How to open your own cafeteria from scratch. How to open a coffee shop from scratch. Requirements for the hall and utility rooms

A coffee shop is a small establishment that differs from retail outlets in its special assortment. Here, visitors are given the opportunity to place an order consisting of delicious coffee and unusual coffee. At the same time, coffee shops, as a rule, do not offer cold appetizers, main courses or salads.

If you want to open your own successful business, then one of the options is to consider opening such an establishment. At the same time, at the initial stage of your event, a business plan should be drawn up.

First steps

A budding entrepreneur will first need to develop a business plan for a coffee shop. This is a document that will contain answers to the most pressing questions. In order to develop a business plan for a coffee shop, it is necessary to analyze the upcoming investment using calculations and estimated figures.

Required documents

A new entrepreneur should register with the tax office. To do this, you need to select an organizational and legal form appropriate to the scale of its upcoming activities. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. When registering, please note that your OKED is 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes.”

After receiving all the necessary documents, without which it is impossible to open a coffee shop, write and submit an application for the tax regime you have chosen. In the event that it is not possible to run your business using UTII, the most profitable option will be the simplified tax system (15%).

If your establishment will sell alcoholic products, obtain the appropriate license. To avoid penalties, you will need to take care of it in advance.


A coffee shop business plan should contain a chapter that describes the location of your establishment. The success of the entire business largely depends on the favorable location of the facility. Ideally, the coffee shop should be located in the most crowded place.

Creating a business plan for your establishment should include consideration of the best options, including:
- availability of a nearby metro station;
- crossing crowded streets;
- business district;
- proximity to shopping centers, as well as educational institutions, train stations or markets.

As for residential areas, premises on their territory can be rented for a small fee. However, it is worth considering that the profitability of such a business will be extremely low. A mini-coffee shop will bring good profits. This is a small establishment with only a few seats. Such a point, as a rule, is combined with a store specializing in the sale of coffee. Despite the small area, its profitability can exceed a thousand percent.


A coffee shop business plan will also require consideration of various options for suitable premises for your establishment. This section needs to be given close attention, since any catering facility is subject to strict sanitary and hygienic requirements. You can familiarize yourself with them in the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, as well as in the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 29. These requirements are also contained in SanPiN

We list the main ones:
1. The presence of a soundproofing layer. It guarantees the prevention of noise for residents of nearby houses.
2. The area of ​​an establishment designed for fifty seats should not be less than one hundred to one hundred and fifty square meters. Fifteen to twenty square meters should be allocated for the preparation of sweets and coffee.

It will also be necessary to take into account the requirements imposed by fire inspection. Only when you carry them out will your activity be considered legal. The requirements of sanitary and epidemiological supervision must also be taken into account. Processing and preparation of products, as well as serving dishes, must be carried out in strict accordance with them.


A business start-up plan should consider all aspects of the business venture that will have a significant impact on the success of the venture. It is worth considering that the fame, and therefore the profitability, of each coffee shop largely depends on its interior. When considering this issue, it is important to highlight the key idea of ​​the establishment, and down to the smallest nuances, think through the arrangement of furniture, the color scheme of walls and ceilings, etc. It is worth keeping in mind that the interior should be compatible with all the details, and even with the types of coffee offered by your establishment, as well as confectionery products. The design of the room will create an atmosphere of comfort and a special image of the establishment. There are no restrictions on the choice of style. It all depends on your ideas, wishes and preferences.

A business plan with calculations and a description of all the details should provide for the division of the coffee shop premises into two sectors. One of them will be for non-smokers, and the second - for tobacco lovers. Don't miss this question. Potential visitors will be grateful for your concern and will be happy to visit your establishment again.

Must include an air conditioning and ventilation system. It is worth keeping in mind that it must have a high level of efficiency. Then clients will appreciate it.

Equipment and furniture

If you are drawing up business plans, ready-made examples for opening such establishments will help you decide on the purchase of the necessary household equipment. What should the start-up capital be invested in? See below for the section on purchasing equipment and furniture, which includes an already drawn up business plan with calculations of cash investments. So, you will need:
- two or even three refrigerators for 50 thousand rubles. every;
- type (3 thousand rubles);
- coffee machine (30 thousand rubles);
- several professional-type coffee grinders (15 thousand rubles each);
- washing (20 thousand rubles);
- showcase (150 thousand rubles);
- one or two cutting tables (10 thousand rubles each);
- microwave oven (3 thousand rubles).

Depending on the task assigned to the coffee shop, the following can also be purchased:
- cabinet for culinary pastries (60 thousand rubles);
- freezer (30 thousand rubles).

It is also worth considering that the number of coffee grinders purchased should be equal to the number of types of coffee offered to customers. Only in this case the aromas of the grains will not interrupt each other.

The purchase of what furniture should be included in business plans? Ready-made examples of such documents for a coffee shop with an area of ​​150 sq.m. require the purchase of:
- tables (40-60 pcs.);
- chairs (130-150 pcs.);
- hangers (one for 2-3 tables);
- bar counter;
- waiter's sideboard.

The equipment for a coffee shop should include various interior items to create a pleasant environment, as well as a variety of kitchen utensils for preparing confectionery and serving drinks.


What else is different about opening a coffee shop? The business plan you draw up should include a list of the dishes and drinks that will be offered to visitors. Customers more often visit those establishments where the menu has various types and varieties of coffee. It is worth offering mocha and espresso, cappuccino and latte, Americano and ristretto, that is, everything that is very popular among the population. The menu may include a variety of syrups. In addition, you should purchase different sizes. In this case, each visitor will choose the desired volume of drink.

The above list is basic for every coffee shop. The further menu will depend on your wishes. It may include buns and sweet desserts that go perfectly with strong coffee. Other dishes should not be offered at the first stage. It is advisable to expand the range when the business begins to generate real income, and you begin to expand, and also think about creating your own chain of coffee shops.


