New Year's envelopes. Envelope templates from Santa Claus New Year's envelope print A4 template black and white

I needed an envelope here for one thing (I wanted to convey my congratulations sealed), and since the card was custom size, then I had to quickly make an envelope with my own hands (fortunately, I had enough paper at home). And then everything was as usual - I showed it to my friends, and now I’m already making invitation envelopes for one, and the other is asking for a template for an envelope for money to present a large sum to her husband’s parents for their golden wedding.

I decided, without further ado, to simply write a short instruction on how to make envelopes. Yes, it seems to me that this is obvious, and everyone can guess how to fold a piece of paper and glue it to make an envelope, but as practice shows, many people find it easier to work according to instructions, especially when it comes to needlework.

For what? My husband asked me this question when he saw me burying myself in my scrapbooks. He seems to understand the purpose of postcards, but envelopes turned out to be something beyond our reach. So, what are envelopes for?

  • as packaging for letters (yes, some people write paper letters and send postcards);
  • for packing cards - printing an envelope is much more exciting than just opening a greeting card;
  • envelopes for money self made they will help out when you want to give someone a certain amount of money;
  • for romantic notes and secrets.

Of course, except postal item, all these reasons are not a necessity, but rather a whim. But here I am more categorical than ever - sometimes you need to allow yourself joy and indulgence just for pleasure, otherwise life will become boring and gray. And handmade gifts are perfect for this.

There are many ways to package a postcard, money or letter so that strangers cannot look into it, and, perhaps, talking about all the ways is a bad idea, the post will turn out to be too long and a rare bird will fly to its end. Therefore, we will do the following - I will tell you about the main ways to make an envelope for money with your own hands, and at the same time I will show you the works that inspire me. Using basic techniques and templates, you can make an envelope for any occasion with your own hands.

By the way, about templates: I advise you to save the templates you like, so you can be sure that you always have them at hand. I created a regular folder on my desktop where I put the pictures I like in Word files. However, I will talk about using word further.

Simple option

Sometimes you have to make a regular postal envelope for a letter or postcard yourself - either the nearest store doesn’t have it, or the format is not suitable. I usually use a sample for this - I take an existing envelope (for example, from a postcard), measure it with a ruler and make the same paper envelope. But you can go the other way and learn how to make an envelope from A4 paper.

And in order for you to get an ordinary rectangular envelope, you need to mark a pattern on it, as in the diagram.

The two large parts are the walls of the envelope, it also has a long turn-down flap, and the sides that need to be glued. It is best to glue it inside, so that there are no seams on the outside. Make a mark on your piece of paper, cut out the piece with sharp scissors, and then glue the sides.

Or you can make this simple and cute option:

And from 4 circles you can get the following envelope:

The video shows how to assemble it:

How to decorate such an envelope from A4 sheet:

  1. Use watercolor paper on which you can create colorful splashes and streaks.
  2. Make beautiful stickers - you can use ready-made ones, or you can download any picture from the Internet and print it.
  3. You can tie it up.

Manufacturing method without glue

Gluing an envelope is not difficult, but simply folding it out of paper is a little more difficult. Of course, the post office is unlikely to accept such an envelope, but for an accompanying card for a gift it is perfect - the congratulations will look cute and touching.

How to make an envelope without glue: you need to look through the origami templates and choose the one you like; make a pattern; cut the workpiece; fold and iron well. Or you can fold the paper as in the video below: no scissors or glue is needed, just an A4 sheet.

At first glance, everything is easy, right? The second one is also easy, but I advise you to still try to make the beautiful envelopes you like with your own hands, first from plain paper, and only then from scrapbooking paper. Of course, you can immediately practice on scrap paper, but it’s not a fact that the envelope will turn out neat the first time, and creases made on thick scrap paper will be much more difficult to correct.

How to decorate an envelope folded from paper without glue:

  • punch several holes with a hole punch and tie a beautiful ribbon on the envelope;
  • use a figured hole punch to decorate the edges and corners of the envelope;
  • make an applique from contrasting paper or special cutting.


I admit honestly, origami is a dark forest for me, but I have made several such envelopes (although, of course, I prefer scrapbooking money envelopes). So, what does it take to make an origami envelope for money?

