I've been blowing a telescope all my life. “30 best quotes from Sergei Dovlatov…. Sergey Dovlatov - best quotes

The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up!

When a person is first given hope, albeit briefly, and then taken away, the pain of loss intensifies a hundredfold. It’s better not to hope for anything at all than to soar into the heavens and then fall down like a stone.

A person learns to speak for two years, and then learns to remain silent for the rest of his life.

Weak people All their lives they try to be no worse than others. The strong need to become the best at all costs.

You meet hundreds of people, and none of them touch you, and then one person changes your whole life. Forever.

All my life I have been searching for the truth (the meaning of life). And the only thing I regret is wasting the time to finally understand... The truth is that there is no truth. Live and enjoy life without questioning it.

And it's never too late again
Start your whole life, start your whole journey,
And so that in the past - not a word,
Not a groan could be crossed out.

Give love to your significant other for a lifetime, not just one day a year.

Whoever you meet on your life’s path, thank him for his participation in your destiny. Whether it was an episode or for life, no person comes into the life of another by accident.

To spend your whole life in fear without ever achieving a single dream is cruel. Working hard for money and thinking that it will buy you things that will make you happy is scary.

Sergey Dona;tovich Dovla;tov (according to his passport - Dovla;tov-Me;chik; September 3, 1941, Ufa, USSR - August 24, 1990, New York, USA) - Soviet and American writer and journalist.
“Man is accustomed to asking himself: who am I? There’s a scientist, an American, a driver, a Jew, an immigrant... But you have to ask yourself all the time: am I shit?”
“All my life I blew into a telescope and was surprised that there was no music. And then I looked carefully at the trombone and was surprised that I couldn’t see a damn thing.”
“We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for good reason. And yet I want to ask - who wrote four million denunciations?”
“I prefer to be alone, but next to someone...”
“Arrogance is a method of action, that is, pressure without moral or legal grounds...”
“Born to crawl, does not want to fly.”
“The friends turned out to be three relatively young women.”
“If the writer is good, an editor doesn’t seem to be needed; if he’s bad, then the editor won’t save him.”
“The antonym of love is not even indifference or disgust, but a banal Lie.”
“There is no need to hide from happiness, because life is short. Behind is the ocean of birth, ahead is the ocean of death, and our life is just a narrow strip of land between them.”
“According to Solzhenitsyn, the camp is hell. I think that hell is ourselves.”
“As we know, there is no equality in marriage. The advantage is always on the side of the one who loves less. If this can be considered an advantage."
“Talent is like lust. It's hard to hide. It’s even harder to simulate.”
“True courage is to love life knowing the whole truth about it.”
“I was sick for three days, and it had a wonderful effect on my health.”
“But women are smarter than I thought. We ate, drank and retreated."
“Two are more than You and Me. Two are Us...”
“A crisis is a stable phenomenon. Decline is generally more stable than progress.”
“Do you know what is important in life? The main thing is that there is only one life. A minute passed and it was over. There won't be another..."
“You don’t have to be like everyone else, because we are like everyone else...”
“For some reason I always worry if two women are alone. Moreover, one of them is my wife.”
;Sergey Dovlatov
“Well, he died and died... And, in general, he did the right thing...”
;Sergey Dovlatov
Sergey Dovlatov
“Freedom is equally favorable to both bad and good. Under its rays, both gladioli and marijuana bloom equally quickly...”
“This is how we must act in the fight against absurdity. The reaction must be equally absurd. And ideally - quiet madness"
“One of the serious feelings associated with our time is the sense of impending absurdity, when madness becomes more or less normal.”
“It is very difficult to live in freedom. Because freedom is equally favorable to both bad and good.”
“A good life doesn’t make you a writer.”
“It’s easy to offend a writer, but difficult to understand.”
“A selfless lie is not a lie, it’s poetry.”
“I think love has no dimensions at all. There is only yes or no"
“I know that freedom is a philosophical concept. I am not interested. After all, slaves are not interested in philosophy. Go wherever you want - that’s what freedom is!..”
"Genius is an immortal option common man
“The world is in madness. Madness becomes normal. The norm evokes a feeling of miracle"
“Our life is just a grain of sand in the indifferent ocean of infinity. So let’s try not to overshadow this moment with despondency and boredom! Let's try to leave a scratch on the earth's crust. And let the human middle peasant pull the strap. Still, he does not perform feats. And he doesn’t even commit crimes...”
““Only death is irreparable!..” Not such a stupid idea, if you think about it...”
“As a matter of fact, I don’t even know what love is. There are no criteria at all. Unhappy love - I still understand that. What if everything is fine? I think this is alarming. There is some kind of catch in the sense of normalcy. And yet even more terrible is chaos...”
“Life goes on even when it doesn’t exist.”
“The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state. The struggle for power, economic, creative and cultural problems. Exploitation, dreams of freedom, revolutionary sentiments. Etc. This is all family."
“Don’t think, that’s all. I haven’t thought for fifteen years now. And if you think, you won’t want to live. Everyone who thinks is unhappy...”
“Man to man... how can I put it better - tabula rasa. In other words, anything. Depending on the circumstances. Man is capable of everything - good and bad. I'm sad that this is the case. Therefore, God give us perseverance and courage. And even better - the circumstances of the time and place that are conducive to good...”
“In general, if it happened that I would earn a lot of money, I would probably stop journalism. But, on the other hand, if I earned a lot of money, I would also stop my literary activity. I would stop all creativity. I would lie on the couch, create some organizations, travel all over the world, help everyone financially, which, by the way, gives me a lot of joy.”
“In general, I noticed that human charm is quite difficult to destroy. Much more difficult than reason, principles or beliefs.”
“A person is not kind, not mean, not a friend, not a comrade, not a brother. Man is not a wolf to man.

