The most interesting professions in Britain. Britain has compiled a list of in-demand professions for migrants. To work only with a visa

In conservative Great Britain, they are reluctant to hire foreign citizens, preferring their own specialists. But in some areas there is such a shortage of their own professionals that employers are ready to happily accept a foreigner, and not necessarily with an English education. Usually, in order to hire a citizen of another country, you need to prove that there is no applicant from the UK for this position. But if the profession is in short supply, then the employer will not have to prove anything.

Check out the list of such professions - you may be one of the lucky ones who can quickly and easily find work in the UK.

  1. IT specialists.

Computer technology is developing very quickly, and English education cannot keep up with it. Recently in the UK there has been an acute shortage of programmers, designers, layout designers and other specialists related to the latest technologies. Professionals from Russia work successfully in England, and they earn quite high salary compared to the average - about 35 thousand pounds per year.

The main advantage of this profession is that you don’t have to have a British education to find Good work. The main thing is to have a good understanding of your field and solve practical problems. The downside is that it is very difficult to retrain, especially if you do not have a technical mindset.

  1. Financiers.

London is one of the world's financial centers. Financiers of various profiles are in great demand here, despite the fact that economic education is well developed in the UK. But a specialist with an ordinary Russian diploma from an economics university is unlikely to be hired without extensive work experience and high qualifications; British education is valued in this area.

  1. Sales managers.

Talented sales managers are highly valued in the UK, and foreigners are often hired for this position, provided they have an excellent command of English. The second important condition is the ability to sell. High competition in the British markets of various goods and services makes one look for real sales specialists. If you have the relevant skills, you can expect a salary of between £35,000 and £40,000 per year, plus bonuses, bonuses and percentages on sales.

  1. Plumbers.

Plumber is not the most prestigious profession in Russia, but in England such specialists are in great demand. There is a shortage of good plumbers in the UK who can actually solve the problem of a clogged drain, broken heater or faulty tap. Therefore, English plumbers earn a lot - competition in this business is very low. If you have golden hands, solve the visa issue and move to England, there is plenty of work.

  1. Nannies, governesses, cleaners, housekeepers.

Local residents are in no hurry to earn money by working as servants, which opens up broad prospects for foreigners without education or with a diploma and work experience that is not in demand in England. Such workers get paid well - about 10 pounds per hour, and if you earn... good recommendations, that is, a chance to get a job on more favorable terms.

There is a choice, all that remains is to make a decision and begin to implement your plan. Good luck!

Many Russian citizens go to the UK to work. The former metropolis welcomes labor migrants from all over the world - both low-paid and highly qualified specialists. Employed Russians can be found throughout the European state - from Northern Irish cities to the Scottish Isles. But mainly our compatriots are attracted to England as a place of work. Let's find out if there are jobs and vacancies in England for Russians in 2020.

Working in the UK is the dream of many people Russian citizens. Moreover, labor migrants are attracted not only by London, as one of the largest financial and economic centers on the planet. Russian speech can be heard from foreign workers throughout the United Kingdom. However, the majority of Russians who find work do not seek to go to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, but to England.

To work only with a visa

As in all Western countries, Foggy Albion has strict rules for foreign workers. It is not prohibited to enter Britain for work. However, you must first obtain a work visa. Such documents are issued to Russian residents only if there are compelling reasons. And without them it will not be possible to get a job in the former empire.

Key requirements for employees from the Russian Federation

  • Availability work visa and work permits.
  • Proficiency in English. Language skills are tested according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Level B1 or higher required. Knowledge of the language is confirmed by an appropriate certificate.
  • Qualification (in cases where work is sought under programs for qualified specialists).

Main requirements for a British employer

  • Post a vacancy for which a Russian employee is applying on the local labor market.
  • Confirm that there are no responses to the vacancy from suitable local specialists.
  • Obtain a special license or sponsorship certificate to hire a foreigner.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

A citizen who has received a work permit undertakes:

  • Conduct only the activities specified in the permit.
  • Support himself and his dependents without using public assistance funds.
  • Meet the established age criteria.
  • Good command of English.

Work permits are issued for a certain period - from 1 month to 5 years, but no more than the period of employment. However, to enter a European country, they are valid only for six months from the date of receipt, then it must be extended.

How to find work in England

Before you start applying for a British visa, you should take care of finding a potential employer. Finding suitable vacancies and work for Russians in England in 2020 is quite possible. Even work in London is always available for Russian-speaking citizens. Job offers are also coming from regions remote from the capital.

