Web application, which allows you to view ResCarta database objects and search through metadata through the Web interface.
To make installation easier, I suggest using the instructions in Russian kindly provided by N. Kozlova and S. Balyakin.

The basis of state and municipal policy in the field of librarianship is the principle of creating conditions for universal access of the population to information and cultural values, which accumulate and provide libraries to the population. The IFLA/UNESCO leadership for the development of public library services considers bridging the “digital divide” that exists in society to be one of the main tasks of library development. The document states that “libraries should become an electronic window into the information world” for all their users. In this regard, the informatization of libraries provides opportunities for the full implementation of the human right to information; the introduction of information technologies is considered as one of the forms of development of library activities aimed at supporting educational, cultural, information spheres life of society.

One of the urgent tasks of further information development of libraries and their inclusion in the life of the local community is the implementation of social significant projects. Currently, libraries are able to actively engage in the work of creating new system relationships between citizens and authorities - interaction in the electronic environment.

The use of new information technologies in information and library services will allow the city population, primarily socially vulnerable and low-income citizens who do not have access to modern means of communication (lack of a computer, Internet connection), to take advantage of modern services provided by state and municipal structures in electronic mode . Particularly relevant is the problem of broad education of the population in matters of the functioning of “Electronic government”, skills in using government portals and municipal services, the need to include everyone in the “Electronic Citizen” system.

Currently, in the city of Stavropol there is a municipal Centralized Library System (MBU SCLS), formed in accordance with the needs of the population and taking into account local conditions and including 17 structural divisions. About 75 thousand citizens use library services. The universal fund contains more than 760 thousand storage units, including printed publications, audio and video materials, and CDs. In modern conditions, traditional types of information media (printed) are actively supplemented by new ones - electronic documents. Since 2012, all libraries of the MBU STsBS have been using the resources of full-text electronic databases NEB-reader and liters. Access to these resources is possible for library users only using modern means telecommunications.

IN central library on the basis of the Public Center for Legal Information, access is provided to the reference and legal system “Consultant Plus”, other legal framework data. Branch libraries have accumulated a large array of socially significant information on issues of education, health, cultural development and interaction. In their work, libraries actively cooperate with state, municipal, public organizations. The clubs operating in libraries bring together more than 500 people, including children and youth, pensioners and people with disabilities.

Implemented in 2010-2011. The city library informatization program has significantly expanded the possibilities of providing the population with access to electronic information resources. The computer park of the MBU STsLS consists of 102 machines, 25 of which are used for independent work of library users. All structural units have Internet access. The modern technical base of libraries is complemented by copying equipment and specialized software.

Computerization of municipal libraries has both its achievements and problems. Achievements of MBU STsBS in the field of implementation and development of computer technologies:

– All structural units of MBU STsBS have been computerized; in branch libraries there is at least one computer workstation for users;

– In 2008, the MU STsLS website was created and is successfully operating, offering remote users information about library resources and services, its own databases and documents;

– The electronic catalog is being actively updated (based on the AIBS “My Library”, Liber-Media), access to the electronic catalog is provided on the SCBS website;

– Automation of library processes allows us to provide a range of services in electronic form:

Inform about the resources and services of libraries on the website (electronic catalogue, virtual exhibitions, current reviews, etc.),

Create your own electronic products,

Provide prompt individual and group information via email,

Advise users on searching for information on the Internet, etc.;

– Demonstration equipment (projectors, large television panels) allows for extensive information and educational work in various areas with the widespread use of electronic technologies.

Further development of modern forms of work with various categories of the population based on the expansion of new types of services and use electronic services libraries of MBU STsBS is possible by solving a number of problems:

– To develop the infrastructure for public access to electronic resources, a well-thought-out marketing policy for the library’s activities, an increase in the amount of computer equipment provided for independent work of users, and the formation of a comfortable library environment are necessary;

– Full access to electronic resources is limited by the low speed of Internet traffic and the lack of funding for its payment;

– The expansion of the types of services provided in the electronic environment makes it necessary to increase the information and computer literacy of library specialists and library users.

The implementation of the proposed program will both expand the opportunities for citizens to receive high-quality information and library services, and create a system of effective assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population in accessing information and services provided electronically.

Based on this, the priority areas for financing the information development program for city libraries are:

– organization of computerized workstations for users, including the purchase of additional computer equipment, furniture and payment for Internet connections;

– formation of full-text databases, the core of which should be digitized documents of local history, bibliographic and methodological nature;

– conducting educational and advisory activities for various categories of the population in order to develop information literacy;

– organizing a system of events to summarize the experience of interaction between authorities and libraries in the field of using new electronic services and implementing educational projects for the population.