In order to make a profit, a coffee shop must offer customers only high-quality drinks. That is why you will need to understand the aroma of raw materials, correctly evaluate the shape features and level of roasting of the grains, as well as their color. All this will allow you to determine the absence or presence of various impurities in coffee.

The aroma of the beans should be perfectly pure. There should not be any suspicious notes in it. The entire batch needs to be checked. In a quality product, all grains are the same size and color.


To properly organize the work of your coffee shop, you will need to include the following positions on your staff:
- directors;
- two cooks (to work in different shifts);
- four waiters (two for each shift);
- two bartenders;
- two cleaners.

If the business plan you have prepared involves preparing your own desserts, then you will also need to include a technologist on your staff. You will also need an accountant and a driver, who can be hired part-time to reduce personnel costs.

Price policy

When determining the cost of food and drinks offered by a coffee shop, you should consider:
- cost of raw materials;
- competitors’ prices for similar drinks and confectionery products;
- consumer demand.

Pricing should be based on the principle of covering all costs incurred and obtaining a profit sufficient for further development.


There is no need to spend money on large-scale informing the population about the work of your coffee shop. Targeted advertising aimed at a potential client will have a disproportionately greater effect. For example, in the vicinity of a coffee chain, flyers should be handed out to passersby. The owner of one of them will be able to claim a free cup of coffee.

A sociable and skillful sales manager can win the favor of customers and make them want to visit your establishment again and again. According to most coffee shop owners, this improves business efficiency better than billboards, discounts and free sweets with a cup of cappuccino.

Amount of investment and profit

In order to open a coffee shop with an area of ​​one hundred and fifty square meters, you will need from 2 to 6 million rubles. According to preliminary calculations, the initial capital will be fully recouped in approximately three years. However, it is worth keeping in mind that each entrepreneur has his own period, and its duration depends on the revenue received by the establishment.

The business of opening your own coffee shop is a very promising business. In order to understand this, it is enough to calculate the profit received from one cup of the aromatic drink you prepare. So, for espresso you will need seven grams of ground coffee. A kilogram of raw materials will yield one hundred and forty servings. With the cost of coffee beans being 1.2 thousand rubles per kilogram, the proceeds from the sale of the drink will be 11.2 thousand rubles. (price of one cup - 80 rubles). Calculations show that the profitability of your enterprise will exceed 800%.

Those businessmen who have opened their own coffee shops and are already receiving good income from their event recommend:
1. Do not strive to turn your establishment into a restaurant. These are completely different worries and costs. The word “coffee shop” itself means coffee. Therefore, the main emphasis should be on this drink.
2. Take care of the successful location of the coffee shop. Don’t forget that your establishment will be a retail business. That is why a good location is the basis for his successful work. It would be good if a coffee shop opened in a crowded area. It’s also a good idea if the room has large windows. Passers-by, seeing people at the tables of the coffee shop, will certainly want to come in and drink a cup of a wonderful drink.
3. Do not get carried away with related and additional products. Of course, with a large influx of visitors, there is a desire to offer them sandwiches or sandwiches. A varied menu will help you make more profit. However, do not forget about the main purpose of the establishment. People visit it only to enjoy a conversation and a cup of aromatic drink. Those who have a desire to eat go to cafes or restaurants.
4. At first, you can buy confectionery products on the side. Only then, having returned the money invested in the business, should you think about purchasing equipment for setting up your own baking workshop.
5. Recruit interchangeable people. You should not pay close attention to the candidate’s age and social status. The main condition for a good employee is his commitment.
6. Exercise personal control over the work of the establishment. Any business is doomed to failure if the owner does not want to be interested in its process. Even a thriving coffee shop will certainly decline if personal control is not exercised. Of course, when a whole chain of coffee shops appears, it becomes very difficult to monitor their work. In this case, you will need to create a clear leadership scheme and established contact with department heads.

The catering business has always been characterized by high profitability and a fairly quick payback. The only negative is too frequent government inspections and fierce competition. But, if the establishment manages to stay afloat in the first months of operation and builds strong relationships with suppliers, it will be quite capable of coping with these difficulties.

Investments, income and expenses

How to open a cafeteria from scratch if you have a rather vague idea of ​​how much money you will need? Start with market analysis. Find out how many establishments are already operating in your chosen area of ​​the city, what their prices are. This information will help you assess the situation and create a business plan for your own enterprise.

How much does the cafeteria cost?

A cafeteria is a small cafe with a minimum number of staff and a limited range of dishes and drinks. Opening an establishment of this type does not require excessive financial investments. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and his personal preferences.

Rental and renovation of premises

For a cafeteria you will need a room with an area of ​​about 100–150 m². It will be designed for approximately 50–60 seats. The estimated rental cost is 50,000 rubles per month.

You will have to spend at least 100,000 rubles on redevelopment, repairs and sound insulation. This amount does not include the costs of developing a design project and approving the cafe plan in the relevant authorities.

Equipment and furniture

What equipment is needed to open a cafeteria? A business plan for such an establishment would not be complete without an automatic or semi-automatic coffee machine. It costs approximately 60,000 rubles. In addition, you will need:

  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerators for storing food and desserts;
  • showcase;
  • baking cabinet (if your cafe has its own production);
  • microwave;
  • washing;
  • chest freezer;
  • cutting table, etc.

For the hall it is also necessary to purchase tables and chairs, sofas, interior items, etc. The total investment in furniture, dishes and equipment is about 300,000 rubles.

Purchase of products

Desserts and snacks for the cafeteria can either be purchased from suppliers or prepared independently. In the first case, you can seriously save on equipment and products. You also don't have to hire a pastry chef to prepare desserts and baked goods. True, there may be some problems with the sale of a large volume of purchased products, delivery times, etc.

About 200,000 rubles will be spent monthly on the purchase of desserts or products for their preparation, coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks, etc.


How to open a cafeteria that will be popular with customers and bring good profits to the owner? Hire qualified personnel. A lot depends on the quality and speed of service in public catering.

