Nadiya Cherkasova: “Family is also a project, and I do everything necessary to be successful in it. Nadiya Cherkasova: “My career breakthroughs were associated with crises. Nadiya Cherkasova’s husband

A bright, spacious and democratically furnished office, on the desktop next to the laptop, sliced ​​fresh carrots and celery, and lots and lots of bottled water. Along with photographs of the three children, there is a whole wall of photographs of team members of bank employees from different cities. It's office Friday, you can wear jeans, and Nadiya Cherkasova, the only woman on the board of Otkritie Bank, does not miss this opportunity. It’s not surprising - both jeans and the formal two-piece suit she recently wore at the MC@work conference fit her perfectly. Nadiya gave up meat, bread, and sweets several years ago and feels that she has more energy. It seems to me that Nadiya also gave up sleep - how else could she manage to work in one of the key positions at the bank, invest in business, give lectures, engage in charity work and manage to have a large family at the same time? “Yes, I don’t always make it home in time for dinner with the children in the evening,” says Nadiya. “But in the morning we all have breakfast together and even light candles.” This is how we compensate for my absence from home for dinner. As for sleep, yes, there is not enough of it. I sleep 5–6 hours a day.”

Nadia exudes a thirst for life. She clearly knows the value of not only every day, but every second. By the way, at her previous place of work, at VTB 24 bank, she implemented and launched the “Project 219” employee adaptation program. When the bank entered into the process of integration with VTB - technically and technologically complex - first of all it was stressful for people.

“You don’t have a planning meeting in the morning, and then there are no boards and committees, you don’t fly to meetings. Your new schedule is to stay on a drip for 24 hours.”

Nadiya Cherkasova: some see themselves in a new quality, others do not. The process itself lasted a whole year. I thought: people will spend a whole year of their lives in uncertainty! And this is 219 working days. This is how “Project 219” was born to adapt employees to change. The project helps you realize that every day is part of your life, and on the other hand, it helps you be effective at work. You can live these 219 days talking about “what will happen to us?” But I decided: no, my team will not live like this. In 219 days you can acquire new skills and knowledge. We started our project with an understanding of what everyone wants and how they value themselves. To understand what I want, I need to know myself and my values. It happens: we declare one thing, but in reality we react to something else. It is extremely important to understand yourself.

M.C.: Judging by your history, your main value is children?

Last year, on Saturday, I was invited to Skolkovo to speak at a conference on women's leadership. Everyone talked about how they know how to maintain work & life balance. But not a single female speaker came to the event with children! I did it without thinking. This is one of my rules - to spend weekends with my children. For me, this is an example when words do not differ from deeds. Eldest daughter, she is now seven years old, and sometimes I take her with me on business trips. We recently flew to Riga together for a conference.

You talked about the team - apparently, you are passionate about it. With colleagues and subordinates, who are you first of all? Friend? Boss? Do you include a “friend or foe” password?

Yes, of course, it’s hard to get rid of this, and I include the “friend or foe” password. At the same time, I try not to make it primary, and I try to see the essence in my work. There are many subjective clichés in society: fat, thin, beautiful, ugly... Sometimes we don’t know something more about a person, maybe a tragedy happened, that’s why he performs poorly today. When my mother was finishing college, my dad died. My parents already had two children - me and my younger brother. But you won’t go up to every teacher and tell them that your husband died a month ago, that one child is one month old, another is four years old. You pull yourself together, pass the exam, raise children, try to move on with your life. My point is that I try not to look at it through a subjective prism. When I forget, I immediately remind myself: let’s not use clichés.

If we talk about the team, I like the story that is usually called delegation. Freedom is primary. By the way, every time I came to work at the bank, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to be free; the first six months are always difficult. But whoever searches finds a niche of freedom. The main thing is that they ask me for the result, but how I do it, why I do it, I don’t always even want to tell.

In particular, when I came to VTB 24, the business line (I was responsible for non-financial services to legal entities, small and medium-sized businesses) was unprofitable. And at the end of 2017 – 35% of income to the bank. Without the freedom to act, without the vote of confidence, I would hardly have been so successful.

“I enjoy being an inspirational leader. The word “coach” is now overused – let it be a mentor”

Calmly. I'm late myself.

