New Year's mini performances for corporate parties. Cool scenarios of fairy tales for a New Year's corporate party. Explosive reprise for New Year's release


Fortune teller

Employees of the enterprise (employees of the company)

On New Year's Eve, some people go to the bathhouse, while others have a different tradition. And on New Year's Eve, our heroes decided to go to a fortune teller to find out their fate for the new year. What came of it? Funny scene, which will make your New Year's corporate party even more fun and brighter.
Employee 1:
Guys, have we already decided that we will go to the fortune teller?

Maybe there is still time to turn back?

All workers hustle:
What is this? Where does the voice come from? Maybe we should go to the bar now? I'd like to drink it now! I would like to smoke now!

Employee 2:
Okay, stop! Quiet! Since we’ve come, let’s go in and find out our fate!

They go into the fortune teller's office. Everyone is in a panic, a little worried.

Employee 2:
Hello, we are, what’s his name, we are, in general, we are, so to speak... well, you’re a fortune teller, you probably already know everything?

Fortune teller:
Yes, I already know everything about you. I know that you work (job title), I know why you came to me. (Looks to the side, looking for someone and says) I know who behaved well and who was a disobedient baby!

Employee 2:
Well, since you know everything, maybe we can get started?

Fortune teller:
Let's get started, but first I'll tell you this: Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Khabarovsk!

Workers vying with each other:
What is this, a spell? Are these her favorite cities? Has she spoiled us? Oh my stomach cramped! Damn, I need to go home, my mother is waiting for me!

Employee 2:
We have the right answer! (Takes a wallet out of his pocket and takes money out of it.)
Arkhangelsk! (puts five hundred rubles on the table)
Yaroslavl! (puts a thousand rubles on the table)
And Khabarovsk! (puts five thousand rubles on the table)
Did you guess right?

Fortune teller:
I see you have a talent, a talent for guessing other people’s thoughts and desires! And so, let's start guessing!

Workers vying with each other:
This is good! It is high time! Guys, does anyone have a package, I feel bad! I better close my eyes! Can I just pay and leave?

Fortune teller:
So, is there a person among you with a Cancer horoscope?

One of the workers begins to slowly walk back and walks backwards, like a cancer.

Fortune teller (looking at him):

It's funny, but if I were you I wouldn't laugh yet!

Yes, why?

Fortune teller:
Someone in your office plays kerchief better than you!

I'll pay extra, tell me who it is! Name, my name!

Fortune teller:
This is a private conversation, I will answer it later. Is there an Aquarius among you?

What, am I going to fill the cooler with water all year?

Fortune teller:
This isn't the worst thing. What’s even worse is that cancer is looking for you!
And now I would like to see a Capricorn.

It's me!

Fortune teller:
Yes, your horns are visible from afar!

What horns?

Fortune teller:
Well, they are still small, but if you don’t hurry home now, then by evening they will be very large!

Capricorn runs away.

What about scales?

Fortune teller:
About scales? There is something about scales. Always carry them with you, and you won’t be tampered with in the store! By the way, I have a couple of these scales, look?

Employee 2:
No, we won't see. Give us something common to everyone.

Fortune teller:
General? Okay, here's the general one: Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Khabarovsk!

Employee 2:
What now???

Fortune teller:
No, you won't see them next year!

New Year's competitions can be safely “diluted” with outdoor games. Here you can choose games for entertainment, both for an adult company and for a family. Have a good, cheerful and unforgettable New Year's Eve! Happy New Year 2020!

New New Year's competition for the company "Naoshchup" (new)

Armed with thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person from the company is in front of you. Young people guess girls, girls guess boys. The areas to be touched can be specified in advance. 🙂

New Year's competition for corporate parties “What to do if...”(new)

The competition is very good for a corporate evening, for creative and resourceful employees.) Participants need to consider difficult situations from which they need to find a non-standard way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer receives a prize point.

Example situations:

  • What to do if you lost your employees' salaries or public money in a casino?
  • What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
  • What should you do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?

Space New Year competition "Lunokhod"

The best outdoor game for adults who are not entirely sober. Everyone stands in a circle, according to the counting number, the first one is chosen and inside the circle he walks on his haunches and seriously says: “I am Lunokhod 1.” Whoever laughed next squats in a circle and walks around, seriously saying: “I am Lunokhod 2.” And so on…

Fun New Year's competition "Who has the longest"

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off whatever they want. Whoever has the longest chain wins. If the game is not played in the company of a house, but, for example, in a square or in a club, then two participants are first selected, and when they do not have enough clothes for the chain (after all, when taking off your clothes, you must remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is asked to help the participants, and anyone who wishes can continue the chain of the player he likes.

New competition “Who is cooler”

Men participate in the game. Eggs are placed on a plate according to the number of participants. The host announces that the players must take turns breaking one egg on their foreheads, but one of them is raw, the rest are boiled, although in fact all the eggs are boiled. The tension increases with each subsequent egg. But it is advisable that there be no more than five participants (they begin to guess that the eggs are all boiled). It turns out very funny.

Competition for the New Year "Who's the odd one out"

(From reader Alexander)
Participants sit in a circle, the leader announces that they are in a hot air balloon that is crashing, to avoid the crash one player must be thrown off the balloon. Participants take turns arguing based on their profession and skills why it should be left, after which voting takes place. Anyone who is thrown off needs to drink a glass of vodka or cognac in one gulp, but it is better to prepare water, the main thing is that no one will guess!

Competition for the New Year “I blinded you from what happened”(new)

Each Snow Maiden chooses Father Frost for herself, and dresses him up in all possible ways using any available means: from Christmas decorations to cosmetics. You must introduce your Santa Claus to the public through advertising, a song, a proverb, a poem, etc.

Competition "Congratulations"(new)

A workpiece is made like:
In one ___________ country in a _____________ city there lived _____________________ boys and at least ______________ girls. They lived ____________ and ____________ and communicated in the same ________________ and ___________ company. And then one __________ day they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate such a ____________ and __________ New Year holiday. So today let only__________ toasts sound, _____________ glasses are filled with_____________ drinks, the table is bursting with _____________ dishes, there will be ____________ smiles on the faces of those present. I wish you that the new year will be ______________, you will be surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams will come true, your work will be ______________ and that your most _______________ other halves will give you only ___________joy, ___________love and ______________care.

All guests name adjectives, preferably compound ones like indigestible or sparkling intoxicant and insert them in a row into the gaps. The text is very funny.

Competition - game "Sector Prize"(new)

(from reader Maria)
The essence of the game: a box is prepared containing either the prize itself or a part of this prize. Only one player is selected and asked to choose: a prize or N amount of money (if there is no real money, money from a joke store, i.e. not real money, is a perfect substitute). And then it starts like on the TV program “Field of Miracles”, guests, friends, relatives, etc. sitting next to them shout “... prize”, and the presenter offers to take the money (just in case something happens, don’t say that the money is from a joke store or otherwise the prize will be taken away very quickly and it will not be interesting to play). The presenter’s task is to keep the intrigue and hint that the gift is very chic, but money has never bothered anyone, that they need to take it. The player's choice can be made in different ways, be it a children's counting rhyme or according to some separate criteria. In order to make it interesting for all the guests, so that no one is offended (why did you choose this or that player), you can raffle off several prizes, but you will have to stock up on a large amount of money (even as was said earlier, it may not be real money).