A cafeteria is not a restaurant, so you won't need a large number of waiters. You can do without them completely, using the self-service scheme, which is quite convenient for many visitors.

Taking into account the shift schedule, you will have to hire 2 cashiers, 2 people to serve visitors in the hall, 2 cleaners. If you plan to prepare desserts yourself, you will have to add 2 professional pastry chefs to the list. It is better to take on the responsibilities of an accountant and manager at first. You will spend about 170,000 rubles per month to pay wages.


Without advertising, the payback period for an establishment will increase significantly, so saving on it in the first months of operation is not recommended. Signboards, booklets, flyers and business cards, advertising banners - all this is necessary to attract customers. In total, about 100,000 rubles will be spent on promoting the cafeteria.

Total investment

Taking into account all of the above, let's summarize:

  • rental and renovation of premises – 150,000 rubles;
  • furniture and equipment – ​​300,000 rubles;
  • products – 200,000 rubles;
  • staff salaries – 170,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 100,000 rubles.

The initial investment volume for opening a cafeteria is 920,000 rubles. In different regions of the country, rent, prices for building materials, production equipment, etc. may vary, so it is possible that this amount may either increase or decrease.


The average check in a cafeteria is significantly less than in a restaurant. But there are more visitors. Therefore, in order to work profitably, you need to rely not on the price of the product, but on the number of customers.

In the first months, your company will probably operate in the red. It is necessary to prepare for this in advance and provide a financial cushion. But after 3–6 months, the flow of clients will more or less stabilize and we can talk about the beginning of payback. All investments in organizing a business are fully returned to the entrepreneur within 2–3 years.

Legal nuances

After drawing up a business plan, you should think about paperwork. Without state registration, it will not be possible to open a cafeteria in a shopping center, near an office building, or in any other place.

IP or LLC?

The best form to use for cafeteria registration is . It’s easier and cheaper to register, but an individual entrepreneur cannot sell alcohol. And in some drinks it is present in varying quantities (coffee with cognac, mulled wine, etc.). Therefore, in order to avoid problems with inspection authorities, it is better to choose a legal form that has a large number of opportunities and rights.

Tax form

Perhaps the ideal tax option for a cafe is. However, due to certain business characteristics, it is not always possible to choose this form. An alternative would be 15% (excluding costs).


The package of documents required to open a cafeteria is quite standard. It includes:

  • conclusions of OGPS and SES;
  • utility contracts;
  • contracts for garbage removal and waste disposal;
  • an agreement with a laundry for washing employee uniforms and cleaning textiles;
  • contract for the provision of security services;
  • internal sanitary documentation;
  • license to sell alcohol (if necessary), etc.

The current list is established by current regulations and documents of Rospotrebnadzor. Before opening the establishment and starting the registration procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them further.

Coffee has long been an integral part of human life, and you can make good money from this love for the aromatic drink. To do this, you need to know how to open a coffee shop that will be profitable and popular. To realize your idea, you need to have start-up capital and draw up a detailed business plan.

Is it profitable to open a coffee shop?

According to statistics, establishments selling coffee charge the highest price premiums for products, so the business pays for itself quickly. It is important to open a coffee shop that will stand out among others, that is, have its own trick to attract customers. To become popular, an establishment must combine quality, a pleasant atmosphere and qualified service.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

Capital investments will be directly related to the format of the establishment, the area of ​​the premises, the quality of the equipment and other factors. Opening a coffee shop will require an investment of $250 to $1,300 per square meter. There are many examples where people managed to organize a business for little money, which eventually became very profitable. The payback period directly depends on the amount of investment and the size of the enterprise, so if the establishment is small and the investment was small, then in just six months it will be possible to cover all start-up costs.

What does it take to open a coffee shop?

There are several main points that should be taken into account in order to realize your idea of ​​​​organizing a coffee shop.

  1. It’s better to start with a business plan, because without it the risk of failure increases significantly. In its absence, it will be impossible to attract investors if necessary.
  2. When figuring out how to open a coffee shop from scratch, it should be said about the importance of choosing the right premises. About 35-40% of success will depend on this.
  3. Experienced businessmen recommend creating a project for an establishment in which all the nuances are worked out and the requirements of the SES and fire service are taken into account. The design of the coffee shop is also important, as it will create atmosphere and comfort.
  4. Find good suppliers to get a quality product. Experienced businessmen in this business recommend going to seminars where they will teach you how to choose and work with coffee correctly.
  5. Pay attention to personnel search and training. Choose people with experience who can provide quality service to guests. Please note that the staff is in many ways the face of the establishment.
  6. The instructions describing how to open a coffee shop from scratch indicate that it is important to take care of purchasing equipment, furniture and accessories.

Coffee shop - business plan

For any enterprise, a prerequisite is the preliminary development of a plan, taking into account the following points:

  1. Analyze and characterize your target audience.
  2. A ready-made coffee shop business plan includes a comparison with competitors. The most difficult thing will be to fight against well-promoted online brands. It is important to describe a clear vision for entering this market.
  3. Separately, consider possible prospects for the project, for example, expanding the range, creating a strong brand, or retraining into a bar or restaurant.
  4. When figuring out how to open a coffee shop, it is necessary to point out the importance of assessing risks. It is recommended to order high-quality marketing research that will help assess the overall picture.
  5. At the end of the business plan, analyze expenses and income. Please note that the average check on weekdays can be $10, and on weekends – $15. The payback period for a small establishment is 1-1.5 years.

Where to open a coffee shop?

Its profitability will depend on the correct location of the establishment. It is best to select premises located in the business district, at the intersection of busy streets, and also in places with large crowds of people. Residential areas are not suitable for this type of business. There are sanitary and hygienic requirements for opening a coffee shop, which are important to consider when searching for suitable premises. To organize 50 seats, about 100-150 m2 is enough, and approximately another 15-20 m2 is needed to organize a place for preparing drinks and trading.

