Business plan for a mini-bakery for the production of bakery products. Important questions when drawing up a business plan for a bakery and bakery

The range of manufactured products includes:

  • eight types of buns;
  • cupcakes;
  • lamb products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bagels.


Today in the city of “X” there are two bakeries and three mini-bakeries that specialize in the production of bread and similar products. Based on this, the opened mini-bakery will produce bakery products, which will make up 100% of its assortment. The main competitive advantage here is the sale of exclusively fresh baked goods.

Work format and taxation system

The “individual entrepreneur” option will be chosen here as the organizational and legal basis for the business. A simplified taxation system will be used to pay taxes. A specialized outsourcing company will maintain the company's accounting records. After all production processes are organized, the owner will keep records independently.

Operating mode

The mini-bakery will be open every day. The company's employees, in turn, will work in shifts, from 00.00 to 10.00 and on a two-by-two schedule. This applies to the baker and his assistant.

As for the manager and sales representative, then they will work from 7.30 to 16.30 according to a five-day work week. In this case, they will have alternate days off.

Payroll fund

There will be one manager and his salary will be 30 thousand rubles per month. There will be two bakers working and each of them will receive 22 thousand rubles per month (44 thousand rubles monthly). The company will also employ four baker assistants and each of them will receive 14 thousand rubles per month (56 thousand rubles, respectively). The sales representative's salary will be 22 thousand rubles per month. In total, 156 thousand rubles will be spent on employee salaries per month.


To organize a mini-bakery, the following set of equipment is required:

  1. Bakery oven – 34,794 rubles.
  2. Proofing cabinet model ShRE 2.1 – 19,760 rubles.
  3. Flour sifter model PVG-600M – 21,780 rubles.
  4. Dough mixer model MTM-65MNA – 51,110 rubles.
  5. Hearth sheets for HPE 700x460 (20 pcs.) – 584 rubles.
  6. Exhaust hood 10x8 – 7,695 rubles.
  7. Washing tub – 2,836 rubles.
  8. Refrigerator cabinet model R700M – 24,420 rubles.
  9. Pastry table model SP-311/2008 – 13,790 rubles.
  10. Wall-mounted food table model SPP 15/6 – 3,905 rubles.
  11. Portion scales model CAS SW-1-5 – 2,466 rubles.
  12. Portion scales model CAS SW-1-20 – 2,474 rubles.
  13. Shelving model SK - 6,706 rubles.
  14. Trolley-stud model TS-R-16 for HPE hearth sheets – 17,195 rubles.

In total, the purchase of equipment will cost 226 thousand 283 rubles.

Product sales channels

The distribution channels here are small grocery stores located in the city “X” and nearby settlements. Sales of products through regional and federal retail chains are not expected.

Project development schedule

The time frame for launching a company in this case is two months. All stages associated with starting a business imply the personal responsibility of the business owner.

In the first month, the business is registered with the Federal Tax Service and stamps are ordered. Next, a current account is opened and a lease agreement for the production workshop is concluded. All necessary equipment for running a business is purchased, the premises are renovated in accordance with the requirements of the SES.

Over the next month, the entrepreneur receives approval from the SES to conduct business. The line is installed, commissioning is carried out and test baking is done. The formulation and technical specifications are being coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor. Recruitment of employees is underway. Agreements are concluded with suppliers and buyers.

Starting from the third month, the bakery is fully operational.

Registration of activities with the Federal Tax Service will cost 15,000 rubles.

The cost of redecorating the premises and bringing it into compliance with SES requirements: 100,000 rubles.

The purchase of equipment will cost 226,283 rubles.

Purchase of vehicles (bread van with 128 trays, GAZ-3302 car): 450,000 rubles.

The purchase of table equipment will require 30,000 rubles.

For creating inventory you will need 50,000 rubles.

You will need 150,000 rubles as working capital.

100,000 rubles are needed to connect to electrical networks, as well as to coordinate the technical specifications and technical specifications for the products.

The total amount of funds required to open a mini-bakery will ultimately be about 1,100,000 rubles.

Estimated financial performance of the business

Planned revenue for 2018

In accordance with the organizational plan, the start of the company’s activities is scheduled for March 2018. Self-sufficiency should occur around May of this year.

Planned economic indicators in 2019

The company's activities can be called seasonal, since the peak of sales will most likely be in September - November and from the beginning of March to the end of April. In other months, revenue may decrease.

Estimated payback period for the project: 2 years.

Expense part of the business

The costly part of the business includes the following expenses:

1.Production cost.

This includes the costs required to produce the product. These are, in particular, funds for purchasing flour, margarine, sugar, yeast and other ingredients.