Competition for a group of adults

Hit the target!

A proven competition - bursting laughter and fun are guaranteed. The competition is more suitable for men-) Required for the competition: empty bottles, rope (about 1 meter long for each participant) and pens and pencils.
A pencil or pen is tied to one end of the rope, and the other end of the rope is tucked into your belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The goal is to get the handle into the bottle.

Fun competition for the family “New Year’s Turnip”

(This competition is time-tested, a great option for the New Year, fun will be guaranteed!)

The number of participants is the number of characters in this famous fairy tale plus 1 presenter. New actors need to remember their role:
Turnip - alternately hits his knees with his palms, claps his hands, and at the same time says: “Both-on!”
Grandfather rubs his hands: “Okay, sir.”
The grandmother threatens her grandfather with her fist and says: “I would kill him!”
Granddaughter - (for super-effect, choose a man of impressive size for this role) - twitches her shoulders and says, “I’m ready.”
Bug - scratches behind the ear, says: “The fleas are tormented”
Cat – sways her hips “And I’m on my own”
The mouse shakes its head, “We’ve finished!”
The presenter reads the classic text “Turnip”, and the heroes, having heard themselves mentioned, play their role:
“Grandfather (“Tek-s”) planted Turnip (“Oba-na”). Turnip (“Both-on!”) ​​grew big and big. Grandfather (“Tek-s”) began to pull Turnip (“Both-on!”). He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called (“Tek-s”) Grandma (“I would kill”)…” etc.
The real fun begins after the words of the presenter: “Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Dedka...” First, conduct a rehearsal, and then the “performance” itself. Bursts of laughter and great mood secured!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest (musical scene, readers recommend)

We turn on the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, just as in “Turnip”, distribute roles to the participants (it is recommended to write the roles on pieces of paper in advance and for the participants to randomly choose a role for themselves: “Christmas tree”, “Frost”, etc. ) and act out this children's song to the music.
It looks very funny when adults get used to a children's song.

“Phrases of congratulations”

The presenter reminds that New Year's Eve is in full swing, and some people are already having difficulty remembering the last letter of the alphabet. Guests are invited to fill their glasses and make a New Year's toast, but with one condition. Each person present begins the congratulation phrase with the letter A, and then proceeds alphabetically.
For example:
A - Absolutely happy to drink for New Year!
B - Be careful, New Year is coming!
B - Let's drink to the ladies!
It's especially fun when the game gets to G, F, P, S, L, B. The prize goes to the one who came up with the funniest phrase.

New Year's competition - a fairy tale for a corporate party

From reader Natalya: “I offer another version of the fairy tale, we played it at a corporate party last year. The following attributes were used for the characters: Tsarevich - crown and mustache, Horse - drawing of a horse in the form of a mask (as in kindergarten did, Tsar-Father - wig with a bald head, Mother - crown + apron, Princess - crown with an elastic band, Matchmaker Kuzma - apron with male XXX, bought in a shop. They were all tipsy and rolling around laughing, especially from Swat Kuzma.”
Fairy tale by roles
Curtain (converge and diverge) - Zhik-zhik
Tsarevich (strokes his mustache) - Eh! I'm getting married!
Horse (gallops) - Tygy melons, tygy melons, I-go-go!
Cart (hand movement) - Watch out!
Matchmaker Kuzma (hands to the side, leg forward) - That’s nice!
Tsar-Father (protests, shakes his fist) - Don’t push!!!
Mother (patting Father on the shoulder) - Don’t hold me, Father! It will stay in the girls!
Princess (raises the hem of her skirt) - I'm ready! Smart, beautiful, and just of age.
The other half of the Bird: Chik-chirp!
A curtain!
IN Far Far Away Kingdom, Tsarevich Alexander lived in the Thirtieth State.
The time has come for Tsarevich Alexander to get married.
And he heard that Princess Victoria lived in a neighboring state.
And without hesitation, the Tsarevich saddled the Horse.
Harnesses the Horse to the Cart.
Swat Kuzma jumps into the Cart.
And they galloped to Princess Victoria.
They jump through the fields, jump through the meadows, and the wind rustles around them. Birds are singing. They're coming!
And the Tsar Father appears on the threshold.
The Prince turned the Horse around. He turned the Cart around, and Swat Kuzma was in the Cart. And we went back through the forests and fields!

The Tsarevich did not despair.
And the next morning he harnesses the Horse again. Harnesses the Cart. And in the cart is Swat Kuzma. And again the fields, again the meadows...
And the wind is rustling around. Birds are singing.
They're coming!
And Father comes to the threshold.
And here is Mother.
And here is Princess Victoria.
The Tsarevich put the Princess on the Horse. And they galloped to the Thirtieth Kingdom, to the Far Far Away State!
And again fields, again meadows, and the wind rustles around. Birds are singing.
And the Princess is in her arms.
And matchmaker Kuzma is happy.
And the cart.
And the horse is harnessed.
And Alexander Tsarevich.
I said I’ll get married, and I got married!
Applause from the audience! A curtain!

"Drunk Checkers"

A real checkers board is used, and instead of checkers there are stacks. Red wine is poured into the glass on one side, and white wine on the other.
Further everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. I cut down the enemy's stack and drank it. For variety, you can play giveaway.
For those who are especially strong, cognac and vodka can be poured into the glasses. In this situation, only international masters of sports win three games in a row. 🙂

Game "Baba Yaga"

Players are divided into several teams, depending on the number. The first player is given a mop in his hand, he stands with one foot in the bucket (with one hand he holds on to the bucket, and the other on the mop). In this position, the player must run a certain distance and pass the equipment to the next one. Fun guaranteed-)

Game "Situations"

The teams, to the judgment of the audience or Santa Claus, offer a way out of the situation.
1. A plane left without a pilot.
2. During a cruise on a ship, you were forgotten in a French port.
3. You woke up alone in the city.
4. On the island with cannibals, there are cigarettes, matches, a flashlight, a compass, and skates.
And opponents ask tricky questions.

New Year competition for young people


First, the bottle is passed around in a circle to each other.
- pressed shoulder to head
-under the arm
-between the ankles
-between the knees
-between the legs
It’s a lot of fun, the main thing is that the bottle is not empty, or partially filled. Whoever’s bottle falls is out.

New Year 2020 - what to give?

The most sensitive

Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The first one to determine wins. You can guess the number of identical objects (caramels, tangerines) placed on a chair.


The competition is prepared in advance. We take the most common ones air balloons. We write assignments on pieces of paper. The tasks may be different. We put the notes inside the balloon and inflate it. The player pops any ball without using his hands and receives a task that must be completed!
For example:
1. Recreate the chimes on New Year's Eve.
2. Stand on a chair and notify the whole world that Santa Claus is coming to us.
3. Sing the Song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.”
4. Dance rock and roll.
5. Guess the riddle.
6. Eat a few slices of lemon without sugar.


