TB during the summer holidays presentation for schoolchildren. Safety of schoolchildren during the summer holidays. Parents are active assistants to teachers in developing disciplined behavior in children on the street - presentation. Personal safety rules on the street

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If you are lost in the forest When going into the forest to pick mushrooms, for a walk or on a hike, people often do not think about their safety. Every year, rescue services record hundreds of cases of people getting lost in the forest. The favorable outcome of such incidents depends on many factors: physical and psychological condition, food and water supplies, ability to navigate the terrain, effectiveness of equipment, etc. There are many cases where people, having gone into the forest and not having sufficient experience and knowledge of local conditions, easily lost their way and, having lost their orientation, found themselves in distress.

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How should a person who gets lost in the forest behave? Stop moving and try to restore orientation using a compass or using various natural signs; organize temporary parking in a dry place to calm down and think through further actions; if the “walk” is prolonged, you should look for food around you; try to indicate your location to search groups (sunbeam, signal flag, electric flashlight, fire); If you decide not to wait for help from rescuers and set off, leave marks as you move. Remember, frequent markings make it easier for rescuers to find; be guided by sounds: horns, the sound of train wheels, car horns, barking dogs; if you go downstream of a river or stream, you can go to the sea, and there to housing.

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Remember that despair is a bad helper. Never give up. Your task is to hold out as long as possible until help arrives. Don’t hesitate - they will definitely find you!

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Fire in the forest When everything around you is on fire, it’s scary. It is even more scary when a fire occurs in a forest, on peat bogs, in the steppe or tundra, covering vast areas. An unextinguished fire or a burning match thrown onto a dry bed of leaves or peat can cause a fire. Moreover, the source of the fire may be tens or hundreds of kilometers from housing, and its scale becomes clear when huge areas of the taiga or tundra are already burning. Smoke from such fires (especially in open areas) is carried by the wind for tens of kilometers.

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In order to prevent fires in the natural environment, it is prohibited to: Throw burning matches, cigarette butts, or smoldering rags into the forest. Make a fire in dense thickets and young coniferous trees, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber and peat warehouses, in close proximity to mature crops. Leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: rags and rags soaked in oil, gasoline, glassware, which in sunny weather can focus the sun's ray and ignite dry vegetation. Burn dry grass in forest clearings, gardens, fields, under trees. Set the reeds on fire. Build a fire in windy weather and leave it unattended. Leave the fire burning after leaving the campsite.

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If a natural fire is detected, try to eliminate the source of fire on your own; if this fails, quickly leave the danger zone. Be sure to report the location of the fire to the forest guard, administration, police, and rescuers. You need to go out onto the road, a wide clearing, the edge of a forest, or a pond. You should move perpendicular to the direction of fire spread. If circumstances prevent you from escaping the fire, enter a body of water or take shelter in an open clearing, covering yourself with wet clothes. You need to breathe air near the ground (it is less smoky), covering your mouth and nose with a gauze bandage or a wet rag.

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Safety on the water As you know, swimming not only brings pleasure, but also serves as a good means of hardening the body. But it must be remembered that negligence, recklessness, and excessive pranks on the water often lead to disaster. Thousands of people die every year due to poor safety practices in water bodies.

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Rules for safe behavior on the water: it is better to swim and sunbathe on an equipped beach; if you do not know how to swim, you should not go into water above your waist; stays in the water for no more than 15–20 minutes; hypothermia may cause convulsions; Do not enter the water or dive after prolonged exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, or in a state of fatigue; you cannot dive from bridges or piers, even in those places where you dived last summer, since the water level may have dropped over the year or something was thrown into the water; jumping from the shore in unfamiliar places is strictly prohibited; you cannot swim behind the buoys, as they limit the water area with a proven bottom - there are no whirlpools there; if you find yourself in a whirlpool, don’t get lost, take more air into your lungs and dive into the depths, making a strong jerk to the side, float to the surface of the water; you cannot swim far, as you may not be able to calculate your strength to return to the shore; if you feel tired, do not try to swim to the shore as quickly as possible, “rest” on the water, lying on your back or calmly spreading your arms and legs, close your eyes, lie with your head on the water and relax; it is dangerous to dive under each other, grab each other by the legs, scare, push into the water and lead those who cannot swim into the depths; if you are caught in a strong current, you should not try to fight it, you must swim downstream at an angle, approaching the shore; It is dangerous to swim in water below +17–19 degrees; You should not swim in a storm or thunderstorm; You should not swim at night.

