The son of Yuri Chaika Igor. Igor Chaika will become a partner of Ginza in the Chinese market

Igor Chaika, the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, was awarded a presidential diploma, reports The award took place in the summer of 2015, when, according to Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin knew about compromising material on the sons of the head of the Prosecutor General's Office. In early December, an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Foundation about the sons of Yuri Chaika was published.

Honorary Diploma "For merits in the implementation of effective projects innovative development Moscow region and active social activities" Igor Chaika received in August of this year by order of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Information about this was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Then Chaika had just left the post of adviser to the governor of the Moscow Region to engage in business projects.

Meanwhile, the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the results of the anti-corruption investigation into the business of the children of the Prosecutor General, conducted by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, said that the information contained in the investigation was available back in June.

The Kremlin also said that information about the business of the family of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika is not of interest, since Chaika's children are adults. Yuri Chaika stated that the information presented in the FBK investigation "is deliberately false and has no basis in fact." After that, the Anti-Corruption Foundation filed a lawsuit in court for the protection of honor and dignity.

FBK last week published an investigative film about the sons of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika - Artem and Igor. Most of the materials are devoted to the eldest son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika. In particular, the investigation alleges that the son of the Prosecutor General owns expensive real estate in Greece and Switzerland, the money for the purchase of which he received at the expense of a business that thrives allegedly thanks to his father's connections. In addition, the report shows the connections of business partner Artem Chaika with the gang of Sergey Tsapok, a well-known defendant in the case of the high-profile murder of 12 people in the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Igor Chaika is getting richer by getting contracts, and the same people who support his brother Artyom are employed in his business, the FBK investigation said. The government of the Moscow region refused to stop working with Igor Chaika.

Igor Chaika

Igor Chaika graduated from the Moscow Law Academy. Shortly after graduating from the university in February 2014, he was appointed advisor on culture, sports and youth policy to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov.

In July of this year, a message was published on the website of the government of the Moscow Region about the dismissal of Igor Chaika from the post of adviser and his refusal to take the post of deputy prime minister of the regional government. "I decided to refuse this offer, because all this time I did not stop doing business, and those projects that I currently have in implementation or in the launch status require daily operational support. And, of course, I have certain obligations in Therefore, based on the priority, I decided to give up the post of deputy chairman of the government and work in business for the time being," the son of the Prosecutor General explained.

He promised not to leave the Moscow region and implement various social projects for extra-budgetary money. As an adviser to Governor Vorobyov, he oversaw the reconstruction of museums, the development of navigation tourism infrastructure, the construction and reconstruction of parks, the construction of sports and recreation centers and sports flat structures within walking distance.

In October, Vedomosti became interested in Igor Chaika's business. The publication claimed that the portfolio of orders of his company exceeds 300 billion rubles, primarily contracts with Russian Railways and Moscow. As stated, by the age of 27, the young man managed to try his hand at credit brokerage and financial consulting, landscaped public spaces, carried out state contracts for lighting the Crimean flyover and Novospassky bridge, illuminated Novorossiysk and Armavir, set up parks, almost went bankrupt in the production of shoes and quick-heating semi-finished products, he was a partner of VTB in a large development project and took out the garbage under the motto "Let it always be clean."

Earlier, the awarding of the son of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, caused a great public outcry: Ivan Sechin received a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, for his "great contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex and many years of conscientious work". At the same time, at the time of receiving the award, he was only 25 years old.

The youngest son of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika, businessman Igor Chaika established construction company in Crimea, follows from the data of the SPARK database. The company can carry out about 40 types of activities, including work as a tour operator

Igor Chaika (Photo: Pavel Bednyakov)

The youngest son of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika, businessman Igor Chaika, established the South Coast construction company in Crimea, according to SPARK data.

Igor Chaika registered the company on April 24 in the urban-type settlement of Nikita near Yalta. The company's CEO is Ivan Baukin, who already manages two funds founded by Chaika Jr. We are talking about the charitable foundation named after the centurion M.Ya. Seagulls and about the Center for Social Initiatives of the Yaroslavl Region. The authorized capital of the South Coast is 1 million rubles, the main activity is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings.

According to the registration data, new company Igor Chaika plans to carry out about 40 activities, including work as a tour operator, who are also entitled to provide excursion services.

The emergence of a new company in SPARK, Chaika Jr., drew the attention of the publication Life.

At the time of publication, a representative of Igor Chaika did not respond to RBC's request.

Igor Chaika was previously RBC, which highly appreciates the investment attractiveness of the Crimea and, together with partners, is considering the possibility of buying land for the construction of a luxury hotel. He also did not rule out that he could purchase an already operating sanatorium on the peninsula and reconstruct it in the future. In this context, Chaika Jr. mentioned the Zori Rossii sanatorium near Yalta - now it belongs to the Presidential Administration.

At the end of March, the structures of Igor Chaika up to 75% of their stake in Beteltrans, the largest manufacturer of reinforced concrete sleepers in Russia. The T-industry company Chaika Jr. had previously owned 50% minus one share in this enterprise.

A year earlier, Igor Chaika, the Russian Export company, which is engaged in wholesale trade grain, seeds and feed for farm animals, as well as wholesale trade in coffee, tea and cocoa. The company consolidates goods of Russian manufacturers and carries out their transportation, customs clearance, certification and further sale to China.

In May 2016, it became that the company "Agro-Region" Igor Chaika will spend 2.5 billion rubles. for the construction of a mushroom growing complex in the Moscow region.

In August 2015, RBC learned that a company controlled by Chaika received two 15-year contracts for garbage collection in Moscow districts, for which the structure of the prosecutor general's son was to receive 42.6 billion rubles.

From February 2014 to July 2015, Igor Chaika worked as an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov on a voluntary basis on sports, culture, tourism and youth affairs. After that, as Chaika Jr. himself stated, he decided "to work in business for the time being." According to Yuri Chaika, he is in the business that his sons are engaged in. “The sons achieve everything by their own labor, they are smart guys, with brains. I did not attach them anywhere, both created their own business. From scratch! Both the younger and the older,” Chaika said.

The business of the sons of the Prosecutor General Chaika was mentioned in the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexei Navalny called “The Seagull. Crime drama in five parts. All Navalny's accusations against Igor Chaika were then unsubstantiated. “Your colleagues [journalists] sorted through the publications that were bit by bit, and they came to the conclusion that the arguments given by various kinds of people are absolutely untrue,” he told reporters.

Yuri Chaika is an "old-timer" of the Russian government, who has been leadership positions in the highest echelons of government in the country. The biography of Yuri Chaika began with the Ministry of Justice, where the official served as head for several terms in a row, and then became the Prosecutor General of Russia. The activity of the Prosecutor General is periodically shaken by scandals, which does not prevent him from confidently continuing his career, as well as supervising the implementation of laws by the federal executive authorities in the state.

Chaika Yuri Yakovlevich was born on May 21, 1951 in the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, located in the Khabarovsk Territory. Yakov Mikhailovich, the father of the future official, was the secretary of the Nikolaev city committee of the CPSU. Maria Ivanovna, Yuri's mother, worked as a mathematics teacher and later became a school principal. The future Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation was the youngest son in the family - he has three more older brothers and sisters.

The childhood and school years of Yuri Yakovlevich passed in the usual way. Yuri graduated from the local school number 4, soon entered the Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Shipbuilding. After 1.5 years of study, Chaika left the university and went to work as an electrician at shipyard. From 1970 to 1972, Yuri did military service in the ranks of the Soviet army, and then decided to get a higher education and entered the Sverdlovsk Law Institute at the Faculty of Law.

During this period, the future Prosecutor General met Yuri Skuratov, who, after the collapse of the USSR, served as Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. This acquaintance played a key role in the career of Yuri Chaika, because thanks to this he was able to rise from the position of an ordinary investigator to the highest rank in the Russian prosecutor's office and stay in the prosecutor's chair for many years.