That's why you're calm?

No, in principle I have a high tolerance for this. Well, it didn’t work out for a person, there are different circumstances. Moreover, in modern world You always have your email at hand, or you can hold a meeting via video call. I proceed from the fact that the person most likely tried not to be late, he did not do it on purpose. Why get worked up, that this is disrespect for me, for the company? Of course, according to business etiquette people are most often not late. And I also know when to stop.

Okay, you are tolerant of being late. Why are they disloyal?

To the lack of results. We agreed, a week passed, but nothing was done. I want to hear very clear arguments. And even after hearing them, I will probably answer: you have a wonderful brain that came up with a great explanation, but you defaulted on deadlines, so let’s admit that these are not arguments, and never again... I am for recognition and repentance. Failure to admit mistakes does not allow you to develop. I myself recognize them too, of course.

Have you started admitting mistakes long ago?

Not very long ago. I probably learned it five or six years ago. There was a period of purely physical inactivity, I was in the hospital for protection, waiting for my sons. I've reviewed a lot. Here you are in the thick of things, you are the chairman of the bank’s board, so beautiful, young, confident, and everything works out for you. You might even be feeling good, rushing. You have money, you can fly anywhere, anytime. You have a family, a child, you seem to comply with all the rules of society. Just perfect. And then suddenly you find yourself in a vacuum and start looking at life in slow motion. You don’t have a planning meeting in the morning, and then there are no boards and committees, you don’t fly to meetings, you don’t give interviews. Your new schedule is to stay on an IV for 24 hours.

“I can fire a person and bring him back. I don't hold grudges"

Nadiya, well, you broadcast a radio program in the hospital.

Yes, but it's a short turn on once a week. In general, life then slowed down a lot. And the people who needed you so much to make decisions, who were waiting for your e-mails, and just close people from your team, with whom you went through more than one organization together - you write them an SMS, and they don’t answer you for three days . And you begin to understand: yes, they are busy. They have deadlines, meetings, whatever, and your time flows differently. You just have to accept it. But I was not ready for such a turn. I was dependent on the approval of society: it seems that from all sides you are doing well, then - hop! - and you’re gone. And you're already hearing rumors that - oh, she probably got fired, or maybe she has cancer.

Did it hurt you? To tears? In general, is there anything that makes you cry at work?

In principle, it’s extremely rare for me to be brought to tears. I cried a couple of times at the bank - out of resentment that the result was not appreciated. You do what you do, you have a team behind you, who also expect gratitude, and your success is obvious - but in response there is such injustice... And in the hospital it wasn’t that painful. And by the way, I didn’t cry. I tried to understand, but in the end I thought: okay. I’m like that – I can turn around and leave.

Do you erase these people, the offenders, from your life or can you continue to work with them and communicate with them?

I can. I can fire a person and bring him back. I don't hold grudges.

This is a cool quality.

First, I got rid of the “should” theme. Mom says: you must help your brother. But it seems to me that I, as an older sister, have been “in debt” for quite a long time. Not because my brother was really in need, he successful man, but – family, “it’s customary.” And I never tell my daughter: you are the eldest and therefore you are responsible, say, for ensuring that the boys at school do not forget their sneakers. I ask my daughter and twin sons: who is your boss today? They appoint a boss, and he is the one in charge. In general, I freed myself from this “should”. And I don’t feel guilty either. But I worked with this too. For example, I don’t feel guilty towards my children for not spending the evenings with them. The other day I’m getting ready for dinner, my daughter is in tears and doesn’t want to let go. I clearly told her: I will go anyway, I made this decision, this is important to me. But when you wake up, I'll be there. We talked about all this in detail, and in the end I heard a calm: “That’s it, mom, bye.” You need to turn on a sober head. Recently I was at an event at Google, talking with Olga Sorokina, she is one of the best in consulting, and she has eight children. Eight! Amazing woman. Olga also has no feeling of guilt towards her family.

Children are the biggest manipulators. But even at work, employees manipulate each other, and even the manager...

