Psychological features of service in hotel services. An excursion into the hospitality business: the psychology of customer service. Need help studying a topic?

Target: study the psychology of the process of serving visitors in a hotel and restaurant

Keywords: hotel, restaurant, hospitality industry, psychology, hospitality industry, personality psychology, character, client temperament, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic

Psychology of restaurant service

Working with each client is individual, so the hospitality industry needs people who are ready to cope with difficulties and sometimes with sudden stressful situations. As is known, main task Hospitality is meeting the requests and needs of the client. It should be noted that, despite legal framework, designed to facilitate the creation of a system of requirements for the quality of service, in practice there are a lot of different problems associated with serving each guest. And the problem of the professional skills of each hotel employee involved in service comes to the fore.

Each employee is competent in the area in which the work requires of him, and meets the requirements that this work corresponds. Requirements are also imposed on the final result. professional activity, which can be expressed both in assessment and in measurement of the final result. In the hospitality industry, the main criterion of professionalism can be considered the ability of an employee to quickly solve all the tasks assigned to him and perform assigned functions in accordance with the requirements placed on him.

There is a specific type of competence in the hospitality industry - extreme professional competence, which refers to the employee’s ability to cope with a wide variety of emergency situations. Practice shows that employees with psychological stability are ready to work with groups of tourists coming from different countries, to act effectively in non-standard or extreme situations, and to quickly learn when new service technologies appear. This type of competence can be considered as the main one when developing a methodological basis for training personnel in the formation of professional skills. Developing professional behavioral skills is the task of educational psychology.

At the moment, the problems of developing effective behavioral skills in the professional activities of hospitality managers have not been developed in science. For a long time The main emphasis in developing professional skills in serving tourists in the process of training hotel staff was on the technocratic component of the service and management process. The priority was to teach the employee how to correctly perform various technological operations (for example, setting the table, serving dishes, making reservations, cleaning rooms, working with information systems management of hospitality enterprises..).

Practice shows that the humanitarian component, i.e. the process of communication with clients, accounts for up to 80% emergency situations, the behavior of the staff in which determines the guest’s perception of the quality of the services provided. As a result, there was a need to reconsider the approach to personnel training. It is necessary to begin training personnel in educational institutions. This concept should be based on teaching technologies such as ways to regulate emotional states, conflict resolution, and the basics of ethnopsychology..

The bulk of hotel employees are young people. This explains why employees often cannot contain their emotions. Conflicting psychological aspirations, which are quite common between the ages of 17 and 21 (for example, the desire to prove adulthood), reinforce the unstable emotional background of the professional activity of hospitality and lead to frequent and quite long-lasting affects.

Affective reactions have a strong and, in a certain sense, destructive “explosion” character. Emotions in this case completely block the intellectual plane, and discharge occurs in the form of an active release of emotions (rage, anger, fear of professional activity). Affect is evidence that the employee cannot find an adequate way out of the situation. The experience of affect leaves in the psyche a special “affective” trace of the traumatic experience of professional activity. Such marks can accumulate and, as a result, arise for minor reasons. In this case, no matter what perfect knowledge and skills in service and management technology a specialist receives, no matter what techniques, methods and means are used for his training, there is no need to talk about the formation of a highly qualified specialist in the field of hospitality. In personnel training, it is necessary to use the work of not only teachers, but also psychologists to study some simple techniques for regulating the emotional state and mastering one’s emotions. An employee must be able to express his emotions in cultural forms. The search and education of other forms of expression of feelings help prevent affective manifestations.

Research by psychologists has shown that the preservation of emotional stability is most influenced by search activity. Search activity is an activity aimed at changing an unacceptable situation or changing one’s attitude towards it, as well as maintaining a favorable situation despite the influence of threatening factors and circumstances. Search activity is one of the main elements in preventing emotional tension in the professional activities of employees working in the service sector. There are different types of activities that include analysis conflict situations with discussion different options behavior. Another factor by which you can determine the effectiveness of training staff to master their emotional state, and a way to prevent emotional tension, is the employee’s attitude towards himself. Personnel training must begin with improving and strengthening self-esteem, since high or low self-esteem worsens the emotional state of employees. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that during the training period and labor activity Psychologists worked with the employees.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the most relevant today in the formation of professional skills in serving tourists among hotel staff is the study of the psychological foundations of vocational training and professional education of specialists in this field

In addition to theoretical issues of studying the psyche, the task of psychology also includes practical research various types of human activity depending on the course of his mental reactions.

