Task and resource management

The system is aimed at enterprises that seek to best manage warehouse operations, equipment and personnel.

"1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" is an automated decision-making system, the "brain" of a modern warehouse complex. It allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of its work, namely:

  • optimize the use of warehouse space;
  • reduce the cost of storing goods in a warehouse;
  • reduce the time of all warehouse operations;
  • reduce the number of erroneous warehouse operations;
  • increase the accuracy of product accounting;
  • avoid losses associated with the limited period of sale of goods;
  • reduce dependence on the “human factor”.
Numerous successful implementations of the system confirm that it can be effectively used in a warehouse of any size and type - from a small warehouse store to a large distribution center or a warehouse for finished products of an industrial enterprise in a variety of industries.

To automate the work of a small warehouse, relatively inexpensive “paper” work technology can be used. When implementing the system at large warehouse complexes that require real-time task management, radio terminals are used, as well as barcoding technology.

Functions for working with radio terminals are included in the module Connecting radio terminals for the software product 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0, which is not included in the main delivery of the software product and is purchased separately.

The system can be used in a secure storage warehouse (warehouses of 3PL operators). The system allows you to keep records of goods and transactions by owner and calculate the cost of services provided according to various criteria.

The support functions for secure storage warehouses are included in the module Calculation of secure storage services for the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0", which is not included in the main delivery of the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" and is purchased separately.

A distinctive feature of the system is its ease and simplicity of adaptation to the operating conditions of almost any warehouse complex and the specifics of its technological and organizational requirements. This is achieved using flexible parametric settings without the participation of programmers.

The system supports work with various types of equipment: radio data collection terminals, label printers, barcode scanners.

Setting the warehouse topology and accounting for goods in the warehouse

The system allows you to keep track of any number of warehouses and zones within the warehouse, at any time accurately determine the location and quantity of goods in the warehouse in all possible storage units, in terms of expiration dates, batches and serial numbers.
  • Reception and placement of goods
  • Planning and acceptance of goods
Possible sources of goods receipt may be suppliers (in the case of goods arriving from a supplier), clients (in the case of goods being returned from a client), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of finished products arriving from production). Information about expected acceptance is entered and stored by the system.

Reception planning allows you to enter information about the product or its barcode, print labels for goods or pallets, prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods and attract additional resources (employees, equipment) for acceptance of goods, etc., prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods as in the receiving area and the main storage area (for example, compression of a warehouse or replenishment of the core), etc.

It is possible to automatically obtain information about expected acceptance in XML format from any information system.

The goods acceptance procedure may include the following operations:

  • unloading in the receiving area;
  • identification and labeling;
  • bringing goods to the standard of warehousing;
  • quality control of received goods;
  • recalculation of goods;
  • etc.
The system allows you to accept goods both “upon the fact” of receipt of goods, and on the basis of information about the planned receipt. In the latter case, the system can track discrepancies between the planned and actually received goods. If there are discrepancies, a list of discrepancies can be obtained.

Placing goods in warehouse

After receiving the goods, they are placed in the warehouse in the main storage area. In the case of using radio terminals, planning and issuing placement tasks can be performed both during the acceptance process and after its completion.

Allows you to achieve the most optimal placement of goods in accordance with ABC classification or storage features (oversized goods, temperature requirements, defects, etc.).

The rules for placing goods are set individually for each product storage unit (pallets, boxes, pieces). This allows you to use different logic for each type of storage unit. For example, specify a placement area and/or selection area that is unique for a given storage unit.

For each product storage unit, individual placement priorities are set:

  • placement in free cells;
  • placement in occupied cells for the same product;
  • placement in occupied cells for any product;
  • assigning a specific cell to a specific product;
  • other priorities.

During placement, the volume and weight characteristics of the goods are controlled. Based on this information, the system selects only those cells where this product can physically be placed.

Selection, packaging and shipment of goods

Possible recipients of goods from the warehouse can be customers (in the case of shipping the goods to the client), suppliers (in the case of returning the goods to the supplier), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of issuing materials and components for production) and etc.

Information about shipment orders is entered into the system. This information can be the basis for carrying out preparatory activities (for example, replenishing picking cells or preparing the shipping area to accept a collected order).

It is possible to automatically obtain information about a shipment order in XML format from any information system.

Based on the shipment order, the goods are selected. The selection of one order can be carried out simultaneously by one or several employees. It is also possible to simultaneously collect several orders by one employee. Picking tasks can be divided into working areas of the warehouse.

The selection of goods (pallet, boxed, piece), for subsequent packaging and shipment can be carried out according to the following principles: taking into account the expiration dates of the goods, taking into account the batch of goods (FIFO, LIFO), in the order of their rating, according to the principle of maximum release of cells, according to the principle minimizing time, etc.

The packaging operation can be performed both during the selection of goods and at the end of selection in a dedicated packaging area. When packaging, a cargo piece (cargo) is created that has a unique identifier and weight and dimensional characteristics. Cargo can be stored and processed in a warehouse like any other product. A label and packing slip can be printed on the package.

