Is it worth persuading an employee not to quit? What to do if a valuable employee wants to quit? Playing ahead

Very often, bosses think about how to retain a retiring employee, especially those who are faced with the problem of finding new employees to fill a vacant position. It often seems to novice managers that the labor market is full of worthy candidates, and therefore they often do not value those employees who have worked for a long time and for the benefit of the company. Sometimes the most ridiculous reason can cause dismissal, and thus the company loses its previous employee, and HR managers begin looking for new candidates.

And this is where the problems begin, because despite the huge number of applicants, there is practically no one to choose from. Some have too many requirements, others have too many ambitions, and still others, in principle, do not understand the required industry. In order for an employee’s work to be effective, so that he understands what is required of him and joins the team, he needs to get used to, get acquainted with and learn for quite a long time. But after this period has passed, and the employee has adapted to the organization, you don’t want to let him go free and start training the newbie all over again.

So, any problem should start with a conversation. Call an employee who wants to leave the company and try to find out the reason for this decision. If he responds that he has been offered a position in another organization, do not become angry or aggressive. Calmly clarify what benefits he sees in another organization. The main thing is to conduct the dialogue in a measured manner, to show interest and friendliness. Only under such conditions of conversation will a subordinate perhaps tell you the true reasons for his departure, and not just answer formally and in monosyllables.

If you can get your subordinate to open up, you will be able to find out how to influence his decision, how to motivate him, and what changes should be made to avoid losing a reliable subordinate. Perhaps it’s not the amount of wages or the lack of personal account, then you won't even have to invest in convincing the person not to leave the company.

All people are, in principle, individual, and what for another is a stimulus for work, for another is an excessive load and overwork. This way you can compare all aspects of human characteristics, but if you summarize the reasons for employees’ desire to quit, then they can all be divided into four main clusters.

CLUSTER 1. Employees are not satisfied with the size or schedule of remuneration.

Nowadays, many people are forced to chase to earn at least a little more, so this problem is quite common. Insufficient wages, lack of benefits, bonuses or - all this can cause dismissal. An employee in a frank conversation will mention to you that he found a job with a higher salary, that the payment is not enough for him to live, and so on.

If you are sure that your company actually pays its employee fairly well, and social benefits can compete with the offers of other companies, you can do the following: together with your subordinate, calculate the amount of money that the company spends on him annually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all costs: advanced training, insurance, corporate events, transport and other services. The main thing is to do this not with anger and harshness, but calmly, as if weighing the situation together.

After the calculation is completed, divide the resulting amount between all working months of the year and sum it up with the monthly wages. This will help influence the employee’s opinion regarding his current job - he will probably reevaluate his priorities and think about what. For example, if there were no free canteen, how much would you have to spend on food from your salary? Or how much would the daily commute to work cost if the company’s car did not pick up employees and take them home.

In addition, a person will think about whether the same comfort awaits him in a new place, and whether it is worth leaving his already familiar position for the sake of the unknown.

There is another way to solve the situation - change of wage payment system. This does not mean raising wages, just changing the system. Let's say there are five programmers in your department, two of whom barely have time to complete the task, when the remaining three have already completed everything and are waiting for new assignments. It might be worth getting rid of those that are not performing well and dividing their wages between the remaining three. But with such an increase, the load will also increase.

Another way is to enter additional salary accruals, which will be paid depending on how much the subordinate has revised the plan. If he gets the job done quickly, offer him additional tasks to complete.

Very often, employees lose motivation to work when they good result they get nothing but thanks. Therefore, you should still think about this nuance. You can organize bonus payments based on the results of the month to those employees who have concluded successful transactions. Or another way: after each transaction, immediately charge a small reward.

Sometimes specialists actually get the job done very quickly, most often these are computer or design workers. They don’t see the point in being in the office for eight hours when they can complete the task in half a working day, and therefore decide to quit and work as a freelancer. In this case, you can offer the person to reduce his working hours so that he has additional time to earn money at home, but at the same time he does not leave the company.

A new and very successful form of cooperation is remote cooperation. You transmit tasks using the Internet, a person completes them while at home or anywhere else, and sends you the finished results. If questions arise, they can be discussed via video call. Payments can also be made electronically.