What documents are needed to open a coffee shop?

There are certain steps that must be followed to open a business:

  1. First, decide on the form of activity, it could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. If the establishment will sell alcohol, then only the second option is suitable. At the tax office you can find out the necessary documents for opening a coffee shop, that is, registering a business. In addition, decide on a special tax regime.
  2. Installation of a cash register is mandatory and you will have to register it and sign a service agreement.
  3. An additional list of documents will be required to obtain a license to sell alcohol.
  4. In recommendations on how to open a successful coffee shop, it is worth pointing out that in addition to the standard package, you will need to collect sanitary, epidemiological and permitting documents. The list was established by the consumer supervision service.

Equipment for opening a coffee shop

When organizing an establishment, you need to carefully consider the selection of suitable equipment, as there are three categories: professional, semi-professional and household. The third option is not recommended for organizing mass sales. The second option is acceptable for those who plan to sell coffee as an additional service. For a good establishment, only professional coffee machines for a coffee shop are suitable. There are several companies selling them, so consider their characteristics and your financial capabilities.

When figuring out what you need to open a coffee shop, it is worth mentioning the importance of purchasing equipment for water purification and softening so that coffee brewing machines do not break down. You will also need ice makers, a blender, a shaker, a pitcher, and so on. If, in addition to selling drinks, you plan to produce confectionery, you will have to buy other equipment, from ovens and refrigerators to other professional devices.

Coffee shop ideas

There are several popular brands on the business market, and standing out among them in order to get your customers will not be easy. There are different types of coffee shops, such as brick-and-mortar, to-go, and mobile coffee shops. Each of the presented options has its own advantages. Another option that simplifies the task in the organization, but sets new requirements, is the purchase of a franchise of well-known brands.

Starbucks coffee shop

One of the most popular establishments that sell coffee is Starbucks. These coffee shops have a unique style, their own menu and high quality products and service. The establishments of this corporation bring huge profits and quickly pay for themselves. Starbucks coffee shop as a business is possible by purchasing a franchise, which requires meeting certain requirements.

  1. Investments in the project are at least $170 thousand.
  2. The premises for a coffee shop must be located on the territory of a shopping center or in a social building.
  3. Of great importance is a carefully developed plan, which will be reviewed by an official representative of the company, and he will decide on the sale of the franchise.
  4. To sell coffee under the Starbucks brand, you must be a big businessman and have a good reputation.
  5. It is important to consider that after the opening of the establishment, representatives of the head office will frequently conduct inspections and in case of deviation from the standards put forward by the company, the franchise may be lost.

Coffee shop "Coffee to go"

Recently, retail outlets where you can buy takeaway coffee have become widespread. Such establishments are very popular in Europe and America. Opening a takeaway coffee shop has its advantages:

  1. There is no need to rent large premises, since retail outlets are very compact.
  2. Small capital investments are good news, since the main costs go to the purchase of equipment.
  3. At the first stages, you don’t even have to hire employees and sell coffee yourself. In the future, it will be possible to hire two assistants working in shifts.

Coffee shop on wheels

In different parts of the city you can see cars or vans selling coffee. This is another popular type of coffee shop, which has its own advantages:

  1. The main advantage is mobility, that is, you can change the place of trade, choosing advantageous points with a large flow of potential buyers.
  2. A mini-coffee shop is beneficial due to a small investment, since you will need to buy or rent machinery and equipment, which is much more economical than renting a room and equipping it.
  3. It is worth mentioning the autonomy of the equipment, that is, the coffee shop on wheels will not depend on interruptions in electricity or water supply.
  4. Opening a small coffee shop from scratch is much easier in terms of setting up a business, and the time for its implementation and launch is also significantly reduced

The article below provides an example coffee shop business plan, advice on market analysis and location selection. In addition, the article will be useful to those who want open a coffee shop in a small town.

Have you noticed that big cities live at a frantic pace and have almost forgotten what sleep is? “Well, yes,” you say: “International cooperation and work, constant movement and active life of residents.” Nothing like that, there are just too many coffee shops in big cities. What if you were attracted to dozens of tempting signs on every corner offering to drink a fragrant cappuccino or a hot Americano in the relaxed atmosphere of an establishment stylized as a French coffee shop? You'd sleep less too.

If you are interested, then remember that, like any other endeavor, a coffee shop is not an easy business. There are many pitfalls for beginners, but if you are persistent, creative and not afraid of difficulties, then you will succeed.

What you need to open a coffee shop. How to open a coffee shop from scratch


Some say that the success of a food service establishment depends fifty percent on location and another fifty percent on location. And this pun is not empty words at all. It is unlikely that you will want to go to the other end of the city to drink a cup of cappuccino. Most likely, you will give your preference to a small coffee shop in your area or get your caffeine fix somewhere in the center, adding this activity to your to-do list between a movie and a walk with friends.

Another reason why coffee shops should be located closer to the center is informal business meetings.

You are a writer and have made an appointment with a publisher; you want to get to know your future partner in any business area better, or you are organizing a meeting with a person from whom you want to order the decoration of a banquet hall and a menu for your daughter’s wedding. What do these people have in common? All of them will most likely meet in a coffee shop, near their home or somewhere in the center.

What do we have? There are three suitable places to build a coffee shop: a small town, a residential area or the center of a large city. In the first two options, the main determining factor is the absence of competitors nearby. If you can’t find such a place, then make sure that your establishment is different from all its competitors.

To open a coffee shop in a larger city, the presence of competitors must also be taken into account, but on a less global scale. You won’t be able to open the most popular establishment, for example, in the capital, from scratch, without experience in a similar field. The advantage is that you don't need it. All you need to do is open a coffee shop that will be a little different, not the same as the one located across the street or on the next street. You can read about how to do this under the heading “Idea”.

A positive factor when choosing the location of your future coffee shop will be the presence of a large university or college, an office center, cultural and historical attractions, parks and large shopping centers nearby.