After the selection and packaging operations are completed, the goods and cargo enter the shipping area and can be shipped to the customer. If the client refuses the entire order or part of it, the goods can be unpacked and re-placed in the warehouse.

During the process of selection, packaging and shipment, the stages of order fulfillment are monitored by quantity by product.

Intrawarehouse operations

The replenishment of the selection area and the random movement of goods around the warehouse (optimization of storage, etc.) are organized to ensure planned orders for the shipment of goods and ensure the optimal level of inventory in the selection area. At the same time, the availability of the transported goods and the possibility of placement in the cells selected by the operator are controlled.


Carrying out a complete inventory can lead to a complete stop in the warehouse, and, accordingly, the cessation of shipment of goods to customers. Therefore, in most cases, inventory is carried out “on the fly”, without stopping the warehouse.

Selective counting of goods in the warehouse during the work cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid interruptions in work.

The system provides the following types of inventory:

  • Inventory of a specific cell or group of cells at the request of the operator or at a specified frequency
  • inventory of all cells in which a certain product item is located;
  • inventory of an arbitrary warehouse area (carried out in cells of a given area);
  • inventory of empty cells (visual inspection of cells for the absence of any goods is carried out);
  • control of cargo composition.
When conducting an inventory, the cells in which the goods are counted may be blocked. After the inventory is completed, the lock is released and the cells become available for warehouse operations.

An inventory reconciliation report is used to compare lost and found goods. Confirmed shortages can be written off from warehouse balances.

Task management

Task management includes planning, issuing and monitoring the execution of tasks. For each employee, together with the equipment he uses, the composition of the warehouse working areas available to him and the operations performed can be determined.

When a task is issued, the time it was issued and the employee responsible for completion are recorded. For each employee, the entire history of his work is recorded: the tasks he performed, the time they were completed, the quantity and volume of goods, weight, etc. This allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of the work of each employee and implement a flexible motivation system.

The system supports 2 methods of issuing tasks:

  • "Paper" technology. Tasks are issued on paper, and the warehouse worker makes a note of their completion manually. After this, the paper medium is transferred to the operator, who monitors and enters information on these tasks manually.
  • Radio terminal technology. Radio terminals have an on-line connection to the system, which ensures real-time operation. In this case, all data is retrieved and entered into the system without operator participation directly by the employees performing the operations. However, the operator can monitor and influence the progress of the work.
Maximum efficiency and accuracy of task execution is guaranteed only when using radio-terminal technology. Radio terminal technology is a must for large warehouses with high turnover.


The system supports barcoding of goods, cells and pallets.

It is possible to store external product barcodes and generate internal barcodes. Barcodes for goods are generated taking into account the article and storage unit.

Any barcode can be printed on a regular printer or on a specialized label printer.

Calculation of custody services

A secure storage warehouse provides services for the storage and processing of goods belonging to other organizations.

The module "Calculation of custody services" for the product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" provides the following functions:

  • setting tariffs for warehouse operations in the context of product owners, product items and classes of storage units;
  • accounting of all warehouse operations by product owners;
  • accounting for services and determining the cost for each operation;
  • generating a report on services provided;
  • accounting of goods by owner.
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There are dozens of companies offering . One of the most common is “1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0”. Its advantage is full integration with the 1C: Enterprise 8 program, which is used by accountants. Let's consider the software's capabilities for working with a warehouse by organizational levels and functional characteristics.

Focus of the 1C warehouse program

The software "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" can be used for the following types of warehouses:

  1. Large wholesale with a small assortment and no breakdown of cargo spaces when accepting goods.
  2. Retail and small wholesale with a large assortment and various forms of placement of goods, including piece goods.
  3. Warehouses of transport companies and transit premises.
  4. Warehouse premises for safekeeping.

The 1C program supports working with mechanized racks, conveyors, RFID tags and other equipment. It allows you to organize targeted storage of goods and fully automate their processing. It also supports advanced features such as 3D visual space shaping and voice control. Thus, the 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management program can be integrated into almost any warehouse.

Multi-level capabilities of “1C Warehouse Management”

The 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management program is designed both for managing small warehouse operations and for long-term planning of activities. Therefore, it is better to consider software functionality from four levels: operational, short-term (shift/day), medium-term (days/week) and long-term. Each of them will be discussed in detail below.

Operational level

The operational level of the 1C Warehouse Management program controls the actions of working personnel: operators, loaders, storekeepers and others. It allows the foreman to set tasks, directly manage the actions of workers, and control deviations from the established schedule. can independently distribute tasks among employees, setting deadlines for their completion.

The main capabilities of the program at the operational level are:

  1. Managing tasks: distributing them among workers, taking into account roles, employment, setting deadlines.
  2. Reaction to deviations in task performance.
  3. Automation of operator work through remote interaction.
  4. Monitoring warehouse indicators and events on the screen: logical bottlenecks, employee employment, percentage of task completion, etc.
  5. Prompt change of tasks taking into account the current situation.
  6. Alarms about new tasks or problems.
  7. Collection of statistical data on turnover, task completion time, delays, etc.