In this sense, it is not easy to work with me. On the one hand, I give freedom, on the other hand, I am always direct and honest. Here’s an example: a few years ago an employee came up to me and said: “Nadia, let’s discuss increasing my salary, I was transferred from Barnaul to Krasnoyarsk, I have to rent an apartment, and I have elderly parents.” And he begins to make arguments that have nothing to do with work at all. I told him: “Listen, I’m saying this once, I hope it will help you in life. Look, here are our colleagues: Larisa came from Yekaterinburg, Ilnar from Kazan, I from Nizhny, Natasha from Omsk. They all rent apartments. Once. Second. If we're all about the same age, who do you think has what parents? Do you have good result, show it, tell us what you have achieved. But remember once and for all: never ask for a salary increase due to personal circumstances.” I love being an inspirational leader. The word “coach” is now overused – let it be a mentor. I believe that my advice will help a person, even if not immediately. I like to ask during an interview: why do you love yourself?

“Money is like energy. I'm careful with my spending."

And why do you love yourself?

For flexibility. For me, having heard about the circumstances, immediately changing the rules, schedule, or changing something in the project is normal. I can arrive at the airport and change my mind about flying. I get this lightness from my mother. As a child, we were regularly late for trains. Grandmother lived in Vladimir, we went there from Nizhny on weekends and holidays. And I often saw how the last carriage left from under my nose. This never made my mother hysterical. We simply took a taxi and caught up with the train in neighboring Dzerzhinsk.

Mom is now elderly, but she has not lost her lightness. There was an incident a few years ago: we called as usual, and among other things, I shared with my mother: listen, maybe we’ll buy something in Spain... We talked, and I forgot. I arrive home in the evening, my mother greeted me in Spanish: “Como se llama uste?” - which means: “What is your name?” I asked: “Mom, what is this?” - “You said Spain, I went to the store and bought a phrase book.” Mom is like that. Why put it off, you need to take it and do it. I also set up my children this way and often say: this is not a problem.

Isn't that a problem? Or do you recognize some of their problems?

We try to discuss all situations. For example, my daughter studied from the age of three according to the British system, but now she has been transferred to another school, and Russian has been added. She hasn't adapted yet. This morning we realized that she was unable to do her homework due to stress. I honestly opened the task and didn’t understand how to complete it myself. I say: “It’s not a problem, sometimes you can’t learn your lessons.” She says, "No, that's a problem." And I decided: “Diyush, let’s do this: I’ll call the teacher, talk, we’ll catch up on the Russian language later, we’ll take it from the age of eight.” Have we solved the problem?

This is avoiding the problem.

No, not leaving. I realized that we overloaded our daughter. She has just started speaking Spanish.

In broad strokes – three financial rules for yourself and for your child. After all, you work in a bank, and I can’t help but ask about money.

To be honest, I have a reverent attitude towards money. Money is like energy. I'm careful with my spending.

What is “neat”? Is it not to lend, not to borrow, to live on your own?

First: in the store, I most often say to myself: “I don’t need this.” Because money for me is like energy that I can spend on something important. And the second point: I try not to lend. As a banker, I think that it is necessary to take out a loan. In rare situations, I borrow and come to terms with delays in repayment in advance. Although there was a case, I told a friend: “Listen, since we have an open relationship, let me remind you that you delayed the money for two weeks. I understand that this is nothing, but inside me my banker essence is worried.” One day of delay is a bad credit history. Five days is a credit bureau... On the other hand, I easily spend money on useful things.

“I’ll surprise you, but I’m not thinking about my career, but about the fact that I want to have another child.”

For example?

For example, within social activities I created a Russian index of women's entrepreneurial activity. I understood that in Russia there is no fundamental tool that would assess the level of readiness of society to support women entrepreneurs in a segmented manner. And, for example, I paid for the first index myself.

On my birthday I usually write to my colleagues that I don’t want to be Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev when everything around is filled with flowers. I am giving a link to the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, it is personalized, you can then see how much was transferred. Last year, following my birthday, five children received treatment.

Have you already established financial rules for your children?

I don't encourage constant shopping. We can spend an hour or two with them in the store. They play everything, but they know we won’t buy it. We buy only for birthdays and New Year, you can ask for two gifts - from Santa and from parents. I also like handmade gifts. Children make cards and cut out things.