A coffee shop is not only the abode of cappuccino, Americano, espresso and lete, but also a sea of ​​paperwork. Where to begin? Well, let's go in order.

Lease contract. It can be indefinite, long-term, medium-term and, accordingly, short-term. In addition, you can arrange either a direct lease or a sublease. In the first case, you can save money, but in the second, you can get the premises at a higher price, but with renovations or some equipped amenities. The choice is yours.

The first thing you need to get to open a coffee shop is written permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department. In order to receive it, the premises must meet a number of requirements that you should take care of.

But this is important not only for obtaining a document; compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety is an important factor in the normal functioning of your establishment.

The target audience.

Who is your establishment intended for? Here is the first question you should answer. It is important to understand that your potential visitor can be anyone. There are only two groups that might not want to visit a good coffee shop: people who have cardiovascular disease and those who hate coffee.

Although, if your menu includes decaffeinated coffee, all kinds of teas, cocktails and lemonades, and you can also take a serving of ice cream or a piece of cake with them... Well, in this case, literally anyone can become your visitor.

If you take a more serious approach, your typical visitors will be people aged from sixteen to forty-five, of average income, mainly office workers, people of creative professions and students. Having such an orientation, we can already assume what additional services we can provide and what we can change in our establishment.

A cozy atmosphere, delicious coffee and other drinks, desserts and simple snacks (panini, sandwiches, brioche), fast and pleasant service - that’s all that visitors expect from a coffee shop. And yes, considering the age of your future visitors, do not forget to buy a Wi-Fi router, believe me, you will not regret this purchase.

What else do you need to open a coffee shop? A successful concept is the path to success


If you want to make renovations, hire a couple of people, set up tables and start making money, open a canteen.

Managing a coffee shop is a delicate matter, almost an art; if you don’t have creative thinking and imagination, then you won’t last long in this business.

Some examples from world practice.

In Japan, at a place called Alcatraz, you can drink a Brain Burner cocktail with Cow Guts on death row. But don’t forget to take your fingerprints before entering and choose the right size prison uniform for you. This unusual place is full of extreme sports enthusiasts both on weekdays and on weekends.

You can also tickle your nerves in Belgium. At the “Lunch in Heaven” cafe, you, in the company of twenty-one other people with strong nerves, can have lunch at the height of a sixteen-story building.

But the owners of the Metro St. James cafe attract customers in another interesting way. Every visitor here can pay for their coffee with a kiss. It would seem that such an innovation could significantly hit the owner’s profit, but in fact his earnings have increased significantly.

There are already dozens of establishments scattered around the world where you can spend time in the company of several dozen furry neighbors. In France and Japan you can drink coffee with mustachioed purrs, and in Korea, at the Dog House Cafe, with more than three dozen of man’s best friends. And this is only a small part of the whole variety of ideas for cafes that have already been invented, created and put into operation.

Yes, it’s difficult to compete with something like that, but do at least something to stand out from the gray mass. Among the currently popular ways to turn catering establishments into a place of real relaxation, you can choose unusual design ideas, the presence of computer and board games, a selection of printed literature, all kinds of entertainment methods related directly to YOUR possession.

For example, in Lviv, one of the coffee shops offers you to go down into an equipped mine for extracting coffee beans. Yes, a large room underground with rails and carts, picks and shovels, where all the walls are covered with coffee. Few people pass by this. There, this is not only a way to attract visitors, but also an additional source of profit.

If you want a simple and banal business, a coffee shop is not for you, but if you want to devote your life to an unusual and complex, but, without a doubt, creative activity, then go ahead and fight.


A point that should be linked to the previous one. If you have already decided on the marketing idea of ​​your establishment, then you will have to adjust the interior and exterior of your cafe to it. Again, I don’t advise you to immediately take everything into your own hands and start mixing paint, laying tiles and applying plaster to everything you see.

For example, do you know what type of porcelain stoneware is best suited for the entrance area, what wallpaper will be easier to clean from coffee, and what material will work better as a countertop? If not, then look for the number of an interior designer.

You may have to pay more at this stage than for designing flyers for advertising, but nothing can be done. In any case, it will be cheaper than making a second repair six months later due to incorrectly selected materials.

Basic requirements for materials: strength, aesthetics, environmental friendliness, functionality. There are no exceptions for you. A beautiful renovation can attract visitors, but the right one will provide them with convenience, a minimum of problems for you and will allow you to easily fulfill all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, so do not neglect the services of a specialist in this field.

A subject that should be treated with full responsibility. Many people neglect advertising, especially when opening a coffee shop in a small town, but today, even at low costs, you can significantly increase the flow of visitors. So why give it up? The principles of good advertising are simple: it should be aimed at your target audience, be informative, beautiful, creative and reveal your best sides. Depending on your capabilities, you can choose one of the advertising options below:

  1. Outdoor advertising. Billboards, signs, signs. If you are going to open a small coffee shop with a staff consisting of you, your cat and an accountant, then this is clearly not for you. Large billboards often advertise large or even chain establishments that are often already famous, but you can order several smaller signs that will be located near your establishment. Place on them the name, a short description and the exact address (it’s also a good idea to include a route from the location of the sign to the coffee shop).
  2. Advertising on the Internet (social networks). A simple and effective method, aimed primarily at young people. Your job here is to select the right public, group or community in which your potential visitors can see the advertisement.
  3. Leaflets, flyers. This advertising only works in one way - if you have really good, beautiful, unusual and informative flyers. If it's just a piece of paper with your address, opening hours, name and a picture of a coffee mug, then such a leaflet will end up in the first trash can that comes across a passerby.
  4. Advertising in the media. Of course, a filmed commercial broadcast on a well-known channel is effective. Effective and incredibly expensive, so we will choose another option - advertising in local newspapers. This option is more suitable for small cities. You can say that today no one reads newspapers, but the multi-thousand-dollar costs and corresponding profits from these printed publications will be against it. In a city with a population of about 40,000 - 50,000 people, the average newspaper has an overrun of 15 - 30 thousand copies. Most of them are sold out in the first three days. An ad with a color picture will cost from ten dollars.