1. I think love has no dimensions at all. There is only yes or no.

2. A person is accustomed to asking himself: who am I? There is a scientist, an American, a driver, a Jew, an immigrant... But you should always ask yourself: am I shit?

Joseph Brodsky and Sergei Dovlatov

3. Do you know what is important in life? The main thing is that there is only one life. A minute passed and it was over. There won't be another...

4. Hell is ourselves.

5. My wife is sure that marital responsibilities are first and foremost sobriety.

6. Family - if you can guess by the sound who is washing in the shower.

7. I only light a cigarette when I drink. And I drink constantly. Therefore, many people mistakenly think that I smoke.

8. “Life is beautiful and amazing!” - as Comrade Mayakovsky exclaimed on the eve of suicide.

9. The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state. The struggle for power, economic, creative, cultural problems. Exploitation, dreams of freedom, revolutionary sentiments. Etc. This is all family.

10. Borya’s wife, whose maiden name was Faintzimmer, loved to repeat: “Borya drank so much of my blood that now he is half Jewish!”

11. There is one painful moment in a conversation with a woman. You present facts, reasons, arguments. You appeal to logic and common sense. And suddenly you discover that she is disgusted by the very sound of your voice.

12. I read so much about the dangers of alcohol! I decided to quit reading forever.

13. Talent is like lust. It's hard to hide. It’s even more difficult to simulate.

14. Most people consider unsolvable those problems whose solution is of little satisfaction to them.

15. Love, friendship, and respect are not connected as much as by a common hatred of something.

16. It’s not money that attracts women. Not cars or jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. And what made a person powerful, rich and elegant. A power that some are endowed with and others are completely deprived of.

17. Relationships with women are always difficult for a good man. And I'm a good person. I declare without a shadow of embarrassment, because there is nothing to be proud of here. A good person is expected to behave accordingly. High demands are placed on him. He carries on himself the daily painful burden of nobility, intelligence, diligence, conscience, and humor. And then he is abandoned for some notorious scumbag. And this bastard is told, laughing, about the boring virtues of a good man. Women only love scoundrels, everyone knows that. However, being a scoundrel is not given to everyone. I had a friend, a currency trader named Shark. He beat his wife with the handle of a shovel. Gave her shampoo to my beloved. Killed the cat. Once in my life I made her a sandwich with cheese. The wife cried all night with emotion and tenderness. I sent canned food to Mordovia for nine years. I was waiting... A good person, who needs him, you ask?..