Service in the authorities

Yury Chaika's prosecutorial career started in the prosecutor's office of the Ust-Udinsky district from the position of deputy inter-district prosecutor. From 1979 to 1985 he worked in the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office, from where he was transferred to the regional prosecutor's office of Irkutsk, which he headed from 1992 to 1995.

At that time, Yuri Yakovlevich became famous for being the first Russian prosecutor who sent a criminal case to court under the article “Banditry”, which attracted the attention of the country's leading prosecutors. Thanks to this, the same Yuri Skuratov, an acquaintance from the institute, who headed the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, remembered him. Skuratov appointed Chaika as his first deputy, as he believed that he showed results after working in the Irkutsk region, which at that time was a criminogenic region.

In 1999, after the dismissal of Yuri Skuratov, Chaika was appointed acting prosecutor general of the country. Soon, Yuri Yakovlevich headed the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, where he proved to be an energetic, demanding and tough official who fights crime. This made it possible to carry out cardinal changes in the country's criminal legislation, and led to a reduction in the number of prisoners in the Russian Federation by almost 200,000 people. Chaika also created the Office for Observance of the Rights of Citizens Serving Their Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty. Yury Chaika's achievements as Minister of Justice also include the adoption of a law on non-profit organizations and the abolition of the death penalty in Russia.

On June 23, 2006, by a resolution of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika was appointed the country's Prosecutor General, whose duties he is performing for the second term. During this period, he accounted for the disclosure of many crimes related to corruption, the rotation of personnel in the department, which made it possible to make the activities of the Russian prosecutor's office transparent, as well as to expand public understanding of the plans being implemented in the country.

He has the honorary title of Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.


The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation has repeatedly become a defendant in "prosecutor" scandals, the loudest of which was the story of an underground casino in the Moscow region. At that time, high-ranking officials were accused of covering up the organizers of an illegal business, one of which allegedly was the son of the Prosecutor General, Artem. Later, the criminals involved in this case were punished in accordance with Russian legislation.

In 2015, Yuri Yakovlevich, or rather his family business, again came under public attention. This time, an oppositionist brought charges against the prosecutor's son Artem Chaika, who conducted an anti-corruption investigation against the family of the prosecutor general and made the facts public. Navalny also introduced a new one about corruption in law enforcement.

Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation called the business of the Chaika family "banditry, racketeering and raiding", which is patronized by the country's prosecutor general. We are talking about investing tens of millions of euros in Greek real estate, which, according to Navalny, the son of Chaika earned in a joint business with criminal gangs.

Yuri Yakovlevich called the accusations of the oppositionist false and groundless. Chaika considers Navalny's revelations an "order" and promised to name those behind him soon.

Later, Yuri Chaika told media representatives that he did not help his sons, because they are “smart guys” and achieve everything themselves, and he called the news about offenses by family members fiction. Nevertheless, the prosecutor general added that the sons also received state orders, “but there is no talk of any 300 billion rubles.”

Chaika added that Igor "always fulfilled his obligations on time," and also invested his personal funds in charitable projects that he developed in the Moscow region. According to Chaika, the son "does charity work not for the sake of thanks or awards, but at the call of his heart."

Yuri Yakovlevich noted that his son Artem "often takes on what others refuse" and "devotes a lot of time to helping those who need it."

In support of his words, the Prosecutor General calls the acquisition by Artem from Russian Railways of the unprofitable company PNK, which united two dozen crushed stone plants. According to Yuri Yakovlevich, his son turned this company into a profitable enterprise in a short time.

Personal life

The personal life of Yuri Chaika is stable. Even at the dawn of his prosecutorial career, the official met Elena, his future wife, whom he married in 1974. The wife of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is a teacher by education, but after the birth of her own children, she devoted herself to their upbringing and moved away from pedagogical work.

Of particular interest to the people are the children of Yuri Chaika - the sons Artem and Igor, born in 1975 and 1988. Artem and Igor have repeatedly become involved in scandals in which they were accused of illegal activities and illegal earnings. It is known that the sons of Chaika followed in the footsteps of their father and became lawyers. Today they are dedicated to the business and are co-founders of several firms.


Yuri Chaika's income for 2014 amounted to 8.5 million rubles, and his wife - 8.28 million rubles. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation has no real estate, the official owns only a rare GAZ-13 car, the famous Soviet Chaika, produced in a small series in 1959-1979. Also in the use of Yuri Yakovlevich there are two parking spaces and an apartment of 203 sq. m, half of which belongs to the wife of the Prosecutor General.

In 2016, the total income of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation was just over 9.275 million rubles.

Yuri Chaika now

In April 2017, Yury Chaika demanded for the department he heads the right to authorize arrests. According to Yuri Yakovlevich, today investigators are “a working tool in the hands of the prosecutor.” According to the official, this situation needs to be changed, as it threatens with serious consequences for the law enforcement system in the future.

The Prosecutor General, speaking in the Federation Council, said that over the past 2 years, employees of the Investigative Committee have illegally opened thousands of criminal cases, in which law enforcement agencies asked the courts to arrest the defendants.

“When the constitutional rights of a citizen are affected, such actions must be authorized by the prosecutor. Throughout the world, the prosecutor performs one of two functions: he himself investigates a criminal case or leads the investigation. In Russia, unfortunately, there is neither one nor the other function,” said the Prosecutor General.

Chaika believes that before starting the procedure for going to court and asking to send the person involved in the case to the isolation ward, the representative of the investigation needs to get the prosecutor's sanction for this. The Prosecutor General also noted that operational-search actions must be authorized by his department. We are talking about control purchases and operational experiments.

Experts note that tense relations have long been developing between the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee. Both structures are actually fighting, trying to gain control over the legal principles of doing business. The hardware structure demands more powers and also fights for more rights for its system.

In June 2017, Yuri Chaika announced that he intends to check compliance with laws and agreements that relate to the ban on the import of fruits and vegetables. The order of the President of the Russian Federation Chaika's department is obliged to fulfill before December 1, 2017.

The companies will be checked for the use of the import substitution plan, as well as the effective allocation of federal resources. As they think in Russian government, such an initiative will support Russian agricultural products, as well as rid the domestic market of low-quality goods.

Awards and titles

  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • Order of Honor
  • "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation"
  • "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"


In 2011 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin.


In 2010, according to SPARK, he registered the Innovations of Light company, which in three years received several contracts for almost 700 million rubles: it made New Year's illumination in the Central and Southern districts of Moscow, artistic illumination of the Novospassky and Crimean bridges and artificial lighting of the Adler highway - Krasnaya Polyana on the eve of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

From 2012 to 2013, he was a partner of lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky and VTB Bank in the City Land Group development company.

"Connections / Partners"


Moscow region HOAs sued the garbage disposal operator owned by the son of the Prosecutor General

In the Moscow region, several homeowners' associations (HOA) from Chernogolovka sued the Charter company, owned by the son of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Igor Chaika

Shestun's family asks Putin for protection from harassment by the FSB, investigators and prosecutors

Alexander Shestun: “Vladimir Vladimirovich! Why was the father's property seized, which he earned and acquired before working as the head of the Serpukhov district? Why does Prosecutor General Chaika, who has never worked in business for a day, live in a huge castle on Rublyovka? Did you know that the second son of Yuri Yakovlevich, Igor Chaika, is the owner of the Charter company, the largest operator of garbage waste from Moscow, earning tens of billions of rubles on our health!


Shestun: The cynicism of law enforcement agencies has crossed all reasonable limits ...

Very young, but incredibly talented Igor Chaika, not yet thirty years old, became a dollar billionaire. His company "Charter" is the largest operator for the removal of garbage from Moscow for tens of billions of rubles. How long has this daddy's son poisoned people with the stench of garbage dumps? Igor Yuryevich wins many large state contracts, having incredible luck.

My eternal critic Alexei Navalny, in his investigation, pointed out the connection of the Chaika family with the firms of Tsapok and Tsepovyaz. How can Yuri Yakovlevich with such a tarnished reputation be the Prosecutor General of Russia? What moral right does he have to tell the supervised services to obey the law?

