Lesson topic: "Dymkovo toy." Presentation "Dymkovo toy". presentation for a lesson in fine arts (iso) on the topic Download presentation on art Dymkovskaya

Art lesson summary " Decorative drawing. Dymkovo toy”, 1st grade

Teacher goals:
Introduce the history of Dymkovo crafts, works of Dymkovo craftsmen, elements of the Dymkovo pattern, palette, painting sequence, teach how to paint a Dymkovo toy; develop skills in working with paint, cultivate respect for folk craftsmen and their creativity
Visual demonstration material:
Multimedia series: Presentation “Dymka”, works of folk craftsmen of Dymkovo crafts, drawings or photographs, a table with elements of Dymkovo painting, reproductions of paintings depicting fair rows. Toys of the Dymkovo craft and one wooden toy(for example, Bogorodsk craft)
Equipment: watercolor paints, gouache, album, palette, brushes, pencils, glass of water, napkin,
Planned educational results:
Subject(scope of mastery and level of competence): learn how Dymkovo craftsmen sculpt and decorate a clay toy, what elements the Dymkovo pattern consists of, what its palette is, in what sequence it is painted; learn to draw a Dymkovo toy.
Metasubject(components of cultural competence experience / acquired competence): will master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson; anwser the questions; generalize your own idea; listen to your interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, evaluate your achievements in the lesson; enter into verbal communication, recognize their civic identity in relation to their Motherland, its culture, folk traditions, art; are aware of their ethnicity and cultural identity as a citizen of Russia.
Personal: have motivation educational activities; skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different situations

lesson structure
I. Organizational moment
Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students to master the material being studied
I check students' readiness for the lesson.

So, friends, attention -
After all, the bell rang.
Sit down more comfortably -
Let's start the lesson soon.
I'll tell you the topic of the lesson.
– Look at the toys presented at the exhibition and find the odd one among them.
– Yes, one of the toys on display here is wooden, while others are made of clay. Guys, you all have toys at home. They are made from modern materials(plastic, rubber, metal, fur). But along with them
are still in use very popular folk clay toys. In the hands of masters, a miraculous transformation of natural material into amazing creations occurs. The places where these masters live are called centers of folk crafts. A lot of them. Today we will get to know each other better
with one of them - the Dymkovo fishery. This is a unique phenomenon of Russian folk art that has come to us from time immemorial. Folk craftsmen have been preserving it for 400 years. But for the fishery to still exist long years, it is necessary that people are familiar with such toys from childhood, love them, and play with them.

II. Learning new material
WITH fishing-illustrative story “From the history of fishing”. View multimedia presentation on this topic.
In times long ago
This is not how the country lived at all.
There was no "Dandy"
“This” with “Lego” - too.
And they made toys
Who can?
And having created your product,
We went to the market.
Made from clay
Everyone is amazed by the toys.
Children in the carousel
They sat on the horses.
On a sleigh - Emelya,
Here is the dog Bimka.
Only all toys
They call it "haze". slide2.

They are sleeping by the highway
In the hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,
Bound by ice.
Soft snow falls
Blue smoke billows.
Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,
It’s like everything is in a haze,
Blue distances.
And the village is big
They called it Dymkovo.
They loved songs and dances there,

The evenings are long in winter,
And they sculpted there from clay.
Amazing miracle
We will bow more than once
And about the Dymkovo toy
I'll tell you the story now.

Slide 3.

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,
It’s like everything is in a haze,
Blue distances.
And the village is big
They called it Dymkovo.
They loved songs and dances there,
Miracle fairy tales were born in the village.
The evenings are long in winter,
And they sculpted there from clay.
Amazing miracle
We will bow more than once
And about the Dymkovo toy
I'll tell you the story now.
– The Dymkovo toy is called that because it was born in the settlement of Dymkovo, not far from Vyatka. Toys were a bright decoration of fairs where festive festivities took place with a mischievous and cheerful name - Whistler.
Slide 4.