CLUSTER 2. The employee feels unfulfilled.

The feeling of unfulfillment most often worries professionals and good specialists. They know that they are capable of more, but at the same time they do not see how to use their potential in this company, which leads to the desire to quit and look for another job where the person will be fully in demand. Not every company can offer a subordinate development and constant promotion, and this leads to the fact that the person does not see any prospects. But in reality, there are not so many people who would like to work more, constantly study new areas of activity and develop their abilities, so you need to try. Let's try to influence the subordinate's decision not only from the perspective of increasing professional opportunities, but also from other aspects.

How to get out of the situation and not lose an employee.

Make the employee's tasks more difficult. If you are confident in him, then you can shift some of your responsibilities to him as a boss. This way, you will make the person feel responsible for the company and a needed employee.

Try offering him a job to negotiate a new contract or try changing his position

It happens that the manager himself sees that a specialist is ready to take a higher position and do more important work, but does not have vacancies in company. Then you can find out about vacancies in subsidiaries, perhaps such specialists are needed there.

If possible, review work time employee. Let's say, reduce his time for those activities that he performs impeccably, and give him a chance to develop in other industries. A professional designer can be offered to work on website design, and not just interiors, for example.

Any person is pleased when his opinion is important. Show your employee that you really see him as a professional: ask him for advice in the area where he works, as if confirming his professionalism. It is very important for subordinates when management consults with them.

All employees strive for different goals: some are interested in development, some in salary, and there are those for whom image is important. To retain such an employee, you can offer him a company car, an office separate from the rest - and this alone will be enough to delight him.

Many people now work outside their specialty or do not do what they love. Perhaps your subordinate is an excellent specialist in computer technology, but at the same time, he always dreamed of working for creative work, which forces him to leave the company and look for another line of activity. How to retain a resigning employee in this case? Surely your organization hosts various events, corporate parties, and celebrates birthdays. Make the employee responsible for such elements of company life. Instruct him to write scripts for parties, organize congratulations for employees, come up with competitions and design various posters and newspapers for the company. Thus, the person will continue to work for the company, and at the same time realize his creative potential.

CLUSTER 3. Problematic situation in the team, discomfort in communication.

A very common situation is when there is discord in a team, and then constant problems begin in communication between employees. This becomes the reason that valuable personnel think about why they should waste their time on office gossip and squabbles, when they can move to another team and work great. In such a situation, the leader himself is primarily to blame. He must control his subordinates, and as soon as the slightest conflict arises, stabilize the situation, instill team spirit and respect for each other. But if the situation did occur, and the boss did not notice the problem either at the time of hiring or after, during the cooperation process, then certain measures should be taken.

How to get out of the situation and not lose an employee

1. To avoid such situations, you must initially take a very responsible approach to adapting an employee to the workplace. Not only did you introduce the person to the team and then go about your business. Regulate the activities of not only the new employee, but also the rest of the team; each newly arrived employee should be assigned a supervisor who would help him understand the basics of work, and in order for the supervisor to try and work effectively, he should be motivated in some way. From the very first day it is necessary to observe how people feel in the team, whether there is a team spirit, whether conflict situations or sharp corners. Sometimes the manager himself provokes tense relationships, for example, by singling out one of the employees more than others. This also needs to be monitored.

2. The method is slightly superficial, but sometimes it works: when hiring a new employee and for the rest of the established team, it is necessary to introduce certain rules. Their main goal is to minimize the possibility of conflicts between employees. Let's say you can create such reminders or a poster where you indicate the basic truths of communication. These may be the most well-known facts, for example, when entering a company, leave negativity at the door. Or, if you don’t like the work of another, offer an alternative, and so on. Of course, some people, in principle, do not perceive such slogans, associating them with school instructions, but others still sometimes listen to instructions, so it would not be superfluous to introduce some rules of communication in this form.

3. In order to retain a resigning employee, it is necessary to build a friendly and friendly conversation with him. If in the past the boss always yelled at his subordinates and insulted them, then such good nature will seem very strange. Therefore, it is better to start cooperation without conflicts and, especially, personal insults. Create certain regulations that regulate the relationship between the employee and management. This document should contain not only the rules of employee behavior, but also regulate the actions and communication of management. Here we should point out the prohibition of personal insults, respect for each other and compliance with other ethical rules behavior.