Job search is available on the following sites:

  • Recruiting agencies.
  • Specialized Internet resources (including Russian-language ones). Among them:
  • Websites for finding jobs in specific areas of activity. For example:
  • (for IT specialists).
    • (for doctors).
    • (for nannies).
    • (for hotel and restaurant workers).
    • (for students).

  • Electronic pages of British enterprises.
  • Forums, social networks.
  • Online versions of printed publications where job offers are published.
  • Newspapers with vacancies.
  • Employment centers in British territory. In a socially oriented island state, such centers operate everywhere.

Professions in demand in Britain

Who will not be left without work in Foggy Albion in the coming years? The list of promising positions is as follows:

SpecialtiesApproximate number of vacancies per yearAverage hourly salary (in pounds sterling)
Housekeeper, care assistant825 thousand8
Marketing and Sales Manager585 thousand22
Nurse554 thousand16
Educational Assistant488 thousand8
Teacher of preschool and primary education430 thousand22
Retail and Wholesale Manager422 thousand11
Manager of Communications and Information Technologies326 thousand24
Software Specialist325 thousand19
Office Manager293 thousand16
Financial Manager, Certified Secretary280 thousand29

Also among the areas of employment and professions in demand in a monarchical power are:

  • Logistics (purchasing, transportation, packaging, auxiliary work in a warehouse, etc.).

  • Trade (administrators, sales consultants, cashiers).
  • Transportation, car service (drivers, car wash workers).
  • Hotel business, catering (cooks and their assistants, waiters, cleaners).
  • Household staff (nannies, governesses).
  • Ancillary work, blue-collar jobs (harvest pickers, loaders).
  • Work in a factory.

In addition, bankers, builders, engineers, IT specialists, PR specialists, health workers and social workers are regularly in demand in the UK.

How much do British workers get paid?

ProfessionsAverage annual salary (thousands of pounds sterling)
Manager, senior official107
Marketing and Sales Director83
Financial Manager76
Economist, statistician61
A development manager53
Senior specialist of educational institution49
IT specialist, IT project manager48-49
Train and tram driver47
Mechanical Engineer43
Mechanical Engineering Specialist41
Programmer, software development specialist40-41
Chartered and Certified Accountant38
Crane operator35
School Inspector31
PR specialist29
Driving instructor28-29
Social worker28

Less than 10 thousand pounds sterling per year in the kingdom is received by:

  • Hairdressers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Food service workers.
  • Cleaners and servants.
  • Waiters.
  • Bar staff.
  • Animators.

Benefits of working in the UK

Why is working in the UK in general and England in particular so attractive for Russians? The main advantages of employment in the island state:

  1. Employment in one of the world's strongest economies.
  2. Possibility to obtain permanent residence after 5 years of stay on a work visa. And in the future, become a citizen of the country and receive a British passport.
  3. Low unemployment rates.
  4. Stable growth in migrant employment.
  5. High salaries.
  6. Social benefits.
  7. Legal labor safety.
  8. Resolving labor conflicts strictly according to the law.

Following the Laws

It is important to remember that the law-enforcing power requires the same from its citizens. Foreign workers must strictly comply with all visa regulations. Chief among them:

  • Live and work strictly within the framework of the received work visa.
  • If the entry document does not provide employment rights (for example, a tourist or visitor visa), this condition must be adhered to.
  • After the expiration date of the visa you must:
  • Or leave the country immediately.
  • Or extend the document.
  • Or, if allowed, request permanent residence.

Recent events related to Brexit will certainly affect the British labor market. For example, the kingdom is considering the possibility of employing EU citizens only with a work permit. More importantly, in the decade following the Brexit referendum, a decline in real income citizens. The most severe damage is expected to affect the working population. Pensioners will be more effectively protected from upcoming cuts.

It is quite difficult to imagine that even in one of the richest countries in Europe today there are problems with employment. Due to the large flow of visitors from other countries of the world, the number of jobs in Foggy Albion has noticeably decreased. Today, all the most in-demand professions in England require narrow specialization and fluency in English.

Still a popular position top manager. Average wage for an Englishman in this position is approximately 180 thousand euros per year. Primary responsibilities typically include the effective organization of a company or enterprise, responsibility for the most efficient functioning of the team, and the promotion of the company's products and services.

The second profession in terms of income and, accordingly, popularity is doctor. Average income dentists, surgeons and obstetricians in the UK is approximately 176 thousand euros per year. English medicine is considered one of the best in Europe, therefore British universities have extremely strict requirements for students, including visitors. For example, the percentage of international students at UK medical universities is 8%.