What are you doing that they are keeping?

Home wall newspaper. It is dedicated to what happened during the month. I send everything I click on my iPhone to my assistant on WhatsApp, we print out A3 photographs, I paste them like a collage on one of the walls of our house, and for the next month the children add whatever they see fit to the newspaper. Stickers, Hello Kitty, Spiderman...

Second rule: I try to explain that if we just spend money like that, it means I will work longer. And children listen to this.

In ten years, where do you see yourself, where do you live? What do you want for yourself, for your family?

Good question. I think the family will definitely be bigger. I’ll surprise you, but I’m not thinking about my career, but about the fact that I want to have another child.

And it's all about her

Nadiya Cherkasova

Age: 46 years
Family status: mother of three children
Education: Faculty of Economics of Nizhny Novgorod state university, International Moscow Finance and Banking School. Internship at South Shore Bank (USA), EBRD (Austria) and IIMD (Germany)
Career: worked in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Inkombank (path from a credit expert to the head of the credit department). She was the head of the KMB-Bank division in Nizhny Novgorod. The first bank branch was opened there. Later - member of the board, director of the business development department of KMB Bank (Moscow). In 2005, she became Managing Director for Small and Medium Business Development at Trust Bank. In 2010, she entered the TOP 50 most influential business women in Russia. She was senior vice president, director of the small business customer service department of VTB 24, and was a member of the bank’s board.
Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship "Opora Rossii". Since January 1, 2018 – member of the board of directors of Otkritie Bank
Favorite sport: tennis
Favorite book: “Life as a Startup” by Reed Hoffman and Ben Casnoci
Favorite perfume: Aqua Allegoria Mandarine-Basilic, Guerlain

Nadiya, a study on the effectiveness of Internet banking for small businesses by Markswebb was recently published. VTB24 Internet bank showed good dynamics compared to last year. How was this achieved? Which RBS innovations were the most noticeable and significant for the Bank?

Our ambitions are to become trendsetters. We are already creating products that other banks copy: a number of services this year were the first to appear at VTB24. In the modern world, it is quite easy to copy innovations, and in some ways this is good. At the same time, in areas such as banking, it is important to be the first, so that the clients for whom we create products can use them a little earlier. This way, clients receive additional benefits to develop their business.

Let me give you an example. In Internet banking for individuals the client, as a rule, can view card transactions in any aspect: how much he spent in pharmacies, how much in supermarkets, beauty salons, etc. For legal entities, only a few offer such a PFM service. It is believed that there is an “Online Client Bank” where statements and all financial information are available. But different users work with remote banking channels in companies: there is an accountant, and there is a business owner who wants to understand the situation as a whole. Especially for business owners, we have implemented a service called “Business Pulse”. It allows you to view a report on financial transactions in infographic format. It would seem that we have not created anything fundamentally new: the business owner, being at the same time a client of the Bank as an individual, is accustomed to managing personal finances in a similar format, but we introduced a service that significantly simplified his work.

IN New Year We will enter with a redesign of “Business Pulse” in terms of usability - there is opportunity for growth here, we are satisfied with the functional content of the service.

Usability is good, but what new functions have appeared in the Internet bank?

Among the significant innovations in the market that have appeared over the past Last year, we can highlight our counterparty verification service. It allows the client to check in real time the reliability of the partner and his business reputation.

The service analyzes data from official databases of government authorities and displays the result of the check in the form color indicators(red, yellow or green) and also provides a link to a specific source of information. Based on the information received, the client decides whether to confirm the payment, conduct additional verification, or completely refuse to cooperate with such a counterparty.

The service is available in the marketplace of the VTB24 Business Online system. By the way, the marketplace in our online bank is also a unique solution for the market: here clients have access to non-banking products at the most favorable conditions. We launched a non-financial services store at the beginning of this year and continue to actively develop it.

Will these be affiliate services?

Yes, including. These will be pleasant and convenient options for small businesses. For example, the “deferred payment” service, when an entrepreneur goes on vacation and wants the system to make the payment itself on a certain date. This service, on the one hand, is simple, and on the other hand, it is very convenient for the client. In addition, a new partnership project with Rostelecom will appear in the near future. The largest operator will offer telephony and Internet connections at an exclusive discount. For small and medium-sized businesses, mobility is key. We know that our customers are waiting for the launch.