Operational-level capabilities can improve warehouse worker productivity, speed up collaboration among staff, and simplify decision-making within ongoing work.

Short term level

At the short-term level, warehouse activity is analyzed over a period of a shift or day. The manager can plan cargo flows, preventing overpacking or downtime of vehicles. That is, it allows you to estimate the future load and distribute resources over time.

The main features of the program at the short-term level are:

  1. Management of waves when grouping orders for shipment: formation of individual tasks, their grouping into “waves”, automatic control of the process from the outside, intervention of the dispatcher in emergency situations.
  2. Accounting for labor productivity: determining the roles of workers, time standards for completing a standard task, calculating general and individual performance indicators, monitoring output.
  3. Determine warehouse equipment needs throughout the day.

Short-term opportunities lead to the following positive changes in warehouse processes:

  • reduction of costs for the purchase and operation of equipment:
  • increasing staff productivity;
  • reducing order processing time;
  • increased discipline;
  • determination of indicators for bonuses;
  • minimizing the influence of the human factor.

Thus, the capabilities of the 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management program allow you to maintain an even load on warehouse resources throughout the day.

Medium term level

The capabilities of the medium-term level of the 1C program provide planning of warehouse workload several days in advance. When expecting large volumes of cargo, you can adjust the work schedule of employees, free up warehouse space and create a reserve of other resources.

WMS system 1C provides the following capabilities at the mid-term level:

  1. Forecasting the volume of cargo traffic and comparing it with available resources.
  2. Distribution of planned deliveries over time.
  3. Reducing the likelihood and duration of downtime.
  4. Increase in vehicle load.
  5. Synchronization of warehouse operating hours with the arrival of transport.

The result of the implementation of these opportunities is a reduction in labor costs and costs for suppliers, buyers and the enterprise itself.

Long term level

The long-term capabilities of the 1C Logistics: Warehouse Management 3 program are intended for making strategic and organizational decisions on the overall operation of the warehouse. They also help plan the algorithm for working with suppliers.

The main capabilities at this level include:

  1. Integration into the enterprise IT infrastructure.
  2. Formation of warehouse topology and its zoning.
  3. Managing business processes in a warehouse: setting them up, editing them, building relationships.
  4. Activity analytics: deep detail, event dynamics, graphs, extensive customization options.
  5. Recommendations for changing warehouse opening hours, the number of employees, and ways to motivate them.

Thus, long-term capabilities make it possible to tailor warehouse operations to the specifics of the entire enterprise. The program allows you to create a unified IT infrastructure based on 1C Enterprise 8 and 1C Logistics: Warehouse Management to manage all business processes at the same time.

Program capabilities in terms of functional characteristics

The capabilities of “1C Logistics: Warehouse Management” should also be considered from the point of view of functional blocks: acceptance, selection, movement and others. This allows you to assess the potential of the program at each link in the product chain.

Setting the warehouse topology

A warehouse can have a variety of shapes and consist of several rooms. They contain racks, shelves and aisles between them. All free workspace is divided in the program into logical or physical cells - the minimum units of inventory control. Each of them is assigned parameters and an identification number. A cell can have different statuses: empty, filled, reserved, and others.

To manage cargo, 1C Warehouse Management also provides a breakdown of goods carriers into containers - the minimum units in accounting for transportation and storage processes. One cell can accommodate several containers and vice versa. Knowing the parameters of storage and packaging locations, the program can automatically create an optimal algorithm of actions for placing goods.

Thus, the characteristics of cells and containers are one of the main criteria on the basis of which the program creates tasks for the movement of goods.

Acceptance to warehouse

Information about the timing of the planned arrival of cargo and its parameters is displayed in the “Expected acceptance” form. Based on this, the program can calculate the need for employees, reserve cells for a certain day, and determine free space for transport in the unloading zone.

The pre-acceptance and acceptance process is carried out through the corresponding menus. They can be carried out based on information from the Expected Acceptance module.

If the arrived cargo is not marked, then identification numbers can be assigned to containers using the “Marking” document. Labels with individual barcodes are printed and affixed to the packaging. Each container can additionally be assigned a parameter that determines its shelf life

If the goods have already arrived with identifying stickers, then they can be accepted in the “Confidential Acceptance” mode without recalculation.

Planning for the placement of cargo in warehouse areas is carried out after analyzing its parameters (shipment dates, dimensions, etc.). They are configured in the "Placement Strategies" menu. The event mechanism allows you to automatically create a task for the program or give the opportunity to select a free cell directly to the storekeeper.

Selection and subsequent shipment of goods

Tasks for storekeepers to select goods are formed on the basis of the “Order for shipment” document created at the warehouse itself or received from the corporate network. Cargo can:

  • send to the buyer;
  • move to another warehouse;
  • transfer to the sales area;
  • return to supplier;
  • write off;
  • ship to production.

Several orders can be completed into one vehicle using the “Flight” document.

