Business or career growth. Professional and career growth What does not belong to the concept of professional growth

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At first glance, these concepts of worker growth are indeed similar - both of them mean development, raising one’s own level, conquering new heights. And yet these are different things, although, of course, interrelated. And career growth can be a consequence of professional growth, and professional growth can come to the company with career growth. Let's take a closer look: the broader development of one's profession differs from building a career. And how to make one serve for the benefit of the other.

Master of his craft

The wonderful and proud title of professional these days is given out and appropriated thoughtlessly and sometimes unscrupulously. For some A loud inscription on a business card is enough and please - we have a pro! However, a true professional is not necessarily someone who has gone from an assistant to a leading manager. (history knows many examples of increases, both logical and not subject to rational explanation). A professional specialist is first of all, one who has not only mastered, but constantly continues to learn the chosen type of activity. He not only maintains the achieved level, but also strives to improve his qualifications. Such an employee is competent in all tasks and processes that are necessary to carry out his activities, is able to effectively analyze the situation, and coordinate colleagues involved in the project.

How do you become a professional? Of course, they are studying the matter. And they study from the most basic stages. Some professions naturally require appropriate higher education. Others are possible start to comprehend during an internship or practice: Are there not enough good specialists who have been successfully working for many years outside the profession they received at the university?

But note: the learning process for a true professional never stops! He is always looking for new ideas, new solutions, studies directions and tools that appear over time thanks to the experience of colleagues in the workshop. His work is his calling.

Would you say that not liking one’s job does not mean that a person is poorly versed in it? Of course! But in my opinion a true professional should enjoy what he does. And if a person feels tired (that which neither vacation nor long New Year holidays can save from), he is tired of everything and it seems that he has rested his head against an invisible ceiling, perhaps it is time for him to grow his career.

One step higher

Career implies that the employee is moving to a higher position. First he has the area of ​​responsibility is increased, the functionality is supplemented with new powers, and the wage . Then he may have subordinates whose work he manages. The team's performance results are indicators of the team's successful performance of its duties.

Of course, along with an increase in status and a change in entry in work book to a more prestigious Your professional horizons must also expand. However, its quality is different from the perspective of an ordinary employee. A competent leader does not always understand all the nuances and subtleties of his “junior” colleagues. However, it is he who must be able to create such conditions for his team in which everyone can make the most of their abilities. Roughly speaking, if you are the director of a housing office, you are not required to be able to repair the faucet yourself. But you must know how to organize the work of the organization entrusted to you so that there is always a plumber on duty and that in the house where the accident occurred, its consequences are eliminated as quickly as possible. as soon as possible and in the best possible way.

Right off the bat

The ideal situation is when career and professional growth constantly intersect and intertwine just like elastic strands of hair form a tight braid. So, when management notices that an employee does his job better than others, his knowledge exceeds the required minimum, clients recommend him to each other and partners of the organization, colleagues often turn to him for advice, and the ideas he proposes most often meet all the needs of the business - it is logical not to wait until such a valuable personnel finds use for their talents “on the side”, but to transfer him to a higher position, motivating him with the opening prospects and increased earnings.

Professional growth - this is an area of ​​work whose main task is the development of a person in professional field, due to the acquisition necessary knowledge and experience, the development of relevant practical skills, patterns of thinking and behavior, qualities and personality characteristics, which, in turn, form certain competencies of a specialist as a professional in his field and influence his career.

Professional growth includes:

1. Professional guidance. Career guidance is the foundation of professional success! Initially it is very important to do right choice future activities in the professional world, i.e. clearly see and understand what I want from future profession. And then decide where I am going to study or work (I can develop my own), what I will do, why and why I need it. Unfortunately, in modern society There is a huge problem - the aimless enrollment of young people in one or another educational institution. As a result, the two most important resources for achieving success are wasted, which, by the way, absolutely every person has - time, as a non-renewable resource, and information. More precisely, this is the precious time that we spend acquiring unnecessary information and not entirely clear experience. From the practice of reorientation of adults and youth, the main mistakes of choice can be identified (see page: career guidance for schoolchildren). It's better to develop individual plan professional development in the short and long term, which will allow you to make an informed, purposeful decision with reliable significance, i.e. qualitatively produce professional self-determination.