4. It happens that people who are excellent specialists with very good knowledge in the field professional activity, absolutely cannot coexist with colleagues. Constant quarrels, scandals and conflicts arise, which naturally interfere with the work process. In this case, in order, on the one hand, to keep the employee in the company, and on the other, not to disrupt the work of the rest of the team, you can offer him a remote type of work, or allocate a separate office.

CLUSTER 4. Working conditions do not meet the desired ones and do not suit the employee.

In fact, this is a cluster of employee problems that, in principle, are of minimal importance to specialists. But at the same time, it is precisely for this reason that many employees leave their familiar jobs. The reasons for this can be very different: I’m not happy with the constant need to stay at work for five minutes, I don’t have time to have lunch, it takes a long time to travel by transport and there is no delivery, it’s bad computer technology, lack of a personal locker - and what subordinates come up with when talking about working conditions. You can, of course, keep an employee from leaving due to the lack of a wireless mouse by buying him this accessory, but there are other ways to influence subordinates.

Of course, the good thing about this cluster of problems is that they are obvious. If you still have to guess that the employee has a conflict with the chief accountant and therefore wants to leave, then everything is much simpler here. But the problem with these problems is the costs that are required to solve them. This is good if the problem lies in the wireless mouse, but if the employee lacks a new powerful computer, then more expenses will be required. The same can be said about organizing deliveries for subordinates, free lunches or creating a gym.

If a leader has the ability to implement the changes that subordinates so crave, then it is better to actually implement it. This way, the attrition rate will be significantly reduced, and you will be able to limit yourself from the constant problem of finding new employees and onboarding them.

Many subordinates who work in an organization for a long time, and who are forced to quit due to lack of comfort in the workplace, would gladly give up this if the manager showed concern for them. Therefore, if you really want to keep an employee from quitting, show him this. If you currently do not have the opportunity to organize additional elements of comfort, then honestly tell your subordinate about this, promise that as soon as possible, everything will be adjusted. Many people actually don’t want to part with their usual workplace, colleagues with whom they maintain relationships, and established schedules. It is enough to show a little attention, respect and care for an employee to stay at work. Consult with him, perhaps you can find a solution to the problem together.

Each employee has his own priorities and his own life, and their motivation is based on these factors. Let’s say that for young people the best stimulating factor would be Gym at work, or a party in a nightclub, for young parents - paid vacation and a trip to the sea, and for pensioners and adult employees, health insurance and the services of a good clinic are much more important. You should also be guided by other signs. For example, your subordinate has a car, agree that he will give home those who live near him, but at the same time you will pay the cost of gasoline.

Pay attention to employees– perhaps one of them is really tired, looks tired and needs a vacation, while the other came to work with a headache and should be released. In this way, the manager will show his concern for his subordinates, respect and understanding, which in turn is the main motivation for many. An employee would rather choose a caring and conscientious company than move to a foreign, unknown team, even if the pay there is higher.

As soon as you receive news that a company employee wants to leave the team, first of all evaluate his professional and personal qualities. If a person does not bring any particular benefit to the organization, or causes constant problems in the team, then there may be no point in thinking about how to retain him. If, nevertheless, a subordinate is a truly valuable employee, then do not start a dialogue with him with words about a salary increase. It is likely that this is not the main reason for his leaving, and other motivational tools can be used to make him want to stay in the company.

First you need to talk, draw conclusions for yourself about what kind of person your employee is, and what is the reason for leaving. Perhaps a person cannot do many things at the same time, and you overwhelm him with tasks - it is better to give tasks sequentially. Or his relationship with someone is not going well, the conflict should be resolved. There can be a lot of reasons, and in order to understand how to retain a resigning employee, you should find the root cause of such a desire, and only then select options for getting out of the situation.

Every employer dreams of a promising and qualified employee who will bring income to the company. But under the influence of a number of certain reasons, an employee may have a desire to quit and change jobs. Next, we’ll look in more detail at 5 ways to keep an employee from leaving.