The 1C Warehouse Management program independently generates a register of cells and containers through which the task will be completed. It is possible to carry out cargo selection using the “wave” method, in which piece goods from different orders are taken from cells in one warehouse pass. This method is especially convenient when you need to prepare several orders for shipment at once by a certain time.

During selection, the goods can be preliminarily placed in the packaging area to form cargo packages, each of which can be assigned an identification number. The packaged goods are additionally recalculated when loaded into the vehicle. In this case, only the total number of packages is counted.

Cargo movement and replenishment

Intra-warehouse movement of goods in the program is created through the appropriate menu. Even a storekeeper can initiate tasks using TSD. A type of movement is replenishment - replenishment of the selection zone or buffer zone when planning to fulfill a large order for shipment in a short time.

The creation of a movement algorithm can be completely entrusted to the automation of the program. She herself will select the necessary containers in the initial zone and move them to the optimal cells in the final zone. Thus, all that remains is to complete the planned task.

Recalculation of goods or inventory

The program "1C: Warehouse Management 3.0" allows you to perform the following inventory and counting tasks:

  1. Inventory of cells.
  2. Inventory of containers.
  3. Inventory of a specific product item or group of goods.
  4. Control of acceptance or shipment - re-counting of goods in the appropriate areas.
  5. Quality control is checking the condition of a certain product.

Recalculation can be carried out “on the fly” in a limited area without blocking it. The order planning system identifies unloaded areas of the warehouse and sends workers there for partial inventory. Thus, only temporarily unused resources are used for recalculation.

Task management

Tasks for storekeepers are generated mainly automatically based on information from receiving or shipping orders. Individual TSDs receive information with step-by-step instructions for actions.

All tasks can be sorted in the program by priority. They can be implemented in one step or provide for the gradual movement of cargo between warehouse zones.

The control program can create work streams - multiple tasks localized in a specific area. The actions required to complete them are sent to the data collection terminal of a specific employee. The dispatcher can monitor personnel and make adjustments to the flow of tasks.

Analytical and organizational capabilities of the program

In addition to managing warehouse operations, the program allows you to cope with higher-level tasks.

Among the analytical and organizational capabilities of the 1C program, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Monitoring the completion of tasks.
  2. Determining the occupancy of warehouse space.
  3. Scalability of functionality for additional storage facilities.
  4. Consolidation of geographically separated warehouse systems.
  5. Alarms about errors and violations in the execution of tasks.
  6. Differentiation of access rights to program functions, depending on position.
  7. Calculation of the cost of services for the planned task.
  8. Management of the warehouse yard: passes, gates, ramps, vehicles, etc.
  9. Multi-level categorical accounting of goods.

The functionality of the application "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" allows not only the warehouse, but also the entire enterprise. And although this program is only one of many offered on the market, it is among the leaders in terms of the number of implementations in Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, if desired, it is worth considering it as one of the options.

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2.Use of the Services means the User agrees with this Agreement and the terms and conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these terms, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Limited Liability Company "Insails Rus", OGRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushina St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insails" ), on the one hand, and

"User" -

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1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, concluding contracts and fulfilling obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other instructions).

2. Responsibilities of the Parties

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2.3. The obligation to keep confidential information secret is valid within the validity period of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated December 1, 2016, the agreement to join the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and for five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise separately agreed by the Parties.

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2.7.Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

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2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User’s account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently safely shut down work under his account at the end of each session of working with the Services. Insales is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the User’s violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

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4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered personally or via courier, or sent by email to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may subsequently be specified in writing by the Party.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for termination of the other provisions (conditions).

4.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12 BC “Stendhal” LLC “Insales Rus”.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC “Stendhal”

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

Main industry-specific functionality of the program:

  • The "WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" configuration is not independent; for its operation you must have the installed platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" version 8.3.6 and higher.

The "WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" configuration is completely open, does not contain protected sections of code and does not use hardware or software protection, and is fully accessible to ensure the ability to adapt the product to the needs of end users.

The mobile application for working with radio data collection terminals running Android OS or MS Windows CE/Mobile comes with software protection implemented by linking the included license to the IMEI of the data collection terminal.

2016: Service model for sales of automation systems for warehouse and transport logistics (WMS and TMS)

The AXELOT company has developed a new service model for sales of the “1C: WMS” and “AXELOT: TMS” systems for clients. The principle of maximum savings on initial investment and the ability to focus on real business tasks without being distracted by the technical component have become fundamental in the new service sales model offered by AXELOT to its clients.

The service model for selling software and equipment involves the deployment of an automation system on the AXELOT infrastructure. Thus, AXELOT provides the client with the required equipment and software in the form of a “cloud” service; the company’s specialists carry out full preparation and commissioning of the system and provide a full range of system support services. The client only has to pay a fixed monthly amount for the provision of this service. Also, as part of this service, barcoding equipment (data collection terminals and label printers) and a wireless network can be rented.

If desired, the client has the opportunity to switch from the service model to the traditional one at any time by purchasing equipment and software licenses.