-They wrote a lot of jokes, riddles, and poems about Dymkovo toys.
For example:

Dear Sirs,
Look here
Vyatka toys for all styles
Here's to you ladies and gentlemen Slide 5.

Indian, Indian, turkey,
You look like a chest
The chest is not simple -
Red, white, gold. Slide 6.

Behind the icy water
Young water bearer,
Like a swan floats.
He's carrying full buckets! Slide 7.

I surprised everyone with my outfit,
He spread his wings importantly.
That's such a tall tale
This miracle bird? Slide 8.

Clay horses are racing
On the stand as much as I can
And you can’t stay in the sleigh,
If you let go of the reins. Slide 9.

The sides are steep,
Golden horns,
There are frills on the legs,
On Egorka's back. Slide 10.

Dymkovo toys are quite varied in shape and appearance. As a rule, these are molded from clay and are hollow inside. The Dymkovo toy is molded and painted by hand. Molded from red clay, after firing it was painted with chalk diluted in milk. Painting was done on a white background.
View the presentation, slides 11-12.

Yes, toys are not simple,
And the magically painted ones:
Snow-white, like birch trees,
Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.
And the glory comes about the haze -
You've earned this right!
They talk about her everywhere.
What a miracle this is!
– Describe one of the Dymkovo toys.
Slide 13.

I organize the task, lead students to formulate a conclusion by asking questions:
– What do all these toys have in common? (White background, bright colors, geometric patterns, visual details, generalized form.)
-What colors did the masters use for painting?
toys? What patterns do you see on toys?
(Cells, circles, dots, stripes, etc.)
Slide 14.

Conclusion: the main element of painting is geometric patterns, zigzags, circles, stripes, wavy lines, round spots, dots and cells. The design of the toy uses the brightest, even contrasting colors - red, green, yellow, blue, crimson, light blue and others, as well as gilding.

Physical education minute

We raise our hands up,
And then we release them.
And then we'll turn them around
And we’ll quickly press you to us.
And then faster, faster
Clap, clap more cheerfully.

III. Creative practical activity
ABOUT organization of the workplace.
I check that the workplace is organized correctly.
Performing exercises on drawing the Dymkovo pattern.
I show you how to draw a pattern. I'll organize the work.
– Draw one of your favorite toys with gouache. Remember the basic rules for working on a drawing.

IV. Lesson summary.
Exhibition of student works. Collective composition
"At the Dymkovo Fair"
ABOUT I will organize viewing of works and their discussion.
The teacher reads poetry:
This deer has golden antlers.
Through the mountain spurs,
Over the rooftops of villages
Red-horned, yellow-horned
A clay deer rushes.
– The Dymkovo lady is all in orange, gold, scarlet and green patterns.
Look how good she is
This girl is a soul.
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
Amazing outfit.

Summarizing the information received in the lesson, evaluating the results of the work.
-What new did you learn in the lesson?
-Which work do you think is the most beautiful? Why?
-What difficulties did you encounter during your work? How did you overcome them?
-Are you satisfied with the results of your work?

Final word
Slide 15-16.

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Slide captions:

Dymkovo toy

The history of the Dymkovo toy The Dymkovo toy is an original clay craft that originated and was preserved exclusively on the territory of the Vyatka Territory (Kirov Region), in the settlement of Dymkovo, where stove makers and potters have long settled.

The history of the Dymkovo toy goes back about 400 years. The first Dymkovo toys were whistles in the shape of horses, rams, goats and ducks.

In the past, making Dymkovo toys was a family craft. In the summer months, they prepared clay, pounded it by hand or ground lump chalk in paint grinders, the rest of the time they sculpted, dried, fired the products, closer to “Svistunya” they whitewashed them with chalk diluted in skimmed cow’s milk, painted them with egg paints, and decorated them with diamonds of golden leaf. And in the spring, they brought the Dymkovo toy to the city on boats for a holiday, delighting children and adults with their art.