Navigator by methods

1. Method. Salary increase

Quite often, employees are not satisfied with their wages. In addition, similar companies may offer Better conditions labor and wages. If a company can afford to increase wages, then it is worth trying this method in order to retain a valuable employee. It is necessary to compare all the advantages and disadvantages, and also determine the value of the employee. If he brings income to the company, then it is worth increasing his salary. Ideally, you need to talk with the employee to find out the true reason for his action and desire to change jobs.

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2. Method. Bonuses and awards

If it is not possible to increase wages, then you can issue a one-time bonus. Various bonuses are also an excellent stimulant. So for each positive work you can give bonuses, which allow you to receive certain benefits or a salary increase. This way you can organize trips for active employees or give gifts.

This stimulation is irregular, which is a positive thing for the company. At the same time, employees are pleased to receive various rewards from time to time conscientious work. This automatically increases their productivity levels and has a positive impact on the company's income.

3. Method. Career

Most employers try to retain employees by increasing wages. At the same time, there is a category of people who are not very concerned about the material side. They are trying to reach heights in life. This way you can offer a higher position or create one for a qualified and valuable employee. This is a tempting offer for those who want to succeed in life.

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Every modern employer should know 5 ways to keep an employee from quitting.

4. Method. Increasing the importance of the subordinate

However, it is not always possible to create a position for a valuable employee for a number of reasons. It is also not always possible to increase wages. In this case, it is necessary to raise the authority of a valuable employee in the team. This way you can entrust him with an important task. An employee may become the manager of an important project or entrust him with training other employees. Others need to highlight a valuable employee in the team and demonstrate his importance. This will automatically increase his self-esteem and productivity. An employee who is loved and respected in the team will hold on to his place.

5. Method. Analyzing the climate in the team

It is necessary to conduct a small investigation to establish the true situation in the team. Thus, an employee may conflict with other subordinates, he may even be insulted and disrespected. An unfavorable situation in the team automatically negatively affects the mental state of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the absence or presence of such factors. If possible, it is necessary to improve working conditions, transfer a valuable employee to another team or create another workplace for him.

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The employee may also have personal problems, for example, in the family. These could be conflicts with his wife, illness or even the death of loved ones, which negatively affect the employee’s state of mind. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the situation and help the employee solve his personal problems.

Now write a comment!

Undoubtedly, staff turnover has a detrimental effect on the performance of the organization. According to estimates, companies spend up to 1/3 of their wages on recruiting new employees. Some experts believe that such costs are much higher in a membership-based business. Employee turnover has a strong influence on the decision of company members to stay or, conversely, to terminate their participation in the company.

Here are ten steps to keep good employees:

1. Before an employee starts working for you, provide him with everything necessary knowledge regarding your work standards, he must clearly know what is expected of him. The employee should not constantly guess what he needs to do, what is expected of him, etc. This wastes time and frustrates the employee.

2. Train your new employee thoroughly. Invest the time and money to train your new employee on the specifics of working in your organization. This is a waste of time and money, although this way you will get an excellent employee who will feel like a duck to water at work.

3. Show the newbie who their role model should be. As the head and manager of the company, you have the right to set the tone for the work of the entire company. If you want all your employees to follow your course, make sure that you strive for this not only in words, but also in actions.

4. Give your employees the opportunity to improve. Consider sending your employees to continuing education courses. This will bring you benefits in the form of increased employee productivity, increased competence and increased desire to work for you.

5. Establish two-way communication. Do not wait until the time between checks to praise or, conversely, point out areas of weakness to the employee.

6. Give your employees the opportunity to express their points of view and their opinions on existing problems. Do more brainstorming sessions together to come up with new ways to solve problems. Make sure that such meetings are not threatening, but have a positive and constructive focus.

7. Reward your employees. If an employee performs well in their responsibilities, reward them with gifts and recognition. Do this so that all other employees know about it, this will be some kind of incentive for them to work. Gifts do not have to be very expensive - it all depends on your capabilities. Sometimes, in order for a person to feel valued, it is enough to give him only a small gift as a sign of attention to him. This could be a postcard, a bouquet of flowers, a certificate for successfully completing a job, tickets to a movie, a concert or some sporting event.

