Determine what is female. How to know if a female parrot is pregnant. Goldfish: The Beginning

Parrots can't get pregnant because birds lay eggs to breed. Therefore, there is no way to know that a parrot is pregnant. However, budgerigars show some signs that they are about to lay eggs.

The female parrot lays three to eight eggs.

Prior to laying the egg, the bird usually makes noticeably larger bowel movements than usual. She may begin to shed and use her nesting feathers, or become more interested than usual in the nest box. The parrot may clean itself several times a day or walk around the cage in a certain way, but this should only last a few hours.

Be attentive to bird behavior:

  • the female will try to make a nest out of whatever material is available to her in the cage;
  • she may spend more time than usual doing things she used to do. Birds love to sit and conserve the energy they need to lay their eggs;
  • some female parrots become more aggressive than usual;
  • the bird can hide in the corner.

Stay aware of the physical signs:

  1. The female parrot may show loss of feathers on the abdomen. This is called a nest spot and appears right before the eggs are laid.
  2. You can also notice that the belly of the bird has become rounder than usual.

After you managed to understand that the parrot is "pregnant", you should pay attention to the behavior of the female in order to notice signs of complications in time. Parrots can have problems laying eggs, especially when the female does not get enough vitamins or varieties in her diet, or her diet lacks calcium.

When a bird is unable to lay an egg, it gets stuck in the vulva and can put pressure on the internal organs females, which eventually leads to death. Signs of this complication include a swollen belly (a bird's belly won't swell unless there's a problem), difficulty breathing, or limping. Limping can be a sign of severe nerve damage due to a stuck egg. Sitting on the ground for long periods of time is also a sign of complications.

If a female parrot sits on the ground for long periods of time, this is a sign of complications.

It is worth taking your female parrot to the veterinarian if there are signs of complications

  • the veterinarian will be able to feel the swelling caused by the eggs;
  • the veterinarian will also know how to check the cloaca (the reproductive opening of birds) for hanging or swelling;
  • react to such problems in the female quickly, as the creation of the egg takes only a few days.

Egg laying at budgerigars begins about one to two days after mating. After the female has laid the eggs, you can choose to keep all of them or remove some of them, depending on your reasons for parrot breeding.

Some breeders breed parrots to get good or new genetic combinations. These breeders will likely remove the eggs from the nest. They remove them because they think a parrot can't take care of more than four to six chicks at a time.

Breeders remove eggs from the nest because they think a parrot can't take care of more than four to six chicks at a time.

Breeders who breed budgerigars for sale will probably keep all the eggs to sell more birds later.

Why do you need to remove some eggs? Imagine if a female lays 9 eggs, once every two days. This will make the laying period 18 days. She just doesn't have enough time to feed all the chickens to make them strong and capable of life.

It may also happen that the mother bird will simply throw out some of the chicks that are not yet ready for life, and after a while they will die. So it would be better to remove the eggs before it's too late.

As soon as the laying of eggs begins, the female will sit on them all the time. Often a male comes to her. You can even observe at this time how he sits on the outside of the masonry and feeds the female through a round hole. In general, it's best to just keep the male parrot in a cage and let the female incubate the eggs, whichever suits her best.

When laying eggs begins, the female will sit on them all the time.

Sometimes after laying eggs, budgerigars act like nothing happened. If the female has laid an egg and is not sitting on it, remove the egg from the cage.

In anticipation of the eggs hatching, only the female will sit on them. She will do this about 18-19 days before the first bird is due to fly. The eggs should be at a temperature close to the body temperature of the mother bird. This is between 40 and 43 degrees Celsius.

Once the budgerigar chicks hatch, check to see if everything seems normal and if the female is feeding them. She herself will throw out all the eggshells from the nest, so there is no need to look there too often.

Since eggs are laid every second day and there can be anywhere from 4 to 9, it can happen that the first chick to hatch already has feathers and the last one hasn't even hatched yet.

Budgerigar chicks grow very quickly. Once they get some power, they start to learn the world and rise to their feet. The female will try to push them away and take them out of the nest because she is immediately ready for the next mating.

Parrot chicks leave the nest when they are 30-35 days old. About two months after hatching, there are almost no differences between parents and chicks.

After the parrots are "born", pay attention to the female. As soon as the chicks grow up, she will start to push them away and prepare for a new mating. Owners should not allow her to mate more than three times a year, as this is too tiring for a female budgerigar.

Having decided to purchase a pair of budgerigars, you need to understand that sooner or later they will have offspring. So that the appearance of testicles in a cage does not come as a surprise to you, you need to know how to determine the pregnancy of a parrot and find out how many days after their appearance the chicks hatch.