Modern psychological science includes a number of branches that have their own specific tasks and practical applications.

TO the most important industries psychology include the following:

  • * general psychology,
  • * labor psychology (psychology of service activities),
  • * social Psychology,
  • * engineering psychology,
  • * educational psychology, etc.

The psychology of restaurant service (service activities) is also one of the branches of applied psychology. In the field of restaurant service, the general laws of psychology have a unique coloring. Thus, the communication of restaurant staff with visitors is characterized by features that are absent both in the plant’s workforce and in the family circle. Therefore, to understand the behavior of a person acting as a restaurant guest, it is not enough for a restaurant employee to know only general psychology; he needs complete information about the psychology of the process of serving a visitor.

The objectives of restaurant service psychology include:

  • * development of methods of influencing the guest to stimulate the completion of an order;
  • * studying the needs of guests that guide them when visiting a restaurant;
  • * studying the demand for various dishes depending on gender, age and individual characteristics guests.

Thus, we can give the following definition of the psychology of restaurant service. The psychology of restaurant service should be understood as a branch of psychological science that studies both the characteristics and role of mental phenomena in the service activities of restaurant workers, and the behavioral characteristics of restaurant guests.

Knowledge of the psychology of restaurant service will help restaurant waiters:

  • *understand guest behavior for selection the best option(method of) their maintenance;
  • * get to know your inner world in order to consciously regulate your behavior;
  • * understand the behavior of colleagues in order to provide them with psychological assistance and support if necessary.

Knowledge of the psychology of restaurant service is extremely necessary, first of all, for a waiter, bartender, or head waiter, since their activities are characterized by great psychological content. Indeed, successful service largely depends, for example, on the waiter’s ability to understand the individual psychological characteristics and recognize the guest’s momentary state; this approach will help the waiter choose the best tactics for serving him. The material from American psychologists about the lifestyles of consumers, including restaurant visitors, is very interesting. As you know, people differ from each other in their different lifestyles, in particular in how they spend time and money, how they spend and organize their leisure time. Lifestyle also characterizes their interests, preferences and views, as well as what services and goods they will purchase as customers. Knowing your lifestyle allows you to understand and model consumer behavior various visitors, helps to develop original restaurant concepts.



An object


tasks :

Research methods

Psychology of service

From all of the above, we can conclude that personnel assessment is carried out to determine the suitability of an employee for a vacant or occupied position, to improve the quality of service to guests in accommodation facilities. It is carried out in three ways:

1.Assessment of employee potential. When filling a vacant job, it is important to establish the candidate’s professional skills, knowledge, production experience, moral and business qualities, his psychological characteristics and outlook.

2. Evaluation of individual contribution. When using specially developed methods, it makes it possible to establish the quality, complexity and effectiveness of the work of a particular employee, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion regarding his suitability for the position held.

3. Personnel certification. This method is unique comprehensive assessment, taking into account both the potential business opportunities a person has and his actual contribution to the final result.

The assessment methods listed above are widely used by employees of human resources departments of various enterprises and organizations to optimize management and working personnel. Thus, their use is justified in the hotel industry.

The management of the organization, along with a competent and well-organized system for recruiting qualified personnel who can further lead the company to prosperity and universal recognition, must first of all take care of its employees, making working conditions comfortable and convenient, which has a positive effect on work results. However, the selection of employees for work is the primary task of forming a workforce, and the future of the company depends on how correctly this work is carried out.

In the presented diploma work a methodology for conducting personnel assessment at a single enterprise was proposed.

It should be noted that if the hotel enterprise is large company with a significant staff, candidates should be tested when hiring, and then every three years employees should be certified to determine their professional knowledge and skills. Only after this will it be possible to speak with confidence about the professional level of personnel selection, and to exclude the facts of hiring incompetent people who have a superficial understanding of hotel business.

Currently, hotel service enterprises often use only two methods of studying a person’s personality when selecting him for a job: analysis of personality documents and an interview. Undoubtedly, the latter is not an ideal tool for drawing up a complete psychological portrait of a person, sufficient to reveal his personal and business qualities, and, importantly, the possibility of a subjective assessment of the applicant cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is necessary to use the three above methods of personality assessment in combination.

