Presentation “Information technologies in kindergarten. Presentation “Information technology in kindergarten Presentation for children what a computer is

Faith to the Vizier
Presentation " Information Technology V kindergarten»

IN modern world Almost from birth, a child sees around him various technical devices , they are very attractive to the child. Society lives in a world of constant multiplication of flows information, constant invention of devices for processing this information. A computer helps a person solve practical problems.

The “tomorrow” of today’s children is Information society. And the child must be psychologically prepared for life in information society . Computer literacy is now becoming necessary for every person.

Therefore, preschool educational institution, as a bearer of culture and knowledge, also cannot stand aside. We must keep up with the times, become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies.

It's about using information and communication technologies(ICT) teachers to improve the efficiency of the educational process.

ICT means the use of a computer, the Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for the cognitive development of a child.

The main purpose of implementation information technologies is to create a single OS space, a system in which both informational level, all participants in the educational process are connected - administration, teachers, students, parents.

ICT competencies of a teacher will improve the professional level of a teacher, significantly improve the quality of education at educational institutions, and increase the prestige of the institution in the eyes of parents and the public.

Where can ICT help a teacher in his work?

The areas of application of ICT by preschool teachers are enormous.

1. Maintaining documentation.

In the preparation and execution of calendar and long-term plans, in preparing material for the design of the parent corner, in conducting diagnostics and preparing it in printed and electronic form.

An important aspect of the use of ICT is the preparation of teachers for certification. Here you can consider both the preparation of documentation and the preparation of an electronic portfolio.

2. Methodical work, teacher training.

There is an opportunity to participate in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, quizzes, Olympiads, which increases the level of self-esteem of both the teacher and students (child)

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3. Educational process.

Implementation information technologies have advantages over traditional means training:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they convey information faster.

2. Movements, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

3. Provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of children preschool age. This includes three types memory: visual, auditory, motor.

4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world, the observation of which causes difficulties: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it is raining.

5. You can also simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproduction of nature sounds; operation of transport, etc.).

6.Usage information technologies encourages children to search research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with parents;

7. ICT is an additional opportunity to work with children with disabilities.

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Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the development of children, it is necessary to remember the commandment "DO NO HARM!".

Use of ICT in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules. (SanPiN

Classes using a computer should be conducted with preschoolers 5-7 years old no more than 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes no more than 1 time a day. After classes, do eye exercises

Need to provide rational organization worker places: furniture suits the child’s height, sufficient level of illumination.

The video monitor screen should be at eye level of the child at a distance of no closer than 50 cm.

Background presentations It is better to choose a monochromatic color that does not distract attention from the content of the slide, calm colors that do not irritate the eyesight. You can change it several times during presentations. This will keep children's involuntary attention.

Illustrations should be large and realistic, not overloaded with unnecessary details. It is unacceptable to use blurry photographs, as well as images that can cause fear or hostility in children.

Don't overload presentation with special effects. Moderate use of special effects helps to keep attention on the computer screen, increases interest, and creates a positive emotional mood, but excessive use of them leads to the opposite effect.

Today many children's The gardens are equipped with computer classes. But still none:

Methodology for using ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions;

Systematization of computer development programs;

Unified program and methodological requirements for computer classes.

Today this is the only type of activity not regulated by special educational program. Teachers have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activities.

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My small experience of using ICT in teaching preschoolers allows me to conclude that these are inexhaustible opportunities for the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, creativity and giftedness. Such activities cannot be boring or uninteresting for children, and the use of ICT further develops interest in cognitive activity.

Thus, I want to emphasize once again that modern computer technologies allow the child to express himself and reveal his capabilities more widely within the framework of mastering educational programs.

Nowadays, computers have penetrated so deeply into all areas of our lives that life without this smart machine is difficult. Our children were born and are growing up in a world where a computer is as common a thing as televisions, cars, and electric lighting. What we adults just recently seemed like a miracle of technology, for them is not a miracle at all, but just a curious thing that can be tinkered with like anything else. new toy. However, parents are very concerned about the impact of the computer on the health of their children. Let's find out if it is safe?