8. Show the employee the system of values, norms and rules of behavior that govern the interaction of people in this organization, which are based on openness, trusting relationships and fun. Celebrate your successes with those who helped you achieve them. Everyone should feel that they are an integral and integral part of the team.

9. Promote an open line of communication. Whether your organization is currently experiencing a runaway success or is in crisis, keep your staff within a tight circle. By keeping your staff in the loop, you maintain constant communication with them and treat them as an important part of the team. In return, your employees will give their best for you and even more.

10. Respect your employees. Show them that you care about them not just as employees, but as people. Follow the golden rule: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

If you follow these simple tips, you will soon see how your employees' productivity has noticeably increased, their morale has improved, and their loyalty to you has increased.

You hired, trained and developed an employee, but he says he wants to leave? To save valuable personnel we need to delve into the motives for his dismissal. Listen to the reasons that the employee gives and then you will understand how to act to keep the employee from leaving with minimal losses for the company.

A valuable employee's desire to leave is not related to the amount of time he has worked for the company. This is an internal desire that he has transferred to the external.

Advice: The official reason for leaving is not always the real motive. Some people are embarrassed to admit problems with colleagues or personal problems, so they give another reason. To holdThe resigning employee needs to work with the real reason for leaving.

There are various reasons that can motivate further care, both basic (“not enough money”), which appeal to our basic needs, and internal (“I don’t see the point in working”), which reveal a person’s needs for self-development and self-expression.

Let's look at the main reasons for leaving and ways to keep a good employee from leaving.

Money is tight

Not a single employee can perform his duties well if his head is occupied with thoughts of where to earn extra money before his salary. Before deciding this issue, it is worth analyzing the personnel market for the real level of salaries, since it may turn out that in this area the employee’s salary is at the same level. If there is potential for growth, it’s worth considering.

Solution: Discuss with employees the duties they perform and payment for them. It is not worth increasing the salary simply because of the fact of dismissal, since the situation may repeat itself in six months. Better think about increasing the motivation system, introducing KPIs that will allow the employee to earn more.

If your salary is competitive, explain this to the employee. He, in turn, will give logical arguments why he needs to increase his salary. The very fact of dialogue significantly increases the chances of a peaceful resolution of the issue.

No bonus

Often the salary level suits the employee, but he does not see significant changes in salary or loses motivation to do quality work. For such workers, not only monetary motivation is important, but also other types of reward for their work. Introduce the gamification of work, when the completion of certain levels or plans will be followed by team competitions.

Solution: strengthen corporate culture enterprises. For example, supplement the motivation system with non-monetary incentives: tickets, gifts or vouchers. If your company often issues bonuses, it is probably worth conveying to employees information about how you can receive a bonus and by what criteria it is issued.

Stagnant on the career ladder

An employee can be satisfied with his financial situation, but he sees no development. In this case, a salary increase or additional bonuses will lead to nothing. Staying in the same position for a long time with an unchanged list of responsibilities is depressing.

Solution: There is a vacancy, offer the employee a promotion. If there are no vacancies, transfer a large project under his leadership, expand the scope of responsibilities, or give him a “nominal promotion”, in which he becomes a senior employee with a small increase in salary and list of work.

I don't feel important at work

The employee can perform his duties well, be punctual and diligent. But he does not feel recognized for his work and the importance of his decisions. This situation demotivates and lowers self-esteem.

Solution: Discuss his work with the employee, mention successful projects. It is important for him to hear that you appreciate his work and notice his successes. Talk about successful projects, what you liked about your work, and mention effective decisions. And in the future, do not ignore the employee’s merits; sometimes ordinary praise is enough to motivate a person to work productively.

I see no point in my activities

Office workers do not always see the usefulness of their work, believing that they are simply “sitting their pants.” If doctors and rescuers realize the benefits they bring to people, then representatives of other professions need to feel the impact of the work they do.

Solution: if conversations indicating the effect of the work do not have results, try a more radical method. Assign an employee to more global projects, preferably on an international scale. When communicating with foreign colleagues, the employee’s horizons expand. This allows you to look at your responsibilities in a new light.