Why did Yuri Yakovlevich appoint Alexei Zakharov as the prosecutor of the Moscow region, because he is the son-in-law of Sergei Shoigu? Doesn't Chaika know that the Shoigu family and Governor Vorobyov have a joint business - the Russian Fisheries Company (RRPC), and Andrey Yuryevich's dad was the 1st deputy of Sergei Kuzhugetovich? True, Gennady Timchenko and Garik Makhachkala were also taken into business. That is why the Moscow region is mired in corruption with a "family" prosecutor. Therefore, landfills without any sorting and refilling poison entire areas with stench. Naturally, Mr. Zakharov does not notice how they defeated local government, jailing all the dissatisfied, violating all possible laws, collecting all the powers and finances in the sticky hands of Vorobyov.

Chaika and Zakharov did not notice how I was not allowed to participate in the pre-trial detention center, contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, even a letter from the chairman of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova to the Prosecutor General's Office did not help. My wife was removed from the election race due to lawlessness, and again, no gu-gu ... "

Chaika's son's company wins $16bn garbage deal

IA SakhaNews. The Charter company, most of whose shares are owned by Igor Chaika, the son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, has become the sole garbage disposal operator in the Yaroslavl region. The cost of the contract will be about 16 billion rubles, Novaya Gazeta reports.

Chaika's son lobbied for the resignation of the regional prosecutor?

IA SakhaNews. The prosecutor of the Tula region, 49-year-old candidate of legal sciences Alexander Kozlov, was dismissed. Kozlov's dismissal was preceded by a long conflict with the son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Igor Chaika, Legal.Report reports citing a source in the prosecutor's office.

The conflict began about a year ago, when Chaika Jr. suggested that his father appoint another prosecutor in Tula. After that, the Tula regional prosecutor's office was checked, but apart from the fact that Kozlov used an official car to travel home, to Klin, near Moscow, nothing significant was found.

Dakaitaowa opened to investors

Igor Chaika's company will receive RDIF funding

Online export platform Russian goods In China, Dakaitaowa, the youngest son of the Russian Prosecutor General, Igor Chaika, has agreed on financing from the state-owned Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Since last year, Dakaitaowa has been discussing with RDIF the attraction of about 300 million rubles. and considered the possibility of selling 25% of the business. According to Kommersant, in the near future the company will receive part of the amount in the form of a convertible loan.

Igor Chaika's company will invest 5 billion rubles. for waste processing in Yaroslavl

The Charter company of businessman Igor Chaika, son of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, is investing 5 billion rubles. for waste processing in the Yaroslavl region | Igor Chaika himself told RBC about this on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), RBC correspondent reports.

Igor Chaika will be engaged in the implementation of blockchain in the industry

Igor Chaika invested 400 million rubles. to the National Engineering Corporation, which will be engaged in the introduction of high technologies in industry. Experts believe that the company will be able to fit into the Digital Economy program

Igor Chaika's company will start deliveries of Zhigulevsky and Lakinsky to China

The export company Dakaitaowa, which is owned by the son of the Russian Prosecutor General, businessman Igor Chaika, will start supplying Russian-made alcoholic beverages to Chinese retail chains Vanguard and Bubugao. Kommersant writes about this with reference to the company's representative Anna Kosyreva.

Igor Chaika's firm refused to build a desalination station in Iran

The Russian-Middle East Export Center (RBETS), founded by the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia, Igor Chaika, and the chairman of the presidium of the Green Alternative public movement, Oleg Mitvol, abandoned plans to build a desalination station in Iran. Mitvol told the Kommersant newspaper about this.

The company of the son of Chaika "Charter" will be engaged in garbage collection in the Tula region

Charter LLC, owned by Igor Chaika, son of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, has become the operator for the removal of municipal solid waste in Tula and two districts of the Tula region. This information follows from the trading protocol.

Igor Chaika will manage the largest waste incineration plant in Moscow

Businessman Igor Chaika completed a deal to buy a 60% stake in the garbage recycling operator Charter. Now the company is negotiating the management of the largest waste incineration plant in the Moscow region - MSZ-4

Igor Chaika will become a partner of Ginza in the Chinese market

Restaurant holding Ginza Project plans to open the first restaurant in China in 2018. Igor Chaika, the founder of the Russian Export company, may become a partner of the group

Igor Chaika disclosed investments in the Russian pavilion on Alibaba

The owner of Russian Export and First Russian Cross-Border International Trading Ltd (FRC, owns the Dakaitaowa platform) Igor Chaika disclosed the terms of the agreement with Alibaba to open a Russian pavilion on the Chinese trading platform.

Chaika announced the possible creation of mining farms in Pridnestrovie

Igor Chaika, the founder of the Russian Export company, told RBC about the prospects for creating mining farms in Pridnestrovie.

Igor Chaika's companies will supply chocolate and kvass to China

The Russian Export and FRC companies, whose largest shareholder is the son of the Russian Prosecutor General, businessman Igor Chaika, intend to export chocolates, other sweets and kvass to China. Igor Chaika spoke about this in an interview with the Moscow city news agency.

Igor Chaika invested in an app for Chinese tourists

Igor Chaika invests in the LeRu project, an application focused on Chinese tourists with the functions of a concierge service, posters, etc. In the year of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, a new peak of tourist flow from China is expected - there are 300 million football fans in the country

The youngest son of Prosecutor General Chaika founded a development company

Igor Chaika, the youngest son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, has created a development company that will build residential real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to him, the planned volume of construction is 1 million square meters. m of housing

Outside the Sapsan: how Russians live along the country's most modern railway

While Pavel is talking, the train is pulling up to the Klin station. In 2014, this city near Moscow became a testing ground for an ambitious experiment. Igor Chaika, an adviser to the governor of the Moscow Region and the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia, dreamed of making the “very neglected” Klin look like the Austrian Salzburg (Tchaikovsky lived in Klin, Mozart lived in Salzburg).

Seagull came up with a concept for the improvement of the city called "Wedge Sounds". The project envisaged a total reconstruction of public spaces: from the sound zoning of the city to the development of light ground metro.

"Olginsky Troll" Gerasimenko

Corruption fighters note that the sons of the head of the department, Yuri Chaika, made their fortune on state tenders only thanks to their father's connections. One son of the Prosecutor General, Igor Chaika, earned 300 billion rubles on contracts with Russian Railways and the Moscow government.

Igor Chaika also appeared in a major scandal. A related commercial company received a lucrative government contract for 42.6 billion rubles. from the Moscow government.

Interestingly, the two largest tenders in terms of the amount of 42.6 billion rubles. - garbage collection in the North-Eastern and Eastern districts of Moscow - was taken by the Charter company registered in 2012 with authorized capital 10 thousand rubles Charter LLC is affiliated with the son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Chaika.

Earlier, in 2014, Igor Chaika was appointed as an adviser on sports, culture, tourism and youth affairs to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov. Mr. Chaika immediately announced his desire to take up parks near Moscow.

The Navalny Foundation spoke about the business empire of the sons of Yuri Chaika

The authors of the investigation believe that Artem Chaika opened the first Swiss account in the early 2000s. It was allegedly issued to his wife Marina. Until 2013, the company Juridical House was engaged in the affairs of the Chaika family, the foundation believes. Its representatives came to this conclusion by comparing the addresses: the company is registered in the same room of an office building in Lausanne as F.T. Consei. The connection of this company with Chaika is also confirmed by the fact that the building of the Geneva office of Juridical House also houses the firm of Bogdan Lisurenko, in whose house Artem Chaika is registered.

Like on rails: how does the son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika make a living

The 38-year-old son of the Attorney General managed to build a diversified business empire, whose revenue is at least $ 200 million. Forbes studied the entrepreneur's success story

“A calm, educated, polite young man of average height with glasses. He never raises his voice, always restrained and sometimes laconic. This is how people who talked to him described their impressions of meetings with the eldest son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika in conversations with Forbes.