All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

Lung capacity

The players' task is to cheat Balloons in the allotted time without using your hands.


Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. It is advisable that there are no breakable, sharp, etc. nearby. items. The presenter speaks into each player's ear the names of two animals. And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names any animal, then the person who was told this animal should sit down sharply in his ear, and his neighbors to the right and left, on the contrary, when they feel that their neighbor is crouching, should prevent this from happening, supporting the neighbor by the arms . It is advisable to do all this at a fairly fast pace, without giving any breaks. The funny thing is that the second animal that the presenter speaks into the players’ ears is the same for everyone - “WHALE”. And when, a minute or two after the start of the game, the presenter suddenly says: “Whale,” then everyone inevitably has to sit down sharply - which leads to prolonged wallowing on the floor. :-))


Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimsuits, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). A DJ is selected. He turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music starts playing, the participants begin to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has the bag left in his hands pulls out one item and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. In the end, everyone looks very funny.

“What do you like about your neighbor?”

Everyone sits in a circle and the leader says that now everyone must say what they like about their neighbor on the right. When everyone tells these intimate details, the presenter joyfully announces that now everyone should kiss their neighbor on the right exactly in the place that he liked the most.

New Year's prediction

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted to look like a pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On the inside of the square are drawings of what awaits the participants:
heart - love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
the key is a new apartment,
sun - success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person's face is a new acquaintance,
arrow - achieving the goal,
watches - changes in life,
road - trip,
gift - surprise,
lightning - tests,
glass - holidays, etc.
Everyone present “eats” their piece of the pie and finds out their future. The fake pie can be replaced with a real one.

Agility competition!

2 couples take part (a man and a woman), it is necessary to wear men's shirts, and, at the girl's command, men's gloves, they must fasten the buttons on the sleeves and on the shirt (the number is the same, 5 each). Whoever completes the task faster is the winner! Prize for the couple!

Guess what it was!

Participants in the game are given pieces of paper with the text of Nekrasov’s poem
Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold.
I see it's slowly going uphill
A horse carrying a cart of brushwood.
And, walking importantly, in decorous calm,
A man leads a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat,
In big mittens... and he's as small as a fingernail!
The participants’ task is to read a poem with the intonation inherent in one of the following monologues:
— Declaration of love;
— Commentating a football match;
— Court verdict;
— Tenderness from contemplating a baby;
— Congratulations to the hero of the day;
The principal's lecture to a schoolboy who broke a window.

New Year's wall newspaper

A newspaper is hung in a prominent place on which any of the guests
can write what was good and bad in the past year.

Good day! New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it! Give your colleagues some real fun winter's tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities!

This funny scenario for a cheerful company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will turn the New Year's corporate party into a truly unforgettable event. Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

Choose scenarios, competitions, fairy tales, funny parties or modern funny scenarios! And also scripts for Father Santa Claus! And it’s just funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the highlighted word you need.

Cool New Year's riddles from Santa Claus for corporate events for adults

Guess and tell me!

What holiday is it?

He comes on a dark night,

Absolutely a disgrace.

It's almost natural.

He became famous for his

National drunkenness.

The tables are laden with dishes,

There are countless dishes.

And the clock strikes twelve...

They start eating!

All the people are drinking and dancing!

Instead of a heart there is a piece of ice,

I've heard firsthand!

There's a snowflake in front of my eyes,

Legs from under the arm.

Plump butt,

She wags so much!

Sex, not a woman

Everything is uplifting!

It's a pity that this fool

My granddaughter...

So tell me who it is

First among men?

Not handsome, but not evil,

And the affection is groovy!

Red nose and beard!

Not a maniac, not gay!

And people call it “Fierce”

He wears felt boots.

Well, just think it's a problem,

He will pinch sometimes.

Who will blame him for that?

And you won’t run out of tea!

He comes with a thick stick

Will not leave you without a gift!

And a whole cart of gifts!

And his name is...

New Year is coming.

He wags his tail.

Lots of meat and income

He foreshadows us!

There will be many friends

And there won't be a fight!

We will live more fun!

This year...

I’m very glad that you guessed right, you know the brains on the spot!

Have fun, pour it!.. Well, for me, two hundred grams...

Riddle for adults: Whose parents are the Snowman and the Snowwoman?

Answer: Snow Maidens

Correct answer: Bigfoot

Riddle for adults: Why does Santa Claus have a red nose?

Answer: drank a lot

Correct answer: he just came from a Russian bathhouse, because in Russia since ... there has been such a tradition before the New Year to go to the bathhouse with friends

Who can do it without the Internet?

Give answers to riddles?

Who can give the answers?

He will be rich all year!

1.Human growth,

The figure is super simple:

30:60:90. (snow woman)

2. The whole holiday is silent,

Well, very green... (Christmas tree)

3.Tell him a poem

And he will go into the bag. (Father Frost)

4.Beauty, not a fool -

Well, ash stump... (Snow Maiden)

5. A naked man came out onto the ice,

It turned out... (ice)

6. Travel on foot on New Year's Eve

Santa Claus is lazy

There is a team at the gate,

And in it there is one... (deer)

7.Watches, perfumes and foreign cars -

All this for the New Year... (gifts)

8. There is already a scab on the butt,

But Egorka climbs up:

“At last, it’s cool...” (slide)

9. We celebrate with you here -

This holiday... (new year)

10.New, but on the contrary,

Holiday... (old new year)

11. The janitor kept shoveling and rowing the snow,

Has grown three times... (snowdrift)

12. For those who don’t have enough money -

She dreams of earning her salary. (shovel)

New Year's scenario, corporate (scene for a feast with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

The usual text is Santa Claus.

In quotes - Snow Maiden.

In double quotes - Together.

In parentheses – Scenario.

The text is spoken slowly, drawlingly, as is customary. Santa Claus in particular. The Snow Maiden sometimes speaks a little faster and as if childish.

“Believe it or not, believe it or not -”

The holiday is knocking on your door!

Although you are no longer children,

“We came to you anyway!”

(go to the people)

“And really, what?

Since the mustache grows on the face, "

5 breast size

“And in glasses, like mercury,

The intoxicating potion is splashing - »

Are you not worthy of fun?!

New Year's Eve, live!

“Children’s, simple happiness!”

Believe in fairy tales and goodness!

No, friends! "No matter how old

That legend about Grandfather,

That he was named Frost

Whose unshakable credo

Come home with a gift!”

And a beautiful maiden

His granddaughter, the mischievous

About the Snow Maiden! “But still!

We have come to you!” (they approach the cake, but do not look at it) “Give me a knife!” (very ambiguous)

(start cutting the cake)

We will cut the cake and everyone

Who will believe in us, “what matters!”

Taking it from our hands,

(they start handing out the cake)

Doesn't know any parting

In the new year, no loss,

“No salary reduction!”

Abbreviations and simple

They will bypass you!