2. Receiving high-quality (practice-oriented) professional education. And here we are also faced with a serious problem - this is a widespread erroneous opinion (attitude, attitude) - I’ll go to a prestigious university, and they will give me a good education there. Not so, in fact, no one needs you there until you take responsibility for your education yourself, until you begin to qualitatively “gnaw the granite of science”, until you declare yourself so that people know about you, etc. . Remember that an educational institution provides the opportunity to receive an education, and a lot depends on how you receive it. Everything is in your hands and primarily depends on you and the strength of your motivation to achieve results.

3. Successful employment- this is when you get the desired job in the company that you have chosen for yourself, studying the labor market. This is when you go to work with pleasure, without stress... People want to work at a job they love and say: I want an interesting job or I want to go to work as if it were a holiday, etc. But here again we run into an even larger problem. The fact is that many people don’t know what they want, so they change from one job to another, like crazy. Example 1. A survey of senior students showed that the overwhelming majority of students work part-time anywhere, but not in their specialty. Once again it is a waste of time to purchase unnecessary experience. And only a few purposefully undergo practice where they need it, i.e. They independently choose the company they want to work for. And sometimes they work part-time in their specialty not for money, but for practical experience. It’s no wonder that employers snap up such guys like hotcakes, offer them jobs and hire them when they are still in their 4th or 5th year. These young professionals do not know the problems of employment at the beginning of their career growth. Example 2. How do adults get jobs? For the most part, they create a resume on job sites and send it to those vacant positions offered by the Internet, and wait for a response. And everything seems to be okay. Yes, I am actively looking for a job... But this is not entirely true, this type of job search is passively driven, because everything is controlled by the situation, not by you, but by external offers. We propose to consider another concept of actively searching for future work and successful employment. First, you need to clearly understand who and where you want to work. Then study the labor market and select at least five of the best companies in which you would like to work, as well as several companies to practice your self-presentation. The next stage is to study the companies you will go to. Next, we draw up a resume, ideally a professional portfolio (you can always create a portfolio, even if it seems like there’s nothing), and prepare a self-presentation. Each employer has its own resume (how to write a resume correctly). A specialist can help you understand who and where to work, create a resume, portfolio and prepare a self-presentation. Now that everything is ready, we go to less significant companies and practice self-presentation. We gain experience in interviewing and confidence in our abilities. At the end we provide successful employment.

4. Advanced training by receiving additional education or second higher education, conducting scientific, research work, participation in thematic seminars, trainings that develop professionally important qualities and practical skills.

5. Career. It is important to understand where to grow, where and how. Career guidance will help here. Traditionally, we distinguish three areas of career growth: vertical, horizontal and “two-in-one” growth. Vertical growth is the path to a leader, administrator, organizer as a hired manager, or as having own business who organizes the activities of other people. Horizontal growth is the path of the performer. And growth “two in one” is its own master, when a person, both as a leader and as a performer, works for himself, developing his project.

Career development does not start from the first day of work, but much earlier, when a person first realizes how people earn money. Even then, the first ideas about different types activities and personal attitude towards them. Later, a person chooses a profession and criteria for career growth based on his ambitions, lifestyle and goals.

Types of career growth

Traditionally, there are two types of career growth: horizontal and vertical. The names correspond to the direction of the employee's career development in the hierarchy of one or more companies.

Vertical growth is the classic concept of climbing career ladder, that is, obtaining a higher position. Vertical movement can be rapid or, conversely, consistent. In many companies, promotion requires going all the way from a junior position to a management position. Vertical career growth is typical for most enterprises and is often exactly what they want to achieve when applying for a job.

Horizontal growth means professional growth in a certain area. This includes advanced training, acquiring new skills and abilities, which makes the employee a more valuable and sought-after specialist. For example, obtaining an academic degree means horizontal career growth. Often, such development is chosen by people in creative or scientific professions who do not dream of becoming a boss, but want to realize their talents in a certain area.

