MTS Internet settings - manual and automatic for phone and modem. Automatic Internet settings "Megafon": instructions for users How to get automatic settings

Alexander Grishin

If you don’t know how to order automatic Internet settings on Tele2, then take a couple of minutes to read these instructions. We will tell you how to get them, as well as what to do if the settings do not arrive or cannot be installed. The instructions are suitable for smartphones on different platforms: Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile.

Receiving automatic Tele2 settings

In order to receive automatic Internet settings on your phone with a Tele 2 SIM card, you need to make a request by dialing a short number 679 . After this, the operator should almost immediately send Internet/MMS settings. Save them and restart your phone - the Internet should work.

If it doesn’t work, go to the settings section and check whether the access point is selected as the default access point.

check path:

  • for smartphones on Android 5.1 (in earlier versions a different path is possible): Menu -> settings -> mobile network -> APN access points
  • for Windows 10 Mobile: Menu -> settings -> network and wireless connections -> cellular network
  • for Windows Phone: Menu -> settings -> network and wireless connections -> cellular network
  • for iPhone: Menu -> settings -> main network -> cellular data network

If Tele2’s automatic Internet settings do not arrive, you will have to enter them manually

Manual Internet setup Tele2

You can manually set up the Internet on Tele 2 as follows:

  1. Go to the menu and select the “Access Point” subsection. How to do this is written above.
  2. Create a new profile and give it a name, for example “Tele 2 INTERNET”
  3. In the APN (access point) field write:
  4. In the MNC field, enter: 20
  5. In the MCC field enter: 250
  6. In the APN Type field, select: default.
  7. In the home page field, enter:
  8. Proxy server: Not installed or Off.

You can leave all other fields blank. In the end it should look like this:

Save the settings, try restarting the Internet - it should work.

Manual settings parameters can also be ordered via SMS using a code *202# or find them on the operator’s official website.

P.s. If, after automatic or manual setup, Tele2 Internet does not work, check whether the mobile Internet service (GPRS/EDGE) is connected to your tariff.

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Every phone connected to the Megafon network wonders how to set up the Internet? Without the correct settings, it will be impossible to use the network and MMS. This applies to both regular phones and widely used smartphones.

When you install a SIM card in any modern mobile device, it is configured automatically. However, sometimes it happens that the settings themselves were not installed or were not registered - then you need to configure the phone manually. This review will tell you how automatic configuration occurs, as well as how to enter the settings yourself.

Ordering Internet settings from Megafon

Using SMS commands, the user can get Megafon Internet settings for his phone. If you need to set up access, you must send to the number 5049 number “1”, after which you will receive an SMS containing your profile settings. You need to save them and activate your profile, then try to log into the network. On Megafon, GPRS settings are also available in the help desk; to do this, dial the number 0500, name the model of the phone you are using and wait for a service SMS with the settings.

By visiting the Megafon website, on it, in the Self-Service Services section, you can find another subsection with Mobile Device Settings, in which you can order individual settings suitable for any model mobile phone. We select the phone brand, model, as well as the ordered data in the drop-down lists, below we enter the phone number used to send the required settings.

Internet settings Megafon manually

APN (or access point) settings on Megafon can be done manually. To do this, a new profile is created on the phone containing the following data:

  • Profile name: indicate, for example, Megafon (absolutely any names are acceptable here);
  • Homepage: type (you can also enter any address, since this setting concerns the home page used by the browser built into the phone);
  • Access point: enter internet;
  • Authentication: select “normal”;
  • Login and password: no need to fill out.

There may be settings for a proxy server, but it is recommended to disable the use of a proxy; you do not need to fill in any data here. After filling out the specified settings, by opening the browser, you can try to launch the Internet on your phone.

If you need to figure out how to set up the Internet on Megafon using 3G technology, then there is no need to make additional settings for the third generation network, just go to the item called “Mobile network properties” and check that there is a search for the WCDMA network (or the forced registration function is installed for WCDMA networks).

When making the above settings, remember that the menu item in which the Internet profile settings are located, depending on specific model smartphone may be different. In addition, there may also be differences in the names of the fields to be filled in, for example, “Access Point”, as well as “APN” - this is a similar name.

