Project to create your own business. The idea and goals of starting your own business. It should also be noted that running a small business is not only a source of livelihood, but also a way to unlock the inner potential of an individual. Objectively inevitable

Creation own enterprise- this is a complex and responsible process associated with material risk and requiring great preparation and a high level of organization of the founders’ work.

In accordance with civil legislation, a capable citizen can carry out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity by registering as an individual entrepreneur, or in the prescribed manner create his own business in a certain organizational legal form.

The stage of opening an enterprise must be preceded by the stage of developing the concept of the enterprise: defining an idea, product or service, carrying out marketing research, highlighting the target group, volumes and competitiveness of the product or service offered.

The famous American scientist Paul Samuelson wrote: “People always want to start an independent business. Even if they never manage to earn more than a few thousand dollars a year, there is still something attractive about being able to build own plans and perform a variety of tasks for which the small entrepreneur has an inclination on a daily basis.” Starting your own business is a form of expression of economic freedom and motivation for people.

Creating your own business in Russia is carried out in accordance with the current civil legislation, federal laws on individual organizational and legal forms of participants in business activities and regulations governing the entire process of creation and operation business organizations. Creating your own business in one or another organizational and legal form presupposes the following prerequisites:

· availability of property to form initial capital;

· availability of a certain amount of financial resources necessary to form the minimum amount of authorized (share) capital;

· Availability non-residential premises necessary to locate the office of the future organization and carry out the intended activities, or the availability of opportunities for renting non-residential premises;

· preliminary study of the proposed market in which the entrepreneur will offer the results of entrepreneurial activity for sale;

· forming a team of qualified founders (partners) of their own business who are well aware of the technology for carrying out certain types of activities, maintaining accounting and financial records, etc.

A future entrepreneur, planning to create his own business, must be guided by the most important market principles, among which are the following:

first, you need to find a need and satisfy it , since entrepreneurial activity is aimed at satisfying other people's needs. An entrepreneur does not work for himself, but to satisfy specific consumers, and he himself receives profit (income);

secondly, goods should be produced at lower costs (prime cost), or “taken” in quality, otherwise the market may not recognize these goods, and the entrepreneur will not be able to realize (sell) them and receive the planned profit;

thirdly, an entrepreneur, when setting the price for manufactured goods, must take into account the behavior of competitors, consumer demand, and the level of market saturation with similar goods.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate the following stages of creating your own business.

· Independently and objectively evaluate your personal qualities, knowledge and abilities necessary to implement specific types entrepreneurial activity.

· Conduct preliminary market research and identify free or otherwise accessible market niches and select the most promising options.

· Analyze the sufficiency of existing knowledge and, possibly, decide to obtain additional knowledge.

· Choose a field of business activity (market niche) taking into account the risks, your knowledge and professional experience, availability of financial and material and technical resources.

· Study legislative and other regulations governing business activities, because an individual entrepreneur has to be a pro in all areas of his activity.

· Conduct demand research for selected goods or services in order to plan sales volumes and determine the required quality characteristics of goods (services) and services.

· Determine the needs for human, financial and material resources (premises, equipment, etc.) and analyze possible options for obtaining them.

· Determine the territory in which the activity will be carried out.

· Setting immediate and long-term goals for the implementation of your entrepreneurial idea.

· Draw up a preliminary business plan and predict the profit from the project.

· Perform preliminary selection of hired workers (before registration).

· Definition financial sources necessary for conducting business activities at the first stage of the company’s functioning.

· Development of necessary (depending on the organizational and legal form) constituent documents.

· Carrying out the complex organizational events to create your own business: holding the first meeting of founders, making a decision on establishing a company, approving constituent documents, electing executive bodies management, choice of brand name, selection of qualified employees, production of seals, stamps, choice of trademark, etc.

· Development of a sound business plan.

· State registration of the company in the prescribed manner.

· Registration with the tax authority at the location of the company (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur).

· Registration with the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, and the territorial compulsory health insurance fund.

· Obtaining the appropriate codes from the territorial statistical office.

· Opening settlement (current) and other accounts in any bank in accordance with the established procedure.

· Conclusion of agreements (contracts) for the supply of raw materials, components, components and other factors of production necessary for business activities.

· Obtaining, in accordance with the law, permission (license) to carry out individual species activities.

· Conducting in-depth marketing research of the market, choosing ways to promote goods on the market, determining ways to sell products to consumers; determination of methods for setting prices for products or services.