2. Variable expenses.

This means employee wages, which directly depend on output and amount to twelve percent of revenue.

3. General expenses.

This expense item refers to expenses required by wages, social contributions, rent, expenses for fuel and lubricants, equipment repairs, utility bills and other expenses.

Project Risk Analysis

The implementation and further operation of the bakery is complicated by a number of negative aspects and risks. To determine the degree of influence of these factors, a detailed analysis of them is required. This is determined through an expert threat assessment. Also, a detailed study of the problem allows you to see the degree of influence of risks.

Possible risks when doing business

1.Increasing the cost of raw materials

This problem will undoubtedly lead to an increase in product costs and a decrease in profit margins. This risk can be compensated by increasing the selling price or by revising weight requirements. To prevent this problem, it is important to constantly study the supplier market and look for the most advantageous offers.

2.Emergence of new competitors

If new competitors appear, sales volume may decrease significantly. In order to protect the enterprise from this risk, it is recommended to maintain customer loyalty and try in every possible way to differentiate itself from competitors.

3.Decreased sales during a certain season

The problem can lead to decreased sales and increased employee costs. This risk can be overcome through competent marketing policies.


It is obvious that all external and internal risks in business negatively affect profits. These difficulties are significantly mitigated by developing a strategy crisis management. It is also important to maintain the company's positioning in the market. Constant contact with the consumer and studying his preferences for the offered assortment are also of great importance.

Relevance of a mini-bakery business plan

The main message in the bakery market is healthy eating, naturalness and freshness. Today, the most in demand are bakeries operating in supermarkets, where sales are quite high due to good traffic. According to information from the Information and Analytical Center "Informkonditer", since 2010, the popularity of private mini-bakeries has been growing due to a wide range and exclusive products.

Even if we take into account the intense competition in the industry as a whole, the niche of bakery and butter products is still poorly filled. This is due to the fact that large enterprises focused more on the production of bread rather than bakery products. At the same time, they cannot cope with competition in supermarkets where baked goods are sold own production. Along with this, the latter cannot imagine a wide range of products, since this is of secondary interest to buyers. At the same time, the full production large factories not sold in supermarkets.

As a result, private mini-bakeries benefit significantly, since they sell a sufficient amount of bakery products and are able to satisfy the needs of even the most sophisticated customers. Having understood the value of the consumer and established a sales system, an entrepreneur with the help of a private mini-bakery can receive consistently high profits with minimal risks.


Using non-traditional (even borrowed) recipes for baked goods, you can successfully conquer a certain market segment. The niche for such products is now quite free, so any mini-bakery has all the prerequisites for development.

In this material:

Before you start developing a business plan for a bakery, you should decide on its form. What will it be - a full-fledged industrial enterprise with hundreds of jobs or a small bakery? Experts suggest starting with small bakeries, and later you can scale the business by organizing large-scale industrial production.

Difficulties of doing business in this area

The main difficulties of the project in the production sector bakery products There is high competition and the need to quickly respond to changes in consumer demand. Just 20-30 years ago there were not very many varieties of bread products, so it was quite easy to satisfy consumer demand. Moreover, in the Russian outback there were queues for ordinary bread. But now the situation is completely different.

In any city bread kiosk you can count a dozen different types bread, not to mention other products. It will not be possible to surprise with the production of just a few types of products.

Another important point is the desire of local authorities to regulate the cost of these products as the most socially significant. Such attempts to intervene on the part of the state have a negative impact on production. And although in 2015 a number of such decisions of federal subjects were declared illegal by the Antimonopoly Committee, a stable trend is still visible.

Just look at neighboring Ukraine, where the state is making progress in this direction. But this led to the fact that 2/3 of bakeries went into the shadows, otherwise they are forced to close. As a result, everyone loses - the producer, the consumer and, in fact, the state itself.

Bakery instead of bakery

Why start with small bakeries? Firstly, such a project makes it possible not to do large investments. The company will be able to feel the needs of the market by producing a small amount of products, thereby reducing the risks of operating at a loss to zero.

Secondly, a bakery is a more flexible structure that can quickly adapt to current demand and find new niches that are not occupied. In a plant where the entire process is highly mechanized, any change will require serious effort on the part of the staff. And this means time, labor and financial losses.

How profitable and advisable is it to open a bakery? The answer to this is given by the fact that among European countries Russia is the only one in which bread delivery is organized to some regions and districts. As a result, part of the population only knows about hot bread by hearsay, since it comes to them already cooled.

Preparatory work and search for premises

Before you invest, you need to work hard to identify customer needs. You will have to collect information in different places, but most of all you will have to work with sellers who have direct contact with consumers and can point out the items that are in greatest demand.

