Pony express mail delivery. Reviews and complaints PONY EXPRESS (Pony Express) courier service for express mail delivery. What vacancies are there at Pony Express?

Hello. There was a very unpleasant situation with receiving an order from the LAMODA online store. On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, a courier contacted me with the intention of delivering an order. Since it is inconvenient to receive an order on a weekday, I agreed on delivery for Saturday, July 20, 2019. On Saturday, after waiting until lunchtime and still not receiving a call from the courier, we called the office ourselves, and, to our great surprise, we learned that we would not be able to receive the order today, since they did not have couriers. Although a week earlier we received an order from the same store on SATURDAY! The young man who answered the call did not even introduce himself, and, as a result, hung up without even listening to me! And after that he didn’t pick up the phone for subsequent calls! What a disrespectful attitude towards customers! Why did we only find out that there were no couriers when we called??? Why didn't anyone call and coordinate delivery for another day???
The situation is unpleasant and so I contacted the Lamoda store to report it and solve the problem. A conversation took place with Senior Manager Valentina, who promised to contact the management of your delivery service and try to resolve the issue. When she called back, she said that the order would not be delivered, the management of the delivery service refused! This is impossible! How can such a large and self-respecting company not solve the delivery problem and correct its own mistake! The logical conclusion suggests itself that the head of the department simply did not want to do his direct responsibilities on his day off! How could a self-respecting leader treat the problem so negligently! Once again, I note that this is not my whim, the date was agreed upon and I, for my money, have the right to receive a more respectful attitude! I should not be interested in the fact that your couriers have a vacation, day off or sick leave! We gave two hours of time to wait for the courier, hoping that the professionalism and responsible attitude to the work of your employees would prevail, but during this time no one arrived or even called back!!!
Naturally, I told Valentina that we were refusing this order, because such a disrespectful attitude towards the client does not suit us. What Valentina should have reported to your delivery service. I was even more surprised by the fact that when I left a complaint at your central office, the manager said that this order included information about a REQUEST to cancel the order. REQUEST??? I called not with a request, but with confidence that your employees are able to correct their mistakes, and not brush off clients with REFUSAL!
Even more indignation was caused by the fact that this morning you still decided to bring the order!!! And the managers are not even aware of the current situation! That is, I conclude that either your employees are so irresponsible that they did not even try to resolve the problem, or your company’s policy allows such an attitude towards customers!!!

Advantages: - After rescheduling the delivery date twice, the package was still delivered without damage. Disadvantages: - Phantom calls from the courier so that the client does not have time to answer. When calling back to this number, they do not pick up. After this, they put “no call to the client” and arbitrarily postpone the delivery date. - Repeated postponement of the delivery date for no apparent reason and without notice. A call to the contact center at the end of the day made it clear that the warehouse did not receive information in time that the client had changed the delivery address, so it was rescheduled again. Although I officially changed the delivery address the day before, through the same contact center. Bottom line: - If you have a choice, I recommend using other delivery services. Although, perhaps I was just unlucky.

Thanks a lot. The entire route was traced. When calling the office, questions were answered politely. The courier delivered at the time announced over the phone. Everything is fine. The parcel is intact. Thank you very much again.

The parcel arrived in six days. They called in the morning and asked what time was best for delivery. delivered exactly on time. Pony Express was satisfied.

Excellent delivery service. And if they called in advance (preferably the day before the delivery day), and not 30 minutes before delivery to the apartment, then they would not have had a price. Distinguished service

Very long customs clearance. The parcel was sent on March 12, on the same day a message was received in the mail about providing personal data about customs, I provided the data and began to wait. On March 17, the parcel arrived at customs, where it was detained with the wording “additional documents are required,” I did not receive any notifications about this from the TC, after lying at customs until March 25, I still received a notification, this time not by mail, but An SMS message informing you that additional documents are required, which must be sent to your email in a scanned version. When I tried to send documents to an email account, each time I received an automatic response that the recipient's mailbox was full. After calling support, they told me that a specialist would call me back now. this issue, the specialist never called back at all. Having written in a VK group with this question, I found out that all messages were being received, despite the automatic response. The next day I received a notification email that the documents have been received. The parcel successfully passed customs and went to the recipient. On April 2, I received an SMS telling me to expect the courier at the delivery address from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Having waited all day, without even receiving a call clarifying whether I would be there at that time, I did not receive the parcel and there were no notifications about the delay or rescheduling of delivery. The next day, having written to the group on VK, I received an answer that the delivery had been postponed due to the courier being late, after which I received a message on Viber about waiting for the courier. On the afternoon of April 3, the courier finally arrived, however, his statement indicated apartment No. 6, and not No. 63, which is why he waited at the other end of the house after I called him and said that my entrance from the other end of the house, the courier began to loudly indignant that he had apartment No. 6 written down and he wouldn’t go anywhere, but after a minute of dialogue, he still decided to get to the right entrance. While I was signing for receipt, the courier continued to grumble about the fact that he had to walk an extra 50 meters. The fact that the parcel indicated apartment No. 64, and he had No. 6, did not bother the courier at all, and without even checking the documents, the apartment No., he gave the parcel. I do not recommend using the services of this company when ordering in foreign Internet stores, even Russian Post delivers faster and with fewer problems and delays.