· Concluding contracts for the supply, purchase and sale of goods (services) with consumers.

· Issuance of an order on the organization’s accounting policies.

· Organization of accounting of income and expenses in accordance with regulatory documents Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, etc.

Undoubtedly, all stages of creating your own business are extremely important, but the decisive one is the justification of the entrepreneurial idea, since it is at this stage that the economic interest (motives) of the entrepreneur in carrying out specific types of activities (specific goods, works, services, information, technologies, etc.) is revealed. , but the main thing is that the idea must be implemented into results that will be recognized by the market.

Questions and practice tasks

1. What are the advantages of small businesses over large ones?

2. What are the features of Russian small business?

3. What is the infrastructure of small businesses?

4. How does the state support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises?

6. Is a citizen who systematically collects and sells glassware for a fee an entrepreneur?

7. Which organizations have the right to issue shares?

8. Can a participant leaving the cooperative demand payment of the corresponding part of the indivisible funds?

9. What are the forms of private and state ownership?

10. What type of entrepreneurship includes financial consulting and development of custom business plans?

11. What type of business can be called trade? securities(stocks, bonds)?

13. Give the definition of a business partnership.

14. What types of partnerships exist and what are the differences between them?

15. List the types of societies?

17. What types joint stock companies exist and what are their main differences?

18. Define a production cooperative (PC)?

19. Which enterprise is recognized as unitary?

20. Who is the owner of the federal enterprise?

21. What is franchising, what are its positive and negative sides?

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In accordance with civil law, a capable citizen can carry out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, registering as an individual entrepreneur, or, in the prescribed manner, create his own business in a certain organizational and legal form.

The idea and goals of starting your own business

An entrepreneurial idea is the potential opportunity and necessity of an individual’s own realization to solve his own goals by satisfying the needs of others.

Entrepreneurial activity as a process begins with an idea, which, under certain conditions, is implemented into a specific project, the essence of which should be based on the principle: find a need and satisfy it.

It is impossible to engage in entrepreneurship without knowing a realistically achievable goal that would be understandable to both subordinates and consumers of the results of your activities (goods, services). The goal must be clearly formulated by the entrepreneur himself, the head of the company, in order to convey it to all employees who translate your goal into concrete results of work.

The art of goal setting is the art of managing a company, it is the ability to control the progress and result of achieving a goal, it is the ability to properly motivate employees, etc. Therefore, the most important goal of an entrepreneur is to define a set of goals.

Therefore, in order to become an entrepreneur and start creating your own business, you need to know what the consumer wants, formulate a goal and strive to achieve it at lower costs. Constantly study what people want and look for opportunities to give them what they want!

Organizing your own business, if you have the appropriate material, financial and other opportunities, can be carried out through the following forms: acquisition (purchase) of an enterprise (business), lease of the enterprise as a whole as a property set used for entrepreneurial activities, or establishment of your own business in a certain organizational legal form.

Conditions and principles of starting your own business

Creating your own business in Russia is carried out in accordance with the current civil legislation, federal laws on individual organizational and legal forms of participants in entrepreneurial activities and regulations governing the entire process of creation and functioning of entrepreneurial organizations. Creating your own business in one or another organizational and legal form suggests the presence of the following prerequisites:

· availability of property to form initial capital;

· the presence of a certain amount of financial resources necessary to form the minimum amount of authorized (share) capital;

· availability of non-residential premises necessary to locate the office of the future organization and carry out the intended activities, or the availability of opportunities to conclude a lease agreement for non-residential premises;

· preliminary study of the proposed market to which the entrepreneur will offer the results of entrepreneurial activity for sale;

· forming a team of qualified founders (partners) of their own business who are well aware of the technology for carrying out certain types of activities, maintaining accounting and financial records, etc.

The future entrepreneur must be competent in the field of activity in which he intends to create his own business. According to American statistics, about 90% of new enterprises are opened by people in the field of activity in which they already have work experience, or have undergone special training and internship, or have managed to attract highly qualified specialists to create their own business. they trust their destiny.