At the end of the 19th century, the fishery fell into decline. In the 30s of the 20th century, as part of the revival of some folk crafts, support was provided for the revival of the Dymkovo toy craft. The toy is sculpted from local red clay in sections (unlike other toys, which are sculpted from a single piece of clay). Before firing, the toys are dried and only then fired. Previously, toys were fired in a real Russian kiln, now they are fired in muffle kilns.

The fired Dymkovo toy has a red-brown color, common for clay. For whitewashing, a mixture of chalk and milk is used, into which the Dymkovo toy is dipped. In this case, the surface is covered with a dense white layer. For coloring, dry paints ground on eggs were used. Now we use gouache diluted on an egg.

Halftones and imperceptible transitions are alien to the Dymkovo toy. Undiluted bright colors create a feeling of joy in life. The patterns have simple geometric shapes: circles, checks, waves. In general, up to 10 colors can be used in each toy.

Dymkovo horse Very slender and beautiful, With bangs and a fluffy mane. Can swim and jump, eats oats, can neigh. Will jump into water and into fire Faithful to man...

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MBDOU No. 74 Educator: Loskutova D.V.

The technique for making a Dymkovo toy is very simple. The toys are made from red clay mixed with river sand. The shape is sculpted in parts. The individual elements are connected to each other with liquid clay. The seams are wiped with a damp cloth.

After sculpting, the toy is dried and fired.

The next stage of work is bleaching. The toy was immersed in a solution of ground chalk diluted in milk. The toy turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting.

Then traditional patterns were applied: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.

The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. On the head there are certainly curls, hats, kokoshniks. There is a cape on the shoulders and puffy sleeves. There are frills at the bottom of the skirt or apron. In their hands are a handbag, an umbrella, a dog, a rocker, etc. The craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas across the white background. Look how beautiful this soul girl is, her scarlet cheeks are glowing, her outfit is amazing.

Dymkovo cavaliers, dignified generals, with a sense of self-esteem. More often they are depicted on horseback or paired with a lady. With ribbons and bows, Arm in arm with dandies, We walk in pairs, We swim by as peahens.

Clay horses race on stands as hard as they can. And you can’t hold on to the tail if you lose the mane.

An unknown bird has appeared - everyone marvels at it. It doesn’t sing or fly, Everything is on fire and blazing... This bird is not simple, Painted, golden. It’s just a miracle - a trinket, Its name is a folk toy!

To this day, the Dymkovo toy continues to delight us with its brightness, colorfulness, and festivity. The Dymkovo toy craft is preserved thanks to Dymkovo craftswomen from the city of Kirov. We are famous toys, Foldable and ok, We are famous everywhere, You will like us too!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will talk about toys. But not about ordinary, but about folk toys. Our homeland has long been famous for its craftsmen and its deeds. Wherever we are, we will meet miracle craftsmen who know how to transform natural materials into amazing creations. The places where these masters live are called centers of folk crafts. A lot of them.

So Dymkovskaya Sloboda (now the trans-river part of the city of Kirov), on the Vyatka River, is famous for its craftsmen, for its Dymkovo toys.

(Teacher shows Dymkovo toys)

What is Dymkovo famous for?
With his toy.
There is no smoky color in it,
And there is the love of people.

There's something of the rainbow in her,
From drops of dew.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.

(V. Fofanov)

People affectionately and tenderly call this toy “haze.” Where does such an amazing name come from?

It turns out that clay toys were made in winter and early spring, when long preparations were underway for the spring fair "The Whistler". To burn the toys, the stoves were heated until late at night, and the whole settlement was in smoke, in a haze. This is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo toys. What kind of toys are these? Let's get a look.