Another unique product- these are online conversion operations with a rate directly from the Moscow Exchange. When the bank sets the exchange rate, the client has many questions (are they always optimal and transparent?), here we give the opportunity to see how trading is going, at any time the client can click “stop” and fix the rate.

Has the emergence of this service led to clients becoming more active in currency exchange transactions? Can RBS functionality develop the business of clients themselves? After all, RBS is initially an operational tool: log in, make a payment.

After launching the service, we began to receive gratitude from clients. I admit, it was very pleasant.

As for remote banking in general, I think the paradigm changed here at least two years ago. For quite some time now, clients have not viewed remote banking channels as a purely operational solution. Of course, within the framework of the “Bank-Client Online” system, we strive to satisfy all the client’s business-related needs, offering not only our own services, but also the services of our partners: legal support, cloud accounting, marketing tools etc.

What growth points do you see? Are there any new projects or services planned?

As of September 1, 2016, VTB24 serves 380 thousand legal clients and individual entrepreneurs, 98% of them make their payments through VTB24 Business Online. For comparison, in the market as a whole, the percentage of Internet banking penetration into business ranges from 68 to 77%. Through VTB24 Business Online, customers are offered an increased rate compared to service in the branch.

Active development of technology allows banks to offer a variety of solutions. Of course, we study them carefully. This encourages us, the major players, to be one step ahead and implement Agile methodology, allowing you to compete with startups in the FinTech niche.

Obviously, a product for 5–10 thousand clients is one story, but a service for hundreds of thousands is a completely different story.

They say that there are digital banks for small businesses. If we take our figures for the penetration of remote channels (98%) - why is this not a digital bank?

Our willingness to open an API for remote channels will allow us to consider proposals from third-party developers and startups, and this is quite a breakthrough story.

What areas are banks interested in? Firstly, developments aimed at optimizing processes. There are not many B2B projects being launched for banks. The logic of startups can be understood - B2C models aimed at reaching an audience seem more attractive. But I want to note: B2B projects scale faster and can be more commercially successful: after working with one bank, you can then replicate your product and develop business with other market participants.

A traditional question that is asked in interviews with innovators in large banks: how to effectively support mobility and innovation in a large bureaucratic structure? How do you manage to quickly coordinate, resolve budget issues, develop and release products within such a large structure?

There is a stereotype that state banks are huge conservative organizations. My experience has shown that this is just a stereotype. At VTB24, the small business division is an independent team; many decisions are delegated to us. And if we talk about mobility and speed, you will probably be surprised if I say that I receive a response from the President - Chairman of the Board of the Bank to my messages via e-mail In one hour.

You can also tell about the bureaucracy of the company based on certain products. In this sense, if we take the top 3 banks focused on small and medium business, there are no services that we do not have.

We react quickly enough to the emergence of new products, and with the introduction of a new ABS for legal entities, which should be completed before the end of the year, we will be able to respond even faster.

Recently, one of the major bankers expressed the opinion that the SME direction in the bank is a complete hassle and losses...

I don’t agree with this; for VTB24, small business is one of the most profitable business lines. The unprofitability of small businesses is one of the most common myths. There is a prejudice that small business for banks means only loans. If you look at the profit structure of VTB24, you will see that we earn only 17% from lending operations. The Bank earns the remaining 83% from commissions. The largest share is provided by transaction and transfer products.

Market leaders are changing their focus from the lending pipeline to developing a transactional business model. For bankers, everything is simple: where the profitability is higher, that’s where they invest. This is what unites us with entrepreneurs.

ROMAN DUSENKO: Good morning everyone! Today we have a unique female audience at the Business Breakfast, although, in my opinion, more men should have come, because it is interesting to know what the difference is between female success and male success. And our speakers - charming women - themselves set the tone of the discussion: a few days ago we discussed with them what this difference is and whether it exists at all. And I hope you won’t be bored today! So, it is with great pleasure that I introduce the first speaker Nadiya Cherkasova, an undeniably successful woman, friend and assistant of Business Breakfast, who supported our project at the very beginning.