How to understand that a parrot is caring for a female

The beginning of the courtship period between birds is noticeable even to a beginner. At this time, the male begins to show an active interest in the female. He begins to flirt with her, attracts her attention in any way and flaunts in front of her. The female must reciprocate, she will not leave him and make sounds indicating that she is ready to mate.

Did you know? One of the main signs that the female is ready for motherhood is the appearance of a skin growth on the brown beak.

If your pets show these signs, then you need to prepare a nest. It can be purchased or made by hand. Regardless of what it will be, the female will put things in order in it herself. They will jump in from time to time, and scratch in it for a long time.
Sexual behavior of Alexandrian parrots, the male feeds the female

How to know if a female parrot is pregnant

Having noticed that the male showed interest, it is important to know how to determine whether there will be offspring.

The interesting position of the bird is determined by the following visual signs:

  1. In the female, the size of the abdomen increases.
  2. The tail begins to move in time with the breath of the bird.
  3. There is an increase in the amount of litter in the cage.
  4. The bird spends a lot of time in the nest, preparing it for laying.
  5. The female, despite remaining active, naps more and becomes clumsy.
  6. The expectant mother intensively gnaws a mineral stone.

Important! During preparation for the appearance of eggs, the female combs the bottom of the tummy, namely the place of the cloaca, plucking out the feathers there. In addition, the cloaca itself increases significantly in size.

A pregnant female has a growing tummy

How many days do chicks hatch

Parrots are responsible parents and do not leave the eggs until the chicks appear. Most often this happens on the 15-20th day. Chicks are born weak, helpless and also blind. At first, mom feeds them with goiter milk and warms them with her body. They become more independent after 15 days. At this time, the eyes are already open, the paws have become stronger. The chicks can already eat softened grain, but the parents take care of them for some more time.

As you can see, determining pregnancy is quite simple, the main thing is to carefully monitor your feathered pets. It is important at this time to provide the birds with a balanced diet and good care.

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How to care for pregnant guppies

How do guppies bear fry?

How are guppies born?

Toward the end of the gestation period, a week before the expected birth, the female can be transferred to a prepared maternity tank by pouring water from a common aquarium into it. In such an aquarium there is a dividing wall, so the fry will not suffer from a hungry female. On the day of pregnancy, the female must not be transferred to such a tank, otherwise a miscarriage will occur. When the female is ready to give birth, she may swim slowly, or look for a secluded spot in the aquarium. In one birth, she will produce 10-60 fry, although some mature females can give birth to up to 200 babies.

How long does childbirth take? Usually several days. For 1 day, the female can bring all the fry, and it happens that one fry per day. If giving birth is in a community tank, make sure it has lots of live plant bushes where the babies can save their lives. Unfortunately, the fry are highly visible, so they become victims of their parents and their neighbors in the aquarium.

How to determine the readiness for childbirth? Before this process, the body of the female trembles, she is inactive, she has no appetite (feed can spit out). If a heater is installed in the tank, then the female may be near it. Also, these signs may indicate premature birth. During the birth itself, the tail of the female trembles, for a few seconds she freezes. Lively and nimble fry come out of the anus, they immediately actively swim, starting an independent life.

See how guppy fry are born.

A female guppy can become pregnant again, even a few hours after giving birth. She can store male spermatozoa for one year, and from one fertilization up to 8 pregnancies can occur, in case of favorable conditions in the aquarium. In one life (3-5 years), a female fish is able to give life to 2000 fry or more. The day before the birth, a swelling may appear at the anus, if it is not there, this is a clear pathology.

After 2 weeks, the babies will mature, grow up to 1.5-2 cm in length. At this age, you can sort the fish by gender. Young females of this age can be recognized by the first sign of sexual dimorphism - they have a dark spot at the bottom of the abdomen, at the base of the anal fin. You can transplant males and females into different aquariums by pouring the “old” water familiar to them from the previous aquarium. In silver and light breeds of guppies, sex differences are more difficult to determine - females will have a barely noticeable white spot on their abdomen, not black. It will be easier to find out the sex of fish at the age of 1.5 months, however, late sorting dates can provoke early pregnancy.

The danger for pregnant female guppies is the disease plestophorosis. Fry can become infected from the mother. The fish looks lethargic and faded, the caudal fin goes down, the female swims at an angle of 45-60o. A sick fish can bounce, trying to return to its original, normal position of the body, refuses food. Pleistophorosis is not treated, so a pregnant fish will not be able to survive. It is destroyed, and all decorations and equipment must be strictly disinfected.