Success criteria are also formed in accordance with the preferred type of career.

Basic criteria for a successful career

Experts conducting research in the field of professional growth identify two main types of criteria for a successful career: objective and subjective. Objectively, an employee’s career growth is assessed according to two parameters: movement within the organization and movement within the profession. The subjective or internal criterion of career success is a person’s personal assessment of his work achievements.

  • Position held;
  • Speed ​​of advancement up the career ladder, or career mobility;
  • Salary level;
  • Achievements.

In accordance with the selected criterion, the success of the career growth of a particular employee is assessed. Let's look at these criteria in more detail.

Job status

Most often, the position held is considered the key criterion for success. People who strive to rise through the ranks build a vertical career - moving up the levels of the company's hierarchy. Their motivation is the desire to occupy a higher and more respectable position. This approach is common in our society and is completely justified, because promotion means an increase in social status and almost always salary, as well as a more prestigious entry in the work book.

Career mobility

Career mobility refers to the speed of advancement in one's career. IN modern companies Career mobility is considered high if a person stays in one position for two to three years. If an employee occupies the same position for a long time, management believes that he has “stagnated” and has lost his competitive advantage. High speed Climbing the career ladder is an indicator of the competence of an employee who masters new skills with each higher position. In addition, this indicates breakthrough personal qualities person: ambitious and purposeful.


In the “money” career theory, competence is valued in monetary terms, and the employee strives to become the best specialist to cost more. This criterion for career success is common, for example, in American society. In our country, money also plays an important role when choosing a profession. On the other hand, young professionals often refuse money advantageous offers in favor of higher social status. Few people want to go to work as an electrician, because it is not prestigious, and the position of junior manager sounds much better. During this time, a professional electrician can earn twice as much as a novice office worker.

Career achievements

People who set themselves the goal of completing as many large projects as possible choose the career path of achievement. They are gambling and ready to take risks; they are not attracted by dry salary figures and job titles. Despite the fact that they do not chase money, they often manage to “hit the big jackpot” and even gain high social status. Usually they realize themselves in the fields of art, finance, science and achieve impressive results.

Reading time 7 minutes

The desire to become better, to reach new heights is a completely natural desire of any person who wants to be successful “on all fronts.” Personal and professional growth is a person’s desire for self-development, as well as a sober assessment of his strengths and capabilities. You'll be able to familiarize yourself with the leading terms to get an idea of ​​where to start. personal growth and how not to stop at the achieved result.

Glossary of basic concepts

First of all, we still need to understand what the concept of “personal growth” implies. Many sciences, such as esotericism, psychology and sociology, predetermine different meanings for these concepts. For convenience, we will generalize them.

Personality- this is a symbiosis together with the totality of acquired preferences, habits, sociocultural experience of a person, and, among other things, his psychophysical characteristics, which determine the future model of behavior in society.

Personal growth- these are the acquisition of new ones, as well as their accumulation for further use in self-development and improving life in a specific environment. There are no problems with this term - self-development already implies the acquisition of new, useful skills with the help of which the desired result will be achieved. The main task of personal and professional growth is to achieve high performance both in the chosen area of ​​life and in their complex, increasing potential in one’s own career.

Main goals of self-development: personal and professional growth

The path of self-development itself is very thorny. It requires full dedication and work beyond your strength, to the limit of your capabilities. Not everyone chooses this kind of path. To overcome it, you must have a certain life goal, be prepared for difficulties and possible failures. The complete desire to create a life without the influence of typicality, which is often imposed by the environment, including neighbors, is also part of a person’s self-development.