“And the tricks of the dark power,

From the pre-Barack era,

Turned into a Crisis

They will perish! As if we were dreaming

They are in your nightmare -

Believe me! "And me!"

Only happiness and good luck

Bring you a new year!

"We are wizards, which means

This is how everything will happen!”

“Angels-children”, colleagues-friends,

A competent chef - “and not a pig at all!”

Kind faces every day,

“Goodbye fatigue, boredom and laziness!”

Work and home that bring joy!

(they finish handing out the cake).

“Look, there’s no cake left!”

It doesn’t matter - after all, everyone got it!

And I’ll eat at the next point!..

“In short, fellow citizens, Happy New Year to all!”

And remember, we are inseparable from the people!

“Both at five years old and at seventy - everyone will receive it!”

Snegurochka and I are a ray of sunshine!

“The one, the one and only!”

The best day of the year, everyone's favorite!

""New Year's Day, when a FAIRY TALE WILL BE!

And just try to forget it!..(they threaten with a knife)""

(leave to applause)

New Year's scenario (cool hussar humor with Peter the Great and Lieutenant Rzhevsky)


A happy holiday is coming,

And there’s just a little bit left before it.

Do you know how it started?

How was the New Year established?


Among the arranged bottles

Cutting off a slice of sausage

Tsar Peter sat scratching the back of his head,

Staining my mustache with a snack,

With friends slamming a glass,

And brushing off the dandruff from your shoulders,

He is the courtier Alexashka

He made this speech:


The idea was big

Russian home improvement.


They will drink, plunder, steal,

And we will be blamed for everything!

Who are you referring to here?

Saying such things?


Russia is always blamed

Only the previous king!

I'll cut a window to Europe,

Having built a city on the Neva.


And we will look at... how

Do they already live in Moscow?

I want to leave about myself

Good memory in Rus'.


So we need to add holidays,

At least ask someone, Min Herz!

There are plenty of church holidays, after all,

And the devil himself can’t tell them apart!


How to cut through a window now, at least

Leave, for example, New Year.

And what kind of holiday is this?


Tsar Peter, get the calendar,

As soon as it ends

Hit a lady while dancing!

Wait a whole year? For what? What's the point here?

Such deadlines? Weak or what?!


Dance all year, but without fireworks,

And on New Year's Day there will be fireworks.

Fireworks - not bad! But to no avail

Shoot only at the sky, my friend.


And let them put up Christmas trees

And they dance around.

And let everyone drink a glass!

Let the ladies be complimented.


Let the children be given gifts!

Let there be a lot of sweets in them.

I respect this arrangement.

Persuaded! Get into it people.

By my decree I approve

From now on the holiday is New Year!


Well then, Min Hertz? Let's celebrate the holiday?

I'm already thirsty!

Well, so be it! Wine, you prankster!


Behind new holiday- New Year!

(break for toast and food)


Thank you, Minin and Pozharsky,

Here's to a new holiday and a shifted day off.


But we need a hussar holiday

ALL (in unison)


Hussar, whether sober or drunk,

But he is still witty and resourceful.


Hussars love restaurants

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


All the hussars congratulate you!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, is it any wonder you recognize us?


They recognized us, Cornet Azarov,

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Frost helped us for a reason

And twice he closed the window to Europe.


After all, Santa Claus served in the hussars

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


It seems they have decided to lay off us?


What to discuss when the whole matter is decided?


And we hammered on this

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


We barely spent the old year,

And the New Year is already knocking on our window.


I hope everyone has already had a drink?

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Here is a witty hussar toast

It would be both appropriate and funny to remember.


No wonder the table is set like a king

ALL (in unison)

A long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, here is a toast for you,

Let it be laconic and simple.


Dear colleagues,

Let's shake hands!

We gathered for the first time

Celebrate the year of the red dog!

And this year, of course,

Brings good luck to everyone

After all, he is a friend of man,

Because he is a dog.

Let him bark like a dog

The coming New Year,

Let his tail wag

And he gives his paw!

With a kind glance,

Let him lick everyone's hands,

Good luck in the year of your dog!

Happy Year of the Red Dog everyone!

(break for toast and food)


to the tune of V. Vysotsky’s song “Oh, Van, look what clowns”


Oh, look, everyone is already seated,

They are expecting something from us again.

All the jokers have gone somewhere,

While we are joking, everything will be swept away.

You joke to them like a clockwork one,

And while you salivate,

And don’t swear, and don’t whine,

Where's the day off?


The tables were not occupied by people!

We treated everyone!

In addition, the boss gave us a slight bonus,

And this means it was a success.

Please stop the grumbling

And don’t whine, and don’t whine,

And start joking already

And get into the role!


Well, what do you want to joke about?

When does the sword of Damocles hang?

Again, you say something wrong,

And the authorities will flog everyone?

Moreover, reforms threaten us,

They don't make me happy

We might all be laid off,

This is the situation!


How long have I been working in science?

Then they threaten us with reforms,

Then they tempt you with a new benefit,

In fact, they will only make noise.

And what will the authorities punish?

Don't take it into account now

The balance has been reduced - income and expenses,

On New Year's Eve!


Well, if we are not punishable,

The authorities must be found

And I'll tell him this,

What will be remembered for a long time.


No, where did you go to disperse,

There is no reason for us to argue,

Give me the microphone now

And get out!


Friends, I hope you guessed it,

That this quarrel is not serious,


And we did not intend to quarrel,

And that’s not the question now.


We need to celebrate the New Year,

Let everyone pour something

May the year bring good luck,

Here's to the New Year!


Dear friends, it has already become a tradition to sing old songs about the main thing on New Year’s Eve.

But since the emphasis of some holidays has shifted somewhat, these songs now need to be sung in a slightly different version.

(To the tune of “So Many Guys Are Single”)

Fedor was left without children,

Are there many problems with this?

Are there really no kings in Russia?

Only Shuisky and the Godunovs?

What about without kings? You can't live without them!

There are so many young boyars,

But they chose Romanov.

(To the tune of “Bravely, comrades, keep up!”)

Bravely, fellow citizens, keep up,

We are used to living in struggle.

The road to the kingdom of tsarism

We choose for ourselves!

(To the tune of “Tachanka”)

You fly out of the way bird,

Get the beast out of the way.

Just don't let us get lost!

Hey, Susanin, show me off!

(to the tune of “An order was given to him to go west”)

“If there is a threat to the royal power,

Let’s protect the entire country!” —

Names were Minin and Pozharsky

To the civil war.

(To the tune of “Everything is ghostly in this raging world”)

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,

Prophetic heart, why are you silent?

How can we find out how we will be assessed in the future?

Who was the bad guy, and who was the good guy?

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

1. Designation “teremka” it is necessary to make a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.

2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.

3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).

4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).

5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Hurrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Self-confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown.” He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he’s saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);

Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);

Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);

Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);

Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);

Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Leading: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

Guests answer: For a long time!

Leading: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in chorus: Yes!

Leading: But if I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Would you like us to check it out? Or let's remember everything together? All in chorus:

Leading: I need six volunteers! Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Leading: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale? Participants speculate.