Fry that have received insufficient amounts of light and protein may suffer from scoliosis. The causes of scoliosis are not well understood, sometimes this disease manifests itself in tuberculosis. It is believed that the main causes of spinal curvature are stress, trauma, pathology of egg development, improper feeding of a pregnant fish, oxygen starvation.

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How to understand that a cockerel fish is pregnant :: how to determine the age of a cockerel fish :: Breeding

How to understand that a cockerel fish is pregnant

Cockerels are one of the most spectacular species that pleases aquarists not only with their bright colors, fluffy tail and fins, but also with fighting enthusiasm. However, the breeding of males requires special care, because the male will take care of the caviar, and the fish become especially aggressive during this period.

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1. To breed betta fish, select at least two fish: a male and a female. You can determine the sex of the fish in comparison - the males are larger, they have a large tail, a rounded fin. They behave more aggressively, if you put them in front of a mirror, they begin to inflate their gills, jump into the reflection. Females behave more modestly and are painted in paler shades, they always have a white speck on the abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that some males also have a white spot, and some "hens" behave aggressively and can beat the "spouse" badly.

2. Choose the right pair, preferably one species, for example, a female and male veiltail. Fish capable of breeding are not younger than 3.5 months, but not too old either. Before planning spawning, it is better to seat them in different water bodies for a week and feed them with live food: bloodworms or coretra, it contains many nutrients.

3. To determine the pregnancy of a cockerel fish, just watch it. In fact, caviar is constantly formed in the female, so you can’t talk about her pregnancy as a temporary period. For the aquarist, such a concept as the readiness for spawning of a cockerel is much more important. The abdomen slightly increases, the stripes from horizontal become vertical and very clear. In light individuals, eggs can appear through the abdomen. Behavior also changes: females begin to inflate their gills, flirt and swim next to the male.

5. Please note that the male cockerel plays the main role in the construction of the nest. He builds a foam nest on the surface of the water, then pushes the female to the nest, presses on her abdomen and the eggs slip out. Then he fertilizes them and puts them in the nest. After the “birth”, the male begins to push the female away from the nest - at this moment it is better to put her in another body of water, she will no longer take care of the clutch. When the fry hatch and begin to swim, it should also be transplanted.

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How to understand that a guppy is pregnant :: how to understand that a guppy will give birth soon :: Aquarium fish

How to understand that a guppy is pregnant

Guppy is a freshwater fish that belongs to the Pecilia family. It is considered quite unpretentious, and also popular of all aquarium fish. It should be noted that every breeder should have an idea of ​​how to determine that a female guppy is pregnant. This knowledge will help to create certain conditions for a female expecting offspring in a timely manner.

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1. As a rule, the pregnancy of a guppy is determined by the shape of its abdomen. The fact is that the female bearing offspring has a rounded voluminous abdomen, which immediately before childbirth acquires a slightly rectangular shape. Sometimes fry can be observed through the gaps, and closer to labor, the guppies have a dark birth spot localized on the abdomen. It should be borne in mind that the shape of the head of the fish during this period begins to seem elegant due to the voluminous belly. In addition, a pregnant female is distinguished by a peaceful and calm behavior.

2. Often, before throwing fry, the back of the belly becomes dark in guppies. In the event that only fish of this family are present in the aquarium, and there are also many shelters in the form of stones, snags and algae, then the female can not be planted. However, when other fish live in the aquarium, the guppies bearing offspring must be planted for the throwing period, and then launched back. It is important to remember that fry must be kept in a separate container.

3. When weaning a pregnant female, it must be taken into account that she is able to eat her fry. Thus, it is advisable to take care in advance of acquiring plants with which they can hide from the mother, who is temporarily next to the offspring. The number of fry born to a female directly depends on her age. A young fish can bring up to ten offspring, while an old one can breed a hundred fry. In order for the offspring to have a beautiful color and develop quickly, they should be fed a variety of foods three times a day.

4. Basically, a guppy's pregnancy lasts forty days. During the first week after birth, the fry live in the nursery. Then they are transplanted into the most spacious containers. Already in a month you can see distinctive features to determine the sex of the fry. Females have a birthmark near the anus. Males at the age of three months change the so-called anal fin into a gonopodium. It should be borne in mind that in order to prevent the reproduction of guppies, it is advisable to distribute young offspring by gender in a timely manner and be sure to keep them separately. In winter, it is necessary to observe the water temperature, which should be eighteen degrees Celsius. Such actions will not only help to avoid unnecessary spawning, but also allow the female to take a break from labor.

Pair of chinchillas

We continue to tell you about the features of keeping and caring for chinchillas at home - read more about this. And, today, our topic, as we promised, will be the topic of breeding chinchillas at home.