Among the advantages of the service sales model, in addition to the low volume of initial investments, it is worth noting a reduction in client costs associated with service and warranty maintenance of the system, as well as a reduction in operational risks caused by the inoperability of old equipment or its failure to meet changing business requirements.

2015: 1C-Logistics: Warehouse management, edition 4.0 received a certificate of compatibility with 1C

On August 12, 2015 it became known about the completion of certification of the software "1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" edition 4.0 - "Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system."

Key industry functionality

  • Accounting for goods in the address space of the warehouse: accounting in terms of packaging, expiration dates, batches, serial numbers, excise stamps, quality; container accounting and size control, ABC/XYZ analysis.
  • Management of basic warehouse tasks: acceptance, placement, barcoding (of goods, cells, containers), packaging, quality control, shipping, inventory.
  • Working with radio data collection terminals (RTD): reading barcodes and RFID tags; work without warehouse operators.
  • Resource management: automatic creation and distribution of tasks; quality control of tasks; analysis of personnel performance; calculation of the required number of personnel per shift; optimization of warehouse equipment routes.
  • Calculation of custody services: accounting of goods by owner, setting tariffs for each owner, calculating the cost of services for each operation.
  • Yard Management: control of the movement of vehicles in the warehouse area, control of entry/exit, automatic assignment of transport windows for unloading/loading by the time the transport arrives at the warehouse.
  • Warehouse operation control: monitors of the warehouse manager and receiving and shipping dispatchers; order and resource monitors; analytics.

2014: 1C-Logistics: Warehouse management 3.0

1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse management. Functionality

According to information as of December 2012, the software product "1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" accumulates experience and successful practices gained during the development and implementation of the previous version of a specialized solution for automating warehouse logistics "1C-Logistics. Warehouse Management 3.0" and is the result of many years of work on automation of warehouse complexes.

"1C:WMS Logistics. Warehouse Management" provides the following functionality:

  • Setting the topology of the warehouse complex;
  • Working with goods and containers;
  • Accounting for measured goods;
  • Receipt of goods to the warehouse:
    • Acceptance of goods from the supplier, from production or from another warehouse;
    • Return of goods from the client;
    • Acceptance of preliminary composition of pallets (containers);
    • Acceptance of substandard goods;
    • Acceptance of mixed containers;
    • Acceptance of impersonal cargo;
    • Acceptance in "trust" mode;
  • Cross-docking and transit:
    • Acceptance of goods according to the customer's order;
    • Working with transit cargo.
  • Product placement:
    • Setting product placement strategies based on various criteria;
    • Automatic product placement;
    • Replenishment of the selection zone during placement;
    • Placement of mixed containers;
    • Multi-step product placement;
    • Control of cell capacity by number and height of containers, weight.
  • Selection and packaging of orders:
    • Consolidation of selections into waves, groups;
    • Cluster selection;
    • Setting selection strategies based on various criteria;
    • Control and packaging of selected goods;
    • Consolidation of containers before loading into the machine;
    • Sorting goods by order during group/wave selection;
    • Cancellation of the order with dismantling of the cargo.
  • Shipment:
    • Planning flights along delivery routes;
    • Printing accompanying documentation;
  • Output control. Intra-warehouse operations:
    • Setting recharge strategies: by order, by min/max;
    • Feeding of boxed and piece zones.
  • Intra-warehouse movements;
  • Inventory;
  • Quality control;
  • Marking and sticking.
  • Task management:
    • Classification and prioritization of tasks;
    • Automatic distribution of tasks among resources;
    • Task monitoring.
  • Perform tasks in real time using a radio terminal
  • Support for safekeeping warehouse functions.
  • Analytical mechanisms:
    • Monitoring orders and tasks;
    • Resource monitoring;
    • Analytical reporting.

The system is aimed at enterprises that seek to best manage warehouse operations, equipment and personnel.
"1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" is an automated decision-making system, the "brain" of a modern warehouse complex. It allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of its work, namely:

  • optimize the use of warehouse space;
  • reduce the cost of storing goods in a warehouse;
  • reduce the time of all warehouse operations;
  • reduce the number of erroneous warehouse operations;
  • increase the accuracy of product accounting;
  • avoid losses associated with the limited period of sale of goods;
  • reduce dependence on the “human factor”.
To automate the work of a small warehouse, relatively inexpensive “paper” work technology can be used. When implementing the system at large warehouse complexes that require real-time task management, radio terminals are used, as well as barcoding technology.

Functions for working with radio terminals are included in the module "Connecting radio terminals" for the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0", which is not included in the main delivery of the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" and is purchased separately.

The system supports work with various types of equipment: radio data collection terminals, label printers, barcode scanners.

Setting the warehouse topology and accounting for goods in the warehouse

The system allows you to keep track of any number of warehouses and zones within the warehouse, at any time accurately determine the location and quantity of goods in the warehouse in all possible storage units, in terms of expiration dates, batches and serial numbers.

Reception and placement of goods

Planning and acceptance of goods

Possible sources of goods receipt may be suppliers (in the case of goods arriving from a supplier), clients (in the case of goods being returned from a client), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of finished products arriving from production). Information about expected acceptance is entered and stored by the system.