Leading: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the biggest person gets, for example, the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear! They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements.

Presented to the participant who will play Mouse - Mop,

For the frog - a plate and a spoon,

For the bunny - a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Leading: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, I’m the only one speaking! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards! It is advisable for the audience to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is briefly turned on, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Leading: So, dear friends, make yourself comfortable! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see completely a new fairy tale called "Teremok".

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Leading: Little Mouse ran past on her important business ("Mouse" runs out, hysterically yelling "PEE-PEE-PEE!").

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around Teremok three times (the mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.) When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t hold back! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Leading: From afar, the Jumping Bunny heard the smell of a delicious lunch!

(Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? – asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok. Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Leading: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka).

Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in! Dance music is turned on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Leading: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let's feed! And he - “run into”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past. (Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Leading: The Bear came up to Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Leading: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners

Dressing competition for Father Frost and Snow Maiden

The essence of the competition and the comedy of the situation is as follows. It is advisable to have a real costume of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, but let men's suit consists of pants and a jacket, and women's - a skirt and jacket. The more individual parts of the kit, the better. The whole team is divided into 2 parts: boys separately, girls separately. As a result, there will be 2 teams. Usually people are undressed for the sake of humor, today, on the contrary, they will be dressed. The task is the following. The girls are tasked with dressing Santa Claus in a suit, and the boys must do the same, but with the Snow Maiden. From each team, 1 person is selected who will do the dressing. The costumes mixed with other things are laid out on the table. Representatives from each team are blindfolded. Then, blindfolded, they take turns approaching the table with things and “select” one of the costume parts by touch. Then the selected part of the costume is put on Father Frost or the Snow Maiden, who are also blindfolded. Santa Claus is dressed by a girl, Snow Maiden is dressed by a guy. If you don't blindfold it, it won't be interesting. Otherwise, no one will be able to control what is taken from the table and what is put on another person. Due to confusion with things, the main characters of the holiday will end up wearing everything that comes to hand first. Whether the main characters of the show find it funny is not so important, but for those who watch it all, laughter is guaranteed.

Music competition "Song of the Year"

The essence of the competition is as follows: the words “sing” or “not singing” are written on pieces of paper. There should be as many notes as there are people attending the event. Before writing notes, it is worth deciding how many people will sing on stage. Usually 4-5 participants are enough. If there are more of them, the event will be delayed and will no longer be interesting. Everyone present at the party draws a ticket. Those who have “sing” written on the piece of paper will have to perform any song of their choice. Here, too, you can beat the situation. Either the person chooses what to sing, or you can trust the electronics. Let her automatically decide which song each participant will sing. Then an improvised or real presenter comes on stage and announces the opening competitive program. The singers take turns going on stage and singing. After the end of the performance, all the singers line up on the stage, and the audience expresses their appreciation of each singer with loud applause and hooting. At the end, you can give the competition finalist the opportunity to perform an encore.

Competition between teams “2 in one harness”

If the size of the room allows, you can hold a mini-competition. The team is divided into 2 teams. Required condition– an even number of people in each of them. Then the team is divided into pairs, each of which is given pants, which consist of 2 pairs of pants. The funny thing is that both pairs are connected to each other by one of the legs at the bottom side. 1 trousers are worn by one person from the pair, 2 - by the second. After the pants are put on, the “start” command is given. Each pair must run a certain distance, then return back. After this, 2 pairs enter the competition and so on. It will be funny when the couple starts moving forward together with their trousers connected.

Joke task “I made him out of what was there”

To hold the competition, you need to prepare the so-called masquerade costumes in advance. They must be funny. For example, 1 long sleeve is sewn onto a jacket with short sleeves, or the 1st leg of the trousers is cut off and the 2nd is left. You can sew multi-colored patches to clothes, or vice versa, make holes in different places. Whatever comes to mind. Each suit is placed in a separate bag. Shoes and accessories are added to things. You can also play around with shoes. For example, put 1 high-heeled shoe, 2 low-heeled shoes. Interesting options you can play with a skirt. Cut it at an angle, sew a ponytail at the back, make a fringe with scissors, cut holes, and lace it up. 5-10 people are selected from the corporate party participants. They give them funny costumes and ask them to change their clothes. Then they organize a kind of competition for the coolest costume.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 with jokes

As you know, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. Accordingly, the scenario may be somehow connected with this animal. It is worth preparing competitions and all the necessary paraphernalia in advance.

Sample scenario for a corporate event in 2019:

Presenter: Hello dear employees(Company name). Today we are all on the eve of the New Year and expect a lot of interesting and unexpected things from it. The Year of the Pig is a fairly dynamic period, so I suggest you practice your ability to run fast (a “pig race” competition is held). The presenter distributes prizes to the participants. Invites to say a toast and drink to the coming year.

Presenter: After the employees have shown who is the fastest and can do the assigned work perfectly, we invite you to compete in loyalty to the boss. After all, as you know, the Pig is a devoted animal (the “devoted friend” competition). Again, those invited say a toast and congratulate each other on the holidays.

Presenter. Well, we have already decided who is the best and most dedicated employee. But Pigs still love to take a walk. Therefore, it is necessary to select the most beautiful employees (a “Beauty Exhibition” competition is held).

Presenter. As you know, Pigs have excellent instincts and always keep their ears to the ground. Now let’s check which of the company’s employees has good hearing, instinct, and who should retire (see the “shifter” competition below).

Presenter. Now you need the leader of the pack to say a toast and congratulate him, presenting gifts to all employees (a toast from the boss).

Presenter. With these congratulations, we hasten to say goodbye to you, Happy New Year!

Scenes can be either pre-rehearsed or unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes turn out to be much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes for corporate events:

  • Knight. The presenter chooses himself handsome man and a woman. The woman stands on the chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. Moreover, women play male roles and vice versa. It is necessary for the presenter to read a fairy tale, and for the characters to enter a large box or fenced area, like a mansion. You can give participants the words of each character on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade into new way. Participants are selected from the audience; these are the main characters, as in the fairy tale. The scene is supplemented by clippings from modern songs that fit the meaning of a specific segment of the fairy tale.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes

Competitions can be themed and correspond to the Year of the Pig, or simply interesting games related to the New Year.


  • Pig race. It is necessary to use tapes to divide the hall into three paths. Participants put on pig masks, get on all fours and crawl to the finish line; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner.
  • Devoted friend. An interesting and unusual competition that allows employees to become friends and understand each other better. During the competition, three pairs must be selected. It is desirable that these are opposite-sex partners. After this, you need to ask the participants to get on all fours. A fabric ball is attached to one of the partners in the “tail” area. And the second member of the couple must remove it with his teeth. Whichever pair can do it faster wins.
  • Beauty exhibition. It is better to hold the competition when all participants are already drunk. Those interested are chosen to participate, preferably both men and women. You must ask the pigs to stand on all fours and attach their tails. Now you need to ask the participants to wag their tails. Whoever wags his tail more naturally wins. Pieces of fur of different colors are suitable for the competition.