There are also a number of questionnaires, with the use of which the employer can obtain the information he is interested in in sufficient volume for analysis and making an assessment, based on personal impressions of the person and objective personal data. An example is the questionnaire we developed. This is done in order to prevent personnel department employees from receiving false information about the candidate. If certain questions arise in the process of studying a person, it is necessary to use other types of assessment of the person, such as testing, obtaining characteristics from previous places of work.

If you are evaluating a person already working at the enterprise, then it is advisable to analyze the results of his work, the time spent on certain tasks, the volume and quality of work performed. When assessing the amount of labor, the proportion of errors in the work and the quality of the work provided are determined. hotel services, their compliance with international standards, etc. Individual labor indicator The employee’s performance is made up of such components as the quality of work and its volume.

Determining the labor contribution is one of the important points in determining the value of an employee, since, based on the result obtained, most enterprises calculate interest on wages, provide material incentives to the employee, etc.

In the hotel industry, a form of assessment such as observation is often used to get an idea of ​​the quality of work performed. An example would be a situation where a hotel administrator monitors the work of staff cleaning residential premises by comparing the condition of the room before and after the client checks out.

In the case when a team has been formed and has been working for a long time, there is a need to determine the degree of professionalism of all employees, since some people improve their skills in the process of work, while others do the opposite. For these purposes, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to use the certification method.

Personnel certification is a personnel management process carried out on the basis of a preliminary assessment of employees, which determines the suitability of a person for the position held. The main thing in certification is to study the employee’s reserve for increasing productivity in production.

Certification should have the following main objectives:

Become the basis for resolving personnel issues (on the selection and enrollment of personnel, promotion, transfer to another place of work, dismissal) and monitoring these decisions;

Carry out differentiation wages and salary;

Identify a person’s ability to improve their skills and monitor results;

Identify the employee’s abilities to further develop communication skills;

Provide information needs of personnel departments.

The director of the enterprise, using the results of certification of his employees, has the opportunity to make the following decisions:

About the future professional development managers, specialists and workers joint stock company;

On material and other incentives for employees for achieved positive results in their work;

On changes in official salaries for relevant positions;

On establishing, changing or canceling allowances for official salaries;

On the transfer of an employee to a higher position.

One of the advantages of conducting certification at enterprises is its objectivity and documentation. This means that if the person being certified does not agree with the results of the testing, the materials can be considered by a special expert commission. All this leads to a reduction in the number of illegal dismissals.

To summarize the above, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:

1. Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the employee’s suitability for the occupied or vacant position;

2. Assessment of the employee’s potential, his personal and business qualities (carried out, as a rule, by specialists);

3. Evaluation of individual contribution allows us to establish the quality, volume of work and time spent on its execution;

4. Self-assessment of an employee’s potential can be done using a questionnaire when applying for a job;

5. Personnel certification is a comprehensive assessment that takes into account the employee’s potential and individual salary.

In conclusion, we should once again focus on the fact that a properly structured and well-organized study and assessment of job candidates and employees is the main guarantee of the prosperity of any enterprise.


Every single client experience is unique in its own way, so the industry needs people who are willing to take on challenges and can deal with them here and now, who can predict difficult situations long before they become real problems. As you know, the main task of the hospitality industry is to satisfy the requests and needs of customers. It should be noted, however, that despite the comprehensive legal framework designed to facilitate the creation of a system of requirements for quality of service, in practice there are a lot of different problems associated with serving each individual guest. And in this case, the problem of the professional skills of each hotel employee involved in service comes to the fore.

As is known, each employee is competent to the extent that the work he performs meets the requirements for the final result of this professional activity; assessing or measuring the end result is the only scientific way, in our opinion, to judge competence. In hospitality, the criterion of professionalism, based on the automaticity of skills, can be considered the ability of an employee to freely and constructively solve professional problems and perform assigned functions in accordance with professional qualification requirements and the specific needs of each specific guest (the ability to effectively make situational decisions). This determines the relevance of the topic “Psychological features of guest service in accommodation facilities.”