If the company does not work with foreign colleagues, present to the employee the full scope of the company’s work: tell him about the entire cycle of work that takes place, familiarize him with a different level of responsibilities. At the same time, be sure to pay attention to the area of ​​​​responsibility that he is responsible for. This way you will show him the significance of the contribution that is made to the common cause with his help.

The atmosphere within the team is not satisfactory

Not all employees are ready to admit that they don’t like the team. If this happens, then you should pay close attention to this moment. Take a closer look at the atmosphere that reigns in the team. How pleasant and conducive is she to work?

Solution: establish contact with your subordinates, spend more time in their team. Communicate frequently with managers as a team player, not as a boss. Since such a situation has arisen, it means we need to work on the climate in the team.

Poor relationship with superiors

The employee communicates this reason to the HR officer during an exit conversation or to a close colleague. It's rare that an employee is willing to honestly tell his boss that the problem is him. If there is a high staff turnover, this situation needs to be paid close attention to.

Solution: take a closer look at your relationships with your subordinates, how often you receive feedback from them, and how sincere it is. Tell employees what is needed honest review about cooperation to improve the situation.

If a bad relationship with a boss is an isolated case, it’s worth trying to transfer the employee to another manager. In rare cases, people simply don’t get along, and when the leader changes, this issue will disappear.

Any employee, first of all, is a person who can be overtaken by misfortunes and troubles. When he is going through a difficult divorce or grief from the loss of a loved one, it is better to turn off the demanding boss and understand him as a human being.

Solutions: have a heart-to-heart talk with the person, listen to his worries and pain. Offer non-financial assistance, such as emergency leave. If you are close enough, offer to meet him outside of work for emotional relief. Don't leave your employee alone with their troubles. If there is no trusting relationship between you, tactfully ask a colleague close to him to support and encourage the employee. Show that the company cares about him and that they care about him.

Good employees are valuable because of their desire to learn, develop and do everything better and more efficiently. If an employee is afraid of new responsibilities or doubts that he can perform them well, you need to help him overcome this fear.

Solution: Conduct training courses or training sessions for the employee to improve their skills. You can send him to corporate training or external courses. This way, the specialist will receive additional knowledge that will help him better cope with new responsibilities.

Healthy: some employees may still leave after completing the courses, but with higher qualifications. To avoid this, enter into a contract that after completing the courses, the employee will be required to work for a certain period of time in the company. If he refuses, take this point into account.

It is difficult to name a specific reason for leaving, but at the subconscious level it is clear that “everything is boring.” This does not always mean that a person wants to leave. Often, after finishing a difficult project, a person feels devastated and very tired.

Solution: Offer the employee a short vacation in which he can sort out his feelings. Very often, after such a vacation, employees return active and motivated for new exploits.

What methods definitely cannot be used?

There are points that must be taken into account:

  • Never assume that an employee’s only motivation is money. Be sure to understand what is happening and the context of the dismissal.
  • You should not intimidate an employee with a crisis in the labor market and insult him. Don't take care personally. Work is work, so You need to solve the situation with a clear head and from a business point of view.
  • promises of mountains of gold will not help retain a valuable employee, nor will insults and threats.
  • Be friendly and polite regardless of the reasons for leaving.
  • do not appeal to friendly relations, elevating dismissal to betrayal.
  • Do not try to retain an employee by using his colleagues to do this.
  • eliminate the thought of dark methods of retention.

We were able to retain the employee. What do we do next?

Once an employee has decided to stay, it’s worth taking a closer look at him. Dismissal is the first signal that there are things that do not suit the employee. If they are not eliminated, his dissatisfaction may spread to other employees. This could lead to mass layoffs.

Depending on the situation, adjust your actions and take into account possible scenarios. Remember, if an employee submits a letter of resignation again after a short time, it is better to let him go. At this stage, the statement becomes a means of manipulation and continued cooperation will not lead to anything good.

  • According to a 2017 study, 73% of Russians are satisfied with their work. At the same time, only 37% are satisfied with the salary level.
  • 53% of respondents agree to receive lower wages if there is food at work, entertainment in the office and the possibility of a flexible schedule.
  • 79% of respondents said that they strengths are in demand in the workplace and they find fulfillment of their potential in work.