Personal and professional growth helps us further achieve three main goals, on the basis of which we can continue self-improvement in the future:

  1. Harmony according to the current day- studying new information obtained from various sources (books, attending trainings, various seminars), systematizing it and further use taking into account all the requirements necessary for society, including our immediate environment, as well as achieving new heights in building a career.
  2. Formation of awareness- not only real, but also adequate acceptance of the present, a thorough analysis of one’s own behavior model - all these actions are necessary to obtain necessary list possible problems and shortcomings that need to be corrected or completely eradicated so that in the future they do not interfere with professional growth.
  3. Comprehensive development– improvement requires more than just achievements best results only in a certain category and nearby, but also in absolutely opposite ones. Thus, you develop comprehensively, which means you can, based on the acquired knowledge and skills, develop in a completely new direction for you. You must not only be an ace in your field, you must also be able to support small talk on any topic.

Five Essential Stages of Personal Growth

According to research by Richard Boyatzis, head of the department of organizational behavior at the School of Management, a huge percentage of people “perceive personal and professional growth as a kind of revelation or insight, in a word, catharsis of the life path, without thinking about its cyclicality.” Indeed, by its nature, any development is nothing more than a sequence of certain stages, during the passage of which you receive all the necessary information that is needed to start a new one.

The stages of professional development of a person he proposes are based on the study of sciences such as sociology and psychology, which gives us the opportunity to answer, based on the complex knowledge of these sciences, the question that is relevant at all times: where to start personal and professional growth?

5 stages of personality development:

  1. The Peerless Inner Self- our own vision of ourselves is an ideal, inherently model of existence with the world around us and people. This practice is necessary to fully activate our internal resources, because in this case, the best motivator is an ideal that does not yet exist. But at this stage, the main stumbling block is the reaction of society - after all, it often expects the diametrically opposite from us. It is very important at this moment not to succumb to general influence, because you and only you know your goal, your cherished dream, and no one has the right to dissuade you from it;
  2. Analysis and acceptance of your essence– comprehension and acceptance of one’s own shortcomings and positive aspects of personality – this stage of personal development is necessary for moving from the actual to the desired. However, despite its obvious simplicity, the stage itself requires a lot of internal strength, because it is very difficult to realize all your shortcomings, not to mention eliminating them. This happens for the reason that since childhood, we have formed our image, which often consists only of positive qualities, refusing it means refusing to admit your own and many years of wrongness. Also, accepting one’s own essence is one of the most important steps to professional development, because in this way we can see ourselves through the eyes of others, which is vital for climbing the career ladder;
  3. Creating your own self-learning and improvement program– drafting necessary plan work on oneself, its constant fulfillment. This stage is aimed mainly at improving labor indicators, as well as personal satisfaction in one’s own life. In terms of its focus, this stage is not as significant as the previous two, but is still necessary for personal and professional development in that it helps us set goals independently, look for ways to achieve them, developing the ability to discipline ourselves while calculating all possible development options events;
  4. Application of acquired knowledge and skills in practice- so, we have fully studied not only the theoretical basis, but, among other things, the expected behavior patterns, but all this must be applied in practice, because without it, everything will remain at the previous stages, and further self-knowledge will be impossible. Of course, at the very beginning it will not be easy, but with further use of them, they will become natural, that we will not even think about whether to use them or not, because they will become part of our personality. Of course, to achieve such a result, you need to spend a lot of effort and energy. This whole process can be compared to breaking in a new car - with repeated use, you get used to all the nuances, you no longer think about it, but simply act on a whim;
  5. Maintaining and creating new contacts with society– of course, for professional as well as career growth. Active communication with society is simply necessary (unless you are a freelancer). But even in this case, involving other people in your work gives you additional responsibility. And this will not allow you to so easily give up on the goal you have set for yourself, because others have already contributed to your personal development.

Since ancient times, the process of communicating with people has been necessary for guiding the direction of life. We always choose to communicate with those individuals with whom we will be most comfortable, let’s say “along the way.” Thanks to communication with such a reference group of people, we have the opportunity to see and evaluate our actions from the outside.

In the construction of these elements of professional and personal development, we observe a certain cyclicality and dependence of these stages on each other. It is impossible to move on unless at least one condition is met. What is important is that each of these stages answers the question: where to start personal and professional growth? It is necessary to start with yourself first, and only then, at the very end, to rely on the mutual assistance of the surrounding society.