The name of Artem Chaika has already surfaced several times in the scandalous case of prosecutors of the Moscow region, who covered underground casinos, in a story about an attempt to seize Serpukhov Nedra, a potential participant in the construction of the Central Ring Road.

clan values

Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika is actively fighting foreign influence in Russia's political life. He was one of the first senior government officials to say that the protests in December 2011 could have been financed from abroad. And after the adoption of the so-called law “on foreign agents” in 2012, the Prosecutor General’s Office began mass inspections of Russian NGOs that received foreign grants.

Coincidentally, around the same time that Chaika's department became active in the fight against foreign agents in Russia, his sons, along with close subordinates of the Prosecutor General, began to actively invest tens of millions of euros in assets in Western countries. Today, Chaika's eldest son, Artem, owns two magnificent hotels and a plot of land in Greece, as well as a house and Law Firm in Switzerland. The son of the Prosecutor General also has a document giving him the right to reside in Switzerland. Chaika's partner in the hotel business in Greece was Olga Lopatina, the ex-wife of Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Lopatin.

Studying the commercial interests of Lopatina, Novaya Gazeta discovered that she and another wife of a high-ranking employee of the Prosecutor General's Office owned a sugar production company together with the wives of the leaders of the Tsapkovskaya organized criminal group - one of the bloodiest gangs in Russian history.

FBK spoke about the business partners of the family of Prosecutor General Chaika, who are related to the relatives of members of the Tsapok gang

FBK employees drew attention to the fact that in the documents for the Pomegranate hotel Artem Chaika is called a “resident of Switzerland”. In an unofficial database of Swiss addresses, a fictitious address was found of the son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and his wife Marina - a house registered in the name of Ukrainian Bogdan Lisurenko, who is also indirectly associated with Lopatina.

Soon, FBK employees found in Switzerland real estate registered to Artem Chaika: it turned out that in September 2014 he purchased a house with an estimated value of 2.7 million francs (approximately 198 million rubles). “Now it can be argued that Artem Chaika not only obtained a residence visa in Switzerland, but also acquired real estate there. The presence of housing also implies the presence of accounts in local banks necessary for servicing the house, ”the authors of the investigation concluded.

Navalny: Seagull is a crime drama

Artem Chaika is the same investor who invested millions of dollars in the reconstruction of the hotel

Actually, it was hard to guess. AT Russian media there is not a single photograph of the eldest son of the Prosecutor General - but this is exactly what Artem looks like, about whose huge successes you could read if you are interested in the business of children of high-ranking parents. And if you haven’t heard about business successes, then most likely you know about the “gambling case”, in which evidence was given against Artem Chaika (allegedly he protected underground casinos). Well, if you don’t know about the casino, then you probably heard the story of how he issued a power of attorney for his father’s car to two Ingush people who were detained in it with a bunch of weapons and drugs. Artyom then managed to get out of the water only thanks to the efforts of the pope. In general, as you can see, the prosecutor general has a rather colorful son.

OCG "Seagull and Sons"

The Swiss partner of Chaika is the former head of the Migration Office of the canton of Vaud, Francois Taren, the FBK found out. It is with its help that visas are issued and the possibility of obtaining resident status in Switzerland is simplified.

The sons of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika are buying up the assets of Russian Railways

The sons of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika are acquiring the assets of OAO Rossiyskiye railways”, writes Kommersant. The T-Industry company, where the youngest son of the head of the supervisory agency, Igor Chaika, controls 30%, on July 9 won the Russian Railways tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Beteltrans (BET), Russia's largest manufacturer of sleepers.

Russian Railways has summed up the results of a tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Russia's largest sleeper manufacturer, Beteltrans (BET). The winner was the T-Industriya company, which is almost a third controlled by the son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, Igor. Kommersant writes about this on July 10.

Sons of the Prosecutor General go to the railroad

The sons of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, one by one, are buying up the assets of Russian Railways. Following the eldest son of the Prosecutor General Artem, whose structures bought a controlling stake in the First Non-Metal Company (PNK) in the spring, Igor Chaika also became interested in supplies for the monopoly. Yesterday, T-Industriya, where he controls 30%, won the Russian Railways tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Russia's largest sleeper manufacturer, Beteltrans (BET).

The sons of Prosecutor General Chaika started buying up the assets of Russian Railways

The sons of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika, Artem and Igor, began acquiring the assets of Russian Railways, including the purchase of a controlling stake in the First Non-Metal Company (PNK) and the victory in the railway monopoly competition for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Beteltrans, Russia's largest sleeper manufacturer ( BET), Kommersant newspaper reported on Thursday.

Children of the Seagull

Yakunin sold Russia's largest sleeper plant to Igor, the son of Prosecutor General Chaika. Prior to that, he sold another son of Chaika - Artem - a concern for the production of crushed stone.

Seagulls buy assets of Russian Railways

Following the eldest son of the Prosecutor General Artem, whose structures bought a controlling stake in the First Non-Metal Company (PNK) in the spring, Igor Chaika also became interested in supplies for the monopoly. The T-Industry company, where the youngest son of the Prosecutor General controls 30% (the remaining 70% is owned by the Dutch Spoor Struktyuur Investing), won the Russian Railways tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Beteltrans (BET).

Russian Railways sold sleeper manufacturer to son of Prosecutor General Chaika

The T-Industriya company, 30% owned by the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Chaika, won the tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Beteltrans, Russia's largest sleeper manufacturer, writes Kommersant. Experts interviewed by the publication believe that the prospects for the manufacturer in connection with the expansion of the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway look quite attractive.

The sons of the Prosecutor General are buying up the assets of Russian Railways

According to SPARK-Interfax, T-Industry was registered in February, among its activities are financial intermediation and the production of concrete products. At 70%. the company is owned by the Dutch "Spoor Struktyuur Investing" (beneficiaries unknown), the remaining 30%. - from the Moscow LLC "Aqua Solid" (engaged in the wholesale trade of agrochemicals), the main owner of which (99% of the shares) is Igor Chaika (pictured).

January 1, 1988 (aged 28)
Former Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow Region
He is the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika. Brother of businessman Artem Chaika.
Quotations should be used only when you really can not do without someone else's authority. Arthur Schopenhauer
Don't take anything to heart. Little in the world is important for a long time. Erich Maria Remarque
Naked ambitions, better dressed defeats. Folk wisdom