Since January 16th there has been a parcel in Moscow from China, I have to assume that it has been stolen! The transportation company engaged in delivery is called PonyExpress.. I am extremely dissatisfied..

« Pony Express» – Logistic company and a postal operator, one of the largest and most successful in the CIS. In addition to Russia, the company’s activities also cover Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and a number of other countries. In addition to delivery services, the company also offers visa support and warehouse logistics. The head office of the company is located in Moscow. The official website of the company is http://www.ponyexpress.ru.

The company was registered in 1992. She acquired the right to use the name of the American postal service, which enjoyed enormous popularity in past centuries. Within a few years, the company’s business went so well that it opened its own representative offices in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The company continues to develop, expanding its own staff.

What does the company offer to employees?

The company is looking for full-time employees. For many specialists, a higher technical education, at least incomplete, is desirable. Good knowledge of English and work experience are also welcome. The list of requirements for applicants varies depending on the position, but all requirements are logical and reasonable.

Working at Pony Express in Moscow will bring you at least 20-25 thousand a month - this is what they offer to unskilled employees and those who work part-time. Most employees receive more: from 30 thousand per month. But if you are a qualified specialist, you can qualify for a salary of up to 85 thousand. Registration is in accordance with the Labor Code, but it is possible that you will have to go through a probationary period.

What vacancies are there at Pony Express?

  • courier driver with his own car;
  • courier;
  • warehouse operator;
  • software tester;
  • testing team leader;
  • picker;
  • forwarder;
  • storekeeper, etc.

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To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the postal item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon for international postal items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... Parcels go on different routes, in different ways, they can wait for 1 day to be sent by plane, or maybe even a week.

If the parcel has left sorting center, customs, intermediate point and new statuses are absent within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who brings the parcel from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If 5 days before the end of the protection period the parcel is not delivered to your Postal office, You have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

Today, PONY EXPRESS is a leading national operator in the Express delivery market, a large 3PL operator with a developed production infrastructure in Moscow, cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

For more than 20 years successful work we have created a professional team, built the widest regional network, including 60 branches, 126 representative offices in Russia, as well as divisions in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Armenia. Today we serve more than 9,000 destinations in Russia and the CIS, 218 countries. Thousands of clients from different business sectors trust us to solve the most complex logistics problems. We offer our clients high-quality service that meets the international level, which is confirmed by a certificate ISO standard 9001:2008.

The PONY EXPRESS company serves more than 7,000 cities and towns in Russia and more than 2,000 cities in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Moldova. Delivery to other CIS countries is carried out within the framework of international delivery services.

The acceptance of non-documentary shipments from individuals or individuals to foreign countries and the CIS (with the exception of Belarus and Kazakhstan).

Postal items weighing up to 20 kg (inclusive) are delivered in Express and Economy modes. Items weighing up to 2 kg (inclusive) are delivered in the “Super Express” mode. Cargo items weighing over 20 kg are delivered in Express and Economy modes.

Parcel SML - An economical way to send parcels in packaging of three sizes and weighing up to 10 kg inclusive from the regions to Moscow and St. Petersburg

Delivery on time - Guaranteed delivery of postal and cargo items, most focused on the needs of your business. Tariff options “Express 10:00”, “Express 13:00”, “Express 18:00”.

Super Express Mail Delivery - Guaranteed urgent delivery of postal items weighing up to 2 kg (inclusive) by a certain time on the next business day to some cities in Russia.

- Urgent delivery of postal items weighing up to 20 kg (inclusive) throughout Russia and the CIS.

Economy Mail Delivery - An economical way of non-urgent delivery of postal items weighing up to 20 kg (inclusive). The service is provided on the routes Moscow - St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg - Moscow.

Cargo Express - Urgent delivery of cargo items weighing more than 20 kg throughout Russia and the CIS.

Cargo-Economy - An economical way of non-urgent delivery of cargo items weighing more than 20 kg throughout Russia.

Direct machine - Delivery of large volumes of cargo throughout Russia and CIS countries. The “Direct Car” service involves fully loading the car, freight forwarding and the ability to select vehicles depending on the type of cargo shipment.

Our values:

  • Professionalism
  • Openness
  • Reliability
  • Innovation

The Pony Express delivery service, part of the Basic Element holding, belongs to the holding of Oleg Deripaska.
