Andrey Gorkov was born in Russia. Chubais' activities are a complete scam: New criminal case against Rusnano. The court extended the arrest of a top manager of Rusnano for three months

The Basmanny District Court of Moscow today authorized the arrest of Andrey Gorkov, Managing Director for Investment Activities of Rusnano JSC. He is accused of abuse of power: according to the Investigative Committee, the top manager placed the company’s money in the Smolensk Bank for the purpose of its financial support. In its turn, former leaders credit institution on the eve of its bankruptcy assets were transferred to Mr. Gorkov’s brother financial organization. The investigation estimates the damage caused to Rusnano at 738 million rubles.

Motivating the need to arrest Andrei Gorkov, the representative of the Investigative Committee in the Basmanny Court emphasized that the top manager, if left free, could hide from the investigation. Usually the defense calls this assertion unsubstantiated, but this time the investigator had a serious argument in its favor: Mr. Gorkov, as previously reported, employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Service economic security The FSB detained him immediately after he purchased a ticket to fly abroad.

In addition, the representative of the Investigative Committee noted that the managing director for investment activities of Rusnano JSC, while remaining at large and using his official capabilities and extensive acquaintances, can destroy evidence in the case that has not yet been seized by the investigation or enter into a conspiracy with as yet unidentified accomplices in order to obstruction of the investigation of the case.

Andrei Gorkov did not admit guilt. He insisted that he did not plan to hide from the investigation, and the business trip, according to the accused, had been planned by him for a long time. His defense insisted that the top manager be given a preventive measure not related to detention, and asked to be released on bail in the amount of 50 million rubles. The defendant himself asked for the same. However, the court decided otherwise. “A preventive measure has been chosen against the accused Andrei Gorkov in the form of detention until August 9, 2017,” said press secretary of the Basmanny Court of Moscow Yuno Tsareva.

The Moscow City Court considered that the managing director of Rusnano for investment activities should not be imprisoned twice for the same thing

Last night, Andrei Gorkov, managing director of Rusnano for investment activities, left the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, accused by the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) of embezzling about 200 million rubles. A month ago, he was arrested on the eve of his release in another criminal case - abuse of power. Mr. Gorkov himself denies involvement in the fraud, and his lawyers insist that the second charge is part of the first investigation, for which it was impossible to re-arrest. The Moscow City Court agreed with these arguments, returning Andrei Gorkov home.

As Mr. Gorkov’s lawyer Sergei Drozda told Kommersant, on Wednesday the Moscow City Court considered the defense’s appeal against the decision of the Basmanny District Court, which on June 8 granted the request of the investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to arrest the top manager of Rusnano for two months. The judge considered that the new charge of especially large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was in no way connected with his previous criminal case of abuse of power, which resulted in grave consequences (Part 2 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Meanwhile, the defense insisted that the materials about fraud amounting to 200 million rubles. were taken from an old criminal case about causing damage to Rusnano in the amount of 700 million rubles. The lawyers tried to convince the court that if a new criminal case was separated from the previous one, then it would be illegal to take Mr. Gorkov into custody. One of the main arguments was the fact that by June 8, the top manager of Rusnano had already spent 12 months in a pre-trial detention center on the first charge, which is the maximum period of detention. They explained the emergence of a new case by the reluctance to release Andrei Gorkov from custody - the investigators, obviously, hoped to obtain a confession from him against the top management of Rusnano. Representatives of the prosecutor's office also opposed the arrest, saying that the new charge was just one episode of the old investigation.

“Since our arguments were not taken into account by the Basmanny Court, the decision was appealed to the Moscow City Court as illegal and unfounded,” said Sergei Drozda. According to him, the defense in the Moscow City Court was actually supported by the prosecutor, and representatives of the investigation were not present at the hearing at all. “The hearing lasted an hour and a half, and the rule of law triumphed,” the lawyer noted. The Moscow City Court overturned the decision of the Basmanny District Court, after which the lawyers went to the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, where they waited for several hours for the release of their client.

The hitch arose due to the fact that the FSIN employees had to receive certified documents from the appellate authority. The prisoner was finally released around 6 p.m.

Lawyer Alexander Asnis, representing the interests of Rusnano, told Kommersant that the company was “satisfied” with the decision of the appeal court. Let us note that in both criminal cases against Mr. Gorkov, the investigation recognized Rusnano as the injured party, but the joint-stock company itself does not consider itself such.

Sources close to the investigation believe that soon the released Gorkov will be summoned to the investigator, who will take from him a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior, which, given the current situation surrounding the case, is the only possible preventive measure.

