On your truck through the dispatcher. Private dispatchers for cargo transportation. Carrying cargo on a Gazelle Car is convenient, because... The Gazelle is a very maneuverable, roomy and passable vehicle, most suitable for regular transportation.

That's it, let's fire up the topic! Today we will still talk about searching for cargo without a dispatcher. We'll tell you all the secrets and talk about how to find cargo for transportation without a dispatcher or intermediary. Although some dispatchers may not like this.

Many transport companies are prejudiced against cargo search dispatchers. Although there are few examples when working in a team with a professional dispatcher, a carrier received significant benefits.

To better imagine the situation and transfer it to ourselves, let's look at a simple example. You will need to use a little imagination. Let's say your company is engaged in regional transportation. In Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or Kazakhstan, the principle will be practically no different. Let's take Russia and any Russian city as a starting point for clarity.

You need to find cargo in Russia without intermediaries - how?

Task: There is a truck in Smolensk that needs to be promptly loaded and sent home, say to Omsk. At the same time, there is no cargo in Smolensk yet.

Logistics in this case can be of three types:

  1. simple - you are lucky to find a cargo for the dates you are interested in and it suits your price.
  2. complicated, then from Smolensk we are looking for cargo to some connecting city, from which we already find cargo to Omsk.
  3. very difficult, then between Smolensk and Omsk there will be several intermediate cities and long weeks on the road.

Do not forget that the profitability of the route and the amount of money earned for the round trip comes to the fore, and not the simplicity of logistics. Since the profitability of the transport business these days is not at all high, it is often advisable to build a very complex scheme and still earn the maximum possible amount of money. It is in building effective logistics schemes that the secret of a successful transport business lies. Integral Components effective logistics schemes are:

  • efficient use of vehicle volume and tonnage
  • and maximum reduction of empty runs

Under such conditions, is it possible to search for cargo in Russia without a dispatcher? We say yes, absolutely possible.

Now ignore Russia, as was written above, the methodology is absolutely the same and you can find cargo without a dispatcher not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and even throughout Europe and the world!

How can you solve the problem

1. Contact potential clients

The minus is immediately visible. Our truck is parked in Smolensk Now and we are struggling with downtime right now. And when the cargo will be found and where exactly may not be at all obvious. You will have to communicate with a large number of potential clients before you find at least some partner, not to mention cargo to a certain city, and even more so on the desired dates. And time goes by. Daily allowances are spent, leasing must be paid, downtime is the main enemy of the transport operator.

But this method may come in handy in the long run. The direct customer contact option is always a good way to meet potential customers in your city and cities where your trucks frequent. Direct contract with the customer without intermediaries and prompt resolution of issues directly. Isn't it wonderful?

But it also happens that the destination is popular and cargo is not difficult to find. Let’s assume that our Smolensk-Omsk direction is just like this and there is no shortage of cargo. In this case, it is not at all a fact that the price offered by the found client will be the best possible offer on the market. That is, it would be good to compare the cost of freight with other possible options. And if we are talking about long-term cooperation, we will have to keep the client’s prices low and conditions special, otherwise he will quickly find a replacement for us. But finding cargo on a truck without a dispatcher is possible.

2. Contact a forwarding company

Since we are considering all the options, it would be fair to briefly talk about forwarders, dispatchers and logisticians. With a forwarder, the chances of finding the cargo become at least twice as high, since it is not only you who are looking for the cargo, but also the forwarder. Naturally, the forwarder will take his part of the remuneration from total cost transportation. The forwarder will be responsible to the customer under the contract, but he will transfer all his risks, and perhaps even with a reserve, to the transport company. The cost of transportation is unlikely to be high and there is no need to talk about long-term cooperation, because the forwarder does not have its own cargo. But it is possible to cooperate.

3. Internet, newspapers, bulletin boards...

As they say, let's cast a fishing rod and wait until the fish bites. It’s certainly possible to solve our general problem of searching for cargo without dispatchers, but it’s most likely not possible to quickly solve our particular problem of loading a truck from Smolensk. After all, we are limited in time. But to collect potential partners for the future - quite realistic. This is an inexpensive way to advertise. Labor costs are low, since they will be looking for you, not you. There is even a chance that you will find a regular customer. The disadvantages include: ineffectiveness, since this option does not guarantee receipt of transportation orders. And if the conversation turns to permanent long-term cooperation, again transportation prices should be low and conditions should be special. And like any advertising, this method requires regular payment, naturally without any guarantee of results.