Whatever type of advertising you choose, spare no expense and order it from a professional. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of freelance designers who will develop high-quality advertising for you for little money (everything from flyers to a corporate symbol and slogan).

Even if your coffee shop is located in the city center, on a busy street, you need to show potential visitors why they should come to your establishment.

A coffee shop is a gathering place for predominantly young people (17-35 years old). Considering this, the best idea would be to place advertisements on social networks and on popular sites (for watching videos and films, online stores, etc.). In a big city, advertising can also be ordered in the form of a video shown before the film in a cinema, or flyers can be distributed (it is better to order the design from a designer, because if they are not attractive enough, a passerby will throw them away even despite what is written there).

If you are ready for serious investments and cooperation with designers, then advertising will not be a problem for you, and you will be able to choose from the range of all advertising services available in your city.

In the same case, if you want to organize advertising quickly and inexpensively, order one advertising image (poster) from a freelance designer and agree on advertising with a popular community on a social network that your potential visitors can visit.

A good advertising move would be to organize a festive opening of a coffee shop with all the attributes of a real holiday and, accordingly, guests, and they will definitely be there. If you put up an inviting sign announcing the opening of a new coffee shop and simply decorate the entrance, then this will already guarantee you several visitors, and then it’s a matter of image. In such establishments, it is important to leave a good impression so that people come again, bring friends and recommend this place to friends.

How to open a coffee shop in a small town. Business plan for a mini coffee shop

If you don’t want to immediately take on the burden of managing a large establishment, but have long dreamed of owning a “mini-coffee shop” type establishment, a business plan is where to start.

What are the advantages of a small coffee shop? A lot. The first is a small headquarters; second - small starting investments; third - pleasant numbers in the lease agreement.

To create a business plan for a small coffee shop, we must first understand what we mean by the word “small”. For example, in Poland today there is a coffee shop, the total area of ​​which is 5 square meters (without utility room). Among the employees are the owner and his wife. But if your plans are something more, then you will need more staff.

  1. Cleaning lady-dishwasher.
  2. Cook.
  3. Barista
  4. Waiter.
  5. Accountant.

If the establishment is really small, then the functions of cook, barista and waiter can be performed by one person, and the owner himself can handle the accounting.

For furniture for the hall, you will need tables, chairs (or armchairs), a counter and a few small things for decoration. From the equipment - a small refrigerator, a coffee maker and an appliance for cooking or heating ready-made dishes (this could be a small stove, a sandwich maker, a microwave, a waffle iron, an ice cream maker, etc., then choose what you need).

Possible earnings will depend on the cost of drinks, location of the coffee shop, opening hours and the number of seats in your establishment.

Thanks to low start-up costs, a small coffee shop pays for itself in less than ten months.

Coffee shop business plan. How much does it cost to open a coffee shop? How profitable is a coffee shop as a business?

If you decide to turn a coffee shop into a profitable business, then this will require considerable start-up investments. In addition, a fairly decent amount allocated for paying wages, paying taxes, rent and purchasing products will become your constant expense.

Opening a coffee shop from scratch is not cheap. Make sure that you have enough finances to keep your establishment afloat in the event that the cafeteria does not begin to make a profit in the first couple of years and continues to decline for some time. Many restaurateurs note that this happens very often. At first, when a cafe has just opened and does not have a regular audience, it is very important to maintain a positive reputation among customers so that they tell their friends about you and come back again.

Another option is also possible. Immediately after opening, your establishment can be visited by a large number of people. Don’t rush to complete three floors and hire staff. Over time, the influx will decrease slightly. The excitement around new establishments is a common thing.

Running a business in the catering industry very much depends on the factors of the general economy of the country and the financial condition of citizens, but if you have a well-thought-out business plan, a coffee shop is an ideal establishment that will remain in demand. Even if you don't have the money for an expensive restaurant, a coffee shop where the check can be around two dollars is a good substitute.

Opening a coffee shop will require considerable start-up investments, which will include the purchase of furniture, equipment and materials, rental arrangements and repairs.

If you are already firmly convinced that your life’s work is a coffee shop, a business plan with well-thought-out stages of all organizational aspects is where to start.

Well, let's start with the staff. All items that may be needed are listed here, although some are optional or can be combined.

  1. Barista;
  2. Cook;
  3. Dishwasher;
  4. Cleaning woman;
  5. Waiter;
  6. Manager (manager);
  7. Accountant;
  8. Security guard;

It is most often proposed to organize the work in two shifts, but you are not limited in your choice: if the establishment does not open very early and closes not too late, then workers can be recruited for one shift. But, nevertheless, the best option is two.

Coffee shops are rarely 24-hour establishments, but if you decide to work from dawn to dusk, then, accordingly, you will need more staff.

The next cost item is rent. Any advice here is absolutely useless. The cost of rent depends on many factors, ranging from the availability of working wiring to the state of the real estate market. The only thing I can talk about is the types of rentals, and they have already been mentioned above.


For the floor, you can use porcelain tiles (satin tiles are perfect) and self-leveling floors made of polymer concrete. If the entrance area is separated, then in the hall itself you can use carpet, laminate flooring, homogeneous linoleum or the same polymer concrete and porcelain stoneware.

For walls, paint and decorative paper-plastic panels are preferably chosen. In addition, decorative stone with imitation of various coatings, plaster (stone, pebble, bark beetle, Venetian, decorative concrete, etc.) are often used, less often, but wallpaper is still found (polyvinyl chloride, bamboo and “liquid”).

For the entrance area, you can choose a clinker facing brick, or simply paint the brick on the load-bearing wall without additional coating.

A double-glazed window is recommended; if you choose the option with imitation wood, it will significantly decorate your establishment, but will therefore cost more.