NADIA CHERKASOVA: Good morning! Thanks for the invitation, Roman! You know, today I have an important personal event: thanks to your program, I met my cousin Sveta, whom we have not seen for eight years! And I am very glad that you, Roma, provide us all with such an opportunity - to meet each other! And I want to start with this. When Roma proposed to talk on the topic “Women’s success,” I immediately thought that for me success is not divided into female and male. In my opinion, these are a little far-fetched things: the concept of “success” has no gender connotation. I would focus on age, because each age group has its own success. Well, for example, at three years old (and at one hundred and three!) success is that you can walk without a diaper. Success at twenty is different from success at forty. What other success criteria can we talk about? I think it's worth separating personal and team success. And, it seems to me, no matter how bright a person you are, team success has a special flavor and gives you a special feeling of high. I myself prefer team success. In general, it is generally accepted that success is how society evaluates you. But I think the main thing is how you evaluate yourself. We all know that there are different ratings. For example, I am included in the top 35 rating successful women— leaders of business projects. But about two years ago, I realized for myself that society’s assessment of my success and how I myself feel about it are relative and completely different things. So I want to say: you need to free yourself from these assessments as early as possible. A couple of years ago I had the following situation: I spent six months in the hospital. And for me, success was to last another year, but what a year - one day! I dropped out of the corporate world, I internally considered my colleagues to be exes, I saw that their assessments of my success were significantly different from my own. I considered myself successful because I was expecting the arrival of two twin boys, but society did not evaluate this as success, since I did not build a career and could cease to be the first person. So, I want to summarize: success, in my opinion, has no gender connotation. Can he consider himself successful man who does not have a team at home, that is, a family? Hardly. But age is very significant; there is also team success and your success with yourself. And no matter how society evaluates you, it does so according to imaginary and relative criteria.


NADIA CHERKASOVA: The race for society's assessments does not always bring satisfaction. Success is not a fact, it is a lot of hard work. Let us remember Amundsen, who was the first to reach the South Pole in competition with Scott. It was a real polar race! Scott's motivation for success was built on the fact that he was an officer and it was important for him to get a promotion in rank. He also considered the assessment of society very important. Amundsen moved in a different direction: he dreamed of reaching the South Pole since childhood! And he regarded his success as the success of the entire team. I want to emphasize once again: success and laziness are two incompatible things! People who consider themselves successful are very hardworking.

ROMAN DUSENKO: Nadiya, if we summarize what you said, it turns out that there is no difference between male and female success?

NADIA CHERKASOVA: I think not. Well, as they usually say: a woman is successful if she is married, if she has a family. I am sure that a man’s success lies in exactly the same thing! I would say this: you cannot consider yourself successful at work if you don’t have a team, and in your personal life if you don’t have a family and a team at home!

ROMAN DUSENKO: We talked about this topic with Radislav Gandapas. He believes this: before getting married, you need to work to provide for your family. In other words, a person must first become successful in his profession, and then at home. After all, a man needs to feed his family in any case! Where should a woman run?

NADIA CHERKASOVA: Well, not all rich people are happy in the end. And then I believe that it is impossible to deal only with a career or only with a personal life. It's like being one-armed. In my opinion, it is very important to do both at the same time. I got married twenty-two years ago, and I had my first child three years ago. I think the fact that I got married so early helped me not to be distracted by finding a man and focusing on my career. I heard a statement from Natalia Kasperskaya. So she believes that a woman who has not given birth until she is twenty-five years old cannot consider herself successful. But it depends on who you are. It is important not to be a robot, but to look at life more openly and broadly. Young girls often ask me about how to behave at work: should they behave like a woman, focusing on the so-called female success. I'm sure it doesn't matter. Your employer, by and large, does not care whether you are blonde or brunette, blue-eyed or brown-eyed - it is important that your business indicators are in order! When pursuing a corporate career, I always followed the following principle: on the one hand, I am no different from men in terms of the requirements for myself as a professional, on the other hand, I don’t want to be like them in appearance. This does not mean that the work style should be different: it should be businesslike in any case. And you need to be aware of what you want: for your boss to promote you or marry you!