Reception planning allows you to enter information about the product or its barcode, print labels for goods or pallets, prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods and attract additional resources (employees, equipment) for acceptance of goods, etc., prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods as in the receiving area and the main storage area (for example, compression of a warehouse or replenishment of the core), etc.

It is possible to automatically obtain information about expected acceptance in XML format from any information system.

The system allows you to accept goods both “upon the fact” of receipt of goods, and on the basis of information about the planned receipt. In the latter case, the system can track discrepancies between the planned and actually received goods. If there are discrepancies, a list of discrepancies can be obtained.

Placing goods in warehouse

After receiving the goods, they are placed in the warehouse in the main storage area. In the case of using radio terminals, planning and issuing placement tasks can be performed both during the acceptance process and after its completion.

Allows you to achieve the most optimal placement of goods in accordance with ABC classification or storage features (oversized goods, temperature requirements, defects, etc.).

The rules for placing goods are set individually for each product storage unit (pallets, boxes, pieces). This allows you to use different logic for each type of storage unit. For example, specify a placement area and/or selection area that is unique for a given storage unit.

During placement, the volume and weight characteristics of the goods are controlled. Based on this information, the system selects only those cells where this product can physically be placed.

Selection, packaging and shipment of goods

Possible recipients of goods from the warehouse can be customers (in the case of shipping the goods to the client), suppliers (in the case of returning the goods to the supplier), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of issuing materials and components for production) and etc.

Information about shipment orders is entered into the system. This information can be the basis for carrying out preparatory activities (for example, replenishing picking cells or preparing the shipping area to accept a collected order).

Based on the shipment order, the goods are selected. The selection of one order can be carried out simultaneously by one or several employees. The selection of goods (pallet, boxed, piece), for subsequent packaging and shipment can be carried out according to the following principles: taking into account the expiration dates of the goods, taking into account the batch of goods (FIFO, LIFO), in the order of their rating, according to the principle of maximum release of cells, according to the principle minimizing time, etc.

The packaging operation can be performed both during the selection of goods and at the end of selection in a dedicated packaging area. When packaging, a cargo piece (cargo) is created that has a unique identifier and weight and dimensional characteristics. Cargo can be stored and processed in a warehouse like any other product. A label and packing slip can be printed on the package.

After the selection and packaging operations are completed, the goods and cargo enter the shipping area and can be shipped to the customer. If the client refuses the entire order or part of it, the goods can be unpacked and re-placed in the warehouse.

Intrawarehouse operations

The replenishment of the selection area and the random movement of goods around the warehouse (optimization of storage, etc.) are organized to ensure planned orders for the shipment of goods and ensure the optimal level of inventory in the selection area. At the same time, the availability of the transported goods and the possibility of placement in the cells selected by the operator are controlled.


Carrying out a complete inventory can lead to a complete stop in the warehouse, and, accordingly, the cessation of shipment of goods to customers. Therefore, in most cases, inventory is carried out “on the fly”, without stopping the warehouse.

Selective counting of goods in the warehouse during the work cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid interruptions in work.

The system provides the following types of inventory:

  • inventory of a specific cell or group of cells at the request of the operator or at a specified frequency
  • inventory of all cells in which a certain product item is located;
  • inventory of an arbitrary warehouse area (carried out in cells of a given area);
  • inventory of empty cells (visual inspection of cells for the absence of any goods is carried out);
  • control of cargo composition.
When conducting an inventory, the cells in which the goods are counted may be blocked. After the inventory is completed, the lock is released and the cells become available for warehouse operations.

Task management

Task management includes planning, issuing and monitoring the execution of tasks. For each employee, together with the equipment he uses, the composition of the warehouse working areas available to him and the operations performed can be determined.

When a task is issued, the time it was issued and the employee responsible for completion are recorded. For each employee, the entire history of his work is recorded: the tasks he performed, the time they were completed, the quantity and volume of goods, weight, etc. This allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of the work of each employee and implement a flexible motivation system.


The system supports barcoding of goods, cells and pallets.

It is possible to store external product barcodes and generate internal barcodes. Barcodes for goods are generated taking into account the article and storage unit.

Any barcode can be printed on a regular printer or on a specialized label printer.

Calculation of custody services

A secure storage warehouse provides services for the storage and processing of goods belonging to other organizations.

The module "Calculation of custody services" for the product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" provides the following functions:

  • setting tariffs for warehouse operations in the context of product owners, product items and classes of storage units;
  • accounting of all warehouse operations by product owners;
  • accounting for services and determining the cost for each operation;
  • generating a report on services provided;
  • accounting of goods by owner.


A product for automating enterprise warehouse management. Allows you to effectively automate the management of technological processes of a modern warehouse complex.


The system is aimed at enterprises that seek to best manage warehouse operations, equipment and personnel.