Prices are quoted from online building materials stores, as this is one of the most profitable options for you. For wider choice, I will give the difference between the most expensive and cheapest option presented on the site:

  1. Wallpaper: $2 – $73 per roll.
  2. Decorative plaster: 7 – 105 dollars per bucket.
  3. Porcelain tiles (for floors): 4 – 82 dollars per square meter.
  4. Decorative panels: 8 – 16 dollars per square meter.
  5. Double-glazed window: 18 – 46 dollars per square meter.
  6. Paint for ceilings and walls: 1.5 – 100 dollars per liter.
  7. Skirting board (wood/plastic): 0.5 – 11 dollars per meter.
  8. Clinker face brick: 0.1 – 4 dollars per piece.
  9. Portland cement: $0.04 – $0.09 per kilogram when purchased in bulk.
  10. Stretch ceiling: 3 – 25 dollars per square meter.
  11. Armstrong (suspended ceiling): 2.5 - 10 dollars per square meter.
  12. Self-leveling floor (polymer concrete): 0.15 – 10 dollars per kilogram.

I won’t give prices for furniture, since even on their website they have a huge range and it’s easy to choose something to suit your wallet. In addition, you can save even more if you buy used furniture.

What you might need: a chair, a table for four, a table for two, a counter, an armchair, a sofa, a ceiling lamp, sconces, blinds (Roman, roller, Japanese, fabric), blinds, tablecloth.


The required amount of equipment will depend on your menu and work organization. You can prepare only coffee in the coffee shop itself, and order sandwiches and desserts ready-made, or add home-cooked dishes and fresh pastries to the menu.

You can buy what you need for the kitchen: stove, oven, waffle iron, blender, microwave, refrigerator, yogurt maker, ice cream maker, sandwich maker; for the hall: a coffee machine, a refrigerator display case, an audio system, a TV and a Wi-Fi router.


Well, now let's talk about a little more pleasant things - about your future earnings. Let's try to calculate the minimum profit that can be made from a small coffee shop.

Suppose our coffee shop has five tables of four seats, two tables of two, and six more seats at the counter by the window. Total: thirty people is the maximum we can accept at the same time. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to this, you can add a “coffee to go” service and then you will have a constant flow of customers. But we will take the idea unchanged for now.

Profitability is calculated based on fifty percent occupancy of the hall. But for you this is the minimum. We will still emerge from a more positive figure of eighty percent full. This is more typical for a small establishment in the city center. On certain days this figure can reach one hundred percent, but it is difficult to calculate this. In restaurants and bars, these days are weekends and holidays, but in coffee shops the flow is high on weekdays. Thus, we will allocate ten days a month for one hundred percent fullness.

Next, let's talk about prices. They will be different for different types and serving sizes. However, most still choose medium portions. Let the average mug of coffee cost 0.7 dollars (small - 0.5, and large - 1). More than half of all visitors will order something to accompany their coffee. Let the cost of one dessert be within the range of 0.5 - 1.5 dollars and let half of all visitors order dessert (although in reality there may usually be more).

What do we get?

30x0.8x20=480 – visitors per month on ordinary days.

30x1x10=300 – visitors per month on peak days.

780 — visitors per month (minimum).

390 - they will only order coffee.

390 - order coffee and dessert.

390x0.7 + 390x(0.7+1) = $936 – minimum total revenue for the month.

Of course, if the location is chosen well, then your profit will be many times higher.

The payback of the coffee shop will, first of all, depend on the start-up investments, but if they were low, then the establishment will fully pay for itself in less than a year.

To summarize everything written above: in order to open a coffee shop, you need to analyze the target audience and the market for such establishments, draw up a business plan, decide on the location, draw up all the necessary documents, make repairs and equip the premises, hire service personnel and have a lot of patience.

28.04.17 235 752 0

Excluding rent

The Penka coffee shop has been operating in Voronezh for more than a year.

Karina Fomina

is friends with the coffee shop owners

It was opened by my friends Nastya and Egor with their personal savings. I’ll tell you what it cost them and what they learned.


The location of the coffee shop is the most important. The flow of people, revenue and profit depend on this. The coffee shop should be in a public place: somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. If people still go out of town to the Grad shopping center, then no one will turn further than 100 meters from their usual route for a cup of coffee. Therefore, Nastya and Egor started by looking for a good place.

There are three ways to find premises: contact an agency, search on Avito, or go out into the city and find premises yourself.

At first, Nastya and Egor turned to real estate offices, where they were offered premises with a high rent. The agencies also take a commission from the rental price. It's too expensive.

On Avito there are many advertisements from agencies and few from owners, so this method also did not bring results. Nastya and Yegor did not have money for an agent.

Some owners post rental notices on the façade of the building and look for tenants directly. Knowing this, Nastya tried to find the premises herself.

In the center of Voronezh, next to the main building of Voronezh State University, there was a microloan agency located in a room of 14 m² - it’s like a small children’s room. In such a small space it is impossible to create a coffee shop with tables for visitors, but you can sell coffee to go. Nastya went to a microloan agency, got into a conversation with the girl at the counter and found out that the tenant was planning to move out.

Then Nastya realized that she would not leave this establishment without the phone number of the owner of the premises. She tearfully asked the girl to find out the landlord’s number from her superiors. The third time it worked. Nastya and Egor agreed on a lease directly with the owner. We don't know how much they pay for rent, but we think you should always bargain.

Repair and signage: 60 thousand rubles

Nastya and Egor decided to renovate the premises. They bought paint, rollers and pallets and enlisted friends to help with the renovation. The guys themselves painted the walls, laid linoleum and repaired the electrical wiring. The repairs cost 28 thousand rubles.

When they finished with the cosmetic work, Nastya herself decorated the ceiling with paper balls. I found the design idea on Pinterest and spent five thousand rubles on materials.