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PRESENTATION Consultations for parents on the topic: “Children and the computer” Prepared by: Bespalova Larisa Vladimirovna teacher of the general developmental educational institution Kindergarten No. 4 “Swallow”, Stupino

Our children are growing and developing in the computer age. Therefore, willy-nilly, they will have to learn to work on a computer. This wonderful invention has caused a lot of rumors and prejudices throughout its existence. And many parents constantly wonder: does their child really need a computer? Is it harmful to children's health? What measures should be taken to maintain the mental comfort of the little user? At what age is it best to introduce a child to such complex technology? After all, most homes already have a computer. Relevance of the topic:

Purpose of the consultation: To expand the information field of parents about the benefits and harms of children using a computer To familiarize parents with the developmental functions of a personal computer for preschoolers, with the influence of a computer on the health of children To help parents understand the need to talk with their child about the dangerous influence of a computer Give practical recommendations on organizing a workplace for a child learning to use a computer

Objectives: Bring to the attention of parents the rules under which the use of the Internet becomes safe Involve parents in protecting the child from aggression external environment Foster a culture of communication on the Internet

Structure of the consultation: Computer in the modern world Computer games: pros and cons Age of users Computer and children's health Gymnastics for the eyes Internet and computer addiction Prevention of computer addiction Tips for moms and dads Organization of the workplace Summary References

For those who use drastic measures - and forbid a child to work with a computer at all - think: “Is it possible to cancel the whole world if it already exists? Maybe you should learn to live next to him, come to terms with the fact that your children are discovering him?” Of course, everything needs moderation. The same can be said about computers. If you use this smart machine as the only entertainment for a child only because it occupies him for a long time (he sits, supposedly, at the monitor, doesn’t yell, doesn’t smash, doesn’t demand anything, and that’s okay), then the result, of course, will not be slow to show. The computer will become for the child not only the main source of knowledge about the world, but also a surrogate for parental love, a virtual stimulator of emotions that he does not receive in reality. And here it is impossible to avoid all those troubles - from myopia to autism - that experts talk to us about.

But you can do it differently. After all, if handled wisely, a computer can become one of the means of communication and interaction with the baby, an excellent teaching aid and even a source of inspiration. Using a computer, you can easily and simply teach your child to read and write. Even the most stubborn people will enjoy typing words on the computer, inserting missing letters, and guessing what you wrote.

Many children love it if their parents leave them computer “reminders” when they go to work. After all, it’s much more interesting than boring notes on the refrigerator, when at a certain time the following message appears on the monitor: “Feed the bird!”, “Don’t be late for the pool!” And when literacy is mastered, invite your child to compose and write down different stories on their own. What if we start publishing a real electronic newspaper, or, if mom and dad have at least basic web design skills (this is actually not difficult at all), open your own home page on the Internet?

On the Internet, you can find suitable sites about nature, art, and other amazing things for children of all ages. Without leaving home, you and your baby can visit a virtual museum or take part in an intellectual Olympiad. If the baby asked a “smart question”, for example, what do frogs breathe or where is the tallest volcano in the world, try together to find the answer in world wide web. No one has yet proven that the ability to use search engines has a negative impact on intellectual development! Using a computer, you can draw and make real cartoons (they will help you with this Flash programs and Photoshop). Even preschoolers are capable of creating real animated masterpieces. Just remember that drawing on a computer should under no circumstances replace drawing with paints and pencils on paper. It is advisable to diversify activities, combining entertainment and active activities (drawing, walking, modeling) with computer-related entertainment. Using a special synthesizer console, you can even teach a preschool child to compose and record music. But the main condition is that all these activities take place with the participation of parents; only in this case will the child feel warmth and care towards him.

It is worth mentioning separately about computer games. Of course, “piss everything that moves” products should never appear in your home, but today there are a lot of high-quality computer games for children for almost any age, starting from four to five years old. Depending on the tastes and inclinations of your child, you can choose suitable “developmental games”, the action of which takes place in the jungle or on a pirate ship, in a haunted castle or at the bottom of the ocean. The characters of his favorite cartoons and books, and even Lego, will help your child master the skills of reading, mathematics, logic, writing, drawing and music. Well, if your little one likes homemade dolls and toys, buy games from the “Little Seeker” series, the characters of which seem to be sewn from old socks and gloves.

If we talk about the age at which you should start communicating with a computer, it is worth highlighting the following points. Many parents believe that an early start to learning about a computer (in a year or two) is simply ridiculous. I must say that they are right. Not only ridiculous, but also dangerous, to some extent. In stores you can easily find programs for one-year-old children. But the producers of such games target either vain parents who are sure that their child is a genius, or those who are terrified that their child will not lag behind his peers. You still won’t be able to make a child prodigy at one and a half years old by skipping several stages of development at once.