After collecting this information, you can already make a list of the expected assortment. It is best to do a test baking first and put it on the market. This will provide an opportunity to carry out trial measurements. If a niche is found, recipes for all planned products must be certified.

Certification of each product that will be brought to market is mandatory. This procedure made it unnecessary to obtain a license and increased the requirements for the quality of bakery products. It is important to know! The certification procedure can take up to three months, so this is what you need to start with before starting production.

As soon as the issue with the product range is resolved, you need to start looking for premises. In this case, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Will the products be sold from the bakery itself or are they planned to be transported to retail outlets?
  2. What equipment will be purchased for the enterprise?

If the sale will be carried out directly from the bakery, the premises must be “pass-through” and located in a place with a large crowd of people. When planning to sell products from retail outlets, the premises can be moved to any area of ​​the city or beyond, but then transportation costs must be taken into account.

As for the equipment, its minimum set will require an area of ​​about 100 m2. This kit includes:

  • proofing cabinet;
  • molding and dough mixing machine;
  • bake;
  • rounder;
  • sift flour.

In the case when all this equipment is purchased as a single complex, the size of the room can be significantly smaller - up to 60 m 2. It is important to know! In addition to certifications, the arrangement and location of the enterprise will have to be coordinated with the SES and the fire service. According to the standards set by the SES, bread cannot be baked in basements. In addition, the enterprise must ensure the presence of:

  • running water supply;
  • staff toilet;
  • ventilation systems;
  • warehouse for storing raw materials.

Please note that the workshop in which the products are baked, the packaging workshop and the warehouse must be located separately from each other.

What investments will be required?

The minimum set of equipment included is indicated above. It will cost 4 million rubles and more. The stove will cost 600 thousand rubles and more. Good brands from foreign manufacturers cost around 1 million rubles and more. For example, German stoves cost over 2 million rubles. But such models are resistant to high loads and are capable of producing up to 1.5 tons of finished products per day.

In addition to production equipment, you will also need commercial equipment. It includes:

  • cash machine;
  • showcase;
  • cabinets designed for storing products;
  • a safe in which documents and cash will be stored;
  • furniture and household equipment.

For all this you will have to spend about 200 thousand rubles. Renting premises (industrial and commercial) will cost 50-80 thousand rubles. per month. You will immediately have to pay at least three months - 140-240 thousand rubles.

If delivery is implied (and in most cases you cannot do without it), you will have to buy a Gazelle, which is another 350 thousand rubles. Taking into account unforeseen expenses and repairs of the premises, initial costs can reach 5-5.5 million rubles.

How to organize work?

Once the preliminary work has been carried out and test measurements have been taken, which will show the level of demand for certain bakery products, all that remains is to recruit personnel for bread production and establish sales. Both tasks are not as trivial as they might seem at the very beginning.

A baker cannot be a simple person from the street. Carrying out the task assigned to him requires professionalism, the work is very difficult, and the pay is low. A baker receives a salary of 18-25 thousand rubles. The salary level is the same for a technologist who controls the production process.

All you need:

  • baker - 2 people if production is carried out during the day, and 4 people - if at night;
  • technologist - 1 person;
  • packer who controls the absence of foreign objects in products - 1 person;
  • loader - 1-2 people;
  • cleaner - 1 person;
  • driver - 1 person.

The wage fund (WF) will be 150-200 thousand rubles. per month. Having recruited staff and launched production, it is worth already having ready-made retail outlets for sales. It is not at all necessary to open them yourself, although this will only help promote the project and increase the profitability of bread production. We are talking about concluded agreements with chain markets, supermarkets and other retail outlets. You can try to sell products through kiosks, but they, as a rule, are opened for some existing production of bakery products; they do not need competitors’ products.

Implementation must be taken very seriously. It would be a mistake to think that the smell of hot fresh bread itself will sell it. This is true if you need to sell only 50-100 kg of bakery products per day. But if you need to sell 1.5 tons or more, smell alone will clearly not be enough - marketing and more marketing.

To open your own outlets, it is not necessary to rent a kiosk or open a store. You can reduce the cost of this process and organize trade from wheels. A specially equipped bread van can be rented or leased, which will reduce the cost of business development.

Hidden moments

Despite the fact that bread is always in demand, its consumption in Russia has decreased significantly to 250 g per day per person. Just a few decades ago, this value was three times higher. This is due to the abundance of different food products, which indirectly compete with bread production.