(The teacher demonstrates toys, slides, presentations, etc. Draws attention to the features of the Dymkovo toy)

Some researchers connect the production of this toy with the spring fair “whistle” or “whistle dance”, which once took place on Mount Razderikhe (near Vyatka). The awakening of nature, the arrival of birds, hopes for the future harvest (and the purchase of grain took place at this fair) - all this was in the air and gave rise to a cheerful mood, joyful anticipation, and at the same time, funny toys, like the Dymkovo toy. Initially, the Dymkovo toy was a whistle on which a simple melody or tune could be played. Later, whistles gradually gave way to a simple but very bright toy made for sale. And here there seems to be a change in its meaning: from an ordinary toy-whistle it turns into a work of art that has come to us from “deep antiquity.”

– The Dymkovo lady is very elegant. On the head there are certainly curls, hats, kokoshniks. There is a cape on the shoulders and puffy sleeves. There are frills at the bottom of the skirt or apron. In their hands are a handbag, an umbrella, a dog, a rocker, etc. The craftswomen generously “scattered” circles, cages, large and small peas across the white background.

Look how good she is
This girl is a soul
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
Amazing outfit.

(Folk art)

Dymkovo cavaliers, dignified generals, with a sense of self-esteem. More often they are depicted on horseback or paired with a lady.

With ribbons and bows,
Yes, arm in arm with the dandies
We walk in pairs
We pass by peahens.

(P. Sinyavsky)

– Toys depicting animals and birds are especially creative. Dymkovo horses with a lush mane and tail.

Clay horses are racing
On stands as best we can.
And you can’t hold on to your tail,
If you missed the mane.

(Folk art)

Folk fantasy and love of color are also manifested in the image of an ordinary cockerel. It appears exotic, with its bushy tail and red crest, like a fancy flower. The Dymkovo cockerel is full of dignity and fighting fervor. A circle always shines on his chest - a symbol of the sun.

(Folk art)

To this day, the Dymkovo toy continues to delight us with its brightness, colorfulness, and festivity. The Dymkovo toy craft is preserved thanks to Dymkovo craftswomen from the city of Kirov.

We are noble toys,
Folding oh well
We are famous everywhere
You'll like us too!

(P. Sinyavsky)

(End of slide show, presentation)

Question: What do all these toys have in common?

Answer: Cheerful, festive, elegant.

Question: Do you like these toys? Which one is the most? Why?

Question: How can you paint toys, what elements are best to select?

Answer: Circles, stripes, waves, rings, dots, diamonds, etc.

Question: What colors do Dymkovo craftsmen like?

Answer: Bright, elegant: red, blue, crimson, yellow, orange, green.

The teacher invites the children to become real folk craftsmen and paint models of the Dymkovo toy. Draws attention to the main stages of painting (from large details to small ones).

In the process of independent work, the teacher provides children with complete creative freedom, providing individual assistance. You can turn on soft folk music. At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition. The children place their toys on a special stand and, together with the teacher, choose best works. The teacher does not forget to praise each student and note what they did best in the toy.