Despite the crisis observed in the labor market, today some employees dare to submit their resignations. at will. Therefore, in some companies there may be a shortage of specialists and people continue to leave enterprises and companies on their own initiative. Why did the employee quit voluntarily?

What precedes such a decisive human action?

Reasons for voluntary dismissal

You can make a list of the most common reasons why employees leave their jobs and start looking for another job. It should be noted that the reasons that prompt a person to change their usual place of work are different, for example,

  • low salary
  • remoteness of the office,
  • family problems,
  • heavy schedule
  • changing one boss to another,
  • conflicts at work or
  • impossibility career growth.

The reasons for voluntary dismissal can be divided into three main groups:

  1. low salaries, lack of financial incentives and social packages, as well as the payment of salaries “in an envelope”;
  2. professional responsibilities and functionality of a specialist;
  3. psychological side of the problem: relationships with the boss and other colleagues.

We can consider five main reasons that are the catalyst for an employee to voluntarily leave his company.

1. Salary is below the industry average

Having settled down on new job, the employee does not immediately think about the material component of his work. After a certain time, the understanding comes that in another place the salary could be significantly higher.

An employee can make his own analysis of salaries in the market according to his position. If he is satisfied with the results of the analysis, then he does not raise the issue of revising wages. If his salary is below the industry average, then he begins to think about changing jobs.

Gradually, the employee develops an understanding that his salary does not correspond to the level of his work, then it fades away professional interest, resentment grows that he is not appreciated. In the end, he still leaves his job. It should be noted that often the manager finds out the real reason for dismissal very late, or rather, after the employee has resigned of his own free will.

In order not to lose qualified personnel, company management needs to conduct an analysis wages in the labor market, based on the results, index the salaries of their employees.

If for one reason or another it is impossible to increase salaries in a company, then attention must be paid to the non-material motivation of key employees. It happens that intangible conditions are perceived by employees even higher than material ones. For example, involvement in interesting tasks and projects that contribute to professional growth employee, employee “horizontal” movements that can improve his resume for future employers and much more.

But such non-material motivation is a kind of fine tuning that is not easy to implement in practice. Therefore, of course, issues of material motivation, issues of wage growth following changes in the labor market are the most important part of the work to retain key, necessary employees.

2. Lack of career growth

During the interview, employers “paint” in the most rosy colors the job prospects of the applicant whom they want to get into their company. They talk about his future professional and career growth in the company, bonuses, etc.

However, in real conditions, everything may turn out to be empty promises. Lack of career growth is a common reason for leaving. The newcomer begins to work with great enthusiasm, conscientiously fulfills his duties, strives to perform his functions better and better, but the promised “X-hour” never arrives. The employee's complete disappointment ends with a banal statement of resignation.

To prevent such a situation, every manager must create in his company real system professional development each employee, carry out regular assessments of staff abilities, organize training and have a good personnel reserve.

And here the employer can do a lot to increase interest. For example, the development of a system for submitting proposals for improvement makes it possible to involve many employees in tasks and projects that are interesting to them, I emphasize, to them.

You can also be more creative. There are examples when an employer, in order to increase interest in work, abandoned strict job titles and invited employees to choose for themselves what they liked. A kind of game, but it increases interest in work, even boring in nature. But yesterday the worker did it in the status of, say, an engineer, and now he is a “designer” or “inventor.”

There are also examples where employers refused strict organizational structure. And they allowed workers to work in conditions similar to modern offices of the so-called coworking, which means “office for joint work.”

Imagine an office in the form of a cafe with tables. Any employee with his own laptop sits down at any of them together with someone he likes (by mutual agreement, of course), and works at this table, while drinking tea, coffee, etc.

Whether such workers will work worse or better is a question for management theorists, each of whom will prove their own. But in practice, working in such an office is much MORE INTERESTING than in the usual open office or sitting in separate offices with official signs. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. This means that the task of increasing interest has been solved in a rather original way and is not too burdensome for the employer.

No one will argue that the examples given are far from the only opportunities to raise the interest of employees, and thereby avoid dismissals of key key employees of the company, which, as a rule, happens at the most inopportune moment.