The fact is that for a child in the second year of life, play activities are a priority; he improves motor skills and skills in handling objects. It is good motor skills and psycho-emotional development that subsequently determine the child’s intellectual abilities. Therefore, you should not force this stage. To play on a computer, a child must have good control of his own body, have clear hand-eye coordination, that is, possess qualities that have not yet been formed by the age of two. These skills come to the child through games that require the participation of fingers - drawing, sculpting, appliqué, tying knots, finger games with a string, ball games, cycling, swimming and running. Thus, the foundations of a child’s future intellectual development can only be laid in the process of real, but in no case virtual games. It is also necessary to develop your children's imagination. The fact is that children, whose imagination is not very developed, prefer computer games to all others, to the detriment of their health. Participation in a virtual game, not a real one, further depresses the child’s ability to fantasize, since he acts not in spontaneous, but in circumstances already invented by someone. He is even more drawn to the game, which does not require him to show special resourcefulness. The circle closes. To avoid this, play role-playing games with your child. In a beautiful way development of imagination is “fairytale therapy”, when your child himself comes up with a fairy tale, its characters and plot.

An important criterion for introducing a child to a computer is his health. Children's departments of ophthalmology and neurology do not recommend watching TV or computer monitors for children under 3 years of age. It doesn’t matter whether the picture is static or dynamic. Other experts call the ideal age for a child to start getting acquainted with a computer at four years. A child’s visual function develops most intensively until the age of 4-6 years. And at the moment of tissue growth, the eyes cannot be overloaded, they are simply not ready for this. Accordingly, only from 4-5 years old, with a good monitor and under the supervision of an adult, can a child be introduced to a computer. You need to start with 10-15 minutes a day, in good lighting and the child is positioned correctly. At early school age (grades 1-4), classes should not exceed 20-30 minutes a day.

Gymnastics for the eyes Exercise 1 Without turning your head, look slowly to the right, then straight, slowly turn your eyes to the left and straight again. Likewise up and down. Repeat 2 times in a row. Exercise 2 Standing by the window, put your hand forward with your index finger raised. Look carefully at the tip of your finger, then shift your vision into the distance. After 5 seconds, return vision to the tip of the finger again and so on 5 times in a row. Exercise 3 Make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise without turning your head. 5 times. Exercise 4 “Writing out” horizontally lying figure eights clockwise and counterclockwise with your eyes. 5 times in each direction. Exercise 5 Standing by the window, close your eyes without straining your muscles, then open your eyes wide and look into the distance, close them again, etc. 5 times in a row. Dear parents! Remember that a child’s work on a computer should always be done under strict adult supervision.

COMPUTER ADDICTION. If the first parental fear is related to the computer not harming the child’s vision, then the second is related to computer addiction. According to psychologists, it is possible when real life is isolated from virtual life. To avoid this problem, ask yourself these questions more often: “How much time does your child spend on the computer? Can you name a few events in your child’s life in recent months? What games does your child play and what do you know about these games? Who first showed a child a computer game?” Having received honest answers to these questions, it will become clear to you that very busy parents who have no time to take care of their own children should be wary of computer addiction. Internet. It can serve as a source for the child useful information and a means of communication with peers, but it can also cause harm.

It's no secret that the Internet is full of completely inappropriate sites and unnecessary people. Of course, there are systems for filtering the content of websites (the so-called kid-safe), however, modern children are often savvy this issue and, not without the “kind” help of friends, they bypass any defenses. Moreover, no filters stop unhealthy-minded adults who like to communicate with children... It’s up to you, dear parents. It is stupid to deprive your child of knowledge and communication, but until a certain age it is better to keep this process under unobtrusive control.

A computer can become an assistant, a teaching aid for a child. It will develop his creative abilities and open up a huge, interesting world for him. But on one condition - if the parents master the computer together with the child.

Prevention of computer addiction - advice to parents. To prevent computer addiction and work with addicted children, psychologists recommend the following to parents: Live with your child TOGETHER! * Show personal positive example. It is important that words do not diverge from deeds. And if a father allows his son to play no more than an hour a day, then he himself should not play for three or four. * Limit your computer gaming time by setting a clearly defined time interval. It is impossible to sharply prohibit working on a computer: indicate to the child that if the established time limits are observed, classes can be resumed after a break. * Offer other ways to spend time. You can make a list of things you can do in your free time. It is desirable that the list includes joint activities. Offer your child an alternative to the computer: interactive games with peers, educational trips, walks, reading a book, drawing.

Some tips for moms and dads: Emphasize in word and action that this “smart machine” is a working tool. Show that you use the computer only for business. For example, use it to build graphs or write articles. For a child, it is your behavior that is important, not what you say. Don't use aggressive games to relax after work, or at least don't play them in front of your child. Do not make your computer a secret, but, on the contrary, provide free access to training and development programs.