Besides, big cities and the capital are simply oversaturated with this production, they are home to dozens of factories and hundreds of bakeries. Taken together, this led to the fact that the profitability of this business dropped from 50% to 7-15%. This means that with monthly costs of 400 thousand rubles, the owner will make a net profit of 40-70 thousand rubles.

A way out of this situation may be to search for solutions that will organize the sale of a large number of products. Selling from wheels is just one of these solutions.

Experimenting with recipes and purchasing cost-effective equipment can all significantly increase profitability, but such decisions must be made at the project planning stage.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to open a mini-bakery for the production and sale of bakery products in a city with a population of more than 1 million people. The main source of income is profit from the sale of bakery products.

To implement the project, premises are rented in a residential area of ​​the city, in close proximity to houses and a busy street. The total production area is 100 m2.

The bakery’s products are positioned as “healthy and nutritious food,” therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which makes the bakery stand out on the market.

Target audience - people who prefer healthy image life and choose high-quality and healthy baked goods.

The main advantages of the baking business:

Stable demand for products, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Flexibility of production, allowing you to adapt to consumer tastes and market trends;

Professional kit for creating business ideas

Trending product 2019..

The initial investment in opening a bakery is 885,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at repairing premises, purchasing equipment, initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover losses of the initial periods. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment – ​​66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of operation of the project. It is planned that after this period the establishment will need to expand production and product range. The bakery's net monthly profit when it reaches planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off in the seventh month of operation. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 27.8%.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


Bakery products are a product of daily demand. Bread is one of the top three in the list of the most popular products among Russians. According to the result social survey, 74% of respondents consume bread daily. It follows from this that this segment of the food market is quite stable.

Picture 1 . Frequency of bread consumption in Russia

On average, per capita there are 46-50 kg of bread per year. However, the indicators in each region differ. The maximum volume of consumption is observed in the Southern Federal District - 50 kg per person. Figure 2 clearly shows the dynamics of bread consumption per capita. In Russia as a whole, the volume of consumption of bakery products is declining. Experts attribute this decline to the trend towards healthy eating, which excludes bread from the daily diet of Russians. As a result, the production volume of bakery products in Russia over the past decade has decreased by 1.4 million tons: by the beginning of 2016, this figure had dropped to 6.6 million tons.

Figure 2. Supply of traditional types of bread per capita, kg per person per year

Today, manufacturers of bakery products are adapting to the consumption trend and increasing the production of bread, which is positioned as a healthy product - functional additives, cereals, and vitamins are used in its production. Most of these ingredients are supplied from abroad, so we can say that the modern baking industry is dependent on imports. There is also a growing trend in demand for long-life products and frozen bakery products.

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Economic crises also influence the dynamics of bread market development. For example, in 2008, due to a decrease in the level of income of the population, there was an increase in demand for bakery products and their production increased accordingly. After the economic situation stabilizes, the demand for this product started to fall again.

The dynamics of demand for bread also depends on economic crisis: a decrease in the level of income of the population entails an increase in demand for bakery products. Stabilization of the economic situation reduces bread consumption.

According to network trade statistics, at the beginning of 2016, the turnover of bread exceeded 675 billion rubles, while there was a shift in consumption to the budget segment.

Table 2 shows the structure of the bakery products market, with which you can track how the distribution of production between different forms has changed. There is a tendency for the share of industrial baking to decrease and the share of artisan bread to increase.

Table 2. Segmentation of the baking industry


Bakery market by year, %

Industrial bakery

Artisan bread baking

Store baked goods

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The segmentation of the baking industry as of 2016 is presented as follows: 71% of the total market volume is produced by large bakeries, bakeries in supermarkets - 14%, small bakeries - 12%, others - 3%. At the same time, market participants predict a decrease in the share of large bakeries and the development of small bakery businesses. Already today, bakery-cafes in the economy segment and chain boutiques are gaining popularity, where you can not only purchase baked goods, but also have a good time. This format expects a 2-3% share of the bread market. By 2018, the share of small bakeries is expected to increase from 12% to 16% and a further reduction in the share of large bakeries.

All bread produced in Russia can be divided into two types: traditional and non-traditional. The share of traditional bread production is 90% of the total market. Traditional bread includes cheaper products. Non-traditional bread is products based on original recipes, national varieties of bread. The category of non-traditional bread is developing dynamically - in 2016 its growth was 7%, while traditional bread grew only by 1.3%.

Thus, we can highlight the main trend of the bakery products market: non-traditional bread, which is positioned as a “healthy product,” is in demand. Modern market bakery products places high demands on the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce mass-produced, traditional varieties of bread. To operate successfully in the market, it is necessary to create a wide range of products and take into account the tastes of consumers.