Setting up MMS on Megafon

The procedure for setting up MMS for the Megafon operator is almost identical to ordering for the Internet. To get a working function that allows you to receive and also send multimedia MMS messages, you need to send the number “3” to the number 5049. After a short time, a message will be sent to your phone containing the necessary settings: you need to save them, then apply them and try to send an MMS to any Megafon number. In the same way, you can order automatic settings through the Megafon website, having previously selected your phone model from the list provided there.

Setting up MMS on your phone manually

In cases where you cannot accept the automatic settings or install them, you will have to enter the settings manually. To do this, create a profile on your phone, indicating the data below:

  • Profile name: you can simply type MMS (you can enter anything);
  • Server address or home page: indicate http://mmsc:8002 (no changes);
  • Proxy: must be “enabled”;
  • Proxy address: enter the numbers;
  • Port field for the proxy used: 8080;
  • APN (or the name may be “Access Point”): mms;
  • The user and password fields do not need to be filled in.

As with setting up an Internet profile, some items may have different names depending on the smartphone you are using.

Setting up the Internet on Megafon 3G (4G) modems

Such popular 3G and 4G modems offered by Megafon are usually sold with settings already made: after purchasing the device, it is connected to any USB port, after which you need to wait for the installation to complete, which is launched automatically by the modem’s control program. After this, everything is ready to go online.

If the data that was present in the automatically created profile was lost, then you can configure the Megafon-modem manually. To do this, you need to create a profile and it states the following:

  • Profile name: specify any name, for example Internet Megafon;
  • Access point or APN: internet;
  • Number to call: dial *99# in the field;
  • The username and password field is not required.

You are now ready to check if you have an Internet connection.

In order for a mobile phone to be able to access the Internet and send/receive MMS messages, it is necessary to configure the appropriate settings in it. Without settings, access to the above services will not be possible. In principle, almost all modern phones are configured automatically - activating a new SIM card leads to the automatic ordering of settings that only need to be applied. After this, just in case, you need to restart your phone so that the settings take effect as correctly as possible.

But sometimes it happens that the phone remains unconfigured. In this case, you need to make manual settings or order automatic settings from the network. In this review, we will look at all the ways to make settings for Internet access from Tele2. MMS settings will also be discussed.

The easiest way to set up your phone is to order automatic Internet settings on Tele2. They will be accepted from the network and registered in the appropriate profiles. You can order Internet settings on Tele2 by calling 679— they will be received within a few minutes in the form of incoming SMS messages. After this, you can go online using a built-in or downloaded browser from somewhere (for example, Opera Mini, which saves traffic).

How to manually set up Internet on Tele2

If Tele2 Internet settings are not accepted or installed for some reason, you should register manual settings. There is no need to put your phone in the hands of specialists and, especially, to pay money for it - all the settings can be set yourself, there is nothing complicated about it. To enter the settings, you need to create a network profile and enter the following items there:

  • Profile name – Tele2 Internet (you can enter anything);
  • Home page –
  • Proxy – disabled (accordingly, we do not enter any settings here);
  • Connection type – GPRS;
  • Access point (APN) – (without http://);

If necessary, indicate the created profile in the browser settings.

Some phones provide a profile for Java applications. If Internet access does not appear, the phone needs to be rebooted. You will have to struggle with the settings of Chinese phones, since the names of the items there can be completely different.

How to set up Internet from Tele2 on Android

If version operating system 2.3 and below, you need to follow the following path: Settings – Wireless – Mobile networks – Internet access points. After that, click Menu and select Create APN. Here we specify the following settings:

  • Name – TELE2 Internet;
  • APN – (without http://);
  • MCC – 250;
  • MNC – 20;
  • APN type – default.

Other items should be left blank. Next, click Menu and Save, and then try to go online. Don't forget to enable data transfer. Does your smartphone run Android 3.0 or higher? Then the settings will be different. We follow the following path: Menu – Settings – More – Mobile network – Access points (APN). Call the menu using the button or virtual button in the corner of the screen (it all depends on the design of your smartphone) and select New access point. At the created point we specify two single settings:

  • Name – Tele2 Internet;
  • APN – (without http://).