18. People around them love not honest people, but kind ones. Not brave, but sensitive. Not principled, but condescending. In other words, unprincipled.

19. A decent person is one who does nasty things without pleasure.

20. We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for good reason. And yet I want to ask - who wrote four million denunciations?

21. “The main thing in a book and in a woman is not the form, but the content.” Even now, after countless life disappointments, this attitude seems a little boring to me. And I still only like beautiful women.

- What did you steal, I wonder?
Zek waved it off embarrassedly:
- Nothing special... Tractor...
— A one-piece tractor?!
- Well.
- And how did you kidnap him?
- Very simple. From a reinforced concrete products plant. I acted on psychology.
- Like this?
— I went to the plant. I got into the tractor. I tied an iron grease barrel to the back. I'm going on duty. The barrel rumbles. A guard appears: “Where are you taking the barrel?” I answer: “For personal reasons.” - “Are there any documents?” - "No". - “Unfasten the hairdryer...” I untied the barrel and drove on. In general, the psychology worked.

23. I walked and thought - the world is gripped by madness. Madness becomes the norm. The norm evokes a sense of miracle.

24. I used to drink quite a lot. And, accordingly, he hung out anywhere. Because of this, many people thought that I was sociable. Although as soon as I sobered up, my sociability disappeared.

25. I looked at the empty suitcase. At the bottom is Karl Marx. On the lid is Brodsky. And between them is a lost, priceless, only life.

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(1) Our memory is selective, like an urn...

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(2) They don’t ask God for more.

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(3) It is difficult to choose between a fool and a scoundrel, especially if the scoundrel is also a fool.

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(4) It’s good to go when called. It's terrible when they don't call. However, the best thing is when they call and you don’t go...

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(5) Love, friendship, and respect are not connected as much as by a common hatred of something.

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(6) Love is for young people. For military personnel and athletes...

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(7) I read so much about the dangers of alcohol! I decided to quit reading forever.

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(8) Dozens of books have been written about the dangers of alcohol. There is not a single brochure about its benefits. It seems to me in vain...

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(9) There is no need to be like everyone else, because we are like everyone else...

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(10) The desire to command in an area foreign to oneself is tyranny.

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(11) Genius is the immortal version of the common man.

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(12) Genius does not oppose the crowd. Genius is opposed to mediocre artists. Moreover, both authoritarian and democratic directions.

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(13) Everyone understands that a genius must have acquaintances. But who will believe that his friend is a genius?!

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(14) Talent is like lust. It's hard to hide. It's even harder to simulate.

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(15) People around them love not the honest, but the kind. Not brave, but sensitive. Not principled, but condescending. In other words, unprincipled.

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(16) Nobility is the willingness to act contrary to one’s own interests.

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(17) Integrity is more often a concern for those who are not being bought.

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(18) Clear truth is opposed to a lie. A deep truth is opposed by another truth, no less deep.

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(19) Only death is irreparable.

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(20) More terrible than death are cowardice, cowardice, and what inevitably follows is slavery.

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(21) In Moscow" business people“The swindlers and swindlers called themselves. The concepts of “broker” and “businessman” are associated with prison bars.

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(22) After communists, I hate anti-communists most of all.

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(23) Money is freedom, space, whims... Having money, it is so easy to endure poverty...

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(24) I have money - the bitches don’t bite.

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(25) My money, let’s say, runs out quickly, but loneliness never runs out.

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(26) Humor is an inversion of common sense. Smile of reason.

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(27) Humor is the adornment of a nation... As long as we are able to joke, we remain a great nation!

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(28) Irony is the favorite, and most importantly, the only weapon of the defenseless.

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(29) I’m so tall that I have to climb onto a stool to shave.