We must not forget that excessive time spent interacting with this machine is not at all beneficial for the child. There are scientifically based standards that should be followed: Preschool children 7-10 minutes (continuously) 7-10 minutes (total per day) Schoolchildren 10-30 minutes (continuously) 45-90 minutes (total per day) Students 1-2 hours ( continuously) 2-3 hours (total per day)

Organizing a child's workplace The monitor should be positioned at least 60 cm from the window, so that the window is located to the left of the computer. In this case, the screen should under no circumstances be exposed to glare from windows or other light sources. To do this, window openings can be covered with curtains or blinds to limit the light flow. The use of dark curtains on windows is prohibited, as they can greatly shade the room. The monitor should be positioned at or slightly below the child's eye level. Natural daylight is considered the best for working with a computer, because... only it contains the entire color spectrum, therefore, the more the lamp matches daylight, the better. Under no circumstances should neon lamps be used, as... they flicker, emit diffuse light, lack color spectrum, and do not create clear shadows. When working with such lamps, severe eye strain occurs, which can cause decreased vision. In addition, these lamps can cause increased excitability in children, they begin to be capricious and sleep poorly. The furniture of the workplace should be comfortable for the child. The chair should have a back, and stands should always be placed under the feet of a child of preschool and primary school age.

* Show your child that the computer is a very small part of the available entertainment, that life is much more varied, and that playing cannot replace communication. * Do not suppress and, if possible, satisfy the child’s curiosity. * Teach your child to communicate: get to know each other, make peace, negotiate. Increase your child's self-esteem. * Discuss games with your child. Give preference to educational games. It is extremely important to teach your child to think critically about computer games. * In cases where parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, contact psychologists or specialized centers. Communicate more with your child, discuss your and his feelings - psychologists consider the main reason for computer addiction in children to be a lack of communication.

References Leonova, L.A., How to prepare a child to communicate with a computer / L.A. Leonova, L.V. Makarova. - M., 2004. – 16 p. Korolevskaya, T.K. Computer interactive technologies and oral speech as a means of communication: achievements and searches / T.K. Royal // Defectology. - 1998. - No. 1. – P.47-55. Nikitina, M.V. Child at the computer / M.V. Nikitina. - M., Eksmo, 2006. – 288 p. Zhukova, N.S., E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children / N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva. - M., 1990. – 288 p. Safonova, O.V. On the problem of speech activity in older preschoolers with special needs development / O.V. Safonova // Speech therapist in kindergarten, - 2006. - No. 4. – P.45.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Children of the 21st century have new way entertainment, and for adults it is a means to take a break from children, who are always noisy and require constant attention: a computer, a tablet. Are they useful or harmful for the development of children? This question worries many parents. Of course, a computer can harm a child. Moreover, both physical (the condition of the whole organism worsens due to a sedentary lifestyle, vision deteriorates) and mental state (this is especially facilitated by insufficient resources for children’s consciousness). However, when rational use it can also become an assistant in the development and education of a child. You ask how?

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A big plus for games that contain logical tasks and a variety of questions. For example, you need to get into another room, but at the same time you need to fill several vessels with water, and the level should be different, and how to do this - you need to guess, use logic, or find a hint. You ask what is the benefit? The child learns to find solutions, seemingly where there are none, and begins to think outside the box. After all, to achieve a goal, he needs to remember a number of actions, which of course develops memory, patience, and observation.

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All the “+” and “-” influences of a computer on the development of a preschool child: causes positive interest in new technology; develops creative abilities; eliminates fear of new technology; forms psychological readiness to mastering computer literacy; promotes attentiveness and concentration; obliges the child to act at the pace set by the program; helps master reading and writing; develops elements of visual, figurative and logical thinking, trains attention and memory; develops speed of actions and reactions; fosters determination. completely captures the child’s consciousness; negatively affects the physical development of children; increases the state of nervousness and fear when striving to achieve victory at any cost; the content of games provokes children's aggression and cruelty; reduces the intellectual activity of children due to the entertaining content of games; impairs the child's vision; contributes to poor posture;

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It is important to properly organize your child’s work at the computer: A child can play computer games for no more than 15 minutes a day. It is better to play computer games in the morning. During the week, a child can work with a computer no more than 3 times. The room in which he works at the computer should be well lit. Furniture (table and chairs) must be sized according to the child’s height. The distance from the child’s eyes to the monitor should not exceed 60 cm. While the child is playing on the computer, it is necessary to ensure that the child maintains correct posture. After playing with the computer, you should definitely do some exercises for your eyes. Gaming activities with a computer need to be changed physical exercise and games.