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Traffic rules Traffic rules exist not only for vehicle drivers, but also for pedestrians. 1. Before you go out onto the road, stop and tell yourself: “Be careful!” 2. Never run out onto the road in front of an approaching car: the driver cannot stop the car immediately. 3. Before entering the roadway, make sure that there is no approaching traffic on the left, right and behind, if it is an intersection. 4. When getting off a bus, trolleybus or tram, do not walk around it in front or behind - wait until it drives away. Find a pedestrian crossing, and if there isn’t one nearby, look around and cross the road if there are no cars. 5. Do not go out onto the streets and roads on roller skates, bicycles, scooters, or sleds. 6. Do not play ball or other games near the roadway. For games there is a yard, playground or stadium. 7. Cross the road only crosswise, not diagonally, otherwise you will spend longer on it and may get hit by a car. 8. Never rush, know that you cannot run along the road. 9. When you go out onto the road with other children, don’t chat, concentrate and tell yourself and the kids: “Be careful.”

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Traffic rules for cyclists Technical requirements The bicycle must have a working brake, steering wheel and sound signal, be equipped in front with a reflector and a flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility) of white color, in the rear - with a reflector or red flashlight, and on each side - an orange or red reflector. Traffic Bicycles must move along the bicycle path, or, if there is none, along the rightmost lane of the roadway, in one row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians. Bicycles (as well as any other vehicles) are prohibited on sidewalks.

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Bicycle drivers are prohibited from: riding without holding the handlebars with at least one hand; transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control; move along the road if there is a bicycle path nearby; turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction (in this case, you need to get off your bike and cross the road at a pedestrian crossing); drive on highways; drive along the road at night without the front white light on.

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Lightning Safety – To reduce the likelihood of being struck by lightning, the human body should have as little contact with the ground as possible. The safest position is considered to be the following: sit down, put your feet together, lower your head and chest onto your knees and forearms, and clasp your knees with your hands. – You can sit or stand on insulating material: log, board, stone, tent, sleeping bag, backpack. – During a thunderstorm, do not position yourself near a railroad track, near a body of water, or near a high-rise building without a lightning rod. – Do not touch your head, back or other parts of your body to the surface of rocks, tree trunks, or metal structures. – In a zone of relative safety, take a dry place at a distance of 1.5–2 meters from high objects: tree, rock, power line support. – Do not be near switched on electrical appliances, wiring, metal objects, and do not touch them with your hands. Turn off your mobile phone, remove metal objects from yourself. – Walk around the area of ​​land where the lightning struck, or wait a few minutes for the electricity to dissipate.

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Electrical Safety – Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended. – Do not play with electrical appliances turned on. – Do not use wet or damaged electrical appliances. – Do not handle electrical appliances while standing barefoot on the floor. – Do not use a broken plug or socket. – Do not plug foreign objects into the socket: nails, scissors, knitting needles, wires. – Do not repair electrical equipment and devices. Tell your parents if they break. This work must be performed by a specialist. – Do not pull the plug out of the socket by pulling on the power cord. – Do not go near protruding, lying on the ground, or hanging electrical wires. – Do not move electrical appliances or wet clean them without disconnecting them from the power supply. – If an electrical appliance catches fire, it should be de-energized and covered with a thick cloth to stop the access of oxygen to the combustion zone. Do not extinguish burning electrical appliances that are energized with water. If the fire cannot be extinguished, the fire brigade must be called immediately. – Do not judge the absence of electric current by the fact that household electrical appliances do not turn on or the light bulb does not light up. – Do not be careless or negligent when handling electricity.