Founder of Siberian Element - Renta-K LLC
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Born in 1988. In 2011 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (Institute of Private International Law). While still a sophomore, he began to do business. He was the founder of a number of companies, including Innovations of Light LLC, Aqua Solid LLC, Golden Age Company LLC. In February 2014, he became an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region on sports, culture, tourism and youth affairs. In the summer In 2015, he left the post of adviser to the governor, deciding to focus on business projects.
Victory Day. Red Square.
At the celebration of the 216th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin
With Prime Minister Medvedev, Moscow Region Governor Vorobyov and Patriarch Kirill
In 2011 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (Institute of Private International Law).
"I went into the field of culture, tourism, sports, firstly, because the activities that I was engaged in earlier resonate with this. Secondly, for about a year I worked with the governor as a businessman, but on a gratuitous basis - in no tenders When Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov had an election campaign, I actively helped in organizing new parks, creating urban infrastructure .... I will have to give up business, but I have a brother who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, my mother, friends, in the end ends," said Igor Chaika after his appointment as an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region.
a:2:(s:4:"TEXT";s:65535:"a:2:(s:4:"TEXT";s:69880:"“From the second year of the institute [O.E. Moscow Law Academy Kutafin] I am engaged in business from food production to landscaping, development of public spaces and creation of the architectural appearance of cities, ”Igor Chaika said in an interview with Izvestia in 2014. The young businessman did not seek to be among the founders, he often trusted this role partners, two of his acquaintances assure.According to them, Chaika usually did business with Alexander Tsurkan, Alexander Ponomarev and Denis Galagan.These three businessmen in 2008, just when the 20-year-old Chaika was in his second year, created the first joint company - "Dealsa", which provided credit brokerage and financial consulting services. For 3% of the loan amount, the company helped those who wished to obtain a mortgage, pawnshop or commercial loan from banks. As he recalls former employee"Dealsy", at first the company rented an office of 40 sq. m in the Kitay-gorod area and consisted of only three people. Then she moved to the office on Zolotorozhsky Val, and her staff grew to 50 people. However, due to the crisis, things were not going very well, and the broker quietly closed in 2013. Back in 2010, part of the employees from Dealsa went to work in the first company created personally by Igor Chaika, Innovations of Light, which took up landscaping public spaces. She was located in the premises of the Impression beauty salon bought by Chaika, on the first floor of a residential building 12, building 1, on Rochdelskaya Street. This building, located opposite the White House, became famous after the investigation of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny: he discovered that the 300 sq. m in this house belongs to the daughter of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Sobyanina's neighbors different time were ex-Speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov, ex-head of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev, ex-premier Mikhail Fradkov, deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak, head of Sberbank German Gref. Shortly after the creation of "Innovation of Light" won 10 competitions to host electrical work in Novorossiysk in the amount of just over 18 million rubles. and 1 million rubles. in Armavir, and later received state contracts for the installation of decorative lighting for the Crimean flyover and Novospassky bridge, as well as the streets of the Southern Administrative District - a total of 20 million rubles. with little. Then the company turned its attention to a topic that was gaining popularity - the improvement of city parks. According to public procurement data, three more companies constantly fought for contracts for the improvement of parks together with Innovations of Light: Tsurkan’s Urban Environment, Galagan’s Citistroyservice, and Baltikstroycompany, owned by the former commercial director of Light Innovations Grigory Grin. So it was, for example, in the competition for the reconstruction of the Moscow park "Ostankino" commissioned by the GKU "Moszelenkhoz". Order for 697 million rubles. in 2013 Citystroyservis got it, but the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) suspected the participants of conspiracy, having found out that the companies made applications from one IP address. The address belonged to the Tender Inform company, which entered into a service agreement with each of the participants and allegedly promised victory to each of them. In September 2013, the FAS announced that it had transferred the materials on the case to the Prosecutor General's Office. No criminal case was initiated. While the FAS investigation was underway, the same companies managed to participate in the tender for the second stage of the reconstruction of Ostankino: in a row for 2 billion rubles. again went to Citystroyservis. But the competition for lighting the Dzhugba - Sochi highway for 309 million rubles. Chaika's Innovations of Light won against Citystroyservice. While Chaika was engaged in lighting, Ponomarev and Tsurkan were doing business in those areas that Chaika mentioned in an interview with Izvestia. At first they tried to establish the production of shoes, creating the Hatton company together with partners, but a year later they parted. Ponomarev immediately established his own shoe company Artel. This is one of the largest shoe manufacturers in Russia, it is part of the Innovations of Light holding and produces comfortable and fashionable products under the Dorf brand from modern materials at a factory in Shchelkovo. At least, this is what “Innovations of Light” themselves wrote in the advertisements for the selection of employees for Artel on vacancy websites. The business did not go: having received a loss of 10 million rubles in two years, the owners put the company up for sale for $560,000. It was not possible to find buyers, in 2014 Artel was liquidated. In 2012, Ponomarev also established a company for the production of semi-finished products - Steamed Meal. Ready meals were sold in self-heating packaging. “You just need to pull the string and wait 5-10 minutes,” the company's presentation said. For two years of operation, Steam Meal received a loss of 5.7 million, production was closed. In the same 2012, Chaika, who had graduated from MFUA a year earlier, became a partner of lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky and VTB State Bank in a major development project. A young businessman through Encon will receive 8% in City Land Group (SLG), a joint company of Yakubovsky and VTB, which owned 8,000 hectares of land in the Moscow region. It is planned to build two logistics parks worth 50 billion rubles on the sites, as well as millions of square meters of housing. But a year later, Chaika left the project - Ponomarev became the owner of Encon. “Igor Yuryevich at that time was preparing for the transition to the civil service and tried to distance himself from his business,” a person close to the SLG explains the meaning of the deal. “Igor Yuryevich was looking for himself, tried different businesses, but it turned out that it was most profitable to develop partnerships with government agencies,” explains one of his acquaintances. Three years ago, Turcan established another company, Charter. A year after its foundation, she began to participate in competitions for garbage collection in Moscow. As a result, she got long-term contracts worth 42.67 billion rubles. for servicing the Northern and Eastern districts of Moscow. On average, the victories provided the Charter with an annual revenue of 2.8 billion rubles. Then the "Charter" acquired the necessary capacities: for 267 million rubles. the company bought a waste sorting complex and a fleet of garbage trucks from the Bank of Moscow. It is possible that the company received the money for the deal from the Bank of Moscow itself. According to SPARK, until 2019 he has 96 garbage trucks and 2,100 garbage containers owned by Charter. According to the Department of Housing and Public Utilities, which oversees the removal of garbage, "Charter" copes with the implementation of the contract. In 2014, the company removed 15% of waste in Moscow, in 2015 it will remove 20%. By the end of the year, it will open 52 collection points in the city for the collection of secondary raw materials, a representative of the department said. The Charter, which advertises the slogan “Let it always be clean,” belongs to Chaika, according to a Moscow mayor’s office official and one of the garbage collection competitors. In addition to garbage, the structures of the son of the Prosecutor General are engaged in landscaping in Moscow, they know. Seagull did not keep a big secret about this business, an official from the Moscow Region government confirms. "Citystroyservice" Galagan is engaged in the change of curbs and other road works in the same districts from which the "Charter" takes out the garbage: for example, in May 2015, she won tenders for 1.4 billion rubles. In the spring of 2013, the municipal deputy of the Taganka district, Ilya Sviridov, said in his blog that the work under the program "Recreation industry in green areas of common use" total cost 4 billion rubles will be carried out at very high rates. For example, the repair of a small square on Taganskaya Square in preliminary documents was estimated at almost 50 million rubles, and this is the annual budget of the Tagansky district. It was proposed to pay 150 million rubles for landscaping and other landscaping of 0.5 hectares on Khitrovskaya Square. True, the officials made changes to the preliminary documentation, reducing