Oddly enough, but income economists And marketers in the list of popular professions in England it ranks only third. Finance and banking earn about 130 thousand euros per year.

Pilot- another in-demand and well-paid job. You will have to pay dearly for piloting courses, but, in addition to universal respect, you will also receive a decent annual income - an average of 124 thousand euros.

We should also not forget that the UK is home to some of the most prestigious law universities in the world: Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow and others. Good income lawyer with work experience, however, lower than that of a surgeon - it is only 117 thousand euros.

With the development of computer technology and the Internet, England, like other countries, needs highly qualified IT specialists with higher education and knowledge the latest programs. Large companies and holdings often look for English-speaking employees outside of England, preferring to pay less for remote work and save on renting a large office. The approximate income of a specialist in this field is 110-117 thousand per year.

Policemen And teachers earn an average of 78-82 thousand euros, but for representatives of these professions the average salary will depend on the number of hours of work and on length of service, for which allowances and bonuses are awarded.

Getting a job from the above list for foreign citizens is not so easy - first of all, you need to have higher education, which is listed in the UK, secondly, have a high level of English and thirdly, according to the new resolution of the British Employment Association, qualify for a salary of at least 31 thousand euros per year.

Often they want to start building their career there. In this case, a completely reasonable question arises - which specialties are the most in demand and highly paid in the UK.

Of course, the decisive factor in choosing a profession is not a banal race for profit. Many of us dream of realizing our abilities in a certain area, and some even in childhood realize their destiny. But, nevertheless, ratings are interesting to everyone. And foreign students planning to get an education at British universities should take into account that the competition for more in-demand professions in the UK will be quite large.

It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the British education system. A future applicant should decide what he wants to be in the future 2 years before graduation, before entering the A-level program. That is, actually tracking the ratings of the most in-demand professions in the United Kingdom is a necessary condition successful preparation for admission.

Statistics on high-paying British professions

The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings has published analytical results showing the average annual income of UK residents. Based on this information, a list of British professions that generate the highest income was compiled - which helped to evaluate the overall financial position certain specialists in the country.

Rating of prestigious professions based on the results of 2015

1. The leaders of the list are the most lucrative profession brokers (foreign exchange, investment, insurance, foreign exchange, etc.) have become brokers in the UK. The minimum salary for these professionals is £40,668, and the average annual salary before tax is £128,231/year.

2. Second place goes to top managers of companies, civil servants of the fifth category, directors of clinics, etc. Their average salary before taxes is 122,967 pounds/year, and the minimum is 38,686 pounds/year.

3. Bronze was won by directors of marketing, finance and economics. average salary such specialists are 89,933 pounds per year, and the minimum income per year is 35,378 pounds per year.

4. Pilots, crew members, as well as staff, including engineers, flight instructors, etc. The average salary for "conquerors of the sky" is 87,474 pounds / year, while the minimum ranges from 64,250-96,778 pounds / year (depending on the position) .

5. Medical practitioners (physicians, surgeons, anaesthetists, paediatricians and general practitioners) earn an annual average (before tax) of £80,628/year and a minimum salary of £33,174/year.

6. Lawyers, including all legal professionals, earn a stable average annual income of £80,578.

7. Air traffic controllers. Did not fall into point 4, but may have more income than other employees in this area. This is a very rare and very responsible profession, the salary here is high - 77,220 pounds per year, and the minimum income is 63,344 pounds / year.

8. Someone probably expected to see this profession at the very beginning of the list, but the reality is this. IT Directors earn an average annual salary of £70,970/year and a minimum salary of £40,549/year.

But, of course, ratings should not influence your choice too much. After all, you can achieve success in any field. True professionals in various fields of activity receive good salaries: designers, chefs, design engineers, choreographers, etc.

Ratings of the best and worst professions in the UK

In addition to financial factors, analysts often examine occupations by taking into account work conditions, stress levels, and future career prospects.

In particular, CareerCast compiled ratings of the worst and most the best professions, which can be selected in the UK. The list is based on social survey, during which various factors were taken into account.

The results are quite unexpected.

Worst professions 2016

  1. News reporter;
  2. Lumberjack;
  3. Live broadcast presenter;
  4. Disc jockey;
  5. Contract soldier;
  6. Rodent and Pest Control Officer;
  7. Retailer;
  8. Advertising space sales manager;
  9. Taxi driver;
  10. Firefighter.

If you were surprised by the list above, then the list below may make many people smile. Who would have thought?