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Safety when meeting a dog To avoid attacks and dog bites, you must follow the following rules: – Do not approach a dog that does not have a muzzle, it is better to walk around it. – Do not disturb the dog while eating and sleeping. – Do not touch someone else’s dog, do not try to pick it up, do not feed it. – Do not approach the dog from behind, do not touch it unexpectedly. – Do not approach a dog that is on a leash (chain). – Behave confidently when a dog appears unexpectedly, without fear. If you are afraid of a dog, it will attack you. If you are not afraid of her, then she will only growl and bare her teeth. You need to be calm. – Do not show active and aggressive actions towards the dog’s owner. – Never run away from a dog. – Do not swing your hand, stick, or other object at the dog, do not tease the dog. – Do not touch the puppies. – Give way to the dog and its owner in a narrow corridor, passage, or elevator. – Do not look closely into the dog’s eyes, do not smile, do not show your teeth.

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Safety during recess - Do not violate discipline. – Be attentive and careful when moving on stairs, tiled, asphalt and ice surfaces. Even a minor fall on such hard surfaces can cause serious injury. – Do not throw stones, sticks or other objects at each other. Such actions can lead to loss of vision, injuries to the face, head and internal organs. – Do not climb trees, fences, roofs of buildings. When at a height, one awkward movement is enough for a fall to occur, which can lead to bruises, abrasions, fractures, traumatic brain injury, and death of the person who has fallen. – Do not use homemade or purchased pyrotechnic products or any explosive devices. According to statistics, these “pranks” are the main cause of vision loss in schoolchildren. – Do not go close to pits, trenches, open hatches, holes. – Do not tease animals that find themselves in the school yard. – Do not provoke conflicts with others, do not participate in them. – Avoid dangers, predict their development and survive in them.

MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 149 Nizhny Novgorod, 2015 Prepared by: Irina Aleksandrovna Fadeeva, class teacher of 8A class

Let's voice the dangers that may await us

Natural hazards. Rules of conduct in the event of a thunderstorm. Thunderstorm Do not stay in open areas, near metal structures or power lines. Do not touch anything wet, iron or electrical. Remove all metal jewelry (chains, rings, earrings), put it in a leather or plastic bag, stand on a log or stone. 4. Do not open an umbrella over yourself, do not go near wire fences 5. Under no circumstances seek shelter under large trees. 6. It is not advisable to be near a fire. 8. You cannot ride a bicycle or motorcycle. 9. It is very dangerous to talk on a mobile phone during a thunderstorm; it must be turned off. If you are at home, you should also turn off all electrical appliances 10. Never try to hide under a lonely tree. 11. During a thunderstorm, do not swim, fish, or be near a body of water. A THUNDER usually strikes the highest point on its path. A lonely man in a field is that very high point. It’s even worse to be on a lonely hill in a thunderstorm! If for some reason you are left alone in a field with a thunderstorm, hide in any possible depression: a ditch, hollow or the lowest place in the field, squat down and bend your head. Lying on wet ground during a thunderstorm is not recommended.

4. It is better to swim and sunbathe on an equipped beach 5. If you do not know how to swim, you should not go into the water above your waist 6. Stay in the water for no more than 15–20 minutes; hypothermia may cause convulsions 7. Do not enter the water or dive after prolonged exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, in a state of fatigue 8. You cannot dive from bridges, piers, jumping from the shore in unfamiliar places is strictly prohibited 9. If you feel tired, do not try to swim to the shore as quickly as possible, “rest” for water, lying on your back or calmly spreading your arms and legs 10. It is dangerous to dive under each other, grab someone’s legs, scare, push people into the water and lead them into the depths 11. If you are caught in a strong current, you should not try to fight it, you need to swim downstream at an angle, approaching the shore. It is dangerous to swim in water below +17–19 degrees! It is prohibited to swim during a storm or thunderstorm! You can't swim at night! Water bodies Natural hazards. Precautions when being in the sun and water Active summer sun Excessive exposure to the sun is dangerous! Avoid exposure to the sun between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. Use sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, wear glasses and a hat.