According to research by the Institute of Agricultural Marketing, at the end of 2015, prices for bakery products made from premium flour increased by 5% on average in Russia. The maximum price increase was noted in the Northwestern Federal District and the Volga region - about 10%. The minimum growth was recorded in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus.

Experts predict that greatest prospects consumption of bakery products is expected in the Southern Federal District - it is in this region that bread production is in demand.

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Figure 3. Rate of change in prices for bakery products made from premium flour in the Federal District in 2015, %

Advantages of creating a small bakery:

Always fresh bread, which ensures demand for products;

Production flexibility to adapt to consumer tastes and market trends

Stable demand, practically independent of crisis phenomena;

Prospects for concluding supply contracts with stores and restaurants, since mini-bakeries are considered more profitable suppliers.

Thus, the constant demand for bakery products, the trend towards the popularization of mini-bakeries and the development prospects and advantages of the baking industry allow us to talk about the investment attractiveness of such a business.


This project involves opening a mini-bakery for the purpose of producing and selling bakery products. The bakery’s products are positioned as “healthy and nutritious food,” therefore, only high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe are used in the production of bread, which makes the bakery stand out on the market.

It is recommended that the product range for a small bakery consist of 5-8 product items. It is planned that the bakery will provide the following types products:

Branded bread with cereals and seeds, designed for consumers who adhere to a healthy diet;

Traditional wheat and rye bread;

Italian ciabatta bread;

French buns and croissants.

The percentage of production of various types of bakery products is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – Share of each type of product in total production volume

In the future, it is planned to expand the bakery’s assortment, based on consumer taste preferences and market trends.


The bakery's target audience is people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and choose high-quality and healthy baked goods. The target audience can be divided into two segments: 80% of consumers are residents of nearby houses, and 20% are random passers-by and regular customers.

The competitive advantages of the bakery include:

Product quality: fresh baked goods, high-quality and healthy ingredients, unique recipe;

Price of products: traditional bread is sold at a price below the market average. The loss from a price reduction is compensated by more than at a high price for branded bread;

The presence of a window into the workshop: by providing such a layout of the establishment, you can earn the trust of customers who will be able to observe the process of making bread;

Branded product presentation: each product is sold separately paper bag with a product description.

To promote a bakery, you can use various marketing tools: installing billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with product descriptions; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; shares and so on.

The use of a particular tool depends on target audience institution and project budget.

    Tasting of products dedicated to the opening of the bakery. The promotion will last two days and includes free tasting of all types of bakery products, as well as purchasing bakery products with a 25% discount. The costs will be 5,000 rubles.

    Every day in the morning there will be “hot hours” when customers can purchase yesterday’s products at a discount;

According to a consumer survey, advertising of bakery products has little influence on the decision to purchase this product. The most important criterion according to which the consumer makes a choice in favor of one or another bread manufacturer is the freshness of the product. Therefore, the key advertising tool is the quality, taste and freshness of the products produced.

The sales plan is calculated based on the production capacity of the mini-bakery. It is assumed that the bakery will produce 550 kg of baked goods in 8 hours of operation. The average selling price will be 50 rubles per kilogram of product. The planned sales volume is calculated based on equipment productivity and 90% products sold: 550*0.9*50= 24,750 rubles per day or 742,500 rubles per month.


Opening a bakery and organizing production involves the following steps:

1) Bakery location and premises. Choosing the right premises for a bakery with its own bakery is important not only from a marketing point of view, but also in the context of regulatory requirements. The bakery premises must fully comply with the requirements of the SES, namely:

Have separate workshops: a warehouse for storing flour, eggs, sugar and other ingredients; production and storage area; if there is a sale of products, then a sales area;

The room must have hot and cold water, ventilation, sewerage, tiled walls, waterproof floors, air conditioning systems;

There should be additional rooms: bathrooms, storage space for production waste, and a room for staff.

Particular attention should be paid to the power of electricity, since food equipment consumes a lot of electricity.

To accommodate the necessary production capacity and take into account all the requirements, an area of ​​70 to 200 m2 will be required - this depends on the format of the bakery.

Setting up a bakery will require a lot of money. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to own the premises than to rent it. In the case of rent, there is a risk of termination of the contract and change of production location, which will entail additional costs. If your own funds do not allow you to purchase the premises, then it is worth considering the option of a long-term lease for a period of at least 3 years or a lease with the right to later purchase.

When choosing a location, you should also consider the presence of competitors nearby. It is advisable that there are no direct competitors around.