What the owner of these pets needs to know, how to properly approach the issues of rodent breeding, and what surprises - pleasant and not so, you should be prepared for in the process of such breeding. Our today's publication will tell you about all this ...

Family for chinchilla

We already wrote in one of our first publications that chinchillas are very sociable animals, therefore, it is not surprising that it is not easy for them to live alone. Well, if you are still constantly busy at work with your own affairs, then your chinchilla can even start to get sick from longing. To prevent this from happening, get her a couple. True, in order for strong relationships to develop in this chinchilla family, and love breaks out, you need to know about the features of building relationships between such animals.

Features of building relationships between chinchillas

Primarily, among chinchillas reigns ... matriarchy. It is the female, not the male, who is the most important and most important in the family. Therefore, if you plan to introduce the animals, then place the young female with the male on his territory, and not vice versa. Since the female is unlikely to like the invasion of her square centimeters, and she can behave aggressively towards the male. If, nevertheless, the situation when the gentleman comes to visit the lady cannot be avoided, it is first worth introducing the rodents on neutral territory. This does not mean that you have to buy another cage - although it would be ideal. You can simply move the cage with the female to a new place, and place a temporary cage with the male next to it. And, although the walls of the cage will separate the animals from each other, they will still be able to exchange fluids and smells, therefore, when the time comes for them to get to know each other better, they will not react so warily to each other.

Leaving a planted female or male in a new cage, if the animals have not made friends, is not worth it. The struggle for their territory may turn out to be stronger than the instinct of reproduction, and the male or female will see only the enemy in the newly arrived rodent. And, this can result in both injury to the chinchilla and her death.

Physiological features of the organism of chinchillas

Well, after we have delved a little into the psychology of the relationship of these rodents, and learned how to introduce them correctly, it's time to answer the question of when to start expecting offspring from a female chinchilla and a male. So, Male chinchillas reach puberty by 7-9 months, while females "ripe" earlier, and already at 6-8 months they can mate. However, as you understand, reaching puberty does not mean that the body of rodents is physically strong and can endure such a load, especially for females, such as giving birth and feeding small cubs. That's why, it is better not to mate the animals before 1 year. The main thing is that the animals fully develop physically, then you will still have time to enjoy the long-awaited offspring. By the way, if the weight of the female chinchilla is less than 500 grams, it is not recommended for her to give birth yet.

As a rule, a pair of chinchillas can produce offspring several times a year. On average, a female brings 2-5 cubs at a time. However, it is still not worth mating rodents too often, since such constant stresses as pregnancy, childbirth, feeding chinchillas negatively affect the health of the chinchilla.

The sexual cycle in the female is 30-50 days, and the estrus itself can last from 2 to 4 days. In other words, every 40 days (on average) the female chinchilla is ready for mating within 2 to 4 days. By the way, it is not at all difficult to distinguish a female from a male. In the female, her genitals are located close to the anus, but the male has a gap between them and the anus, on which the testes are located, which are hidden under the peritoneum.

How to know if a female is ready to mate

In addition to the fact that chinchilla owners are advised to keep a calendar in which they will mark the start of the hunt and its approximate completion - in the future this will help to calculate the approximate date of birth of the offspring as accurately as possible, and the date of the start of the next hunt. Also, it will help you to know that the female is physically and psychologically ready for the mating process, her behavior. The chinchilla begins to behave more actively than before, may refuse food and even scatter it around the cage. The genital organs of the female increase in size and become pink.

Mating chinchillas

Chinchilla and her babies

Healthy and active chinchillas, over 1 year old, with a body weight of at least 500 grams, are allowed to mate. By the way, breeding can be carried out both monogamously - you get one male and one female, and polygamously - you need one male and several females.

As a rule, chinchillas, in view of the fact that they prefer to be nocturnal, the mating process is postponed at night. Therefore, to peep what happened and how, you are unlikely to succeed. And, you can guess that the rodents nevertheless found a common language by the presence of tufts of wool scattered throughout the crate, and a small flagellum, of a waxy consistency.

Oh, the same that pregnancy has come, after a week or two, the change in the weight of the female will tell you. So, during pregnancy every 2 weeks she will gain from 30 to 50 grams.

Chinchilla pregnancy

Pregnancy in a female lasts from 106 to 114 days. And, the ability to reproduce is preserved even at the age of 12-15 years. Later, mating the female is no longer recommended. Since the body of the rodent becomes less hardy, and the female can either die during childbirth, or she will give birth to non-viable offspring.