1. Before you go out onto the roadway, stop and tell yourself: “BE CAREFUL!” 2. Never run out onto the road in front of an approaching car: the driver cannot stop the car immediately 3. Before entering the roadway, make sure that there is no approaching traffic on the left, right and behind, if it is an intersection 4. When getting off the bus, trolleybus and the tram, do not go around it in front or behind - wait until it pulls away. Find a pedestrian crossing, and if there isn’t one nearby, look around and if there are no cars, cross the road 5. Don’t go out onto the streets and roads on roller skates, a bicycle, or a scooter 6. When you go out on the roadway with other children, don’t chat, concentrate 7 . Cross the road only crosswise, not diagonally, otherwise you will spend longer on it and may get hit by a car. 8. Never rush, know that you cannot run along the road. It is DANGEROUS TO LIFE to play ball and other games near the roadway. REMEMBER!!! THERE IS A YARD, CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND OR STADIUM FOR GAMES!!! Rules for safe behavior on the road

Rules for safe behavior of passengers in public transport 1. You should wait for route vehicles only at stops indicated by signs 2. You can get into the vehicle only after it has completely stopped 3. It is not allowed to stand on the protruding parts and steps of vehicles, lean against the doors, distract the driver by talking while driving 4. disembark from the vehicle possible only after it has come to a complete stop 5. When driving, you should not sleep; if possible, you need to monitor the situation on the road 6. If while driving there is a danger of a vehicle colliding with another object, you need to take a stable position and firmly grab the handrails (belts) with your hands; the seated passenger should rest his feet on the floor, his hands on the front seat (panel) and tilt his head forward; 7. In the event of a trolleybus or tram accident, you should only jump to avoid electric shock.

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Parents are active assistants to teachers in shaping children’s disciplined behavior on the street and their compliance with safety rules.

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Seven tips on what to do and what not to do during the holidays. Tip one - Think in advance about how the holidays will be organized? If you have the opportunity to go with your child to a rest home or sanatorium, that’s great! Remember that the duration of continuous computer training for children aged 7-12 years is 20 minutes, and for older children - no more than half an hour. Tip two - Walks, games and sports activities in the fresh air are the best relaxation after school. Stay in the fresh air as long as possible away from roadways, transport, and industrial enterprises. Tip three - try to do everything in your power to protect your child. Remember that during the holidays the risk of not only street, but also domestic injuries increases. Talk to your child about this.

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Seven tips on what to do and what not to do during the holidays. Tip four - It is necessary to follow a daily routine, but some deviations from the routine are possible. The younger the child, the more time it takes for his brain and the entire body to fully restore functionality. Tip five - For the holidays to become a time of restoration and accumulation of strength for your child, it is necessary that his diet contains enough dairy and meat products, vegetables, and fruits. Tip six - Take advantage of the holidays to consult a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, dentist, or orthopedist. A frequently ill child would benefit from a course of medical procedures; a set of exercises to correct posture. Tip seven - Holidays are the best time for excursions and visiting museums. However, everything needs moderation. Do not forget that attending children's parties and entertainment events also carries the risk of infectious diseases, especially during periods of epidemiological troubles.

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RULES FOR SAFE BEHAVIOR ON WATER Be sure to learn to swim. Never go to water alone unless necessary. Never swim in an unfamiliar place. Do not dive if you do not know the depth and topography of the bottom. Don't swim over the fences. Do not swim close to boats or steamers moving on the water. Be careful and attentive when playing in the water. Don’t call for help unnecessarily by shouting “I’m drowning!” Don’t swim “until you’re blue in the face” - don’t let your body get too cold. Know how to use simple life-saving equipment. Know how to provide assistance to those in distress on the water.

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These are the basic rules. Remember them and do them! We will look at some rules in more detail. Rule 8. Healthy school-age children can swim at a water temperature of 4-20-21 degrees. The time spent in water should be increased gradually: from 3-5 to 10-15 minutes. Water temperature +20°° +17° +14° Allowable time in water 40 min 15 min Swimming is not allowed Break between entries into the water 1 hour 1.5 hours

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Rules of the road 1. Walk on the sidewalk only on the right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic 2. Cross the road at the place where the pedestrian path is indicated or the traffic light is installed. Cross the road when the light is green. 3. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right. 4. If there is no traffic light. Cross the road at the intersection. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally. 5. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles. 6. Games on the roadway are strictly prohibited. 7. Do not ride a bicycle onto the roadway.