"1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" is an automated decision-making system, the "brain" of a modern warehouse complex. It allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of its work, namely:

  • optimize the use of warehouse space;
  • reduce the cost of storing goods in a warehouse;
  • reduce the time of all warehouse operations;
  • reduce the number of erroneous warehouse operations;
  • increase the accuracy of product accounting;
  • avoid losses associated with the limited period of sale of goods;
  • reduce dependence on the “human factor”.

Numerous successful implementations of the system confirm that it can be effectively used in a warehouse of any size and type - from a small warehouse store to a large distribution center or a warehouse for finished products of an industrial enterprise in a variety of industries.

To automate the work of a small warehouse, relatively inexpensive “paper” work technology can be used. When implementing the system at large warehouse complexes that require real-time task management, radio terminals are used, as well as barcoding technology.

Functions for working with radio terminals are included in the module "Connecting radio terminals" for the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0", which is not included in the main delivery of the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" and is purchased separately.

The system can be used in a secure storage warehouse (warehouses of 3PL operators). The system allows you to keep records of goods and transactions by owner and calculate the cost of services provided according to various criteria.

The support functions for secure storage warehouses are included in the module "" for the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0", which is not included in the main delivery of the software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" and is purchased separately.

A distinctive feature of the system is its ease and simplicity of adaptation to the operating conditions of almost any warehouse complex and the specifics of its technological and organizational requirements. This is achieved using flexible parametric settings without the participation of programmers.

The "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" system is implemented in the "1C:Enterprise 8.1" environment and contains all the advantages of this technology platform: scalability, openness, ease of administration and configuration, availability of service engineers in almost any city, etc.

The system supports work with various types of equipment: radio data collection terminals, label printers, barcode scanners.

Setting the warehouse topology and accounting for goods in the warehouse

The system allows you to keep track of any number of warehouses and zones within the warehouse, at any time accurately determine the location and quantity of goods in the warehouse in all possible storage units, in terms of expiration dates, batches and serial numbers.

Reception and placement of goods

Planning and acceptance of goods

Possible sources of goods receipt may be suppliers (in the case of goods arriving from a supplier), clients (in the case of goods being returned from a client), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of finished products arriving from production). Information about expected acceptance is entered and stored by the system.

Reception planning allows you to enter information about the product or its barcode, print labels for goods or pallets, prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods and attract additional resources (employees, equipment) for acceptance of goods, etc., prepare warehouse areas for placement of goods as in the receiving area and the main storage area (for example, compression of a warehouse or replenishment of the core), etc.

It is possible to automatically obtain information about expected acceptance in XML format from any information system.

The goods acceptance procedure may include the following operations:

  • unloading in the receiving area;
  • identification and labeling;
  • bringing goods to the standard of warehousing;
  • quality control of received goods;
  • recalculation of goods;
  • etc.

The system allows you to accept goods as " in fact " receipt of goods, and based on information about the planned receipt. In the latter case, the system can track discrepancies between the planned and actually received goods. If there are discrepancies, a list of discrepancies can be obtained.

Placing goods in warehouse

After receiving the goods, they are placed in the warehouse in the main storage area. In the case of using radio terminals, planning and issuing placement tasks can be performed both during the acceptance process and after its completion.

Allows you to achieve the most optimal placement of goods in accordance with ABC classification or storage features (oversized goods, temperature requirements, defects, etc.).

The rules for placing goods are set individually for each product storage unit (pallets, boxes, pieces). This allows you to use different logic for each type of storage unit. For example, specify a placement area and/or selection area that is unique for a given storage unit.

For each product storage unit, individual placement priorities are set:

  • placement in free cells;
  • placement in occupied cells for the same product;
  • placement in occupied cells for any product;
  • assigning a specific cell to a specific product;
  • other priorities.

During placement, the volume and weight characteristics of the goods are controlled. Based on this information, the system selects only those cells where this product can physically be placed.

Selection, packaging and shipment of goods

Possible recipients of goods from the warehouse can be customers (in the case of shipping the goods to the client), suppliers (in the case of returning the goods to the supplier), other warehouses (in the case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in the case of issuing materials and components for production) and etc.

Information about shipment orders is entered into the system. This information can be the basis for carrying out preparatory activities (for example, replenishing picking cells or preparing the shipping area to accept a collected order).

It is possible to automatically obtain information about a shipment order in XML format from any information system.

Based on the shipment order, the goods are selected. The selection of one order can be carried out simultaneously by one or several employees. It is also possible to simultaneously collect several orders by one employee. Picking tasks can be divided into working areas of the warehouse.

The selection of goods (pallet, boxed, piece), for subsequent packaging and shipment can be carried out according to the following principles: taking into account the expiration dates of the goods, taking into account the batch of goods (FIFO, LIFO), in the order of their rating, according to the principle of maximum release of cells, according to the principle minimizing time, etc.

The packaging operation can be performed both during the selection of goods and at the end of selection in a dedicated packaging area. When packaging, a cargo piece (cargo) is created that has a unique identifier and weight and dimensional characteristics. Cargo can be stored and processed in a warehouse like any other product. A label and packing slip can be printed on the package.