Let us recall that initially Mr. Gorkov was accused of placing in 2011–2013, “contrary to the established procedure and interests” of Rusnano JSC and its sole shareholder - the state, the company’s funds in the Smolensky Bank under the guise of settlement and cash services, and “ in fact, for the purpose of financing the bank’s activities.” When the bank’s license was revoked in December 2014, Rusnano, as stated in the Investigative Committee, lost more than 738 million rubles. The new charge was related to the investment of 198.5 million rubles by Rusnano in 2010–2011. at ESTO-Vacuum LLC, which was supposed to launch the production of automated vacuum installations for ion-plasma deposition and etching of micro- and nanostructures. The project was curtailed, and Rusnano is trying to return the investment through the courts. Mr. Gorkov himself, insisting on his innocence, noted that all decisions at Rusnano were made collectively, were checked by various structures and there were no questions about the contracts.

On Sunday, the Basmanny Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of Gorkov on charges of fraud with money worth 738 million rubles.

According to investigators, from 2011 to 2013, Gorkov, contrary to the interests of Rusnano, placed on permanent basis the corporation's money in the Smolensk Bank under the guise of settlement and cash services, actually financing its activities. At the end of 2014, the bank lost its license, and Rusnano lost more than 738 million rubles. At the same time, on the eve of the revocation of the license, assets were withdrawn from the bank in favor of Gorkov’s brother - we are talking about real estate total cost 400 million rubles.


Gorkov Andrey Vladimirovich

(Financial Director RUSNANO)


1993 — Moscow State Technical University (MVTU) named after. N.E. Bauman (with honors), Faculty of Power Engineering, special. "Turbine Engineering", mechanical engineer;
1996 — Orenburgsky State University(with honors), Faculty of Finance - Economics, Manager - Economist;
2002 – Moscow Energy Institute, “Hydroelectric power plants” special course;
2005 — Academy of National Economy under the Government Russian Federation, “Company Development Management.”


1993-1996 OJSC "Orenburgenergo", Sakmarskaya CHPP (445 MW), shift manager, deputy head of the boiler-turbine shop.
1996-1999 OJSC Orenburgenergo, since 1999, head financial management. 1999 – 2000 RAO "UES of Russia", department of RDC FOREM, FOREM methodology department, head of department.
2001 - 2001 CJSC "CDR FOREM" (reorganization of the department of RAO "UES of Russia"), department for organizing new forms of trade at FOREM, head of department.
2001 – 2002 JSC " Management Company Volzhsky hydro-energy cascade", director of implementation.
2002 – 09.2003 OJSC "Management Company Volga Hydropower Cascade", Director for Sales and Legal Work.
09.2003 – 04.2005 OJSC "Stavropol State District Power Plant", General Director.
04.2005 – 03.2009 Non-profit investment environmental organization"Energy Carbon Fund", General Director.
03.2008-present – ​​State Corporation “Rosnanotech”, Director of the Finance and Credit Department, Financial Director (corporate financial management, budgeting, treasury management, credit and collateral policy).

Another story involving the theft of 200 million rubles from a company continues a year after the arrest of the main defendant. And, as usual, this is again not the head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, who, despite all the scandals, calmly continues to hatch nanotechnological plans for investing the people's money from Russia's future pensioners.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow re-arrested Andrei Gorkov, Managing Director for Investment Activities of Rusnano, who is accused of stealing 198.5 million rubles from the corporation. These funds were used for the production of vacuum units, but the project was a failure.

The term of suppression for the previously arrested top manager of the company under the article for abuse (Part 2 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which in total resulted in losses of more than 700 million rubles, expired, but Gorkov never managed to be released. The investigation opened a new case and filed a petition for another arrest. This time under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud on an especially large scale.”

Despite the protests of the prosecutor's office, according to which we should be talking about a new episode, and not a new case, the court decided to grant the investigator's request. Thus, Mr. Gorkov, who, by the way, completely denies his guilt, will remain under arrest until August 7.

According to investigators, almost 740 million rubles, which were discussed as part of the abuse case, were placed by the top manager of Rusnano on the accounts of CB Smolensky Bank LLC. Investigators came to the conclusion that before the bank at the end of 2013 lost my license from credit organization About 400 million rubles were withdrawn in favor of A. Gorkov’s brother.

Andrey Gorkov. Photo:

The official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko said that the managing director for investment activities of Rusnano constantly placed the corporation’s money in a private bank under the guise of cash settlement services, but in reality financed its work.

The Investigative Committee believes that it was Gorkov who convinced the management of Rusnano of the need to invest in ESTO-Vacuum, which subsequently failed.

Let us note that A. Gorkov was detained in Moscow after he purchased a ticket and tried to leave Russian territory.

The top manager himself claims that he could not influence in any way investment activity company, since this was the responsibility of the whole team, and the investment approval scheme itself was multi-stage.