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Rules of conduct in public places. 1. It is indecent to talk loudly, shout, or laugh on the street. 2. You cannot litter on the street: chewing seeds, throwing pieces of paper, candy wrappers, apple cores. 3. While visiting the cinema, there is no need to make noise, run, or play games. 4. While watching a movie, it is indecent to disturb the audience, slam chairs, or whistle. stomp. 5. When entering the hall and when leaving, there is no need to rush or push. 6. Be polite.

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Personal safety rules on the street 1. If someone is walking and running after you on the street, and it’s far from home, run to the nearest crowded place: to a store, a bus stop. 2. If unfamiliar adults try to take you away by force, resist, scream, call for help: “Help, a stranger is taking me away.” 3. Do not agree to any proposals from unfamiliar adults. 4. Do not go anywhere with strangers and do not sit with them into the car. 5 Never brag that your adults have a lot of money. 6. Don’t invite strangers home. 7. Don’t play after dark.

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Rules of behavior in the forest Before going into the forest, warn your family where you are going. If you are driving into the forest by car, think about whether there is enough gasoline to drive there and back. Not in your bag, but in your pocket, always have a knife, matches in a dry box and a watch - they will help you not to panic and navigate like a compass. Dress brightly - in camouflage you may not be found even from three meters, red, red, yellow, white jackets are preferable, it is good to stick on reflective stripes or patterns. Try not to go far from a familiar route, do not “cut corners” through unfamiliar terrain, especially through a swamp. If your relative is lost, call rescuers immediately. Often, independent searches only lead to trampling down traces that could have been used to find a person. If you are trying, for example, to shout out or reach out (with a car horn) to someone who is lost, wait for him in one place for a long time. Sometimes people who are found say that they followed the signal, but when they got out, they discovered that the car had just left without waiting for them even fifteen minutes. But running out of the forest quickly is quite difficult. We must not forget that going to the forest involves intense physical activity, which is unusual for city residents. If you have any other chronic diseases, they may worsen, so you cannot go into the forest without the necessary medications. And, of course, you need to have at least a minimum supply of water with you so that, if necessary, you can wash down your medications.

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Rules of conduct for children on the railway In connection with cases of fatal injuries to students at railway transport facilities, as well as facts of vandalism and hooliganism by teenagers in relation to railway transport facilities, remember: - You need to cross the tracks only on a bridge or special flooring. - Don't crawl under the cars! Do not climb over the automatic couplers! - Do not jump into a departing train. - Do not leave the carriage until the train stops completely. - Don't play on platforms and paths! - Do not lean out of windows while driving. - Exit the carriage only from the side of the boarding platform. - Don't walk on the tracks. - At the station, children can only be under the supervision of adults; small children must be held by the hand. - Do not cross the tracks in front of a nearby train if the distance to it is less than 400 meters. The train can't stop right away! - Do not come closer than 5 meters to the rails. - Do not cross the tracks without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction.

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Text of this presentation

municipal government educational institution "Naryshkinsky secondary school" (Teplo-Ogarevsky district of the Tula region) some tips for safe recreation during the summer holidays
Completed by: Chizhova Tatyana Teacher: Yu.D. Kozyr

Safe rest on the road.

Safe outdoor recreation.
When we go out into nature, it is very important that during a vacation outside the city no troubles occur that would harm our health. Try to remember simple rules that are not difficult to follow. You can admire plants and flowers as much as you like, but under no circumstances should you pick or even put unfamiliar plants in your mouth. Some plants, if handled, cause severe skin irritation that can last for several weeks. There are also poisonous plants, the poison of which is no less dangerous than that of a snake. You also need to be very careful with mushrooms you find in the forest. Collect only mushrooms that you know and be sure to show the collected mushrooms to an adult who understands them. When you walk through the forest, do not touch toadstools: they are very poisonous. Do not drink raw water from any body of water: river, lake or stream. To protect yourself from insect bites (ticks, wasps, bees, mosquitoes), when going for a walk in the forest, wear long trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and always a hat. Apply insect repellent to exposed areas of the body.