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(30) Not everything is gold without gold.

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(31) Criticism is part of literature. Philology is an indirect product of it. The critic looks at literature from the inside. Philologist - from the nearest bell tower.

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(32) The girl accompanied the fighter to the opposition.

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(33) Born to crawl... does not want to fly.

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(34) If you give a rooster creative freedom, he will still crow.

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(35) I prefer to be alone, but next to someone...

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(36) Freedom is equally favorable to both bad and good. Under its rays, both gladioli and marijuana bloom equally quickly...

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(37) He who lives in the world of words does not get along with things.

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(38) If we stop now, it will be artificial. We drank when we had no money. It's stupid not to drink now that they are available...

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(39) Woman, as such, is a miracle.

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(40) There is no geographical province, there is a spiritual province.

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(41) Increased disposition towards oneself is immodesty. Increased affection for one's own people is chauvinism.

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(42) Collective narcissism looks no less stupid than personal one.

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(43) What happiness it is to say what you think! What a torment it is to think about what you are saying!

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(44) It is possible, when discussing hydatopyromorphism, to be a complete fool. Conversely, when ranting about fried mushrooms, being a very smart person.

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(45) Slogan for shooting: “Knock out, motherfucker, twenty-five out of thirty!”

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(46) When I write for a newspaper, my handwriting changes.

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(47) The critic looks at literature from the inside. Philologist - from the nearest bell tower.

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(48) I am not interested in what they write about me. I get offended when they don't write.

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(49) All talented people write differently, all mediocre people write the same way and even in the same handwriting.

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(50) Language cannot be bad or good... After all, language is only a mirror. The same mirror that it’s stupid to blame.

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(51) All normal people have complexes; only degenerates and skiers do not have them.

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(52) Snobbery is the only plant that blooms even in the desert.

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(53) The opposite of love is not disgust or even indifference, but a lie.

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(54) Poverty of thought gives rise to legions of like-minded people.

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(55) Two rude women - Scylla Efimovna and Kharibda Abramovna.

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(56) Alcoholism is curable, drunkenness is not.

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(57) Tigers, for example, respect lions, elephants and hippos. Mandavoshki - no one!

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(58) Philistines are people who are sure that they should feel good.

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(59) Judged for character traits. Condemned for the properties of nature.

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(60) What is democracy? Perhaps a dialogue between a person and the state?

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(61) A repentant sinner, at least in words, separates good and evil.

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(62) He who suffers does not sin.

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(63) I didn’t think that the most difficult thing would be overcoming life as such.

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(64) Creativity is like a struggle against time. Victory over time. That is, victory over death.

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(65) The killer wished to remain anonymous.

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(66) I love you. And even a possible tripper won't stop me.

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(67) A gag is better than a gag.

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(68) Silence is a huge force. It must be banned as a bacteriological weapon...

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(69) When the brave is silent, the coward is silent.

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(70) Any signature wants to be considered an autograph.

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(71) One of my grandfather’s fights with God ended in a draw.

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(72) What is the difference between a corpse and a deceased person? In one case, it is a dead body. In the other there is a dead person.

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(73) True courage is to love life, knowing the whole truth about it.

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(74) The greatest misfortune of my life is the death of Anna Karenina!

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(75) It’s amazing that even matches can be good and bad.

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(76) A decent person is one who does nasty things without pleasure.

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(77) He looked like a diver. Just as lonely and impenetrable.

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(78) Disinterested lies are not lies, they are poetry.

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(79) I was sick for three days, and this had a wonderful effect on my health.

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(80) Geniuses, of course, have neighbors, like everyone else, but are you ready to admit that your neighbor is a genius?

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(81) Passion for inanimate objects irritates me. I think love for birches triumphs at the expense of love for humans.

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(82) Jazz is ourselves in our best hours.

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(83) Tourism is the life activity of the idle.

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(84) The truth does not always belong to the majority. But it belongs to the minority even less often.

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(85) There are three levels of life. The first is for yourself, the second is for people, and the third is for God. God in this case is the highest principle.