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Exercises for the eyes An effective preventive measure is visual gymnastics. It is carried out twice: 7-8 minutes after the child starts working on the computer and after it ends. Short gymnastics - about one minute, simple and accessible to everyone. For example, sitting at the computer, a child raises his eyes upward and, imagining a moth or butterfly flying there, follows their flight from one corner of the room to another, without turning his head - only the eyes should move!

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There are, of course, other simple rules. Teach them to your child to choose from. Let him do them himself. The benefit from this will be considerable. 1. On the count of 1-4, close your eyes without straining the eye muscles, on the count of 1-6, open your eyes wide and look into the distance. Repeat 4-5 times. 2.Look at the tip of your nose for the count of 1-4, and then look into the distance for the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times. 3. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times. 4.Keeping your head still, move your gaze, fixing it, to the count of 1-4 up, to the count of 1-6 straight; then similarly down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Make a diagonal movement in one direction and the other, moving your eyes straight to the count of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times. 5. Without turning your head, with your eyes closed, “look” to the right at the count 1-4 and straight at the count 1-6. Raise your eyes up to the count of 1-4, lower your eyes to the count of 1-4 and move your gaze straight to the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times. 6.Look at the index finger, distant from the eyes at a distance of 25-30 cm, and on the count of 1-4 bring it closer to the tip of the nose, then move your gaze into the distance on the count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times

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Live with your child TOGETHER! Set a positive personal example. It is important that words do not diverge from deeds. And if a father allows his son to play no more than an hour a day, then he himself should not play for three or four. Limit your computer gaming time by setting a clearly defined time interval. It is impossible to sharply prohibit working on a computer: indicate to the child that if the established time limits are observed, classes can be resumed after a break.

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Offer other ways to spend time. You can make a list of things you can do in your free time. It is desirable that the list includes joint activities. Offer your child an alternative to the computer: interactive games with peers, educational trips, walks, reading a book, drawing. Show your child that the computer is a very small part of the available entertainment, that life is much more varied, and that games cannot replace communication. Do not stop and, if possible, satisfy the child’s curiosity.

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Teach your child to communicate: get to know each other, make peace, negotiate. Increase your child's self-esteem. Pay attention to the games that children play and that you purchase for your child, as some of them can cause insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness, and specific fears. Discuss games with your child. Give preference to educational games. It is extremely important to teach your child to think critically about computer games. In cases where parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, contact psychologists or specialized centers. Communicate more with your child, discuss your and his feelings - the main reason for computer addiction in children is a lack of communication.

Identifying addiction in a child. “Yes” – 1 point, “No” – 0 points. Does your child... 1. Feel irritated when forced to end a game? 2. Because of a computer game, does he sacrifice time with his family and relatives? 3. After playing a computer game, does he complain of headaches or dry eyes? 4. Expresses a desire to spend more time on the Internet? 5. During a computer game, does he completely detach himself from reality, being completely transported into the world of the game?

6. Because of a computer game, does he neglect nutrition and personal hygiene? 7. As a result of systematically spending time at the computer, have you lost interest in studies, sports sections, clubs? 8. Mainly located in good mood while doing computer games or online communication? 9. Does spending a long time on the Internet disrupt your daily routine? 10. Prefers to communicate with virtual friends rather than real ones? The points received are summed up.

0 – 3 points – low level of computer addiction; parents can cope with the problem on their own 4 – 6 points – average level of computer addiction; to solve the problem, consultation with a specialist (psychologist) is necessary; 7 – 10 points – high level of computer addiction, excessive passion for the computer, which can lead to psychological dependence of the child; Parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, so it is necessary to seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist).

Duration of work on a computer AGE DURATION 8-10 years 45 min years 90 min years 135 min. Adults6 hours

Children on the Internet The Internet also poses a danger to the psyche. You can go to the World Wide Web under any name, come up with any biography or image. Some mentally unstable teenagers have problems with self-identification due to this. For computer addicts, the “I” becomes alienated and a split personality begins. The second pathology is that children begin to frantically scour websites, pointlessly downloading information. For them, surfing the Internet is an end in itself.

Signs of computer addiction A break from work or playing at the computer is perceived aggressively; the child does not respond to requests. Feels depressed if he is at the computer less than usual. Problems with studies began. There were problems in communication, frequent conflicts

First of all, parents must realize that this is not a nonsense problem that can be solved by simply banishing the child from behind the monitor. Understand that he plays all day long not because he is bad, stupid or lazy. The reason is different: he lacks something and has problems (due to their parents' oversight), and the computer with all its contents is an almost perfect surrogate for everything in the world. Therefore, in order to successfully combat a child’s unhealthy hobby, parents should not shower him with a wave of negativity and repression, but, on the contrary, muster courage and take responsibility for themselves.
