How to turn off your Rostelecom phone through your personal account. If you disconnect your Rostelecom landline phone completely or temporarily Rostelecom book a room

The article describes how to block a home phone on Rostelecom.

Nowadays, when almost the majority of people have cell phones, many are starting to think about disconnecting home phone(especially if in a family each member has access to mobile network), since it only costs extra costs.

Rostelecom: how to block your home phone?

Disable your home phone, for example, to " Rostelecom“It doesn’t seem at all difficult to write an application at the company’s office. But in reality, everything is not so simple. In this review we will talk in detail about how to turn off your home phone on " Rostelecom».

How to turn off your home phone on Rostelecom?

If you really have enough use of cellular communications, and all members of your family have mobile phones, then you can disconnect your home phone from the company " Rostelecom"to get rid of unnecessary costs. First of all, it is worth saying that such a shutdown itself is available in the following options:

  • Disconnecting your home phone from Rostelecom forever
  • Disabling your home phone from Rostelecom for a while (voluntary blocking)

It is not difficult to guess what these two points mean. In the second case, we have the opportunity to turn off our home phone, but still remain clients of the company " Rostelecom" This allows you to temporarily refuse all landline services, get rid of the full subscription fee (the fee is symbolic - 95 rubles / month), and you can reconnect at any time convenient for us (the blocking period is unlimited).

Rostelecom: how to block your home phone?

In order to activate voluntary blocking, you should call " Rostelecom" by number 8 800 100 08 00 (for free). After the company operator picks up the phone, he should communicate his request. No further actions need to be taken. To connect back, call the same number.

If you want to disconnect from wired communications forever, then you need to take more radical measures. First, we must find an agreement with the company under which we entered into a deal to provide services from “ Rostelecom" Of course, this will not be easy to do in many cases. After all, a huge number of agreements were concluded quite a long time ago, long before the advent of mobile communications.

If you still could not find the agreement, then you will need to remember who exactly on your side this agreement was concluded. According to the rules, the contract can be terminated by one of the parties to it. If it was you, then the matter becomes simpler. But if it was one of your relatives, then contact " Rostelecom» must either he or the person who received the power of attorney from him.

Having dealt with this issue, you (or your relative) should write a statement to the office " Rostelecom” and hand it over to a company employee. If for one reason or another you do not want to go somewhere, then you can simply send such an application by mail, for which you will need to enclose the following documents in the letter:

  • The statement itself (indicate that you want to permanently terminate the contract with " Rostelecom"at such and such a time)
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • A photocopy of a power of attorney from a relative, if the agreement was previously concluded by him
  • A photocopy of the agreement with " Rostelecom"if you found it

You should also indicate your telephone number where company employees can contact you to clarify certain circumstances, if necessary.

In addition, you need to know the conditions under which “ Rostelecom" will go to terminate the contract. The main requirement is that all services from the company (home telephone, television, Internet) that you previously used must be paid in full. Otherwise, your access to, for example, telephone communications may be blocked, and the debt will still only increase.

How to disconnect the Internet from Rostelecom?

Attention: if you disconnect the Internet from the company " Rostelecom“You should take exactly the same actions as described in this review. The Internet can be disabled either permanently or temporarily. In the first case, you will need to write a statement.

Video: Rostelecom personal account

With distribution cellular communication many were able to verify the reliability, convenience and relative cheapness of cellular communication services, and for many, the need for landline telephone communications disappeared.

Almost no one calls a home phone; long-distance calls are much cheaper to make via Skype, so many landline phone users have a reasonable question: what are we paying money for? Isn't it easier turn off your home phone or freeze this service? And how to disable Rostelecom services? Let's figure this out.

Temporary and permanent disconnection of the phone from Rostelecom

If you don’t understand the rationale for paying for a wired phone, you can turn it off at any time. Disabling can be done either temporarily or completely, that is:

  • With temporary blocking of Rostelecom services.
  • With the final termination of the landline telephone contract.

Temporary blocking means that you do not terminate the contract with Rostelecom, but they stop providing you with communication services at your request. This move will give you the opportunity, firstly, to keep your current contract for wired telephone services, just in case, and at the same time save on your telephone subscription fee.

The time for which you decide to block wired communications is not limited and you can resume using your phone services at any time. At the same time, the subscription fee for voluntary suspension of services is quite formal and will not create a burden on your wallet.

To block Rostelecom services for a period of time, you just need to call the telephone company; to resume services, a phone call is also enough.

If you have made a firm decision to permanently terminate the contract with Rostelecom, your actions will be somewhat more complicated.