The bakery should be located in a crowded place: markets, near shopping and entertainment complexes and office centers, on central streets. Since a fairly large area is provided for organizing production, the cost of such premises in the center will be quite expensive. In order to optimize the costs of the ongoing project, it is planned to rent long term room in a residential area with an area of ​​100 m2. 90 m2 are allocated for production premises.

Since in addition to the production of bread, the project provides for its retail sale, the bakery has an area allocated for trading floor– 10 m2 is enough to place a cash register and a display case.

The rented premises comply with all sanitary standards and rules specified in SanPiN “Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products” and is intended for food production. The rental cost is 50,000 rubles/month. It is planned to spend 100,000 rubles on renovation of the premises, including the arrangement of the sales area.

2) Personnel selection. The staffing level is determined based on the bakery format and production capacity. Since the project involves opening a mini-bakery that produces 500 kg of bread in an 8-hour shift, to organize the work process you will need:

2 baker-technologists (shift schedule);

Manager responsible for purchasing raw materials and organizing the work of all personnel;

2 cashiers for the sales area (shift schedule);

Cleaning woman;


In this case, it is necessary to conduct preliminary training of personnel, familiarize them with the recipe, safety precautions and the production process, and also ensure compliance with all sanitation standards and requirements. Bakers must have appropriate education and work experience, since the quality of the product largely depends on their professionalism.

3) Equipment. An equally important component of the production process is quality equipment. When choosing equipment for a bakery, you need to clearly understand what competitive advantage you plan to get - a wide range, quality, quick reconfiguration of equipment for the production of other types of bread, etc. Today the market offers various options for bakery equipment, the most well-known brands are ABM, FoodTools, Sigma, Unox, Miwe, Vitella. It is recommended not to skimp on basic equipment.

The equipment required for a mini-bakery includes:

    flour sifter – 25,000 rubles;

    dough mixer – 100,000 rubles;

    dough sheeter – 30,000 rubles;

    proofer – 40,000 rubles;

    table for working with dough – 30,000 rubles;

    oven – 300,000 rubles;

    baking trolleys – 15,000 rubles;

    refrigerator – 35,000 rubles;

    dishes and kitchen utensils – 10,000 rubles.

As a result, a set of specialized equipment for a mini-bakery will cost approximately 585,000 rubles.

4) Supply organization. Before opening a bakery, you should establish supply channels for raw materials and decide on suppliers. It is necessary that all ingredients used comply with GOST requirements.

When agreeing on cooperation with suppliers, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. Typically, shipping costs for ingredients will be borne by your operation. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The bakery's main raw material is flour. It must be of the highest quality and properly stored. It is recommended not to make large stocks, as the flour may spoil. In addition to flour, you will need: yeast, eggs, fresh milk, sugar, salt and other raw materials.

Compilation technological map preparation of products will allow you to accurately calculate the required amount of raw materials. At the same time, it is important that the recipe for bakery products complies with GOST standards or separately adopted specifications.


The initial stage of opening a bakery is registering the business with government agencies and obtaining permits for food production. In order to produce and sell food products, an enterprise must obtain permission from the SES for production, a conclusion from the SES for finished products and a certificate of conformity. Before starting production, you should also obtain a conclusion from the fire inspection and environmental supervision.

To conduct commercial activities, an individual entrepreneur is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

    10.71 - Production of bread and flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries for non-durable storage;

    47.24 - Retail trade in bread and bakery products and confectionery in specialized stores.

The legal side of bakery activities is covered in more detail.

The bakery's operating hours are different for the production workshop and the sales area. The production workshop is open from 6:00 to 16:00 with an hour break from 11:00 to 12:00. The trading floor is open from 8:00 to 20:00.

Technological bakers work in shifts: 2 days of work followed by 2 days of rest. Their responsibilities include monitoring the production process, maintaining cleanliness in the workshop during production cycle, timely write-off of spoiled products, keeping a log of hood cleaning, accounting for raw materials in stock.

A shift work schedule is also provided for cashier salespeople: a day of work and a day of rest, since their working day lasts 10 hours. Responsibilities of the seller: customer service and work at the cash register, keeping records of cash and transactions supported by the presence of checks, accepting finished products from the workshop, designing a sales window.

The manager is responsible for cooperation with contractors and the purchase of raw materials, organizes the entire work process, controls the staff work schedule, forms a staff, and pays wages.

An accountant maintains financial records and works through outsourcing.

The cleaning lady is responsible for the cleanliness of the production workshop and the trading floor.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund mini bakeries

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.



Accountant (outsourcing)


Baker-technologist (shift schedule)


Salesperson-cashier (shift schedule)


Cleaning lady (part time)


104,000.00 RUR

Social Security contributions:

31200.00 RUR

Total with deductions:

135200.00 RUR


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the bakery; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period the establishment will need to expand production and product range.