ROMAN DUSENKO: Nadiya, how do you react to the fact that you are successful, to fame, to the hype around your name?

NADIA CHERKASOVA: Well, I already talked about this today. I believe that society's assessment of your success and your own assessment are often completely different things. For me, success is success in front of yourself. You know, I ask myself and my close friends a question: are you satisfied with yourself? Yes, this may sound selfish, but I don't care what others think of me! What have I not heard about myself! For example, that I have three children from three different husbands (and I gave birth twice, and I have twins!). So I just try not to pay attention to what they say about me. Knows

Well, the fact that they are discussing me is success! And I repeat again: build on team success. Believe me, synergy is a completely different taste of success! When I select a team, I look for entrepreneurial people. And in this sense, I myself think like an entrepreneur. It is also very important that the people on the team are free and natural. To be honest, I will take those who are stronger than me, because I am sure that this is also success.

ROMAN DUSENKO: Nadiya, what do you think about the fact that in Russia women’s success is still connected with personal relationships?

NADIA CHERKASOVA: Well, it seems to me that our society has not yet reached a certain level of development when a woman is perceived not only physically, but also intellectually. I personally have not encountered any offers of sponsorship. I think because I didn’t position myself from this point of view. But this doesn’t mean that I don’t feel like a woman and don’t try to get men to court me! But I probably do it differently, more sophisticated! It seems to me that a short skirt and a deep neckline do not help a woman. From a long-term career perspective, it is very important to draw on other values.

ROMAN DUSENKO: Nadiya, thank you very much!


She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Nizhny Novgorod State University, then from the International Moscow Finance and Banking School.

She interned at South Shore Bank (USA), EBRD (Austria) and IIMD (Germany).

Labor activity

Since 1994, she worked at the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Inkombank, where she worked her way up from a credit expert to the head of the credit department.

In 1998, she was appointed head of the KMB-Bank division in Nizhny Novgorod. Since 2003 - member of the board, director of the business development department of KMB Bank in Moscow.

In 2005, she went to work at Trust Bank as Managing Director for Small and Medium Business Development, and since 2009 she has been the head of the corporate block, and later - Chairman of the Board of Trust Bank.

In July 2013, she was appointed to the position of Senior Vice President, Director of the VTB 24 Small Business Customer Service Department. In March 2014, she joined the VTB 24 Management Board.

On December 22, 2017, the new supervisory board of the reorganized bank FC Otkritie included her on the board credit organization(from January 1, 2018).

On October 31, 2018, the press service of FC Otkritie Bank announced her appointment as Deputy Chairman of the Board.

He maintains a blog on the portal.

Awards and titles

Laureate of the National Banking Prize “For effective management bank”, established by the Association of Russian Banks.

In 2007, the British magazine World Business named her among the 35 most successful women on the planet under the age of 35 who have implemented business projects.

In 2010, the portal recognized her as “Person of the Year”; she entered the top 50 most influential business women in Russia.

Family status

Married, has three children.



She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Nizhny Novgorod State University, then from the International Moscow School of Finance and Banking. Trained at South Shore Bank (USA), EBRD (Austria) and IIMD (Germany)

Short biography:

Member of the Board, Director of the Small Business Customer Service Department

Since 1994, she worked at the Nizhny Novgorod branch of Inkombank, where she worked her way up from a credit expert to the head of the credit department.

In 1998, she was appointed head of the KMB-Bank division in Nizhny Novgorod.

Since 2003 - member of the board, director of the business development department of KMB-Bank (Moscow).

In 2005, she joined Trust Bank as Managing Director for Small and Medium Business Development. Since 2009, she became the head of the corporate block, and later - the chairman of the bank’s board.

In July 2013, she was appointed to the position of Senior Vice President, Director of the Small Business Customer Service Department of VTB24. In March 2014, she joined the board of VTB24.

Winner of the National Banking Award “For Effective Bank Management”, established by the Association of Russian Banks. In 2007, the British magazine World Business named her among the 35 most successful women on the planet under the age of 35 who have implemented business projects.

In 2010, the portal recognized her as “Person of the Year”; she entered the top 50 most influential business women in Russia.

Married, has three children. He maintains a blog on the portal.