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(86) Two are more than You and Me. Two are Us...

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(87) A person can give anything to a person... Depending on the circumstances.

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(88) Family is if you guess by the sound who exactly is washing in the shower.

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(89) The possessive instinct is expressed in different ways. It could be love for one's own good. Or maybe hatred of others.

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(90) Mercantilism is disguised mediocrity.

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(91) The kebab shop is the only place where a broken face is the norm.

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(92) If you give a rooster creative freedom, he will still crow.

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(93) Man is accustomed to asking himself: who am I? There is a scientist, a driver, a Jew, an immigrant. But you should ask yourself all the time: am I shit?

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(94) To be jealous is to take revenge on yourself for the mistakes of others.

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(95) I noticed long ago: when idiocy is demanded from a person, he is always called a professional.

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(96) In a foreign language we lose eighty percent of our personality. We are losing the ability to joke and be ironic.

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(97) Where there is more noise, people gather there. Maybe it’s easier to be a nobody in the noise?

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(98) Some have thoughts. Others have like-minded people...

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(99) In any situation, a certain amount of absurdity is necessary.

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(100) It makes no sense to instill the idea of ​​the aroma of melon in a person who has been chewing shoe laces for years...

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(101) In any work there is a place for creativity.

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(102) Human charm is quite difficult to destroy. Much more difficult than reason, principles or beliefs.

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(103) Politeness masks vices.

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(104) Impudence is the same impudence plus the absence of shame.

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(105) Poetry is a form of human suffering. God gives man not poetic talent, but talent bad life.

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(106) The artist is a donor. It is the donor who gives himself without demanding remuneration.

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(107) Women only love scoundrels, everyone knows this. However, being a scoundrel is not given to everyone.

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(108) Weak people overcome life, courageous people master it.

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(109) Charm, as is known, balances any vices.

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(110) A noble person perceives any misfortune as retribution for his own sins. He only blames himself, no matter what grief befalls him.

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(111) All people can be divided into two categories. To those who ask. And to those who answer. For those who ask questions. And at those who frown in response with irritation.

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(112) I became convinced that any thought of a poor man in love is criminal.

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(113) Talking and eating at the same time is a rather complex science. I noticed that only elderly Caucasians own it.

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(114) A person who constantly asks must sooner or later learn to answer.

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(115) An inferiority complex can ruin the human soul. To push a person to commit horrific atrocities. Or maybe raise it to the skies.

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(116) I think love has no dimensions at all. There is only yes or no.

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(117) Life turned my cousin into a criminal. I think he was lucky. Otherwise, he would inevitably become a major party functionary.

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(118) Nadka, if you cheat, I’ll kill you! I will find you and cripple you like a monkey... I guarantee that... And remember, bitch, Vovik loves you!

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(119) Skillfully falling behind is also an art. It's even harder than winning. The mediocre horses are ahead.

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(120) Eh... The mudas swam through the lumps of water...

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(121) With your trousers, Dovlatov, you are disturbing the festive atmosphere of these places!..

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(122) The Soviet government did not deserve me to shave!

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(123) The more hopeless the goal, the deeper the emotions.

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(124) I am not sure that in life a crime is inevitably followed by repentance, and a feat is followed by bliss. We are what we feel like.

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(125) There is no greater tragedy for a man than a complete lack of character!

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(126) I counted the money without taking my hand out of my pocket.

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(127) I felt disgusted and left. Or rather, he stayed.

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(128) It’s crazy to live with a man who doesn’t leave just because he’s lazy...

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(129) The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes.

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(130) We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for good reason. And yet I want to ask - who wrote four million denunciations?

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(131) All my life I blew into a telescope and was surprised that there was no music. And then he looked carefully at the trombone and was surprised that he couldn’t see a damn thing.

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(132) Most people consider unsolvable those problems whose solution is of little satisfaction to them.

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(133) I am absolutely convinced that you can conquer any woman by endlessly photographing her.