First of all, you need to find the telephone service agreement itself, and if it was concluded in ancient times, and most likely it was, especially if you live in an apartment whose owner has not changed since Soviet times, then finding it can be a difficult task.

But even if you were unable to find the agreement, you can at least remember who signed it.

If this person is one of your relatives, you need to get him to write an application to terminate the contract. However, it will be quite enough to obtain a power of attorney on his behalf to terminate the contract.

Next, you will need to visit the Rostelecom office, find an employee there who receives citizens and submit to him an application to terminate the contract from a certain date. However, the application can also be sent by mail. Then, in a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery, you must enclose, in addition to the application to terminate the contract for communication services from a certain date:

  1. A copy of your passport.
  2. A copy of the contract for communication services.
  3. If you are acting on behalf of the person terminating the contract, a copy of the power of attorney.

Be sure to include your phone number for contact. Rostelecom employees will need to agree with you on the date for disconnecting you from Rostelecom communication lines.

When disconnecting your phone from Rostelecom lines, you will have to pay off all existing debts for services already provided, such as telephone communications, long-distance telephone communications, Internet services, cable television by the time you submit your application for disconnection.

If you apply for disconnection, but do not pay off your debts, your disconnection will not reset your debt, which will only grow.

If in your home access to the Internet is possible only through Rostelecom telephone lines, by turning off the telephone connection, you will inevitably lose the Internet.

Internet disconnection from Rostelecom

If you are disconnected from the services of the Internet provider Rostelecom, you can also either temporarily block the provision of Internet communication services or terminate the contract completely.

If Internet services are disconnected forever, you will have to terminate the contract, for which you will have to visit the Rostelecom office.

By writing an application to terminate the contract, you will have to provide access to the installed Internet equipment to Rostelecom employees to disconnect and dismantle it. After physically disconnecting your apartment from the Rostelecom network and terminating the contract for Internet communication services, the job will be done: you will disconnect Rostelecom Internet services forever .

Today, a fairly large number of subscribers use Rostelecom’s services as a home telephony operator. And, by the way, the number of active users of services in this spectrum is systematically growing.

It is not difficult to explain this trend, because Rostelecom offers not only high-quality services and fairly competitive prices, but also a very large range of tariff plans, among which, it would seem, you can choose the ideal offer for any subscriber.

However, given that we live in the 21st century, home telephony is no longer a priori a popular niche of telecommunications services. We use the phone, perhaps, to call our older relatives or to any phone numbers public services and structures. Generally, mobile phone has long been able to replace our landline telephony.

That is why quite a large number of landline telephony subscribers are thinking about how to disable the Rostelecom landline phone in order to stop paying a monthly subscription fee for its use, and often even non-use.

How to disconnect a landline phone from Rostelecom

If you have made the final decision to disable the landline telephony service at your residential address, all you need to do is convey your idea to Rostelecom employees.

To successfully and quickly disable the service, you need to contact the Rostelecom office and ask the employees there for a standard form for writing an application to disable the home telephony service. The company's employees will kindly provide you with a form that you will need to fill out and leave in the office. We recommend filling out this document in two copies so that one of them remains in your hands. Don't forget to ask RT employees to assign a number to the form and stamp it.

Some time after filling out the application, employees of the company’s contact center will contact you to clarify the firmness of your intentions; if you confirm the need to turn off the landline telephone connection, it will be turned off.

Where to disable Rostelecom landline phone

As we have already said, disabling the home telephony service occurs directly at the Rostelecom office. And to find out where you need to contact in your city, you should use the company’s official web portal located at You can get the correct information as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. At the top right home page website, select your region.
  3. After refreshing the page, scroll to the very bottom.
  4. Find the "Sales Offices" link.
  5. View the addresses of offices in your city on the map attached directly to the site interface.

Once you know the address of the office location, you can go there immediately.

Note that Rostelecom subscribers also have the opportunity to independently fill out an application to disconnect the home telephony service in free form and send it by mail to the company office address in their city. This way you can also turn off your phone.

How to temporarily disable a Rostelecom landline phone via the Internet

If you are planning a trip, vacation, or simply do not want to use telephony access services for some time, Rostelecom offers its subscribers the opportunity to temporarily block their accounts in order to suspend the collection of subscription fees. This service is available for activation by subscribers via the Internet, which is very convenient, because it significantly saves time on trips to the company’s office.

To suspend services, you must use the interface of your Rostelecom personal account, located at The service is provided free of charge only for the first 3 months of use, and its cost for subsequent use for each individual region can be clarified by the company’s contact center number:.

Rostelecom customers who use various communication services may need information on how to turn off their home telephone. Rostelecom, along with fixed-line communications, offers a number of other services: television, Internet, etc. For each of them, the principle of terminating the contract is identical. More details on how you can refuse connected services on a permanent or temporary basis will be discussed in the current article.

Service blocking options

Often, when asked how to turn off a home telephone (Rostelecom), clients mean a temporary refusal to provide services. The company offers this service to all subscribers who, for some reason, need to suspend their Internet, television, or telephony services. For example, it is quite relevant during the holidays, when the need for the same television disappears for a certain period. Why is temporary blocking necessary? During the period of “freezing” the account, no subscription fee is charged. This allows you to save a lot by protecting yourself from the need to pay for those days when the services under the contract were not actually used. The service is provided on a paid basis - a certain amount will be debited from the account daily (you can find out more by contacting the support service, indicating the region of use).

The second option for suspending the provision of services is termination of the contract. You only need to refuse to interact with your provider if you no longer plan to use your phone, TV or Internet. Another reason why a subscriber may terminate a contract is more profitable proposition on payment or terms of service from competitors.

Rostelecom: how to temporarily disable your home phone?

If we are talking about temporary suspension of the telephony service, then the client just needs to call the contact center and inform the operator of his intention. Before activating the blocking, the employee will tell you what the price of this option is, whether there are additional nuances that the subscriber should be aware of, and how the provision of services can be resumed in the future. After the need to block the account disappears, you should call the dispatcher again and ask to cancel it.

Procedure for the client upon termination of the contract

If you are a client of a company and you have a question about how to turn off your home telephone (Rostelecom, St. Petersburg, for example), then you should know that the principle of refusing services is identical in every region of the country.

The first thing you need to do is pay off your debts, of course, if you have any. Since it is impossible to terminate a contract under which there is a debt. The subscriber must independently clarify (for example, through Personal Area on the Internet) whether there is a minus on the account, and deposit cash to repay it.

Then you need to go to the sales and service salon - this is where an application for termination of the contract is formed. In some cases, it is necessary to visit the central office of Rostelecom. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of addresses of the organization’s branches on the official website and choose the most convenient one. At the office, employees will inform you about further interaction: for example, how to return funds from the account (if there is a balance and there is no debt). Before disconnecting your home telephone, Rostelecom will send a specialist to you to remove connection points. You should leave your contact number so that you can arrange a time for your visit.

By the way, if a subscriber is concerned about the question of how to disable 8 on a home phone (Rostelecom), then you should also contact the office and write a corresponding application to deactivate the intercity connection. To find out more details, including whether it is possible to write a statement remotely, contact the operator’s subscriber service consultants.

Who can terminate the contract?

Such a serious procedure as termination of a contract is carried out only by the person whose name is included in the contract for the provision of communication services. In this regard, you should find the document and clarify exactly whose data is included in it. How to disconnect a Rostelecom home phone if the contract is signed for another person? In the event that the person who is listed as the “owner” of the contract is currently absent or cannot for some reason come to the office and write a statement, then someone else can do this. In this case, there must be a power of attorney, legally certified, in the name of the person who plans to visit the office. Otherwise, the operation will be denied. Family ties are also not taken into account - the presence of the owner (with his passport) and his handwritten statement or the person for whom the power of attorney exists is required.

Termination of the contract in case of death of the account holder

Sometimes there are situations where the owner of the contract has died. In this case, his relative or, for example, the one who purchased the apartment or inherited it, can initiate the termination. In this case, you must take with you a death certificate and personal identification card.

The situation is a little different if you want not to terminate the contract, but after the death of the person for whom it was signed, rewrite it to yourself. This opportunity is given only to relatives. In this case, you will need a document certifying the relationship - a birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

How to disconnect your Rostelecom home phone via the Internet?

For clients who cannot find time to contact a company branch, there is another option for sending a termination application. A sample document can be downloaded from the Rostelecom website. How to disconnect your Rostelecom home phone via the Internet?

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. Scan it.
  3. Send a scan of the document via e-mail regional office, additionally attaching the following documents: a scan of the contract owner’s passport, a scan of the power of attorney if we are talking about representatives, and indicating your phone number. Contacts must be left so that the specialist can contact the client and agree on a departure time (to remove connection points).

What to do when moving?

You can also submit an application to terminate the contract due to relocation on the website provided by Rostelecom ("personal account"). How to turn off your home telephone and do you need to turn it off if you change your place of residence? This issue is quite relevant, so the Rostelecom company has developed a special “Moving” service. With its help, you can reconnect your home telephone in a new apartment or house under the same conditions. That is, in a situation where there are no technical restrictions, Rostelecom services can move along with the client. In this case, there is no need to terminate the contract. You should visit the company’s office and receive a “Moving” certificate.

In addition to the fact that in a new place you will not have to think about connecting a telephone and other services again, the company gives all subscribers a 100% discount on the subscription. payment within two months after moving.


In this article we talked about how to turn off your Rostelecom (St. Petersburg) home telephone and in other regions of the country in each of possible situations. If you still have questions, you should contact the support line: by phone, through an online chat form, and other interaction channels. The procedure for terminating a contract for Internet and television services is somewhat different. Added to this is the fact that the subscriber needs to return the equipment he rented.

IN modern world the stationary device is gradually fading into the background. Its place is taken by mobile phones and smartphones. This is facilitated by many reasons: an increase in subscription fees, the convenience of mobile communications, which are much cheaper per month. Therefore, it is important to study all the nuances. How to turn off your Rostelecom home phone or suspend service for a while.

What to do before writing a refusal

A person can be forced to give up his phone for various reasons. Popular options are:

  • lack of financial resources to pay for services (the subscriber decided that using mobile communications would be enough for him);
  • a long business trip is planned;
  • moving to a new place;
  • moving to a country house for the summer.

Temporary disconnection can be done by calling the operator, and abandonment of a home telephone is permitted only with documentation. It is important to know which preparatory actions fulfill. Before writing an application, you need to contact the operator to clarify the question: “Is it possible to turn off the phone, but leave the Internet and interactive TV?” Quite often, the entire package of services is supplied via one cable, and an Internet conductor for other options.

It is also worth finding the service agreement in advance and finding out who signed it. Only this person has the right to disconnect. If there is a debt on the number, then you will not be able to disconnect the landline phone; first you need to pay everything. Therefore, call Rostelecom in advance and check with the operator for the amount of debt.

Pausing the use of the phone

Until February 2015, only the customer service office was responsible for suspending Rostelecom’s home telephone number. I had to go there to fill out the appropriate form. Today the procedure has been simplified and the subscriber has a choice. How to temporarily disable Rostelecom landline phone? The procedure is carried out in the “Personal Account”. You can easily suspend a Rostelecom phone via the Internet on the website

How can I temporarily turn off my home device in another way? Call the company's corporate number - 8 800 100 08 00. The operator will identify you as the owner and ask for the contract number. The procedure takes only a few minutes. Unlocking a Rostelecom home phone is also easy.

The blocking period is not limited. The client himself decides whether he can turn off his home telephone for 6 months or for one. But you will still be charged 95 rubles/month. This price includes:

  • service line control;
  • saving the number.

We terminate the contract for the supply of services

The only way to turn off a landline phone is to write a statement. You can provide it directly at the company’s office or by sending it by mail. If you have chosen the option of disabling the Rostelecom service by sending a letter, please note that the period will be calculated from the day the letter was received. Therefore, you must submit your application with notification, so you will have a supporting document in your hands.

How can a landline be disconnected without the presence of the owner of the number? The answer is only if you have a power of attorney or certificate of ownership of the apartment. This means that the husband will not be able to fill out a form refusing a landline telephone for his wife if he is not the owner of the living space. The owner will have to visit the office in person. Users do not always know how to refuse services or stop making payments on their account. In some cases, the use of services will be unavailable, but the debt will increase. Over time, the company has the right to collect the entire debt by court order.

Disconnection in the office

In order to find out the location of the nearest office where you can disconnect the telephone line, you should go to the company’s official resource - Proceed according to the current template:

  1. In the upper right part, select your location;
  2. Scroll down until you see the “Sales Offices” link;
  3. Look for the nearest customer service salon in the list of city offices.

When going to the company office, do not forget to take with you:

  1. Passport;
  2. Documents for the apartment;
  3. Agreement;
  4. Payment receipts.

The specialist will provide a sample according to which a request is made to refuse the telephone line.

Sending a refusal letter by mail

A written request, which is sent by mail, is drawn up in any form. The written content contains the following data:

  1. In the header - the name of the branch that connected the line and the legal address of the company (from the contract); Personal data of the number owner (full name, passport details, place of registration, contact phone number);
  2. Request body – full name, please turn off the phone based on the contract;
  3. Date of;
  4. Signature.

After some time, a company employee will contact the contact number to clarify the date and time when the technician should come to remove the connection point.

From additional documents copies:

  1. Passports;
  2. Agreement;
  3. Power of attorney, if you are not the owner of the apartment.

Perhaps, having refused the number, after a while you will change your mind. In this case, you will be assigned a new digital combination.