It is noteworthy that the process of pregnancy in a chinchilla does not interrupt the development of eggs, which, after the birth of offspring, mature faster. That's why, if you do not want the female to become pregnant again after the birth of small chinchillas - this is not very good for her body, since it has not yet had time to recover from childbirth, then it is better to seat your pair of chinchillas for a while.

On the 60th day from the start of pregnancy, the nipples of the female chinchilla begin to swell, and the stomach itself also increases in size.

How to care for a chinchilla during pregnancy

During pregnancy, chinchillas need to be looked after more carefully. This means that its nutrition must be complete and healthy, the cage must be clean, the rodent must be protected from drafts, bright light, cold, heat and stress. Also, to maintain the body of the expectant mother, it is recommended to give her special vitamins. They will support her body, and help her bear and give birth to healthy offspring. However, a veterinarian should still prescribe such vitamins. He will also recommend the dosage of such drugs and the frequency of their intake, because both a lack and an excess of vitamins can lead to disastrous consequences.

In the cage, the chinchilla should be clean and comfortable. It’s better not to bother your pet with your attention if she herself does not take the initiative.

10 days before the expected date of birth (you can calculate it thanks to your calendar), you will need to remove the container with sand from the chinchilla cage, and cover the nesting house with fresh bedding. If all this time the rodents were together, then it is better to resettle the male so that he does not distract and unnerve the female.

Chinchilla giving birth

According to the breeders of these rodents, Basically, labor activity in the female begins in the morning, from 6 to 8 in the morning. Moreover, the birth itself can last both a few minutes and drag on for several hours. If everything is in order with your pet and she is healthy, the chinchilla can cope with this task on its own. If you see that labor activity is delayed for an indefinite period of time, and the animal is exhausted, it is better to contact a veterinarian. Perhaps we are talking about the pathologies of the course of pregnancy, which you can read in more detail here.

As a rule, after giving birth, the female should have milk within 1-2 days. However, if you notice that small rodents squeak from hunger, or sit hunched over in the corner of the cage, and their tail is lowered (this is a kind of indicator of the mood and condition of chinchillas) - carefully examine the newly-made mommy. If she does not have milk, you will have to take care of feeding the offspring. By the way, frequency of feeding chinchillas every 2-3 hours.

In order for parrots to bring offspring in captivity, several steps must be taken:

  1. Pair selection.
  2. Determine the breeding season.
  3. Watching the marriage games.
  4. Home furnishing.

Pair selection

It is advisable to purchase a perroque from a trusted breeder who will advise the beginner on many issues. These should be healthy birds, preferably of the same age, then there will be no problems with incompatibility.

The ornithologist needs to find out the sex of the parrot, because the owner may have the idea to breed perroque spontaneously. In this case, a partner of the opposite sex is bought. He is placed in the next cell. The birds communicate, and if the owner notices that they have begun to talk, they put the new partner in the cage with the old one.

Season definition

The main stimulus for the start of oviposition is the lengthening daylight hours. Therefore, if the cage with the birds is located on the window, best time for reproduction - spring. You can organize artificial lighting by using a table lamp. Since the ancestors of pet parrots lived in the tropics, the day should not last more than 14 hours. A semi-annual interval between clutches should be observed so as not to deplete the female.

mating games

If the owner of a perroque wants the parrots to start breeding, he watches them intently. The male starts courtship, dances, chirps, attracting attention. If the female does not object, the owner of the perroque acquires or builds a nest. This will serve as a signal for mating, which the ornithologist may not notice due to the short duration of the action. In parrots, several egg follicles mature, so their condition resembles pregnancy.

home improvement

The female responds positively to the appearance of a house in the cage, not paying attention to its shape. She fusses, puts things in order inside. You can not put the nest in the cage when the parrots are shedding. They do not tolerate additional loads while nursing chicks. From the moment of mating to the appearance of eggs, a decade passes. The female rushes in a day, laying from 3 to 10 eggs, most often - 5. Incubation lasts about 18 days. At this time, the parrot family needs increased care from the owners.

Definition of pregnancy

The beginning of oviposition is preceded by the following signs:

  1. The abdomen is enlarged.
  2. The tail oscillates in sync with the respiratory movements.
  3. The amount of litter is increasing.
  4. The parrot sits in the nest all the time.
  5. The female pulls out feathers around the cloaca.
  6. The consumption of mineral supplements increases, the bird actively pecks at them.
  7. The male regurgitates food to the female.

During incubation, parrots stop feeding, limited to grain components.

Signs that determine the pregnancy of a female parrot help ornithologists organize proper care for the brood hen. It is necessary to ensure the optimal air temperature (25–27 ° C), prepare for the reception of offspring and figure out how to feed the chicks.