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Pig

It is best to transfer the jokes and entertainment to the second part of the holiday, when all the participants of the corporate party have already met and had fun. Gags should be low-active, that is, carried out at the table. This is necessary to give the participants a rest.

Fun and entertainment:

  • Alphabet. It is necessary to prepare cards with letters. Each guest chooses a letter. The other box should contain transcripts. For example, “O” is “Huge salary”, and “K” is “Cool vacation”. Try to choose cool statuses.
  • Lottery. A simple and fun competition. Buy inexpensive and cool gifts in advance. These could be fun pig themed trinkets. For example, a collar, a ball or a food bowl. Place the gifts in one bag and pieces of paper with numbers corresponding to each gift in the second. Let each participant pull out a paper with a number and receive their prize. It's quite fun to receive gifts for pigs.
  • Never. It is necessary that each of the guests say something that he has never done in his life. For example, I have never scuba dived or played basketball. Those of the guests who brought this to life should have a glass. Make sure that the glasses are small so that guests don’t get drunk.
  • Dialogue of the deaf. The presenter invites the manager and his subordinate. The boss puts on headphones. The subordinate tries to ask various questions that relate to work and salary. At the same time, the boss does not understand or hear what his colleague is saying, since he is wearing headphones and loud music is playing. The leader must try to answer something that he cannot hear. It turns out fun and funny.

Corporate party 2018: New Year's holiday scenario

The host opens the corporate event with words of greeting. This is followed by a short introduction about the past year, its symbol and features, and the attention of those present smoothly switches to the symbol of the coming year, and what it will bring to people.

The next step will be the word of the manager, who will greet his subordinates and also sum up the results with words of gratitude to the team for the work done.

Next, the presenter offers a small competition for ladies who love to dress up. The competition consists of how quickly each participant dresses in the prepared clothes. But the competition is not over yet! After quickly dressing, the same undressing follows, but with the help of men, who, wearing mittens, should help the ladies undress.

After the competition, employees should be given a rest by turning on calm music. They will have some time to eat and chat.

After a short pause, the presenter announces a couple more competitions and selects other people to participate. After completing the competition part, you should let people socialize and have a drink.

So, the musical part of the evening: remember that the music should be varied.

After the rest, you need to motivate the employees again by offering several thematic quizzes and competitions.

Competitions for New Year's corporate parties

  • The well-known game is considered an ideal competition for team building: “How much do you know about me?” . The essence of the competition: all employees write on small pieces of paper a fact from their lives that no one knows about. For example: I broke a glass at school, burned down a barn as a child, or rode a pig with my grandmother in the village. The presenter pulls out pieces of paper and reads what was written out loud, and those present must guess who wrote it.
  • Snowfall. All participants (from 5 to 15 people, depending on the size of the room) are given snowflakes. At a signal, preferably when the song starts, the participants throw up snowflakes and start blowing so that they don’t fall. The participant whose snowflake flies the longest wins.
  • Table racing! Racing tracks are set up on the table, participants are selected who must push the racing ball through a straw to the finish line.

When organizing competitions, do not forget about gifts that will be a pleasant surprise for all participants. Everything that I found cool, I published for you in this post. I wish you to have fun from the heart! Good luck!

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New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it!

Give your colleagues a real fun winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities! This funny scenario for a cheerful company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will turn it into a real unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  1. The designation “teremka” requires making a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.
  3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).
  4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).
  5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Hurrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Self-confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown.” He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he’s saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

  • Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);
  • Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);
  • Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);
  • Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);
  • Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

The guests answer: A long time ago!

Host: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in unison: Yes!

Host: If I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Would you like us to check it out? Or let's remember everything together?

All in chorus:

Host: I need six volunteers!

Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants speculate.

Host: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the biggest person gets, for example, the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear!

They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements. The participant who will play the Mouse is given a mop, the Frog is given a plate and spoon, and the Bunny is given a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, only I speak! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards!

Viewers are welcome. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is briefly turned on, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Host: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear and at the same time see a completely new fairy tale called “Teremok”.

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Presenter: The Little Mouse was running past, on her important business (the “Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “PEEP-PEEP!”).

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around Teremok three times (the mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.)

When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t help myself! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Presenter: From afar, the Jumping Bunny heard the smell of a delicious lunch! (Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? – asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok.

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Host: The main party girl, Vixen, also joined in on the fun! (The participant in this image comes out with a sexy gait, purring) Well, who wouldn’t like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners weren’t against it!

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse washes under the Frog, the Bunny, the Fox, the Frog feeds everyone in turn with a spoon, the Bunny measures everyone, and the Fox dances sexily in front of everyone.

Host: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka). Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in!

Dance music is turned on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Presenter: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let’s feed! And he - “run into”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past.

(Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Presenter: The Bear approached Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Host: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

Corporate New Year's fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  • To stage the fairy tale “Kolobok”, it is necessary to make the facade of a Russian hut with opening window shutters from plywood or thick cardboard.
  • The house needs to be beautifully painted in the Old Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative bushes, stumps, etc.
  • Recording backing tracks of music different nations: for the scene in the grandfather and grandmother's house - an old Russian melody, for the scene with the hare - a rap beat, for the scene with the wolf - Georgian tunes, for the scene with the fox - Chinese, for the scene with the bear - accordion playing.


  1. Storyteller (dressed in a Russian sundress and kokoshnik);
  2. Kolobok-Italian (on his head is a hat with a pompom and a long bright scarf);
  3. Hare - American (rapper cap);
  4. Wolf – Caucasian (thick mustache, airfield cap);
  5. Fox – Chinese (kimono, fan, matching make-up);
  6. Bear – Russian (earflap hat, accordion).

Scene #1

In the middle of the stage is the frame of a hut on supports. There is a chair behind. Old Russian music sounds. A storyteller appears in the window.


In one house, on the edge of the forest
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather with his old lady.
Grandma and grandfather in that hut
Suddenly they baked a bun.

The most beautiful gingerbread man,
Round, round, and ruddy.
He jumped off the stove at once,
He rushed off into the forest in the night.

Ran away from grandma
He ran away from his grandfather.
They're both crying, here's a hint
That's the beginning of our fairy tale.

Sit down, guests, make yourself comfortable,
Listen to the story in more detail.

Scene #2

Set forest elements. The bun comes out and dances. The music is in rap style.


Our bun is not simple,
He is not Russian, not native.
Look, he's dressed to the nines!
Because he's Italian.
Humming independently
Something like “bravissimo!”

(A hare appears on stage).

And towards him a hare,
He appears to be American.

The hare raps:
Hello, Kolobok, where have you come?
Whom did you look for and who did you find?
I know you ran away from your grandparents.
You came to me, I was waiting for you!

(Music turns off)


The bun rolled
Along the path, through the woods!
And then according to our fairy tale
The gray wolf comes out
Caucasian nationality!

(Georgian chants sound, the Wolf comes out)

Such a serious man
With gray, rough, prickly bristles.

Gray ox:

Uh-uh, buddy, where are we headed?
I won’t let you go further until we support the feast together!
Not accepted in our area,
Stay hungry when visiting!