To launch a project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of investment. To do this, you need to determine the costs of renovating the premises, purchasing equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment – ​​66%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Table 4. Investment costs


Amount, rub.

Real estate

Room renovation


Equipment set

Equipment for the trading floor

Fire-fighting equipment

Intangible assets


Working capital

Purchase of raw materials

Working capital


885,000 ₽

Variable costs consist of the costs of ingredients that are used in the preparation of bakery products, as well as payment for the facilities consumed during the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the amount of the average bill and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

The bakery's fixed expenses consist of rent, utility payments, fund wages, advertising costs, taxes and depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years. TO fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed and depends on the volume of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 221,450 rubles. The planned revenue is 742,500 rubles per month.


The payback period for a bakery with an initial investment of 885,000 rubles is 7-8 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 278,842 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the eighth month of operation. The return on sales for the first year of operation will be 28%.

The net present value is positive and equal to 24,993 rubles, which allows us to talk about the investment attractiveness of the project. The internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 18.35%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats associated with the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

The specifics of the baking industry determine the following external risks:

    rising prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers. In the first case, there is a risk of increased costs and, as a consequence, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats by choosing suppliers wisely and including in the contract all the necessary conditions that provide for financial liability of the supplier in case of their violation;

    reaction of competitors. Since the bread market is quite saturated and highly competitive, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. Price pressure cannot be ruled out major participants market, which will negatively affect sales. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, develop new offers that are not represented on the market;

Scientists have calculated that the average person eats 7 tons of bread throughout his life. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine your diet without this type of product, which is why bakery products are classified as everyday goods. This means that bread will be in demand even during periods of economic downturn. That is why bakeries that offer visitors fresh and tasty baked goods will always be in demand.

Bakeries are enterprises whose specialization is the production and sale of bakery products. The specialty of such establishments is the offer of various types of bread, aimed at different consumers(bread with cheese, Italian bread, bread with cereals, etc.). This business has the potential for development despite the competition: success depends on your marketing policy, the successful location of your bakery, and a diverse range of products. This business is attractive due to its relatively low investment, quick payback and high demand for bakery products.

The initial investment amount is 866 186 rubles

Break-even point is reached in the tenth month of work.

The payback period is from 1.5 years.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

To successfully launch a project, you need to analyze your main competitors, consider their product range, pricing policy, identify the most active sales hours and implement the knowledge gained in your business. Competitors can be classified as follows:

  • large manufacturers;
  • own production of retail stores;
  • mini bakeries;
  • semi-finished products are substitutes for finished products.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

1. Registration with government agencies and paperwork

Registration with government agencies is the first thing you need to start your business with. It is preferable to register as individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system, the tax you pay to the budget based on the results of your activities is 6% of income. Also a mandatory procedure is the registration of cash register equipment with the tax authorities.

A bakery is a production associated with the production of food products. Rospotrebnadzor imposes certain sanitary requirements on bakeries, regardless of whether it is a large-scale production facility or not. In this regard, it is necessary to obtain various permits. To open a mini-bakery you will need the following documents:

  • conclusion on compliance with requirements fire safety(from the fire inspection);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusions for production and products (separately) are issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of conformity - obtained from the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation.

In addition, each employee will need to obtain a medical record. In general, to obtain all the necessary permits you will have to spend no more than 80 thousand rubles, including medical books for staff (about 1000 rubles each).

Basic requirements of SES:

  • Availability of sewerage and water supply;
  • The room is not a basement;
  • Availability of ventilation;
  • Availability of separate storage room and toilet;
  • Walls up to 1.75 meters must be tiled or painted with light paint, the rest and the ceiling must be whitewashed.

2. Search for premises and repairs

As described above, the premises should be located in a public area with high pedestrian traffic. It is possible to locate the bakery on the ground floor of a house with a hotel entrance, in shopping complexes. The area depends on the chosen format and production volume. For the smallest bakeries, premises from 40 square meters are suitable. meters. The approximate rental price for such a square area varies from 35,000 rubles. up to 60,000 rub. per month. You need to be prepared for the fact that you may have to do cosmetic repairs, which will cost about 50,000 rubles.