Best professions 2016

  1. Data Processing Analyst;
  2. Statistics department employee;
  3. Information security analyst;
  4. Otolaryngologist/audiologist;
  5. Ultrasound diagnostic equipment operator;
  6. Mathematician;
  7. Software engineer;
  8. Computer system analyst;
  9. Speech therapist;
  10. Insurance settlement specialist.

We hope you will benefit from this information in the near future. And if you have already made your choice, then you may be interested in a world in which UK universities occupy very high positions.

Choosing a specialty in the UK: ranking of professions updated: May 11, 2019 by: Anni Krasova

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According to statistics, Russians most often go to Germany and Spain, Israel and Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece and the USA in search of work. There are also those who want to work in New Zealand and Australia. Those who come not on a work visa, but “at random”, in Russian, have a difficult time - unskilled labor is not paid so highly. But qualified specialists don’t eat honey with spoons either—most professions require recertification.

Who can get a job abroad, and what kind of salaries attract Russians?


They remain in high demand in many countries. These include: Austria and Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Germany, Ireland, India, Hungary, New Zealand and Norway, Slovenia, Singapore and Slovakia.

average salary — 44000-57000 $/year.

  • For example, in Australia, nurses are needed in surgical and psychiatric departments. The higher the knowledge of the language, the richer the experience, the greater the chances of employment.
  • The UK is no less interested in these workers, where this profession is classified as “prestigious” and is paid very well.
  • In the USA (especially in resort states), nurses are paid about $69,000/year. In Sweden - 600-2000 euros/month (depending on the availability of a certificate).
  • In Denmark - from 20,000 kroons (about 200,000 rubles / month).
  • Well, in Austria, health workers are honored and respected everywhere. Many people dream of enrolling in medical school precisely because of the high salaries.


These specialists (in different fields) are needed almost all countries of the world .

From all industries The most actively recruited workers are in the automotive industry, the oil and gas industry, and the aerospace industry.

For example, the Austrian list of vacancies for mechanics, technicians and other engineers includes 23 specialties, including even specialists in cooling and heating systems. And thanks new system employment, the chances of potential foreign workers getting a job have increased significantly.

Regarding salary , its average size is about $43,000/year.

  • The salary of an engineer in Germany is about 4,000 euros/month, and after 6-7 years of work it is already 5,000-6,000 euros.
  • You can also try your luck in the USA, Slovenia, and the Emirates.

Preference in different countries of the world, of course, is given to people with experience, education, knowledge modern systems, equipment and PC, as well as subject to fluency in at least English. Knowledge of the country's language will be a key advantage.

Highly specialized specialists with more than 2 years of experience and a 2nd higher education diploma are invariably in special demand.


In most countries of the world, you will have to confirm the diploma you received, undergo testing and recertification. And in the USA or Canada you will also have to work in a residency for 2-7 years (note - like our residency). But then you can live comfortably and enjoy your salary.

In the countries described above it is from 250,000 to 1 million $/year.

In Germany, a doctor can count on $63,000/year, and in New Zealand, anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychologists and physiotherapists are very welcome, who are paid from $59,000/year. In Finland, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are needed, but in Denmark there is such a shortage of doctors that they will even help with the legalization of a foreign diploma.

IT and computer technology

Nowadays, these specialists are needed almost everywhere. From systems engineers and analysts to database administrators, programmers and website developers themselves.

In principle, these specialists earn good money in Russia, but if you want more, then pay attention, for example, to the vacancies offered for computer security specialists. They really receive fantastic salaries (more than $100,000/year) and are required in all developed countries.

However, do not forget about taxes. In particular, in the USA, 40% will be deducted from your salary, and in Europe - about 30% with an income of $55,000/year.

Of course, being just a “cool hacker” is not enough. English should bounce off your teeth. That is, you have to practically think on it.


Well, of course, there is an eternal shortage of specialists in this area. True, this is due to their career growth, and not with the lack of teachers.

How much pay? In European countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands) a teacher’s salary is 2500-3500 euros/month, in Luxembourg – more than 5000 euros/month.

A teacher in France, Finland, Italy and Slovenia, Portugal and Norway will receive up to 2500 euros/month. And in Estonia, the Czech Republic or Poland it’s even less - about 750 euros.

To work abroad, you cannot do without an international certificate (note - EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL and TESOL), with which you will get a job anywhere.

And don’t forget about Asia (Korea, Japan, etc.)! Teachers there are paid very well.


Foreigners are most often hired for this “specialty” in Turkey and Egypt, Spain/Italy and Tunisia.

The work is hard (even at a resort), very exhausting, and a bad mood is prohibited and unacceptable.

Speak English you are obliged to perfection. And if you also know German, French and Italian, then you won’t be priced out.