Remember that the smells of colognes, perfumes and other perfumes strongly attract insects. - If you are going to spend the night in a tent, take care of a mosquito net and insect repellent. - In hot weather, you should not stay in the sun for a long time without clothing, a hat and sunglasses - you can get heatstroke or sunburn. Never look directly at the sun, even for a short time, as this may damage your vision.


Safe recreation on the water.
Summer and the sun sometimes invite us to take a dip in the cool water. Everyone is looking for their own place where they can relax. Swimming, boating, fishing beckon. Are we always ready for a swim? You will say that it is enough to change clothes and... get into the water! Yes, no, you still need to learn the rules of behavior on the water! Let's relax properly and with pleasure Each of us should know that anyone can find themselves in a situation where skillful actions save a person's life. First of all, ensure your safety, otherwise you will have no chance to help others. Each of us should know that anyone can find themselves in a situation where skillful actions save a person’s life.

So, when going on vacation to the water, adhere to the following rules: - visit only those places that are specially designated for swimming. There are always rescuers here. In these places there are no holes or whirlpools, snags or strong currents in the water; after consuming alcoholic beverages, swimming in water is prohibited (most of the drowned people died due to the fact that they were intoxicated); - do not get close to ships, rafts, boats and boats. You may be pulled under them or overwhelmed by water; - if you decide to ride a boat, be sure to follow the rules of behavior on it. You cannot swing it or jump into the water. To prevent it from capsizing, climb into it from the stern or bow. Always keep in mind that some of the boat passengers may not be able to swim; - if you do not know how to swim, then do not sit on inflatable tubes and mattresses, they can easily be blown away by the wind; - buoys are placed in the water to warn you of danger, so you cannot swim beyond them; - never swim alone at dusk or at night. Having lost your orientation, you can easily move away from the shore; ships may be sailing there, but you will remain unnoticed by them; rules for safe behavior on water state that one of the common causes of death is hypothermia. Even where it is very shallow, the body can get hypothermia. Therefore, the optimal water temperature for swimming is +18 degrees, and the air temperature is +20 degrees. It is recommended to be in water no more than 10-15 minutes and no more than three to five times a day.

Before going on vacation with children, adults should tell them the rules of behavior for children on the water. Under the strict supervision of adults, children can be allowed into bodies of water. All the rules described above also apply to children. And if... If it happens that: - your leg cramps, then try to rub it well and try to swim to the shore, start calling for help; - if you choke on water, try to cough everything up and head to the shore; if the cough does not go away and you feel unwell, then consult a doctor; - if you are in a whirlpool, then take in as much air as possible into your lungs, and try to jerk yourself to the surface of the water; - if your legs are entangled in seaweed, then turn over on your back and try to free your legs with your hand; - if you are caught by a strong current, do not swim against it. Swim after it, and try to gradually move towards one of the shores, which is closer. Never panic, be calm. 112 is the Ministry of Emergency Situations telephone number, which you must call as soon as you notice a person going under water. Act quickly, because for a person who is drowning, every second is precious, its price is life.

Sources: - www.binhealth.com - www.activesport.info/information/doors/Bezopasnoe-leto.htmi - https://yandex.ru/images

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Beware of ticks! 4 A tick is an insect, 0.4 -3 mm long. Ticks first appear in April, when the spring sun warms up. Ticks are dangerous because they can carry diseases that threaten human life. It is important to know that ticks hide in the grass and on the branches of bushes, along forest paths and on the edges, as well as in thickets along the banks of streams.

Remember! 5 If a tick is found, contact the clinic immediately. Do not try to remove the tick yourself! If part of the tick remains in the body, it can cause an inflammatory reaction! When going into the forest, be sure to wear a hat, sweatpants tucked into socks, and high shoes. Outerwear should preferably be light-colored, with tight-fitting cuffs on the sleeves.

What to do? Do not touch or approach the item. 2. Immediately report the finding to an adult. 3. Urgently move away from this subject.

Danger on the water! 16 When you swim, there must be adults nearby. Swim only in well-known places. Even if you swim well, you shouldn’t jokingly “drown” each other and fight with someone. You should never raise a false alarm and shout “I’m drowning!”