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(134) As we know, there is no equality in marriage. The advantage is always on the side of the one who loves less. If this can be considered an advantage.

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(135) Loving in public is bestiality.

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(136) There is an opinion that a marriage on the verge of divorce is the most durable.

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(137) Everyone loves Pushkin. And my love for Pushkin. And love for your love.

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(138) Serving art requires the whole person, without reserve.

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(139) What destroys a fool? Craving for beauty.

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(140) Complete mediocrity is unprofitable. Talent is alarming. Genius is terrifying. The most marketable currency is moderate literary ability.

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(141) All people with an unclear and foggy sense of life dream of doing philosophy.

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(142) Drunkenness is voluntary madness.

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(143) The most difficult test for a prosperous person is sudden adversity.

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(144) In essence, a Jew is a surname, profession and appearance.

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(145) No matter how angry a Russian person is, offer him a drink and he will immediately become kinder...

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The artistic idea of ​​Sergei Dovlatov is simple and noble: to tell how strange people live - sometimes laughing sadly, sometimes laughing funny. There are no righteous people in his books, because there are no villains in them either. The writer knows: both heaven and hell are within ourselves.

website collected for you best sayings Sergei Donatovich about life, man and love.

  1. Man is accustomed to asking himself: who am I? There is a scientist, an American, a driver, a Jew, an immigrant... But you should always ask yourself: am I shit?
  2. Most people consider unsolvable those problems whose solution is of little satisfaction to them.
  3. The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes.
  4. A decent person is one who does nasty things without pleasure.
  5. You claim that means there was no love. There was love. Love has gone ahead, and you have fallen behind.
  6. When a person is abandoned alone and at the same time called the most beloved, it becomes sickening.
  7. All my life I blew into a telescope and was surprised that there was no music. And then he looked carefully at the trombone and was surprised that he couldn’t see a damn thing.
  8. Nothing else, but loneliness is enough. Let’s say I run out of money quickly, loneliness never...
  9. It's crazy to live with a man who doesn't leave just because he's lazy...
  10. Do you know what is important in life? The main thing is that there is only one life. A minute passed and it was over. There won't be another...
  11. Love, friendship, and respect are not connected as much as by a common hatred of something.
  12. I walked and thought - the world is gripped by madness. Madness becomes the norm. The norm evokes a sense of miracle.
  13. We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for good reason. And yet I want to ask - who wrote four million denunciations?
  14. The best way to overcome innate insecurities is to be as confident as possible.
  15. The more hopeless the goal, the deeper the emotions.
  16. I think love has no dimensions at all. There is only yes or no.
  17. Love is for young people. For military personnel and athletes... But here everything is much more complicated. This is no longer love, but fate.
  18. “The main thing in a book and in a woman is not the form, but the content.” Even now, after countless life disappointments, this attitude seems a little boring to me. And I still only like beautiful women.
  19. For a whole year there was something like an intellectual intimacy between us. With a hint of hostility and debauchery.
  20. I prefer to be alone, but next to someone...
  21. My life is quite tolerable now, I don’t do a damn thing, I read and get fat. But sometimes you feel so bad at heart that you want to punch yourself in the face.
  22. A person can do anything to a person... Depending on the circumstances.
  23. It’s normal to go visit when called. It’s terrible to go on a visit when you don’t invite me. However, the best thing is when they call you and you don’t go.
  24. I won't change the linoleum. I changed my mind, because the world is doomed.
  25. "Life is Beautiful and amazing!" - as Comrade Mayakovsky exclaimed on the eve of suicide.
  26. I only light up when I'm drinking. And I drink constantly. Therefore, many people mistakenly think that I smoke.
  27. They don’t ask God for more.
  28. I counted the money without taking my hand out of my pocket.
  29. It’s been a long time since I’ve stopped dividing people into positive and negative. And even more so for literary heroes. In addition, I am not sure that in life a crime is inevitably followed by repentance, and a feat is followed by bliss. We are what we feel like.
  30. Family is if you guess by the sound who is washing in the shower.