Various crafts different styles united by Russian folk toys. In this diversity, the richest possibilities of folk artistic and figurative worldview are revealed, the deep traditional foundations of folk art and its national identity are revealed. It includes not only traditional peasant village art, but also the creativity of townspeople and urban artisans. Works created in different conditions differ in their functions, artistic and figurative structure and content. So, the Dymkovo toy is completely different, not the same as the Filimonov or Kargopol toy. And it’s not just about the originality of the form, plasticity, color and ornamental structure. The differences are deeper and more fundamental. They are expressed in the things themselves. Looking at Dymkovo toys, you feel a special style of work in them. The process of creating toys here is complex, orderly, worked out to perfection. Sloboda craftswomen collected red oily clay for modeling in the spring after a flood on the Vyatka River. Fine, clean, dry sand was prepared right there on the river shallows, with which the clay was thoroughly mixed. The modeling of each toy is a consistent series of generally accepted memorized work techniques. First, a lump of clay was rolled into a ball, then turned into a pancake and, with deft movements, rolled into the desired shape, which was then collected in parts, stuck together, and complicated. The excess was cut off with a sharp splinter, a kind of stack, and the traces of modeling, “grease,” were smoothed out with a wet rag, and then “the toy seemed to be cast, even, smooth, clear.” It is still far from being completely ready; it will take 4-5 days for drying, 3-4 hours for firing in a Russian oven, slow cooling, then “whitening” the toy with lump ground, well-sifted chalk, diluted in milk. And again, drying the toys, only now it is necessary in a draft, so that the milk, as it sours, forms a film of casein glue, the best chalk fixer, on the surface of the toy. And now the “whitewashed” toys are ready for painting. Their coloring is also not simple, not in two or three colors and not with ordinary paints. Up to ten colors were used by Dymkovo craftswomen, and the paint was made on an egg with kvass or vinegar, that is, they were painted with tempera. And the painting itself is also multi-layered, non-uniform, and has several different ornamental and compositional schemes. Checks, stripes, circles, ovals, dots are rhythmic in a wide variety of combinations. Against the matte whiteness of the background, spots of magenta, red lead, ultramarine, and stripes of green and yellow crown sound clearly and openly. Interwoven into the polyphony of colors are blue, pink, and brown, composed of two colors: ultramarine and magenta with chalk or red lead with soot. And on top of the painting, diamond leaves of gold leaf shine preciously, and the toy becomes even more colorful, elegant, and festive. The very process of creating the Dymkovo toy speaks about its features. In no other traditional peasant craft will we encounter such complex and perfect toy production. Dymkovo masters master multi-figure sculptural compositions, vary shapes and paintings in many ways, and use multicolors, which require developed taste and an accurate eye. Such high professionalism is typical for crafts where toys were the main occupation and were the subject of mass craft labor. It is no coincidence that the toys from the settlement of Dymkovo near Vyatka and from the settlement of Bolshiye Gonchary near Tula so vividly resemble porcelain figurines, which they really could well replace.

Pattern Sun Draw patterns with a brush and a stamp. We make large and small poke seals ourselves. To do this, you need to tightly twist a strip of paper, as shown in the figure. Each paint has its own poke. Draw a “sun” pattern using a brush and a poke signet. The sequence of the pattern is shown in the figure.

Dymkovo patterns We continue our acquaintance with Dymkovo patterns using the example of painting the decorative plumage of a turkey’s tail. You need to complete the painting using a brush and a poke signet. Various brush techniques are used: drawing wavy lines of the same thickness, applying a brush to depict a decorative flower. Pay attention to how the rhythm of the pattern matches the round shape of the tail.

Poultry and water-carrier B decorative painting These figurines can be seen as a unique reflection of elements of folk clothing: kokoshnik, beads, jacket, skirt, apron. As in folk costume, everything is decorated with patterns. The patterns are harmoniously combined in color. When painting a figure of a peasant woman, you need to come up with patterns yourself. When drawing patterns with a brush, it is better to start with large elements.

Lady's outfit - 2 Paint the outfit of a dandy lady. The lady's outfit amazes with its beautiful patterns and abundance of flounces. In the sculpting and painting of this figurine folk craftsmen reflected the originality of the fashion of city women of long gone years. You need to independently choose the decorative elements of clothing on the lady’s figurine.

Modeling and painting of the Dymkovo lady Sculpt the lady as shown in the picture. The figure shows the stages of sculpting a Dymkovo toy by a master. main feature haze - modeling clay figures in parts. For work you will need: clay (can be replaced with poastilin); board-stand (wooden, plastic or linoleum); stacks - wooden or plastic sticks with flat or rounded ends of various shapes (see picture); a jar of water; cloth The molded clay figurine must dry, this will take several days. You can paint a figurine without firing it in a muffle furnace. First we cover it with 2-3 layers of white paint. You can use white gouache, but it is better to use water-based white paint - the white background will be brighter and cleaner. Colored gouache patterns are applied over the dried background. If the figure was sculpted from plasticine, then before painting it is necessary to degrease the surface using crushed chalk or tooth powder.