Salary… small. But stable. About 800 euros/month. For an animator with experience - 2200 euros/month.

By the way, Russian animators at the most famous resorts are preferred for their ingenuity, mobility, and talent - to ignite the audience and involve them in the game.

Truck drivers

Nothing is impossible for this profession.

Our tough Russian truck driver can easily find a job in almost any European country if he has a category “E” license, speaks perfect spoken English and has completed the required 2-month internship.

How much money? A truck driver earns $1300-2000/month.


One of the most popular and sought-after professions in many countries.

In Russia there are a bunch of lawyers and a cart, but there is nowhere to work. And in some countries, a qualified lawyer - even during the day, as they say...

For example, in Italy these are the richest people in the country. The most in demand there are car lawyers, notaries (with an income of more than 90,000 euros/year), and divorce specialists. So, if you are a lawyer, have studied the language and laws of Italy, and are hungry for the sea and a big salary, it’s time for you to go south.


Always popular profession. And everywhere.

In Germany, for example, (if you speak German) tilers and installers, masons and interior decorators are required.

Salary: from 2500 euros - for specialists, 7-10 euros / hour - for auxiliary workers and unskilled personnel.

  • In Finland they pay well only large companies, regularly increasing your earnings - you can earn about $3,000 in a month.
  • In Poland you will find work with difficulty (strong competition) and for 2-3 euros/hour.
  • In Sweden you can earn about 2700 euros/month, and in Norway - 3000.


They are expected in the following countries: Australia, Canada and Finland, New Zealand, Ireland and India, Slovenia, Singapore, Norway, Sweden.

The shortage of pharmacists is now acute almost all over the world - both in large reputable companies and in small pharmacies.

Salary can reach $95,000/year.


The demand for this profession is also great all over the world. And even in Russia. True, we pay much less.

In Ireland, there are few vacancies and many restrictions (approx. age 18-36 years, English/language, etc.), and the salary is about $250/week.

In the USA, a nanny earns about $350/week from the age of 21, and fluent English is not required, because most often our nannies work for immigrants from Russia or the former USSR.

In an English-speaking family, you can (if you know the language and have a driving license) earn up to $500/week.

  • A nanny's salary in Israel is no more than $170/week.
  • In Spain/Italy - about $120 (35-50 years).
  • In Cyprus - no more than $70/week.
  • In Greece - about $100.
  • In Portugal - no more than $200/week, but for two people with a husband (married couples are hired there).


IN banking sector Experienced specialists are needed everywhere. And, if you can boast of a specialized diploma and excellent knowledge of the language, then you are welcome in all developed countries of Europe - to assess risks, to make forecasts, to analyze company data, etc.

Regarding salary , you will have an income of 3,000 euros/month (on average).

It is better to start conquering foreign economic Olympus from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

And in Ireland you can get a job as an accountant even if you do not know international accounting standards.


To find this vacancy, you don’t even need to go for an interview - it will take place over the phone.

Another thing is the license. Sometimes to get it you have to fly to exams (note - in English!) in another country.

In the absence of proper experience, usually crewing companies offer contracts that are substantial in terms of time - up to 9-10 months. Moreover, a foreigner does not have to count on a permanent contract - only a temporary one.

Maximum salary , for example, a senior mechanic - 500 $/day (with a successful combination of circumstances and a long contract), but most often the average earnings of our sailor abroad is about 1600-4000 $/month, depending on qualifications.

Most often, “our brother” can be found in Norway, where Russian specialists are valued.

On a note: Reputable companies do not advertise vacancies on the Internet. As a last resort - on personal websites.

Unskilled labor

Work on farms.

This “hack job” abroad is in (not very high, by the way) demand among our students, who want to see the world and earn money for a new iPhone.

As a rule, this job involves picking vegetables, berries or flowers somewhere in Sweden, England, Denmark or Poland for $600-1000/month. True, you will have to work 10-12 hours a day with one day off.

And without knowledge in English They won’t even hire you to dig up potatoes.

And in Denmark you can get a job as a laborer on a farm for 3,500 euros/month.

Home assistant

In other words, a servant.

The easiest way to get a job in this very dusty job is in the USA, England, Germany and Canada. Food and accommodation are paid for, of course, by the employer.

You will be given a day off once a week (and not always), and your income depends on many factors (location, knowledge of language, country, etc.), on average - from 700 to 2500 $/month.

And most importantly, note:

Whatever your reasons for going abroad to work, pack your bags only after concluding a contract or on a work visa. Private invitations can result in a lack of salary, and sometimes even more serious consequences.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, please share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!