4. Search for cargo on cargo search sites

This method is worth writing a separate article about. And someday we will definitely do this, but for now only a brief overview. The principle of operation of these sites is quite simple: everyone who needs to transport cargo fills out a special form on the site they like, in which they indicate: what, from where, where and when they need to be transported. Transport companies go to the website, select the appropriate cargo and contact the client. It's simple. Is it possible to search for cargo without dispatchers in this way? Absolutely. And the dispatchers themselves search for cargo on these same sites. In this case, the chances of quickly solving our problem are much higher than in the listed previous options, provided that the cargo we are interested in is placed on the exchange. If it’s not posted, then it doesn’t matter; today there are more than a hundred similar sites on the Internet and thousands of requests for transportation are posted every minute. There will definitely be a load somewhere. On the one hand, this is an advantage that you can find cargo online faster and more efficiently than anywhere else. But on the other hand, a large number of such sites make it very difficult to find - where exactly is that same cargo published?

Some sites provide the opportunity to check for free whether there is cargo in the direction we are interested in, but you will have to pay for access to the shipper’s contacts. Access to the site for a whole year, as a rule, does not exceed the dispatcher’s commission for 1-2 transportations.

There are also cheaper accesses - for a quarter and a month.

There is only one minus - if the destination is not popular, then you will have to “comb” many sites in search of cargo. If the destination is popular and there is no shortage of cargo, then in order to choose the best and most expensive one, you will again need to “comb” a large number of sites and spend time, money and effort.

Since cargo transportation is a very competitive type of business, by going through sites one after another, you may simply be late and not have time to contact the shipper, and at that time he will agree with someone else.

5. The easiest way is to search for cargo on Transradar

To help transport companies quickly and easily find cargo to destinations of interest without intermediaries, we are creating special resource www.transradar.com Transradar is free search cargo on multiple sites at the same time, so that you can compare and choose the truly most profitable cargo. By opening just one site, you immediately see how much cargo there is for the direction you are interested in and for the dates you are interested in. Choose the best option from the options offered and we will redirect you directly to the desired site.

With Transradar you can:

  • save time searching
  • reduce empty runs
  • and increase the profitability of your business

By the way, we are selective in selecting our partners. We have direct connections with cargo search sites, so new cargo instantly appears on www.transradar.com

We value your trust and understand that our reputation also depends on the reliability of our partners. Transradar works only with trusted companies and recommends that you use them.

Our tool will be useful not only for those who want to find the cargo themselves. Professional logisticians will also appreciate the ability to have a flexible approach to searching for cargo using filters. A broad overview of the entire cargo search market and, of course, the opportunity to significantly reduce the time spent searching for cargo.

The project is being carried out by a small team of enthusiasts. The project will be available to you soon. If you like the idea of ​​the project, please support us. This is important for us now. Nothing special, just like us, leave a comment or write to us.

By the way, if you want to search for cargo on different sites for free and without registration and not miss the launch of our project, just leave your email on the website www.transradar.com


In conclusion, I would like to say, of course, when searching for cargo there are different situations. There are regular customers who are willing to pay dearly for stability and long-term partnerships. And sometimes it’s so promising or the right clients, that they are being delivered below cost. And there are professional forwarders: they will find good cargo and take small commissions. On the other hand, if the car cannot leave the outback for the second week, price and direction fade into the background, just to get away, and here all methods are good.

And in this comparison, each option has its pros and cons.

We have only collected information for ourselves, we hope it can be useful for you too.

A common type of service in our time, in which any cargo is moved using various types of transport. Private cargo transportation services offer either individuals, either entrepreneurs or specialized transport companies. depends on the weight of the cargo, its dimensions, loading time, distance, etc.

In the field of cargo transportation there is such a thing as. The dispatcher can be either a company or an individual. These are people who have a certain database of driver data.

They are beneficial because they work directly with the shipper. Although there is private freight dispatchers, engaged separately in searching for transport and searching for shippers. Both are brokers between the shipper and the carrier.

Dispatcher responsibilities transport company- receiving applications from customers by phone, distributing machines according to orders, calculating prices, drawing up contracts and insurance.

Working with a private dispatcher is mainly based on a verbal agreement. Private freight dispatchers also receive calls from clients who require some type of transportation, and then redirect the call to any of the available drivers whose transport meets the customer’s requirements. Mostly, private dispatcher cargo transportation does not sit in the office at the computer. The main tools of his work are a telephone, a good memory and a notebook. It is convenient to work with private cargo transportation dispatchers because you can call at any time and the dispatcher will answer wherever he is, accept the order, and, if necessary, provide advice. After all, his salary directly depends on the number of orders.

The main qualities of a first-class dispatcher are high professionalism, responsibility, and competent performance of their duties.

At first glance, the work seems quite simple, but this is not true. Since he must, firstly, fulfill all the customer’s requirements, and, secondly, provide the drivers with the necessary degree of employment. The main advantages of such an organization of cargo transportation are an incentive for drivers, efficiency and simplicity. Working with one reputable freight transportation service provider is much more convenient, comfortable and safer.

To date private freight dispatcher is a sought-after specialist in the field of transport services.

- “Let’s cooperate!”

tel. : 8(926) 279-51-37

We invite you to cooperate via WhatsApp and Viber, we work professionally!

Carrying cargo on a Gazelle Car is convenient, because... The Gazelle is a very maneuverable, roomy and passable vehicle, most suitable for regular transportation.

In conditions of congested city roads and long traffic jams, the Gazelle car can easily park at unloading points and will be able to drive as close as possible to the desired site when moving.

Our company offers cargo transportation by gazelle in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region: apartment, office and country moving, cargo delivery and loader services.

Moving. Experienced movers. Order gazelle inexpensively Zelenograd. Moving around Moscow with movers is cheap. Transportation by personal truck through a dispatcher. Deliveries throughout the city and region. Seven days a week. Call anytime.

The ZelTransAvto company has been professionally moving around Moscow with movers for several years.

Order from us this compact, maneuverable and roomy truck of Russian origin for moving and road transport!

tel. : 8(926) 279-51-37

Freight dispatcher in Moscow cooperation, Zelenograd. Cargo transportation by gazelle from Moscow to Zelenograd. City of Zelenograd. Cargo transportation from Zelenograd to Moscow.

Buyers, and do this on the most favorable terms. That is, spend less time, fuel and other resources that require financial costs. To organize such transportation, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The whole process includes many links. But many rightly believe that the dispatcher is in charge here. He's a freight forwarder. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs and those who need to expand their staff are thinking about how to find a good freight dispatcher. This is an extremely responsible position, so you have to be extremely careful when choosing a candidate. Here a number of personal and professional characteristics dispatcher If he meets all these requirements, then the level of fulfillment of his obligations will more than satisfy the employer.

Recommendations for finding a freight dispatcher.

Who is this

It is important to immediately note that searching for a freight dispatcher for cooperation on mutually beneficial terms is a rather complex procedure. Although there are many potential candidates on the market, not all of them will be right for you. But first you need to understand who the cargo dispatcher is, who deals with the transportation of various goods to the required points. The dispatcher or forwarder is called a production link, whose task is to create effective communication between carriers and cargo owners. Speaking in simple language, this specialist must find suitable look transport for delivery of goods, based on the requirements of the cargo owner and personal professional skills.

Owners of goods do not always understand exactly how their cargo needs to be delivered. Therefore, the dispatcher must prompt, give his recommendations and advise the right way out of the current situation. Next is the movement of goods throughout its entire route directly to its destination. Additionally, this specialist can establish interaction between several clients when it comes to transporting consolidated cargo. When the goods arrive at their destination, the dispatcher’s work is considered completed. And he receives the well-deserved remuneration provided for in the contract concluded with the employer.

Efficiency freight transport is of great importance in the profitability of such a business. The fewer resources spent on transportation, provided that all requirements are met, the higher the final profit. And largely successful similar business depends on the presence of a competent freight forwarder on staff. This is why a dispatcher involved in the transportation of goods is so valued in the labor market. It is not very easy to find good specialists if you place high demands on their qualifications and other important characteristics.

Search for specialists

  • in online mode;
  • offline.

There is no need to be afraid to use modern search tools. It is online that you can find the bulk of suitable candidates. At the same time, you do not have to check each of the potential forwarders through a personal conversation. The resume compiled by candidates can tell a lot about their ability to work and their professional suitability. But offline methods should not be excluded either. Especially if you actively communicate with people who are potentially familiar with dispatchers. Let's start with where you can find a freight dispatcher. It is better to search in parallel using several sources to expand potential list candidates.

There are quite a lot of available transport forwarders on the vacancy market. At the same time, you need to search and find only the best. If you need a competent and responsible specialist, look using the following tools:

  • Transport exchanges. These are a kind of online forwarders. With the help of special websites, companies provide the opportunity to study the features and characteristics of the route, determine potential timing and optimal routes. But this is more suitable for one-time transportation. You should not count on their help when organizing a cargo transportation business;
  • Job sites. Literally in every city there are special sites or resources operating in all regions of the country, where people publish their own advertisements in order to find an employer. You can simply view advertisements, or post your own as an employer. Only here it is important to introduce strict restrictions for applicants so that you do not receive a bunch of useless calls from candidates who do not meet your requirements at all;
  • MASS MEDIA. These are different printed publications, where there are also sections with vacancies. The number of offers from good dispatchers there is less than on the Internet. But local print media usually operate strictly within one locality. This means that it will be easier for you to find a person who is geographically advantageous for inviting you to work. If a specialist is from another region, he may additionally require you to arrange housing. And these are additional costs for the employer;
  • Acquaintances and friends. If you have friends who are involved in cargo transportation or have something to do with it, it would be a good idea to find out about potential worthy freight forwarders for your company. You can trust such people, and therefore they are unlikely to recommend an unqualified or problematic candidate for a position;
  • Competitors. If a cargo carrier company finds an excellent specialist, no one will just want to give him up. There are many good forwarders, but most of them are already employed. But since you only want the best, you have to try hard before you find them. One of the options for finding a freight dispatcher is to lure a person from a competitor’s team. Not everyone is ready to take such a step, but this option should still not be ruled out.

By combining all these tools and making some efforts, a cargo transportation dispatcher will definitely be found.

Screening candidates

Worthy dispatchers must first go through some sort of selection process. The organizer is the employer himself. First, you need to decide on the list of requirements that you are going to impose on candidates. If you yourself do not know what you want from a specialist, it may become big problem. If necessary, consult with specialists. Typically, this list includes certain restrictions and requirements for:

  • semi;
  • age;
  • professional experience;
  • education;
  • material and technical equipment;
  • personal characteristics;
  • mastery of certain programs and equipment;
  • work schedule;
  • wages.

When carrying out cargo transportation to search for cargo by their current location, monitor the progress of events and transmit current information to management, good dispatchers must have certain skills, training and a decent level of material and technical equipment. Experienced employers advise posting their own advertisement seeking an employee for such a position. Moreover, it is better to do this through well-known sites and media. This will greatly expand the number of potential candidates. Plus, you don't have to look for them yourself.

But in order to avoid contacts with dubious people, concentrating your attention on truly worthy dispatchers, you should present a number of requirements.

  1. Summary. Before contacting a potential employer, the applicant must send a detailed and well-written resume. This is basic information on the basis of which you will be able to get a detailed answer to all pressing questions. Otherwise, each telephone interview will take too long. If you don’t like the resume or raise doubts, such candidates should be screened out.
  2. Professional skills and training. If the resume is good, it is worth organizing a preliminary telephone interview. You should find out what kind of material and technical base the specialist has, since the dispatcher cannot go to work empty-handed. You also need to inquire about your skills in those programs and databases with which your work in cargo transportation is closely related.
  3. Previous employment. A qualified and experienced specialist cannot be like that without work experience. Therefore, you need to find out where he worked, what position he held and why he left the previous company. If the candidate does not raise any doubts and you consider him worthy for your vacancy, it would still be a good idea to contact his previous employer.
  4. Stability test. This method is not often practiced, but in fact it provides a real opportunity to look at a person in stressful and difficult situations. To do this, a certain scenario is simulated in which the candidate will be able to show his ability to smooth out conflicts, quickly respond to problems with cargo transportation and quickly analyze information.
  5. Probation. Even the most thorough one does not give a 100% guarantee that you have found the best freight dispatcher. Therefore, a probationary period should be established. If during this period the specialist is able to prove himself and prove his professional suitability, then he will become a full-fledged employee of your company.

Some people believe that such a careful approach to selecting candidates is a waste of time. It’s easier to contact special agencies that will select a forwarder, or hire a friend. But there are many pitfalls here that may not work in your favor. Because the best solution There will be a detailed independent selection of candidates with strict requirements for applicants.

Cargo transportation carried out through a dispatcher largely affects the profitability of the company. If the forwarder copes well with his duties, then the company will be in good standing. And this entails new orders and new clients.

Personal qualities and professional skills

The selection of candidates does not end there. During the interview or already probationary period the employer should pay attention to several important points your potential new employee.

  1. Politeness. Watch how the freight dispatcher works. He must communicate politely and be courteous, and not succumb to aggression from clients and customers, which happens quite often in the work of a cargo carrier. Politeness has a positive effect on how customers view your company. Nothing surprising here. Still, it is much more pleasant to deal with polite and courteous people than with outright boors. No matter how professional they are.
  2. Stress resistance. An extremely important characteristic that is often forgotten, it’s official right away. But not all people are ready for conflicts, aggressive attitudes and other stressful situations. As a result, many people simply get lost and cannot find their way, which disrupts the entire cargo transportation process. Therefore, it would be a good idea to check how the candidate will behave in difficult situations.
  3. Excerpt. Yes, and a good dispatcher cannot do without it. After all, sometimes you need to explain the same thing to the client several times, convey important information to drivers, try to convince them of something or force them to abandon unreasonable decisions. Therefore, to endurance it is worth adding such a quality as perseverance.
  4. Psychologist skills. This is the ability to persuade, to find beneficial ways to resolve conflicts with minimal damage, to remain right, but at the same time allow the other side of the conflict to think the same way. But not every dispatcher is a born psychologist. Such skills only come with experience.
  5. Working with modern equipment. We are talking about those tools for cargo transportation that are being actively implemented now. Therefore, the candidate must own a computer, the Internet, special programs and databases.
  6. Ability to analyze the market. To effectively carry out cargo transportation, you should know how things are in the service market, how much competitors are asking for and offer more profitable terms, without being to the detriment of their own company.
  7. Vehicle fleet, route, delivery options and range of services offered. The dispatcher gets acquainted with all this directly at his place new job. But the candidate is obliged to process such information as quickly as possible in order to be able to quickly convey it to potential clients. Many customers highly value forwarders who are able to simultaneously offer several alternative options for the delivery and transportation of their goods. The opportunity to choose everything is more attractive than the need to independently create complex routes and understand issues for which you objectively lack qualifications.
  8. Work with documents. The dispatcher doesn't just tell drivers where to go over the phone. This is a multifaceted job consisting of a wide range of responsibilities. One of them is the preparation of papers for cargo transportation, contracts and other documents. The head of the company is obliged to strictly control all documentation. But if the forwarder copes with his tasks perfectly and does not make mistakes, many entrepreneurs completely rely on their dispatcher.

This approach allows us to select truly professional freight forwarders who are capable of performing their assigned duties efficiently and effectively. But for this, the head of the enterprise will have to make efforts.

How the work is done

Let us give an example of the scheme according to which the activities of a cargo transportation dispatcher are carried out. He is a key link in a company that provides goods transportation services.

The work of a transport dispatcher is truly complex and responsible. It is not surprising that many companies approach the selection of candidates for this position very carefully. You can find a decent specialist. But it is important to understand that the real professional skills of a freight forwarder can only be determined in working conditions. Therefore, for such specialists, despite their past merits and many years of experience in other companies, most companies prefer to draw up agreements subject to a preliminary probationary period. This is normal practice, so potential candidates for the position of cargo dispatcher should be prepared for this.


The services of a cargo transportation dispatcher are usually used by start-up entrepreneurs or companies that have recently been working in the field of cargo delivery. Newbies in this business have not yet acquired regular clients and have not established stable connections. The dispatcher’s task is to connect the customer and the carrier for the purpose of their cooperation. Finding a dispatcher will take some time and effort.

From the numerous proposals it is necessary to make right choice, because from how much good specialist there will be a dispatcher, the success of all work on providing services in the field of cargo transportation depends. You can find a dispatcher on various Internet resources. Numerous transport exchanges offer their services as an online dispatcher. On such web sites they post information about what goods need delivery and contact details of shippers. It also describes in detail the nature of the cargo, the direction of transportation, and the required delivery times. It is not necessary to choose the appropriate cargo yourself; after registration, you can place on the transport exchange information about your car (model, carrying capacity, etc.), about the cargo that you plan to transport, and about the directions of cargo transportation.

The media are slightly inferior to the Internet in terms of search capabilities, but with their help you can select a suitable dispatcher. It is necessary to advertise the search for an employee in advertising publications and newspapers, as well as view offers published in the media.

Another way to find a dispatcher is to search among your friends. It is quite possible that one of them works in the trucking industry or knows someone who works in this field. In the presence of good relations acquaintances will not withhold information about where to find the dispatcher, but will help to do it. There is no need to be afraid of competition; the cargo transportation market is not experiencing a shortage of orders for the transportation of goods. Specialists who have been involved in this activity for a long time can not only tell you where to look for the responsible dispatcher, but can also advise who specifically to contact.


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