3. Purchase of necessary equipment and inventory

To open a mini-bakery, you need the following equipment:



Price for 1 piece.

total amount

Production equipment

Dough mixer

Food table

Proofing cabinet

Refrigerated cabinet

Bathtub washing

Portion scales

Cabinet for finished products

Kitchen tools


Retail store equipment

Trade showcase


Furniture and equipment for staff



Electric kettle


Total equipment costs

4. Search for frames

First of all, you need to find an experienced and professional baker. There are many options: you can search through groups on social networks, through friends, and also through specialized Internet sites. Searching for a qualified employee on official portals will cost approximately 7-15 thousand rubles. It is necessary to hire three bakers, since the enterprise must work every day, and fresh bread must be waiting for customers on the shelves in the morning. In addition, cashier salespeople are needed to issue goods to customers, and a cleaner to service the premises. Often, bakeries need drivers to load and unload the necessary raw materials.

5. Determination of the range of products offered

You need to determine exactly what products you should offer to your consumers. Perhaps you will focus on Italian baked goods, perhaps you will offer dietary types of bread with the addition of cereals; it is possible that there will be a high demand for exotic types of bread. Raw materials for the production of finished bakery products can be divided into two types - mandatory and additional.

  1. The first is the one that is used for almost any bread, regardless of its type: flour, yeast, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.
  2. The second is what is required depending on the assortment offered by the bakery: seeds, nuts, dried fruits, spices, etc.

6. Marketing policy

First of all, you need to think about a sign that will guide potential customers. It should be noticeable and attract the attention of passersby. Making such a sign together with approval will cost you 60,000 rubles. As for distributing promotional leaflets, you need to budget at least 10,000 rubles. for the work of the promoter, as well as about 5,000 rubles. for printed materials.

It is also desirable to create and promote platforms on social networks; this will allow for an additional flow of customers who are not just passers-by. They can be lured with special offers, promotions, and original products. All news and events of your bakery should be covered on social media. network, if you don’t have time to personally maintain a group and profile, it’s better to hire a promotion specialist. For this purpose it is necessary to allocate at least 10,000 rubles. per month.

6. Organizational structure

The minimum staff for your bakery includes a director, an accountant, three bakers, two cashiers, a cleaner, and a driver.

Director is an employee who performs the key functions of a manager, subordinate to whom are all other personnel. His responsibilities include managing the bakery’s funds, making decisions on employee salaries, hiring or dismissing staff, ensuring decent working conditions, collaborating with contractors, and searching for suppliers. It is advisable for the director to have experience in the field Catering, know all the specifics of this industry. Wage this employee consists of a salary (30,000 rubles) and a bonus in the amount of 4% of revenue, if planned indicators bakeries are carried out.

As for bakers, these employees are key in your enterprise, because the quality and taste of the finished bread depends on their skills, knowledge of the recipe and experience. Candidates with average vocational education and experience in a similar position. To keep your bakery running smoothly and provide customers with very fresh bread, you need to hire three bakers who will work night and day shifts. Their salary consists of a fixed part (salary of 15,000 rubles) and a percentage of revenue (2%). The baker carries out the process of baking and frying bakery products, places the dough pieces on sheets, in cassettes, forms, determines the readiness of the dough pieces for baking, lubricates the products before baking, controls the temperature and humidity in the oven using instrumentation, and carries out the primary processing of raw materials: sifting, washing, sorting, grinding, softening.

As for the salesperson-cashier, his responsibilities include receiving finished products from the kitchen, serving customers, arranging goods in the display window, maintaining and accounting cash documents, ensuring safety Money located at the cash register, ensuring cash discipline, providing consulting assistance to customers regarding the assortment and quality of bakery products to be sold; control over the availability and correct placement of price tags, as well as over the indication in them of complete and reliable information about the product. The salary of a salesperson-cashier consists of a salary of 14,000 rubles. and bonuses of 2% of revenue.

You can find a delivery driver on social networks and private advertisements without spending money on a search. The driver has a flexible work schedule and delivers raw materials to the bakery at a predetermined time in his car. The driver's salary is RUB 10,000, and you will need to pay his fuel costs in the amount of RUB 3,000. per month. Also, to ensure cleanliness in the bakery, it is advisable to hire a cleaner who will work part-time and carry out her duties at a pre-agreed time; the cleaner’s salary is 8,000 rubles/month.

You can find an accountant remotely or contact a specialized company that provides accounting services. The average salary of a remote accountant is 5,000 rubles. per month.

The general wage fund changes monthly due to the percentage wage system. The wage fund for the first month of operation of the bakery is presented below:

General payroll


The number of employees

Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

Total salary (RUB)

Manager (salary+%)


Sales cashier (salary+%)


Cleaning woman


General salary fund

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a travel agency are as follows:



Cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Dough mixer

Food table

Proofing cabinet

Dough rolling machine

Device for sifting flour

Refrigerated cabinet

Bathtub washing

Portion scales