The table is set, the guests are sitting,
To the left, to the right, toasts sound more beautiful!
“For the hare! For grandma! For grandfather!
And we won't let you go until lunch.
Don't be offended, he says, you're on ME!
You will be a snack on our table!

Our little bun thought.
And he slipped away on the quiet!
(Music turns off)

He goes and is a little sad,
Suddenly he hears an accordion sound!
(The sound of an accordion plays)
He sees that it is neither far nor close,
A clumsy bear comes out to him!
Plays music, plays,
And the bun is already eating from afar.

(The bear comes out).


He came closer and smiled.
He swallowed his saliva and licked his lips.


Well, that's it, the bun has rolled in!
And it turned into my lunch.
Shut up, I won't listen!
How I want to eat!


Kolobok was not a little scared!
He turned around, dodged and ran!
I would have gone as fast as I could, if only I had them!
So the branches hit me in the face and hit me!

(Music turns off)

And then his strength ran out,
And the scary moments ended.
The bun smiled and shook himself off.
He turned around through his ruddy side.
Here he goes further slowly
And suddenly meet a beautiful fox!

(A Chinese melody plays and Lisa comes out to it)

Our bun was stunned by its beauty!
Lost for speech, he sat down on the ground.
This could only happen to him
Only he could fall in love with a fox!


Come closer to me
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!
I want to take a look, my friend,
Your ruddy, bready side.
I want to get to know you!
Or rather, rather, gobble it up!


The fox jumped on the bun,
She grabbed her sides with her claws!
And let's torment him,
And at the same time humming.


Stupid, stupid bun,
Your head is round
Who needs you as a friend?
Everyone needs you like food!

(Music turns off)


This would be the end of the fairy tale,
But here's another tip of mine:
He rolled through the forest for so long.
That his barrel has already hardened!

And when the fox attacked him,
She just broke her teeth!
For your business, evil predator!
Appreciate those who have great love for you.

Everything is clear now without further ado,
In life, great and universal love conquers evil!
Ending: all the heroes come out to bow to applause.

Kolobok returned home,
Kohl remained alive in our fairy tale!

The New Year's feast is always very generous and cheerful. And at the beginning of the holiday, various table games wonderfully lift the spirits: horoscopes, toasts, guessing games and which help to “get involved” in entertainment program and get to know each other a little or, if you know each other, then relax and feel comfortable, as happens among close people.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's table role-playing tales - impromptu, which will decorate the program of any New Year's holiday. For such table entertainment you will only need cards with words for the characters, text for the host and, if desired, small props for the participants.

New Year's table role-playing tale "Hello, New Year!"

Before the start of the remarks, you can rehearse, explaining to all participants that they need to be said when the congratulations are about their hero, and when exactly - it will be clear from the text and emotional accents that the presenter will give (you can even agree on signs). Although, if you read it expressively, then everyone understands when to join.

Characters, lines:


Toastmaster- “There’s still a whole hour until the New Year!”

District- “So, maybe you can pour it for me today?”

Father Frost- “And I brought you gifts!”

Guests- "Hello, New Year!"

Neighbours- "Congratulations to all of you!"

The host selects the “artists” who will deliver certain remarks in a playful manner:

Artist selection

Leading: So that we can play a scene,
The roles should be given out!
(To some of the guests) You, I see, are not silent
And talk all the time.
We need an announcer now
You're just right! (Hands over a piece of paper with a phrase for the role of Announcer.)
(To another guest) And tell you toasts -
So you are the toastmaster! (Gives words for the role of Toastmaster)
(To another guest) The person is not new to everyone -
Everyone knows the district police officer! (Gives words for the role of the District Officer)
(Male guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He's late for something! (Gives words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) Let's ask you to be neighbors
We are always very glad to see you! (Gives words for Neighbors)
(To another group of guests) Be our Guest
And play with us! (Hands over words for Guests)

Next, the Presenter reads the text, and the guests, after the corresponding words, pronounce their remarks.
Fairy tale text
People are going to celebrate the holiday
And, as expected, celebrate the New Year.
The glasses are already filled to the brim,
AND Guests screaming... (Hello, New Year!)
But on TV Speaker not in a hurry at all
It rustles with various papers for a long time
And it seems to inform us...

Rises Toastmaster at the table in full height
And makes a very fresh toast,
Quite swaying with a glass in hand...
And on TV the music is playing loudly
And Basque performs his famous hit.
And the glasses are filled to the brim again.
All Guests screaming... (Hello, New Year!)

Here Father Frost the latecomer knocks.
Seeing painfully familiar faces,
Rubs his red nose in embarrassment
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
A Guests decided to raise the Toastmaster.
He can't get up on his own!
And he makes a toast, as if in a dream... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
A Speaker repeats especially for us... (There's still a whole hour until the New Year!)
He's probably afraid that we'll get too big
And we can’t wait for the New Year!
The doorbell rang. They burst in Neighbours,
They brought wine and all sorts of food.
They are shouting from the doorway... (Congratulations to all of you!)
A Speaker(There's still a whole hour until the New Year!)
After making room a little, we sat down at the table.
Totally inopportune, District came in
Seeing our company in the window... (So, maybe you can pour it for me today?)
Neighbours screaming... (Congratulations to all of you!)
A Speaker(There's still a whole hour until the New Year!)
Here he takes out his bag Father Frost
And whispers... (And I brought you gifts!)
How great it is to celebrate the New Year together!
And, barely breathing, Toastmaster ours gets up... (So ​​let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
He can't wait for gifts anymore.
Glasses have been poured for the main toast,
In one impulse everyone rose Guests,
They chant together... (Hello, New Year!)
And the clock hands are rushing forward!
Our Toastmaster sobered up in an instant
And again he stubbornly repeats his toast ... (So let's drink to those who are now on horseback!)
Well, let’s pour it and raise a glass to the New Year!

New Year's table tale for a close company "Well, you give!"
(Author of the idea: Arapova I.Yu.)

This table entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played according to the same rules, but with a funnier text, designed for an adult company. This one will especially benefit if the characters, in addition to cards with words, are given small props: funny hats, noses, headbands that will emphasize the comical nature of the image.

Characters and lines :

New Year- “Well, you give it!”

Father Frost - “Are you drinking without me?”

Snow Maiden- "Both on!"

Old ladies (Baba Yagas) - “Well, nevermind!”

Goblin- “Well, good luck!”

Waitress- “Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people)- "Happy New Year!"

Leading- reads the text

Fairy tale text

On New Year's Eve
The people have a tradition of celebrating
To the people crisis, adversity
Satisfied people scream loudly... ("Happy New Year!")

And here he sits in front of us New Year,
It's as if he was just born,
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
And he wonders out loud: ... (“Well, you give!”)

A Guests cheerful, fashionably dressed
They shout loudly for joy: ... ("Happy New Year!")

He rushed to congratulate (he sticks his nose everywhere)
Who's tired of matinees? Father Frost!
He says barely coherently: … (“Are you drinking without me?”)
In reply New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)

And what’s outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
But Guests anyway - they shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

I got up here Snow Maiden theatrically,
And she looks very sexy.
Apparently she won’t go home alone,
And she said mysteriously... ("Both on!")