“The first stage is the scientific council, even Anatoly Chubais does not have the right to give instructions to this body, especially not me,” Gorkov said.

As Andrei Gorkov’s lawyer noted to Sergei Drozda , the new accusation “is not substantiated, absolutely non-specific, from which it is impossible to understand at all what specific actions our client is accused of committing, there are no specifics at all.”

It's okay

It should be noted that the Rusnano company has been repeatedly involved in scandalous stories over the 7 years of its existence. The ex-head of the company Leonid Melamed and former member of the board of directors Svyatoslav Ponurov were accused of embezzlement of 226 million rubles.

Stop the swindler: Chubais decided to “appropriate” the money of future pensioners

According to investigators, in 2008-2009 the funds were transferred to a controlled company that provided consulting services to Rusnano.

As Tsargrad previously reported, Mr. Chubais was also a defendant in this case as a witness. However, it was his guarantee and testimony that became the basis for the dismissal of the charges.

We also talked about another example of earning money “the Chubais way.” It's about endless construction pharmaceutical plant in the Yaroslavl region, which started 6 years ago, and in which 1 billion rubles have already been invested. True, the plant has not yet been built.

Complete scam

Back in 2014, the former first deputy head of the State Duma budget committee, and now Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Oksana Dmitrieva sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office asking for an assessment of the financial schemes used by Rusnano. Ms. Dmitrieva referred to the report of the Accounts Chamber of Russia (AC), which contained interesting conclusions based on the results of inspections of the company by the department.

“The entire activity of Rusnano was perfectly investigated by the Accounts Chamber,” she said in an interview with Tsargrad. “There is a whole bunch of economic crimes: fraud in financial sector, and misuse budget funds, and the transfer of budget funds to offshore jurisdictions, and conflicts of interest. Anything!".

In her opinion, all of Mr. Chubais’s activities are a complete scam. As for the new charges against the leaders of Rusnano, they are no longer related to the previous investigations of the joint venture.

“As far as I can tell, this is something else,” Dmitrieva said on Tsargrad. “The episode about the placement of funds in the amount of almost 740 million does not appear in the department’s report, but much more obvious violations appear there.”

According to her, in particular, we are talking about the transfer of 14 billion rubles to the Rusnano Capital fund in Luxembourg and Switzerland. Moreover, the transfer was made “to those companies where the founders are persons from the top management of Rusnano, including Mr. Chubais,” O. Dmitrieva indicated.

The deputy also recalled another fact identified by the Accounts Chamber, namely the distortion financial statements, when the Rusnano company was reformatted from a state corporation into an OJSC. “We are talking about 50-60 billion rubles,” Ms. Dmitrieva emphasized.

Profit or reporting miracles?

Not long ago, the state corporation, which halved its losses, made its sole shareholder happy with dividends: the amount of payments for 2017 amounted to more than 500 million rubles. Considering the size of government injections into Rusnano, as well as its chronic unprofitability, the amount is not amazing.

From 2007 to 2015, 312 billion rubles were invested in the state corporation. True, it was planned that from 2016 Rusnano would earn money on its own, but, according to the company itself, the crisis and sanctions prevented it from achieving self-sufficiency. In the spring of 2016, the Accounts Chamber under the leadership of Tatyana Golikova recognized half of Rusnano’s investment projects as ineffective: the state company’s expenses when exiting them brought the company a loss of 13.1 billion rubles.

As told to Tsargrad Director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics Nikita Isaev, Over the 10 years of existence of this “wonderful” state-owned company, Rusnano has always been unprofitable and only this year is it achieving some minimal profit. “And that’s only because Rosstat changed the order accounting", the expert explained.

“Now the interest they pay on accepted loans in the amount of 3.7 billion rubles is considered not a loss, but a capital investment,” concluded N. Isaev. “They are again trying to deceive us by presenting everything in this way.”

Is Chubais under attack?

At the same time, Anatoly Chubais himself not only gets away with it, but also continues to nurture “breakthrough” investment plans.

“Tsargrad” has already reported that the inventive “reformer” proposed that the authorities invest the savings of future Russian pensioners in high-risk nanotechnologies.

Anatoly Chubais. Photo:

Chubais's plans, to his frustration, did not find understanding in society. The “nanotechnologist” himself, dismissing accusations of negligence towards citizens’ funds, noted: “I am, of course, anti-people, but not that much”...

The new charges brought against Gorkov are related to a new round of political struggle, said Director General of the National Energy Security Fund Konstantin Simonov.

“It would seem that the government has been formed, and there is no need to discredit Chubais. But this is an illusion, because in fact there is a fairly long struggle going on, the stake in which is not the formation of a cabinet of ministers, but an attempt to competently distribute resources before an even more serious reformatting of power in the period of 2021 -2024,” emphasized Mr. Simonov.