  1. Square sheet of paper.
  2. Ruler for straight bends.
  3. Rolling needle (if you are folding origami from thick paper).

By the way, you can make an origami envelope out of paper without glue, which is also sometimes very convenient, but such envelopes are not suitable for mail. However, they are very, very beautiful, and it seems to me that if you use such an envelope for money for a birthday, the birthday person will feel all your care and attention.

Complex options

I’ll tell you a little about how to make scrap envelopes not according to a lesson, but simply using master classes for inspiration.

Scrapbooking is good because it allows you to make envelopes, postcards, albums and other amenities from literally nothing. Yes, now you can buy a variety of scrapbooking kits, but if you think about it, this technique came to us from the past, when women simply decorated their personal diaries and albums with lace, cuttings, stamping. All these techniques can be used now.

If you are into scrapbooking (or, like me, you just periodically buy materials and can’t pass them by), then you have certain supplies - lay them out on the table and try to combine one with the other. For example, select a couple of sheets of paper, match them with cuttings, decorative tape, and ribbons.

If you don’t have all this stuff, don’t be upset, and you don’t have to run to the store. Because you probably have something. And from this something you can most likely make a gift envelope. What may be useful:

  • scraps of cardboard, beautiful colored paper;
  • felt and decorative fabrics;
  • unnecessary postcards and photographs;
  • printouts with any patterns;
  • paper of different quality and purpose (even pieces of wallpaper will do);
  • ribbons, bows, laces;
  • buttons (by the way, a very fashionable trend in scrapbooking);
  • miniature figures;
  • trimmings of lace and thin fabrics;
  • nail polishes, decorative glitter and even unnecessary shadows (they are used to make pseudo-craquelure).

I think you already understand - almost anything can be used to make an envelope!

I’ll give you a step-by-step video lesson that I liked - I have nothing to add here, except that a DIY envelope for a wedding or an envelope for a gift card using this MK will be very, very beautiful.

General templates and some more lessons and examples

I think now you more or less understand how to make an envelope out of paper with your own hands, and my other examples of how to make an envelope for money are just inspirational speeches and various life hacks in this regard, because you got the main idea.

If the envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands is not very neat, wrap it with lace - it will hide the flaws, and at the same time give the product a finished and festive look. A small envelope can be wrapped entirely, but a large envelope is better draped gracefully. By the way, a wedding card is usually large so that the toast can fit in it. If you just want to attach a card to a gift, or a certain amount of money, then it is better to use a small congratulatory envelope.

If you are making an envelope from paper without glue, then support this idea in the design - for example, fold several origami figures with your own hands and decorate an envelope for money with them on your birthday - for example, you can fold a flower, a heart or a crane, which represents a wish for happiness .

Don't want to sign the envelope manually? See how to make an envelope out of paper for money using word templates. You can download the money envelope template below. Choose your favorite templates.

There is another way - first you print wishes or an address on a printer, and then watch a master class on how to make an envelope from a sheet of the required format.

How to make a chic origami envelope out of paper? Take three or four sheets of paper for practice, and try to make your own beautiful envelope using this master class.

In general, do not hesitate to use Word to print diagrams - it is much easier than cutting them out. Word will also help you make a beautiful inscription for congratulations (and we don’t write too smoothly). If you use self-adhesive paper to print a Word file, you don’t even have to decorate a regular paper envelope with anything - you can download the simplest template and decorate it with stickers.

If you need a lot of envelopes for a holiday (for example, for wedding invitations), then it is better to use folded envelopes - this category of products looks very presentable, they are made quickly, and if you do not use glue, then the likelihood of spoiling something is much less.

Don’t forget that any master class needs to be watched and completed step by step - first watch it in full, and then repeat what the master does - first print it, then fold it, then glue it. This way you can get the same result as shown in the photo.

All children love to write letters to Santa Claus, and sometimes adults dream of expressing all their desires on paper. In order for Santa Claus to receive the most beautiful envelope and accurately send a gift, you need to try. The letter should be pedantic, original, colorful and interesting. Santa Claus does not like standard texts, so you need to surprise him with your excellent behavior, tell him about yourself and very diligently ask him to send the desired gift.