In our opinion, it is appropriate to talk about a specific type of competence in hospitality - “extreme professional competence”, when a person is ready to work in unexpected conditions. The practice of managing hotel enterprises shows that employees who possess these and similar psychological qualities are more ready than others to work with various groups of tourists coming from different countries, to act effectively in non-standard, extreme situations, and to retrain when radically new service technologies appear.

Target thesis: to identify the compliance of employees with their positions, their interaction and psychological compatibility to improve the quality of guest service in accommodation facilities.

An object research – the process of serving guests in accommodation facilities.

Item research - psychological features of guest service.

The purpose of the study is realized by solving the following tasks :

– determine the type of communication between staff and clients;

– develop professional communication skills and ways to attract potential clients;

– characterize the basics of the theory and methods of personnel assessment; – analyze problems of psychological compatibility.

Research methods: statistical data analysis, document analysis, observation method.

At the moment, the problems of developing effective behavioral skills in the professional activities of hospitality managers have not been completely developed in science. For a long time, the main emphasis in developing professional skills in serving tourists in the process of training hotel staff was on the technocratic component of the service and management process. It was considered important and a priority to teach an employee how to correctly perform various technological operations, for example, setting a table, serving dishes, making reservations, cleaning rooms, working with information systems for managing hospitality enterprises, etc.

However, practice shows that the humanitarian component, i.e. The process of communication with a guest accounts for up to 80% of emergency situations, the behavior of staff in which determines the guest’s perception of the quality of the services provided. Therefore, today there is an urgent need to reconsider the approach to training hotel staff, and at the same time to training specialists for the hospitality sector in educational institutions. The basis new concept Humanitarian technologies should be taught: methods of regulating emotional states, conflict resolution, the basics of ethnopsychology, etc.

It should be noted that the most relevant today in the formation of professional skills in serving tourists among hotel staff is the study of the psychological foundations of vocational training and professional education of specialists in this field.


Psychology of service

The provision of services in the hospitality sector, in contrast to the sale of goods, has several specific features. First of all, it is inseparability from the source and object of the service.

A service is provided to one person by another person or by a company, which again is represented by its employees. Therefore, a service contains much more content related to communication, attitude and psychology than a product.

American psychologist Will Schutz identified three basic social needs in humans: the need for involvement, the need for security and control, and the need for close emotional relationships.

Much of what a person does is driven by these needs. Based on this, it can be argued that the first basic need of the client, which must be taken into account when setting up a service, is the need for a favorable attitude.

To understand a person's behavior when choosing who provides them with services, it is necessary to distinguish between two things: the service itself (and, if possible, try to understand what particular need the client wants to satisfy) and how it is provided. The latter, in fact, represents the relationship that the client meets and enters into with the people (firm) providing him with the service, so that one act of service contains two most important components - the service and the attitude towards the client.

There is one absolutely unique product, which is necessary for every person, and this product cannot be sold anywhere as concentratedly as in the service sector, and therefore in the hotel business. The name of this product is respect.

A service is a process that occurs between the client and the person or organization providing the service; it is deeply individual and even to some extent intimate. The service is consumed at the time it is provided. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product, he can exchange it for another or return the money; This is not possible with the service. Most often, it is impossible to objectively demonstrate to the client whether a service is good or not; only one criterion works - whether he likes it or not. A disappointed customer does not complain, but simply changes the seller. Disappointment is not a problem of the physical qualities of the service, it is a comparison of expectations and impressions received. It is clear that service quality is primarily a matter of contact or interaction.

Respect is manifested or lies in understanding, and therefore in anticipating and taking into account the desires or problems of the guest, especially those that he did not expect.

One of the attractions that encourages people to visit upscale hotels and boarding houses is the difference in everyday comfort - the desire to live for several days in a more upscale living environment than usual. This may be especially attractive for participants in conferences and seminars that are paid for not only by the participants, but also by the organizations.

Similar motives attract a person to a restaurant: high-class (not everyday) cuisine, emphatically polite service, aesthetics of eating and table conversation, increased prestige in the eyes of others, the opportunity to present oneself and look at the public, etc. Such non-trivial desires and motives attract the guest to make a choice in favor of this or that hotel, this or that restaurant.

The feeling of self-esteem is created by the quality of household items, communication with exquisite things and the thoughtfulness of their presence. The predictability of desires and the quality of their satisfaction give a person a sense of self-worth. A person very quickly gets used to this feeling, which is natural and necessary. But, having felt it once, people firmly assimilate this standard of service, and they will look for it and focus on it in the future.