To choose a career in business, you need to conduct a clear analysis of your qualities, abilities and capabilities, so that, without giving up your dream of creating your own business, you can clarify your weak spots(especially in the field of people management) and constantly learn the art of being the owner of a business, being able to take reasonable risks, foresee failures and try to avoid them. Therefore, an entrepreneur must be able to well calculate the expected consequences of risk, maintain business secrets, and have all the information about the activities of his own enterprise, consumers of products, clients, suppliers, and competitors in particular. Considering that a business environment has not yet been formed in Russia, there is a huge bureaucratic layer of officials operating, an aggressive external environment. A future entrepreneur needs to be able to anticipate the decisions of federal and local authorities, which often infringe on the rights of entrepreneurs, and learn to protect not only their property and all assets from attacks by aggressive forces, but also their lives.

Future Russian entrepreneur he must certainly remember the most important rule: in organizing his business (business), he must rely on his own strength, because only small businesses enjoy a certain amount of support from the authorities.

Having decided to create his own business, the future entrepreneur must answer a number of key questions:

· for whom his company will work, who his future consumers (buyers) are, whether there is a place for him under the “sun of the market“. Therefore, the process of entrepreneurial decision should begin with the formulation of an idea - for whom to produce products, goods, perform work, to whom to provide services (depending on the type and type of market);

· what to produce, what specific goods, what specific services to perform, and then determine whether he has all the conditions and factors for his activities. It should be remembered that entrepreneurs have the right to engage only in legal and (or) licensed activities;

· how to produce products (goods), perform work, provide services, on what technical and technological basis, with what quality characteristics, at what costs, with what level of competitiveness. Therefore, it is very important to know what the relationship is in the market between demand and supply of goods that the entrepreneur is going to offer (in any field of activity - production, trade - intermediary, financial - credit) on the market, and not in general on the market, but in a specific territorial market. If the demand is large and stable, then it makes sense to create your own business and produce these goods.

A future entrepreneur, planning to create his own business, must be guided by the most important market principles, among which the following can be distinguished.

Firstly, you need to find a need and satisfy it, since entrepreneurial activity is aimed at satisfying other people's needs. An entrepreneur does not work for himself, but to satisfy specific needs, and accordingly receives profit (income).

Secondly, goods should be produced at lower costs (cost), otherwise the market may not recognize these goods, and the entrepreneur will not be able to realize (sell) them and receive the planned profit.

Thirdly, an entrepreneur, when setting the price for manufactured goods, must take into account the behavior of competitors, consumer demand, and the level of market saturation. An inflated wholesale (retail) price will not allow you to sell goods in a timely manner, and an underestimated one will not allow you to receive the required amount of profit. The problem of pricing plays a significant role in the mechanism of creating and operating your own business, general algorithm which can be expressed by the following brief diagram: entrepreneurial idea - goals of the entrepreneur - development of an entrepreneurial project - its implementation in the form of creating your own business - functioning of the organization.

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Entrepreneurship: Cheat Sheet Author unknown


Almost any entrepreneur, having decided to create his own business, carries out the following stages of implementing this difficult decision:

The emergence and justification of the idea of ​​engaging in a certain type of entrepreneurial activity;

Setting immediate and long-term goals for the implementation of your entrepreneurial idea;

Formation of a specific decision to open a business in a certain organizational and legal form;

Selection of qualified and reliable co-founders of a new business;

Determination of financial sources necessary for conducting business activities at the first stage of the company’s functioning;

Development of the necessary (depending on the organizational and legal form) constituent documents;

Carrying out a set of organizational measures to create your own business: holding the first meeting of founders, making a decision on establishing a company, approving constituent documents, electing executive management bodies, choosing a company name, selecting qualified employees, making a seal, stamps, choosing a trademark, etc. ;

Development of a sound business plan;

State registration of the company in the prescribed manner;

registration with the tax authority at the location of the company (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur);

registration with the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, and the territorial compulsory health insurance fund;

receiving the corresponding codes economic activity in the territorial statistical body;

opening settlement (current) and other accounts in any bank in accordance with the established procedure; concluding agreements (contracts) for the supply of raw materials, materials, components and other factors of production necessary for carrying out business activities; obtaining, in accordance with the law, permission (license) to carry out certain types of activities;

Conducting in-depth marketing research of the market, choosing ways to promote goods on the market, determining ways to sell products to consumers; determination of methods for setting prices for products or services;

concluding contracts for the supply, purchase and sale of goods (services) with consumers; carrying out the necessary advertising campaign goods (services);

issuance of an order on the accounting policy of the organization; organization of accounting of income and expenses in accordance with regulatory documents of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, etc.

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