To make sure everything goes smoothly, we will help you design the envelope by providing Santa Claus with templates that need to be printed using this link. Templates are selected to suit every taste and any amount of text.

Postcard with Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost's favorite granddaughter is Snegurochka; it is her who grandfather will never get tired of looking at. Therefore, it is worth choosing this particular envelope. It must be decorated in soft blue and blue color. A beautiful Christmas tree is painted on the reverse side. You will need to put a letter in a printed envelope and wait for a response from the kindest grandfather in the world.

Postcard with Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is a New Year's attribute. With a Christmas tree, every new year becomes magical and fabulous. It’s great to dress up the forest beauty with toys, garlands and gingerbread cookies, running around merrily. It’s great to sing songs under the Christmas tree, and if you want to convey your New Year’s mood to Santa Claus, then you should print out a delicate lettuce envelope with a decorated Christmas tree. On the front of the envelope on the left is a Christmas tree, under which gifts will soon be waiting for you. Therefore, quickly write a letter to your fairy-tale grandfather.

Postcard with New Year's toy

New Year's toys are an excellent outfit for a forest Christmas tree. Toys make the Christmas tree rich. Soon you will need to dress up the forest beauty and in order for Grandfather Frost to see what toys you are using, you should choose an envelope with a picture New Year's toys. A fairytale grandfather loves beautiful jewelry, will appreciate your efforts and give you the best gift. All you have to do is wait for the New Year and the New Year's surprise.

Red New Year's letter

The red color is very bright and noticeable. Red attracts attention and makes you want to look at this color, so perhaps if you choose such an envelope, Santa Claus will read your letter first. It’s not for nothing that his fur coat is red, and red decorations look great on the New Year’s tree. Print the envelope on a color printer, glue it and enclose your letter. Good luck to you.

Blue letter requesting a gift

The blue envelope beckons. Such a letter will immediately interest Santa Claus. He will be interested in who chooses bold colors and what this child wants to receive for the New Year. Therefore, try to write the letter beautifully. Sign the letter carefully, and do not forget that grandfather lives in Veliky Ustyug and is already waiting for your letter with great pleasure.

Postcard with Santa Claus flying on a parachute

If you dream that Santa Claus will fly to you with a letter by parachute. Then you need to choose just such an envelope. Remember, dreams do come true. Therefore, it is worth printing out an envelope, writing a beautiful message to Santa Claus and promising that you will behave well and diligently in the coming year. Good luck and good gifts to you.

The kids, with the help of their parents, decorated it for Santa Claus. They contain a variety of desires and hope that everything will come true as requested.

All that remains is to wait for a letter from Father Frost, or Santa, or St. Nicholas with long-awaited gifts under the Christmas tree.

If you could write your wish on a simple piece of paper, then a real message should come from Santa Claus. You can come up with your own text, but you can download ready-made samples letters. Insert the child's name and your address.

Good for this letter and envelope templates from Santa Claus. By printing on a color printer you will receive high-quality kits. But no one has canceled imagination for those who like to do everything with their own hands. Use these blanks as examples and come up with something original for your baby.

And for those parents who are constantly in a hurry, I have selected ready-made images of envelopes. You can print these forms and design them as you wish.

How to sign an envelope? In the “to” field, write the name of your child, and in the “from” field - Santa Claus. Nothing extra. The main thing is the picture, the appearance.

Download, cut along the marked lines, fold along the lines and glue. This way, you can make your own shell for a New Year's message to your child.

There are two options: use drawings with a blank field for writing or download in psd format and design them to your liking in Photoshop.

Templates of ready-made beautiful envelopes from Santa Claus

In the last post I posted New Year's stamps separately (link below).
By the way, today my blog turns 2 years old, it’s a nightmare☺.

This time I applied New Year's stamps to the envelope I made for my readers.

New Year's and Christmas envelope. Sheet A4.

Scrapbooking envelopes.
© Terms
  • Do not distribute A4 files with templates online (do not publish).
  • For personal, non-commercial use only.
  • When publishing a photo of the finished envelope, there is an indexed hyperlink to the site and the author.
  • Do not use images for modifications.
New Year's envelope in Russian style look .