the number of squares to be improved by half - to 20. Work on 16 of them, following the results of competitions, was carried out by structures associated with Chaika: the projects were prepared by Baltikstroycompany, and implemented by Citystroyservice. The latter has earned praise from city officials. “All work was carried out to a high standard. Purchased children's playgrounds and sports grounds are the most modern and meet all existing requirements. The landscaping work carried out was carried out at a high professional level. Planting material adapted to Moscow climatic conditions has been purchased,” the department’s press service said. The park in Ostankino was recognized as the best at city competitions completed project modern reconstruction of the park area: now there is everything - from a skate park and sun loungers to wireless Internet, the message says. Since this year, one of the structures that is associated with Chaika has entered the new market. At the beginning of 2015, Baltikstroycompany won a development contract for 18.6 million rubles. projects overhaul 18 apartment buildings in the center of the capital. In February 2014, Igor Chaika was appointed Advisor on Sports, Culture, Tourism and Youth Affairs to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov. And among other things, he immediately announced his desire to take up parks near Moscow. Structures close to him already had experience in this area. In 2013, Innovations of Light developed projects for the reconstruction of three parks: Natashinsky Park in Lyubertsy, Timokhovskiy Ravine in Vidnoye, and Skitsky Ponds in Sergiev Posad. The latter was approved by the Moscow region authorities and taken to work. There was no money in the regional budget, therefore, according to the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, the project was implemented at the expense of investors. Their names are not called, however, Radio Posad reported that Innovations of Light invested 30 million rubles in Skitsky Ponds. Chaika's plans in this area were grandiose: in 2012, Innovations of Light and Citystroyservice were awarded at the 13th International Festival Landscape Architecture. View from Home” Grand Prix for the joint project “Ring of Parks in the Moscow Region: Program for the Development of Recreational Territories around Moscow” (see figure on page 20). The developers proposed to break 16 new entertainment and leisure parks with an area of ​​50 and 100 hectares along the perimeter of the concrete ring around Moscow. By the time Chaika came to the government near Moscow, there was also money in the budget: in 2014, 2 billion rubles were allocated for the development of parks until 2018. As Vedomosti was told in the press service of the Ministry of Culture, the project “Ring of Parks of the Moscow Region” developed by Innovations of Light “seems to be very promising, given the main urban trend – creating a comfortable living environment, increasing the attractiveness of urban space.” According to a representative of the Ministry of Culture, “along with state support development and creation of park areas, it is very important that the parks near Moscow are considered by business as a promising platform for investment. The main task of the authorities is to create a favorable investment climate to attract conscientious investors.” Nevertheless, in the summer of 2015, Chaika left the post of adviser to the governor. He then explained to reporters that he decided to focus on business. Chaika was a volunteer adviser, funding from the Ministry of Culture was clearly insufficient to implement his ambitious plans, says one of the former colleagues of the prosecutor general's son. Chaika realized that he could not rise above the adviser, but there were plans, another employee of the Moscow Region administration notes. In an interview with Izvestiya in 2014, Chaika indeed says that "the scenario" of his appointment as Vorobyov's deputy is being considered. Chaika left the government of the Moscow region without offense, having managed to launch a number of programs important for the region - not only for parks, but also for branding cities near Moscow, another official of the Moscow Region government objects. “In the life of any person there is a moment when you need to decide whether it is a business or a career. Chaika decided that in business he would achieve great success,” he adds. For example, now a businessman has launched a multi-billion dollar business with Russian Railways, the source of Vedomosti knows. In May 2013, Chaika created the Aqua Solid company. A year later, the T-industry company created by this company won the Russian Railways tender for the purchase of 3 billion rubles. 50% minus 2 shares of Russia's largest sleeper manufacturer, JSC Beteltrans (BET). BET is in good business. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 18.8 billion rubles, in 2012-2013. it won the Russian Railways tenders for the supply of reinforced concrete sleeper products until 2017 for 269 billion rubles. Aqua Solid's partner was the Dutch Spoor Structuur Investering, which received 70% of T-industry. Together with half of BET, the buyers also got a stake in Millennium Bank, among the co-owners of which are Russian Railways structures. BET owns 11.7% stake in the bank. From the disclosure of Millennium, it became known that the beneficiary of the Dutch company, which means Chaika's partner, is the Kazakh group Magnetik, a well-known businessman in this country, Dmitry Grechanichenko. Magnetik, according to its own data, is sole manufacturer sleepers price Kazakhstan | Interestingly, the group is also interested in recycling. In an interview with the Kazakhstani edition of Uspekh, Grechanichenko said that at one of his enterprises he was developing a program for the complete processing of PET bottles and other polymers and further use obtained raw materials in the production of fasteners for sleepers. It was not possible to contact Grechanichenko: the phones listed on the company's website did not answer. Chaika chooses projects related to issues that are important to society, so it is not surprising that many of them are funded by the state, according to one of his acquaintances. (October, 2015) The website of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) published exposing material about the business and European real estate of the sons of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. Moreover, FBK activists even made a film dedicated to the activities of Artyom and Yury Chaek. The scandal related to the foreign assets of the children of Igor Chaika began after the reconstruction of the Pomegranate Hotel was completed on the Greek peninsula of Halkidiki. Only the renovation of this "masterpiece of island architecture" is estimated at 25 to 29 million euros. That is how much money the investor invested in Pomegranate, which, according to the FBK, turned out to be Artem Chaika (son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation). This luxury hotel is owned by a firm owned by Artem Chaika and Olga Lopatina (ex-wife of Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Lopatin). Row information resources reports that Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Lopatin divorced his wife Olga in order to deliberately hide the true income and existing foreign business. This business, obviously, was the ownership of the fashionable Greek health and spa hotel Pomegranate Wellness Spa Hotel, which was acquired for 25 million euros. According to information available in the Greek media, about 20 million euros were invested in the reconstruction of the hotel. Based on the data presented, it can be concluded that the Chaek and Lopatin families run their joint hotel business in Greece and control the chic Pomegranate hotel. Cover partners? Recall that Deputy Prosecutor General Gennady Lopatin became a defendant in a corruption scandal, when several defendants in the case of “covering casinos near Moscow” testified against him at once. It was Lopatin who allegedly patronized the Vulkan slot machine network, which operated underground. It is worth noting that Artem Chaika also "lit up" in corruption scandals in the Moscow region. Recall that earlier in the city court of Serpukhov, a witness classified by the investigation called Artem Chaika the coordinator of “corruption ties” between prosecutors near Moscow and an authoritative businessman Ivan Nazarov, suspected of organizing an underground gambling business. It turns out that Artem Chaika and Gennady Lopatin could together “protect” the casinos near Moscow. By the way, the Lopatin family is connected not only with the Moscow region, but also with the Kuban mafia. As FBK representatives found out, Olga Lopatina is a co-owner of the Sugar Kuban company together with the wives of Sergei Tsapok and Vyacheslav Tsepovyaz. These are the leaders of the infamous "Kushchevskaya organized criminal group" from the Krasnodar Territory, who were convicted of particularly brutal murder of twelve people, including four children. At the moment, by the way, Sergei Tsapok himself is no longer alive. Interestingly, the fourth co-founder of Sugar Kuban LLC, Nadezhda Staroverova, is the wife of another high-ranking prosecutor's office official, Alexei Staroverov. GTA Gang Recall that Staroverov was "temporarily suspended" from work in the Prosecutor General's Office after a haven of militants from the "GTA gang" - bandits who killed and robbed 14 people on suburban highways. A warehouse of weapons and ammunition was found in the same house. It would seem that after such a discovery, a criminal case should have been initiated against Staroverov, but he is a good friend of Yuri Chaika, so the Prosecutor General's Office predictably "did not find" Staroverov's connection with the "GTA gang". Earlier, prosecutors were repeatedly suspected of protecting the Tsapkov gang. This is not surprising, since the wives of prosecutors Lopatin and Staroverov own a common business with the wives of bandits Tsapok and Tsepovyaz. By the way, at one time the prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory, Leonid Korzhinek, refused to initiate criminal cases against the Tsapkovskys. Perhaps he, too, was in the share. House on Athos It is worth noting that in addition to a hotel on the island of Chalkidiki, Artem Chaika also has a villa on the seashore, which offers a beautiful view of Athos. Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika has repeatedly said that he likes to visit Athos to "spiritually recharge" there. Obviously, his son's chic villa located nearby only helps Chaika Sr. "spiritually enrich his inner world." By the way, next to the "Athos residence of the Seagulls" is another villa belonging to the above-mentioned Olga Lopatina (the former wife of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and co-owner of the Pomegranate hotel). Swiss resident FBK experts found out that Artem Chaika is a resident of Switzerland and also has real estate and business there. Purely formally, he lives in the village of Founex, just a 30-minute drive from Geneva. This house is owned by a young Swiss Ukrainian Bohdan Lisurenko, whose mother is familiar with the family of Deputy Prosecutor General Lopatin. Most likely, Chaika Jr. resorted to the services of Lisurenko in order to register in his house for further business in Switzerland. As FBK found out, in September 2014 Artem Chaika purchased real estate in Switzerland with an estimated value of 2.7 million francs. This is about 3 million dollars or about 198 million rubles. Firm for Brothers In addition, Artem Chaika controls a law firm from Lausanne, F.T. conseils. FBK analysts write that one of its founders is the son of the Prosecutor General, Artem Chaika. In March 2015, Artem acquired approximately 40% of the shares. More interestingly, he bought them from his own brother Igor. Igor Chaika has owned this share since 2013, during the entire time that he served as adviser to the governor of the Moscow region. Friends in Switzerland The Seagulls have business partners in Switzerland. This is the ex-head of the Migration Department of the canton of Vaud, Francois Taren, who helps in registering transactions in Switzerland, and the former head of the Geneva firm Juridical House, Murat Khapsirokov. Now Hapsirokov is a senator from Adygea, one of the ten richest members of the Federation Council. His father Nazir (Crimea-Geri) Khapsirokov since 1994 was the head of the Office of the Prosecutor's Office (department manager), and from 2000 to 2011, Khapsirokov Sr. arrived as an adviser to the Presidential Administration. Rumor has it that when Nazir Khapsirokov worked in the Prosecutor General's Office, he helped Yuri Chaika buy a huge house on Rublyovka. The office of the company Juridical House, which was previously managed by Hapsirokov Jr., is located in the same room as F.T.Conseils, owned by Chaikas and Francois Taren, registered in Lausanne. FBK analysts believe that with the help of specialists from the Juridical House, Chaika's children "scroll" through Swiss accounts a colossal flow of financial resources (tens of millions of euros - ed.). Capture of the shipping company in the Irkutsk region Of course, Artem Chaika did not immediately become a dollar millionaire. But in order to understand all the stages of the take-off of the business career of the son of the Prosecutor General, you need to remember a little about the promotion of his father - from the prosecutor of the Irkutsk region to the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General of Russia. The first time Artem Chaika became a figure in the criminal chronicle, when in the spring of 1999 his car was detained in the Moscow region, which, by proxy, was used by his old friends and security guards - natives of Ingushetia Syzyr Chumakov and Ibragim Evloev, who are members of the Ingush organized criminal group and, by the way, were famous at one time racketeers. According to rumors, then the son of the Prosecutor General, using his father's connections, tried to "smear" them. However, as a result, a scandal erupted in the press and it turned out that the car driven by the bandits had "thieves" numbers and a special ticket without the right to check. Artyom was provided with all these “charms” by his loving father. Then Yuri Chaika, according to rumors, helped his son "grab" the assets of the Upper Lena River Shipping Company (VLRP), which came under the control of the little-known company CJSC Laena. This firm was founded by the son of the then Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika Artem and State Duma deputy Bashir Ilyasovich Kodzoev. At first, Artem Chaika persuaded VLRP management to take a soft loan, and then suddenly demanded the loan back, simultaneously starting the bankruptcy procedure for VLRP. This process, according to rumors, was facilitated by the protégé of Yuri Chaika, the head of the Irkutsk branch of the FSFO, Natalia Bezik. Moreover, Yuri Chaika arranged for his son a meeting with the governor of the Irkutsk region, B.A. Govorin. The final act of the raider seizure of the VLRP by Artem Chaika's structures was the murder of the intractable general director of the shipping company Nikolai Palenny. raider capture VLRP assets are worth Artem Chaika. This story was shown once - in early 2003. After that, the release from the channel's website disappeared, but the old recording can still be found on the Internet. On December 30, 2002, two days after the recording of the program, the former director of the Verkhnelensky Shipping Company was found hanged in his own garage. The bandits who killed Burned have not yet been found. This crime, no doubt, was beneficial to Artyom Chaika, but his father, apparently, successfully “hushed up” this scandal. By the way, Yuri Chaika is no stranger to participating in "criminal cases." Take, for example, his many years of friendship with the prosecutor Nikolai Nebudchikov, who, according to rumors, could allegedly be the leader of an influential criminal group. Advisor to the Prosecutor General Of course, the seizure of VLRP assets by Artem Chaika would not have been possible without the help of a number of officials. In particular, the regional prosecutor's office took the side of the Seagulls. Recall that in the early 2000s, the prosecutor's office of the city of Irkutsk (in the status of deputy prosecutor of the region) was headed by Albina Kovaleva, a friend and colleague of Yuri Chaika, whom Artem called in public "second mother". She later retired, headed the Registration Chamber, then returned to the prosecutor's office. Now Kovaleva works in the rank of general and works as an adviser to the prosecutor general. It is possible that Mrs. Kovaleva was also involved in the raider seizure of the VLRP. It is interesting that Leonid Korzhinek, the prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory already mentioned above, who covered the Tsapkovskaya organized criminal group in Kuschevka, also worked with Albina Kovaleva in the Irkutsk region since 1985. Accomplices Were in the case of the attack on VLRP and other defendants. For example, in 2002, Dmitry Shishkin became a minority shareholder of the shipping company with a share of several hundredths of a percent, who subsequently sells his share to a certain Ri Bong Hee. Dmitry Shishkin is called a classmate of Artem Chaika. As for Ri Bon Hee, having become a shareholder of a shipping company in Siberia, for some reason he began to be on the staff and receive a salary in the Moscow company Legal Consulting, 100% owned by Artem Chaika. At the end of December 2002, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, the old management of the shipping company was replaced by a new one. After that, control over the enterprise passed to Artem Chaika. Ships on withdrawal After the change of directors, two of the three repair and maintenance bases that are part of the VLRP were headed by OOO United Upper-Lena River Shipping Company (OVLRP). Having become a management company, OVLRP received the right to appoint directors, make key decisions on the sale of assets and on the conclusion of freight contracts. At the same time, the private OVLRP did not have the right to dispose of the assets of the VLRP, which was strategic enterprise Irkutsk region. An audit by the Accounts Chamber found that OVLRP LLC did not have and could not have any power of attorney from the Ministry of Property of Russia. However, de facto, with the connivance of the Ministry of Property of Russia, OVLRP LLC willingly and selfishly used this status (including for the withdrawal of shipping company assets). It is believed that it was with the help of the management company OVLRP LLC of the Verkhnelensky River Shipping Company that 12 ships were launched. At the same time, part of the vessels were sold to two Russian companies - LLC "Ostrov" and LLC "Sabas", which had all the signs of ephemeral. In fact, it was with the help of Ostrov and Sabas that the ships were withdrawn from the ownership of the shipping company in the interests of Artem Chaika and his associates. Who controlled OVLRP LLC? It should be noted that at the time of the establishment of OVLRP, 50% of its shares belonged to Etalon Trade LLC, a company owned by Yuri Ponomarev until 2004. He represented the interests of Artem Chaika. The other 50% of OVLRP was owned by Industrial Development CJSC. This is the company of Artem Chaika's partner, Roman Trotsenko. Until recently, Roman Trotsenko headed the state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation, and is now an adviser to Igor Sechin at Rosneft. It seems that Artem Chaika could take the assets of the Verkhnelensky river shipping company "on a par" with Roman Trotsenko. Salt tycoon Artem Chaika also controls the previously unknown Irkutsk LLC Solidarity, which suddenly managed to buy the fourth-largest salt deposit in Russia, OAO Tyretsky Salt Mine, from the state for only 660.667 million rubles. Taking into account the fact that the starting price was 639.667 million rubles. Solidarity had to pay only 20 million rubles for this super-profitable asset. Well, where is the profit of the state? She is not, but there is a huge income for the son of the Attorney General. However, how to prove the connection between Artem Chaika and Solidarity LLC? As it turned out, the owner of Solidarity, Nikolai Kulgaev, runs