A practical solution to the identified problems is possible subject to priority and real funding and the further introduction of electronic technologies. A program-targeted method of planning activities with a clear definition of the goals and objectives of the Program will allow municipal libraries to become modern information centers that contribute to the development of both the individual and society as a whole.

2. Main goals and objectives

The purpose of this Program is to expand the population's access to library and information services provided in electronic form.

– Inclusion of the libraries of the municipal budgetary institution of the Central Library in the process of forming a municipal information system for providing services to the population in electronic form;

– Expanding the range of information and library services provided by MBU STsLS using new information technologies, improving the quality of services, the comfort of information services;

– Implementation of projects aimed at increasing the level of information culture city ​​residents, primarily socially vulnerable segments of the population, educating the population on issues of interaction in the electronic environment.

3. Timing of the program implementation

The program is designed for 2013-2015.

4. System of program events

4.1. Organization of public access of the population to information and services provided in electronic form.

Main program events:

– Expanding the functions of PCPI in the field of accumulation and provision of legal and socially significant information;

– Creation of public access points on the basis of library branches, increasing user workplaces for comfortable use of electronic resources,

– connecting all public access points to fast unlimited Internet services;

– installation of information kiosks on the basis of city library branches, providing direct access to city portals, primarily social, educational and cultural, city information resources created within the framework of the “Electronic Government” program;

– equipping libraries with special furniture and exhibition shelving.

The implementation of these program activities will strengthen the information and social status of libraries and expand the population’s access to new types of municipal services.

4.2. Expanding the range of information and library services.

– accumulation of socially significant information (on environmental issues, healthcare, education, consumer protection, etc.) and organizing access to it by creating electronic databases;

– organizing the provision of access to full-text electronic databases and subscription to electronic versions of the most popular periodicals;

– organizing public access to information about library resources through an electronic catalog (replenishing the electronic catalog with new records, improving the organization and search capabilities of the AILS “My Library”, organizing access to the electronic catalog through the SCLS website);

– organizing an integrated search in electronic catalogs of Russian libraries, archives, museums and other institutions, creating and maintaining remote access to the official websites of the President Russian Federation, Governor of the Stavropol Territory and Head of the city of Stavropol, government bodies and local government, public associations and other structures of civil society;

– placement of the information banner of the MBU SCBS on cultural and cultural websites educational institutions cities;

A set of program activities will strengthen the information base of libraries and expand the ability to provide the population with access to electronic resources.

4.3. Implementation of projects aimed at educating the population and increasing information literacy.

The main program activities include:

– providing consulting support to users on working with information resources and software;

– organization of the School of Information Comfort, focused on different levels of user proficiency in computer, information and telecommunication technologies:

Educational complex for the elderly and low-income groups of the population “Electronic Turn”;

Educational complex for youth “Citizen in the Internet space”;

Educational complex for children and parents “Safe Internet”;

– equipping branch libraries with demonstration equipment for conducting consulting and educational events;

- organization " round tables”, consultations and business meetings with government officials on the use of municipal information portals and registration of “electronic citizen”.

The implementation of these program activities will actively contribute to the formation of information needs of city residents and the satisfaction of these needs through modern computer technologies.

4.4. Organizational activities:

The main program activities include:

– conducting consulting and training events for library staff on the provision of new information services using telecommunication technologies;

– conclusion of contractual agreements on the interaction of libraries and government structures responsible for the operation of the municipal information portal;

7. Assessing the effectiveness of the Program implementation.

The implementation of the Program activities will contribute to positive changes in library and information services to the population of the city of Stavropol and will ensure:

– approval of municipal libraries as socially oriented information centers, forming the basis of the cultural and information life of the city;

– development of modern forms of work with various categories of the population based on expanding the types of services;

– attracting new users to city libraries;

an increase in the number of citizens seeking information, including municipal information, provided electronically.

The successful implementation of this program will allow the MBU STsLS to become a platform of excellence in organizing the work of public access points for the population to information and services provided in electronic form, and to raise its status in the library and local community.

Suggested target indicators:

1. Increase in automated workstations for library users.

2. Formation of a modern external and internal appearance of libraries, increasing the popularity of library services among the population.

3. Increase in the number of services provided using electronic technologies.

4. Creation of your own databases (bibliographic, full-text), formation of your own electronic collections.

5. Increasing the number of library users who have skills in using ICT in everyday activities.