6 Signs You're Ready to Change

Before you start self-improvement, you need to understand whether you are ready for it now. If you are not mentally prepared for this, then all your efforts will be wasted and most likely, you will simply stop at some stage. Now, you will learn seven clear signs that you intend to change your life:

  1. Awareness of internal discomfort– you are on your own! You realize that some of your personal beliefs do not work, and probably even fail completely when tested for strength. This is a vivid example of realizing that you were wrong, which will be necessary in the future to go through all stages of professional and personal development.
  2. Discovering the seeds of your own discomfort. “What’s wrong?”, “What am I doing wrong?”, “Did I make a mistake?” - most often these are the questions that accompany our search for a problem. They are the ones who help us realize that it’s time to move on without stopping there.
  3. It's all my fault– placing responsibility for mistakes on oneself is a clear sign of the maturity of the individual, his complete readiness to form new aspects of his personality.
  4. Finding an answer to the question “What to do?”- by asking this question, you automatically begin personal and professional growth, because you are already in search of a way to solve the problem that has arisen, and do not let everything take its course.
  5. Active action- searching for sources of information, such as reading the necessary literature or attending trainings - in combination, all this gives a very positive result, because in this case you already realize what you want to change, and also determine whether you are ready to take a step into the unknown.
  6. Bringing actions to automation- you apply a new model of behavior to yourself, trying to partially or completely replace the old one. You are open to everything new, so you are not afraid to experiment (within reason, of course). Do not forget, strict discipline of your own actions is required here. Without it, all your attempts and movements will become just a chaotic set of unrelated things. And their utility coefficient will be zero.


We can say with complete confidence that a person who strives for personal and professional development must constantly engage in self-education! Never stop there, because stopping is a regression that is not so easy to correct. Becoming a professional is possible only if the professional and internal development of the subject is unified. That is, competent calculation of possible mistakes and active encouragement in case of success.

The influence of our society on achieving results is just as important. But we should not forget that society should only help people see themselves from the outside. Do not use society as a backbone to form your own goals. After all, if we follow other people’s lead, we take risks. We risk becoming an unimportant part of a huge mechanism, and not its heart and main element.

Listen to yourself, to your inner “I” and achieve what you want! This is your personal and Professional Development. Don’t think about how society will perceive you, because as you know, it is easier to negatively accept and judge than to help and encourage.

Definition of career growth

It's no secret that modern system advanced training of education workers is developing, improving, and updating very quickly. Almost everything is guided by the energy of the teacher himself, which, in turn, specifically depends on his own career aspirations, established professional goals and objectives, and personal needs.

Career growth can be defined in different ways, but in its most general form it means a path of official or professional advancement deliberately chosen and implemented by an employee, which guarantees a person’s professional and social self-affirmation in accordance with the level of his qualifications. In psychological and pedagogical science, the problem of career growth was dealt with by E. Shein, M. V. Alexandrova, D. A. Ashirov, V. G. Polyakov, B. Z. Vulfov, S. D. Reznik, etc. The concept of a career has been developed quite thoroughly in organization management. So, for example, in 1971, Dr. E. Schein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made a proposal to consider a career in an organization in the form of a three-dimensional cone. E. Shane emphasizes that career planning is a slow process of developing a professional self-concept and self-determination in determining personal capabilities, talents, motives, needs, relationships and values. A successful career depends not only on the motives and motivations of a particular individual, but also on opportunities.

In domestic pedagogy, until recently, the concept of “career” was not actually used, and basically the word “career” had a negative semantic connotation. In recent years, this negative connotation has begun to disappear. At the moment, a person “making a career” is viewed rather as having an orientation towards realizing personal and professional potential.

For a long time, only those careers that involved upward mobility were considered successful. But for one person, success is advancement in accordance with the ascending levels of the hierarchy; for another, it is the likelihood of creativity and mastery within the confines of the position held. Therefore, now the word “career” in general and in the education system in particular is understood in two senses: a) vertical career, which involves moving up the career ladder; b) horizontal career, reflecting the continuation of the teacher’s professional abilities in the absence of a change in his place in the hierarchy of official positions. A number of researchers believe that horizontal and vertical careers are not only different methods of life in the profession, but also different methods of life in general.

Horizontal professional growth is accompanied by a feeling of professional independence, self-organization and inexhaustibility of the position held. An example of a horizontal career can be the acquisition of competencies that are not typical for teachers. Teacher in English creates his own website on which he talks with his students, thereby increasing the learning properties of the provided advanced training course. Another teacher is mastering Newest technologies and achieves such that he becomes the creator of a multimedia electronic textbook.

A horizontal career of a teacher can develop under specific organizational and pedagogical criteria, which include:

  • manager's point of view;
  • the presence of external characteristics of the success of moving into a specialty (merits, results of research activities, etc.);
  • the presence of an adequate assessment system, its correlation with the values ​​of a particular employee;
  • assistance and stimulation of creativity;
  • formation of reflexive and creative properties.

Specifically now, when the State Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2020 is being successfully implemented, enormous abilities are being revealed for those teachers who do not want to leave their favorite job, who sincerely love to teach and understand how to do it masterfully. The implementation of the provided program creates conditions for career growth opportunities such as stimulating teachers who actively implement modern educational technologies; municipal assistance to young and professional teachers; approval of the best teachers. And this, in turn, provokes teachers to study the latest methods methodological work, scientific study, awareness of the significance of one’s practical activities.

Recently, the number of teachers who have decided to engage in research work has increased significantly, which also contributes to their career advancement. Naturally, this feature is still relatively small in the system of advanced training, but the rise in the number of teachers eager to increase their own competence through research activity has increased significantly.

These are just some of the career opportunities for a modern teacher. Obviously, there are other ways to establish and develop a career in the education system, since a career should be considered not only as climbing the administrative ladder, but as a possibility of becoming a successful specialist in one’s own activities.

Professional growth

Considering the career growth of a teacher as a dynamic process, it is necessary to note that it is directly related to professional growth as personal readiness for self-development and self-improvement within the existing professional activity. Professional growth is understood as the development, integration and implementation in pedagogical work of professionally important personal properties and capabilities, professional knowledge and skills, a functional high-quality transformation of a person’s own inner world, leading to a consciously new way of life.

The main role in professional growth belongs to the teacher personally, his expectations, and ideas about his work future.

Nowadays, a teaching career requires special attention. The progressive community is not indifferent to who will work with teachers: a dispassionate performer in the classroom or someone striving for the greatest identification of his own creative potential professional. This dictates the need for research and implementation in the educational field of concepts, programs and models for designing the career of the teaching staff of the IPC, aimed at helping, supporting, encouraging and using all the real abilities of his career growth.

The following stages of teacher professional growth can be distinguished: pedagogical skill, mastery, creativity, innovation.

Pedagogical skill is the basis of a teacher’s skill, in the absence of which it is impossible to operate in school. It is based on the necessary theoretical and practical training of the teacher, which is provided in pedagogical educational institutions and continues to polish and improve in school.

The next stage of teacher professional growth is considered to be teaching skills. Pedagogical skill as a high-quality characteristic of a teacher’s teaching and educational activities is the teaching and educational skill that he has brought to the highest degree of perfection. Naturally, in order to develop pedagogical skills, the teacher must have the necessary natural abilities, a good voice, hearing, external charm, etc. But, despite the fundamental meaning of these natural, personal data that contribute to successful pedagogical activity, the acquired properties play a decisive role.

Pedagogical creativity has significant specificity. Pedagogical creativity includes specific components of novelty, but most often this novelty is associated not so much with the promotion of new thoughts and fundamentals of study and teaching, but with the modification of methods of teaching and educational work, their specific modernization.

Pedagogical innovation is considered the highest level of a teacher’s professional activity. Pedagogical innovation includes the introduction and implementation of the latest, modern thoughts, foundations and methods into the process of learning and teaching and significantly changes and increases their quality.