To attract visitors, Nastya and Egor decorated the entrance to the coffee shop. They ordered foam cups and a sign from a printing and outdoor advertising workshop. For the sign, the workshop cut out letters from foam plastic, covered them with facade paint to protect them from wear, ordered a polycarbonate backing, covered it with film and glued the letters. Nastya and Egor paid 15 thousand for the foam cups including installation, and 12 thousand for the sign.

How much did the renovation and signage cost?

Tools and consumables

28,000 R

Materials for paper balls

5,000 R

Two foam cups for the facade

15,000 R

12,000 R


60,000 R

Opening: 150 thousand rubles

Before the opening, Nastya and Egor bought only the essentials and saved on a lot. For example, there was no air conditioning, a small table for bags, chalk boards with menus and other interior details. The main thing was the room and coffee.

To brew coffee, you need a coffee machine, a coffee grinder and beans. Coffee equipment is the most expensive. One coffee grinder can cost as much as a new foreign car.

Coffee equipment is the most expensive

Nastya and Egor found a supplier who, under a contract for the supply of coffee beans, provides a coffee grinder and coffee machine free of charge. Similar equipment would cost the owners 150,000 rubles.

Nastya and Egor also saved on staff. For the first two months, they served visitors independently. They started working immediately after the renovation. It was an endless vicious circle: we woke up, went to a coffee shop, worked 12 hours, went shopping, came home, fell asleep - and so on every day. Later, Nastya and Yegor began to share responsibilities among themselves: one went to the coffee shop, the other went shopping, then they changed. Sometimes the guys managed to rest. After two months of working without days off or breaks, Nastya and Egor hired their first barista.

Working behind the counter helped Nastya and Yegor understand how to better organize their workspace. The guys looked at what guests pay attention to and where they look while they are waiting for their order. Guided by their observations, Nastya and Egor changed the location of advertising and menu boards. As a result, guests easily found the information they needed, and it became more convenient for coffee shop owners to work.

Nastya and Egor noticed that if you wish your guests a good day or evening, they smile and come again. To strengthen their friendly image, Nastya and Egor began to write on cups of coffee: “Have a nice day,” “A large glass of happiness,” or “Delicious coffee for a good person.”

Now Nastya and Egor stand behind the counter once a week. This helps you feel the process yourself and understand how to develop your business.

How much did you spend on the interior and equipment?

Refrigerator display35,000 R
Disposable tableware and packaging material25 000 R
FridgeRUR 20,000
Coffee15,000 R
Counter10 000 R
Shelves in the utility room10 000 R
Other coffee additives5,000 R
Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws5,000 R
Shelves with paraphernalia5,000 R
Coffee syrups5,000 R
Banks4,000 R
Two chalk boards4,000 R
Two chalk pillars4,000 R
TeaRUR 3,000
Coffee grinder and coffee machine0 R
Total RUB 150,000

Refrigerator display

35,000 R

Disposable tableware and packaging material

25 000 R


RUB 20,000

15,000 R


10 000 R

Shelves in the utility room

10 000 R

Other coffee additives

5,000 R

Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws

5,000 R

Shelves with paraphernalia

5,000 R

Coffee syrups

5,000 R

4,000 R

Two chalk boards

4,000 R

Two chalk pillars

4,000 R

RUR 3,000

Coffee grinder and coffee machine

0 R


RUB 150,000

Promotion: 15 thousand rubles

Few people will walk into an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest. Need advertising. Nastya and Egor began promoting the coffee shop on social networks even before it opened. Both had previously worked in SMM, so they knew how to attract the right audience.

On the opening day of the coffee shop, Nastya and Egor organized a lottery with prizes. They invited friends as partners. Each guest drew a number and received a prize from a flower shop, barbershop, local sports complex, candy store or clothing store.

For those who study or work near the coffee shop, Nastya and Egor printed flyers with a discount on coffee. The return on flyers was 30-40%: out of 100 people who received flyers, 30-40 people came. People tried the coffee and often became regular guests. The guys spent 15 thousand rubles on printing flyers.

Nastya and Egor understood that for the coffee shop to grow, a constant flow of customers was needed. They calculated the minimum number of visitors per day in order to break even. Without paying the barista and with an average bill of 200 rubles, the coffee shop was supposed to be visited by 25 people a day. And taking into account the barista’s salary - 55 people. The coffee shop owners passed the minimum threshold in the first month. And three months later they recouped the costs.

Menu and tastes of guests

At Penka, guests are offered coffee, tea, milkshakes, lemonade, salads, sandwiches and a whole display of desserts.

Classic coffee - cappuccino and latte - and drinks with the names of your favorite delicacies are very popular. For example, Nastya and Egor made the right decision when they introduced Raffaello coffee and Oreo cocktail to the menu.

For food in the first half of the day they take porridge and sandwiches, and in the second half - desserts. The brighter the dessert, the faster it is sold out. But there is an exception: the dessert “Anthill” is unremarkable in appearance, but is very popular.

Some desserts are better purchased in summer rather than winter.

Over time, Nastya and Egor noticed that some desserts were better bought in summer than in winter, and removed them from the winter menu. For example, desserts in open plastic cups with the addition of natural yoghurt are sold at Penka only in the summer.

Conclusions of Nastya and Egor

    You don't have to spend a lot of money to open a coffee shop. We spent 225 thousand rubles on equipment, excluding premises rental. It is better to open a coffee shop in a public place - somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. Few people will enter an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest, so advertising is needed - for example, on social networks.

    It is difficult to find a suitable place for a business. You can't stop looking. Perhaps the search will take more than a year, you will give up, throw away all thoughts about your business - and only then will you find the ideal premises.

    Use your hands. There are not many things in our business that we cannot do ourselves. We worked a lot at the start, thanks to which we saved money and understood all the processes well. It was unnecessary for us to immediately hire a bunch of assistants.

    Communicate with clients and ask what they need. When creating a menu, the main thing is to please the guests, and not to develop a delicate taste in them. This also applies to pricing policy. Some establishments sell coffee and desserts at exorbitant prices, but if your guests are students, then this approach is unlikely to lead to results.