4. Relationships with colleagues and superiors

If relationships in the team do not work out, such an office begins to resemble a “minefield”. Frequent conflicts between employees, constant nagging and an atmosphere of discontent can lead to the most sad consequences At work. In such a situation, some employees prefer to “leave quietly,” or rather, the employee quits of his own free will.

To prevent the situation from being resolved by the “flight” of the good, you need to establish relationships. Psychologists say that it is precisely this reason that cannot be eliminated, that it is almost impossible to restore friendly relations and former understanding in the team. Because correcting the situation depends on the nature, cause and depth of the conflict itself.

If the leader is truly a tyrant, then it is impossible to re-educate him. In such a situation, an employee who is planning to resign of his own free will can only be advised not to make an important life decision based on emotions. First you need to think about everything, and then make a decision.

Nevertheless, even in conditions of “tyranny” of the leader, such problems can be solved. I, too, was once a manager, and some employees important to me probably also considered me a “tyrant.” Whether you like it or not, the manager often has to prove he is right, resorting to prohibited methods and administrative pressure.

And in conditions when a very important, necessary employee working on a promising project was about to leave precisely because of my “tyranny” (that’s exactly how he formulated the reason), I managed to persuade him to stay. To do this, it took very little, to promise him never (I repeat, never) to interact with him directly, but to do it through any other employee of the company whom he points to. To make him feel comfortable with him, to work with this employee.

That's what they did. At the same time, I promised him the next time he writes a statement of his own free will, I will “let him go” without persuasion. For some reason, it was this promise that reassured him, and allowed us to continue working together for several years (!), in the absence of direct interaction (only through an “intermediary” whom this employee himself chose).

It is interesting that when the same employee nevertheless wrote a letter of resignation a few years later, which I silently signed, in response to my subsequent question whether he remembered my promise to agree to his departure without persuasion - his answer was: no, not I remember. Let psychologists think about why this is all so.

I argue that psychologists are completely wrong when they say that interaction problems cannot be solved. Any, even the worst, relationships at work can be improved, the main thing is that there is the will of managers for this, and then consistent and purposeful work.

5. Office location and working conditions

For many people, the location of the office, transportation facilities, work schedule and the environment in which employees work are of no small importance. Some people leave work because of the inconvenient office location, some because of a change in work schedule, and some because of the lack of proper equipment at work.

By the way, these criteria are the reasons for the dismissal of an employee only at the initial stage, since the applicant was not able to really appreciate all these “conveniences” during the interview. The employee will need to carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of the job; if there are more negative reasons, it is better to leave the job.

In turn, management must remember that human resource– this is the main wealth of the company. It would be better to consider the employee’s claims using common sense and eliminate the shortcomings.

Here too Russian companies often demonstrate. The whole world knows how to transport workers on departmental transport. Everyone knows how to create such conditions that workers themselves are forced to use taxis.

But, for example, organizing the transportation of key employees from home to work and back by taxi, ordered and paid for by the enterprise, is already a creative solution of Russian management.

According to the owner and manager of such a business, he thus once and for all closed the question of a convenient or inconvenient office location. Although his first steps in this direction were aimed specifically at moving the office to a more convenient location. But the move did not solve the issue; some were satisfied, while others, on the contrary, were upset. So the “corporate taxi” turned out to be a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

Well, the working conditions have already been written above, for example, about an office in the form of a cafe for collaboration, etc. You can always do something to change your working conditions, even without investing much in it. It is important to understand what goals we want to achieve, what is important to employees, and how to interest them.

Skeptics may argue that in conditions of a permanent crisis, in conditions of unemployment, albeit not very growing, there is no point in dealing with monetary and non-material motivation. Let the workers “flow”, there will be others on the labor market, even better than the previous ones.

That’s right, but here’s the problem: we know and understand the shortcomings of the existing workers very well. But we know little about shortcomings in the labor market, even if we carefully read their resume, ask for characteristics, “run through the database,” etc. What if with new employees we encounter new problems? But, for sure, we will collide, since there are no identical people on earth. We are all different, and we are all good in our own way and problematic in our own way.

Of course, the final decision is for the enterprises. Or we retain key employees (or generally perceive all employees as key). Or we don’t hold anyone. As one leader said: “Others will come in your place, wearing white hats!” What if they wear gray or black hats, or even without them at all?..