If necessary, you can increase A4 to A3 (if you want to make larger envelopes).
The envelopes are identical in design, the only difference is in the proportions (the first one is narrower).

Scrapbooking Christmas envelopes. New Year's envelopes. Sample. Scrapbooking.

New Year's envelopes. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Print the envelope template. Envelope New Year. New Year's envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Scrapbooking postcards envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Envelopes Christmas. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Envelope pattern print. Envelope New Year. Christmas envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes. Scrapbooking card envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes.

And New Year tags for scrapbooking. (They are different, but at first glance they are the same.)

Tags scrapbooking free.
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New Year's envelopes. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Print the envelope template. Envelope New Year. New Year's envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Scrapbooking postcards envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Envelopes Christmas. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Envelope pattern print. Envelope New Year. Christmas envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes. Scrapbooking card envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes.New Year's envelopes. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Print the envelope template. Envelope New Year. New Year's envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Scrapbooking postcards envelopes. Templates for scrapbooking envelopes. Envelopes Christmas. Vintage envelope. Scrapbooking envelopes. Envelope pattern print. Envelope New Year. Christmas envelope. Vintage envelope. Vintage envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes. Scrapbooking card envelopes. Scrapbooking templates for envelopes.

Technological progress, the emergence of ever new methods of communication have erased the distances between people - and now they are already sending each other lightning-fast SMS, and more serious matters are resolved with the help of Email. It would seem that the time of paper letters is irrevocably gone. But, if everyday communication has almost completely moved to a new, digital level, then people’s communication special occasions very traditional: wedding invitations are written with your own hands, and New Year's invitations are packaged for loved ones in beautiful New Year's envelopes.

New Year's mail: envelope templates and designs

Everything related to the New Year is traditionally decorated. Even letters in an ordinary purchased envelope often have painted fir branches with a toy or several snowflakes. And postcards packed in homemade envelopes retain the special warmth of the person who made them.

Making a New Year's envelope yourself is not at all difficult. To do this you need to follow the diagram:

A simple white A4 paper envelope
  1. Take a piece of A4 paper and, cutting off the excess (72 mm on each side), make a rhombus out of it.
  2. Align all four corners of the paper diamond in the middle.
  3. One corner should be bent, the other three should be secured by gluing a small piece of tape or paper on top.
  4. The resulting slits along the sides of the square should be taped with tape (transparent, thin paper or decorative colored tape).
  5. You can also seal an envelope with a letter using tape.

Or you can use these patterns:

The paper for making crafts can be plain white - in this case you can paint and decorate it yourself. You can also use ready-made templates, which will serve as an excellent basis for colorful packaging.

Treasured envelope of Santa Claus

All children, without exception, write letters to Santa Claus. And someone else is waiting for a response message from the main New Year's wizard. Can such a letter be packed in a regular envelope? And it’s unlikely that adults will be able to paint it themselves without the risk of being “declassified.” and should look special. A variety of diagrams that can be printed and glued will help with this. Made in high quality and complemented with decorative elements (snowflakes and sparkles inside), the letters will leave no doubt about the reality of the New Year's fairy tale.

Envelopes for money from A4 sheet

If a child can be made happy by preparing a message for him from Santa Claus, then gifts with different contents will help make adults happy. Narrow printed envelopes with banknotes are increasingly appearing under modern Christmas trees.

Here are simple diagrams with examples on which you can create your own masterpiece from an A4 sheet. Envelopes and diagrams were made by Belova-art studio.

Unlike things, money in a purchased envelope is a rather “impersonal” gift. You can add personality to it by putting banknotes in homemade New Year's packaging - for letters with valuable content, you can download any template you like.

DIY beauty

New Year's envelope made of paper different colors and textures, decorated with various elements, will be an excellent frame for a letter or New Year's greeting card. You can make such a craft yourself or with children, choosing simple and harmless activities for children (cutting, gluing elements). If you don’t have scrap paper of the required color, you can choose a suitable version for printing on the Internet and print it.

New Year 2021 is the year of the Ox, so any paraphernalia associated with this funny rodent would be appropriate on a New Year's envelope. A black button in the shape of a nose, horns peeking out of an envelope are just a few ways to make your New Year's message original and unforgettable.