The second component of the client’s self-esteem is more obvious - communication with service personnel. The client does not come to visit the receptionist or the maid. He doesn't need their personal friendliness or personal attitude. But hotel staff must respect the needs of the client. A client, turning to a hotel employee, can receive either support for his self-esteem, or tangible injections, a feeling of undervaluation, neglect, insufficient care, etc.

A person who comes to a hotel for leisure or business wants to satisfy his desires. For one person, rest is the opportunity to sleep and not see other people, not to adhere to some strict daily routine, the opportunity to be alone with oneself; for another - new impressions and new people, the opportunity to make new acquaintances and touch new aspects of life. Such a person needs to meet other people and be in a lively and brilliant environment. He needs a change of impressions, new sensations during those few days or weeks that he spends in a new environment.

Among consumers of hotel services, one more need can be identified - the need to get acquainted with the sights. In many hotels this is recognized as essential and is satisfied to one degree or another. A guest quite often wants to know the place and the area in which he is located. Local excursion bureaus can help him with this, especially if the hotel offers good conditions for the implementation of such programs and is located in a city where there are attractions and places, objects of interest for viewing.

Determine the role and characterize the staff in the implementation of the psychology of service in a hotel; carry out an analysis of modern world and domestic practice of applied psychological service methods in the hotel industry; give a general description of the hotel enterprise “Hostel-P”;

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1. Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions. Tutorial challenge for students. – 4th ed. – M.: Academician. Project; Mir Foundation, 2006.

2. Ilyina E.L., Shtykhno D.A. Marketing of business travel (experience of the United States of America) // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 1998. No. 1.

3. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A. Management of hotels and restaurants. Minsk: New knowledge, 2002.

4. Kotler F., Bowen J., Makens J. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism / Per. from English Ed. R.B. Nozdrevoy. M.: UNITY, 1998.

5. Ladanov I.D. Practical management (Psychotechnics of management and self-training). M. 1995., 491 p.

6. Lesnik A.L., Sarkisov A.S., Yartseva S.I. Marketing. Business strategy of the enterprise. Vladivostok: TAMB, 1995.

8. Baylik SI. Hotel management: problems, prospects, certification. Kyiv: VIRA-R, 2001.

9. Magazine "Hotel and Restaurant". 2004. No. 4.

10. Magazine "Tour Business". 2004. No. 4.

12. Sorokina A.V. Organization of services in hotels and tourist complexes: Textbook. - M.: Alfa-M; INFRA-M, 2006. - 304 p. - (Series “Service”).

Specificity of providing services in the service sector. Psychology of the client's social needs. The provision of services in the hospitality sector, in contrast to the sale of goods, has several specific features. First of all, it is inseparability from the source and object of the service. A service is provided to one person by another person or by a company, which again is represented by its employees. Therefore, in a service there is much more content related to communication, attitude and psychology than in a product. American psychologist Will Schutz highlighted three basic social needs of humans: the need for belonging, the need for security and control, the need for close emotional relationships.

Much of what a person does is driven by these needs. Based on this, it can be argued that the first basic need of the client, which must be taken into account when setting up a service, is the need for positive communication and a favorable attitude.

To understand a person's behavior when choosing who provides them with services, it is necessary to distinguish between two things: the service itself (and, if possible, try to understand what particular need the client wants to satisfy) and how it is provided. The latter, in fact, represents the relationship that the client meets and enters into with the people (firm) providing him with the service, so that one act of service contains four most important component to the client– service, attitude, reflection and communication with him.

There is one completely unique product that every person needs, and this product cannot be sold anywhere so concentratedly as in the service sector, and therefore in the hotel business, according to Sorokina A.V. - respect.

Service- this is a process that occurs between the client and the person or organization providing the service; it is deeply individual and even to some extent intimate. The service is consumed at the time it is provided. If the buyer is not satisfied with the product, he can exchange it for another or return the money; This is not possible with the service. Most often, it is impossible to objectively demonstrate to the client whether a service is good or not; only one criterion works - whether he likes it or not. A disappointed customer does not complain, but simply changes the seller. Disappointment- this is not a problem of the physical qualities of the service, it is comparison of expectations and received impressions.