After the selection and packaging operations are completed, the goods and cargo enter the shipping area and can be shipped to the customer. If the client refuses the entire order or part of it, the goods can be unpacked and re-placed in the warehouse.

During the process of selection, packaging and shipment, the stages of order fulfillment are monitored by quantity by product.

Intrawarehouse operations

The replenishment of the selection area and the random movement of goods around the warehouse (optimization of storage, etc.) are organized to ensure planned orders for the shipment of goods and ensure the optimal level of inventory in the selection area. At the same time, the availability of the transported goods and the possibility of placement in the cells selected by the operator are controlled.


Carrying out a complete inventory can lead to a complete stop in the warehouse, and, accordingly, the cessation of shipment of goods to customers. Therefore, in most cases, inventory is carried out " on the fly " , without stopping the warehouse.

Selective counting of goods in the warehouse during the work cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid interruptions in work.

The system provides the following types of inventory:

  • Inventory of a specific cell or group of cells at the request of the operator or at a specified frequency
  • inventory of all cells in which a certain product item is located;
  • inventory of an arbitrary warehouse area (carried out in cells of a given area);
  • inventory of empty cells (visual inspection of cells for the absence of any goods is carried out);
  • control of cargo composition.

When conducting an inventory, the cells in which the goods are counted may be blocked. After the inventory is completed, the lock is released and the cells become available for warehouse operations.

An inventory reconciliation report is used to compare lost and found goods. Confirmed shortages can be written off from warehouse balances.

Task management

Task management includes planning, issuing and monitoring the execution of tasks. For each employee, together with the equipment he uses, the composition of the warehouse working areas available to him and the operations performed can be determined.

When a task is issued, the time it was issued and the employee responsible for completion are recorded. For each employee, the entire history of his work is recorded: the tasks he performed, the time they were completed, the quantity and volume of goods, weight, etc. This allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of the work of each employee and implement a flexible motivation system.

The system supports 2 methods of issuing tasks:

  • " Paper " technology. Tasks are issued on paper, and the warehouse worker makes a note of their completion manually. After this, the paper medium is transferred to the operator, who monitors and enters information on these tasks manually.
  • Radio terminal technology. Radio terminals have an on-line connection to the system, which ensures real-time operation. In this case, all data is retrieved and entered into the system without operator participation directly by the employees performing the operations. However, the operator can monitor and influence the progress of the work.

Maximum efficiency and accuracy of task execution is guaranteed only when using radio-terminal technology. Radio terminal technology is a must for large warehouses with high turnover.


The system supports barcoding of goods, cells and pallets.

It is possible to store external product barcodes and generate internal barcodes. Barcodes for goods are generated taking into account the article and storage unit.

Any barcode can be printed on a regular printer or on a specialized label printer.

Calculation of custody services

A secure storage warehouse provides services for the storage and processing of goods belonging to other organizations.

Module " Calculation of custody services " for product " 1C-Logistics: Warehouse management 3.0 " provides the following functions:

  • setting tariffs for warehouse operations in the context of product owners, product items and classes of storage units;
  • accounting of all warehouse operations by product owners;
  • accounting for services and determining the cost for each operation;
  • generating a report on services provided;
  • accounting of goods by owner.

The cost of services can be calculated at any frequency.


The cost of software products includes delivery, installation, one-hour training, free telephone consultations, delivery of new reporting forms and releases, and an upgrade system. When upgrading, the cost of the previous program is credited, but not more than 1/2 plus 150 rubles. for an upgrade.


Every month the 1C company releases an information and technical support (ITS) disk and daily ITS-online.

ITS is an integrated approach to servicing users of 1C:Enterprise software products, including:

Technological, methodological and consulting materials (on DVD or on the Internet):

  • 1C:Enterprise program updates;
  • practical and methodological recommendations for working with 1C:Enterprise programs;
  • exclusive guides to basic taxes and fees;
  • materials from leading economic publications;
  • exclusive explanations of changes in legislation;
  • current regulatory information.

Information is updated and updated monthly.

Service and consulting services:

  • delivery of ITS disks directly to the user’s workplace;
  • installation of software product updates by qualified specialists;
  • personal consultation of users on issues of working with 1C:Enterprise products;
  • the ability to receive 1C:Enterprise updates via the Internet;
  • the opportunity to address complex questions to auditors - authors of ITS reference books (only for ITS PROF subscribers).

The 1C company also produces a variety of methodological literature and periodicals - the newspaper and magazine BUKH.1S. To quickly obtain the information necessary for accounting, use 1C software products and solve various business problems facing the organization, 1C offers a resource for accountants BUKH.1C. Here you can always find news about the latest changes in legislation relating to the work of accounting, and information on how these changes are reflected in the economic programs of the 1C company. Articles are published on the use of economic programs of the 1C company, analytical materials on accounting and taxation, answers to the most frequently asked questions from users and much other useful information. Accountant users can also take part in the forums “Presentation of regulated reporting”, “Accounting, taxation, automation” and others. The resource is available at:
