When will the passenger carriage conductor course begin? The work of a train conductor: pros and cons. Coordination of railway training programs

You will need

  • - application form for admission;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - 6 photographs 3x4 cm;
  • - copy of the passport;
  • - a copy of the work book;
  • - a copy of the education document (certificate, diploma);
  • - copy of TIN;
  • - a copy of the pension insurance certificate;
  • - military ID;
  • - a copy of the medical policy.


Find out about the opportunity to undergo training as a railway car conductor at your local Russian Railways, in the personnel department of the passenger depot. You can get it in specialized educational institutions (colleges, schools) or in short-term conductor courses organized at railway universities or colleges. In educational institutions, obtaining a profession will take 9-10 months. Courses depending on curriculum, can last 1-3 months. Women aged 18 to 45 with secondary education are also accepted for training. But it is better to clarify the conditions directly upon admission. In most cases, future guides are trained completely free of charge.

Sign up for a preliminary interview. You do not need to take any exams to enroll in the courses, but it is important to make a good impression on the admissions committee. The future guide must give the impression of a balanced, responsible and careful person. Pass the medical examination and pass everything Required documents. The guide must be in good health and resistant to stress. Be realistic about assessing your own health.

After studying the theoretical part, you will have to get acquainted in practice with the structure of the carriage, the duties of the conductor, and then pass exams, after which you will be allowed directly to work. Complete an internship while traveling with a guide. Before the internship, fill out a health certificate and go through all the necessary doctors. After successfully completing the internship, you will be awarded a 3rd class railway carriage conductor certificate. As a rule, conductor courses provide assistance in finding a job (both temporary and permanent).

With your conductor's ID, you can contact any Russian Railways branch and find out about available vacancies. After completing advanced training courses two years later, increase your rank to 4th, which will give you the right to travel on branded trains and will have a positive impact on wages.


  • Moscow Railway College
  • how to find a job as a conductor

The conductor of a railway carriage is a complex and interesting profession simultaneously. It is surrounded by a certain romantic aura and there are many rumors and speculations about this work. In fact, any adult can try himself as a guide after he has passed special training. So what are the responsibilities of a conductor? passenger carriage on Russian trains?

Passenger service along the way

In short, the main responsibility of the conductor is to ensure maximum comfort for passengers during the entire trip. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this work. However, there is a whole list of functions adopted by the management of Russian Railways, which each conductor is required to perform.

First of all, this is checking tickets when passengers board the train. If necessary, the conductor is obliged to provide assistance during boarding and disembarking from the carriage.

The conductor is obliged to collect and check the bed linen no earlier than half an hour before arriving at the destination station. Providing bedding to newly arrived passengers is also included in the list of responsibilities of the conductor. People are already accustomed to the fact that they have to line the shelves on trains themselves. In fact, if desired, this work can be done by a conductor. This service is also included in the list of his responsibilities.

At least three times a day, the conductor is obliged to walk through the carriage and offer passengers tea, coffee and confectionery. Passengers have the right to order drinks at any time of the day, and a Russian Railways employee must bring the order directly to the passenger seat.

The conductor must, at the request of the passenger, provide him with the opportunity to charge mobile phone, call the waiter from the dining car and bring drinking water(hot or cold).

After 23.00 and before 06.00, the conductor’s responsibilities include organizing and maintaining silence and waking up passengers at least half an hour before their arrival at their destination.

Maintaining order in the carriage

In addition to serving passengers, the conductor must constantly monitor the vestibule and the carriage. The titanium must be at a certain temperature around the clock so that there is always hot water.

The conductor's responsibilities include mandatory wet cleaning of the carriage, toilet and vestibule several times a day. He also needs to check and replenish hygiene products in the toilets every hour: soap, toilet paper, paper towels. At technical stations, the conductor must take out the trash. The conductor wipes the handrails in the vestibule before arriving at each station, and monitors the cleanliness of the signs on the car.

Winter is the hardest time. At this time of year, the responsibilities of guides expand. Now he also needs to maintain the optimal temperature in the carriage, and regularly clear the vestibules and filling pipes of snow and ice, as well as flush the toilet and sink drains with boiling water.

It should be remembered that conductors also carry financial liability for the carriage entrusted to him, and he will have to compensate for all kinds of damage and losses from his own pocket.

In the section on the question How long to study to become a railway conductor long distance?Write a website for an educational institution... given by the author Sergey Shumilov the best answer is http://rtgt. my1. ru/ - remove spaces
study after 9th grade, I think 4 years
salary varies, depends on many factors (from about 18 thousand rubles), number of flights, direction, time of year, etc.
Well, plus the way you spin, you’ll earn money. Maybe you will sell your tea, help deliver some parcels, get alcohol (but for all this you can get into trouble).

Answer from NATA[guru]
You can find a lot of information that interests you on the Internet. There are many of them, railway colleges, throughout Russia. Do you live in Russia? Especially. After 9 grades you need to study to become a conductor for 3 years, after 11 grades - 1 year. After finishing such educational institutions receive the specialty "passenger carriage conductor". No "distant" additions. Whether you will travel on the Moscow-Vasyuki train or, for example, Moscow-Budapest, or Moscow-Vladivostok, in a compartment or reserved seat carriage, or even in a general carriage, depends on the results of your studies. If you have blat, then don’t worry any further, you are guaranteed a place as a conductor in the Moscow-Vladivostok compartment carriage. If there is no connection, then you will have to fight for a place in the sun. Conductors receive about 20 thousand, but this figure requires clarification. And we must remember that the conductor is not only the romance of a train ride, looking out the window at the landscapes passing behind him, sleeping under the sound of wheels, but also a solid knowledge of the electrical and other equipment of the carriage, its cleaning, including garbage and toilets, passenger service, a certain mode of operation with sleepless nights, etc., etc. Are you ready for this? Then go ahead to receive the specialty “Passenger Car Conductor”.

Answer from compound[newbie]
Well, of course I want to study to become a conductor, well, the salary is 20 thousand during my studies or during my official work

Railway conductor on Wikipedia
Look at the Wikipedia article about Railway employee conductor

Conductor work many people find it romantic - long-distance trains, different cities and random interlocutors. It’s not difficult to get a job here: Russian Railways accepts everyone with a secondary education, you just need to take preparatory courses. But the work is quite hard, and the salary is low. We asked young man, who dreamed of becoming a conductor and now works on a train, how he feels about his work, how much he earns and what he spends money on.

How to become a guide
I was born in Biysk, Altai Territory, later my family moved to Moscow, where they lived for only a year and a half, but I really fell in love with this city. Then I had to travel a lot public transport, and I really wanted to become a driver. Then we returned to the Altai Territory again. After the ninth grade, with a burning desire to become a driver, I entered the specialty “rolling stock mechanic, passenger car conductor, car inspector-repairman, operator” at the Novosibirsk technical school (since the family budget would not have been able to afford training in Moscow). I studied for four years, and in the summer of my second year I had the opportunity to try myself as a guide and earn extra money. After that, I lost all desire: there was a terrible team, it was unclear how the money was paid - in two months it came out to 47 thousand rubles. After studying, I was assigned to Russian Railways. Thanks to my good grades, I had a choice, and I chose the job of a passenger carriage conductor. In the future I want to move to Moscow.

In general, this is a job for people 35–45 years old who have extensive experience in another field. There are even special three-month courses for such people. To start working, a conductor needs to pass a medical examination, register with the human resources department, and pass occupational health and safety exams. You also need to pass a test with more than 250 questions. There you need to quickly and correctly calculate, remember numbers, solve a puzzle, and so on. It happens that some people do not pass it.

Features of work
The conductor must be able and know everything: seat the passenger, give him a set of linen, write it down on the form strict reporting, warn 40 minutes before his departure, drop him off. Monitor the cleanliness of the cabin: clean the carriage at least twice per trip, and the toilet at least four times. It's like the Sims game where the characters have an indicator: if it's green, then everyone is happy. So are the passengers: I almost didn’t follow, and immediately became dissatisfied.

The conductor has many professions - for example, a loader, a waiter, a psychologist. Large thick bags of dirty laundry need to be carried into your compartment. You need to walk around with a tray and tell passengers that tea products and souvenirs are on sale. You also need to be a bit of an encyclopedia - at each station passengers ask: “What area are we in?” or “What river flows here?”, “What is the population of this city?” and so on. Sometimes you resolve a quarrel between passengers or they themselves come to talk, because several days on the train are hard for them. Many passengers come up to me and ask about my work - whether I like it or not. In general, we can’t criticize our work, but I answer as it is, that I don’t get paid much and that you wouldn’t wish working as a guide to your enemy.

It's cold outside now, and the first thing passengers ask about is air conditioning. I had a case when in Rostov-on-Don passengers did not have time to board at the station, and only their 14-year-old son remained in the carriage. He didn't know the phone numbers. The head of the train contacted the station, the parents eventually went to catch up with the train by taxi, and paid 5 thousand rubles. And on our last trip, our locomotive caught fire between stations, the driver made an emergency brake, and all my dishes fell and broke. The passengers jumped up and began to panic. After 40 minutes we set off, although it seemed that the locomotive had not yet been extinguished: if there had been more downtime, the entire crew would have lost their bonus.

This is how I prepare for the trip: a day before departure, I go to the store to do some shopping. It comes out to about 3 thousand rubles, and so on twice a month. The next day at the appointed time (eight hours before the train departs) I arrive at the park for a planning meeting. I have a suitcase, a bag and a large bag of food with me. The planning meeting is attended by the head of the train, the instructor and the conductors with whom I will go on the flight. The head of the train scatters us among the carriages, usually in a boy-girl pair. I have been working recently, and all my partners are new to me. They also say what class we will travel in - reserved seat, compartment or SV. I loved the reserved seat, because all the passengers are visible, I know who and where, and it’s easier to get out. Next we go to the carriages; I am happy when I see that the carriage is new. We accept the carriage - we count the inventory, we receive cleaning products, garbage bags, soap, paper and goods that will be sold. But a team doesn’t happen every once in a while; sometimes people have more swear words than ordinary ones.

Then the head of the trip walks around the train and checks that everything is in order. We arrive at the station in an hour, and boarding begins 30 minutes later. I must be dressed strictly in uniform and be the face of the company. Now it gets dark early, and you still need to turn on the lights in time and switch from evening to night, adjusting to local time. The big minus is that on the road I eat very little, a lot of unhealthy food, and I lose weight (but for women it’s the opposite).

The one-way trip takes four days. The climate, time zone and passengers are changing. On the last day of the journey, the guides do a report and clean up. Upon arrival, we go to the shower, to the store for groceries, sometimes souvenirs, and on the same day we leave back with new passengers. But they shouldn't see our fatigue. Upon arrival, we also don’t sleep for a day: after all the passengers have disembarked, we start counting the inventory again; in case of a shortage, a certain amount can be deducted from the salary. If the train arrives at 09:45, then I get home at 15:45, if I'm lucky. All this time is not paid, only the travel time is paid.

Passengers' linen must also be returned; any shortage will also be deducted from the salary. Then we go to the standardization officers, they schedule the next flight, name the date and direction. In a special regime (in the summer, when trains run every day), rest takes 30–50% of the time (for example, after an eight-day trip, three to four days of rest); in normal times, after an eight-day trip, seven to nine days of rest.

Salary and expenses
There was no way to relax in the summer: you sleep for two days, go to the store the next day, and then go on a trip. Now I have more rest, but there are fewer hours, so, accordingly, the salary is lower. Salary depends on the time spent on the road. In a good month I receive 34 thousand rubles, in a bad month - 14–17 thousand rubles. On average it comes out to 22 thousand rubles. In August I drove 222 hours - that’s 16,198 rubles plus a 20% coefficient and an advance for the previous month - 7,700 rubles. This amount does not suit me. I want to move to Moscow and become a metro driver.

My mother and I rent an apartment, and I pay half - 7 thousand rubles. I spend 6 thousand rubles on groceries for a trip. I also eat fast food, and when we come to a city, I buy souvenirs there. There is no opportunity to go to classes or the gym, and you can forget about healthy eating. Other expenses include transportation (500 rubles) and telephone payments. After this there is almost no money left. Last month I paid a lot of money for temporary registration. And I save the rest for something good; I have to pay at least 5 thousand rubles for the same clothes.