We save the settings and try to access the Internet, having previously activated data transfer. Also in the smartphone settings you need to set automatic or forced operation in 3G networks. Don't want to bother with manual settings? Call 679 and order automatic settings, which you only have to activate and save.

How to enter Internet settings on Tele2 on iPhone

It all depends on the version of the operating system installed on the smartphone. If your iPhone is running iOS 7.x.x, you need to follow the following path: Settings – cellular(here we turn on the toggle switches Cellular data and Enable 3G) – Cellular data network. If your smartphone has iOS version lower than 7.x.x, then the path will be as follows: Settings – General – Network – Cellular data network. Next, you need to register the APN access point – (without http://), and leave the username and password empty. After this, you can try to launch the browser and open a website.

When making settings on phones and some smartphones, you need to be prepared for the fact that some items may be called differently.

How to get MMS Tele2 settings

Sending/receiving MMS is a service based on Internet access. And for it to work, settings will also be required. If they don't come automatically, you need to call 679. After a couple of minutes, a message with MMS settings will be sent to your phone. Save, activate, reboot and use.

How to manually set up MMS on your phone

If automatic settings do not arrive or are not registered, you need to enter manual settings. Create a profile:

  • Profile name – Tele2 MMS (the name can be anything);
  • MMS server (Home page) – (without http://);
  • Proxy server – enabled (unlike Internet settings);
  • IP address (proxy server) –;
  • Port – 8080 for phones with WAP2, 9201 for older phones with WAP1;
  • Connection type or channel – GPRS;
  • APN (access point) – (without http://);
  • Username and password are left blank.

After this, you need to try to send MMS - the network must know that your phone can receive and send MMS. Otherwise, instead of incoming MMS, your phone will receive SMS with links to view multimedia messages.

How to set up Internet on a 3G and 4G Tele2 modem

As a rule, Tele2 modems are supplied already configured. But if for some reason there are no settings, then they need to be entered manually– for this, a profile is created with an arbitrary name (for example, Tele2 Internet), the dial-up number *99# and the access point are indicated, the username and password remain empty. We save the profile, set it as the “default” profile and try to establish a connection.

Sometimes there are situations when the SIM card from MTS is not configured to access the global network, but it is urgently needed. What to do in this case? Read detailed instructions on connection and all the answers to questions of concern to mobile operator subscribers below.

The first and most important condition is that your phone must have an Internet connection option. Unfortunately, some devices (especially the so-called black and white old phone models) do not have such a function in their menu. With this type of device you will not be able to connect to the Internet.

To access the network, you will need a more modern device that supports GPRS/EDGE or 3G/4G communication standards. The subscriber will need to dial the service number 08 20 221 to receive data transfer settings.

Check out step-by-step algorithms How to get automatic Internet settings from MTS on your phone. There are several ways to do this:

  1. By calling a short service number 0876 to contact the operator.
  2. By sending an SMS to the number 1234 . If you send an empty message, then after some time the phone will receive Internet settings, as well as multimedia messages (MMS). To receive network access settings, you need to send the word “INTERNET”, to connect WAP and GPRS the word “WAP”, and to send and receive multimedia messages - “MMS”. The settings will arrive on your phone in a few minutes. All the user needs is to confirm their installation and then they can immediately start using the Internet.
  3. By visiting the section " Personal Area" on MTS official website. First, you will need to select the “Settings” menu item, and then click on the “Internet and MMS settings” column. The next step is to indicate your personal mobile phone number to which a message with automatic settings will be sent. In another window, you should indicate your phone model and brand, and then select the type of settings you need - INTERNET, MMS or WAP. Select a method for receiving settings (the most convenient is through a standard text message), check that the above data is correct and click the “receive settings” button.

Important! After the automatic settings are delivered, be sure to save them to your phone and reboot your gadget. This will help the phone correctly install the received data.

If for some reason it is not possible to receive automatic data (or the phone does not recognize it), then you will have to connect manually. You can set up the Internet in the menu section called “Settings”. It should contain the column “Internet Settings”. In the free fields you need to enter the standard parameter scheme:

  • Profile's name: MTS-internet.
  • Bearer data: GPRS/EDGE or 3G/4G.
  • Access Point/APN: MTS.
  • User`s name: MTS.