RTI-Center Plus LLC, owned by Mikhail Karamushka. But Kulgaev and Karamushka are affiliated with Artem Chaika. After the Tyret Salt Mine OJSC was withdrawn from state ownership, the same Mikhail Karamushka, acting in the interests of the son of the Prosecutor General, headed it. It turns out that OAO Tyretsky Salt Mine got "on the cheap" precisely to the business structures of Artem Chaika. The role of Fetisov By the way, the "Tyretsky salt mine" is located on the territory of the Irkutsk region. According to the FBK, this salt deposit came under the control of Artem Chaika's structures with the help of Pavel Fetisov, head of the Irkutsk territorial department of the Federal Property Management Agency. Interestingly, until 2010, Fetisov headed the security department of the Federal Registration Service for the Irkutsk Region. His boss there was "comrade-in-arms of Yuri Chaika" Albina Kovaleva. It turns out that Artem Chaika could “get out” to Fetisov through Kovaleva. In relation to these officials to the commercial interests of Chaika Jr., there is clearly a “corruption overtones”. The Kaluga scheme However, the salt mine in the Irkutsk region alone was clearly not enough for Artem Chaika. The thing is that, according to media reports, in December 2013, the tender for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of exploring and extracting salt at a site in the Kaluga region was won by OJSC Tyretsky Salt Mine. This salt deposit is located in the Maloyaroslavetsky district (v. Vorobyevo) of the Kaluga region and is called "Vorobevsky". According to the FBK, the only competitor of Tyretsky Salt Mine LLC in the competition for a license to develop the Vorobyevsky salt deposit in Kaluga was the shell company Maloyaroslavsky Salt Industry. She predictably lost this competition, so in the end, Tyretsky Salt Mine LLC, associated with Artem Chaika, became the winner. It turns out that the competition was held with a clear violation of the law (if we keep in mind the version that the competitor of the "digging of the Seagull" was precisely the "dummy company"). A friend from the prosecutor's office Governor of the region Anatoly Artamonov personally delivered a solemn speech dedicated to the start of the development of the Vorobyovskoye salt deposit in the Kaluga region. At the opening of a new “salt” plant in Kaluga, Artem Chaika laid a “time capsule”, and his brother Igor was among the guests. When a fictitious auction for the Vorobyovskoye field was played out, Dmitry Demeshin was the prosecutor of the Kaluga region. “By a strange coincidence,” Demeshin turned out to be very friendly with the son of the Prosecutor General, Artem Chaika. Of course, the prosecutor's office did not even think of looking for violations of the law in organizing a competition for a license to develop the Vorobyovskoye salt deposit. "Non-Metal" King There is an opinion that Artyom Chaika may soon become a "Non-Metal" King. This guess is supported by information about his assets, which, however, are also connected with other areas of business. The “flagship” of the financial empire of Chaika Jr. is obviously the First Non-Metal Company (PNK), through which he owns 18 crushed stone factories. Moreover, the son of the Prosecutor General controls the PNK not directly, but through the Chelyabinsk non-metallic company (NRC) "Berdyaush". Deal with Russian Railways By the way, according to media reports, Artem Chaika bought the First Non-metallic Company from Russian Railways through his structures. The PNK company was founded by Russian Railways relatively recently, in 2008, but for some reason, only 3 years later, it was qualified as a “non-core asset” and put up for sale. The “non-core” nature of the PNK for Russian Railways raises some doubts. Crushed stone produced in factories is used for the construction and repair of railway tracks. This business is called "eternal contract". Russian Railways annually requires huge volumes of crushed stone worth billions of rubles, so the buyer of PNK would never have problems with customers. In this regard, there is an opinion that Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika could “agree” with the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin so that the shares of PNK would be sold to the structure of Artem Chaika. Immediately after Chaika Jr. gained control of the PNK through the NRK Berdyaush, the company of the son of the Prosecutor General began to receive government contracts from Russian Railways. Attack on "Pavlovskgranit" In addition, Artem Chaika managed to "light up" in the scandal with the raider seizure of "Pavlovskgranit". Along with the owner of the National Non-metallic Company (NNK) Yuri Zhukov and the son of the head of Sberbank German Gref, Oleg Gref Artem, Chaika is called one of the beneficiaries of offshore companies that became the main owners of Pavlovskgranit after control over the enterprise lost its former control due to a raider attack. owner Sergey Poymanov. By the way, in May 2008, when the Sberbank of Russia issued a loan to Pavlovskgranit OJSC, the independent CJSC Financial Consulting valued the enterprise at 13.01 billion rubles, and in April 2011, the NEO Center Consulting Group, controlled by Oleg Gref, valued it only 3.5 billion rubles (that is, obviously less than the real value of this asset). So Gref Jr. also took part in the capture of Pavlovskgranit. It is possible that after Pavlovskgranit became part of the National Non-Metal Company (NOC) of Yuri Zhukov, the alleged share of Artem Chaika (according to media reports) was converted into NOC shares. It seems that it was Artem Chaika who could have been one of the customers of the raider attack on Pavlovskgranit. Igor Chaika is also in business It is worth noting that Chaika Jr. has other partners in business, in addition to Yuri Zhukov. For example, there is a company in which Artem Chaika has a share (27%) - this is OOO Georesurs. This is a joint business with Samvel Karapetyan's Tashir group of companies. Georesurs is building shopping center "RIO" in Mytishchi. In addition, until 2010, Artem Chaika was the sole owner of Siberia's largest brick factory "Siberian Element". Shares in this digging at different times belonged to Igor Chaika, as well as Elena Chaika (the wife of the Prosecutor General). Igor Chaika has a common business with Oleg Mitvol. As it turned out, Mitvol and the youngest son of Prosecutor General Igor Chaika are united by a joint business, and a very large one at that - shares in the Invest City company. Mitvol has 5% in this project, and Igor Chaika's company Enkon has 10%. Invest-City is the main shareholder (73%) of City Land Group, a company that owns 8,000 hectares of land in Stupino and Mozhaisk with a total value of 150 billion rubles. "Golden Boy" According to FBK, Igor Chaika controls companies with a turnover of 300 billion rubles and is fully incorporated into his older brother's business. Previously, he was an adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov on culture, tourism, youth policy and sports. However, recently Igor Chaika devoted himself completely to business. "Klin" interest When working in the Moscow region, Chaika Jr. implemented his main projects in the Klin district. For example, he oversaw the creation of a new brand book for the city of Klin. According to FBK, this project was implemented by a company in which Igor Chaika himself owned a stake. By the way, in 2014 the city of Klin was headed by Alena Sokolskaya. Sokolskaya is the wife of the former Klin prosecutor, and later the deputy prosecutor of Moscow, Alexander Kozlov. Kozlov was also involved in the Moscow region casino case, but he did not officially become a defendant. According to testimony given in court, Kozlov's role was limited to early warning of the owners of underground halls about upcoming inspections. From 2012 to the present, Alexander Kozlov has been the prosecutor of the Tula region. That is, the husband of the head of the district in which Igor worked is a subordinate of his father. The post of head of administration of Klin is occupied by Eduard Kaplun. He is a former prosecutor of the city of Klin, also a defendant in the case of protecting the casinos near Moscow. It is worth noting that after the departure of Igor Chaika from the post of adviser to the Moscow region governor, his interest in Klin clearly fell, the traffic jam sharply increased the activity of Chaika Jr. in the capital. Capital tender Lately, the presence of Igor Chaika has been increasingly felt in the “Moscow business”. Recall that in 2012-2014, the Moscow City Hall held nine tenders for the right to conclude 15-year contracts for garbage collection for a total amount of more than 142 billion rubles. The city pays for garbage collection and disposal services, and the winners of the tenders are required to purchase new garbage trucks, containers for collecting waste and build sorting plants and landfills for waste disposal. The two largest lots (42.6 billion rubles) - garbage collection in the North-Eastern and Eastern districts of Moscow - were taken by the Charter company registered in 2012 with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. Latest information about her financial indicators dated 2013. Then the company was unprofitable: revenue was 1.8 million rubles, net loss - 9.5 million rubles. But in 2014 everything changed. By winning the right to collect garbage in the North and East Administrative Districts, Charter has secured a multi-billion dollar turnover for 15 years to come. Trail of the Prosecutor General's Youngest Son Opposition bloggers have established a connection between Charter LLC and the son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Chaika. Lyubvi Sobol's blog states that at the time of receipt of the contract by the founder and CEO LLC "Charter" was Oleksandr Tsurkan. As it turned out, it was Turcan who is also the CEO and sole founder of Urban Environment LLC (another company name: Navigation Solutions LLC). Interestingly, when posting their vacancies, this company indicates the logo of the Innovations of Light company, and both companies submitted applications for the same state tender from the same IP address, which established