Father Frost sniffled: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
In reply New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)
A Guests again, without hesitation and immediately,
They shout louder and louder: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,
He savors it, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing everything groans: ... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)

Two frisky grannies, two Baba Yaga,
It's like we got off on the right foot
Cooing over a glass about the fate of the jagus,
And they are outraged out loud: ... (“Well, never mind, myself!”)

Snow Maiden full of passion, desire,
With temptation and languidly he repeats: ... ("Both on!")
Freezing screams:... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
And then New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)

Everything is going its way, going its own way,
AND Guests they shout again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but bright and brief
Contributed Waitress.
She threw the arrows on the table,
Asked: ... (“Who broke all the plates?”)

Yaguski, having settled down, as if in a hut,
They shouted to her in unison: ... (“Well, never mind, myself!”)
Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughs, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

A Grandfather, already shouting:... (“Are you drinking without me?”)
Behind him New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)
AND Guests feeling freedom of thoughts
They chant together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Goblin, with joy, almost crying,
He gets up with the words: ... (“Well, good luck!”)
A Waitress, having sipped the burners,
Asked: ... (“Who broke all the plates?”)

Babuski, having one more sausage
The couple shouts: ... (“Well, never mind, myself!”)
Snow Maiden I also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed out loud: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Father Frost, whispering slyly, (“Are you drinking without me?”)

And drinks New Year: … (“Well, you give!”)
And Leshy, he’s been jumping around with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... (“Well, good luck!”)

And the glasses seem to be filled with honey,
U Guests, that they drink and shout together: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year table impromptu"Forest Tale"

Characters and lines:

Hare- “Life is not easy for hares”

Elk- “Everything in me broke!”

Cat- "I'd like some champagne"

Piggy- “I’m as beautiful as a snowflake!”

Hedgehog- "Without head and legs"

Fairy tale text

In the New Year, everything, without a doubt,
They believe in fairy tales, gentlemen!
In our hall of transformation

And brilliant acting!

Fairy tale text
In the forest, under an old tree
Lives Bunny timid.
He always says one thing: (Life is not easy for hares)
One day, on New Year's Eve,
The forest people gathered.
To visit the oblique one,
Have a drink and a snack there.
old uncle came Elk (Everything in me broke)
The Maiden came with him - Cat (I'd like some champagne)
Aunt came running Piggy (I'm as beautiful as a snowflake.)
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)
He appeared, shivering from the cold.
Hare repeats to everyone: (Life is not easy for hares)
Here my uncle said Elk:(Everything in me broke)
“So that life is easy in the morning,

100 grams of cognac helps.”
But my aunt intervened Cat: (I'd like some champagne)
“Life will become easier for the oblique one,

If he learns to be cunning.”
“No, let me,” he says Piggy, - (I'm as beautiful as a snowflake.)
To make life easier,

We need to marry him!”
Joined the conversation here Hedgehog (I'm without a head and legs)

“To live easily in the world,
You need to get courage."

Hare know, one thing is repeated: (Life is not easy for hares)
Nothing, I told everyone Elk:(Everything in me broke)
"New Year is coming,
So we will all be lucky.”
The girl says Cat: (I'd like some champagne)
“And so that success overtakes us,
I invite everyone to have a drink."
“This is a thought,” she cried Piggy(I'm as beautiful as a snowflake.)
Happy and wise to drink Hedgehog(I'm without a head and legs)
The animals began to pour
And congratulate each other.
So that life is easy for everyone,
And everyone was always lucky in everything!

New Year's role-playing fairy tale"Japanese belief about the symbols of the year"

Participants are given words and 12 animal masks.
The presenter reads the text. The one he calls says his phrase.

Characters and lines:

Mouse - “You can’t fool around with me!”
Bull- “I’m warning you, I’m a jock!”
Tiger- “No more games!”
Rabbit- “I’m not an alcoholic!”
The Dragon- “My word is law!”
Snake- “Well, of course, it’s me!”
Horse- “The fight will be hot”
Goat- “Everyone, of course, is in favor!”
Monkey- “I’m definitely without a flaw!”
Rooster- “Wow!” - I scream at the top of my lungs!
Dog- “There will soon be a fight here!”
Pig- “As soon as I do!”
People(The audience) shouts in unison - “Congratulations!”

Fairy tale text

There is a Japanese belief

A fairy tale, simply put:

One day the animals gathered
Choose your own king
The Mouse came running... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Dragon has arrived... ( “My word is law!”)
The Goat also appeared... (“Everyone, of course, is in favor!”)
The Dog rushed... ( "There's going to be a fight here soon!")
The Snake crawled... ( “Well, of course it’s me!”)
The Rooster came running... (
The Pig has arrived... ( “As soon as I do!”)
The Horse galloped... ( "The fight will be hot")
Tiger jumped... ( "No more games!")
Bull came along... (“I warn you, I’m a jock!”)
The Rabbit galloped... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey has arrived... ( “I’m definitely without a flaw!”)
We gathered for the New Year,
They began to howl, meow, bark,
Argument and shouting until dawn:
Everyone wants to rule each other
Everyone wants to become king.
Mouse reported... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Rabbit screamed hysterically... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
The Monkey was indignant... ( “I’m definitely without a flaw!”)
The Snake stated... ( “Well, of course it’s me!”)
The Dog warned everyone... ( "There's going to be a fight here soon!")
Bull got angry... (“I warn you, I’m a jock!”)
The Dragon yelled to everyone... ( “My word is law!”)
The Rooster crowed... ( “Ugh! - I scream at the top of my lungs!”)
The Goat bent her horns... (“Everyone, of course, is in favor!”)
The Tiger growled menacingly... ( "No more games!")
The Pig got scared... ... ( “As soon as I do!”)
The Horse bucked... ( "The fight will be hot")
In general, we had a fight on New Year’s Eve,
When the people chanted joyfully... (“Congratulations!”)

And from heaven it is strict on this
Looked Japanese God
And he said: “It’s time, by God,
Stop the commotion!
Get into a friendly round dance,
Let each one reign for one year!”
The Goat jumped... (“Everyone, of course, is in favor!”)
The Dragon approved... ( “My word is law!”)
Suggested by the Pig... ( “As soon as I do!”)
Tiger also confirmed... ( "No more games!")
The Rooster was happy... ( “Ugh! - I scream at the top of my lungs!”)
Bull warned everyone... (“I warn you, I’m a jock!”)
The Mouse said languidly... (“You can’t fool around with me!”)
The Snake boasted to everyone... ( “Well, of course it’s me!”)
In response to her is a Monkey... ( “I’m definitely without a flaw!”)
The Dog sniffed... ( "There's going to be a fight here soon!")
The Horse frowned... ( "The fight will be hot")
Only the Rabbit squealed... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
It was on New Year's Eve
When people chant joyfully... (“Congratulations!”)

The selection is posted for your reference.
